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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 14, 2023     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 14, 2023
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page 26 — Shelton-Mason County Journal Thursday, Sept. 14, 2023 ACTIVITIES BRIDES...SUMMER dates are filling up fast! Plan your weddings and receptions for up to 350 guests. The Pavilion Event Center, (360) 764—0710. (8 2/2 tfn) FISH FRY at Union City Lodge September 15th at 4:00 PM ‘til sold out, 19331 US Hwy. 101 N. of Shelton (across from Lucky Dog Casino). $13 for 3—piece fish, fries, coleslaw drink. Call Wayne or Pete, (360) 589—8040, (360) 229-3164. Proceeds benefit commu— nity programs. (U 9/14) AUCTIONS SHELTON POLICE Depart— ment will be auctioning various bicycles, tools, cell phones, electronic/com- puter equipment, jewelry, knives skateboard, fish tank, through www.prop— A complete list of items can be ob— tained at the Shelton Police Department, 525 W Cota St or on the website. (S 9/14) BOATS SAIL THIS Ted Brewer custom~designed 32’ yawl. Equinox has undergone many renovations since her 2007 San Diego build. Lay— ing in Union, she’s priced at $24,500, but the owner says all reasonable ofv fers are considered. As is, where is. Call Jeff McElroy for a viewing. Waterline Boats in Port Townsend: 360.808.2009. Photos and specs: waterlineboatscom (M tfn) BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES TAXI BUSINESS — Mason County Taxi for sale. Open 24 years since 1999. In- cludes gas plug—in electric hybrid cars and supplies. $149,000. (360) 490—4212. (A 8/31 —9/21) FOR SALE 2001 VW BEETLE, new transmission, runs but needs work. $3,000. Call for details. (714) 071. (tfn TM) CARS $1,995 and up, Sun Auto Sales. Large selection of low priced cars, trucks, vans, SUVs. Cash priced to sell. From Shelton, take State Route 3 E. towards Belfair. Located at 5961 E. State Route 3, Shelton. Call (360) 426-2907. (8 tfn) COMPUTERS COMPUTER SERVICE at your door and more. Dave’s Computer Service (360) 898—3800. No travel fees, free estimate (D tfn) CONSTRUCTION] CONTRACTORS KEL’S CAB Counter. Of— fering custom cabinets, countertops, finish carpen— try, furniture repair. Singu— lar service; Licensed, bond— ed insured. Call (360) 427—0977. (W 9/7e9/28) J.E. FRY, INC. Quality con— struction. Remodels, addi— tions decks, etc. Jackson Fry Cell (360) 2292216; licenced and bonded — JE— FRYEF823JB (J tfn) EDUCATION LOOKING FOR quality and stability for your children? Shelton Valley Christian School provides Kindergar— ten 8th grade education. Strong STEAM program. Small class sizes. Afford— able excellence. Enroll: ing now for next year. See website sheltonvalleychris— tianschoolorg for details or call (360) 426—4198. (8 tfn) “ boat at Sail this Ted Brewer custom designed 32’ yawI. Equinox has undergone many renovations since her 2007 San Diego build. Laying in Union she’s priced at $24,500 but owner says all reasonable offers consid- ered. As is, where is. Call Jeff McElroy for a viewing. Watenine Boats in Port Townsend: Photos and specs: WOSIIIIIOIOII IIIIIIOCI ODS OBI IOSIIIISI Inquire at this newspaper or call festivals, Fairs, rnr slums, resorts and gal/"ruinous [are l/lt’ result: lheygrl.’ CARS/TRUCKS EVENTS Lil’ Duckies Mini-Donuts Lemonades COME FIND US ~ Satur— day, September 16th 27th. . .Peace Valley Farm Grounds at 2620 W. Little Egypt Rd, Shelton. (S 9/14) FOR SALE SIX RECEPTION area chairs for sale; cloth uphol— stery w/wooden legs. Ex— cellent condition. Retiring and no longer need. (253) 219—3930. (9/14~9/21) r5’x8’ UTILITY TRAILER, great condition. $550. (360) 490—3114. (K 9/14) DRY SEASONED firewood, split. $275 per cord, you haul. Shelton. (360) 426- 9939. (J 9/14—9/21) SEASONED MAPLE fire- wood for sale: $300 a cord, delivered to Shelton Bel- fair area. (406) 309—0638. (M 9/7 -9/21) SEASONED FIR Firewood; split stacked. $150 firm, per cord. You haul. (360) 482—4897. (T 9/7—9/28) MTGN‘KWCWW J o u rnal PHOTO / LOGO Classi- fied Special: $15 extra for a photo or logo above your ad when you buy 4 weeks. Call (360) 426—4412 to- day to get your ad noticed by thousands of readers! Deadline: 5:00 pm. Mon- day. (J tfn) GARAGE SALES GARAGE SALE Satur— day only: Sept 15th 10am 4pm. Entire house, gar— den & bird bath, furniture books, ten tall Santa’s, three curio cabinets, ex- ercise equip, rowing ma— chines, etc., a great variety of jewelry misc.. 34417 30th Ave So. in Roy, WA. Worth the Drive! (S 9/14) Garage Sale: Tools, Miter saws, UW Husky stuff, puzzles, cocktail dresses, cloth— ing teenage & up, Vans & more shoes, holiday dé- cor, dishes, bedding, furni- ture, swing set, keyboard stand, material, games, kayak, generators, barn heater, coolers, hot dogs water, and so much much 30 MONEY DOWN LOW MONTHLY PAYMENT OPTIONS REQUEST A FREE QUOTE more. Well worth the de- tour. Fri, Sat Sun, Sept 15 — 17. 1167 Mox Chehalis Rd, McCleary. (M 9/14) McCleary City Wide Ga~ rage Sale. Fri — Sun, Sept 15 — 17. Come one, come all!!! (M 9/14) ANTIQUES & COLLECT— ABLES: Antique furniture and collectibles sale. Fri— day 9/15 Saturday 9/16. Grapeview Loop Road, milepost 5 just South of Fair Harbor Marina. (W 9/14) ESTATE SALE: Antiques, clocks, knives, pens, glass— ware, among many other items. Fri 9/15 3pm to 7pm Sat 9/16 9am to 4pm. E. 281 Woodland Dr. Shelton. (J 9/14) GREAT CRAP!!! We don’t need it anymore, but YOU might! Furniture, tools, fish— ing gear and boat stuff, books, household acces— sories and more. Sat. Sept 16 from 95, Sun. Sept 17 from 9—3. 302 E Poplar Street (Capital Hill) (F 9/14) GARAGE SALE Fri Sat 9/15 9/16, 9am — 3pm at EMERALD LAKE Lots of stuff, tools, kids, col— lectibles. 470 E EMERALD LAKE DR E. (S 9/14) ADVERTISE YOUR garage sale here. Include location, hours, and highlights. 20 words $15, 35 cents per extra word. Call (360) 426— 4412 or visit www.mason- (J tfn) HELP WANTED LINE—COOK, full time, year around at Spencer Lake Bar Grill. Lany (360) 426- 2505. (S 9/14-9/28) KITSAP TRANSIT — Admin— istrative Associate Ill Open— ings; Req: HS/GED & 3 yrs. admin/tech office support exp. $25.26 $33.98/hr. generous benefits. Job de— tails, appl. benefits info at https://www.government- transit. Open until filled. Kitsap Transit is an equal employment opportunity employer. (K 8/31-9/21) LANDSCAPING GROWING LANDSCAP— ING for Lawn Maintenance, Brush Clearing, Hauling, Bark, Tree Services, Re— taining Walls, Roof Gutter Cleaning, Moss Removal, Decks Fences. Domingo (360) 972-8920 (G tfn) ZJ’s LANDSCAPING, Con— struction Tree Service LLC, Residential, commer— cial, free estimates. Brush clearing, edging, thatch‘ ing, hauling, lawn mowing, drainage, weeding, brick laying, moss removal, paint— ing, firewood, gutters roof cleaning, pressure wash~ ing, fencing, snow removal, Warranty‘ A 5735 Value! CALL NOW BEFORE THE NEXT POWER OUTAGE '1 ' (888) 674-7053 concrete pouring, sprinkler systems, constmction, retaining walls, land clear— ing, remodeling, excavat— ing. Licensed, bonded, in— sured. General contractor #ZJLADLK848DC Find us on Facebook and Google+ free estimates, call or text, references available. Zacharias (360) 463—4834. zj.yardmaintenance@ also, check out website:https://www.zjlser— (Z tfn) LOST FOUND LOST DOG: Male Bearded Collie, his name is “Clark”, (he’s been chipped) last seen at Trask Lake in Grapeview, WA. Clark could possibly be shaved down...REWARD. If seen, call Barbara (209) 988- 9929 or Melina (209) 968— 0404 or Michele (650) 868— 4851. (M 9/7—9/14) LOST IT? Found it? Call (360) 426—4412 for an af— fordable listing here. Did you know the Journal will run ‘found’ pet listings for free? It’s true! (J tfn) MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISE STATEWIDE ‘ with a $325 classified list— ing or $1,600 for a display ad. Call this newspaper at (360) 426—441 or WNPA at (360) 3442938 for details. (Wtfn DONATE YOUR car . to charity. Receive maximum value of write off for your taxes. Running or not! All conditions accepted. Free pickup. Call for details, 855—635-4229. (W tfn) ELIMINATE GUTI'ER cleaning forever! LeafFilter, the most advanced debris— blocking gutter protection. Schedule a Free LeafFilter estimate today. 20% off Entire Purchase. 10% Se— nior Military Discounts. Call 1-888-360—1582. (W tfn) PREPARE FOR power out— ages today with a Generac home standby genera— tor. $0 money down low monthly payment options. Request a Free Quote. Call now before the next power outage: 1-888-674—7053. (wan) MUSIC ADD A touch of class to your event. Live cello solo— ist performs a large custom repertoire from the great American songbook and Bach to the Beatles. Ideal ambiance for dinners, wed- dings, receptions, celebra— tions of life, holiday parties, fundraisers. Reasonable rates. Call Dave (360) 490— 4695. (P tfn) ORGANIZATIONS MASONS, GUESTS: Union City Lodge #27 F. & A.M. meets across the street from the Lucky Dog Ca— sino, North of Shelton at ' 19331 US Hwy. 101, on the 2nd Thursday of each month. Dinner 6:30, Lodge 7:30. (June, 1st Thursday.) Sojourners welcome! Email (U tfn) Crystals. Gifts, Nature Center Lots of Gifts from $5. an $50. $l00 Largest rock mineral. selection in Washington .t . u all? ' . 3:" ‘s I I” pen l0:30AM-6:00 M . Tuesday-Saturday IIIOOAM-SZOOPM Sunday SIO SE Old Arcadia Road Shelton. WA.98584 360-426-8lll ADD YELLOW highlight to your ad. Get noticed for only $20 more, Call the Shelton-Mason County Journal 360-426-4412 ADVERTISING REACH THOUSANDS and thousands of local readers per week. 20 words or less: $15 for the ist week, 35 cents per additional word. Dead- line: Monday 5 PM. Email classifieds@masoncoun- tycom or call the Journal 8 AM 5 PM Monday-Thursday at 360-426-4412. SPECIAL! Buy 3 weeks, 41h week is Free! (J tfn) meme ' Qualify today for the Government Free Internet Program YOU QUALIFY for Free Internet If you receive Housing Assistance, Medicaid, SNAP, ch, Veterans Penslon, Survlvor Benefits, Lifeline and Tribal. en CALL TODAY (866) 7884147 c . I. ACP mogul" dotnllo can he Inund at www.fcc v/aflordaOle-connoctlvltyvpmgramoonsumot—an .*. to I Bonus offer: 46 Android Tablet with one time co-pay of 320 ID