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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 14, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 14, 1967
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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l00nlm,ission Candidates Quizzed tter acquaint Shelton voters with the he will be on the bllot for city com- ltions next Tuesday, the Shelton Jay- ;,Week questioned the rime hopefuls on a memlers felt were important aspects v.ernment. ing is the eompmte list of 38 questions didates' answers. dates axe: Mayor -- Bernie Bailey, , Earl H. Moore and Frank A. nnissioner of Finance --" Arnold Fox 1'. Kneelaad; Commissioner of Public . Elroy Nelson, William R. Peele and rtson. , * * * |lVor a comprehensive plan? $I av0r a eomprehen- Travis: Yes. We have allotted l[ a 10 to 15 year $5,000 in the 1967 budget for this f purpose. In the two talks Nelson: Yes, I do• i it is one point I Watson: Yes. Peele: Yes I do. Fox: Yes. definitely. It is a Kneeland: Yes. It is very nec- [-'t Part of govern- essary for the future growth of 81 Shelton. L should be most important to a eom- IL h _:ts, IL' sewers and a big problem on Mountain View .'. and sewers and water are a big ,: s no area in problem on Capital Hill• All areas 'Z ve Plan that is need road work --."[ T.he old lklt saying Peele: The whole city of Shel-  .mr the sake of ton, specifically the downtown ra il could easily area and the residential areas ![ umhZl IS not a tom- on both hills ; iortty • Watson : No comment. ,.- is important. Fox: The plan should include !aad water are such items as water, sewage, :i 'rant. drain fields, streets, refuse plants latWPOse of a corn- and the comprehensive area of lhrL e is to determine the city. ll most attention Kneeland: The area most im- ,.tted funds for a portant is the overall needs of it • . the sewer and water department. i11(/t(sunSeisbsleyotu Along with this is the need for tol, drains are a storm sewers on the surrounding hills of Shelton. h feel a corn hen 'i,. pre sive plan I  Venture Travis: Yes, to a certain ex- ld not say that tent. Some aspects overlap where- ! We :Pianshould not as others d)"not'. ........ : ,ity Venture. There Nelson: I believe that it should ''2 a problems and be. It is coming and we should [e mutually dis. plan on it. i( :!red. An overall Peole: Yes, I do. I feel it will ' WOuld not neces- be a money saving plan for all I}' e overall plan Mason of County. 1 ' Watson: Yes e btmdry areas, Fox: Yes. The cities problems erareas, no. LaoW are the same as the counties' I Tnt to p  problems. idea. n )le Kneeland: No, but they should should be be coordinated. a, I funds should be made available to aflrivate concern for the purpose of :: ,. COmprehensive plan '. i'"i , Nelson: Yes. I think so. • • •. ,vt e' think xt was Peele YeCS,ceIt do ° iYet u h(nd :,M. that the city have exper pe p r ie county when that type of stuation. I: , -u Plans for this Watson" When funds are avail- t:: ' t° a de _ able', yes" 'i;;l;ivate cgoncerns Fox: No. Even though federal ][ly , mg commission cases I feel the local citizens .',"eOiSsion should can 'compile a comprehensive llUtely There are plan. !a. Kneeland: Yes. We know the lize in this field l' the ne basic needs to a certain extent, ! 1€c k cessary ex- but an outside firm could help l[ grOUnd, bring these together. |%0,r eonstruetion of a county-city build- iae thought about i  general, I be- .K.[th attlt in a marked ih ,C Certainly in a % e POpulation bal-  ltlsheity and two- , fr , Od Work, but :i° dlscuss this ,hi. hWt O asis. ' fLY^- believe I can ' I, ait. If following : : ii,  Shown to be !  favor it• t t th(. ° axe interloek- *€¢1,,  time I don't the county are large enough to make it eco- nomically practical. Nelson : Yes Peele: Yes, I do. I have ad- vocated it in speeches before Jaycees and in local newspaper advertising. Watson: Not until a time when this is needed. Fox: I believe the construction of a county-city building is most feasible and may occur within the next ten years. Kneeland: This has possibilities but it would take a great deal of planning between the two de- partments, If state law permitted, would you favor com- bining the functions of city and county govern- merits? Bailey: Yes. We the elected officials must think of the tax payer as the money comes from his pocket. Bennett: If legislation made this a possibility I am sure that we would have to take a good look at it. Certainly many econ- omies could result under these circumstances. But we should not lose site of the differences that exist between city and county problems. Moore: Only in part. There is a conflict of interests between the people involved. It may be desirable for some functions such as law enforcement; however, many overall problems would exist. Travis: Some aspects of city county government are very corn- patible and could very possibly be combined. Some areas are not particularly compatible how- ever, combining would only cause chaos. Nelson: At present I don't. In a few years we may have to. At that time, we should plan on a combined police force and coun- ty-city building. Peele: Yes. I am highly in favor of this possibility. Watson : No. Fox: No. I do think that study of this venture would benefit the county. Kneeland: I believe that one area that could be combined is the police and sheriff department. They now overlap somewhat and this would perhaps eliminate the problem. Would you consider the city-manager type of government as being an improvement for Shel- ton? Bailey: The city manager form of government has a lot of merit that should be investigated. Bennett: No, the cost would be out of proportion for a com- munity of our size. Also, people have the feeling of losing their representation when an appointee is running the city. Moore: It would be an improve- ment if it were financially feasi- ble to obtain a first class rrmn- ager. There are dangers in this form of government such as loss of representation by the people. Travis: Considering the popula- tion and the size of the city I do not belive that this would be practical at this time. The high salary commanded by city managers could not be econo- mically justified in Shelton. Nelson: No, we are not large enough. Pools: It is being used success- fully in other cities. I don't be- lleve that now is the time for city-manager plans based on pres- ent costs and budget within the city of Shelton. Watson : No. Fox: No. The cost would be prohibitative at this time. Kneeland: Not at this time. I don't feel that Shelton is large enough to be able to attract and hold a man of the calibre that is needed. Do. you favor seeking Federal Matching Funds for basic city improvements? Bailey: Yes. strings attached by the federal Bennett : Yes, I feel Shelton government. has been cheated of their fair Peele: Yes, I do. I have ad- share of the available monies and vocated this since I became they should be brought home and a candidate for city commission- made to work for us. er. On City Do you feel the recreational facilities now pro- vided are adequate for all ages? not have enough activities in Shelton for teenagers and young- er folks. Watson: No. I don't feel they are quite adequate, but here again it depends on the finance. Fox: No. We need recreation for the middle aged and the elderly. This includes dancing, sewing, hobbies or anything that would be recreational, Kneeland: No. You can never have enough recreational facili- ties to meet the requirements of all the people. Bailey: No. Bennett: No. We need facili- ties for the older people as well as the children. Moore: I feel the facilities are adequate for the adult group but not for the younger ages. Travis: In our summer pro- gram we have offered more ath- letic programs this year with excellent response. Nelson: There are not enough facilities for older people. Peele: No, I don't. They do center Do you feel some type of community should be provided by the city? Bailey: Yes, I definitely feel summer program this project this. wouldn't be practical. Bennett: Yes. It can be a way Nelson: Absolutely, I think we of bringing our young people to- should. gether and probably avoiding Peele: Yes. It would be hens- many of the problems today, ficial to all ages. Watson : Yes. Moore: We now have one for Fox: Yes. Perhaps the old hos- the adult group. Another best pital could be converted after is suited for the younger population is evacuated. would be desirable. Kneeland: Not at the present Travis: It was the opinion of time. However, the city should the commission that through the cooperate with all groups inter- school program and the cities' ested in providing this center. Do you feel indebtedness for needed improve- ments is good business? in an emergency would I favor going into debt. Nelson: Yes, I do. Pools: I do when other sources for raisiing revenues are exhaust- ed. Watson : Yes. Fox: Yes. At times it is an absolute necessity for the prog- ress of the city, costs go up faster than interest rates. Kneeland: Yes. We will have to go into debt to meet some of the basic needs of the city such as storm sewers and sewer replacement. Bailey : Yes. Bennett: Going into debt has never hurt anyone if they have the ability to pay. With ever increasing costs, if we waited until we had the money, nine out of ten times we would end up paying twice as much. Moore: Some needs are be- yond the scope of present city income. It will depend on the kind and size of improvements needed and the kind of indebted- ness used. Travis: Absolutely not! Only M)ore;. I am very much in .... l','5"ffided we do not become involved in federal control by using these funds. Travis: Yes, however, the time required to compile necessary data for application is excessive. Nelson: I am reluctant. It is frustrating. We have 'ied it be- fore and there are to() many Do you feel a full time rector is necessary? Bailey : Yes. Bennett: Yes. I also favor a full time recreational program for our young people. Moore: This is impossible to answer at this time yes or no. With present seasonal recrea- tional facilities used only in the summer, a director could not work full time. Travis: I do not feel this is practical at the present time. Even though more funds are al- h)cated for recreation projects each year, we are too small to make this feasible. Do you favor preparation of a long range budget projecting ten to fifteen years? Bailey: Yes, we must figure ing ten to fifteen years would be longer than from Tuesday to of any benefit. Tuesday. Nelson: I don't see how we Watson: Y., on projects that Bennett: Yes, for a capital are needed we rh0uld;!pl: t1:" budget. An" operating budget is matching funds, subject to almost daily economic Fox: Yes, definitely. Kneeland: Yes, if we have the matching monies to go with the federal monies that would be advanced and if the bookkeeping and necessary paper work is not too involved. parks and recreation di- Nelson: Yes, I do. Pools: Yes, I do. I have ad- vocated this since becoming a candidate. Watson: At the time when we can afford it, I would say yes. Fox: Yes. For the city of Shel- ton to have a recreation direc- tor would reduce juvenille de- linquency and help all the people within the city. Federal match- ing funds are available for rec- reation directors. Kneehmd: Yes, just as soon as the city is able to afford this service. Do you feel the city parks and playfields are adequate? What improvements would you favor? Bailey: No. We need a lot of improvement anti a full time di- rector could do this. Bennett: No. We have made a start. Our parks should be ex- panded and there should be a children's playfield in every area of the city. Moore: For present population, combined with state parks, they are adequate. They are not used to full potential at this time, in- dicating they are adequate. Travis: Since the city is grow- ing we are definitely going to have to expand our parks, play- fields and recreation facilities. I feel we are going to build them just as we go along. Nelson: No, absolutely not. In Callanan Park we must add pic- nic benches, improve the kitchen factors and can not be projected any great length of time. A capi- tal budget would be part of any comprehensive plan. Moore: I don't believe I would favor this. Ten to fifteen years is too long to predict changes. Travis: No. It is difficult to prepare a budget one year in advance. I don't think project- can. We don't know what income will be. . Peele: Yes, I do. Because of the population explosion which is now in progess in the Pacific Northwest which I feel sure Shel- ton will share in. Watson: No, I do not. Fox: Yes. This is part of the progran of a comprehensive plan, and includes some cost analysis. Kneeland : Yes Do you favor immediate action to bring Shelton's sewage and water treatment facilities up to State Health Dept. standards? Bailey : Yes. Bennett: Yes, if at all pos- sible. The costs in regard to is no need for alarm in regard sewage must be studied. There to water, but we must be look- ing for future sources. Moore: I very definitely favor irmediate action both for pres- ent use and for future expan- sion. Travis: In the area of sewage this year we have added a chlor- inating facility which is adequate under any conditions to treat our effluent and bring it up to State Health Department standards. We have no problem in regard to water, as a matter of fact, we have no water treatment fa- cilities. If the coleform count rises to a certain point during health dclmrtmcnt checks, we immediately switch to deep well sources to drop this count. Nelson: It is up to standard now, but the system can be im- proved. We also need improve- ment in sewage lines. Pools: I feel the Shelton sew- age operation is inadequate. I am not in favor of chlorination of the city water system. I voted against this when it came up be- fore the people at election. I have been told that the cholorin- ation process is a form of so- called rat poisoning. Watson: Whenever is is possible from the financial standpoint, this should be done. Fox: Yes. Public health is at stake, and the public is impos- ing these standards. Kneeland: Yes, if they are not now up to standard. Do you favor extension of sewage collection and treatment to all areas of the city? Bailey : Yes. Bennett : Yes, we have no choice. It is our responsibility as citizens to insure everyone is adequately supplied and protect- ed. Moore: Yes. It should be avail- able to all the people of the city. Travis: This is somewhat out of my field and is more of a problem for the department of public works. We have service to all areas except Capital Hill and one or two minor areas. This would be considered under a comprehensive plan. Nelson : Yes. Peele: Yes, I am heartily in favor of it. Watson : Yes. Fox : Yes Kneeland: Yes, but these fa- cilities must be paid for by the property owners involved. Problems How would you fimmce the extension of sewage collection and treatment? Nelson: The only fair way would be payment from the prop- erty owners. A bond issue may be used. Peele: I feel that a request for federal matching funds would be necessary for this situation. Watson: I feel that this would have to be done by a bond issue. Fox: Programming the rates md additional collection should balance the program, Kneeland: By I.J:D where the property owners pay their fair share of the expense. Bailey: This would have to be worked out under a comprehen- sive program. A check should be made to see if federal funds could be made available. Bennett: Present federal pro- grams or imminent programs provide a source for funds. Moore: Partially through the LID method and partially through revenue bonds. Travis: The city does not have enough allotted funds to do this alone. Therefore it would have to be done through the LID method or with federal funds. How do you plan to finance replacement of the obsolete and faulty downtown sewers? Travis: It is such a major pro- ject that outside financial help would be needed. Nelson: A bond issue or by Wying to do it now as finances become available. Peele : Financing is possible through p r o p e r application through the federal government. W.atson: This would have to be done by a bond issue. Fox: By federal and matching funds or an LID. Kneeland: I believe that a gen- eral obligation bond will have to be Issed to do this project. Bailey: This would have to come under a comprehensive program and a study of it would be pretty difficult to say right off exactly how we would do it. Bennett: A great deal of study is required for this project. Much of the burden will fall on local citizens, but federal monies are available. Moore: This could be done in time with present revenue from utilities. However, it will require study and investigation to deter- mine the actual problem and method of financing. Which er of improvement finance do you favor, city-wide LID or local LID? blocks of street this would be a local LID. For an over-all city improvement government obli- gation bond or federal help would be used. Nelson: Local LID for streets. Pools: I am in favor of city wide finance. Watson: Local LID. Fox: The finance of LID be- longs to the people as choice, I prefer to see proper promotion of the LID to the people and most for the dollar. Kneeland: Ical LID method. Bailey: City wide LID. Bennett: A city wide LID for items that benefit the city as a whole. A local LID fin" items that benefit only a few citizens. Mk)ore: This depends entirely on the type of improvement. For city wide problems the city wide LID would be desirable. Small local improvements should be fi- nanced through local LID. Travis: This depends on the size of the project. If you have a local situation such as several sidewalks and/or curbs Travis: Absolutely, yes. Nelson : Yes. Peele: Yes, I do. WaLton : Yes. Fox: Yes. All new construc- tion should have cm'bs, not all areas need sidewalks, this is a zoning requirement. Kneehmd : Yes. Do you favor installing for all new construction? Bailey: Yes, definitely. Bennett: Yes, anti it should also include separate storm wa- ter sewers. Moore: Yes, in residential im- provement areas, px)vidiRg it covers at least one full block. Vhere contractors are deveh)p- ing larger areas, yes, but not for one individual residence. Do you feel the leadership for local improvements should be generated by the council? Bailey: Yes. Nelson: Yes. Bennett: Yes, the council Peele: Yes, I do. Along with should assist in establishing citi- discussions with l)arties interest- zeus' groups to study the prob- ed in local improvements. Ictus. Watson : Yes. Moore: Yes, very definitely. This is part of their responsi- Fox: Definitely, yes. Promo- bility, tion comes from the commission- Travis: I believe the people ers and business leaders. should present the needed ira- Kneeland: By suggestion but provements to the commission, not by force. parldng is adequate? parking meter revenue supports my l)osition. Nelson: At present, yes. Peele: Yes, since several busi- nesses have put in their own parking lots. Watson : No. Fox : No. Kneeland : Yes. Do you feel downtown Bailey: I think this is another program that would have to come under a study program. Bennett: Yes, at present. A comprehensive plan with projec- tions would show future needs. Moore: Yes. We have lots of empty spots. Travis: Downtown parking is more than adequate. Decreased Would you favor improved street lighting throughout the city? Nelson: Absolutely, yes. Peele: I think the lighting in the city of Shelton should be more adequate and uniform. Watson : Yes. Fox: Yes. This is a neces- sary budget item. Kneeland : Yes. Bailey : Yes. Bennett: Very definitely, yes. Moore: Absolutely. This is a must. Travis: Definitely. Discussions have been held with the PUD. This problem should be included in the comprehensive plan. and restroom facilities and pave the walkways. Kneeland Park could also use some improve- merits. Peele: No, I do not at this time. We need additional facilities for lhe children. Watson: I feel that at the pres- ent time they are adequate, but I do not feel they will be in the future. Fox: No. We need more rec- reational areas. Federal match- ing funds are available. I have strived to get city funds through the park and recreation board and I have also received federal funds for the swimming and rec- reational leaders. Kneeland: No. I feel another park is needed on Capital Hill and Hillerest. (Continued on next page) City of Shel÷on Primary Election--- Special Elections for Fire District II and Shel÷on School District Hood Canal School Dis÷ric÷ and Nor÷h Mason School District POLLS OPEN IN ALL PRECINCTS FROM 8 A,M. TO 8 P.M. Thursday, September 14, 1967 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - P¢e 13