September 13, 2007 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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CLASSIFIED" is words or less-- S650 .Classified deadline-- 2 p.m. Tuesday
10 cents for each additional word over 15 Classified display -- 5 p.m. Monday
RATES Four insertions for the price of three Cancellation deadline -- 2 p.m. Tuesday
(360) 426-4412
to Place Ad
In multiple Insertion ads
The Journal will be res
for errors in the first
Insertion only.
S/WYERSSL.IDEprojector, screen, lots DIKTAD - CRIB/toddler bed, armoire, MISSION CREEK Antique Gallery in
of trays. Free. (360) 275--4047. $9/13 dresser/changing table, mattress. Belfair. Fabulous finds in over 4,000
............................................................ Child's deskwithvanity. Like new, S400. square feet of primitives to fine an-
GE GAS range, excellent condition, Wedding dress, size 10, worn once, tiques. New inventory daily. We buy
$100 OBO. Beautiful living room arm $600. (360) 229-0372. J9/13-20 estates. One of the largest selections
chair, used very little, $100 OBO. Wet ................................................... of Native American jewelry. New addi-
suit arid gear, women's size 12, $100 ARE YOU poisoning your children? Is tions: Gourmet Coffee, Tea and Choco-
OBO. (360) 426-0845 I--larstine Island. your home full of toxins? To eliminate lates, Scented Soy Candles, Gift Cards,
B9/13 toxins from your daily life and protect Gourmet Seafood, Specialty Pancake
.......................................................................... your children please call Karen (360) Mix and Syrup. 23611 NE Highway 3.
ROLL-UP GARAGE DOOR, 7'x8', new, 898-0004. L9/13-10/4 Sunday 12:30-6 p.m. Monday 12-6 p.m.
bought last winter but never installed ......................................................... Closed Tuesday. Wednesday-Saturday
Includes low.overhead kit and weather- NEW DUOTHERM RV air conditioner, 10:30 a.m.-6 p.m. Lisa Moss, owner.
stripping. $200 for' all. (360) 426-0824 $300. Slot machine, $300. Basketball Come experience the warmth. (360)
evenings or weekend, please leave hoop, $25. Bandsaw, $150. 2003 PT 277-9108. M8/23-9/13
message if no answer W9/13 Cruiser, $8,000 OBO. (360) 877-6688,
......................................................... leave message. K9/13-10/4
WOOD SPL.ITFER ... 5 ton. hydraulic/ ...........................................................................
electric. Works great, ea.y to use. Like
new, 1 year old. $350 cash (360) 426-
7468. $9/13
CLIMBER-SLIDE, $55. Little lykes
Coupe, $25, Sit-on Barbie Jeep, $20.
3-in-1 game table, $15. Grow-to-Pro
type basketball hoop, $13. Plastic trike,
$10. Toddler sized teeter-totter, $7. Call
Kathy (360) 427-5362. C9/13
bles, dresser, tall corner shelf, 2 chairs,
cheap. (360) 426-0901. E9/13
FREE - QUEEN futon, good condi-
tion. Shorecrest area. (360) 580-2967.
WOODSTOVE, LARGE cast iron Con-
solidated Dutchwest with water heating
................................................................................ system, $500. (360) 877-9616. Jg/13-
pair. Computer repair, $25 hour. On site ......................................................................
repair/networking, $35 hour. Windows
installation, $40. Virus/Spyware/Adware
removal, $35. Wanted: used comput-
ers and laptops. We'll beat any adver-
tised service price. Call (360) 970-6757.
C9/13-1 O/4
rieties, reasonably priced. (360) 426-
8487. T9/6-27
U-CUT FIREWOOD. Easy access. $60
per cord. Grapeview, (360) 275-8784.
GO KARTS, 4 commercial grade, all
run, extra parts: body, motor, bumpers,
tires, tubes. $3,000 takes all. (360) 877-
0602. Hg/6tfn
COMPLETE KING size bed, bedding
and pillows, $100. (360) 426-4089.
CLEARANCE SALE: 25% off peeled
furniture logs. The more you buy, the
greater the discount. (360) 877-0602.
Easy money
Turn clutter into
cash. Sell unwanted items in
the classifieds. If you don't
have enough for a garage
sale, just advertise what you
do have in miscellaneous for
sale. 360-426--4412
RAY'S AUCTION Service specializing
..................................................................................... in liquidatiohs, estates and benefits. Ev-
. LA-Z-BOY LOVESEAT, wine colored, erything I touch turns to sold. (360) 495-
great condition, $275. (360) 432-2883. 3004. R8t23-2/14
PRIDE CELEBRITY XL electric scooter,
ramps, trailer, $1,400 all. $1,200 scoot-
er, $300 trailer. (360) 4267389. R8/23-
monitor, 1 gig memory, 3.0 ghz Pen-
tium 4, 80 gig hard drive, XP home ser-
vice pack, 2 DVD tom and DVD RW (2
drives), 13-in-1 card reader, 2 speakers
with sub. Very upgradeable. $750 OBO.
(360) 432-7935; (360) 789-5570, ask for
Dan. 8/2tfn
DECKS AND ramps. We specialize in cus-
tom units and have stock sizes too. Wood-
smith (360) 426-0820. L6/29tfn
LADY OF the Lake announces The La-
bor Day Blowout Sale, August 31-Sep-
tember 3. This will be a fantastic sum-
mer clothing and accessory clearance
sale featuring "Buy two 50% off items
and get one (equal or lesser value) free"l
There are lots of Chics, Coldwater, Clai-
borne, and even St. John available so
don't miss this one! Final reductions of
bamboo and wicker pieces including
dining sets, sofa, chairs, trunks, desks
and more will be taken. Throughout
the month the Lady will feature sales
to help holiday preparation. These will
include an Italian lacquer bar cart, an
Art Deco secretary/curio/bar, a walnut
(bird's eye lined) curio secretary, a ma-
hogany china cabinet, wool area rugs,
crystal chandeliers and so much more!
And unique gift ideas include handmade
jewelry, stained glass, stationery, cop-
per sculpture, candles, soaps, and even
rare books! Also throughout the month
wonderful fall items including suede and
leather coats and separates as well as
handbags and boots will be introduced
along with spectacular sweaters and
accessories. Each week will bring hun-
dreds of new items so shop early and
oftenl Lady of the Lake, 1085 E. Pick-
ering Rd. (across from Spencer Lake
Resort). Open Friday-Monday 10 a.m.-
5 p.m./accepts VISA/MC - (360) 426-
8632. L8/30-9/20
Autos - Trucks - Boats
County Surplus Vehicles
Firearms - Nursery Plants
Antiques - Collectibles
Preview: Fri.,Sept. 14, I0 a.m.
until 4 p.m. and Sat. 8:00 a.m.
8398 Spring Creek Rd. SE
Port Orchard,WA
9 a.m. Shop, cools, firearms
I 0 a.m. Trees & plants
I I a.m. Vehicles, boats, 1948
Century wood boat, JD tractor
I p.m. Antiques, furniture,
collecdbles, reloading equipment
Check out our auction calendar
Buyer's premium in effect
Sale managed by
Boardman Orwiler Inc
8398 Spring Creek Rd. SE
Port Orchard,WA 98367
High quality sandy loam
Top cut = No Rocks = No Clay
Lawns Sprinklers
Plants Bark
Backhoe Dozer
Bulkheads Ripraps
Deliveries Anywhere
i ii i -,q
is back
Sept. 15, Oct. 20,
Nov. 17 8, Dec. 15
Not too early to reserve a space for
the Annual Shelton Christmas
Bazaar, Dec 1st & 2nd
601 Franklin
Call 360-898-4937 or 432-0815
STILL CLEANING out the garage. Kitch-
enware, sporting goods, toys, 2 sew-
ing machines, new Weber grill in box,
unique pots and pans set, craft items,
2-drawer wood file cabinet, computer
desk, much more. On Grant between
7th and 10th Street. Saturday only 9
a.m.-4 p.m. W9/13
HUGE SALE. Antique furniture and
glassware, oak telephone, canning sup-
plies, patio set, washer/dryer, cement
mixer, adult to children's clothing, toys,
linens, craft and sewing supplies, two
easels, lamps, microwaves, queen hide-
abed, much more. Saturday-Sunday, 10
a.m.-5 p.m. 272 Deer Creek Road off
Hwy. 3. L9/13
SATURDAY ONLY 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Huge
multi-family sale. 1046 Cascade Avenue
(near Red Apple). W9/13
ISLAND LAKE Manor. Pressure cooker,
toys, household items, something for
everyone. Saturday 8 a.m.-1 p.m. 171
E. Westwood Dr. S9/13
LOTS OF quality baby items, Pottery
Barn crib bedding, wheelchair, miscel-
laneous. Saturday, 7 a.m.-noon. 528 W.
Seattle Avenue. A9/13
INDOOR GARAGE sale, Saturday 9
a.m.-4 p.m. Jewelry, beads, large am-
ber pendant, large turquoise pendant,
kitchen and household items, men's and
women's 2x-3x clothing, some tools.
S.O.C.K. Swap Meet, 6th and Franklin,
across from Safeway. C9/13
FRIDAY, SATURDAY, 8 a.m.-4 p.m.,
170 E. Annas Way, Timberlakes. Lots
of misc. T9/13
SATURDAY 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Boys' clothes
size 5-12 youth, baby clothes and items,
men's and women's clothes, misc. 331
Fredrick Drive, Spencer Lake. C9/13
JUST MOVED! Huge sale, lots of good
stuff. Saturday 10 a.m.-3 p.m., 491 E.
Leeds Drive (Agate area). Some furni-
ture. W9/13
ESTATE SALE/four generations. Mov-
ies, collectibles, books, video games,
DVD player, lots more. Friday-Saturday
9 a.m.-5 p.m., Cushman area, Division
17, Lot 34. Watch for signs. Everything
must go. D9/13
SENIOR YARD and bake sale, Fir Tree
Park, 614 N. 4th St., Shelton. Friday-
Saturday 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Y9/13
ONE DAY only, Sunday 9 a.m.-5 p.m.,
634 Dearborn. Clothing, household, lots
of miscellaneous. L9/13
1950's STYLE Coca-Cola table/2 chairs,
$75. (360) 426-1452. Yard sale -lots of
Coca-Cola stuff. Saturday, 10 a.m.-5
p.m. 1810 Boundary Street. H9/13
KITTEN RESCUE of Mason County
is having its biggest garage sale ever.
Your wonderful donations have filled our
canopies and garage with hundreds of
items. Our garage sale is on September
15, from 8 a.m. til 4 p.m. so please come
shop so that we can alter and place our
shelter's kittens and cats. Location, 420
SE State Route 3, for directions call me
at (360) 584-0594. K9/6-13
ST. EDWARD'S Rummage and Plant
Sale. Friday, September 14th 9 a.m.-5
p.m. Saturday, September 15th, 9 a.m.-
noon. Parish Hall, 322 N. 3rd Street.
TABLES, COMPUTER desk, utility shelf,
tents, twin/full bunkbed, and more. Sat-
urday, Sunday, 8 a.m.-4 p.m. 1534 Cole
HIAWATHA, INC. will begin buying red
cedar boughs on September 10, 2007.
Specifications: 18"-22" length. Price:
28’ per pound. No long boughs. H9/6-
WANTED: BAND to rein me in as a
singer/songwriter. I'm a little bit coun-
try and a little bit '80's metal/powerbal-
lad. I like music that delivers a positive
Road. Mc9/13 message and emphasizes the value of
...................................................... morals. Some would call me lame be-
SATURDAY 8 a.m.-3 p.m., 351 E. Road-
runner Drive, Shelton. Lots of house-
hold items, small appliances. Bowflex,
executive desk and chair, TV. Good
stuff/great prices, No early birds. $9/13
BIG HEROES Rummage Sale. Satur-
day 9 a.m.-4 p.m. 2948 Olympic Hwy.
N., Our Community Credit Union park-
ing lot. K9/13
MOVING SALE. Two households. Lots
of good stuff. No junk. Saturday, Sun-
day, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., 591 SE Morgan Rd.
FRIDAY-SATURDAY 9 a.m.-6 p.m., 91
E. Midnight Court, off Hwy. 3 down Dawn
Drive. Furniture, lots of stuff. G9/13
cause I don't listen to bands with names
like Hate Fist, and to that I say, "If the
shoe fits I'll wear it and walk a mile." I'm
looking for a group that's happy just to
be heard. Shane. (360) 426-4540. P4/
within 20 miles of Shelton
Are you a licensed Nurse or NAg
Evergreen Healthcare is seeking
day, evening and night shifts
Do not pass up this opportunity in which you
will make a difference in, the lives of those you care for
With employment we offer:
Competitive wages
, I AND203 4 ,d
Page 34 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, September 13, 2007
Vacation and sick pay
Flexible scheduling
Unlimited job growth
Newer, beautiful facility
WANTED - OLD Forest Festi R-
tons, 1945-1958, 1997 and 19 e
(360) 426-5578, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. h'o
days'. G9/13-20 " I'1
ton.(360)426-2907. S1/25ffn
DRIVERS: A steady lifestyle. TOtll
and top pay. Call Warner EntCrlki' ,,
for regional openings today. 1-80'
exco.nal co..mmurl,
and cce skills. r
annual fund a, ssist with major gl
paign. Ma an ge donor database ;
e .ognition '
Med, flexible, teatl
er. Resurne-and cover letter to Ha/l-14
Hill, 7362 E. SR 106, Union, WA(
Attn'argo@harmonyl] a
No caUs please. Non smoking l!a, '
EOE. SalaryDOQ. H9/6-27 4;
Supervisor. Manager position. 1 a
preferred. Pay DOE. (360) 428' I
in :' Ve
HI...!S now !aking$
ift-Op-eiators, "Ei ;
guards for ristmas Iil
., . ll]E
ha, Inc. at 681 Eas![
Prahelton, WA 98584:[
day-Friday between the hours of 9!
p,m. No phone calls please. H9/6 "
DOMINO'S PIZZA now hiring dl T
full and part time. Minimum 181 ),1
good driving record. Apply in I ra
134 N. 1st. D9/6-27 e,
bed. Nice equipment. Great mone h
want to work. (360) 310-0445. e
Stewards, Busers; Servers; Cd ia
Housekeepers; Slot Attendants; [pl
enced Slot IT position. Jamie (35u
5656 ext. 244. L9/6-13 -J |/8
clerk, fast paced. Drug/;
check. Matlock Store. Call Lori =E!Y
Must have valid driver's licenSls
plications can be obtained at lt7,
Shelton Springs Road between 91L "
3 p.m. Monday thru Friday (360)1KI
7057. MS/24tfn ,
Is accepting applicaUons for Industrial El
Immediate openings, good'dp:t:l: E/
A successful applicant must ha,
a working knowledge of: ll
Installing, troubleshooting and
repair of industrial control. 1.'
Experience with programmi0
Allen Bradlevprogrammable A
logic controllers preferred, i, I
Troubleshooting 3-phase /i,'. :;h;
motors and motor circuits r(
Maintaining, repairing 480 volt IWLI}U
power distribution ,;
Variable speed drive and soft :]L,
start :IZt
Servo and proportional
positioning systems _.,al.l
Must be willing to work day, night, grs
shifts and overtime. Bring resume and
a basic skills test contact the front o llliJ
3000 Galvin Road, Centrolia, WA
CLASSIFIED" is words or less-- S650 .Classified deadline-- 2 p.m. Tuesday
10 cents for each additional word over 15 Classified display -- 5 p.m. Monday
RATES Four insertions for the price of three Cancellation deadline -- 2 p.m. Tuesday
(360) 426-4412
to Place Ad
In multiple Insertion ads
The Journal will be res
for errors in the first
Insertion only.
S/WYERSSL.IDEprojector, screen, lots DIKTAD - CRIB/toddler bed, armoire, MISSION CREEK Antique Gallery in
of trays. Free. (360) 275--4047. $9/13 dresser/changing table, mattress. Belfair. Fabulous finds in over 4,000
............................................................ Child's deskwithvanity. Like new, S400. square feet of primitives to fine an-
GE GAS range, excellent condition, Wedding dress, size 10, worn once, tiques. New inventory daily. We buy
$100 OBO. Beautiful living room arm $600. (360) 229-0372. J9/13-20 estates. One of the largest selections
chair, used very little, $100 OBO. Wet ................................................... of Native American jewelry. New addi-
suit arid gear, women's size 12, $100 ARE YOU poisoning your children? Is tions: Gourmet Coffee, Tea and Choco-
OBO. (360) 426-0845 Harstine Island. your home full of toxins? To eliminate lates, Scented Soy Candles, Gift Cards,
B9/13 toxins from your daily life and protect Gourmet Seafood, Specialty Pancake
.......................................................................... your children please call Karen (360) Mix and Syrup. 23611 NE Highway 3.
ROLL-UP GARAGE DOOR, 7'x8', new, 898-0004. L9/13-10/4 Sunday 12:30-6 p.m. Monday 12-6 p.m.
bought last winter but never installed ......................................................... Closed Tuesday. Wednesday-Saturday
Includes low.overhead kit and weather- NEW DUOTHERM RV air conditioner, 10:30 a.m.-6 p.m. Lisa Moss, owner.
stripping. $200 for' all. (360) 426-0824 $300. Slot machine, $300. Basketball Come experience the warmth. (360)
evenings or weekend, please leave hoop, $25. Bandsaw, $150. 2003 PT 277-9108. M8/23-9/13
message if no answer W9/13 Cruiser, $8,000 OBO. (360) 877-6688,
......................................................... leave message. K9/13-10/4
WOOD SPL.ITFER ... 5 ton. hydraulic/ ...........................................................................
electric. Works great, ea.y to use. Like
new, 1 year old. $350 cash (360) 426-
7468. $9/13
CLIMBER-SLIDE, $55. Little lykes
Coupe, $25, Sit-on Barbie Jeep, $20.
3-in-1 game table, $15. Grow-to-Pro
type basketball hoop, $13. Plastic trike,
$10. Toddler sized teeter-totter, $7. Call
Kathy (360) 427-5362. C9/13
bles, dresser, tall corner shelf, 2 chairs,
cheap. (360) 426-0901. E9/13
FREE - QUEEN futon, good condi-
tion. Shorecrest area. (360) 580-2967.
WOODSTOVE, LARGE cast iron Con-
solidated Dutchwest with water heating
................................................................................ system, $500. (360) 877-9616. Jg/13-
pair. Computer repair, $25 hour. On site ......................................................................
repair/networking, $35 hour. Windows
installation, $40. Virus/Spyware/Adware
removal, $35. Wanted: used comput-
ers and laptops. We'll beat any adver-
tised service price. Call (360) 970-6757.
C9/13-1 O/4
rieties, reasonably priced. (360) 426-
8487. T9/6-27
U-CUT FIREWOOD. Easy access. $60
per cord. Grapeview, (360) 275-8784.
GO KARTS, 4 commercial grade, all
run, extra parts: body, motor, bumpers,
tires, tubes. $3,000 takes all. (360) 877-
0602. Hg/6tfn
COMPLETE KING size bed, bedding
and pillows, $100. (360) 426-4089.
CLEARANCE SALE: 25% off peeled
furniture logs. The more you buy, the
greater the discount. (360) 877-0602.
Easy money
Turn clutter into
cash. Sell unwanted items in
the classifieds. If you don't
have enough for a garage
sale, just advertise what you
do have in miscellaneous for
sale. 360-426--4412
RAY'S AUCTION Service specializing
..................................................................................... in liquidatiohs, estates and benefits. Ev-
. LA-Z-BOY LOVESEAT, wine colored, erything I touch turns to sold. (360) 495-
great condition, $275. (360) 432-2883. 3004. R8t23-2/14
PRIDE CELEBRITY XL electric scooter,
ramps, trailer, $1,400 all. $1,200 scoot-
er, $300 trailer. (360) 4267389. R8/23-
monitor, 1 gig memory, 3.0 ghz Pen-
tium 4, 80 gig hard drive, XP home ser-
vice pack, 2 DVD tom and DVD RW (2
drives), 13-in-1 card reader, 2 speakers
with sub. Very upgradeable. $750 OBO.
(360) 432-7935; (360) 789-5570, ask for
Dan. 8/2tfn
DECKS AND ramps. We specialize in cus-
tom units and have stock sizes too. Wood-
smith (360) 426-0820. L6/29tfn
LADY OF the Lake announces The La-
bor Day Blowout Sale, August 31-Sep-
tember 3. This will be a fantastic sum-
mer clothing and accessory clearance
sale featuring "Buy two 50% off items
and get one (equal or lesser value) free"l
There are lots of Chics, Coldwater, Clai-
borne, and even St. John available so
don't miss this one! Final reductions of
bamboo and wicker pieces including
dining sets, sofa, chairs, trunks, desks
and more will be taken. Throughout
the month the Lady will feature sales
to help holiday preparation. These will
include an Italian lacquer bar cart, an
Art Deco secretary/curio/bar, a walnut
(bird's eye lined) curio secretary, a ma-
hogany china cabinet, wool area rugs,
crystal chandeliers and so much more!
And unique gift ideas include handmade
jewelry, stained glass, stationery, cop-
per sculpture, candles, soaps, and even
rare books! Also throughout the month
wonderful fall items including suede and
leather coats and separates as well as
handbags and boots will be introduced
along with spectacular sweaters and
accessories. Each week will bring hun-
dreds of new items so shop early and
oftenl Lady of the Lake, 1085 E. Pick-
ering Rd. (across from Spencer Lake
Resort). Open Friday-Monday 10 a.m.-
5 p.m./accepts VISA/MC - (360) 426-
8632. L8/30-9/20
Autos - Trucks - Boats
County Surplus Vehicles
Firearms - Nursery Plants
Antiques - Collectibles
Preview: Fri.,Sept. 14, I0 a.m.
until 4 p.m. and Sat. 8:00 a.m.
8398 Spring Creek Rd. SE
Port Orchard,WA
9 a.m. Shop, cools, firearms
I 0 a.m. Trees & plants
I I a.m. Vehicles, boats, 1948
Century wood boat, JD tractor
I p.m. Antiques, furniture,
collecdbles, reloading equipment
Check out our auction calendar
Buyer's premium in effect
Sale managed by
Boardman Orwiler Inc
8398 Spring Creek Rd. SE
Port Orchard,WA 98367
High quality sandy loam
Top cut = No Rocks = No Clay
Lawns Sprinklers
Plants Bark
Backhoe Dozer
Bulkheads Ripraps
Deliveries Anywhere
i ii i -,q
is back
Sept. 15, Oct. 20,
Nov. 17 8, Dec. 15
Not too early to reserve a space for
the Annual Shelton Christmas
Bazaar, Dec 1st & 2nd
601 Franklin
Call 360-898-4937 or 432-0815
STILL CLEANING out the garage. Kitch-
enware, sporting goods, toys, 2 sew-
ing machines, new Weber grill in box,
unique pots and pans set, craft items,
2-drawer wood file cabinet, computer
desk, much more. On Grant between
7th and 10th Street. Saturday only 9
a.m.-4 p.m. W9/13
HUGE SALE. Antique furniture and
glassware, oak telephone, canning sup-
plies, patio set, washer/dryer, cement
mixer, adult to children's clothing, toys,
linens, craft and sewing supplies, two
easels, lamps, microwaves, queen hide-
abed, much more. Saturday-Sunday, 10
a.m.-5 p.m. 272 Deer Creek Road off
Hwy. 3. L9/13
SATURDAY ONLY 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Huge
multi-family sale. 1046 Cascade Avenue
(near Red Apple). W9/13
ISLAND LAKE Manor. Pressure cooker,
toys, household items, something for
everyone. Saturday 8 a.m.-1 p.m. 171
E. Westwood Dr. S9/13
LOTS OF quality baby items, Pottery
Barn crib bedding, wheelchair, miscel-
laneous. Saturday, 7 a.m.-noon. 528 W.
Seattle Avenue. A9/13
INDOOR GARAGE sale, Saturday 9
a.m.-4 p.m. Jewelry, beads, large am-
ber pendant, large turquoise pendant,
kitchen and household items, men's and
women's 2x-3x clothing, some tools.
S.O.C.K. Swap Meet, 6th and Franklin,
across from Safeway. C9/13
FRIDAY, SATURDAY, 8 a.m.-4 p.m.,
170 E. Annas Way, Timberlakes. Lots
of misc. T9/13
SATURDAY 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Boys' clothes
size 5-12 youth, baby clothes and items,
men's and women's clothes, misc. 331
Fredrick Drive, Spencer Lake. C9/13
JUST MOVED! Huge sale, lots of good
stuff. Saturday 10 a.m.-3 p.m., 491 E.
Leeds Drive (Agate area). Some furni-
ture. W9/13
ESTATE SALE/four generations. Mov-
ies, collectibles, books, video games,
DVD player, lots more. Friday-Saturday
9 a.m.-5 p.m., Cushman area, Division
17, Lot 34. Watch for signs. Everything
must go. D9/13
SENIOR YARD and bake sale, Fir Tree
Park, 614 N. 4th St., Shelton. Friday-
Saturday 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Y9/13
ONE DAY only, Sunday 9 a.m.-5 p.m.,
634 Dearborn. Clothing, household, lots
of miscellaneous. L9/13
1950's STYLE Coca-Cola table/2 chairs,
$75. (360) 426-1452. Yard sale -lots of
Coca-Cola stuff. Saturday, 10 a.m.-5
p.m. 1810 Boundary Street. H9/13
KITTEN RESCUE of Mason County
is having its biggest garage sale ever.
Your wonderful donations have filled our
canopies and garage with hundreds of
items. Our garage sale is on September
15, from 8 a.m. til 4 p.m. so please come
shop so that we can alter and place our
shelter's kittens and cats. Location, 420
SE State Route 3, for directions call me
at (360) 584-0594. K9/6-13
ST. EDWARD'S Rummage and Plant
Sale. Friday, September 14th 9 a.m.-5
p.m. Saturday, September 15th, 9 a.m.-
noon. Parish Hall, 322 N. 3rd Street.
TABLES, COMPUTER desk, utility shelf,
tents, twin/full bunkbed, and more. Sat-
urday, Sunday, 8 a.m.-4 p.m. 1534 Cole
HIAWATHA, INC. will begin buying red
cedar boughs on September 10, 2007.
Specifications: 18"-22" length. Price:
28’ per pound. No long boughs. H9/6-
WANTED: BAND to rein me in as a
singer/songwriter. I'm a little bit coun-
try and a little bit '80's metal/powerbal-
lad. I like music that delivers a positive
Road. Mc9/13 message and emphasizes the value of
...................................................... morals. Some would call me lame be-
SATURDAY 8 a.m.-3 p.m., 351 E. Road-
runner Drive, Shelton. Lots of house-
hold items, small appliances. Bowflex,
executive desk and chair, TV. Good
stuff/great prices, No early birds. $9/13
BIG HEROES Rummage Sale. Satur-
day 9 a.m.-4 p.m. 2948 Olympic Hwy.
N., Our Community Credit Union park-
ing lot. K9/13
MOVING SALE. Two households. Lots
of good stuff. No junk. Saturday, Sun-
day, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., 591 SE Morgan Rd.
FRIDAY-SATURDAY 9 a.m.-6 p.m., 91
E. Midnight Court, off Hwy. 3 down Dawn
Drive. Furniture, lots of stuff. G9/13
cause I don't listen to bands with names
like Hate Fist, and to that I say, "If the
shoe fits I'll wear it and walk a mile." I'm
looking for a group that's happy just to
be heard. Shane. (360) 426-4540. P4/
within 20 miles of Shelton
Are you a licensed Nurse or NAg
Evergreen Healthcare is seeking
day, evening and night shifts
Do not pass up this opportunity in which you
will make a difference in, the lives of those you care for
With employment we offer:
Competitive wages
, I AND203 4 ,d
Page 34 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, September 13, 2007
Vacation and sick pay
Flexible scheduling
Unlimited job growth
Newer, beautiful facility
WANTED - OLD Forest Festi R-
tons, 1945-1958, 1997 and 19 e
(360) 426-5578, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. h'o
days'. G9/13-20 " I'1
ton.(360)426-2907. S1/25ffn
DRIVERS: A steady lifestyle. TOtll
and top pay. Call Warner EntCrlki' ,,
for regional openings today. 1-80'
exco.nal co..mmurl,
and cce skills. r
annual fund a, ssist with major gl
paign. Ma an ge donor database ;
e .ognition '
Med, flexible, teatl
er. Resurne-and cover letter to Ha/l-14
Hill, 7362 E. SR 106, Union, WA(
Attn'argo@harmonyl] a
No caUs please. Non smoking l!a, '
EOE. SalaryDOQ. H9/6-27 4;
Supervisor. Manager position. 1 a
preferred. Pay DOE. (360) 428' I
in :' Ve
HI...!S now !aking$
ift-Op-eiators, "Ei ;
guards for ristmas Iil
., . ll]E
ha, Inc. at 681 Eas![
Prahelton, WA 98584:[
day-Friday between the hours of 9!
p,m. No phone calls please. H9/6 "
DOMINO'S PIZZA now hiring dl T
full and part time. Minimum 181 ),1
good driving record. Apply in I ra
134 N. 1st. D9/6-27 e,
bed. Nice equipment. Great mone h
want to work. (360) 310-0445. e
Stewards, Busers; Servers; Cd ia
Housekeepers; Slot Attendants; [pl
enced Slot IT position. Jamie (35u
5656 ext. 244. L9/6-13 -J |/8
clerk, fast paced. Drug/;
check. Matlock Store. Call Lori =E!Y
Must have valid driver's licenSls
plications can be obtained at lt7,
Shelton Springs Road between 91L "
3 p.m. Monday thru Friday (360)1KI
7057. MS/24tfn ,
Is accepting applicaUons for Industrial El
Immediate openings, good'dp:t:l: E/
A successful applicant must ha,
a working knowledge of: ll
Installing, troubleshooting and
repair of industrial control. 1.'
Experience with programmi0
Allen Bradlevprogrammable A
logic controllers preferred, i, I
Troubleshooting 3-phase /i,'. :;h;
motors and motor circuits r(
Maintaining, repairing 480 volt IWLI}U
power distribution ,;
Variable speed drive and soft :]L,
start :IZt
Servo and proportional
positioning systems _.,al.l
Must be willing to work day, night, grs
shifts and overtime. Bring resume and
a basic skills test contact the front o llliJ
3000 Galvin Road, Centrolia, WA