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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 15, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 15, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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15, 1949.. Best Friend Doesn&apos;t Have To Tell You on your clothes w are no secret! no secret either  that the easy way to get your apparel is to send it here! Rapid service. prices ! CLEANERS & TAILORS R TAILORING  DYEING the Charm of Newness is Restored So. 2nd St. Phone 86 --- Fisks To Celebrate 50 Wedded Years With Open House Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Flsk will celebrate their golden wed- ding anniversary next Monday, Septembe r 19, with an open house at their 333 Cookson street resi- dence. The many friends of the cou- ple are invited to come between 3 and 5 o'clock in the afternoon and from 7 to 9 o'clock in the eve- ning. Residing in Shelton since their marriage here 50 years ago, the Fisks are pioneers in Mason coun- ty. Mr. Fisk many years ago worked for the old Satsop railroad and at one time was a mail carrier. He operated an early-day stage line between Shelton and Hood Canal and also handled the first taxicab company in Shelton. Until the time he retired several years ago he operated a store in Skokomish valley near the highway Junction. MIXED CHORUS TO MEET Plans are being made for resum- ing the activities of the Shelton mixed chorus under the direction of Lynn Shezvood. An invitation is extended to all former members and all those in- terested in group singing to attend the first meeting which will be held Monday evening, Sept. 26, in the music room of the Senior high school. The 19th chapter of the 2nd book of Kings and the 37th chap- ter of Isdiah are alike. SHELTON- MASON COUNTY JOURNAL Size, 3-oz. ORTED OIL Finest S0Clat fv00NIs VFW HAVING DRIVE FOR MEMBERSHIP A good attendance marked the first fall meeting of the VFW Auxiliary September 12. After the meeting the losing side of the membership contest i captained by Mamie Earl gave a surprise dinner honoring the win- ning side captained by Juanita Potter. A new membership drive is now underway with leaders Lois Bar- hour and Mamie Clark. Members get points for their side by attend- ance as well as brinjgilg in new members. Meeting dates will be the sec- ond and fourth Mondays of the month, the same as before. IOWA VISITORS IN SHELTON and plants, went around the can- al, and put their toes in the vast l Pacific Ocean. All in all they I thought Shelton was a wonderful little Western__city. O.E.S. PLANS CARD PARTY I Plans axe completed for a card party to be given at 8 p.m. Sep- tember 16 at Union Masonic hall sponsored by the Past Matron's club of Elinor Chapter, O.E,S. The theme of Noah's Ark will be carried out with special features. Refreshments will be served, and many prizes will be awarded. The public is invited. HERE FROM PENNSYLVANIA Mr. and Mrs. John Deck, St'., and Mr. and Mrs. John Deck, Jr., of New Castle, Pa., are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Steines and Mrs. Ray Good and daugh- ter, Sandy, were visitors in the Don Demmon home over the we.ek end. They were brother and sis- ter, respectively, of Mrs. Demmon. They were here to spend a vaca- tion they looked forwa! to for a i long time. They came from Belle- sue, Iowa, and it being their first i trtp to the West Coast, they hope to return in the future. They visited the different mills -t Newlyweds Are Honored Guests At Dinner Party The wedding of Mary Jane Ad- ams to Elmer Strope was an- nounced at a dinner party given by Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Todd at their home recently. The young' couple were quietly married last week in Olympia, Covers were laid for about 30 guests. After the 4 p.m. dinner the bride and bridegroom cut a traditional tiered wedding cake, Among the guests were the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Adams, the bride's sister, Mrs. R. '. Thatcher and daughter of Milwaukee, Wise., Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Todd of Shelton, Mr. and F. CROPPER GIVEN SURPRISE DINNER Stuart and Aylene Loughnan were host and hostess at a sur- pri,e dinner party honoring' Fred Cropper who is leaving today for Stanford, at tlmir home Tuesday evening. Each guest brought a joke go- ing away present and these were very much enjoyed. After dinner the group danced to recorded music in the basement. Guests were Gall Ahlskog, Georgienne Durkee, Ardlee Ben- nctt, Barbara LeGal'de, Karen Condon, Coco Lovell, Ella Mae Noble, Jack Valley, Don Cole, Doug Cole, Herb Loop, Wait Franklin, who left yesterday to attend the University of Wash- ington; Donnagene Paulson, Jan- ice Barkley, Bob Eacrett, Iave Detach, Ted Dale, George Hunt- er and Fritz Priszner. FILSON CRUISING Youngstown l  W.L. Simmons" of Shelton. Mrs. ' Deck, Sr., is Mrs. Simmon's sis- [O]e)grfftBrr'.m| ter. This is their first visit in J Washington and they think it is SPECIAL OLAVITE THERAPEUTIC beautiful. 69= VITAMINS A8_.9 pital N BOTH FOR Bottle. 5o -- Hoe ores For unusual vitamin deficiencies, www,w-w,'w'w,,w"r'w Helps build resistance to.colds. CLINIC HOSPITAL Admitted this week to the Clinic MINERAL OIL 19 c hospital were W. R. Allison of Olympia, George Clark, K. D. Me- of 12 Bride, Dale Palmer, Mrs. Lealia Westrich of Tacoma, W. R. Cum- Wo¢|hmor@, Full Pin| (Lir,,it t) .............. mingp and O. H. Stensager. Those discharged were Mrs. ' GIANT BORENE 39c Martin Brownfield, Andrew, An- drew Forsner, Richard Schonack, George Milosovtch, St., Mrs. Al- bert Bell, Roy Sharp and Mrs. 59€ LARGE BOX PRICED LOW (limit 1) Dorothy Hart. $HELTON GENERAL SACCHARIN 69c Those admitted to Shelton Gen- , eral hospital this week were Steve Zeky, Walter DJerg, Alice Cros- son, John Thors, Kenneth Williey, TABLETS. V,-gr.BOTTLE 1000 (limit 1) Baby Eugene Smith, Gregor Wea- ver, Ernest Rietdorf and IAnne PAPER TOWELS 16 c Discharged were Wallace Ander- son, Jean Marie Clements, Jack Johnson, Marlene Cleveland, Wil- CHEFLINE 150.SHEET ROLLS (Limit Z) ................ ltam Grant, George Tozler, Wil- liam Regal, Pamela Wells, Sevent Thorkleson and Fred IAnton. JAYETTE$ SPECIAL MEET The Jayettes will hold a special meeting September 15 at the home of Mrs. Richard Jacobsen. I1  N It Is important that all members iI.: :' ':" Aiii ;:y:liL :$:MPIB:: be present as plans will be made ,:: :i::::!.i for money raising projects for the year. Also, eltch member is to :as bring a contribution for the special Polio Drive. € Hood Cana-arden Club Meets October 6 ""  ...... 66styleScolors 4bJJllg meetingThe HOOdwlli beCanalhcid Gardenoctober Club6 in Tin "" the home of Mrs. Mabel Avey at Potlatch. Potluck luncheon will be held as usual at noon, according LYI%f(f'I/-- to club president Mrs. Alice Hill. /6  VACA3ON IN EASTERN WASH I NGTON ' /'q ]f_ Mr, and Mrs. Lyle O'Dell of the Agate district left Tuesday morn- / lng on a four-day vacation trip est. They plan to atop at Grand Coulee, visit in Pasco, and notor back to Western Washington down the Columbia river gorge. NORCROS5 . Mar, r i age,_ Licenses Applications for marriage li- censes were filed during the past week in the office of Mrs. Susie Pauley, Mason county auditor, by two couples. They are L. S. Laugbeed, 47, Portland, Ore., and Beverly Ann Sanders, 25, Beaver- ton, Ore.; Robert K. Swisher, 38, Elma, egtn Mary Pellegrtni, 34, MeCleary. of the An aplication for a marriage license in Portland, Ore., was fried Next, by John B. Moore, Belfalr, and Constance M. Cotant, Bremerton. Ph)trmacy prfisdo,qt PUYALLUP FAIR'S frcsh, potent SCHEDULE IS SET always assured. An abbreviated sehsdule of events for the 46th annual West- ern Washington Fair at Puyal- lup shows" that Tuesday, Sep- On[y tember 20, is Governor's, Cap,- tel and 6outhwest Washington one do[[ar day. Shelton's mayor has been ';' Invited. 00 " ot.e00 ,a,..y. are: sat.r $ NORCRO55 Etchins Style Cards" with your day, September 17, Eastern ' Washington; Sunday, Septem- [.) favorite Christmas sujcct.S-slcish, bet 18, Radio day; Monday, September 19, Children's day; FOR hearth, coach, etc. Printed |rom €Opper Wednesday, September 21, Ta- and tipped on [in¢ white stOcE. rcnch coma, Army and dairy day; Thursday, Sep£ember 22, Seattle, ; told. Two each of ¢isht dif[crCnt desisns. Navy, Egg and Northwest Walh- C ;,...A. ington; Friday, September 24, INSECT BOMB  GLASS WA Y Valley, orange and ploneer=; Saturday, September 24, State "Dolph" Effective / "Gold Seal', "== Press Assooiatlon; Sunday, SeP- Roll Spray 16-Ounce Size "tember 25, Labor day. € ----'1.19 OU '€ The Bible contains 66 books, 1,189 chapters 31,175 verses, 810,- ' 697 words, and 3,566,$0 letters, I Mrs. R. R. Todd of Port Orchard, Mr. and Mrs. E. Ames and son Charles, the bride and bridegroom and the host and hostess. The bride graduated from Irene S. Reed in 1948 and from St. Pe- ter's School of nursing in Olympia this year. The bridegroom at- tended Shelton schools. Mr. and Mrs. Strope will make their home in Shelton. 8HELTON, BREMERTON B & P CLUBS TO HAVE JOINT MEET The Shelton Business and Pro- fessional Women's club will join the Bremerton clubs at a dinner meeting at Alderbrook next Mon- day, September 19. The program topic will be "Put- ting Women's Talents to Work." VISIT SON AND FAMILY Mr. and Mrs. J. B. McClanahan visited their son and daughter-in- law and small grandson, Mr. and Mrs. B. E. McClanahan and fam- ily of Spokane for a few days last week. Mr. B. McClanahan is attending law school at Gonzaga University. Shelton Air Service TICKET AGENTS For West Coast Air Lines For Reservation Phone 25-J CHICKENS CUSTOM KILLED 5 or Less - 15€ Each 6 or More - 13€ Each Drawrr- 10€ Each Cut- 10€ Each Wrapped - 5¢ Each COAT In Forestry e,;! Cloth i :I !! :; /!'< The material used in this gar- ment is the genuiue Filson For- estry Cloth. Forest Green in color, this beautiful textured ma- terial makes into a comfortable, durable garmcn that is light in weight, yet has remarkable long wearing qualities, as well as be- ing extremely water repellent. It is carefullv and painstaking- ly made (as are all Filson Gar- ments). Comfortable to wear', this is the fine3£ garment of its type that is possible to manu- facture. Dwight Morris at home4ewn pr[00es! I I  I H. I. "MUD" CLAY Phone 898 MEN'S WEAR 123 Raih')a' Phone 494 ou KqOW you've ahvays dreamed o1 a bright, work-saving kitehel like this. You've seen themlovely, roomy, luxuri- ous Youngstown Kitchens--advertised in the biggest magazines and in your home- town papers. Now you e:m aehudl. see them--firsthand in our showroom. Come in and cheek the work-.tving fea, turcs, alld the st)eeial en- gineering that lets the right sink and cabi- nets fit any kitchen, perfectly! And check the low, home-town prices! Let us show you ]lOW, by selecting the right: Kitehenaider and roonly base aud wall cabinets, you can have your dream kitcheu • . . at a price you cau atford! C H'epplewhi Come in today. / _ _ -z) . . HARDWARE DEPARTMENT , _11 Dining .I /room OPEN-STOCK BY DREXEL L Established 1895 Here at last is furniture that lavishes beauty and convenience on your dining room. The open-stock Hampton Court Group by Drexel gives you all the warmth and charnl of lnellow mahogany on selected cabinet hardwoods, and'lets you choose from a wide range of compact yet roolny pieces... Pick )'our favorites fronl four buffets, four chinas, five tables, and three chair styles, both side and arm. You can pick with con'fidence, because lqalnpton Court gives you all the extras that have made the Drexel name famous- for valuesturdy construction, dust proof, center-guided drawers, and it satiny hand-rubbed finish, k Yet the price is  amazingly low--come in soolb and see for yourself• $.crvcr $79.00 FURNITURE DEPARTMENT '"7"7--'--,'77 Lumbermen's Mercantile ESTABLISI-I:D 1895 Buffet t $139.00 IIII