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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 14, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 14, 1967
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Chomber Slates Meeting Staff For Shelton Schools Indian Couple To C se For Heinie&apos;s Tonight Shelton School Completed By Board Action 50th Wedding Annivers/r Enrollment Up TheY haveI' • The Shelton Chamber of Corn- n(,ss in Seatth' in 1946. He slarted • The Shelton School Board, at The board sel Sept. 19 for the (('ontim,ed from Page One) son county, n fac't, I merce will resume meetings to- his own dealership in Olympia • The Shelton Sch(ds have in- , busY [ ar0". ' ,ll ar onl?; ti " )rating  in life ! ! ;umlJ to ¢ chicken ra'*" A makes be a]k night after having no meetings in 1951, which he operates to(lay, creased in enrollment since el)tin - in July and August. 1((, is a past president of the ing (lay, according It) Louis Grin- The meeting will start wilh Olympia Chamber of Commerce. nell, Superintendenl. The high dinner at Heinie's Broiler at 7 school in(:reas(d lasl week, due p.m. and the program at 8 p.m, to late enrollments, t)y 53 slu- dents to an all-time high of g24 enrolled. The increase since ()Ix'n- ink day I)y grade is as follows: Speaker will be Dick Lewis of Dick Lewis Pontiac-Cadillac Park in Olympia. Titleing his talk "Desire" Lewis will discuss the change which finds business no hmger so muc.h interested in tile how (if doing things, but, th( "why" searching for motiva- tion clues. Also on the program tonight: will i)e the installation of officers for the coming year. John Stentz, personnel direc- tor for Simpson Timber Co. will be installed as president; Eldon Kahny as vice-president ; Ken Fredson as lr('.;ISllrtq"; Rudy Oil- man as se(Telary-nl,;lnllger ;Jntl Chuck A(lanas, Gerahl Samples an(1 f{oberl W;l|son US direc, tors for two-year terms. Lewis was t)orn in Sealfle in 191.9 and aIler serving in 1he Air Force during Worh] War 2, joined his fail'mr in the auh)lnt)bih, husi- DICK LEWIS Sept. 5 Sept.. 11 Kindergarten 209 210 First 227 242 Second 214 225 Third 215 218 Fourlh 216 226 Fifth 21 :l 220 Sixth 194 20,1 Sevenlh 218 217 Eighth 25? 267 Ninlh 258 257 Tenth 292 20(/ Elevenlh 2:),,1 253 Twelfth 251 271 R()gers 1,1 17 t/andit:aplmd Jr. Sr. lIigh ]5 13 Total 3,023 3,140 ASC Committee Nominees Are Named • Nominees for eh,t:li()n as nexl year's AS(.: county commlllee- Illen were announced Ibis we(,k by Imahi W. I-{alan, Chairman of the Mason Agrh:uHural Slnbi- }azatJon ar)(] (;rms+,rv;HJ,n (?our}- ly Col'n nfi(l o(,. Tilt, t,](,clh)n will I.' held St'pl. 19. Tht, vxp/r(,d Wrm ol I¢.lph ,l. Br(,wer is h, bt, lille,t. In a(l- dillon Iwo 21]l(,l'llHh's ;ll'e lo lie elect(,tl. Th(' n()rl'lilH't,s ;H'(' I{aiph .I. Brt,wer, Ken I"rank. Orvilh, Kag- er, IAo S. I.d)vKrt,ell. IAtwr(mc.t, Saeger. ])elm(,r W. Svhur, ,":,lel)h- t,n Swanf;(k anti ('h('shw IL While. The lit'(sol) r('.('i\\;'ing l}lt, IIl()sl voh,s will I., lh(' ('lHlllllilh'('l(l('ll hW ;I p>rh)(I t,t thl't,;, y('ars. Th(, Iwo rtr('(,ivi)lL{ Ill(' fl('Xl hiKht'sl IiInlll)or ()1 vc)H,s will hi' (hi, ;ll- 1('l'll;ih'S I"1}1" 1111(' V(qll'. 'l'h(' ('h;lil'[ll;lll s:;(irt h;ll}()I:-; lisl- inv lh('s(' l)(mlill('('s will I)(' mail- ('(] tl) klli)Wll .]i(',ihh' \\;'(H(q'S ill Ill(' cOtllHy .S('IH, X. V(dcl's llllty wriW in I1., n:mws ,,I :.hltiion2d canttidal(,s if ltw3 desire and IllaV voh' Ihl'P(, 11('l'>.()llS I'()1' lilt'it (.(lent y '(nllllli[ [(q' l{;ll,.{an ('Hlph;sjz'd Ill;If AS('.' eh'clions are condu(dt,iI without refal'd to race, color, creed, or national origin. Generally, any Iarnl own(w, |eIl;lnl, or share- t:rol)pt,r who is eligible 1o take P.t)r| ill }1 pl'oLTr'llrn hdlTiJlri.qlf,ret] by AS(." is eliv, ibh' Io vole in ('h'rlitms and hold office. The (:tl](ii(J21t(,s lo 1)(? listed on b;dlots have been nominated eith- (,r I)y p('lilion of farmers and l'Hn(:h('l'S or ])y incunlb(mt illill('(,s, l)t,lilit)ns nomJnalinK can- (li(I;Hos could be filed [ Aug. 25. The counly commiltee lilen reviewed potilions to deter- GOP Hears Sta÷e • A met,ling t)f lht, Mast)rl Coun- ly Rel)ulHi(.an Central Commillee wns htq(I al ltm Ct)url lh)use Sepl. 12. l)irk El(m(, t)f OlymI)ia, Exe- t:ulivt, l)ir(,(.tor of the Slate R(,- l)uhlicnn l,'illHn(.t. C()nlmilt(,(,, was lh(, slmaker, lle expl:irwd fund r;,isim: nl(,lho(ls t)('inl4 used in ill(' sial('. S-1 V;ind,,r \\;V(,I.;(,n, R.(q)ul)lican .El;lit, ('onllllill()(,ll/Hn, is h('n(lir) Ill(' M;ls()ll (*.t)llnl.v fiilan(.e (li'iv(,, whi(.h i.' I:'inK (:on(hl(d(,tl ill SOp- "" :time to rrfin(, lh(' willingness of nonxinees [0 serve ;JDt] if necess;n'y, nom- inalt!d a(l(tilional candi(lales Io insure lhal each slate is rel)re- st)nlative of the vnrit)us se(..tions ;rod l>'p('s of ;grictllhn'(, in lh(, county. The (:hairman urged all farm- ors and rilnt:il(,rs 1o he oil Ill(.' lt)kotl| for lhe (mvelt)pe fl'orn lhc ASCS c()unty office whieh will contain their hallot and vol.- in ins1rut:litms. Thcst, envel- Ol>eS n'lusl, hi' posl,ql;/rkt,d o)" i'(,- turned in pers()n not laler than St'Ill. 19. Official Speak tt,nll)(,r this year. lakwnhar(t Winiecki, Cenlral C'()nlmil[(,(, ll'('Hsln'('r, rt,i)()rl(,d tin lilt! progress of lh(! drive, l.ocal ('onlril)ulors HI'(' being (.onlacied hy tile l{t!puhlic;u] preciI(!1 c()nl- nlilloemen. Evalyn Slirling, P, elfair, At:ling C()unly Chairman, in discussin lh(, finan(:t, th'iv(, said, "Tlw re- Sl)Onse has IYoen wonderful. We 211'(' SLIrO 10 raise ()ur qu()[2l Io l]le Slnt(' lhis ye2)r." make 00/our move ,' !]:/i:)i:/(ii  YOU'RE INVITED TO OUR OP N HOUS PLYMOUTHS and CHRYSLERS Thurs. thru Sat. .. Chrysler Newport 4-Door Hardtop IIIIiI  i PI Y 2md:tohr SPa:dr oS: t eli it e I  FREE t " !' R I IlIllI[ REF ESHMENTS Let us win-you-over TODAY./ KIMBEL MOTORS, INC. o,- or=u  CHRYBLI=R Sf / .m. oo.,o,o. 707 S. I 426-3433 PNi[e 2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, September 14, 1967 its nleeting Tuesday night. (:ore- final hu(tget hearing, tive years. In I)]elcd offit:ia] action h) fill 1he Fuel t)il bids were ()l)ellcfl 211](I On their 25th anniversary Mr. have kept so and Mrs. Simmons rel)eated thelr staff of 1he (tislri.-, for lhc school c:ontracls awarded h) Acme Fuel. in the world year. Olynll)ia. for ps :'()0 fucl al $'.;.57 .... vows a second time. This time difficult for Oil Ill(, recomrn(-,ndalion (ff Supt. a barrel and Olympia Oil and l lhey were married by Father" lieve they Mark Wieehmann in the church, to be celebrat I,ouis Grinn('ll. the "(,s n211i()n 01 Wood for ps 400 fuel a( $3.06(; ::: thereby receiving the blessing Willian P. \\;Villiams as choral a barrel. The lwo firms were niversary. diret,h)r of lhe hivh school was the ()nlv ones stlbmilting hi(Is and of the ehurch. At a time in till a(.(:el)ted, t.",wh was ]ov< on one lyl)e of The past 37 years of their rnar- l)eople t{()L)erl Miller. who h'ls 1)eep. flit,/, ried life has been lived in Ma- chair, Mrs. S irn In ans\\;\'er h) :l ('()llllllOlll fix)Ill wilh her It,achin Sill(.(, I}1(.! slarl of lhe the audience al the m('elin, Eggs to sell. ,,:,,,,o, ,,,,,,., ,,..,,,, ,,, ,,o.,.. ,,, ,,,,,,, Pos+ Offic in the Skokorrll (:(('(i Williams. Also hired was dt'/h]ilely h) I)ui/d c/assr))ms ln.' e to sew and Ken G(.sclw. princi])al al Ever- I]11: primary grades, rlol the in- ven bags. green S(,h()l and dir('clor of el(,- h,rn'mdiale racles, in lh(, new PFC DAVID L. HALIMAN, Wall or "ugh',rff, @,._ nwnt,,'y (,du(:ali(,n. In,ihtin lo r,'place 1111, (.,ld P, or- sell of Mrs. lion Davis, Service Day ,,, ;|, (hmtLx bui]din,. ,q|lc']toll, WaS re(.entlv some logginn Grinncll r,,l)orled 1hat enroll- s ,ndIel°t p+ inertial fish" ' ill'. Grass Fire ,1..n, ,,..s up ab(,u, 00 smdems awarded (he Ah" Me(la! while Is Se 18 fou,.,,, .,.,r ,q;," since the oI)t,ning day ()1' st'heel. Sel'Vill ill ViOtr Na111. He ° Federal al)l}°lllu:',-ade Is Reported  full at,(horily ,o (;;;;i,g!It The increased enrolhnenl, he l)articipate(| ill lllore than • The Shellon Posl Office will for fishilglea;ervali0:&i said had pul class loads ralhm' 25 air missions ill COlllbat, ha'e a poslal service day Sepl. • \\;Vhen l.!:X(:('I)tiollul trore.'t .TS hi.h in some areas. lions 0n a lll,Ii ,'eques1(,,t permissi(m fn,m the Board mcnlber I')r. th,rherl aclion ill Vie( Naln 1)etwoell lg. which will fealure 2,,1 ,,pen When fire )lOn°liV;fI ])pl)2Hqnlenl (if Nalural I{es()tn'ces Ih,rg(,rl said he had lih'd f()l' /)e(:. 7. | !H( glll(] .]Llll. ]4, hotlse from, 2-4 p.m. and efforts t h(ir Golden '" .¢aI , Io pronl()le 111o use of zip codes, fir 1 " _._nonS "=,,. ,R 5111 t. t() h('ll) lildhl fir(,s aflt,r sutmn(,r r(,-e]eclion I) lhe bOnl'd Tlt,s(hlv l!)G7, a(,(,()r(|illg I.o a, ('ira(loll will lie matte, Assislant Posiroas- lure, Mr.. wrdall 4 1C W21S hil t.I, h('ll) r(,lurrw(l Io st'heel il was ;iflernoon. 1-oard m(>ml)(,rs I,es ]1(; re('eiv('(l alollg with the tcr Howard Yule said lhis week. dress ,'1 ' '1! Hm' Sl)ilseth anti.Mrs. Virgn Mar- The lies( office will also have \\;'ears igo. ,.4laEII vr, n)etl, li,, bo(h s(at',.d they, did no( ill- nwdal. }le is due honlo (toni on disphlv some (,f ils old records .hanved his b.lanrt,).: l,asl Friday 1hey had their lend Io seek rt'-(,h,('lion. Vie(. Nanl al)Ollt Oet. 1 ' and 'l huc':sl°n'--d [irsl (,xI)('ri('r}(.e when a fOUI'-;ICI'(' " 21111] ()H re('t)rds troll1 son1( of the ' , (,l'ae 'I I)lnxe Iwoke oul hy the railroad post offices which fornlerly op- made hy hol . l.l:aill lracl<s in lh(, I(amilch(, area. The crated in the cot nty, htll. have her falher (m i,', 7,,,4I!l'e'II fi,'o was repelled ,,1 9:30 I).m. Assessement Ratio 18.9 Percent n(,w been closed down. (Her fi,ther """ ,nd ,.,'ews wm'k(,d in,o the night Also du,'ing 1ha, week. mail when hc died °:i]:tJ'" • " t x h; " ,li: 'I'h(. D(,])HrIinelll \\;vas highly alien ralion for 1967 is 18.!] I)er v(';u's and 1he considerable tie- piih'()llS a zip code card f()hter lume \\;V21/1110 v)tll. 'fll • v' 1'; ))'*t':ll ('()lllplhll('l)tHl'\\;' oil ;he h(ql) iv(,ll cenl. the Stale Del)arhYlcnl of \\;'e]()pi]l(,llt of residenlial, ('Olrl- hy 11)(' ICx(.el)lional t,'()rt,sl<,l's l.evenue said this \\;reek. m(,r(.ial and recrealional areas which contains eighl postal cards pie('e of : ,, ,lil chie"s ht,adplec'i,< l $r \\;vhos(' ;ISsiSlall('(' \\;\';iS ulilize(l i(f- The figure is the per t:(.llt21(., \\;\(,r(, 1;li()r fat'1Ol'S in t'ausin (in whi('h I'equ('s|S f()r zip c()des elig Ill(' Io weal. t i I('l' lilt) fir(' WaS Llll(J('l' ('()nlr()]. (;f full v;llLIc w}lich lhe slale sev(,ra] (.()tlnly l'illj()s 10 droll, for specific addresses ('211r be l'e- ;i rill • i1, Fir(, I)('rmi(s are now h(,in says property is assessed hv 1tw C()unty Assessor \\;Vi]lis Burn(,ll (Itlesled. Tile cards, wilh the a(l- t.elrd21nl (if H0111f,!l • , ,  pN O''" issued al Ill(' ])('l)artlTl(,nl (if Nal- County Assessor here. 'l'h(, figure sHys his t)lficc (:Ol]lpLIlos Hss(,ss- dl'(.ss for which lhe zip are need- ,\\;l'It'l' lht aie tllI tn'al l{(,sourc(,s ()ffi(:e 2(I 1he air- this year is a drop frol/r lilt: menls ()n the b sis of a 25 i)er ('(], can h(, maih, d hack to the (t:)\\;"s r(,h, bra(ml' il(Il tie(l, ratio of 19.7 I)('r ('enl last year. (.en! ass('ssnl(ml ra/io, l)OSl t)ffi('e, which will d('h'rrnine S rim,ms is I°()l) tllt' In releasing 1he irr(ti(,ale(t ('()un- Sch()ols are (he only laxin lh(, proi)('r zip Ilulnl)el" 211111 re- H \\;' sil wilh Ilez ,ll)l;,l. j ty rations, (]e()rge l',:innear. (It- (listricls direclly affecle(t I) 3' lhc. Itn'n il to lh(, i)ah'olr. ,' i t 'u lll[)l I P li T Id ,,,(:,t,r of revenue, nol(,d I]1al the (iiffm't'nr(' ill asscssmenl ralit)s No I)()sl(ge ,,'ill be needed ()n her slsl(I m( fib)i,,> o ce o rapid rate of industrial Kr()wlh I)el\\;'<e('n l.]le (!Ollll|y all(] file sl;llt', lhe (.ill'ds, Yule said. his ,,iris on :l ' "Ill' ! Abouf Assaulf .... .-.--.,--.-......-,,D-.....-,,....,...,...-" • t.',.(,d ,). nul,(,rl, 25, w.s trt'aled ! l for a I)r(,k(,n nose 211 Sh(,lhm (;(,n(,ra) lh)Sl)i(al early Sun(lay m()rnin .l(m' telling poli(:e h(, ! ] had I)('ell slrucl,: ill lhe face wilh ] a I)o()l ('u(' ill I111' [Alnl]) Posl TH V('l'll, t {Ul)('rl ;ind two ('OIIll)2111i()lls " ,] h)ld p, dirt' 'h('y were in th(, tar- IAi, , : (,rn sh(n'lly allur ni(Inighl \\;\'h(,n 2in(it h(,l' I]H t i'()n CHill(, ()v('r 2tl]d asked thenl h) play [)eel wilh hint l t)r nl()n(,y. \\;Vh('n lh(,y re- fus('(I, tht'y /()](l I)o]i('.e, he slruck l{ul)erl with lht, I)t)()l eu(,. Sh(,l(on I)olire ;H'(. investigaling lhc incid(ml. BUY NOW AND SAVE! t , il I • No-Frost freezer holds 103 pounds of food, never needs defrosting • Two slide-out shelves make food in back as handy as food in front From • Twin slide-out crispers keep 22 qts. of fruits and vegetables fresh • Convenient dairy storage keeps butter and cheese within easy reach , € • Built-in egg storage keeps 21 eggs snug, safe and separate • Deep door shelf holds half-gallon containers without squeezing IIIIIIIIIIIII/II III II iIIiiIIIIII" I I Other eas .c,ean lea! tit Orl ..0! i • [W : J=----.---Z] Y ....  ""-i'" .I • ,.,..,.., .., ,,..., )l, :m:-,;-1//,, I No.dripcooktop. a l 0Ft';i' I /U I/,IL-L;LI'/-IN /J.,.a,a.-,//'l finish control pa ,( .i,p_el. • L="':'""--'E.£:21/I nnh tav u surl_ IrV.tor  l' :  .... k___s.S .- P.   ..- AUTOMAT,C ELECTRIC RANGE II ,.,[-_:¢a "l/::"]lI removable trim rmg.l< rO O' I  ENDS MESSY CLEAN-UP WORK II- ....  • !l"./ .,"11 Lift-off oven door. nirlg  I  drawer for easy clea Oven wall panels Ill ...... :2J. II coated with Teflon® I I ,; /I i slide out, sponge clean! ib}[ I II From _li • Automatic oven timing clock l i 00*I0011100 /I _ • 60.minute timer on clock dial I ;l,tl /I l,II idI I'1" I' • Timed appliance outlet K 00:00/al_AI lip "I 11 II • igh.speed 2700.watt Calrod"  ,l!I ,,all-- llI Dr !!i surface unit  //t,j, II IIII -- It • Infinite selection o* surface II I.00l unit heats ...__...._ l' ,I I, • Tilt.away bake & broil units 1 I i Br.-I]rilPlB APPIIANcI[ [00001i111111[ I IlIIl CENTER iiIIIII i,00; 2nd&CotaStr..,s APPLIANCES • 'r'v • STEREO • FURNITURE /' , -- -- Hi