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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 14, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 14, 1967
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Candidates Answer Questions on Commission Function Sub--00tan÷idFrank A.l=o_00wa00Travis: (Continued from previous lge) Effective Ju.ury 1969, open burning of dumps will probably be prohibited. What would you propose to do about Shelton's garbage disposal situation ? acres at the dump site. We need water at the dump. We are plan- ning on it now. Peele: Controlled burning or some type of a plant would be the answer. Watson: No comment at pres- ent. Fox: Cover with dirt is the most economical at the present time. IOleeland: At the present time it is essential that tt is burned but in the future we must take a real close look at some other way to take care of this gar- bage situation. Bailey: I think I would go along with whatever the pollu- tion control commission recom- mended. Bennett: In my public ad- dresses, I have mentioned this problem. A continual burial rtmthod or proper incineration which does not contribute to air pollution are two possible an- swers. Moore: An open answer is im- possible without complete evalu- ation and study of the problem. Tray!s: We would have to go to a sanitary fill. Nelson: This is hard to an- swer. We could clear entire four Do you favor more strict enforcement of our laws and codes? Nelson : Yes. Peele: Yes, I do. If we do not have strict building codes peo- ple seem to become lax in the construction of buildings. Watson : Yes. Fox: Yes, the codes need to be revised• Kneeland: I believe that our laws and c¢-les are being fair- ly well enforced. Bailey: Yes, I do. Bennett: Yes, and we also need additional codes, such as a building code. We also need to take a good look at our ordi- flances. Moore : Yes. Travis: Very definitely. This is a major problem to our city as well as other types of govern- men!, Would you favor more and/or higher permit and license fees for additional income? would need to be so exorbitant you wouht price yourself out of the market. Nelson: I don't think so, I don't beliew, in it. Peele: ] do. If the conditions warrant that for the operation of the city government. Watson : No. Fox: No, the license and per- mit shouht provide services to the genera] public. Kneeland : No. Bailey : Yes. I:nnel.t: I'm not in a l)sition at the moment to faw)r higher fees. However, if the functions and services provi(ted are pro- t)rtionately grealer than the fees, they should he increased. Moore: No. Licensing and is- suing of permits should not be used for income beyond amounl needed to police permit or li- cense. Travis: This is a minor form of city in(.ome. Any increases Do you think community beautification is nec- Do you favor new industry in Shelton? essary with regard to present and future city Bailey: Yes Peele: Yes, I do. I think we Made In Las÷ Five Years entrances? Bennett: Yes, we have a great should urge local chamber of potential. W must also look at commerce to keep a lookout for • For the past five years it has Bailey: Yes, very definitely, trialized cities, the type of industry we wish to new industry, been my privilege and pleasure Bennett: Yes. Check my rec- Nelson: Yes attract. An electronics firm would Watson: Yes, difinitely, to serve as Mayor of Shelton, ord of activities with the Cham- Peele: Yes, I would, supply jobs for both male and Fox: Yes, it's necessary if with specific responsibilities in her and you will see I have done female employees, we are to invision progress that the areas of police, fire, parks as much as I am able up to the Watson: Yes. Moore: Very definitely, pro- costs money, I mean tax dol- and library departments--your moment and I hope to be able Fox: Yes, it would cost very viding it is a desirable industry, lars; let those that come into commissioner of public safety. to do more in the future, little to have a clean look to Travis: Yes. For broader Shelton help pay for it's improve- I am pleased to be able to Moore: Yes, very definitely, the entrance of our city from growth and diversification, ments, say without equivocation that Travis: Yes, I do. This is a any of its approaches. Nelson: Yes. Kneeland: Yes. substantial forward strides have problem in most heavily indus- Kneeland: Yes been made in all these depart- ments during my term, especial- What percent of your time, if elected, should be ly in the fire and police depart- ments. Two additional paid fire- Would you favor raising the requirements and devoted to public relations? men have been added to the pay for law enforcement officials? force, the possibility of a third Bailey: Well, :I'm prepared to day is devoted to city business is encouraging at this time. A Bailey: Yes. get good law enforcement of- give my evenings and my days of one type or another, new fire truck has replaced an Bennett: Yes, they have a ficials you have to pay them a off and whatever time is neces- Nelson: I answer all calls at obsolete one without, I am espe- tough job and we are asking a good wage. sary, just as hmg as I can still the present time and will con- cially proud to report, placing lot of them. Nelson: Yes. provide a living for my family, linue to do so if elected, the city in debt. The entire de- Moore: Yes. Law enforcement Watson: Not a( i)re'-ont. Bennett: All the time neces- Peele: Since I am retired, I partment has been notably up- officials should be well paid and Fox: Yes, we have trained too sary to do the job properly, can devote more time to the situ- graded during this period. well screened when they are era- many good law enforcement of- Moore: Public relations is a at!on than the average person. Especially noteworthy, I be- ployed, ricers and then lost them to high- time consuming item. I will de- I would say about 10 to 15 per- lieve, during this term has been Frank A, Tray!s: I not only do, but it is er pay in ScatHe or larger corn- vote all of the time necessary cent. the improvement in the morale, in the budget for 1968. men!ties to promote an outstanding pub- Watson: About 10 percent, efficiency and personnel of the Peele: Yes, I do. In order to l(neeland: Yes. lic relations program for the Fox: Sixty percent, police force. Virtually every ma- problems are city. Kneeland: Approximately 10 to jor crime has been swiftly solved as I am prol Tray!s: A good portion of each 20 percent, and through the diligence of the siiion to rea Is improved police protection needed in Shelton? officers fines collected in our IX)- is because I lice court have increased from lageous Bailey: I think thcy are d')ing Though there are not enough men $6,477 in 1962 to $17,480 in 1967. problems are, the besttheycanwithwhalthoy on the force. Earl H Moore: The polieeoffieersdonotsetthe terprepared have. Peele: Yes, at this time I • fines, of course, but I feel this ence of these Bennelt: Yes Itiink it is. Those local officers, record is a good guide to the I feel more q: ,,'though they are doing a fine Cify T ' 'anacjemen" e,icency of the police depart- ,hem and find Moore: Police prolection is ade- job. need additional help. eresen÷ merit Another troublesorrte prob- the next few quate at this time. Improve- Walson: Not at present, lem for the police del)artment stringent fin men! will b(, necessary with city Fox: N(), we have a good iio- for many years, dogs, has been placed upon growth. This applies 1o "quanti,y lice force. Additional men can NO" '" " 900Aee*:n- o, u uC*an-lar A no! quality." lie ulilizetl in any program thal S effectively relieved through es- by stale laW. tablishment just recently, of a nancial Tray!s: This will be a cent!n- adequate funds are available, new dog pound, permitting ef- aged to . uing problem for years to come. Kneeland: Yes. We should have • I an] Earl Moore, candidate fective enforcement of the dog (:al posiimr Nelson: I believe st), yes. AI- at least one more policeman, for mayor. Some of my fellow control ordinance. As one citizens state that I am the only A new salary schedule insti- (()n 42 years, qualified candidate for mayor, tuted in this term now makes it 20 years, Do you favor a more stringent policy of police however, being subject to human possible to attract certified It- Ion high activity? frail!ties I do not claim to be I)rary I)ersonnel to the city li- own husiness perfect, but I do believe nay brary staff, and our parks rec- ly and vital seeing affairs ( backgroun(l as a business man reation l)rogram has been ex- conducWd effi( Bailey: If we insist on this Nelson: Yes. ah)ng with exl)erience in munici- panded and improved subs!an- we mus! give !hem the neces- Pooh,: The activity of the po- pal government as mayor, and !tally. I am especially happy to economically' sary backing, lice (lepartment should be left civic leadership does qualify me have brought the once-trouble- I believe Bennett: Yes, many things go up !o the chief, however, he as a ma{ure person capable of some Beverly Heights water prob- of the on that shoukl no( be and ye! should accept suggestions from leading your city government, lem to a sat:isfaciory solution, years will no action seems to be taken, the city conmission. I)redicate(l on the nee(is of the along with numerous other prob- !ration as : Moore: Laws are made for the Watson: No. people who chose to establish lems I lack space to include achieved that l)roteclion of l)eople, The police departmenl should maintain sur- Fox: Yes, for those that mis- their home and raise their fami- here. I deeply veiJance over all. use the privilege of driving on lies in this city. I do not wish to infer that all hal making Travis: I do urge this constant- our streets. The city of Shelton is governed ly. Kneeland: Yes. by the commission form of gov- ernment which means the legis- Glen € Watson: lative powers and duties are ex- • Do you feel our fire protection equipment is ade- consistingercised by a commissiOnof a Mayor, Cornmis-°f three, P-roper S ii-uperv-s-on .Bri Do you favor housing codes which would make qua!e? What improvements would you suggest? stoner of Finance and Account- ink, and a Commissioner of Earl H. Moore it mandatory to kee l) homes and structures safe Bailey: I think it is l)robal)ly fire prelect!on. We have added Streets and Public Improvements. and to have an al)pealing appearance? a,lequate for what they've got equil)ment and personnel to in- The Mayor is the Superintendent Fr m- GiMenOwar?n :mdPr'----overn ))tit. I don't think it's enough, crease the protection, of public safety and is also presi- the I)resent mayor regarding )I :: Bailey: Yes. llr structure in a eye pleasing I think we need anolher fire Nelson: Outlying areas will den! of the commission. He shall !he cos! to the citizens of city Bennett: Yes, !.his related It) state of repair, lru(:k, we need a sub stali(m need brand new fire protection, preside al its me(tings and shall government, Overlooking waste , buiklingi)dl.)orlan!COdeSthing.and is tt vitally alINels°n:for it. Abolutely,,,.,,. .._y,,.(in .,;..¢%,a., on 9ur hills and we ................. probably. . Po01e :, 'For thd )res{>nt "yb'. ' oversee all .dapartments and and unnecessary lxpenditures of for Commissioner of public works. : ....  . n('('d son)e more men. 'in ihe fUihre }idditional equil)- recommend !o::':ihe commission, lax money, along'., with not ac- l was born and raised in the P(w)le: Yes, I ((o. Some of these Bennelt: They are (h)ing a menl and man flower will lie at'.tion on all matters requiring cel)ling the obligation to inform Shelton area and have lived here Mxn'e: A ndnimum housing huihJings !ha! have been con- good .job now. When a (:ompre- needed, altention in any deparlment, the puhIic of all actions and all my life. (,.(x|c but not pr()bibilive cod(, is slrucled are very unsightly, hensive plan is formulaled, a Watson: Yes, I feel it is ade- As stated, the responsi/)ilities planning of city government I have been a land owner and t (|esirable. Wafson: Yes. rclocalion of some equipmenl quate at the present time; until are Rreal and necessary time would make him guilty of apes- taxpayer for 30 years. I am self- t Tray!s: I don't think you can Fox: Yes. might he desirable hi get fasler we can have a larger force., anti planning is a I)rerequisite tacy. employed as a home I)uilder ' r' coml)el anyl)dy to keel) his h,)nw Knt,eland: Yes. anti better coverage !(i some Fox: We should purchase an- to the spending of $824,000 of Why have lhcy announced and and land developer, primarily in AY". areas ()f the city. ()(her puml)er fire truck, your lax dollars, then cancele(l so many improve- the Mt. View area, for the past '7"r I '.I Moore: A(iequa!e for I)resen! Kneelan(i: I believe we shouhi " mentwhyprOjectS?are so many streets in 15 years. nee(Is and size of lhe city. have at least one more fire sta- The oily budget since I was a I have installed f Do you think strict building, electrical and Tray!s: N() city has adequah, lion on M!. View. mayor has increased more !han deplorable condition? streets, side- / $200,000, and yet our present ma- walks, alleys, sewer and water plumbing codes should be implemented and en- Why have we no!: had improve- " •  ." " . ., ,.... , , . ,,." ., . lines anti I t)elieve that the areas ......  / forced? Do you feel additional professional training is (igi'ima!nS?ni'pr°tet'stSta n n!s m ,csidentml street hght- I have devehipe(l will show that atx)ut lhc lack of funds. Our na- ,e" ',,-,tod • I am very interes!ed in the l)rog- Bailey' Yes I think this is Nelson' Yes necessary for our fire department personnel? !ion's founding forefathers ,)-,, • ......... I will devote the ress of Shelton. [i0,, ...................... • '" necessary time required to re- I feel that with I)roper super- 1  ....... n((¢ssdy hn lh( I)), te( (Ion )f ( (,se( "mxauon wHnout repre- ev'duate the need of this city, ,w,', ,( " ' .: " '" Pool, Definitely. B Icy'.. I (1)n'l think that, e Travis'.. Ve), definitcl,,,. Th(, senlalion," and re! our presenl T(; Ill'ira an(} carry out the plans vision, there can be far more A the pe)p}e .lhemselves Watson: We now have an elec- can ge! !o:) much !raining. men are I)eing exposed Io ad- mayor iml)osed t (elel)hone tax of iml)rovements and eneral improvements in the city of Shel-  enneu xes. ,. . , tri(al c(le enforce(l by the slate Bennett Some ;re well tr dned ditional training and disregarded a prolest l)eti- maintainence of streets.'" stre ton, with existing money on m(w)re:  w()ul(I nol Hvor a ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " " lion with some 500 signalures of 1 ghting and other de-artme etpnt hand. -,ri,,! h, u,u .... )a, .,, ,),;s ,;,-, As far as a building c(xle and now. However. we ,le relying Nelson: No, I d(mt think so.   uH.  ) ' '' ' '" "  .... |O '1 ' r r( ( , ( ) • ) " ' • ' . t ")oi ...... t mg woul(] ne pr, m ...... n ;ve. 1)lunl)mg ('()de I think t s. free.  , , . g ' 'x )n! ( n volun!eers. , } resenl tra]nmR s satsfa(.torv., our fellow cilizens and slate(] improvemenls as needed, to make If elecled I will do my best to  : make suggestions and decisions  . ,S01 _.,'I' ..... .......... .. , .... .,,," .... ...... . ,.,,; .... ,,,, ....... F,x Yes !he public l)avs.... Io, ,ndfess,on.,lPmOr pr()g)'° an, mex,ens,Vew( w()u]dPr°- mgP°()le :!( ( hniou(Yes' Is ,,(d°'( h ,nFi"e, in ,figh!'on I 2( ):'¢ :)l'c: .wdl sign anyth!ng." Shellon a safc and pleasant place !hat will benefit Shelton as a _. r a, : answer Io this rol)lem wilh )tll nave lnelr conslrUCtlon lnspecle(l '' ' ' ' ' :: • '."  "' :  g  '. - ' '. ,el HllS unwHiTanted |ax Io l ve ' " ,' " " ' , t)ul lhis is not done have to see h()w long we could s( !nil),'. I)5' personal apl)earanc (, al lhe The 'prim,'arv eleetion will be whole. Cilell " an exlenslvt Slll'Vey in reg'lYd |() " '" •  , ........ : : .... ' ," • , ' .... nora mese vommeers. (leparlmentWats°n" NOhead. City C()nunission and by lel(er. Sep! 19 i! 'ill be an important 1 i nUll(istate nglaw an(l)rov I)lumningdes m ele((ri(. It'°des" cityneeis mdable YeS!o hir(,' ts soona fullaStimethe _ .... Moore : Wi'-) -'mr U! S!uuVS ............ . O1, ,He ,r!iX : POL' ,. Ill('•(. siale, .... pr(iw(les ] shall ('ontinue to ('onies! !his tqeci'ion,' please come out an(] . " . ". "';presentatnswerlraln)ng prog),m] i can- mvm(e Irammg scnoo, ,or me '-'zk'l'" Fam00 Y cooe ,nspec.or .o, !his ,! wo.l. be ,,.e o, ,e.,slation vo, e I( is nly ()pinion the manage- • d de!ermine whether train- Kneeland: This would be very men! and planning of ('!Iv gov- ing was adequa!e or not. helpful Io the fire department.' ernn)en! has nol m(q t'e'stan(l- • AN ESTIMATED 12,426,000 Would you be willing to formulate the leader- ,rds we should !'xpect. school children are in need (,f shq) necessary to carry out a voluntary comma Do ou )re ose an salar ad u • " " " Y 1 p : y " y j stments for fire , wouht appear the apathy of some form of eye (.are. nity beautification program? department personnel? [  VOTE I Bailey: Yes, I feel very strong- Peele: Yes, I would go along Bailey: Yes. Nelson: Yes. IY on this and I think it is long with suggestions from a local Bennett: Maybe. I am not well Poe e' There shou d b s'd'l" (;verdue in this c!)mmunity, co:lmitlee of Shellon influenli 1 infornled on ttlis. If they are an- 'ul us!nl'enls I keel) u) ith 'th y '" ..... Bennett: Yes. citizens who unders!and beauti- derpaid. I am in fav(;r of ad- ro,"inc, c;sls as "n-'m':;'-,",,-,. c: : Moore: I very definitely would, fication, justhents. I do not ever exlx, ct 'ork end0;,.L,. " "-: ....... It is very desirable. Wa!son: No comment, anybody to work at , suhs(and- Wats,m:[ro:" | at the I inate with the i)e()I)le and with ing the community bul is the Moore: If I was to find that " "'. *;. .' ." " ' - assistance of local smwice orgahi- lype of progress !he public de- the pay was beh)w standard I justed 5,; or m()rc t!) reach I serv '' " -- ," ,.. , S|' nd'!rds ( f 11101" titles .} | . o. ,,,,u,,, ..,,u..,,.,.,,. ' SEPT. 19 , o,,.0 .,o0; ooon, I I Washington State College; Barry, 14, aSow¢t o Nelson: If I were younger, I Kneeland: I would be willing Tray!s: I do. I1 is in lhe bud- Kneelan(i: Yes. this is Ix,ing I 40, would say, yes. 1o help in any way possible, gel for 196g. done in Ulc 1968 hudgel. ! ff I l | tOnnie,s Barber Shop.JUni°r High School and myself, l ' r______==_-== =____________, PRIMARY | I propose . . . o.r,¢, i NEED A RIDE TO THE POLLS il I' e L°ng Range City lrnpr°ver)le)lt 'r ELECTION I • Better Communications eaY0r'; J • Teenage Advisory Council toth I Tuesday, September 19th? °'"" I , I IGLE N WATSON I '1 t M°reandBetterRecreati°rla'F',i'__:O ,wi 'I' . i Call 426 3226 i- I"*°"''""ilvisioN -- PLANNIN G "A6"I , ' '1 Commissioner I' vo. for L00yl ! The Bordeaux P.T.A. Members t ( BERNIE BAI ' " " '1 of Pubh¢ Works I t WI!I Have Transporfahon i I Standing By To Get You There ! ! J "More Irnprovemen:spol. by per Dollar" I I (Pol. byM A Y 0 IZ C0i ttd) • (Pd Pol Adv by Rordeaux P T A) I | (lad. adv. el atson) I Pd. Adv. the Bernie Bailey for May°r I I Page 14. Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, September 14, 1967 . .tnttrnnl -