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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 14, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 14, 1967
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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[County- City Record the docket in Justice Court be- Correa during were : &apos; S Patrol .'dRichards, Rt. 3, t  ,; Spading, $13 "it'ehl' Rt. 2, Box  tilure to stop at ",n :forfeit; Theodore 'll,, Box 168, Shelton, , )rfelt; James R. e L :arborn, Shelton, ,¢ , bf travel, $13 for- ii:' e.on, 504 o ', Kelso, negligent ;" P [ett. --" T011kirls, Rt. 4, Box :i1,. merton, speed- ;!;I It; Patrick McGuire,  3739A, Issaquah, (': tartest; Andrew n , ]3ox 514D, Port ',:e to stay right of !t,']:°.rfeit; Frank Na- IIIZ " . Thomas, Olym- :' tarkey, Box 167 ! !0ffl,p eah Bay speed- II 10": uavid Wolfe, St. ll- ' Union, no valid enze, driving while $tllages suspended, z, ,2Uspended; John ![l,,: °z'l Hill Ave Ho- i t " , . 0 yield right-of- I°r[eit; Thomas E. 10th Ave. S., Seat- consuming liquor, $65 forfeit; Thomas Wingard, 2035 Stevens St., Shelton, speeding, $17 for- feit; Carol J. Grogan, 16643 Ehle St., San Leandro, Calif., disturb- ing the peace, $25 forfeit. David L. Grogan, 16643 Ehle St., San Leandro, Calif., neg!i- gent driving, $59 forfeit; Joseph Musta, 1514 Summit Dr., Shelton, negligent driving, $59 forfeit; Joe C. Brown Jr., St. Rt. 2, Box 52, Shelton, allowing unlicensed per- son to operate motor vehicle, minor in possession of and con- suming liquor, $65 forfeit. Robert T. Dodge, St. Rt. 2, Box 245, Sheltpn, failure to sig- nal, minor in pessession of and consuming liquor, $32.50 fine, $2.50 costs; Terrance L. Buckley, Rt. 3, Box 402, Shelton, negligent driving, $33 forfeit; Vernon Betts- worth, 614 Alder, Shelton, drunk and disorderly, $25 forfeit; Clyde Crawford, 1503 S. Second, Shel- ton, drunk in auto, $50 forfeit. CITY BUIIA)ING PERMITS Building permits approved by the city of Sheltnn (luring the past week were to Joe Bogden, fence, $200; Alan Moss, add to residence, $350; Mrs. Hazel Dam- mann, fence, $425; Elmer Linn, residence, $14,000; James K. An- derson, concrete wall and fence, $500; James H. Daniels, resi- dence, $19,750; Harry Carlon, garage, $1,000. FIRE DEPARTMENT Sept. 11, 10:45 a.m., ambu- lance call, three miles south on SHELTON POLICE Dietz Kadoun reported a bat- tery taken from a bulldozer. Bob Wolden reported a license plate, XAK-249, missing. Cars driven by Donald W. De- Pee, Bremerton, and Emil Sy- kora, Shelton, collided at First and Cota. The door to the pawn shop was found open. SHERIFF'S OFFICE Mrs. Jim Lamb reported two bottles of liquor taken from their home. A. S. Swanson reported a home entered and a portable television, a coleman gas stove and a clock nissing. Dr. Carson reported a house :::i:::: entered .... Mrs Malta reported vandalism %: ::::: to a house. irs. George Smith reported ..vliiii tore a sign down and i!!i someone tore wiring out of a car. ...., Jack Pettyjohn reported a cab- !!i:.: in cruiser with two outboard too- !: tors missing. .. G. R. Smith reported a student ::!:: hody card and 20 to 50 rounds ::iili of .45 caliber ammunition miss- :.:.: Jim Kelly reported a battery !iiii W. J. Patnode rel)orted a boat and rrmtor missing. It was later recovered. John Whaion re,orted he found !ii00i SU I*EIIOR COURT Default Divorces !iii £[,against traffic, $13 Highway 101. Sandra Kelly from Martin :::: Yalltlp, Speeding, $13 16th, suspected gas fumes to pi- New Cases 22644 lot light on stove. Weldon Barrett against M. S. :forfeit.StevenSjoh KerDr" Sept. 8, 2:15 p.m. brush and Payne and Matthew Payne, quiet .., • n r grass fire behind Junior High title. lHu' Shelton speed- School. Richard Dominequez through ", I: Stephen 'G. Mar- []i!lrt; :](;,nii/:ni !l]-' I'lod-..-,------, COUNTY BUILDING PERMITS his guardian ad Ilk, m, Alfred Dominequez, against Rita An- , Buihting i)ermits appl'ove(I by (lrews an(l Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ihe Mason C¢)unty commission at Andrews, personal injury. ,h'L $23 forfeit; Rich- its meetings of "Sept. 5 and 11 Washington Service Co. againsl il/tl  101, Union, tow- were t(, Walter J. Davies tool- Roller Construction Co., debt. i[ =?r Without vehicle litany tartest, shed, $250; Art Jackson, carl)ore $4(X); (;oral Rogers, rel)lacement I: je ' of siding, $125; Margucrile Lemke ,e.r. St. Rt. 1. Box garage, $500; H. L. Van Slyke, Marr'ane ,$1V,!ng while license shop, $2,000; Lawrence Lahren, I[1:1  nne, $50 SUSl)end- residence, $15,000 Virgil L. Snell. =,= l [lly. Valley, Box 145, outhouse and storage $50: Ted Licenses Decht(fl(I, x, sidence, $13,000. 1,lie " Speeding, $36 Floyd Bechtold, residence, $13,- l:e' ,ace, lt. 4, Box 50{I; M. L. Skipworth, remodel- ,:'a al'd, minor in pos- 1Yc', con ins, $300; Charles Mustain, resi- fir', suming liquor, 2 ' rl). 1039 : i;}] ' dence, $18.000; Jesse Whaley 17' dioi;(iert;...(;oh- ,';,sidcfq:2,60; (h,r,10n" J()h'- l[flTilag fo"t'arriagetieenses: :son W(tE Cabirr Joseph'"I)razba in ,the ..Mason. ;county auditor's '+" ........ " ...... '" ..... office:this pat Week were: ' " "",tllit°rsnn" --. 103 S, . C,|I' _ ('.abln, $400,,.,,. Jnmes.. Guyel|, .... porch !iii l'-' mmnr. in pos- $200; Dawd Ftzgerald, summer IIi'  consumin, li uo home, $1,500; Donald Olson, sum- Jim , g q r, cabin, $3,000; B, B and B i!iii • '3',, ,-;" martens 1411 mer Investment Co., cabin, $800 R. !ili{ ::::: I]h rofflerlon minor ." 0f R!lln0. R. Moser, cabin, $3,500; Lyle lU r,' andKonaldconsumingG. An- Keen Jr., summer cottage, $2,000. o,arborn, Shelton, l.ohert A. J,)hnston, utility l, . osSion of and con- room, $300; Lel(oy Vosburgh, W Il0, cabin, $1,000; R. E. Oestreich, ;}r$50 St.,fin(';PortBUrlor. residence, $20,000; Thomas Richl, 1111 ,u t)ssession of cal)in, $3,000; Marvin Haydon, i g, liquor, $50 fin,,; workshop and carport, 800; 5906 Highway Jans Greer, residence, $5,000; lk:",i,.: legligent drivin 3 Arnold Ebhers, vacation cal)in, I }:' g' $1,0i)0; Waller Berninger, cabin, ., $2,5(]0; Walter Mile, addition to restaurant, $1,500. ers, 6528 6th Alan Hutchinson, duplex, $10,- NW,  Without license, 000; Larry C. Beth, summer cot- lage, $900; William J. Koeller, sh)rage house for trailer, $300; OOIIRT AI Wagner, addition to house trailer, $250; Rayonier Inc., con- the docket in crete bulkhead, $2,500; William before Judge F. G,'aham, shed, $100 and C. night were D. Morrison, porch, $100. S Seventh, third FEItRY RECEIPTS. fine, $2.50 Receil)ts from the Harstine Is- jail; James hind Ferry for the week ending Shelton, Sept. 2 were $305.80 and for the Otor vehicle week ending Sept. 9 were $:168, Prudent man- the Mason County Engineer's ,fi- ef and rice reported. NOTES ,,oo NElL PUBLIC SERVICE DRUGS ng emphasis he- suffer h'om a cril)pling and ,,venlu- Jot disease proh. all)' falal disease which r,,suhs from disease, can. fauhy metabolism of copper thai we ofle, forgel normalh' lake in Ihrongh lhe [t,otls roua other life- we cal. One drug company imesled Which occur, yea,'s of research and hundreds of fraction of the thousands of dollar in developing and available a drug which Icientists, how. eliminates the copper and permits tare diseases re. victims to lead useful lives. re- Every time an outbreak of bolul- medications ism oecars or even whell some unfor- as a resuh o[ nmate individual is bitten bv a pot These drugs sonous snake, a imblic service medi. e pbarma, cation is counted on to save lives. service It is the pharmacist, through his few pco- dedication to human heahh, who as- sures that an nnfailing supply of You know thai lhese rarely used medications is al- this country ways at hand. Pharmacy n $ts.426-3327, Emergency Phone 426-2165 9:30 to 7:30, Saturdays 9:30 to 6:00 Tyrone Emersor, 22, Chehalis, and Marilyn Dean, 21, Centralia. Ricky Lanning, 19, Topeda, Kans., and Noralee Hackman, 19, Port Angeles. George Mitchell, 27, Oakville, and Maureen O'Shaughnessy, 21, Lacey. Michael Mller, 21, Minneal)o- lis, Minn., and Jeriline Haskins, 21, Minneapolis, Minn. Not There Now • The U.S. Navy was a little slow with the information which it sent The Journal about Radar- man 2/C David S. Clark Jr., which appeared last week stal- ing he was serving aboard the aircrfft carrier USS Yorktown. His father told the Journal af- ter publication came out that his son had left the Yorktown at)out the first of the year, had taken combat training, and is now serving in Vietnam to furnish comnunications SUl)t)rt to the Marines there. Learn to Play Your Very Best Come join the happy crowd who know where to find the finest in mu- sical instruments. Inquire about our rental dan. Johnny's Music Box 05 Cots 426-4302 I I ::::: i!il ::::: !!iii Ruth S. Rotter Succumbs At 62 • R.uth S. Rotter, 62, died in a Seattle hospital Sunday. A resi- dent of Shelton for 21 years, she had worked as office manager at Northwest Evergreen Co. the past five years. She was born June 17, 1905 in Butte, Mont. Mrs. Rotter was a member of St. David's Episcopal church and Laurel Court No. 40, Order ()f Amaranth. She is survived by her huslmnd, Herbert C. Rotter, Shelton; one daughter, Miss Ruth Ann Rot- ter, Seattle: and a sister, Mrs. Pearl Culver, Seattle. A private family service was held at 4 p.m. Tuesday in Adams- Forkner Funeral Home. Seattle. Cremation followed. • A BARRA(,UI)A will eat a grouper and vice versa--depend- ing on which one is bigger. Ladies SUBURBAN George Play÷er Dies At Home • George Edward Playter, 77, died at his home, 208 North 1st street, Friday. A resident of Shel- ton the past 16 yea,'s, he was born March 27, 1890 in Cedar Springs, Mich. and moved to Olympia in 1906 where he liv'd until he moved here. He was a member of Progress Grang:, and had been employed as a shingle weaver. He is survived by his wife, Alma, Shelton; two sons, T. A. Ph'ater, of Poulbo and R. E. Playter, of Port Angeles; two daughters, Mrs. Esther Swanson, Seattle, and Mrs. Corrine E. Tempi)any, Walla Walla: 10 gJ?and- children and 18 great-grandchil- dren. The funeral service was held ;d 2 p.m. Tu(,sdav in the Bal- 't.()ne Yuneral H')m(' f<)llowed by burial in Olyml>i. Rev. Mason Younglund officiate(l. Former Resident Taken By Death Weather New • A graveside service was held Arrmvals Monday at 4 p.m. in Shelton High Low Precip. Memorial Park for Claude L. El- Sel)tember 7 75 43 -- wood, 75. 1Vlr. Elwood died Thurs- September 8 79 46 __ Shelton General Hmpilal day in Bellevue. He made his September 9 76 55 .41 Mr. and iV[rs. Jack Yeck, Route home in Kirkland where he was September 10 68 55 .14 2, Box 854, a boy, September 11. born and had owned and oper- Sel)tember 11 70 53 .71 lYr. and Mrs, Lawrence N. ated a g,'ocery store from 1921 September 12 68 43 _ Lysen, Hoodsport, a boy, Septem- to 1953 when he retired. September 13 72 40 _ her 13. He Opol'aled a passenger boat Readings are for a 24-hour l)er- between Shelton and Tacoma Sod ending at 8 a.m. as reported LABOR DAY B.BY from 1915 to 1921, living in Shcl- by the Rayonier, Inc. weather Mr. and Mrs. Byron McCune ten prior to that time. station. (she is the former Diane Gro- He is survived by his wife, FIVE-DAY FORECAST shorts) became the parents of a Violet of Kirkland, and a daugh. Temperatures Thursday thru baby boy on Labor Day. The ler, Mrs. Clarence A. Smith, of Monday to average more than McCunes now reside in Grand P, edmond, four degrees above normal high Ledge, Mich. temperature of 73 and low of 44. Rainfall to be below normal. SHELTON BABY • Some biologists have found A baby boy was born to Mr. that red is the most attractive and Mrs. Leroy Shelton Septem- color for bass; but fishermen • MANY CHILDREN recover bet 7 in Portland. Paternal grand- find that t)art-red plugs attract completely from rheumatic fe- parents are Mr. and Mrs. Floyd them far more successfully than ver with little or no heart dam- t/',l,chn and Mr. and Mrs. all-red ones. age. William Shelton, all of Shelton. • : ":: .............. ." .... ." ;" ,:.:""': .'.:." .','.'.".'" : : : : :': ": ................: :': : :':':" "; ;: : :;: • ..... ::: :;:;'::;:. .................................................... ::::::::::::': :::': :': :':':':': :;:i:;:;:':: ;:::: ::: : :::::: ::-':::i: : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .: 3rd & Railroad OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS 'TIL 8:30 THE LATEST CALIFORNIA i STYLED ALL WOOL i CCI'/ Regu'arly $47'98 I ' oWealPlrO::;i y aP;;se:: s:Sernby/:lllT:::d fabrics and the linings are 100% ace- tate. Included are the newest textures, oats styled in California. Each coat in Colors, and silhouettes for Ftl and this magnificent collection has been Winter of.1967. Sizes 8 to 18. meticulously tailored from the finest Ladies Fur Trimmed • Fall Colors & Styles • All Furs Labeled to Country of Origin • All Sizes • Wools, Suedes & Wool Blends Values to $110.00 Now Thuraday, September 14, 1967 - Shelton-Maaon Oounty Journal Pse :3 . :': ,; ,:'i Perfect for ::iii:: Ba:k- ÷o- College • I00 7'o Coffon Suede .::: ,. =-- ,-= !:.'< ': *l'i • 170% Cotton Corduroy ii00i ' • P,le and/or Fleece ! Lined ":,,. :, , Values to $28.95 ° I ! NOW YOUR CONVENIENT OPTIONAL CHARGE...