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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 14, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 14, 1967
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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J F•r FAST SERVICE Phone 426.4412 Classified Deadline: 3 p.m. Tuesday TOO Late to Classify: 5 p.m, Tuesday For Sale POR A FIEE HOUR of beauty call for a Merle Norman Cos- rustic demonstration. Elaine% phone 426-4582. E 6/4 tfn dOBILE HOME FURNITURE -- We specialize in quality compact furniture for your mobile home. At Olsen Furni- ture you're always welcome, 4th and Cota. 426-4702. 4/14 tfn ','OR SALE -- Good, effective D For Sale ANTIQUE PUMP organ, good condition. $125. Call 426-6611. C 9/14-10/5 USED UPRIGHT Piano. John- ny's Music Box, 205 Cota st- Phone 426-4302. J 9/14 tin FOR SALE --  inch nylon lined wet suit, used twice, $40. Call 426-2551. D 9/14-21 1957 COLDSPOT refrigerator for sale• Good condition, $50. Ph. and Just 4412. WALL-TO-WALL CARPETS ol room-size rugs. Custom-made draperies. We measure, expert installation. Your satisfaction is guaranteed. Free estimates. You're always welcome at Ol- sen Furniture, 4th and Cots, 426-4702. O 11/18 tfn .................................... L .................... OLE AND ALDER wood for sale, $18 cord, delivered. Phone 426-2582. N 7/20 tfn inexpensive advertising. 426-4752. P 9/14 call The Journal, 426- . ........................................................ 8/19 tfn LOWREY HOLIDAY electric or- gan, perfect condition, call 426- 2421 after 5 p.m. K 9/14 VACUUM CLEANERS -- We sell the best and service the rest. Jack Manley. Phone 426- 3544. M 3/2 tfn :,OCKER BEEF ..... 2 year old steers. 200-225 lb. average side. 49 cents lb. cut and wrapped on halves. Stewart's Food Bas- ket, Mt. View. 6/22 ttn ,VOOD FOR SALE ..... Alder, fir, maple, Jack pine, any length. Immediate delivery. $18.00 per cord. Call Belfair CR 5-2302. D 7/27 tfn TREE KODAK FILM, Kodacolor or black/white with each roll left at Ziegler's Camera. 426- 6163. 5/25 tfn ULIPS, DAFFODILS, Crocus and Hyacinths are awilable at Cooke's Feed Store, 219 South First. C 9/14-21 WINCHESTER 30-30 RIFLE $40. Good violin $12. Phone 426- 3649. B 9/14 tfn WILL TRADE Queen size hed for UPRIGHT PIANO. Good condi- tion. $80 cash. Phone after 5 p.m. 426-8426. H 9/14 GET YOUR WOOD NOW! Don't wait until cold weather. $15 cord. Call 877-5862. P 9/14-10/5 FOR SALE---22 Cat with winch. Phone 426-3851 after 5 p.m. E 9/14-10/5 WOOD HEATER for sale. $65. Phone Hoodsport 877-5315. E 9/14-21 GARAGE SALE--Coffee tables, chairs, desk. Hand mower, tires, tools, miscellaneous cloth- ing, household articles. 426- 6629. F 9/14 TULIPS, DAFFODILS, Crocus and Hyacinths are available at Cooke's Feed Store, 219 South First. C 9/14-21 GIBSON 4 BURNER electric range, excellent condition. Two steel bed frames, springs, twin size. Also upholstered chair, foot stool. 426-3754. C 9/14 SECOND HAND GOODS -- All Types Come and Browse. Maxwell Station, 200 E. Pine. K 9/14 WITH For Sale HAY FOR SALE. McDonald's farm -- Kamilche Valley. 426- 3740. M 1/12 tfn TRADE IN YOUR old furniture at Olsen Furniture, 4th and Cota. 4/14 tfn ALTO SAXOPHONE, excellent condition, $200. 426-8690. O 8/10 tfn HD 14 AC with cable blade, drum, very good undercovering and runs good. $3,50000. Will consider items on trade. Call McCleary 495-3398, eves 495- 3259. Mc 9/7-21 Used Cars CAR FOR SALE -- 1963 Pontiac Catillina, excellent condition, 389, 4-speed, low mileage. Call 426-6438. S 8/24tfn FOR SALE -- 52 GMC q-ton fiat bed pick-up $150. 426-8808 S 8/24 tfn 1963 GRAND PRIX. Original owner. Excellent condition. 426-8228. M 9/7-14 Services SEWING, ALTERATION -- pants cuffed, hemming coats, dresses, etc. Also have doll en- sembles. Experienced. Phone 426-3177. L 9/14 BACK HOE SERVICE -- Light grading, back filling, sewage systems. Reasonable rates• Dietz Kadoun, phone 426-6893. 7/22 tfn PSYCHIC READING: Advice and help on many matters. 7182 Martin Way. Phone 357- 8771, Olympia. A 1/5-26 tfn K-9 KLIPS, professional poodle clipping and pet grooming. Call Mrs. Kimball for appoint- ment 426-8988. 8/31 tfn SAND AND GRA--VEL, top'-h; peat soil, custom tractor work. Johns Creek Sand & Grave - Co., phone 426-3552. 9/12 tfn BATON LESSONS Beginners $1 -- Private $2 Certified Teacher, United States Twirling Association. CAROLYN RHODES Phone 426.4214 9/7-14-21 1958 CHEVROLET Biscayne two door, six cylinder, stick. Very clean, $450 or best offer. 426- 6821 after 5 p.m. R 9/14 GOOD 1957 FORD convertible wlth '61 engine, $265. Phone 426-4082. S 9/14 Wanted WANTED IMMEDIATELY -- Two million feet alder logs. Smith Hardwood Mill, John's Prairie. Phone 426-3464. 9/7 tfn LANE HOUSE MOVING Houses Raised, Foundations and Leveling Phone 426-8147 1/27 tfn HAND SAWS & TABLE SAWS SHARPENED 1714 Jefferson (Mt. View) Phone 426-6687 H 2/17 tfn Miscellaneous CARD OF THANKS I would like to thank all my friends and relatives for the beautiful flowers and cards re- ceived while I was in the hos- pital. Evelyn Wood 9/14 For Rent GATEWAY APARTMENTS -- A furnished bachelor apartment Down town, utilities furnished. $54. 119 East Cedar 426-4895 or 426-4481. G 8/17 fin SMALL one bedroom house, $50 a month. 426-4806. H 8/17fin FOR RENT -- Tra.ller space close to downtown. Call 426- 4426. M 10/8 tfn FOR RENT -- Two bedroom, furnished apartment. Edge- wood Apts., Shelton Airport. Phone 426-8584. S 4/6 tfn FOR RENT: Nice light one bee- room apartment, furnished, downtown. Inquire 718 No. 6th. D 2/23 tfn FOR RENT: Furnished down- town apartment. Carlon Apts., Phone 426-3011. See manager, Apt. 3. C 8/3 tfn LAWTON APARTMENTS -- 7th and Pine. Quiet, comfort- able, furnished, unfurnished. One bedroom or bachelor units. 426-2121. 2/9 tfn FOR RENT -- Small unfurnish- ed one bedroom house, 3 blocks from the Shelton Hospital. $45 month. Phone Hoodsport 877- 5350. P 8/31 tfn WANTED to rent or lease: Two or three-bedroom unfurnished house. 426-6636. W 9/14 Septic Tank SCHOOL GIRL wants evening babysitting, Southside area. Installations FOR RENT -- Three bedroom 426-6440 after 4 p.m. A 9/14 apartment, partially furnished, F()F, SALE .... Large selection WILL BABY-SIT in your home 500-gal., 750-gal., 1,000-gal. garage, available about Sept. 10. Walker Park addition. of reconditioned ranges, re- Drain Fields, Ditch Digging nr mine. Day care or evenings. Phone 426-4827. R 9/7 tfn frigerators, washers, dryers. Phone 426-3091. W 9/7-14 Backhoe, Trencher for Hire Eells & Valley Appliance FOR RENT-- Small, modern Center. 6/5 tfn ACREAGE WANTED SHARER DIGGING SERVICE cabin, furnished. Phone 426- FOR RENT -- One bedroom fur- nished cabin. Phone 426-4888. M 9/7 tfn Lustre to clean rugs. Rent electric shampooer $1. Coast to Cos st. 9/] 4 youth bed. Phone 426-8946. PRIVATE PARTY desires 10-40 Phone 426-3660 8423. W 9/7 L 9/14 ........ .......... . . acres, wooded or old farm on CR 5-2157,rBelfair ' 1-27 tfn FOR RENT -- 33 ft. trailer with BRACE ........ YOURSELF ................. for a ......... "tHl% S'._ G ':GO . 4i county" roa:d.' MasonlThurtn' the first time you u Blue, .... ,f-counties location. Send dttiils"' '  '  ' 11x27 closed cabana on beau- ...... D. A. Shuffin, P.O. Box 556, . tiful Spencer Lake. Sleeps six. TWO McCULLOCH outboard Wauna, Wash. Phone 857-4230 Help Wanted 426-6745. C 9/7 Immediate Delivery HOTPOINT 10 Year Free Replacement Warranty WATER HEATER The Hotpolnt Custom (;lassllne water heater provides the ultl- mate in automatic, afe, eftl- elent operation. And best o! all, it is backed by 10 year tank replacement warranty. Eells & Valley Appliance Center 2nd & Cota St. Phone 426-4663 Complete Home Furnishing Center matching motors, long shaft eves. 8/31-9/21 (25 h.p. handpull, 28 h.p. elec- tric start), controls and extra tIANDYMAI wants 3oDs. Clean- props. Phone 426-2411 or 426- ing, painting, repairing. For in- 3375. K 6/15 tfn formation call 426-4278. B 3/30 tfn SEDAN CRUISER, excellent ...................................................... condition, nice family boat, IRONING DONE in my home sleelx four. Also boat house, slx days a week. Phone 426- Both for $2500.00. See at Shel- 6420. 90€ per hour. L 2/10 tfn ton City Dock or call 426-6477 days. T 8/3 tfn COMPLETE LINE of Kawasaki m)t.rcycles from 85cc to 650 cc Cooke's 219 So). 1st. 426-2612. C 8/17tfn ONE TRAIL HONDA 50, with extras. Excellent condition, $175; 17 in. portable T.V., good condition $20. 1530 Adams. S 9/14 1960 15 FT. TRAILER with chemical toilet, sleeps 5. $600. Phone 426-4365. P 9/14 artan STEEL POOL Backhoe Services Sewage Systems Topsoil- Fill Dirt First Bankcard Honored GLENN PARR 426-6539 SHELTON iii C,O,MP,L, ET00E DIS,P,00ERSAL Chm'les Ha Wivell Dairies Sept. 16 & 17 at the Wivell Farm 8ix (6) Miles Southwest of Shelton off.Lost Lake Road Begins 10:00 aam. 170 REGISTERED JERSEYS 2 LOGGING CA'TS 4 FARM TRACTORS IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT 8x45 TRAILER HOUSE PLATFORM SCALES 30 KVA GENERATOR Many Articles Too Numerous To Mention CATTLE TO BE SOLD SATURDAY EQUIPMENT AND MISC. SOLD SUNDAY Route 3, Box 643, Shelton Phone 426-3801 WANTED Standing Alder Timber of Sawmill Quality CASCADE FIBRE Chehalis, Wash. 748-3800 days 736-5830 eves 4/13 tfn BACKHOE SERVICE Septic Tanks • Drain Fields Grading • Free Estimates BILL NOLL 426-4160 3/16 tfn WANTED GOOD USED FURNITURE or APPLIANCES Cash or Consign KELLY FURNITURE 1st & Mill 426-2411 1/27 tfn BULLDOZER ROAD GRADER Backhoe and Dump Truck Work Septic Systems Installed Call GENE'S GRADER SERVICE 426-4827 3/30 tfn Services PIANO INSTRUCTIONS -- High school student with pro- fessional backing. Call Clnda Watson, 426-8239. W 9/7-28 CHAIN SAW SHARPENING, speedy, accurate, precision grinding. Now at Saeger Mo- tor Shop, Hillcrest. Phone 426- 4602. 1/15 tfn PICKERS WANTED -- Trans- portation will leave Court- house at 8 a.m. Monday through Friday for blueberry pickers. 8 cents pound. Eber- hardt Blueberry Nurseries, 352-8031. E 9/7 tfn PART TIME dental assistant. Need not be experienced. Neat, dependable, 20-30 years old. Write c/o Journal Box 100. 9/7 tfn HELP WANTED -- Part-time maintenance man. Ideal for re- tired man. Housing available. Phone Mrs. Latham, Shelton Manor Nursing Home, 426-4552 days, or evenmgs 426-2410. S 9/14 tfn Pets, Livestock FOR SALE -- 2-year old filly with saddle, trained for games. $225. Call 426-4897. G 8/24-9/14 SEALPOINT KI2ENS, male, 6 weeks, box broken. 426-4328. W 9/14 FOR RENT -- Three bedroom, furnished or unfurnished, full basement, $70. References re- quired. Phone 426-6443. G 9/14 FOR RENT -- Bachelor apart- ment at Bayshore, furnished water also furnished. $25.00 per month. Phone 426-4846. O 9/14-10/5 FOR RENT -- One bedroom du- plex, stove and refrigerator only. Call 426-2704. 118 West Birch street. L 9/14-10/5 FOR RENT -- Bachelor apart- ment or suitable for working couple. No pets. Inquire 722 Pine. P 9/14 tfn FURNISHED one bedroom du- plex, $50. 426-3908. B 9/14 tfn FOR RENT -- House on beach near Hoodsport, 2 baths, 2 bed- rooms, 2 fireplaces, partly fur- nished. References required, $75.00 month. 877-5523. C 9/14-10/5 HOUSEKEEPING room for rent. Downtown area. Call 426-8115. L 9/14 ............................................ FOR DARLING PURE-BRED Toy Poodle pups, one white, one sli- ver. 426-4936. B 9/14 ÷RoPzcku-i00iS-00%r ;aie:-i00ancy guppies and platties. 426-6148. W 9/14-10/5 AKC REGISTERED Samoyed puppies, sell or trade for old piano, Maytag wringer wash- er or ? Phone 426-6953. D 9/14 FOR SALE -- 2 yr. old Black Angus heifer with calf. Call 426-8129. W 9/14-21 Puppies! A good selection of Australian Terriers available. The newest Terrier tn the U.S. Small, lively, lovable, intelligent• New Litter of West Highland White Terriers Stud Service: Australian Terrier, West Highland White Terrier, Toy Poodle (White, Texas Breeding) TEANN KENNELS Route 2, Box 908 Phone 426-6152 Shelton, Wash. i Piano and/or Organ Instruction For information call Mrs. O. A. Aho 603 So. 9th 426-8885 8/17-tfn RENT -- 2vvo bedroom house on Lake Nahwatzel. Stove, refrigerator, water, elec- tricity furnished, $100 per month. 426-8323. T 9/14 tfn SMALL THREE BEDROOM fur- nished house. Inquire 226z/ So. 7th. Phone 426-8113. B 9/14 FOR RENT 2 - Bedroom apartment, utilities furnished.' No children or pets, $75.00 month. Also available 1- Bedroom house, ideal for retired single man or couple. Part- time maintenance man need- ed. Work could apply towards rent. Phone Mrs. Latham, Shelton Manor Nursing Home, 426-4552, or evenings 426-2410. 9/14 tfn R. E. Exchanges EXCHANGE -- What you have -- for what you want. Kurt Mann, Realtor - Exchangor, 426-6592. 8/18 tfn HAVE CLIENT with modest 2 bedrobm home at Totten Shores -- wants to trade into 3 bedroom home with acreage, up to $15,000. Prefer North or Northwest of Shelton. Call MANN REAL ESTATE---426- 6592. 9/7 PaKe 24 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, September 14, 1967 D Real Estate FOR SALE -- Equity on home. 3 bedroom 1 baths, and 2 lots on Angleside. Terms. Will lease to responsible party. Call 426-4167 8/24-9/14 HOOD CANAL, Pebble Cove, 2 bedroom cottage for sale. Near Alderbrook Inn. Phone 426- 6190. S 6/15 tfn FOUR BEDROOM house, close to school. Substantial down payment. Call 426-8113. B 5/18 tfn COMMERCIAL PROPERTY Corner Lot--100'x 120' Sixth & Railroad Phone 426.8190 A Ii/i0 tfn HILLCREST 2 bedroom home at 941 E. Cascade. Large garden area. Phone owner 426-6190. S 6/15 tfn /t 15 Words or ,e¢" 10 0entl additionl FOUR (4) insertions for the pri Real Estate THREE BEDROOM home, 2 car garage at 727 North 4th. $10,- 200. Call Jim Pauley, 426-8231 days. 6/15 tfn ARCADIA ESTATES THAT'S right -- any tract only $50 down payment. Also correct --tracts as low as $1,500 and $15 monthly payments. It's true -- tracts comprise approximately one acre (43,560 ft.) or more; that some are wooded and others are garden tracts absolutely level and cleared but with wooded homesites. IT'S A home and retirement at- mosphere without the hilarious hubbub of weekend recreational developments. There's a lovely warm stream available to all property owners for fishing, swimming (also salt water fish- ing nearby). Then yes---cool deep well water from a central water system, piped under pressure. Just turn the faucet and there it squirts on each tract right now ........ today. THEN add all conven- BEAUTIFUL BROOKSIDE and iences such as electricity, phones, 4 BI $8500. some bedroom house, some cash. phone FOR SALE Mt. homes after 5 p.m. 120' x 100' cation. Clean one bedroOm tens. 426-2897. FOR SALE 2 bedroom lots V mi. between 5-6 p.m, g! FIVE ACRES house, partly 877-5505. upland property, Dayton area, for sale. Bar-Din Enterprise, 311 Cookson. Phone 426-8113. B 6/8 tfn Bay East Vacation and Permanent Homesites Totten Inlet on Puget Sound For Information: Phone 426-8745 Shelton 8/17-10/19 schools, churches, bridle paths, ................ shopping center and you have BY OWNER country living deluxe, room home. PROVIDE for your future by in- floors vesting now in Arcadia. A good school selection of tracts still available, r'none Request literature. ARCADIA after 6 p.m. ESTATES, Rt. 3, Box 346 A, Shelton, Wash. Phone 426-3663. SALE/TRA Anytime. Property 2 miles East peria of Shelton (Hillcrest), Arcadia Near VictC Road to sign. 8/3 tfn ties. 877-5429' Mr. Realy state A. Roy Dunn ,'Need HOME AND 24 ACRES . . . Only3 miles from town ands A Home? dandy piece of property -- some I ..&t \\;P_EL fenced pasture and the balance in :'1 Xmas trees and growing timber. Ca|| Handyman can improve the house, and you also have a barn 42 shed, good water system, nice ( |1 small orchard, etc. $11,000. IDEAL FOR COUPLE . . • A very lovely and nearly new home on 10 wooded acres with pretty stream. You'll like the birch':and cherry panel]Jrg, .the,, , ample ceramic tile, the g0nae .., , designed kitchen, the twin fire- places, the built-in barbecue, the lovely maple floors, the very at- tractive bath with sunken tub and the extra sA bath too. Built- tn appliances and everything is designed for easy-care. YOu should see this one! $20,000. NEW COUNTRY HOME ... It's neat as a pin and a very nice 2 bedroom home on an acre only 4 miles out. All-electric, with built- in appliances, wall to wall car- peting, and many fine features. After down payment, purchaser can take over seller's low-interest loan with $55/monthly payments. WANT VACATION PROPERTY? We have some excellent buys on Hood Canal, Lake Nahwatzel, Shorecrest, Star Lake, etc. Come in and we'll try to help. From $2600. up. 4 BR COUNTRY HOME ... Nearly new and with so many nice features. Stone fireplace to ceiling, master bedroom has pri- vate bath, pretty birch cabinets, built-in appliances, nice patio, area, fine hardwood floors and clean electric heating. On spa- cious lot not far from Island Lake. $16,500. 3 BR 21,/2 BATH HOME ... A very lovely and spacious home with 2 fireplaces, family room, separate dining room, nice patio, large utility room, 2-car gar- age, and situated on extra large lot. It's a buy at $19,000, so hur- ry! WE LIKE THIS ONE . . . Attractive 2 bedroom California style home with full basement and many fine features. Spacious rooms, plastered, hardwood floors, fireplace, finest heating system, dining room, lovely kitchen, etc. It's downtown and walking dis- tance to all stores, work, etc. $18,- 500. HERE'S A BARGAIN! . . . If you need a good building lot, we suggest you check this dandy Hillcrest view lot, with sewer and water, all cleared, and at only $850 4 BR WATERFRONT HOME... With acreage too! And there's 2 baths, nice patio, separate dining room, basement, hobby room, 2- car garage, and lovely grounds. Seller will consider your terms. Let's go look! HOME PLUS 16 ACRES . . . Nice 3 bedroom home near Wash. ington Corrections Center. Fire- place, hot water heating system, plastered house with hardwood floors, and many nice features. $14,500. Call 426-4447 A. Roy Dunn REALTOR EVENINGS CALL Don Brown -- 426-6388 A. Roy Dunn  426-4601 126 Railrmd Avenue -- helton i i H| YOUR DREAM HOME-- Here is a neat, 3 bedroom home that has the average young homebuyer.. Just recently stem to stern, ;it features a fir.eplacc, gas cheerful room, nice, lawn and siu'ubbcry, Best of all, it'st)riced at 'just $11,750, easy Owner is leaving town, so possess,on is no LARGE HOME IN SUBURBAN SETTING Lookin K for a spacious 4 bedroom home just outside Shelton's city limits ? Here's a d 2 full baths, family room, 2 car carport. $25,000. 2herc's also another bonus in today. NEAT 3 BEDROOM NEAR SCHOOL This modest home near Bordeaux school tures for the young family. FHA offers a neat corner fireplace, hardwood room, plus a spacious kitchen with lots of cup in appliances, and also a rock-free garden area takes about $400 in closing costs. Hurry, thiS PHILLIPS LAKE-- We have just listed this fine no-bank should see it today. It's nicely wooded and to the lake. Priced right at $5,100 with ju FAMILY HOME-- Here's the perfect spot for a large and active praised at $13,500, it offers 3 bedrooms, a place, full basement and it's just 3 blocks down payment and we can consider your ARE YOU HANDY? If you like to paint and putter, here's a subUr your talents. This spacious 3 bedroom home acre just outside city limits. Just $6,750 wi terms. TAKE YOUR PICK-- Of two brand new homes now under constl Hill area. We know you will be please features offered. Just a few "extras" .rs. --family room--garage--fireplace and easY $9,500--F H A-- This multi-level 3 bedroom home is so very will make such a very pleasant "first horn nace heat, an attached garage and located So give us a call. YOU HAVE ASKED FOR IT-- And here it is -- this "neat as a pin" 2 just outside of Shelton on 5 acres. And flows through the property so there is ing in your back yard. You will like workshop and the nice yard. Just $16,950. ARCADIA ROAD-- Here's a real good choice for the budget A two bedroom home with a nice view of on a large lot. The price is just $4,850, so JUST OUT OF TOWN-- Both this home and its neighborhood nearly 1100 square feet in a 2 bedroom neighbors on adjoining properties. Your ;d. only be $8,950 and FHA terms can be ASSUME It's all set to move into and take over the an equity investment less than $2,000. If opportunity on a charming young home sidewalks and with a swell well-built wo ! time you've found it! Immediate pos' MR. REALY STATE SAYS-- There's a "lot" planned for your new and it's going to please the whole complete program. In this unique res] can find a wide choice of tracts for down and $28.50 per month. (P.S. To ge 426-2646 right away.) HIMLIE R 1717 Olympic HI9hway N. EVENINGS CALL: DICK KNAUF 426-8110 VINCE HIMLIE 426-6501  DAVE