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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 14, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 14, 1967
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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it-.  After 20 years ..%n State De- ,.ghways, Chester 0w had been , his retirement le and his wife,  tle enthusiasts trail, had found " ent spot and t Ires a home at I rth of Lilliwaup. td Planned a re- I his honor• one thing not h,: ,. ng a date with act Goodfellow to the hospital HospitaiDelays Retirement Plans of Chet Goodfellow e  I&apos;1'O used by Ragnvald's friends. 2nd; M2rs. Susan Schlange and uation, was a bit late getting Lilliwaup was a nice welcome for Parking their camper beside Present Lilliwaup Motel own- Joe Huntley, 3rd, pinochle, and up horth, his fishing venture was newcomer Terry Jay who likes lhe Lilliwaup creek, the Robert ers, Bud and Jerry Hays, were Mrs. Jim Hammond, door prize, reported to be a success. He to fish. The Jays are in the Hill family of Seattle enjoyed also interviewed for the article. Lilliwaup friends of Matt and was at Point Moiler on the pen- McGrady house on Little Lilli- the rain-and-sun weekend at We hope that John Aaro found Mamie Kaare were at the large "ntfla 1l) towards the Aleutians. waup Bay. Their four boys are IAlliwaup. Bob, the son of Mrs. a copy of the paper, as he was reception celebrating their 50th Catching a small silver on his now started in the local school Jack Catto, with his young son, late in learning about the Lilli- wedding anniversary Sunday in first time out since moving to district. Bert, joined his uncle, John waup story being in the Sunday the Potlatch clubhouse of the issue, Hood Canal Woman's Club. A Good attendance marked the number were assisting in the first September pinochle party serving of the nearly 200 guests held by the Ltlliwaup Cbmmun- who came to congratulate the D ity Club; It was preceded by a well-known couple. They repre- bounteous potluck supper, served sent the Lilliwaup Community buffet style from the kitchen• Club, the Hood Canal Woman's These suppers are a feature for Club, the Amaranth and O.E.S. the card party on the second affiliations of the honored pair. Friday of each month, and begin- Mrs. Carl W. Hansen was host- __ A ..._ hye night of his ning in October, a short business ess Wednesday to members of , . session of the club will be held her bridge luncheon group at the 0sPitai-rsix;[r " after supper. Hansen Ayock Beach home. m't "'" "y at, he is now _xs. Esther Cb.ristensen was After a summer of stake-net | at home and hostess serving refreshments af- salmon fishing on the Caribou 'qst a minor sur- tel- the card game. At the pi- river in Alaska, Tom Eastgard,  month, nochle party Sept. 22 hostesses son of the Erling Eastgards, ar- .wh0 has been do- will be Mrs. Oran B. Lee and rived home early Monday morn- , ,,Re he was 13 H. J. Rungs. ing. Tom, a June graduate of head of the graph Prize winners Friday evening the Shelton high school, will enter ,tne Department of" were Mrs. Evelyn Nicholson and the University of Washington this  Srted drawing, Sam Ware of Prosser, lst; Mrs. fall. -' c'- Matt Kaare and Joe Hunfley, Although Tom, waiting for grad. e" *aSsesh at high , e was 18 went Robinson, and cousin Jim for some Jeffersort lake fishing dur- ing their stay. Sunday they had a potluck dinner at the Catto beach home. Also present was Bob's sister, Mrs. Mack Knutsen of Olympia. aerosol deodorant is super effective be- cause It's the only aerosol that giver you that famous Ever-Dry protection. Reg. $1.00 l " he attended E55S ,,,,f,ee Years. The  Just one spray JQerstud ,, and kk I 114A RGARIN E Y I I .,o. o.or =, d.' I  famous late "g,,0 his comic [e llve creative art %q state has been lq .......... ,,,:...!------'--: .- :: -,t.aid in project  " the story 'll sraphic form. L is also a re- NEW! EVER-DRY,  employee• :# Welcomes the | the newest AEROSOL Pgs. iiLg colony e Ir .,ho like .ood DEODORANT! °kl Salute s Just push the button and 24 houRI I b AEROeO" =1 of odor protectionl Naturally,get this new a cen JOUrnal that he Ioodo$[ I vl of Eldon had  Sept. 5, Brian 00 : .o Mrs. Ah], ,s" aat day. The :t her a letter, e." his iet-e. .- ", Which has i 'y Wi" . th a birthday Mt. Morlah Lodge  F,&A. M. No. 11 Saturday, September 16 Stated Communication Lodge Openl 8 p.m, George B. Howard, W.M. Arnold L. Cheney, Secretary NOW 2/si.00 ""  Home the ee miles out Permanent  rcadia Road. withSponge . 5, the same End Papers for !e a 12 Years old. Easy Winding e. k long as you kle Pe You enjoy ..... : ..M... ........ . ..... y : Pecially your ' " ..... qshes, Brian ........... MORE LOW LOW " ....... .... 48 CH EESE ,04'°nal,_ of Mr• a.nd *:':' '"''* .o,u. WIENERS € EVERYDAY PRICES : :s tdsis 'n " De outh S'Z S'ZE  • n her birth- l,,Sheltr:rl, H:nZl ? NOW NOW ,,,. 5 oR SHARP... Sl.49  d. nnott. ellpo ast Thurs- 00oo. 99* 59* 'er has another ,oc,o COFFEE "'"'° '"I 17 (LB. TIN 59€) tin , IW2S. Dollie IDAHOAN INSTANT o° o=o GREEN BEANS Double Luck Cut 303 8/'1 74 ¢ POTATO FLAKES (.e.,,¢ to visit tin 2 lb. Pkg. and the Lon after- NOW PEAS Rosedale Sweet 303 -,/$1 SYRUP -OG c^.,. ,.o 36,) 35  o .a .. __. t,. ,o o.,o ce she was relD-. ) LIBBY'S SECTIONS o.t for her BARTLETT PEARS Standby 3034/Sl 27 ¢ She IN TWO FLAVORS *,n GRAPEFRUIT <.e., ,,, 0 at the MUSHROOMS Standby Stems and Pieces 4 oz. 23' Mr. and REGULAR & NEW MINT tin PEACHES .,o.(.o,. ,,)""',- OZ• tin and  U S N 1Ditto e nd in GRAPEFRUIT JUICE ¢"°g "> 38' FAMILY SIZE 46 oz. tin BLUE RIBBON FANCY ° .o,n, Ro.,,, 79  0 ra TOMATO JUICE ("°° /"> 31  chil- NOW   • 46 oz. tin whoREG" OR HOT-- WITH BEANS NALLEY'S CHILl (.eg 3/$1) 33' ' 15 oz. tin n the late 3 DAYS ONLY! COFFIClg-MATIC°"e'otenr writer, surprised MINUTE SEASONED Roast Beef, Spanish, Drumstick POp- at   RICE MIX (.e,. ,,, , oz .acago 35' made i i SHORTENING FRESHIE IT of the (Reg. 75¢) 3 lb. tin later or powder RAISINS SUNMAID LITTLE 22 ¢ -- (Reg. 25¢) 6 ct. pkg. ___ 10 lb. ,vo,,so,00 o ,, "]|ngo," 4 ct. pkg. for  SOAP INST. FELS NAPTHA 10€ off that  (Reg. 73¢) Giant Size 71 ¢ Wl LKENSON SWORD RULED RULED lx,/ RAZOR BLADES (.co .,> 59 ¢ 5 ct, pkg. Filler Paper Filler Paper SHAMPOO °" ,oo (.eg .,, 79' 7 oz. bottle REG. 68¢ REG. $1.19 .ow 39' .ow 69¢ € ...oo.o.=,o. TOOTHBRUSH ("e"" "'> 49' ....... adult size "PENETRAY" HIGH INTENSITY LAMP STORE HOURS ° NOW '4 99 Mon. thru Thurs.: .... 11 a.m.-6 p.m. $6,60 • Friday: ...................... 9 a.m. - 7 p.m. Saturday: .................... 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. vergreen Evergreen Square 426-3456 or 426.4456 rIEHOUSE DIRECT PRI * WHY PAY MOREl * • LIMIT RIGHTS RESERVED • L Thursday, September 14, 1967 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 21