September 14, 1967 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Canal Club
To Mee+
• Speakers at the September
21 first fall meeting of the Hood
Canal Woman's Club were invited
to help the club in implementing
this year's theme, "Build With
Youth for a Better World." They
are Byron E. Brady, Director of
tile Washington State Office (if
Economic Opportunity, and
Charles K. Berets, executive di-
rector of the Mason-Thurston
Community Action Council, Inc.
Ideas for cornnunity action
programs and aids that might
be available through his office,
will be discussed by Brady, who
was a speaker at the last con-
vention of the State Federation
of Women's Clubs. His topic will
be, "Youth Opportunity Unlim-
"Operation Head Sl.arV' will
bc Berets' subject and he will
disc,'uss the program carried oul
lhis summer in thc Shelton area.
]V,eml)ers of the 1Jo(xl Canal Wo-
man's Club were among volun-
leers assisting in this local pro-
gram held in the Methodist
church in Shelton.
A brunch served at 11:30 a.m.
in their Potlateh elubhouse will
precede the business session of
the club. Interested women are
always welcome to attend the
mcetings and join as members.
Thc afternoon program at 2 p.m.
is opcn to thc public.
Featuring each monthly meet-
ing, lherc is a "Bring-and-Buy"
salc. Cut flowers, phlnts and
garden prt)(iuc(, will be brought
by rrmmbers for Thursday's sale.
Iloslesscs for the t)runeh are
lhc Mesdames Vernc Hill, Wil-
liam Gillxert, Arebie Calatlan,
John Shorlslceves, Max Schmidt,
Sr. and May I)ean.
Republicans To Hear S÷afe
Legisla÷or A÷ Fall Luncheon
• Mary Ellen IV[cCaffrcc, stale
legislator from Seattle, will bc
the speaker al lhe annual fall
luncheon stxmsored by the Ma-
son County Republican Womens
Club next Wednesday.
Luncheon will be served at
Alderbrtx)k al 12:30 ll.m. Tickcls
may bc obtained at HaInlin's
Hobby Shop, 220 Cola slreel, or
Mary E, McCaffree
reservations may I)e made by
calling 426-3810, 426-4013 or 426-
2665 I)y Saturday.
Mrs. McCaffree was active in
t.flitivs anti eivie affairs for
nlitny years ill the Seatl:le area
bcforc t)ee(nlling It legislator.
She is vicc chairman of the
Tcm)rary Advisory Council on
Itigher Education which was
formed during the last legisla-
tive session. Tile council has
been studying the stale's eduea-
tional prol)lems in higher educa-
tion and recon,mending positive
steps to accelerate progress in
SO( ondary schools.
Mrs. MeCafh'ee is also a mem-
ber of the Governor's Tax Ad-
visory Ckmneil, formed after the
last legislative session to stud}'
the state tax struclure and make
recommendations for its improve-
Anlong tile distinguished Guests
extR'('led I() Hllen(l lhc luncheon
are Mrs. Daniel Evans. wife of
the g()vernor; Mrs. Lud Kra-
nlor, Stale Rel). Kramer's wife;
Virginia Clocks|n; and C)htie
Snidcr, president of the Feder-
ated Womens }h,l)ul)liean Clubs,
from Selah.
Mrs. E. T. Pellerscn of Grape-
view is in ehaFKe of (he lullch0on
t() which ltl(' public is invited.
Music, enlerhdnmenl and door
prizes will eOmlflt,te the progranl.
Mr. View PTA Slafes Meef
• Mountain View P'I'A will hohl
its first meeling of the year next
Monday. one week earlier than
usual, in the rmllli-ptlrl)()se i'ooln
at 7:30 l).m.
A series ()f i n for m a t i v e,
1)<)rltlnily Io have lilly lasl rain-
tilt, qtlt,slit)lls ansvvere(t eoneel'n-
inv: the 19 mill hwy which will
I)e .n Ill(, ballol lh(, following
l{efreshmcnls will bc served
NINA GILMAN, patient at Shelton Mane,'
Nursing lh)me, is I)ei,., .... l)resented with a
favor for her night stand by little Yvonne
Stra(,hila ill the above ,]ournal photo.
Yvonne's brother, Brian, looks on while
her mother, .Mrs. l{ol)erl Strachila, ex-
I)lains to Mrs. (lilman that the favor is
frolll tile Shelton ,htyettes.
[00,gh S h I Sp tl ght lhoughl-pr()vokingheel, planned forPr()gramSlhe 1967-6ghas and thcv, elwrall)ul)licisinvilcdlt, allend. Y
' • "'"''" "'"'" Pafien÷s Receive Fa ors From dayeffes
( O0 0 I . Guild Luncheon al thenle, "Whal Are \\;Ve l{ais-
ing Our Chihtren For?". I I• "11" • A
L%0 • The Georgine S. Reed Or- M.')n(tay's meeting will feature oodles .0 Meet • Each month a mcnlber el the Mrs. Virginia Strachila, with aayeees lind lilt, Canadian Jay-
k ,;'€. st:heel with was also a memt)(,r of Pep Chlb thol)e(tie Guild will meet at ncm a discussion by Kim Kay, srhool Shellon Jayettes is chairman of hei' youngsters, Yvonne and tees. Washingh)n won.
i"amI. 'lut(b. nm'i' ,studenls and l)lans Io .join again this year. this Friday in the Timbers rest- l)syvh()logisl, tnlitled '"{qml Are I .Job's I)aughlers of 13ethel 37 a (.ommittee for making favors Brian, made tilt' li'cscntalhms of Jayetles had a tklrl wmle l)oolh
b )r,.. oz nearning, l)uring her junior year she wlts H.tlranl. Hoslesses will he Mrs. Parents Ft)r?". Also on lhc pr()- will have friendship and Iravcl- for the Imlients at Shclhm Manor small dried flower ilrrllngenlt,nIs HI the ,lason ('OLlllly Fllir lilt,
Alden Balvev and Mrs. Hal gram will l)e the inh'odu(.tion of ing gavel night next Tuesday in Nursing Home to plaee on their this nl(lnlh, weekend of Augus! 18-2(l and Ihc
,. v.l Inning to fall secrelary of her CYO ' "
Ii ,,,eY are Ix, gin- ' Plans I,, bc an l,:nglish leach- (;,'anl. |lit, lcaehinv staff, the Masonic temlfle. Tim rncet- nighl stands. The Imaeliec was The lasl ,'nonlh ,,f Slimmer was f,,lh)wi,,g week Oayrees and their
tta' "uler tlfings, like er helped Io guide her in seh,('l- Thc audience will have an op- qaV will begin al 7:30 p.m. starled hlsl year. a busy one for lhe daw,Ues wilh families ;ttlended i Dislriel 15
,,It gel.ling clubs ing her sul)j(,cls lhis yenr. She i : :..- ' " : ; i:7;.!i!i'. small children with her when t.onet?ssit)n slanll for file (]o Carl a family llienie all Offut Lake ill
',-'pT T U vm-*ome*r's*s /'tO : :: :' : ::' ' :: :'::,:,:,:!i:¢C{:i The ehairman usually lakes her a Jaycee assisl in the' form of a cxerutive meeting eouph'd with
she distrihutes the favors and raec Augusl 12-13. This projeel Olynltfia.
i lere, Shelton English and takes basic malh, iL:':f':i'r)"::": :if::: " : : : " Cii'!i chats with lhc palienls. In lhis was under |lw rhairmanshil of SCl)lemher 11 kirked off the
'ill0 z', Will he one honor's English, civics and st,('.- A JL• )
She s pr,,s- ,,n,l v,',t,' 1,',','he,, She pl,,ns ,,, SSnST Javceesu ..:::.i:.::7:':: '/ : • ..:.ii, way lhc "grandnlas" and I hyllis Ahlf. ,h'ive for Cystic Fibrosis which
£l,lei " Iost aelivc ath,n}l Washnghm St te Univer- : 7. .... ¢ "grandlms" as lhey call thenl. The same weekend five eou- is trader tl{c rhairnlanship el
( !,.#': ...... recieve a visil eaeh monlh and l)les, with their children, went Le(ma Oslernmn,
.],,[l,rl, Cluh, whi,.h sily afh',' high SCtl,)l. • Members of lhe Olympic Op-
:}:, i., ??Q .... a small rememberanee depiel- to Bhline |,.) witness lhc tug-of- Tonivh|'s meelinR ,,,,'ill Ix, hold
I ,,u girls alton(I- Ix,slee is the (laughter ()f two tomelrie Society voted profession- ing the month or season h) war ('onl('sl lhrou.h the fanlous ill lhe honle ttf Tuey St,hnnlaleh-
"Ogv-" Shel|°nlfighseh(")Igraduales'ale°°perati(ml()theJunitw
1) ')'€1 I)r(m.eduv'es Mr. and Mrs. Les IaBiss(mierc. Chambers ()f Commerce with ,, ,,: /::? brighten lheir rooms. Pea(.c Arch behvcen Washinghm er with Phyllis Ahlf as eo-ht)sless.
%-[e second ha- She has one older sisler, Linda, Iheh" sereening project for Am- : r'B'm'''""'m"''1"gB" ...... -,m.,.B
blyopia in children, at their .... %, :'\\;' .- I ..':I V
meeling in Centralia -last' Thurs- ,' --A'fiP-- _.
(hly. Dr. Harry T(ikos, Shellon, {: . I (''n'M '"f7 [-/'V'F-F' ,"/ , .... , .. i
Was iissigne(l t() the contact corn- " : " '
nit|lee. '('
A Juvenile Court School for i]
1 ' :v "-- : ....
l l'affic
v iolalors
in Thm'ston countv. Members will i .... :: i:'q:"",.;:': :. "... : : " .. ....... ' ::. -,
showaSSisl slides°n the school and will ::{44 :{ :: ":::> * ' "At ' :'::,,. ,z .... ...... k .... ,'., , ......... .... ..
..:,. ...... , :,:. ,€,:. %'. .:..::-...., ,,, .. ....,^:. , , ..
' '" +" " " ''"'' '"': 4>,, .. v
V " '%i : " -,,; ',.} : .... '." """ : ,. .-- '+ .: " " ".':: ....
":'' " ::J:' ' 5% .... " : : "' ': , ..... :: : "
Rl(lieh ! ;:::,. i:<&. %i:'f' %%":,'4" ":* . , ,, :..::,. , ..... '" ..
D.. r'l L lhChehl neXtin Shelton,meetingoetoberWhich will5, be :: '. ,, i, It :}}" '!: / "\\; ,.'/ .,¢../ ":-j&. : ;.l:.="q. a,,,:!: )i ....... " "'.>. :. •
.:...., ;< '..... .... ,., . ,, ,, ", ... : < &.,.. • }:,: . .... ..,, • , .:
..,,, • .: : ,.,. : ,, .:.:. _ .., .:: . :.::<. ::.. ,,. >:<, : . : . > ...
• I ,, , } ......... .... : .... : ..... ..... , > -,
i"/tSCussed ,,)7 Winners in Monday night's R,chard Mackey ; , .,,.,.,.. ,:,, "-.,...,:,....,.:,: : I
.=,, "tiI%'x)LPA?" will be l,ri(lge Club were Mr. and Mrs. , ":":{{::'::'"' '"=''-: " ....... -'-: ':::' : i':':::':'" '''t" ":F '' :')'" .... > "' I
I:1)10" :u{ ' group meets Jack Graler, Mrs. Bill I3atehclor To --- -'z¢;+uA" In ! :;¢W'"'"' = ...... ..... '::': ........... , "- .... ' ',
t!.'Ah:: ell°°l cafcleria" and Mrs. l"d Tratniek, Kathcr-
"i I'R the Nalion,li in(, VanArsdale and I)on Fh,n- | :!:..'.!::, ` ::i::::1%1 , , ..,{ |
V ...... .> . :*-'ilgl : .......
r:°.'i,lor0d .l: "" ,,ctt ',.,c ae,,v,ne ,,.d ,ol, Europe This Fall ........ " ........ '" "
::' ? 'x % i'::'" }'::':?< " "'" :':" " ' " I:::::: ""'% :'
%,' lted to attend l'nnel|. V ' ............................................ •
=1/'1=%--il ul)uli°nS' The club racers ,It 7:30 p.ln. • t{i('hard Maekey was one of I " : :mq ..... m" q1":}{ ..... m m m:''" ..... q ........ m : : { = {<'{ ......
... :'!?:.!:: : i. : ::," :. ...... ........ {{{.,*..'.<,
tl).{;a ' , intr(xlu((d caeh M()ndav in |he F)UD audi- " "--. •
30 students from the University _ :.".
- .. .:::C.! :ii : . ::.i!::i}i::ii!i::; .:.-.: . :
" th0" '--rved .., '.',; t,)v'iun. A "bridv(' l)h vers 'c of Puget. S()un(l wh() flew Io La)n-
,- 0, ...... .," , ' " t t
Il ..] eeti ,) .... [_ w(,lronw, don Sunday on the firsl step ()f
, • groul) ',','ill spend several chtvs in
r, . Downnas To ea,.s and and AND MRS. LEE J. REYNOLDS, l'o,'t Angeh, s, an-
!' " :av He.a v¢i]I arrive in IR()rne Oetoher 1 nolln('e t h(, eIl,a,elll(qlt of t ht,ir dall,ht(,r, Mary ("]ah-e, to i'
":d r d Round In November (hey will sl)end
a ,,'cck in Florem.c studying art ll:arohl E. Sun(l, of l l()OdSl)()r(, lh)lh young 1)(,(lille are 0 { :: .'::!; )
7*'>'"il'ht°"s""'hi' 'atur(t " Willtv ,old/The,.Ii •DanceThe Ch,'i -stnClUbm.-towns Rotmde, s' vm.ation.thcirlhen ,,'illown bCdm.infrce thor° Christmast;avel on s( niOrSwe(lding atis l)]a nned. \\;Vest erxl \\;Vashingt()ll. S(ale ('()l]('ge. A .Inn(, 1 i '" 1
:"11 'rl SeVer'(l't)l'l,t's round dance ehlb elected Carl The return will include = ++: '': !!:?:!':7:+; •1 i ,"+":<:'::+' ' I
"<qSD0r re sidt,nti.ti ')f president at l'tsl ThUlsdt', s I, i i
: E I " ' " ,. "." i."." b()n. Anlslerdatll anti Colx, nhagen
qO0 S ' '
[I,,^ "c'lls for $1 Other officers are }larohl ancl the norlh p()h., arriving h()me ,.if:,,'.. 'i'
n n
'iill,'."e(ls goi • • Bl'mche Clevel'md ,'it,., I)resi- ' : ":" ....
I'. TM aent; and Ton}, and Evelyn Kreif-
I..' ' les, secretary treasurer. " ,UM" I1 t Vl :i .... i
f. , The club mTts every first and ::. ' ', ¢ ",
II 'Jl} T- "" lhh'd Thu,'sda from 8"10 l,.m. at ' "1 for I i
!!%[ 5err,-, • |he Mason Counh'. fair m',)unds ..:.XT(,, you t that the easiest and best way t
,." ouct°n Nay Mo÷hers (This question and answer I IS I
oo oo=e. I " !
'cs is brought
to you as a courtesy by NeWs
y to do her laundry
iliarShelton Val- I Navv Mothers Club v¢i]l meet Pharmacy to help you in your
I' ¢'Ue '!etl;Yb]ll serve at 7"30" l'n" nexl Thursday in ch°lce in te Pr°pe' ¢°smetiCSsale in i -? [nwj - ! i
I,('' all" eet, sand- thc PUD conference, rt,)n,, for you.)
/': ^. " coftee at
I, aturday and WhenQ' I have auburn hair,i tried to bleach it, it There's no rubbing and scrubbing, no lifting and haur g "th an electric auto"
Planned at just beeame redder. Did I do matic clothes washer and dryer. She just sets a dial and lets her electric
something wrong when I
bleached it ?
i servants do the rest
A. Auburn hair contains a • ' ' ' "te more ttme for herself when he
IGHT great deal of red pigment. It i She has more time for other nousenold dul" s, ' , S .
'izi'gf°r" AI_ may. terefore, take more ROBERT NIELSEN MIL '. . , , Y i iii;i::;//iiiii/ioaapi:::::::::Yag:e:i/::::::::/a:r:, oloctH¢ i
h 11o t)re- than one application of a t "an
:)It oeeome - lightener to remove as much
Lyouwant om.?.i,,ahh. of the color as you want to THE ,"
naal Su- remove.
b, fore
n re .'als, WHEN TO CONDITION all got together at one tinle and in one l)lacc, and | I
t'ou :ake Q. Should a hair condition- that's quite an a('c.omt)lishnlent for a family like
ing product be used before or
thell',3.s, ,, )-
11 after a shampoo for best re- The time was af(_,," \\;,'(( ks ago and the ,
suits? plaee was DEAN'S ST['I)IO! Before YOUR FAM- i
&. With the exception of I MASON COUNTY P.U.D. No. 1
homonfzed two or three products, prac- ILY seatters to ('ollege, to the armed for('es or to
tically all of the hair condi- nlake a home of their own, why not do as the Niel-
tioners on the market today
recommend use after a sham- sells have done and have YOt'R FAMILY" l)hoto= i
poo. graPhed this fall'? Your family l)ortrait will be !
A shampoo immedi&tely fol- treastu,ed forever. Saturday and evening appoint- j Preaident horatary
lowing the application of a ' )
conditioner would remove all nlents ean lie s('he(luled at I)EAN',q . . . Call hiin.
the theconditioner.beneficial effects of (Pd. Adv.) Vl Vice President Mimager
, I ,In)' O "Um" "Im" ",IImn ,,,mm. ,,lmo,,..,ii,,. o 0 ,,gm).,m,) ,im.,iii)) ,lm.,,sil,-,II-,Inm,-,mD ,, -- -- .i
Thursday, September 14, 1967 - Shelton-Mason County Journal -Page 7