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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 13, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 13, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PEOPLE needed! You can the lives of seniors. our team. Home Instead Se- (360) 570-0049. H8/23-10/11 YOU get back to sleep after wak- the alarm? Man in wheelchair caregiver, night shift 6 p.m.-6 preferred but can benefits. Union area, 898-0001. B8/23-9/13 ROOFERS wanted. E8/23-9/13 ;tiRBROOK COUNIRY Store. Ca- 9/¢lerk, 20-30 hours week, maybe B' Fun place to work/low stress. ' be 21. Send resume to P.O. Box -.2nion, WA 98592. A8/23tfn viVIES: !V ........................................................................... ASSISTANT- Shelton 3,11m,_ and Rehab is looking for a part- "'.,..Activities Assistant to lead group ies on Saturdays and Sundays g the day. Must have a sincere t in working with seniors and be represent the department pro- ,nally with a positive and "can do" mlle. Please apply in person at 153 ., Shelton. $8/23-9/13 nHk.. e,,!NG FOR part-time waitresses itchen J T helper. Apply in person at J'l It eriyaki, 118 W. Alder. No phone 23-9/13 RETIREMENT is currently applications for reliable and part-time NOC shift and on- ivers/CNAs (must be available shifts)• Apply at 401 W. Maple McCleary or fax resume to (360) B8/23-9/13 wanted. Mature for our dogs and home while away. Must love animals, be neat references. Call Alexandra at )) 427-9507. E8/23-9/13 Administrative Assistant amazing setting ... St. Andrew's Retreat and Conference Center, WA seeks a part-time admin- assistant to help with book- marketing and general office lion. MS Office experience a Flexible, can-do attitude required. [j hours per week, $9 starting/DOE 'lthe right candidate, opportunities i"er areas of the organization exist '4.'h can increase weekly hours and i._Send resume to jeff@saintandrew- .l.e.Lo rg. $9/13-20 .............................................................................. "ITE) is lnt for "Lration. erge Yto  il[h av, Wuntin{ ; bu. THE SKOKOMISH Tribe is seeking to hire a Network Administrator. This is a regular full-time position. A flexible work schedule is a must due to peri- odic weekend and after hour server and network projects. Computer and net- work support to tribal TANF and other programs. Deployment, maintenance, configuration, and monitoring of TANF lab computers and printers. Help desk operations providing over-the-phone support to clients for computer and net- work issues. Experience with hardware and software installations, as well as hardware and software troubleshooting. Understanding of the requisition and purchase order process. Minimum of 4 years experience in the IT field. At least one Microsoft MCP certification is re- quired. $18-$26 DOQ/DOE 1 FTE Clos- es 9/23/07. For a full job description and required application visit our web site at or contact Winona Plant, Personnel manager at (360) 426- 4232 x209. $9/13 NOW ACCEPTING applications for experienced Line Cooks, experienced Servers, and dishwashers. Jimmy D's at Belfair. (360) 275-3756 ask for Jim or START YOUR own landscape curbing business. High demand, low overhead. High profit. Training available. Priced from $12,000. 1-800-667-5372, www. A8/30-9/20 SMALL IN-HOME daycare is accepting applications. Preference will be given to a child 31/2-5. Country setting, M t. View school district. Easy, close Hwy 1'01 ac' cess. (360) 427-7828. B9/13-10/4 LISA'S IN-HOME Daycare has openings, age 2 and up. Great learning environment, large fenced yard. USDA Food Program participant. 3 blocks from Mt. View School. (360) 427-3763. R6/28tfn BETWEEN LYNCH Road and Arcadia Point, in Totten Shores. Drop-ins okay. (360) 426-8610. B9/6-27 HAPPY HOME Daycare has openings for children 2 years and up. Good loca- tion, food program, owned by college Pat. J9/13-20 graduate. Call today! (360) 868-2085. A GREAT career opportunity! Now ac- cepting applications for immediate openings working for the developmen- tally disabled within their homes. Start- ing salary: PT $8.75/hr., FT $1,600/mo. plus benefits. Send letter of interest and generic application or resume: Pla- ceone, Inc., 5107 Lacey Blvd. SE, Lac- ey, WA 98503 or e-mail to placeone@ P8/30-9/20 THE OLYMPIAN newspaper is cur- rently looking for motor route carriers in the Shelton/Mason County area. Motor route carriers are independent contrac- tors who make rural home deliveries of The Olympian during the early morning hours: 7 days a week. Good communi- cation and driving skills are necessary. You should have a valid driver's license/ insurance and a vehicle in good condi- tion. Route delivery times are between 2:30 a.m. and 6:30 a.m. Please contact: Eric Iverson, Regional District Manager, (360) 754- 5439.08/30-9/20 I'M HERE to help you. Experienced INDIAN Tribal Enterpris- CNA, state registry individual provider. ITE) is seeking a Full Service Ac- Loving care, excellent cook, Christian for a thriving and growing tribal woman, non-smoker. (360) 432-3539. The ideal candidate should B9/13 etic and a self-starter with the .................................................................... STARVING COLLEGE student looking for work till Americorps job assignment begins. Strong as an ox and frequently as smart, I will do most any home- and yard-type awork with a smile. Shane, (360) 426-4540. P10/26tfn PERSONALS BOBBY, LARRY and Janet clean hous- es inside and out. Also garages, gutters, roofs, yardwork, garbage hauling, and spring cleanup. Have job? We'll travel. $15 per hour/per person. (360) 451- Y to work independently. He or she have a 4 year college degree in Unting, and a CPA with a minimum of professional experience in businesses and systems design. with governmental account- Plus. Salary is DOQ. If interested, send a resume to: Bill Smith, 'SITE, 19392 N. U.S. Highway Shelton, WA 98584, (360) 877- 2,9!!00:20 ............................................................ )ICAL RECEPTIONIST - full time, 2370; (360) 451-2523; (360) 451-2627. Irienced preferred. Must be able to P11/23tfn I "task in fast of- paced expanding Strong computer and phone skills .,,.= = = , ,=, = .=,,= sary. Fax resume to (360) 427- I, M9/13-10/4 KING FOR a safe place to work? o Lumber Company is looking for t level and experienced operators ling saw fliers) for all shifts• Welco tar certified safety site. Welco of- COmpetitive wages and benefits in- i g paid vacation, medical, dental, k) and life insurance. Individuals i:[, a. safe and strong work ethic are GARY BENSEN, B.A. degree, piano, all raged to apply. Drug testing re- band instruments, woodwinds, brass, EOE. Welco Lumber Company, strings. $60 month for four or five 45- v.=" Hwy. 108, Shelton. (360) 545- minute lessons at my home near Shel- 9/13-20 ton High School. (360) 426-3187. B9/13- 10/11 R SUPERVISOR needed. Hon- hard working, strong work ethic, MATH TUTOR. Retired DODDS teach- tasker. Works well with volunteers er wishes to tutor determined local high IUblic. Strong cashier and computer school students in Algebra and Geom- , able to lift heavy weights all day if etry. Telephone David Corliss, Ed.D. at Ssary. Full time with great benefits (360) 432-0210. C9/6-10/25 90 days• Pick up applications at ............................................... Railroad Shelton. Closes Sep- MUSIC LESSONS in cello, bass, violin, ar 25th. T9/13-20 viola, and electric bass. Includes mu- sic theory, ear training and advanced techniques. Over 20 years experience• Evenings, $10 per half-hour. All ages and musical styles welcome. Call Dave at (360) 490-4695 or e-mail cellodad@ for available times. P5/25tfn $9/6-27 MT. OLIVE Lutheran Daycare/Preschool currently has full-time and part-time openings for three, four, and five year old children only. We take kindergarten children on their non-kindergarten days. No school-age openings available. Ex- cellent Christian program with caring, Christian teachers. Call Margarete at (360) 427-3165 for more information. M8/30-9/20 PIANO TUNING, 40 years experience, $150. Mobile audio recording, musical instrument catalog orders, lessons and repairs. Dynamo Music, (360) 427-7739. M9/13 DAMN GOOD Harmonica player looking for persons to play with or jam. Larry, (360) 877-6178. Mc9/6-13 OLDER, INTERMEDIATE mandolin pick- er seeks guitar player for practice and slow jams. (360) 432-1114. B8/30-9/20 CELLO SOLOIST performing Bach to the Beatles, Duke Ellington and more for special occasions, weddings, and din- ner parties. Over 20 years experience. Call for available times and dates, (360) • 4.90-4695 or e-mail Visit for more in- formation. P7/26tfn IF YOU saw a police vehicle pull out of Airport Grocery August 31 and almost cause an accident, please call Bruce (360) 432-1778. F9/13-20 FOUND - KIA key with black plastic box on Dayton-Airport Road at Shelton- Matlock intersection. (360) 229-9439. E9/13 LOST: BLACK/white neutered male cat, 1 year old. Potlatch area. Reward. (360) 877-5884. C9/13 STARS ADULT DAY CARE South Sound Senior Services in Mason County LOST - AT Alderbrook Lodge: gold locket watch on chain with name Kather- ine O'Connor. Reward. (360) 867-4949. B9/13-20 LOST - GOLD earring at Nifty Thrifty, on Thursday, August 30th. Please call (360) 463-6108. Reward. G9/6-13 YOU'LL FIND IT ALL IN THE El. KflI00;TYN & SON CONSTRUCTION. INC. :LASSIFIEDS 426-441 2 COLLEG E Formerly Bryman College iii,ii; BREMERTON CAMPUS 155 Washington Ave. Suite 200 Bremerton, WA 98337 Accredited member, AClCS EXTREMELY SWEET-TEMPERED, young cat needs a loving home. (360) 427-5427. G9/13-20 2 MALE Netherland dwarf rabbits, $7 each. (360) 426-1490. C9/13-20 ...... L-__ FEMALE GOLDEN Retriever with pa- pers gave birth to 6 black Labs and 4 golden retrievers 8/8/07. $75 each. (360) 868-2436. Firs.t shots, wormed. Ready 10/1. M9/13:20 KITTEN RESCUE of Mason County. Affectionate companion cats and kit- tens. Reasonable adoption fee includes altering, immunization, testing, and par- asite control. Contact us at (360) 426- 2455, or cell (360) 584-0594, website K4/26tfn SCHOOL IS starting! Companion or competition dog classes. Puppy and manners starting every month. Rally, agility, conformation, and more. Family friendly. K9 Kapers, Karen (360) 432- 1478, K9/13-10/4 PET SITTING - your complete personal pet and home care service. We special- ize in TLC! Excellent references. (360) 432-1412. J9/13-10/4 DOG MANNERS, obedience, agility. Gentle, positive methods only. Group or private lessons and in-home behav- ior consults with September Morn (30+ years professional). (360) 432-3633. M4/12tfn V2 TENNESSEE walker/ 1/2 quarter horse. Blue roan with a colt. Call (360) 556-9778 or (360) 432-7884. A9/13 LANDSCAPING, QUEEN Anne's. All aspects of landscape installation, reor- ganization and reclamation, toxic-free. Consultations. Extensive references. (360) 426-4598. No mowing or mainte- nance. Q6/7tfn SEPTIC SYSTEM Installation: new/re- pair, land clearing, digouts, utility ditch- ing, curtain drains, perc holes. Union City Excavation. UNIONCEO5207. (360) 898-3416; (360) 898-3466. U8/23-9/16 SMALL EXCAVATING jobs, in Mason County, call for bids, (360) 426-9722 or (360) 590-1422. Lic. #RMREAM- R935JP. W8/23-11/8 RICK WOKOJANCE window cleaning. Serving Mason County for 20 years. (360) 426-9354. W12/1 ltfn TILE, TILE, tile. Local business, li- censed, bonded, insured. Call Burk Tile and Design. (360) 250-6475. B8/16-9/6 E.I. KRISTYN & Son Construction Inc. 10,000 lb. mini excavator and operator for hire, utilities, foundations, French drains. All types of excavation and land- clearing. Call for details (360) 432-3147. Lic. #EIKRIKS950QD. E8/16tfn LOOKING FOR someone honest and reliable to clean your house, yard main- tenance, mowing, and trimming? Please call for free estimates and reliable rates, (360) 427-0484. $9/6-27 I'LL CLEAN up or haul anything. (360) 490-8008 or (360) 426-6805, ask for Jerry. P9/13-11/1 AFFORDABLE LAWN Care. All your green thumb lawn care in one call. (360) 426-1257. Senior Discounts. Free esti- mates. C9/6-27 GILLIS AUTO Center Service Depart- ment. Open Monday thru Saturday, "Your key to any automotive services." All makes and models including mo- torhomes. Call us - some services re- quire no appointment. W. Hulbert Road at 2nd Shelton exit, Hwy. 101. (360) 426- 5585. G 1/29tfn BRUSH/VIEW clearing, flowerbed cleaning, hauling, sod installation, prun- ing. Tree/shrub planting. Rock/stone re- taining walls. Landscape maintenance, bark spreading. Bonded and insured, JOELSL*938N7. (360) 432-1900, Gar- cia. G8/30-10/18 I PAINT anything - inside or out. (360) 490-8008 or (360) 426-6805, ask for Jerry. P9/13-11/1 TC'S HOME Repair Plus, LLC. Home repair/remodel/new construction. Decks, pressure washing, painting, roof and gutter cleaning. One call for your home maintenance. (360) 490- 0228. TCSHOHR933LN. $8/2-9/27 HANDYMAN, GUTTER cleaning, repairs and pruning. Skilled labor. Irrigation spe- cialist, landscaping consultant. Benjamin (360) 426-0084. B2/15tfn SITE PREP - land clearing, driveways, tree removal, excavating, utility ditches. Roan Construction, ROANCC*941PB (360) 426-7181. J3/8tfn CUSTOM PAINTING & Carpentry. Spe- cializing in finish carpentry (including crown molding, chair rail, fireplace sur- rounds). Quality painting//wallpapering, sheetrocking, windows, doors, decks, fences and repairs. Call Mike (360) 459- 0237 (Olympia). License #CUSTOP- C981 RE. C11/9tfn INSTALLATION--REPAIRS 1,000 gal., 1,150 gal., 1,200 gal. Drain Fields, Ditching, Backhoe, Conc. Pump Tanks, Pumps Sharer Digging Service Phone 426-3660 275-2157 Belfalr Lie. #SHAREDS207OB • 25+ years experience • References • Free estimates • Senior discounts 36o-43?.,8847 36o-490-4985 LIc GARHAP*942KH Mondays and Thursdays in She/ton 9 to 2 Tuesday in Allyn 10 to 3 Stars Adult Day Care located in Shelton and Allyn gentle exercises, memory exercises, music, singing, dancing, arts and crafts, bingo and field trips. Lunch and snacks served. Transportation available. 360-586-6181 ext. 115 c,,,,. Call Laurie Lembke to schedule a visit . New houses • Additions • Remodels • Garages Free estimates i • Excavation • Framing • Foundations • Siding • French drains • Roofing • Land clearing • Finish work 360-432-3147 LIc #EIKRIKS950QD Visa/MasterCard accepted Journal's Super Crossword Answers Thursday, September 13, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 35 PEOPLE needed! You can the lives of seniors. our team. Home Instead Se- (360) 570-0049. H8/23-10/11 YOU get back to sleep after wak- the alarm? Man in wheelchair caregiver, night shift 6 p.m.-6 preferred but can benefits. Union area, 898-0001. B8/23-9/13 ROOFERS wanted. E8/23-9/13 ;tiRBROOK COUNIRY Store. Ca- 9/¢lerk, 20-30 hours week, maybe B' Fun place to work/low stress. ' be 21. Send resume to P.O. Box -.2nion, WA 98592. A8/23tfn viVIES: !V ........................................................................... ASSISTANT- Shelton 3,11m,_ and Rehab is looking for a part- "'.,..Activities Assistant to lead group ies on Saturdays and Sundays g the day. Must have a sincere t in working with seniors and be represent the department pro- ,nally with a positive and "can do" mlle. Please apply in person at 153 ., Shelton. $8/23-9/13 nHk.. e,,!NG FOR part-time waitresses itchen J T helper. Apply in person at J'l It eriyaki, 118 W. Alder. No phone 23-9/13 RETIREMENT is currently applications for reliable and part-time NOC shift and on- ivers/CNAs (must be available shifts)• Apply at 401 W. Maple McCleary or fax resume to (360) B8/23-9/13 wanted. Mature for our dogs and home while away. Must love animals, be neat references. Call Alexandra at )) 427-9507. E8/23-9/13 Administrative Assistant amazing setting ... St. Andrew's Retreat and Conference Center, WA seeks a part-time admin- assistant to help with book- marketing and general office lion. MS Office experience a Flexible, can-do attitude required. [j hours per week, $9 starting/DOE 'lthe right candidate, opportunities i"er areas of the organization exist '4.'h can increase weekly hours and i._Send resume to jeff@saintandrew- .l.e.Lo rg. $9/13-20 .............................................................................. "ITE) is lnt for "Lration. erge Yto  il[h av, Wuntin{ ; bu. THE SKOKOMISH Tribe is seeking to hire a Network Administrator. This is a regular full-time position. A flexible work schedule is a must due to peri- odic weekend and after hour server and network projects. Computer and net- work support to tribal TANF and other programs. Deployment, maintenance, configuration, and monitoring of TANF lab computers and printers. Help desk operations providing over-the-phone support to clients for computer and net- work issues. Experience with hardware and software installations, as well as hardware and software troubleshooting. Understanding of the requisition and purchase order process. Minimum of 4 years experience in the IT field. At least one Microsoft MCP certification is re- quired. $18-$26 DOQ/DOE 1 FTE Clos- es 9/23/07. For a full job description and required application visit our web site at or contact Winona Plant, Personnel manager at (360) 426- 4232 x209. $9/13 NOW ACCEPTING applications for experienced Line Cooks, experienced Servers, and dishwashers. Jimmy D's at Belfair. (360) 275-3756 ask for Jim or START YOUR own landscape curbing business. High demand, low overhead. High profit. Training available. Priced from $12,000. 1-800-667-5372, www. A8/30-9/20 SMALL IN-HOME daycare is accepting applications. Preference will be given to a child 31/2-5. Country setting, M t. View school district. Easy, close Hwy 1'01 ac' cess. (360) 427-7828. B9/13-10/4 LISA'S IN-HOME Daycare has openings, age 2 and up. Great learning environment, large fenced yard. USDA Food Program participant. 3 blocks from Mt. View School. (360) 427-3763. R6/28tfn BETWEEN LYNCH Road and Arcadia Point, in Totten Shores. Drop-ins okay. (360) 426-8610. B9/6-27 HAPPY HOME Daycare has openings for children 2 years and up. Good loca- tion, food program, owned by college Pat. J9/13-20 graduate. Call today! (360) 868-2085. A GREAT career opportunity! Now ac- cepting applications for immediate openings working for the developmen- tally disabled within their homes. Start- ing salary: PT $8.75/hr., FT $1,600/mo. plus benefits. Send letter of interest and generic application or resume: Pla- ceone, Inc., 5107 Lacey Blvd. SE, Lac- ey, WA 98503 or e-mail to placeone@ P8/30-9/20 THE OLYMPIAN newspaper is cur- rently looking for motor route carriers in the Shelton/Mason County area. Motor route carriers are independent contrac- tors who make rural home deliveries of The Olympian during the early morning hours: 7 days a week. Good communi- cation and driving skills are necessary. You should have a valid driver's license/ insurance and a vehicle in good condi- tion. Route delivery times are between 2:30 a.m. and 6:30 a.m. Please contact: Eric Iverson, Regional District Manager, (360) 754- 5439.08/30-9/20 I'M HERE to help you. Experienced INDIAN Tribal Enterpris- CNA, state registry individual provider. ITE) is seeking a Full Service Ac- Loving care, excellent cook, Christian for a thriving and growing tribal woman, non-smoker. (360) 432-3539. The ideal candidate should B9/13 etic and a self-starter with the .................................................................... STARVING COLLEGE student looking for work till Americorps job assignment begins. Strong as an ox and frequently as smart, I will do most any home- and yard-type awork with a smile. Shane, (360) 426-4540. P10/26tfn PERSONALS BOBBY, LARRY and Janet clean hous- es inside and out. Also garages, gutters, roofs, yardwork, garbage hauling, and spring cleanup. Have job? We'll travel. $15 per hour/per person. (360) 451- Y to work independently. He or she have a 4 year college degree in Unting, and a CPA with a minimum of professional experience in businesses and systems design. with governmental account- Plus. Salary is DOQ. If interested, send a resume to: Bill Smith, 'SITE, 19392 N. U.S. Highway Shelton, WA 98584, (360) 877- 2,9!!00:20 ............................................................ )ICAL RECEPTIONIST - full time, 2370; (360) 451-2523; (360) 451-2627. Irienced preferred. Must be able to P11/23tfn I "task in fast of- paced expanding Strong computer and phone skills .,,.= = = , ,=, = .=,,= sary. Fax resume to (360) 427- I, M9/13-10/4 KING FOR a safe place to work? o Lumber Company is looking for t level and experienced operators ling saw fliers) for all shifts• Welco tar certified safety site. Welco of- COmpetitive wages and benefits in- i g paid vacation, medical, dental, k) and life insurance. Individuals i:[, a. safe and strong work ethic are GARY BENSEN, B.A. degree, piano, all raged to apply. Drug testing re- band instruments, woodwinds, brass, EOE. Welco Lumber Company, strings. $60 month for four or five 45- v.=" Hwy. 108, Shelton. (360) 545- minute lessons at my home near Shel- 9/13-20 ton High School. (360) 426-3187. B9/13- 10/11 R SUPERVISOR needed. Hon- hard working, strong work ethic, MATH TUTOR. Retired DODDS teach- tasker. Works well with volunteers er wishes to tutor determined local high IUblic. Strong cashier and computer school students in Algebra and Geom- , able to lift heavy weights all day if etry. Telephone David Corliss, Ed.D. at Ssary. Full time with great benefits (360) 432-0210. C9/6-10/25 90 days• Pick up applications at ............................................... Railroad Shelton. Closes Sep- MUSIC LESSONS in cello, bass, violin, ar 25th. T9/13-20 viola, and electric bass. Includes mu- sic theory, ear training and advanced techniques. Over 20 years experience• Evenings, $10 per half-hour. All ages and musical styles welcome. Call Dave at (360) 490-4695 or e-mail cellodad@ for available times. P5/25tfn $9/6-27 MT. OLIVE Lutheran Daycare/Preschool currently has full-time and part-time openings for three, four, and five year old children only. We take kindergarten children on their non-kindergarten days. No school-age openings available. Ex- cellent Christian program with caring, Christian teachers. Call Margarete at (360) 427-3165 for more information. M8/30-9/20 PIANO TUNING, 40 years experience, $150. Mobile audio recording, musical instrument catalog orders, lessons and repairs. Dynamo Music, (360) 427-7739. M9/13 DAMN GOOD Harmonica player looking for persons to play with or jam. Larry, (360) 877-6178. Mc9/6-13 OLDER, INTERMEDIATE mandolin pick- er seeks guitar player for practice and slow jams. (360) 432-1114. B8/30-9/20 CELLO SOLOIST performing Bach to the Beatles, Duke Ellington and more for special occasions, weddings, and din- ner parties. Over 20 years experience. Call for available times and dates, (360) • 4.90-4695 or e-mail Visit for more in- formation. P7/26tfn IF YOU saw a police vehicle pull out of Airport Grocery August 31 and almost cause an accident, please call Bruce (360) 432-1778. F9/13-20 FOUND - KIA key with black plastic box on Dayton-Airport Road at Shelton- Matlock intersection. (360) 229-9439. E9/13 LOST: BLACK/white neutered male cat, 1 year old. Potlatch area. Reward. (360) 877-5884. C9/13 STARS ADULT DAY CARE South Sound Senior Services in Mason County LOST - AT Alderbrook Lodge: gold locket watch on chain with name Kather- ine O'Connor. Reward. (360) 867-4949. B9/13-20 LOST - GOLD earring at Nifty Thrifty, on Thursday, August 30th. Please call (360) 463-6108. Reward. G9/6-13 YOU'LL FIND IT ALL IN THE El. KflI00;TYN & SON CONSTRUCTION. INC. :LASSIFIEDS 426-441 2 COLLEG E Formerly Bryman College iii,ii; BREMERTON CAMPUS 155 Washington Ave. Suite 200 Bremerton, WA 98337 Accredited member, AClCS EXTREMELY SWEET-TEMPERED, young cat needs a loving home. (360) 427-5427. G9/13-20 2 MALE Netherland dwarf rabbits, $7 each. (360) 426-1490. C9/13-20 ...... L-__ FEMALE GOLDEN Retriever with pa- pers gave birth to 6 black Labs and 4 golden retrievers 8/8/07. $75 each. (360) 868-2436. Firs.t shots, wormed. Ready 10/1. M9/13:20 KITTEN RESCUE of Mason County. Affectionate companion cats and kit- tens. Reasonable adoption fee includes altering, immunization, testing, and par- asite control. Contact us at (360) 426- 2455, or cell (360) 584-0594, website K4/26tfn SCHOOL IS starting! Companion or competition dog classes. Puppy and manners starting every month. Rally, agility, conformation, and more. Family friendly. K9 Kapers, Karen (360) 432- 1478, K9/13-10/4 PET SITTING - your complete personal pet and home care service. We special- ize in TLC! Excellent references. (360) 432-1412. J9/13-10/4 DOG MANNERS, obedience, agility. Gentle, positive methods only. Group or private lessons and in-home behav- ior consults with September Morn (30+ years professional). (360) 432-3633. M4/12tfn V2 TENNESSEE walker/ 1/2 quarter horse. Blue roan with a colt. Call (360) 556-9778 or (360) 432-7884. A9/13 LANDSCAPING, QUEEN Anne's. All aspects of landscape installation, reor- ganization and reclamation, toxic-free. Consultations. Extensive references. (360) 426-4598. No mowing or mainte- nance. Q6/7tfn SEPTIC SYSTEM Installation: new/re- pair, land clearing, digouts, utility ditch- ing, curtain drains, perc holes. Union City Excavation. UNIONCEO5207. (360) 898-3416; (360) 898-3466. U8/23-9/16 SMALL EXCAVATING jobs, in Mason County, call for bids, (360) 426-9722 or (360) 590-1422. Lic. #RMREAM- R935JP. W8/23-11/8 RICK WOKOJANCE window cleaning. Serving Mason County for 20 years. (360) 426-9354. W12/1 ltfn TILE, TILE, tile. Local business, li- censed, bonded, insured. Call Burk Tile and Design. (360) 250-6475. B8/16-9/6 E.I. KRISTYN & Son Construction Inc. 10,000 lb. mini excavator and operator for hire, utilities, foundations, French drains. All types of excavation and land- clearing. Call for details (360) 432-3147. Lic. #EIKRIKS950QD. E8/16tfn LOOKING FOR someone honest and reliable to clean your house, yard main- tenance, mowing, and trimming? Please call for free estimates and reliable rates, (360) 427-0484. $9/6-27 I'LL CLEAN up or haul anything. (360) 490-8008 or (360) 426-6805, ask for Jerry. P9/13-11/1 AFFORDABLE LAWN Care. All your green thumb lawn care in one call. (360) 426-1257. Senior Discounts. Free esti- mates. C9/6-27 GILLIS AUTO Center Service Depart- ment. Open Monday thru Saturday, "Your key to any automotive services." All makes and models including mo- torhomes. Call us - some services re- quire no appointment. W. Hulbert Road at 2nd Shelton exit, Hwy. 101. (360) 426- 5585. G 1/29tfn BRUSH/VIEW clearing, flowerbed cleaning, hauling, sod installation, prun- ing. Tree/shrub planting. Rock/stone re- taining walls. Landscape maintenance, bark spreading. Bonded and insured, JOELSL*938N7. (360) 432-1900, Gar- cia. G8/30-10/18 I PAINT anything - inside or out. (360) 490-8008 or (360) 426-6805, ask for Jerry. P9/13-11/1 TC'S HOME Repair Plus, LLC. Home repair/remodel/new construction. Decks, pressure washing, painting, roof and gutter cleaning. One call for your home maintenance. (360) 490- 0228. TCSHOHR933LN. $8/2-9/27 HANDYMAN, GUTTER cleaning, repairs and pruning. Skilled labor. Irrigation spe- cialist, landscaping consultant. Benjamin (360) 426-0084. B2/15tfn SITE PREP - land clearing, driveways, tree removal, excavating, utility ditches. Roan Construction, ROANCC*941PB (360) 426-7181. J3/8tfn CUSTOM PAINTING & Carpentry. Spe- cializing in finish carpentry (including crown molding, chair rail, fireplace sur- rounds). Quality painting//wallpapering, sheetrocking, windows, doors, decks, fences and repairs. Call Mike (360) 459- 0237 (Olympia). License #CUSTOP- C981 RE. C11/9tfn INSTALLATION--REPAIRS 1,000 gal., 1,150 gal., 1,200 gal. Drain Fields, Ditching, Backhoe, Conc. Pump Tanks, Pumps Sharer Digging Service Phone 426-3660 275-2157 Belfalr Lie. #SHAREDS207OB • 25+ years experience • References • Free estimates • Senior discounts 36o-43?.,8847 36o-490-4985 LIc GARHAP*942KH Mondays and Thursdays in She/ton 9 to 2 Tuesday in Allyn 10 to 3 Stars Adult Day Care located in Shelton and Allyn gentle exercises, memory exercises, music, singing, dancing, arts and crafts, bingo and field trips. Lunch and snacks served. Transportation available. 360-586-6181 ext. 115 c,,,,. Call Laurie Lembke to schedule a visit . New houses • Additions • Remodels • Garages Free estimates i • Excavation • Framing • Foundations • Siding • French drains • Roofing • Land clearing • Finish work 360-432-3147 LIc #EIKRIKS950QD Visa/MasterCard accepted Journal's Super Crossword Answers Thursday, September 13, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 35