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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 14, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 14, 1967
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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-- + ......... --.- ............ .&lt;+.+'++--- ........................................ Summer Wedding Unites Shelfon Hi, Makes Plans For School Gradua÷es In Me÷hodisf ... ¢o)k i.p..# ? Fall Luncheon  u. /# The fall luncheon of the She]- Society Editor Marj Jacobsen 9Hm*,,P,',ID',9 "H'''''' ton General Hospital Auxilliary " Phone 426-4412 wedding rings and vows in the will be held in the Big Chiefs First Methodist Church August room in the TyPe at 12:30 p.m. . ..................... . . 19. Parents of the couple are September 25. Fall fashions will Mr. and Mrs. Clinton R. Rye and be displayed by Jay Elder. Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Nelson Members are asked to bring St., all of ShelteR. Rev. Horace Mounts perform- guests and prospective members, ed the 8 p.m. ceremony before Tickets are $2.25 and reserva- tions must be made by next 150 guests in the church decor- Thursday with the receptionist ated with shocking pink and white at the hospital, 426-3361. pores. Escorted to the altar by her Auxiliary dues should be paid father, the bride was gowned in at this meeting. Membership dues floor length white satin brocade pay for the Candystriper pro- dress with a train. Her elbow gram and buy equipment for the length veil was held by a pearl , hospital. * ": :.::::i; Anyone desiring to help sup- crown and she carried a bouquet ;: port the auxiliary program is ()f phalaenopsis orchids and while asked to contact Jeri Stenz at pores. 426-4865. A personal invitation Maid of honor for her sister to join is not necessary. New was Joan Rye who was dressed " members arc always welcome, to match another sister, Verdell, Yearly dues are $2 for a working who was bridesmaid. Their hot merrbership; $5 for susfaining pink floor length dresses were membershil); and $100 for life worn with matching veil head- membership, pieces. Each Parried a bouquet of pink and while l×)ms. Pare  '.; IV[embers at(' asked lcJ start .:.  collecting rummal4(' for the sale Dewell, dressed It) match the older attendants, was flower girl. to ix, held October 19 in the PUD auditorium. It (:an be left Dan Dickie was the bride- at the nurses' collage by |ho gl'()oln's best man. Lighting the hospital. For pickups ('all Fern candles were Freddie Lynn Cree- l Cramer at 426-4380. kett and Terry L. Mills, dressed : h) mah.h the other altendanls. !::,: . Ushers were 1V[ike Kulseth and .' Dan McAferty, both (ff Olyml)ia. Guild To Hold Cindy Stentz, soloist, was a('- COml)anied by Jim Roberts H| ,, ,.j°umma-e o,(:ale ,., I)iano. MR. AND MRS. RICHARD NELSON' I{ye was ()utfitte(t in a Jghl green lwo-piece knil dress • The moorllight rumm;tg(' sah, with while ac(.(,ssories. Mrs. Nel-,d with l)ink and while laronls ' Mr. sponsored I)y the I)onni(, J. son also selei'h'd v,'hih, acc(,s- r()ses and loplx:,d with white wed- Hlld h'Ii's. (3. ...... O'Neill Orthop(,di(: (;uild will I)(, series h) wear with her light ding hells. ()lhcl' rehdWes. h(,ld from 7:30 - 9::0 [).nl. h.i- <l'[.,,,,lf/ ('()ill and dress enseml)lc. Mrs. William l.,odrev,', ]Vl_l'S. 1). 'I'll[.  11(''''x'''o( night in the PUD nudih)rium. Pink garnet roses tu)mphmwnh,d I,()gan, Mrs. AI Crockett, Mrs. hm Ililgh Tim sale will I)(' held again both nloth('l's' costumt,s. William l{ot)erts Hnd 1VIss Julie sh(' tom(n'r(Jw fr()m 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. The l)ink and whih, uohn' lheme l.'()x ;lssisl(,(] wilh the si,rvillg. T(,('h. The I)r Pro(.(,eds will t)e donated h) the was ftwlhoF carried ou! ill th(, The gt(,sl I)o()k wns in ('hal'go with Ihc I'. ., , . Mary t]ri(lg(, Childr(,n's ]h)spihd decorations for lhe r(:,(.(,i)lion ill ()I Miss ])Jane Kratls(,rl. l{(n'R. .\\;rR. "4" ""7 ill 'ra(:oma. THE ENGAGEMENT ()f lhtll'J('ia. AIlII l'arker HII(I .Iosel)h lhe chur('h hall following lhe (.el'e- Coming fr()nl (?;llli(;i f()F Iho ilL'-', Iheir IlO1110 ........ ,  Ar(.]l(W \\;Villey has I)o(HI HIIII()IIII('O(I I)y her I)al'(:HllS, MI'. alld none. The lhre(, li(,r (.at]((, was t,von| wore lhe I)ri(h,'s grcill(l- (mvilh', MARY ANN MYERS knows she will hay(, a haPl)Y hllsl)alld e,l IL eL Ml'S. (lien II. I'arker. l'arents ()f ihe fulure bri(legroom Beef- 3laewalK anew .,'(' Mr. an(l Mrs. Ilerl)erI IL \\;Villey. Ih)th fiunilh,s are of I W)l(ill she .... . """ '"'" "" Kafhleen Kelly Is Mrs. Roger Ma,one Noo(lh; (ass.i(,h.. This ,.()nll)i,iatio,l also f,'eezes well. u IgDe;n- rl u°lanneJ With her in l h(; above .h)urna] I)hoto is the Myers' son, Stanley, five. Ii. A Sidewalk Show will I)(, hehl • An Ail ff.tlSt 12 wed(ling cert'- nl()ny in lh(' M;(,tllo(lisl (.htlrt'h ill fl'(ml ()[" "l,' P,')'mey's gtor(, tnliled Kallll(,(,ll Ehlin(, Kelly S('l)h'ml)('r '2: h',)rn 10 a.m. and H.og(,r l)ennis M;LIon(' in . .,. ,neeZ-Mooia e ... ,masserole ,o1 , ,,m ,,,. .,,.. w,,, .,,,,,.,., ,..,.,.,.<..,..  ,,.,. <,,.,,,,,. art work l)ainh,d t)y meml)ers f ring rile was 1)erf()rmed by Rev. a rl('wly fOl'iGfl(,d HI'I Kr{up. l-]ol'H(:, 'loun|.R. Great Fo Cool Weafh A.,,,,,,, wishin hlf,Jrmati(m Tall I)nskels of white and yel- r er er about the ,,rl gr(,ul, is ,,'el,'(,,,,,' 1,,w dMsies wilh Wailing iv, and h, ('all Mrs. Ch;ll'J(,s White at while l)ows ;rod yelh)w tal)('rs in I Casseroh, d.ish(,s ar(, n boon IIi,;I,:I,'.NOOI)I.E ('AS.'..;I.;liOI.E 42(;-776g or Mrs. Fh)yd Graves can(lel;d)ra (hm.oraled the c.rmrt.h h) the working girl as well ;is al .126-64,13. for th(" c(wenlony uniting the lh(' full time h(ms(,wife. Mall',,' 1 TI)s. olive oil (];tughler ()f Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Ann Myers' r(,cipe for l>ef- 1 (mien, ch()PlU,d K(,lly, ,qh('lh)rl, and the son ()f .<.,\