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000000oe00J,00omoaoeC00 Lady Climbers outswim Blazers
Senior John Pentony brought in
the Highclimbers' (0-1) only victory
when he took down Gig Harbor's No.
1 singles player in three sets plus a
tiebreaker. Pentony
lost the first set 6-4
then won the second
7-5 and the third 7-6
"We're really hap-
py with John Pento-
ny and Brandan
SEPT. 6: Goodale," Gagnon
Gig Harbor .... 4 said.
Shelton .......... 1 At No. 2 singles,
Goodall, a senior,
TODAY: lost 6-0, 6-1.
Shelton at "Even though the
SKI-IS, 3:30
scores didn't look
p.m. good, we had a lot
of games go to add,"
Gagnon said. "Our kids played tough."
He said it's difficult for Shelton to
compete against larger schools like
Gig Harbor because many of the ten-
nis players play at indoor tennis clubs
during the year.
The Highclimbers continue their
non-league schedule at 3:30 p.m. today
at South Kitsap.
"They're all tough (at South Kit-
sap)," Gagnon said.
SHS girls'swimming at North Thurston today
On their way to Lacey to swim at
Timberline last week, the Shelton girls'
swimming team knew the Lady Blazers
had a strong team last season.
They were expecting a strong team
this season as well. Which made the out-
come of their meet on Sept. 6 even more
"We won every single race," Shel-
ton co-head coach Chad Youngquist
The Lady Highclimbers defeated Tim-
berline 112-73.
"They were much closer to us last
year (during our meet) and we lost
some seniors who were pretty decent,"
Youngquist said. "We thought it would
be a really close meet."
He said he thought Timberline lost
some strategic swimmers at the end of
last season.
Although this was the first meet of
the season, several Shelton girls set best
timesin their events.
"Hannah Womer
In the 200-yard free- has improved a lot
style, Hannah Womer
finished in second with f[o st seso to
a time of 2 minutes,
28.97 seconds for a this season, Jordan
best time. Also scoring
best times were: Paige Coa[d ad Paige
SEPT. 6: Goldsby in the 50-yard
Shelton ...... 112 freestyle at 29.45; Jot- Gotdsby have also
Timberline.. 73 dan Crossan in the 50-
yard freestyle at 31.95; stepped upo"
TODAY: Dawn Martin in the
Shelton a 50-yard freestyle at
N. Thurston. 38.46, Sarah Myers in The Lady Climbers (1-0) are set to
3:30 p.m. the 100-yard freestyle swim at 3:30 p.m. today at North Thur-
at 1:01; Goldsby in ston.
the 500-yard freestyle at 7:00.11: and
Womer in the 100-yard breaststroke at
"Hannah Womer has improved a
lot from last season to this season,"
Youngquist said. "Jordan Crossan and
Paige Goldsby have also stepped up."
For the diving team, Lanna Keltner
dove in her first varsity meet.
"Lanna got six dives in, so that was
good and exciting," co-head coach Rob
Phelan said.
"North Thurston is by far the tough-
est team in the 3A league," Youngquist
said. "Last year they were very good.
They have a bunch of fast swimmers and
I think they've got a good chunk of club
Despite expecting a tough race,
Youngquist said the Lady Highclimbers
will race their best and get best times.
"Swimming against a team that beats
them I don't think will dampen their
goals," he said.
Shelton's Williamson wins Capital Invite
Ft. Steilacoom
cross country headed to
this Saturday
The top finisher for the girls' team
was freshman Lindsey Goldsby, who took
ninth in the freshman girls' race with a
time of 17:45.67.
White said Goldsby and freshman
Courtney Burke both ran solid races
for the girls. Burke finished the fresh-
man girls' race in 12th with a time of
On the boys' side, he said sophomore
Darius Burke and senior Zaeh Taylor put
forth strong performances as well. Darius
Burke took fifth in the sophomore boys'
race with a time of 13:07.49 while Taylor
took 19th in the senior boys' race With a
time of 13:12.83.
The Highclimbers' next test of run-
ning ability is Saturday at Ft. Steilacoom
emil ,@nas ncount .corn
Cody Williamson came out strong in
the first cross country meet of the season
for Shelton.
On Saturday, the junior won the ju-
nior boys' race at the Capital Invite with
a time of 12 minutes, 5.19 seconds, nearly
16 seconds ahead of the second place fin-
The race was split into grade divi-
sions and separated between boys and
girls. The course was 2.33 miles.
"Cody got the plaque for outstanding
3A runner in the meet," head coach Daryl
White said.
State Park in Lakewood. The boys' and
girls' teams will both be competing on a
Darius Burke
runs in the
Invite cross
country meet
on Saturday.
Burke took
fifth in the
boys' race
with a time
of 13:07.49.
Courtesy of Daryl White
5,000-meter course against schools from
all classifications in the state.
Merger Petition Into Mason County
Fire District 6 (FD 6)
Recently, a number of concerned citizens in a portion of Mason County Fire District 9 (FD 9) began
circulating a petition to merge into FD 6. There have been a number of misinformation efforts including
the F9 letter, news articles, and letters to the editor that prompt us to again set the record straight.
Fact 1: This is a taxpayer's initiative and not masterminded by FD 6 or any one person. We
citizens responsible for the petition effort are taxpayers in FD 9 and are dissatisfied with the lack of
service, fire commission mismanagement, and unwarranted expenditure of taxpayer funds.
Fact 2: On September 4, 2012, one of the petition initiators and his attorney met the FD 9 Fire
Commission Chairman. Here are the results:
1) The FD 9 Commission Chairman acknowledged that FD g had not issued a Request for Proposals for
the building of a well and planned construction of a "residence" at the fire station on Road Runner Dr.
Further, FD 9 lacked proper documentation of bids received and expanded the scope of the contract
after awarding the contract without legally required documentation. FD 9's failures violate state
procurement laws.
2) The FD 9 Commission Chairman acknowledged the Fire Commission issued no Special Meeting
Notices for a series of meetings in the Spring of 2012 in violatio6 of the Open Public Meetings Act.
For example, the Commissioners traveled to Highline Homes to obtain a bid on the "residence,"
the Commissioners all attended a FD 6 Commission meeting and discussed FD g business, and the
Commissioners recently met with County officials to discuss permitting of the "residence." The public
was not made aware of any of these meetings in plain violation of the Open Public Meetings Act.
3) FD g was unable to provide any tape recordings of general meetings held in the Spring of 2012 as,
per the FD 9 Commission Chairman, the Commission has decided to cease tape recording its meetings.
However, we citizens are aware that tape recordings were made during this time and it appears these
tape recordings were destroyed.
Fact 3: FD 9 is a totally volunteer department andhas depended upon a 1999 agreement with
FD 6 to provide service when it cannot. FD 6 is staffed 24/7 and routinely provides service to FD 9 at
the expense of the FD 6 taxpayers.
Fact 4: EMT and ambulance response to the merging portion of FD 9 comes from district 6.
No active volunteer emergency medical technicians (EMTs) operate from the station on Road Runner.
All medical call service for FD 9 comes from the Skok Valley Stationand may not include a trained EMT
and does not include an FD 9 ambulance. With FD 6, there will be a responsewith qualified EMTs and
ambulance. The Road Runner station will transfer into District 6 and wil include FD 6 staffing at some
point in the future.
Fact 5: FD 9 has no operational ambulance, yet we are paying an increased amount of taxes for
non-existent medical service. FD 6 maintains a 24/7 response capability with an ambulance and crew
for basic life support calls. Medic One provides for-profit ambulance service to both districts for advanced
life support calls.
Fact 6: Financial Mismanagement: FD 9 was awarded a grant by the State Dept of Natural Resources to
build a new water tender to be the Road Runner Dr. station. The FD 9 cost share portion of the
tender grant was $20,000 according to the approved budget. As of 6/31/12, the County Assessor's Office
and Treasurer's Office show an FD 9 expenditure of over $45,000 for the tender.
Fact 7: Financial Mismanagement: The entire FD 9 budgets (fire and EMS) totals about$138,000.
Construction of the "residence" at the Road Runner Station is estimated at $110,000 just for the building.
When asked if they had any idea of maintenance and utility cost, the FD 9 Commissioners said they did
not. There are no FD 9 staff to put in that facility.
Fact 8: Operational Mismanagement:
• -- On July 31, 2012, WA State Labor and Industries issued FD 9 a serious category violation for failing to
provide medical evaluations for its personnel who wear air tanks systems (SCBA).
o-- In August, immediately following the start of the petition effort, it was reported that a repair
company spent over 8 hours at the Road Runner station on a Sunday trying to repair the fire engine
housed there so it was functional.
o-- It was also reported there are over 30 major discrepancies on the new water tender, funded by the
DNR grant, at that station. FD 9 built the tender up from a chassis using department members, yet has
spent over 250% of the allotted budget on that tender.
This petition effort is about service, not personalities. As the petition movement continues, we ask anyone
interested in more information or wishing to sign the petition to contact us via email at joinfd6@gmail.
corn or calling 432-0196. Respectfully,
Mike DeCapua
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Shelton-Mason County Journa -Thursday, Sept. 13, 2012 - Page C-5