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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 14, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 14, 1967
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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NOTICE BY COUNTY AUDITOR OF PRIMARY FOR CITY OF SHELTON AND • SPECIAL ELECTIONS FOR DISTRICT PROPOSIT 4 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN" That a PRIMARY ELECTION to nominate of Shelton Offices to be voted for at the General Election which will be held on the succeeding the first Monday in November, A. D., 1967, will be held in Mason Washington, IN CONJUNCTION WITH SPECIAL ELECTIONS for FIRE DISTRICT SCHOOL DISTRICTS NO. 309, NO. 403 and NO. 404, on the third Tuesday of September,, which Primary Election the polls will be and remain open from 8:00 o&apos;clock in the rnO" ' 8:00 o'clock in the evening of said day, (except that in the case there are any voters in thesi Places after the hour of closing who have not voted, the Polls will remain open, after the hour, t ! able them to do so). Said Primary Election shall be held at the Polling Places in each FriZ |th, said County, as hereinafter set out. The names and addresses of all Candidates for whom Nomination papers have been far as the same affects the electors of said County, are as follows: MAYOR Bernie Bailey, 1618 Olympic Hiway South, Shelton John W. Bennett, 910 Olympic Avenue, Shelton Earl H. Moore. 212 North First Street, Shelton Frank A. Travis. 502 Laurel Street, Shelton PRIMARY ELECTION, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19.1967 €iTY -OF -S-HELTON ..... PECALELECTtON ......................................... NORTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRIG] i!.  " Vote for ne -- o NO. 403 _., i, iA:YnSu::thhelShoedt°n MASON, COUNTY, WASHINOTO .= t Street, Shelton EXCESS LEVY , treet, Shelton  .., 1 .. !! • vote for-One The following Proposition will appear O a i.t,-t0¢ vote for one tained wthin said District. t: COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Arnold Fox, 1531 Adams Street, Shelton David T. Kneeland, 611 Cedar Street, Shelton COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS Elroy Nelson, 1216 Tobin Avenue, Shelton William R. Peele, 1104 West Cota Street, Shelton Glen C. Watson. 2019 Callanan Street, Shelton I I SPECIAL DISTRICT ELECTIONS  SPECIAL ELECTION  i FOR OR AGAINST FORMATION OF : ....   MASON COUNTY CENTRAL FIRE PROTECTION "- i' 7 • DISTRICT NO. 11 t :')"  - .... OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGT.QNnd ......... ELEbri'ON:OF FIRST ' BOARD oF.FlfiE 'r"' COMMISSIONERS " PROPOSITION ,.,: mi  THE MAJOR PORTION of funds sought by the Shelton School District in the special excess levy election next Tuesday will be used to replace classrooms in the old Bordeaux School, a wood frame structure built in 1927. DO YOU WANT BETTER CITY GOVERNMENT? Dayton: Horvesf Dinner Is Set At Community Hell Sept. 24 A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR THE FUTURE? A Leader that will Work for You ? Belier Communications between the People and City Hall ? Ikv MABEL KIDI) time confined to the St. Peters If You Do . . . VOTE FOR J I)AYTON A ltarvest Din- n(,)' is sch(,dule(t for Sept. 24 al :; l),m, at I)ayton IIall. This will be a potluck dinner and tlu,," ;itt(,ndin should bring their wn silverwaz'o. 'there will I)e J'illl/I.'S ;lZl(l ont('rtainm<mt for the children with dinner at 5:30 p.m. Chihh'(:,t must be accompanied I)y t l);irerll or parents. A corr('<;tion of an ilem of lasl wt'ek; t.:lizal)olh Jo Hickson is ,,qentling this s('hcx)l year in Fre- mot, Cslif. wilh her brother, Ge)rge l,anders and family not in Ores(on as stated before. Brian C*hapm.:m spent Satur- day overnight in AI)erdeen with Mr. and Mrs. Mac Hackney. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kidd visit- ed Thursday evening with Mrs. Gemwa Clifford of Central Point, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bunnell of Olympia and Mrs, V. P. Bun- nell in the Shelton home of Mrs. Bunnell. V. P. Bunnell was at the Ih,spital in Olympia. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hart of Calgary are houseguests of Mrs. A. E, Lemke, Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. l,(,mk,, were Mr. and Mrs. Ivar Shn-nes of Seattle and nephews, Eriv aml Jack Tripp of Fair- I)anks who are visiting while their house is being made livable, the Art Woldens, the Robert Lemkes ()f Seattle the Ken Woldens, Shelh)n and the Cecil McLains. Saturday callers were grand- children, Mr. and Mrs. Flakus ()f Seattle. Mr. and Mrs Gary WoMen and family and Mx. and Mrs. Bill Wolden and family of Shelton. N[z's. Lenlke was saddened last week Tuesday to hear of the death of her uncle, 1V[r. Russell Lenox of Minneapolis. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Williams were Mrs. Ray Smitfle and girls of ]V[cChord Airforce Base. EARL H, MOORE for MAYOR Primary - Sept, 19 ARNOLD FOX for FINANCE COMMISSIONER - Leadership Abilities k" Past President of Jaycees and J.C.I. Senator. r Rotary member  S year perfect attendance. t 4-Year chairman of Park & Recreation Board. 3-Year chairman of Mason County Kidney Fund. W Charter Member of Mason-Thurston Mental Health Board. W 6-Year college w/ Accounting background. r Director of Laboratory at Shelton General Hospital. (lad. laol. adv. by Arnold Fox) I, I i Pao 16. Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, September 14, 1967 The boundaries of said proposed Fire Protection District, as fixed by a Resolution of the Board of Mason County Commission- ers at a Hearing on said matter, held in their office at 1:30 P.M., Monday, July 24, 1967, are described ms follows: All of Sections six (6), seven (7) and eighteen (18), Town- hip 20 North, Range three (3} West, W.M., and Sections one {1), two (2), eleven (11). twelve (12), thirteen (13) and fourteen (14), Township 20 North, Range 4 West, W.M., EXCEPTING that portion thereof lying within the limits of the City of Shelton, Washington, all in Mason County, Washing- ton. FURTHER, that at said Election, the following electors re- siding within the fixed boundaries of said proposed district, and who were nominated by the Board of County Commissioners at said Hearing as Candidates for the first Board of Fire Com- misioners, shall be voted upon for the purpose of electing the first Fire Commissioners for said District. William M.' Dickie Thomas L. Savage Gerald T. Pyle I I IIII I II Ii IIII I SPECIAL ELECTION SHELTON CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 309 MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON EXCESS LEVY The following Proposition will appear on a Special Ballot, to be voted upon in e.oncert with the Primary Election, to be held on Tuesday, September 19, 1967, and said Proposition may be voted upon by all qualified voters residing within the boundaries of the said District, and within the Precincts wholly or partially con- tained within said District. PROPOSITION EXCESS LEVY  BUILDING PURPOSES AND SITE PURCHASE $330,000 "Shall a tax of approximately 19 mills be levied for site pur- chase and building purposes of the Shelton School District No. 309, Mason County, Washington, upon all of the taxable property within the district in excess of the annual levy permitted in the district without, a vote of the people, such levy money to become immediately available, for the purpose of providing $330,000.00 for providing for replacement and new construction and other capital improvements for elementary school purposes, and pur- chasing a site for secondary physical education, athletics, and secondary school construction, all as more specifically provided in the resolution dated July 11, 1967, by the Board of Directors of the School District?" POLLING PLACE LOCATION PRECINCTS Shelton City Hall  2nd & Franklin .............................. Capitol Hill Shelton No. i Shelton No. 6 Shelton No. 10 County Courthouse  4th & Alder ............................ Shelton No. 2 Shelton No. 8 P. U. D. No. 3 Auditorium -- 3rd & Cota ................ Shelton No. 5 Shelton No. 12 Westslde Bordeaux School  Cascade & Boundary ................ Shelton No. 4 Shelton No. 13 Isabella Mr. View School -- Laurel & K Streets .................. Shelton No. 11 Shelton No. 14 Mt. View Mt. Olive Lutheran Church -- 206 E. Wyandotte .... Shelton No. 7 Shelton No. 8 Bamboo Shop  1618 Olympic Hiway South ............ Shelton 1Vo. 9 .roadta Kamilche 2 Mill Creek PROPOSITION SCHOOL DISTRICT EXCESS TAg( L='Yev $71,000 , _.t,l:' 0 "Shall a t= levy o, .100000 or in excess of the maximum tax levy provi_de^oPi  i€ the assessed valuation of North Mason Sc=u .lOU. ¢sf,l" and the proceeds thereof used immediate. tseJ't' indebtedness against the General Fund .o vide  fOt. ment, supplies and operating expenses to P:,da" =el uance of a good educational program, aSP*of the " i Resolution adopted by the Board of,, Director i,'r SPECIAL ELECTION ., :. HOOD CANAL SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 404 INoTON MASON COUNTY, WASH EXCESS LEVY 1!' The following Propositions will appearO,iledl#., j be voted upon in concert with the prim,propo 0 I, on Tuesday, September 19 1967, and sau ..,iW , 0 r r, voted upon by all quahfled voters remdn.g_,, ¢h0 : ' reclncOl. [:i of the said District and within the P contained within said District. :: 1 PROPOSITION NO. FuN p EXCESS LEVY FOR GENERAL hall Hood $21,325 , "S Canal School District N?'20'i- t,,o.... Washington, levy a tax of approximately  , wi 1 distP -roerty General Fund upon all the taxable p r.^ schO] f0f excess of the annual levy permitted to "? 'in @ a vote of the people, such levy to be maae e+ 16%. in 1968, to provide $21,32500. to -naYdistricpart °:fr 'g:  dU''! of maintenance and operation of the u' year and the proceeds of such levy to be. _.. year either directly or, if necessary, by sn; srrigsllar_ts, 'i! 0f against the district by the issuance of V¢;-;Do 'rd $, cifically provided in a Resolution oz ,,-- adopted July I0, 1967?" , , PROPOSITION NO. 2. tll} ]1 EXCESS LEVY FOR scHOU $11,000 @ "Shall Hood Canal School District l°'tt',°( Washington, levy a tax of approximate ly.v Wt €11'$1 eneral Fund upon all the taxable prop..:'seh'{} 1 I%11 excess of the annual levy permitted to ]o ill 1^ l a vote of the people, such levy to be mao,OOe.f]l in 1968, for the purpose of providing '*:;SUC_= , school bus for the district, the proceeaS u.f neu?:',. I.}. during such school year either directly or t,.lllP" Iii ring an indebtedness against the distr.,c [d  " 'i rants, all as more specifically provides,, ##$i DATED this 8th day of POLLING PLACE Edgewood Apartment Warehouse  AirP°= Allyn School  Allyn .... ........................... • ,• o..o,"°'"'"°'° Calet -- Belatr .......................................... -1 $ 101 Hood Canal Jr. High School  lct. HY,  ,,, oo,0OOO"'*°'"'°" Hoodsport. School -- Hoodsport ................. ; ..... ,,/1!.! Union Fire Hall -- Union ............................ ,,Ap*""v''lag"/ Jl!' The followin Precinc+o ,,,Ill be voted ,u-Ic€ " receive their appictlons b'ymaIl, in a cc° Iws of 1967: Cloquallum Dytoa Kamllche Northside Septembet 6oY.A 00ooA,,o. J'7 ....... '