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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 14, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 14, 1967
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Times Demand Elroy Nelson: David T. Kneeland: William R. Poole: i i i Financially-Sound Program Experience Will Assure *0ars, hav0 s,oner who commun,c00,tes ahead ,n ,,ff, ce are purchased a 00rit- support these past five years. 7! ::i f &apos; r r • . . . :.:; [200g ow from a of time, believing that organLza- !!ii i. tomorothan and aware of what is needed, ton, communication, and action )i)) ]] BE CAREFUL iii I bl this growth we We shouhl work closely with our are the bases of good govern-   to retuin the County officials, since many of ment .:: .. ......... ....... Letter box: iili WITH i"ql| .lllit =. "'-" = .... " .Lain asking ire quesIlomm, "wliht w, --'Y t " '. ". .Ju. . ,,  • ¢ F.-' nat t is. of answersd° you thmkman,, of which wouldShelt°n needs" .= iili TRASH FIRES ! i)ii > ,, ,ou w.o, 0000o,,oo ,o ro,,,o , 00ro,, itt ExpI :°, :'" *"° °o** '°" ""'- Chief Nev ains .' ik :at willcs (if tllltaXof theus, haveing, fora CityadministratiOnyou, I am sur(,, as work-your ,lt..u*:- as _ yo, i-'F,,ance: t..:ommls-'t - - fOp on | ' ] paying A Class Nine would me,m an dcrage of 1% reduc • ,,oo ,o ,.o ,n..u,.<,o ,,,-omium )iii :. . iili • ...... , ................. <. .......... iii! , : Only.u . ])ii lUO) i  " ° .  ..... " it the oters ,>f e ,,re,, l, i)i) can prevent . i]i]i • ,nsuran<e pr year re,lute ,t iili . forestfiresl: :ii!! m Tile n la yor is a rep re sentaliv e .... oz ny lJ ana men ;ma ,t mins __ hja,t.m for streets Mao I_ a s ) a' = ,, stoner ,To roe the financ( corn ( , , t)( your:' 'lift) o. <o • , Fire stric erati I Opulation ex- initiative and guidance, missioner should:,'(l) Be active Editor, The Jourmd: (rty owners of the area are now t An elect'on will be held next " " ' " "'" " Tuesday to decide whether or not _. ' . .,t ".' . ; , - there shall ix, a fire i)rotection ............ district in the alrlx)rt and Island ,. • "" , Arnold Fox .... now i)eing pal(l A uJass Eight I .l. ..... , ...... I h ........... t; ...... € woUIO mean another I:V n)duc- ram Based On Vision, Planning, Acfmon community leader ready to corn- the Mt View and Northcliffareas tion. municate his ideas to you and lying outsi(h Snehon' clw nmlts. , .. " ". :_ ._ . " _,. ,,. cneck Ine price they pay for fir(" !,l'hie ., , t WOUlfl UKC IO expltt,, t.J.v . . my, can.:_ work for the majority's wish; ol)eratl()n of a flre dlstrmt. Three . " .., _ .. ' . " .. ,< ihe i,cople anti to truly repre- m  (2) Be able to prepare a bal- )lunity sent he rnust c,)mmunicate anti   .... anced budget, and most import- commissioners ,ire elecTen [ " ... ' . . . " i .....  ....... ., ...... ,h..,. onto inelr property uixes [or the m-) . tliL is why I fell so strongly .... . aTt, he must approve each city  ..... a . ...... *.. a,,,., ..4 .., .'ame year they will be abl( to il(('oi ')(')'u(t'omnlunications. I want : l)r ject, ordinance and improve- v,.r ........... ' .... - .......... e- "' ...... ,Y .. . tell what the fire district will liSh. - . to lie a true representative, nwnt within the city; i3) Spend sponslnllny u) manage tile al- . ._ " .... " ' "" ....... s test )r save men' t'eneraiiY I' t" the money wisely and al)ply for lairs, ailmlnlster tne nnance., .'.. " . • ; " :! rll n(_ i siring ,in(l if the rat Eit.' hi,(rUling' b,ise(I (inn(l h i/il onandt hl/ie 1);i411(7 i haveS°nmlimes duringstOl)l )ed thean(i won-Cam"  ...... i':):: avtdlable ;State anti Federal(4l supportfundsthethatmayorare land, ,'a,',lces"in. __'*. teneralnecessa:.,_. _ : o ,.;.carry,,..;;_ ,,,-t'°ut ....... i,-, -the. ingSwlll, beC°ntinue' even' ..... '; ,'-cat ert°" drop' the saving" " lnge di'red why in, I getting . "n-  : and public works commissioner ervation el tile ,inn pr(,I,erty _..; "._ .. - .... ,. ,,,. ,.<. ,,, ,ir,. ,.- . -._. m_..y • 'it lUdiiy Ill( Dig hi( IOI SflOU](I V)iv(:d ,hen I know ',." in their programs. Ir(' cle" a lot of ,lisappoint,nents, heal't- The l,hysica, qualifications that " " lie how important is it to you. the _/ City Hail! .---..---L _.. It'r acl)es an.d hard work. But I like : Q ' I feel ,'ill aid me in performing tl)At fire distric.t is classed as a h:tvC:l" and property owner, to ul own fir( del).tment t0 tt Pro! inls • t [s-. IX',)lih', I havc a great concci'n  my duties ,is Finance Commis- municipal c.orporation by the : " " " ; "   :[ .r) (rst In(I in • .... "" S' r- - :' s-l) really |o Nave your homo or mu '' , "'-" (1 In', t'oi"our .young people, for our ,. : si,mer include: (1) A college Sia,e o, ,..'n,ng,on a.,, ,s ..- ; ' "  RE-ELECT Bk i!::1 'i ev( Io d '"Pe(' scni°r citiz'ens' I want t° heI",.' If'"-- -you want tea betterml)s,t phlCeforwar(],to -- ,o."<"'°'\