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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 15, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 15, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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IIIII I II I " II I II lllllil i I|I &apos; ' , I Ill L IIIIIII i I II I IIII II I I I I IIIIIII III I I III "I T"[ II'I r I MarkFredson's637[FoRiH00im.rti00A.r00JA1V, l,u,,r= wherel00 E LINEUP No Holes-In-One Features Opening IGHCLIMBER GRID SQUAD; Made At Tourney, om ... Of Simpson Loop }SOME POSTS DEPEND ON KICKOFF Buck Price Wins ' SIMPSON MEN'S LFA(IVE LI With only a couple of ifs and , , ,, ,. . Bnek Vricc landed ball only Sure You ' [ reservations, Co.lch, Red Smith ..................... ; ....................... : ............. eh, ven inches from the hole at Lumbermen's Merc ............. 1 0lwas all set after Tuesday night's. JAMBOREE DUCATS Bayshore Course last Saturday Reed Mm 2 .......................... 2  lwoll.),,t on ti,e st.rUng iin¢.p STILL AVAILABLE .na took tile llighest prize given "Blind: S Olympic. Plywood ............... 2 1 he will nomina.te fro' his first in the Active Club's annual hole- Engineers ................................ 2 I i HiKhclinfl)er football m a chine 'rh,kcis e,Hitling tim imlder in-one tournament. Research ................................. 1 2 when he sees it. in battle action to reservP sl,als for tiw .jars- "It. was a perfect shot," corn-i As I wa;: drivh,g down Maia It could he 2 for the first time in the almttal 2 jamboree at }[¢)quiani Fi'iday 3 ! lfight. , , i l , , ,, ,,, , i,, , ,, , Fall B lbs u Tulips - Hyacinths 7"" ,Daffodils - Narcissus Anemone - Crocus (.Y Ranunculus -Iris, etc. WAGENER FEED STORE 219 South First Street  Phone 28 won¢[erful as a straight drink... marvelous in a highball... perfect for a cocktail... P.A. ms Important Appearance MAKE YOURS ITS SPECIAL TONI OFFER TONI REFILL KITVALUE $1.00 .... PLLI"S COMPLETE SET ..... TONI SPIN CURLERSVALUE $2.00 BOTHFOR 2.29 ,plus ,0, fed. tax) ' , i i ii TONI/ CREME RINSE Small Bottle (plus 10€ fed. tax) 3ERGEN'S LOTION ,o, .,t,. 45 € $1.00 bottle 89  LISTERINE ANTI- SEffrlC Large 14--Ounce Bottle ............ 69 ¢ 'At Ease' After Shave Lotion ..000,ar bot,,e .................... 39 ¢ i i _ ii i i i i i i iH Gillette SuI00r-SNM Razor Woodfiber . .............................. 1 Office ........................................ 1 Reed Mill I ............................. 0 Hi series-Mark Fredson 637 i The "ifs" in Smith's starting Hi game Jess Daniels 224 lineup depend on whether the Simpson men's Jeague D0wmrs nsllered ill the loc'd l)in season last Thursday with Mark Fred- son stealing irie opening scene. 'Mark posted thl'ee galnes fi|)ove tiw 200 fiF, m'e t'ov a ¢137 total l with :J h h of '.2'2:1 for the boys lo ilo,)t al lhe le.c of tile year a: he l)aced lieed Mill 2 to an odd .,}|II(" ilqll|llpil OVL!I' "V()od- ' lilh{ ILII'F" Q:(,}I'ill:ln will l)e al fiber, cr'.ier, Aith 14)}) i:]acreit ill the i l{IsAi)('"nloli"" Mere'mille how- ................ I):ab:iield in pl,c(, of Mc('.ord. (!\\;r. !'oi; Lib' jtil,t l) Oll the rest of! 'i'h[:; jlU:frlill) lll3.y be ny:;tify- the (:lub:; wiLil a cleansweel) rio-lin); but i.I'; ,!et::ig:ed to take the to','y over th,ed Mill 1, thanks to lfulle:d a(lvant:w,e of the abili- C',ptain Bah SF,\\;'¢art's 601 series] tiv:, of the moievial Smitl] has on on ch)sin g,,:e: of 213 and 21 t.{h;md. McCord's speed will be lqngme(.i' ;:P,d ()lympic Plywood / utilized for possible return of the were otilel" optming victors, thee, bail if lie gets it on the kickoff tOrlnei ettgin' lcscareh l)y 2 to! 1 :,: Je's l)aniel: closed with 224 and 203 guineas: the l;llier shad- in," OflJio, by tit(! odd [alne with .lira SinlnlOli; [lld El'l l,unis(len, St., iU pliCelllltl.i/l{" roles. {{ { MOTORISTS ASKED TO GIVE B()YS RIDE This i the time of yetr when mutorist Call help the tllgh- elbnber and janior high foot- ball sqnltds It, lot; I) 3 , picking nit buys after their dally wo,'k- olitS and giving them rides Mtmy of the squad memhers live out-(if-town, particularly at Kamiiche and ah)ng Hood Can- al, anti ride the school buses. In order to turu otlt for foot- ball, however, they must saerl- rice their bus rides home and depend on the kindness of mo- torists to pick them up and get them home fur dinner. I , I FEMININE BOWLING STARTS TUESDAY Women's city bowling league action opens next Tuesday evening with the eight team circuit matched as follows for the curtain raisers: I}i,l'#t' |ariday night will lit; tvliihibie all day hlday ('rlulrs- flay) at the llel'liwllh Jewelry More, ![lie)' are $1.L)5, the oatlre Highclimbers kick or receive. If I lhey are forttlnlltc (qlongh to win{ stm retnitining in hel|on |:o the toss and re('eive, lettei'nmn] ill' divided between the liiwanis Tike tlillman will open at ten- I Chib hllys and gh'ls fund lind tcr, Dan Austin will be at. rigllt i lhe hil'li school ltlhleth, fund. end, and .lerrv McC, or(I w ;I i)e t The alne price iiahl tit the ';fate ai Ihlquiluli will llroc,.irt ' i! !l,e b;;(];fid';!. { II,rPi'l'Vl'd  "l!'40I{|.V and II¢llll, li.%VIq%'l;R, ii" the lIighelin'fl)tT:4 ; if ite l:lit;hclind)ers receive, while Eacvett's defensive ability will puI him on the fiehl if Shelton doc. tile bootirig. Shifting Hillman is merely a move to proi.ect his inj(ired leg, Smith figuriiw, the chance of in- jury from a ('ross block being lesened" -with Hillman on the £hmk defensively. TIlE OTHER spots are pretty well set in Smith's mind. Jimmy Miller will be at left end, Jack Mallinger and Jim Hunter at the tackles, ,lira Dean (the Eaton- utile trarfer) and Jim Leggett at guards, Bob Phillips and Jack Davidson at halfbacks, and Des Koei at fullback. IDELINE LASTS by BILL DICKIE SABOTAGE AT CENTRALIA Highclimber basketball w a knifel in the back at Centralia last Saturday when S.W.W. con- ference prep sports figures made a jig-saw puzzle of the hitherto lidvid.(m b; iik!y =o pi:kV a ( li>l role. A rtual'terb:lcl all his J 0tb:tll career st) iJ;ti', Slllitll {la: !.' li'ted /linl to a halio...h spot to 1 ke ":dw-mtage of his exceptional : )eed, btLL I)a, vid:.;oi) will al,o Lake ( r¢l' ;ti qlhli't@l' \\;v]lene,'el ' EItcrett z ,¢ds relief, v:ith h[cCord step- l:ng into the halfback .lot. ,{  (Pw't l'e tL'lll ilij tl'y which I 'obabiy has .<;idtqmed iiartwell I ittnlan for ihe sctsoll ha'. ti'tlCk e, hard l)low tt Lhe alreitdy shai- I,A backfield lnatcria]. I)ittlnan, 'U,) front the jlinior ligii, had t,(';en Mlowing brightly at quarter- l):t(k "ind had developed into one (>(' the best i)assers on the L ffore his inj/u'y last Friday ill 8cr.mD.Dlg'e. I THERE IS a possibility that{ ltterman Merle Lindgren will be at right end for the kickoff if Shelton receives as it is virtu- ally a toss-up between him and Austin now. A sprained ankle has slowed Lindgren up, how- ever, and Smith may hold him out on that account. Other players pretty certain to see action Friday include Alvtu; Chapman and Warren Edgely in the backfield, Jim Simmons at end, Doug Wetter and Bob Strobe at tackles, and Tom Beuchel and Danny Yarr at guards, Phillips and Mallinger. have been named as co-captains for the jamboree, Coach Smith an- nounced. The Highclimbers will run their s offense from a T-formation. I,AT SATURDAY'S intra- sqnad scrimmage produced some interesting football and showed re(rated .hdm Stevenson who was I standing to one side of the hole, I "for the ball was headed straight.. It just stopped short." . For the first day's shooting W. A. McKeuzie placed second and Phil Bayley got third. On Sunday Buck Price again i led until the last few minutes of the tourney. He had a ball one- half inch nearer lhe hole than One driven by Ray Whiteside.' But ",v, F. C,>tt phnlkod olle closer to Ihe hole and took the main prize It was estimated that about 60 pcrsons tried for the hole-In-one during the two-day event. The Active Club gained about $50 fro' use in Boy Scout and Schoolboy l';l tr()l projects. GOLFERS PLAY FOR "IIIDDEN HOLE" Eleven golfers played for the hidden bail on "ladies' day" at: Slelton Bayshore golf eoursc last Thursday. Verda McConkey and Lyla Mar- shall won the balls at the 9-hole and Mrs. Frank Robinson won the 1 -hole ball. Women playing were Eva Ahls- keg, Rose Brewer, Ethel Carlson, Vcrda McConkey, Kathie Giimont, .lean Hooper, Mary Lovell, Lyle Marshall, Mrs. Frank Robinson, Kay.Scott and Mrs. M. L. Watson. September 29 all Shelton wom- en golfers are invited to the Olym- pia club to play and have lunch. Play starts at 9 a.m. Anyone wanting to go shonld slgn at the caddy house. LOU'S RADIO Can Serve You Best BECAUSE WE USE Top Grade Parts GIVE Guaranteed Service With 10 Gillotte Blue Blades and Dispenser S'{i ilrdr $1.75 VALUE ........................................ ALL FOR 41=• Palmolive Brushless Shave Cream G,ANT,,* SiZE 70 ¢ BeT. 49 ¢ LARGE 27¢ 61ZE VALUE FOR All Toilet Goods 6ubJect to 20% Federal Tax All Toilet Goods Sold at Fair Trade Prices Sprouse-Reitz ¢o. INC. 5- 10- 15 ¢ STORE 410 Railroad Avenue 7 p.m.--Fields Auto Parts vs Ritner's Corner, nd Pastime vs. Shelton Cash Grocery. 9 p.m.--Old Mill vs. Mac's Cor- ner, and Smoke Shop vs. McCon- key Pharmacy. The Smoke Shop replaces Pan- torium Cleaners as sponsor this year, otherwise the teams are all under the same banners GOLF CLUB MAKES PLANS FOR DANCE The women's division of the Shelton Bayshore Golf club met September 13 at the home of Eva Ahl3kog. Mary Lovcll, Ncva Dur- kee and Betty Hawks wore assist- ing hostesses. Plans were made for a dance to be given, in the near future for the golf club and their friends. Re-] freshments were served at the I close of the evening. ] be Ther3" . next meeting" .will be Octo- D,v,.c- isn't The only thing which passes swiftly when you sit at t]lc wheel of a 1949 Cadillac. does time! You relt your hand on the bcautlful steering wheel and press your toe-- ever so lightly--against thc obedient throttle , . , and you're off on a wonderful journey. Your rlde is free and easy and resTfuL You jost sit--and relax.-and enjoy the scenery--and the eompanlonship of those about you. Conversation is as easy as ifou were sitting in your own drawing roomfor the car is so quiet you can hear the soft ticking of the electric clock. The labor of driving is almost non- existent. The big powerful motor moves you in and out of traffic as if by automatic propu]s]ea. Steering is little more than a response to your wish. Brakes are light to the Touch and velvety-smooth in action. You are as relaxed and care-fi'ec as thc happy passengers around )'ou. For you do liitle niorc than thc thinking-and the car does the rest. And thcn a familiar huMmark looms in the dlstancc, Can it bc that you are/here? You look at the clock and you look at the speedometer--and, surely enough) the tbnc ;m(] lJlc c]ist;mce havc past;cd) slid yell1' journcy isovcr. BeTter comc in aml see for yourself that--whcn you sit a tile wheel of a Cadillac,.-sixty minutes seem but ka/i an hour! rl II I II - II I T 11ell Chevrolet Conpany First and Grove Streets --- Phone 777 or 778 ,, " ,. , , , , .................... , ",,', r - 'i? ............. Class A two-division circuit by splitting it into three five-team leagues. Shelton had vigorously opposed this very set-up when it was first proposed last spring and at that time had succeeded in getting the action tabled supposedly for a year or two. But Saturday, when Shelton's back was turned and the Hih- climbers had ,no representation at the meeting, the supposedly tabled proposal was sprung on the delegates without notice and passed without giving Sheltin a chance to voice its diematlSfa- tion or reasons therefor. , ' The reasons therefor, from' Shel- ton's standpoint, are Several but principally that the Highclimbers are. in no position to be compet- ing with Olympia, Centralia, Ho- quiam and Aberdeen on anywhere near an equal basis in basketball. The Highclimbers have been combatting a defeatist complex in basketball for several years and Chef Dombroski has been making good progress along that line dur- ing his four-year tennre as Shel- ton cage coach. To have tossed the Sholton team into the lions cage of those four big schools would be completely nullifying that gain as Shelton would be a chronic tatlender against that type nf competition. While Shelton is a Class A school in enrollment, 60% of its students live outside Shelton and must travel by bus to reach it each day. This in effect drops ;L to Class B t;ength when the actt*al numter ot boys available 1or athletic turdouts is consld ered, as very few of the bus- transported students are able to devote the time necessary fop turnouLs. Anoth(:r reason Shelton opposed lhe set-up created at C.entralia s that five rot,tubers lnak( a poor eXCtlSe for a league. on]etinles circtlnlstttll¢'es 1-mike fonr and five tcain leagues mandatory, but cer- tainly not in Southwest Washing- toll. Such a membcrship gives each team but eight games in which to determiue a ehampmn, which is likewise a poor excuse for a bas- ketball season--.and isn't the cham- pion of eight teams a. heck of a lot more of a champion than one of five teams? The sabotage at Centralia may be a blessing in disguise for HIghclimber basketball for bY forcing Shelton to transfer its affiliation to the Olympic Penln. sula league--if it doeswlll throw the Mason County prep up against schools more of Shel- ton's own size In enrollment and available turnout material and into a league in which the High- climbers have a chance to win a championship now and then. The outlook for ShelLon ever winning a S.W.W. division bas- ketball title is dim indeed, but against Port Orchard, Poulsbo, Sil- verdale, Port Angeles, Port Town- send. Sequim and Batnbridge the Highclimbers should have an equal cllance, Not only that, but the Olympic Peninsula league is part of the West Central district in state high school basketball designation and the league's top three teams all enter the district tournameqt, which in turn sends three teams to the state hasketball tournament. All in all, the opportunity in the Olympic Peninsula league appears to be much more favorable than in the S.W.W. conference from a Shelton standpoint, so Saturday's action at Centralia may in the long run be a boon'to Highelimtmr [ basketball. I Only the future can tell the ans- wer, but at the moment the Cen- tralia action has all the doubtful earmarks of dirty work at the ; crosilloads ..................... the Highclimbers to be somewhat improved over the same period last year. Blocking and tackling was bet- ter but still nothing to get ex- cited about. A black-shirred team composed of most of the lads who will start the jamboree skirmish tomorrow nigttt got off to a three touch- down lead over the Whites, then lost the decion when Smith shifted Koch and McCord into the White backfield, the Whites promptly rolling to four stratght touchdowns While blanRj'ng t.t, Blacks. AT • Prices You Can Afford Honest Busineas Is Good Business Lou's Radio t, View Phone 675,-W Go To Church Sunday American Legion MEETS AT 8 P. M. IN MEMORIAL HALL 1st and 3rd T00DAYS I |ll I II Strc=t hi:d, Saturday, anoiher car :wun' out right in front of me. It turn(l out to he Buck Blake. He wasn'l going fast. It was just that he had somell, ing else nn his mind at/hat parlieular moment. Buck' rca]ly one of the nlcet fellows I've ever knewn. But, .ometimes he et. to day-dream- inff oa the road. ]te sort of gets dreaming, while humming out Front where :,[ important to be your own "bliM ellow has a the road," in.' a taste of <q)arkling beer leu to some a "})lind :l)Ot" to vhaL's goin i)n . wants to./ nbont i}im ! Now, lni, of nernlally eonidei'- ' ale folks have their "blhld spots." Copyr.i,ht, 19,19, $349s WITH ANY NEW' t OIL HEATER or t' (SEttlNO FOR OVII! FORCED AIR HEATING SYSTEM --NO CHARGEI A BONUS GIFT FOR BUYING EARLY Amazing new portable SUPERFAN keeps you coo: in summer. Gives forced air warmth in winter. Fits under SUPERFLAME heater and ves up to 25 % on fuel! "FUEL-SAVER" Giv You MOR COMFORT. Even house from tending. No dust. MORE HEAT. amemg I $UPERFAN sting ney Ios 40 ( 5Af|l I costs! No Daq0reus I MORE I - . i 1 ,  ...... heat! lIMITED OFFER * SEE US TODAY1 • Killmer ' i!J 207 COTA ST. Cyclis[d A T T N T i 0 N Codefor Safety Here are some do's and dun'is issued by the Bicycle institute of America, Inc, that can help to keep bicycle accidents at n minimum. iu i  i Mason County BIKE RIDERS The KIWANIS CLUB of Shelton 8E $tJl YO01 HEAD AHD Tlt LIGHTS A IN 0 000 OIl00elt. YOUR IN A-I CONDITI ON Will Apply "SCOTCHLITE" - A- BIKE To All Bicycles Brought to the LINCOLN SCHO.OL GROUNDS On Sattlrday Morning - 9 A. M. to Noon S00EMBER 24TH and OCTOBER 1ST FREE OF CHARGE AIAL BIKES MUST BE CLEAN tER 1JRN