September 14, 1967 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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September 14, 1967 |
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Community Church Here Ob serves Anniversary Sunduy
HOODSPORT -- The down-
pour of rain Sunday morning
failed to keep people from church.
A capacity crowd filled the Hood
Canal Community Church, hon-
oring the 25th Anniversary of
its founding, and to hear former
Pastor Rev. Paul Sweeney, The
Dalles, Ore., deliver the morn-
ing message. Rev. Lloyd Kil-
gore, Seattle who followed Rev.
Sweeney as pastor, was present
and warmly greeted.
With Rev Sweeney were his
wife, two daughters, son-in-law
and Mrs. Sweeney's mother, Mrs.
Here also to attend the day's
commemoration were John Boyce
Mayo. near Dawson, Yukon Ter-
ritory, C:mada, who traveled
the farthest to be present, Karl
Linseott, Seattle; Ernest Worl,
DeMoincs, Mr. and Mrs. Ken-
neth Graves, Marble Mount, Mr.
and Mrs. Nolan Mason, Olym-
r, ia, Mr. and Mrs. Al Chase,
Auburn, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
Parrott, Sao Paulo, Brazil, who
have been spending the summer
with Mrs. Parrot's mother, Mrs.
Lem Roe and Mr. and Mrs.
James Radtke, Seattle.
Open-house was held between
3-5 [).m. followed by refresh-
ments. At the evening service
Mr. and Mrs. Parrott showed
pictures of their mission work
in Brazil.
An estimated 200 guests were
present to help Mr. and Mrs.
Matt Kaare celebrate their 50th
wedding anniversary and to wish
them many more happy years to-
gether, Sunday afternoon at the
Hood Canal Woman's Clubhouse.
Relatives came from California
and friends signed the guest book
from several Oregon cities and
from Seattle, Tacoma, Milton,
North Lake, Auburn, Olympia,
Bremerton, Belfair, Poulsbo,
Gardner, Port Townsend, Port
Angeles, S h e 1 t o n, Lilliwaup,
Hoodsport, Union and Potlatch.
In charge of the guest book were,
Mrs. Michael Stolen and Mrs.
Dess Haines.
At the gift table were Mrs.
Bob Pederson, Port Angeles and
]rs. Iris Gulseth, Port Town-
send. Mrs. Evelyn Nicholson not
only cut and served the beauti-
fully decorated cake, but also
baked it. Presiding at the punch
bowls were Mrs. Dea Chatham,
and Mrs. George Moake Pouring
were MYs. Chris Madsen, North-
Lake and MYs Oscar Jensen, Ta-
coma. Kitchen hostesses were
Mrs. Roland Willson and Mrs.
Fred Martin.
Hosting the celebration honor-
ing their parents and grandpar-
ents were the Kaare's sons and
their wives, Mr. and Mrs. Mau-
rice Kaare, Potlatch and Mr.
and Mrs. George Kaare, Poulsbo,
Mrs. Bob Pederson, Port Angeles
and Jerry Kaare, Potlatch.
The clouds that brought the
heavy rain in the morning and
early afternoon broke away and
the sun shone beautifully remind-
ing one of the song, "The End
of A Perfect Day."
The Hood Canal Real estate
announced Monday that Mr. and
Mrs. Ivan E. Taylor and son, of
Issaquah, have bought the Clar-
ence Hicks lots on the Lake Cush-
man road. The Taylors plan to
put three mobile homes on the
lots. They will occupy one and
rent the other two. Mr. and Mrs.
Keith Roberts, San Francisco,
Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Clifford
Williamson, Centralia, Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Anderson, Seattle and
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Wilber, Seattle
have purchased lots at Holiday
Beach. All plan to build sum-
mer homes on the lots immedi-
The Hood Canal Garden Club
members gathered last Thursday
at the Woman's Clubhouse
grounds but the day being so
sunny and warm, instead of meet-
ing inside, held their business
meeting outdoors, then adjourn-
ed to Mrs. Anna Runacre's in
Shelton for a potluck patio lunch.
The afternoon was spent admir-
ing Mrs. Runacres' lovely flow-
ers and taking pictures.
The next meeting of the club
will be Sept. 28, at the Woman's
Clubhouse, Potlatch. Guest speak-
er will be the son County
Extension Agent, who will speak
on "Preparing Plants for Win-
ter." Anyone interested is wel-
come. Potluck lunch at 12:30.
Outboard boat racing Sunday
afternoon at the resort at Lake
Cushman was very poorly at-
tended due mostly to lack of
advertising. The Seattle Club
who raced at Union in August
put on the races.
Mrs. Clark Beal's mother, Mrs.
Lena Hancock fell the first part
of August and broke her right
hip. After surgery in Olympia
Mrs. Hancock is being cared for
at the Shelton Manor Home, Rt.
1, Shelton.
David Kilbourne is attending
Olympic College. This is David's
sophomore year.
The Star Spangled Banner was
written Sept. 14, 1814.
Mrs. Yocom's aunt and uncle,
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Nuhs, St.
Mary's, Idaho, came for a visit
as did Mr. and Mrs. Carroll
Phillips, Cuplutino, Calif. and Mr.
and Mrs. Emery Bliven, Mrs.
Phillip's parents from Grand
Forks, N. D. Cecil Bowen and
son, Rodney, Kenmore, were visi-
t,:rs and George's nephew, Doug-
las Kurtz, a jet pilot, whose home
is in Chicago, Ill. Ernest Worl
was their guest for almost two
weeks and last Sunday the Lloyd
users will
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Your warmest friend
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There's no better fuel for heating than natural gas;
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If you heat, heat water and cook with natural gas you'll earn ]
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Page 22 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, September 14, 1957
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