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Gardeners mec:t with ]00lorthwest legend Hume
ome of the Mason
County Washington
State University
Master Gardeners had
a rare opportumty to
spend an afternoon with
local gardening legend
Ed Hume this week. As a
young wife and mother, I
would watch Ed's show on
Saturday mornings and
get ideas for what to do in
the yard of our new home
in Lacey. He would always
promote the Master Gar-
dener program, and being
a WSU alum, it was an
even greater enticement to
someday take training and
become one. In 1997. we
purchased a home on Oak-
land Bay in Mason County
and my dream came true.
I completed the training
in December of that year
and by 1999 was fortunate
to be hired as an office
assistant at the WSU Ex-
tension office. The rest, as
they say, is history. I am
now a full-time manager of
both the Master Gardener
and Food Sense Nutrition
programs. When I met Ed
recently, I told him he is
responsible for my career,
and it is so true. What a
treat to have a tour of the
Children's Garden out-
side of the Ed Hume Seed
Company in Puyallup, led
by Ed himself.
The reason for our tour
was to garner ideas for the
Children's Garden to be
installed at Catalyst Park,
and boy
did we
get ideas!
His gar-
den is '
each with
By JEANNE a name.
such as Japanese, topi-
ary, bird, blind, puzzle,
carnivorous plants, Na-
tives, herbs and more! You
may wonder what a puzzle
garden is. It is cleverly
designed for children to
guess puzzles with clues.
He had a stick with a ce-
ramic dog sitting on it.
What do you think that
stood for? Dogwood! Other
clues included a toy rat
" sitting on a saucer, for
raddish (rat-dish) and a
cube of butter in a cup, for
We learned the prin-
ciples of Japanese garden
design. It made us think
this would be a good
topic for a Country Liv-
Courtesy pnoto
Author and TV host Ed Hume reaches for a telephone in the children's
garden located outside of the Ed Hum Seed Co. in Puyallup. The phone
was a clue in a set of puzzles for children to solve. The Mason County
Master Gardeners hope to install a similar garden i Catalyst Park in
ing workshop this winter.
How many readers of this
column would be interest-
ed in a class on Japanese
garden design or Bonsai?
The committee putting
together the lineup of
classes for this winter is
looking for ideas. Please
contact me with gardening
topics you want to learn
more about.
At the end of our tour
with Ed, one of the em-
ployees showed us how
they put seeds in packets
using a machine called a
ballard, then he gave us
each three packets of his
seeds, including a flower
mix for children's gardens.
Employees had juice and
cookies for us and his book
"Gardening with Ed Hume
Northwest Gardening
Made Easy" was offered to
us (autographed person-
ally by Ed) at a significant
discount. To top it off,
he donated $5 from each
purchase back to the WSU
Mason County Master
Gardener program.
What a treat it was to
learn from a gardening
icon and spend the af-
ternoon with some of the
Master Gardeners. Two
lucky family members
will be receiving a copy of
Ed's book as a Christmas
present this year from me,
and what fun it will be to
share the memory of this
day with them. If you have
any gardening questions,
please don't hesitate to
call me at 427-9670, ext.
688 or email to rehwaldt@
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Union chun:h hosts salmon bake
The New Community Church of Union will
host its seventh annual Salmon Bake from
noon-5 p.m. on Sept. 15 at the Mason County
Fire District 6 fire hall. located at East Third
and Seattle streets in Union.
The menu .includes fresh salmon, corn
bread, corn on the cob, coleslaw, scalloped po-
tatoes and blackberry or apple pie.
The cost is $15 for adults. $7 for children
(6-12) prior m the event, or $17/$10 at the
door. Children 5 and under eat free.
Advance tickets can be purchased at the
church office or at the Alderbrook Country
Store, both located on the corner of McReavy
and Dalby roads in Union.
The New Community Church of Union is
an interdenominational church that services
the greater Union area.
Proceeds will go toward the building of the
church/community center.
For questions or more information, call
Alliance on mental illness sched
The National Alliance on
Mental Illness of Thurston/
Mason counties will hold a
free community event on vio-
lence and mental illness.
The event, which will
feature guest speaker and
licensed mental health coun-
selor Dr. Kevin St. Jacques,
Psy.D., will take place from
7-9 p.m. on Sept. 20 at Provi-
dence St. Peter Hospital in
The presentation will ex-
plore the causes of violence
and aggression as they are re-
lated t0 individuals experienc-
ing mental illness. Audience
members will learn strategies
they can use to deescalate an
aggressive person, when and
how to collaborate with local
police and how to create and
implement a crisis plan to in-
crease safety, according to an
Alliance release.
Jacques, who has worked
with the forensic mental
ules free event
health population in Seattle
since 1999, is an interna-
tional speaker on forensic be-
havior health. His trainings
have been used by the state
Department of Corrections,
Washington State Criminal
Justice Training Commission
and Seattle area housing
agencies to treat mentally-ill
For more information on
the event, call 493-6021 or
Worship Service
10:00 a.m.
Children and Adult • Childcare both services
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Page B-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Sept. 13,2012
Faith Lutheran Church
A Christ-centered Church
ISunday Morning Worship
Traditional- 8:45 a.m. /
Contemporary - 11:00 a.m./
1212 Connection St.
Shelton, WA
(360) 426-8611
Bible Study
Youth Activities
Pastor Steve Olsen
Paster Brian Weinberer www.FLCWA.orcJ
:i A place where all are welcome
324 W. Cedar St. • Shelton Office phone: 426-8472 •
7:30 & 10:30 a.m. Christianity Class
9:15 Conversational Bible Study Saturday 10:30 a.m.
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ili:.: i:#:{i. ::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::i::ili{iliiii{i:i} }i:ii::i::i <iiiiil}i{iiiii. {!i!} }}i ii{i: J N I i{ ' }}i{
Mt. Olive
Lutheran Church
Missouri Synod
206 East Wyandotte Avenue
Contemporary Service .......... 8:30 a.m
Christian Education ................. 9:45 am
Traditional Worship ............ 11:00 am.
Office 426-6353
Daycare 427-3165
1113 E. Shclton Springs Road
Shelton, WA 98584
(360) 427-6998
Sunday School 10:00 a.m.
Morning Worship 11:00 a.m
Sun. - 10:30 am • Thurs. - 7:00 pm
Church info line:
(360) 427-4033
www.sheltonfbc org
Sunday Morning Worship + S.S iiiil
9:00 + 10:30 .
• Domingos- 6
Servicios en Espafiol
Refreshed -- Restored -- Renewed
in Rivers of Grace
Alliance Church
2320 Washington St.
Sunday Night Worship 6:00 p.m.
New Community
Church of Union