September 15, 1949 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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September 15, 1949 |
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L. Marble
Phone 854
15 1049.
lla. been ol]l:ll'.c'd tc el/re for the
expansion in c|assl'oonl space that
D 'will be avail'blo soon. Some kin-
Statf for the fnc- (lergarten Impils will be slP, rtod ill
y :*'hools the new. Evergre,,n (trade S('ll,)(d
bef<)t.e Ill(, elld of llle ]/Iollth.
"I'() head the f:cullv at flu' W'A"
.:cllool \\;'ill I)e '|',)1'('1' "lAo, Wlll llso
is prR'wilmi over the SluAton eh,-
nlt,lllll I'y schooJs. ./nck SV'IIISIHI,
forlll("l' principal at ior*lc:l/lx
School, h;is be(,ll nal'ned vie(, prin-
cilml in cilal'ge of Lincoln Seilool,
while Mrs. Ella Dennis has beel
named vice principal at Bordeaux.
"Sc rvi('c Is ()u" Bmles,'
By Frances Radtke Archie Calahan, Jim Dawson, Har-
I Cushmanites were surprised on ry Pazorsld, Dan Anderson anti
I Sun(lay to see a beautiful mtnia-
i tur(, sailbo'd bh)wn by a stiff
br(.ez,, over the water of Standstill
lal<e. Folks gathered along lhe
l)ank to bet whether or not it
w(,uhI capsize when the sails Were
blown nearly into the water'.
Tiu trim little craft stood up
remarkably well. It was later dis-
covered i:o be the property of
yOIlllg Jim Brown, whose daddy,
with memories of his recently
latmciaed thirty-foot cabin cL'uiser
the "Volly" nmde this three-foot
sailboat for his son to play with
and christened it the "Follyette."
Mrs. William Dean and son,
Jimmy, have moved from La-
Grande, Wash., to join Mr'. Dean
who Wol'ks at Cnshman dam hunT-
bet two and will make their home
there permanently.
Mrs. Robert Smith and son, Jim,
of Potlatch spent the week end
with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Peterson
while Mr. Smith, in company with
Shell Premium is
the most powerful gasoline •
• your car can, use!
ES, many of today's englnes have been stcpped
up . . . ihey call for more powerful gasoline.
Now Shell gives you the most powerful gasoline
your car can use--Shell Premium --it's "activated,"
No other fuel can top its power in your car!
This is made possible by Shell's own, specially
produced power component s anti by Shell's own
blending methods!
Actually, Shell splits molecnles to get more
power for today's more powerful eng/nes. So you
get a gasoline that's "activated" 3 ways!
I. Activated for knockless power!
2. Activated for fast "getaway."
a. Activated for full mileage. •
Fred Williams, attended the Amer-
ican Legion convention in Seattle.
C.ahrh'm, Pazorski, Williams and
Smith were all initiated into the
Forty and Eight club during Seat-
tle ceremonies.
Mr. and :Mrs. Ray Peterson spent
last Tuesday with their children
visiting in qRacoma.
Denny Sandvig recovered from a
severe throat in time to go to
sclmol Monday morning, but his
Fourth and Pine
Wayne Wright, Mlnisler
We invite you to worship God
witi its at 11 a.m. on Sundays.
Sunday School is at 9:45 and
there is a class for' you.
The choir ts back on the job
after summer vacation. Choir
the atoms
s formula for a
the most
sister'. Julie, is now ill of the same l)ractice is Thursday evening at
thing. 7:30. Come out and help. The Jun-
Mr and Mrs Verse Hill left ior Chor meets Wednesday at
Saturday for a trip to the ocean i 3:30.
and expected to return home on[ The Young Adults have their
Tuesday. I fit'st fall meeting Sunday, Sep-
*' * * tember 18 at 8 p.m. for sociabil-
Mr. and Mrs. Del Laramie and l iCy, refreshments and worshio.
John traveled to Dupont Friday I The Youth Fellowship meets at
and accompanied Del's mother, 6:30 each Sunday. TheL'e is a
Mrs. Mary Laramie, to Seattle on group for senior' high and one for
Saturday where she boarded a 1 the junior high students.
train to return to her home in h'a Gillett, a returned mission-
Yonkers, N. Y.
Ray Martin of Salem, Ore., was
a guest the past week of his uncle,
Gus Pendland.
Don Reader stopped Friday on
his way home to Port Angeles
from Grants Pass, Oregon, to visit
with John Laramie. Mr. and Mrs.
Clifford Reader were seen visiting
about Hoodsport over Labor Day.
Hoodsport no longer has a
branch library, at least for the
time being. Funds wcre lacking
for'the year which ends in March.
It is not determined what other
curtailments in service may be-
come necessary, unless Mason[ p.nt. Tuesday. Midweek prayer
county clubs and private citizensl and Bible study is, at 7:30 p.m.
rally,to the rescue soon. I Thursday, "
Next year it may run smoothly
with Mason county's share of the
yearly budget coming from cur-
rent tax rolls within the forty
mills. Due to discovery at the
last minute of a legal technicality,
money was unable to be budgeted
this year, and 1.9 mills were re-
moved from tax statements of
everyone in Mason county due to
this development.
"We are in danger of dosing oth-
er services. Some effort should be
made by residents of Mason coun-
ty soon to let the library board
know that we intend to follow
through to the best of our ability
in raising money," said Mrs. Fran-
ces Radtke of Hoodsport.
Including Quite a Few
Varieties In Short Supply
To keep from being dlstp-
pointed come out and place
your orders now.
LEFT AT 50¢ TO $1,00
I000 ft. North Allyn, Canal
road Junction.
, i i ii i
I Ill It I . It
ShaRon Lodge No. 1684
1st and 3rd Tuesdays
of the' Month
8 p.m.--Fgles Hall
Marvin Leman., Governor
W. D. Coburn, Secretary
aL'y from Portuguese East Africa,
will speak and show movies and
souvenirs Friday, September 23,
7:30 p.m. Don't miss iearing him.
Warrenlisle, Acting" Pastor
Ray Mainwaring, AMtant
Sunday school chtsses for all
ages, ,including babies, begin at'
9:45 a.m. Morning worship is at
11 a.m.. and Warren Hale will
begin a series of messages in
First Corinthians.
Young People's services are at
6:45 p.m., and the evening' set'-
vice is at 7:30 p.m. Ray Main-
waring will bring the message.
Young People's devotional hour
is at 7:30 p.m. Monday. Beverly
Heights Bible classes are at 7:30
Mrs. Roy Eells, Mrs. Verne Mill-
er, Mrs. Turner, Mrs. Bovee and
Mrs. Hale attended a meeting in
Tacoma Tuesday in preparation
for the fall meeting of the Con-
serVative Baptist Women's Mis-
sionary grotLp. The Shelton Bap-
tist Church will bc host to the
group in October.
Last week The Journal erron-
eously stated a .potluck supper
was given unday evening. It
should have read "Thursday eve-
ning," for it is not the Bffpttst
Church's policy tohave things of
that nature on the Lord's day.
Ministerial .Group
Plans Sunday School
The Mason Connty Ministerial
Association met Monday at the
Baptist Church. After" a 'brief de-
votional period and season of
prayer, several, things were dis-
cussed. One of those was a plan
for a Sunday school teacher's and
officer's meeting during t h e
month of October.
It is hoped that an outstanding
worker and authority on Sunday
school work can be obtained to
bring" a message and lead in a
The next meeting of the asso-
.giation WiLl be ..held orl. Monday,
October 10, at the Foursquare
NO. 69657
In the Matter of the Guardianship
of IIAROLD lqORDAL. An incompe-
tent person.
in ('Oulldlance witlt the Order of
COUll t'llterod ill the ah,we ,,riLl Lied
caum,, the. undersigned Guardian will.
.n the 10tl day of October. 1949. sell
the followh4" described real ,,state
ill [asoll Count.)', Was]lingtoll.
Tile East 150 feet of G(,ernmenl
I I L,)t 1, Section 15, and the North
" ............................ 100 feet ()f. the East 150 feet el
/ Government Lot 1, Section 22, •
in Township 22 North, Range 2 !
at privat sale In Room 501 Fourth
& ike Building, Seattle, King Coun-
ty, Washington. All bids for sucb
property must be in writing an'd ad-
• dressed to the undersigned gaardian
and delivered to her r to her at-
torney at the above address. ,)1' filed
with the Clerk of this Court. at or
before noon on the 10th day of Oc-
tober, 1919; the bids shall spo¢.lfy Oio
tvrms of the offer and none shall be
considered wilere tile offer is leas
,. than $2.000.00.
DATED at Seattle, Washington tills
13th day of Sptember, 1949,
JL,LL & COLE, Attorneys
501 Vourth & Pike Building"
Seatth, 1. Washington. 9-15-22--1
FOR SALE: equity in new 2:bedr'ooil
holllt: utility reelS, garage. Phoile
770W or lnqllirc at 131.1 Dearb.l'l..
• :1)o .Late to Oassffy
IOR 'RENT: 3-room and bath, hou.;.
automatic hot water, refrigerator,
JO ff6P gas range and heater. Partly fti,'-
nihed. Inquire A C. Wilkie. 7:.29
N(,. 3rd. 915
'"OR-LJ-" 1-941" le;r(l 4Ldoor, vel'y
good condition. Very clean, good
a/reamed tires, Might e,,nsider trade. Phone
Shelton 704W. Hoodsport I3W.
I'OR SALE': large wardr.l.m trunk,
good condition, two years old. $25.
Original price $75. Mrs. I.,. An-
/OSS----;//" " • 6',30t°nelll'p,n,.1430 Dea:born, cull AO.'traftPr
"IOR BALl'J: fresh Gut, rnsey Cow. ,,,,,..
nlngs or S&turdays COntact John
Eager. 8kokomish Vulley. 9-15
V6K---ff#r---hiln -f d i i i ,; d- - =
room cottage. $35 month, lnquwe
Baysh0re Store. f0ur miles north
of Shelton. 9-15tfn.
F0-R SAt, E: thfiTSus---d "wati--,TC_
light phtnt, good condition• $175. In-
........................ • .......... quire Arlo Wingert, Route 2 IHat'-
: atine I$1ald) Shelton. 9-15-22
"J W)NTED: /noth'r and daughter
y passenger car engine You'll see w;ndsh|eld w;pers house.Want 3Reliable.Or 4 Phoner°°m 779W.unfurnished
waterproof . . . that can electricall operatedl Free fron, J9-15-22
water like no other car engine pressure, they don't Stop" 7')R--gA],:--graih rai--d ste,,i's.
,when you need them mostl " 34e per pound and up, dressd.
can sit all night in the heavlost Phone ,764R1. R9-15--10-6
yet start up instantlyl Tg-f9-Y-qtfCRi "-Xcel-"
You'll see a car with SoLeLy Rim
ease of the Wheels--blowouts won t throw a t;re THE BEAU1HFUL lent condition, trade for property
' (' pick-up. Pimne g89J. $9.t5
per/ectly balanced under almost any driving oonditionl :' C ] &AU, "Ib'()R--'S.-l---OR'--'rli(DE-{o'wrlTurner (Angle side). Inquire A."L'" two tots on 10th and14.
You'll see 50 new improvements that LMniels. 827 Cots o1' phone 24M.
, 9-15.29
the first safety cushioned make Chrysler the most beautifully K6ff-X'l-5-TfA'iFb-(37-r ffS;:h(iin-i;i:tv-
ever designed to protect engineered car todsyl .--:A Pl.easure • leges, Phone 699J or inquire tO0
Pine St. V9,15
to drive, thrifty to own. ynone,,letue
i property: one lake froatage
an engine that goes 5000 bring yOU a ear. "% ROYALWINDIORSARAtOSA near Delight Park, 4-room hous
needing an oil changel let the car ._.m MI.I with electric rang,;, water heater.
.......... ... - - --,. oll heat. "$4500. "Phone 705R3,
gX N T'YE--.' -d-/Sii-Kb-ll-'i i; ni,;/i/ EX:
NOTORS, 707 FI:RST STREI00 "'°'-' °'-"* *°-
m 'ith .lmbltlon. This position
perI[laaent ;lld .full time job. No
experience necessary. Apply in per-
son to Bob Evvin at Bob Ervtn
" wRoOM" every Men We,' Ti
ler dealer's 'TIIE SAMMY KAY] SHe ..... =,,.--,&': ........ KGY. 7:45 p,m. Motors. First. and Mill Stro,ts.
Rev. Mark Vh,(.hnlann, ().,.|.
Classes ill cal('cili.';nt :Ln(l (!httl'¢th
an,, Bible ..,,,.i.i,,,,. ,,i :'"'""
morning at !):,15 o'clock lCr:d ri'% i'(''t lrit'h, ,dandi:lK :11 liw
Mass is at 8 ;I.111. and ::,'ctm(l Ma.;:4 . cud ,,f i;u, ,.wc','t pea bed wiik'h 117 Cota Phoae 633
a]'t. :it 10:;l() a.m. 1 i;:,',, the :dh'.v (,I' lh,,ir" h-m,'
Sernlon topic Sun(l:lv will be [ :tt <','e.lal and i'edar ,lr,..'t..
' l" ' t i ( ' € " I i ' tS'" ' 1 €" -- ............ lII II
"I Believe, Anti Life" b:vorht,;-] " " ' ' III
ing, PAu'gatory, t.tell nd Heaven." :, fe\\; oil,, r tilint:, lhi, ,,c:Ir, hui .
n, ,'o,',:, ',,, th,' udd,u alq,e:r- I I
There will 'he an i,qt, iry cl:,..: :in,.,, ¢,I :, I,,. hill., ,,,a,,,,'e I KI]UI[IWI ]
at 8 o'clock 'l'hursd:tV t,v:nin'<. ¢.o,'n w:;'. i:;d,q*,i a ,,urpri,'. t. ll[¥11)l]]L.J ]
A cal'd so('i:d L; beillg' ])1:ll]Ilo[ |heal. I I
by the w,m,el, t,, i,,, ,-iv,, on lw i Vh,, .lli,p,' i in ,h,ri,,lv fh, | ] I"[KI'TI "
evening of ,Sept,unb,.'l' :2!) in I}l ] "
basenletlt of lhe church. :li;h :lu,I (vav%daah.d {:w [nll I l-J[JUqJll(I , .
of ('orI, i-, .4il] : ll,'l'r'.' ,) t:r. • i
,h)hn |)o l(n'1', I'nt,r d,,Ih },111,, (':ll' tllt'X IdChod l'l'Otl I 3x,,,a. L4 , ,
il I'c'dlw,d:' :u.rni.;,i .t,,; :I,, I ' 'lv
Vo meet in Lhe l.(.).O.!'. [:dl l,nl :iL'i.l 'to:' tiinecr lat:'d | ,
on e(',ond :{trect. (Ol/le iLll(] \\;VOI'-
ship with u; .11' you h t\\;'e < "j(I,,l :1,, flood :I'- tl u,,'d to i)a(.k 'l
chIw('h llonle. " ] in Ioiva," liu' llv]Oll ['ollph, i
SLln(tay se]loo] sl:u'ts al. 9:,15 ] ae,'t,'d.
a.m., and the :,,,'ning worship i,, I g
at ll a.w.. Se,m,,n lopi,, \\;,ill h., !Vol'|{ Parly To Met'l: I Operated By ,,!i
"Patches l),m'i Pay." 1"ol M:,t-[ ° " " '4 *" ' ....
thew:, 9. 16-17. ' At Bm |haux ( l,,,d I xpe " rlCll0(" 'tl" ""1¥11 !1 '
There will be a P.ible study I ,\\; \\;'<)rl !):ll(V will .;:lth, r :( I ..... ....
session at % p.m. /edne.:day, an;lll'('rdeau× .h.,,l :,, .q :.r:. the | FOR "
Ill(H'llillRJ; Of ';:,II't'({;IV ;llttl ,tltl(l:t'' " '
choir pl'ac[i(,e is at 8 p.P.l. Thur..:- 1, [u',.c a ,hc!tcr Ill;' the childroll • LAND CLEARING
day. i w:ith!.; f,,r tl.,' ch,)l rms,,. .
t't;,.',Sq,;.;,,,.: }?',;'i-(. ',,, ,h,,
I'.T.A., ihe pr-i,",'l :tlr(,:(t,.' i:t,;'|
!':. E. Fitch. lastor I he,;n, md tii¢, (t,ml.ta/ion (,,r Ih,' i • DITCHING
Sunday school st 'L at ! :,13 I
i 15 ' }) 60 I'()o! >dt'u('l'r. has Iw,,n §
service'willSUnd'tYt)e?.inmt)rning'at 11 and¢:.(.h)ck•tl,o Ic(m:d,.:IL d __ ....... I• BASEMENT EXCAVAT-
ill ING
There will be an evenin,.' st'\\;'i(t . SheltolB '
at 7:45 o'eh)ck ' l()OI," :l| • BULKHEADING
The Young' l'eoples group will
gather nt (3:-15 o'clock Sunday -->.', N,,.62 '1| 'li,
Revival services will be con- ?eets l]t,ory Vc(hleday I • PILEDRIVERS ','.
ducted each evening' except Sat- S p.m. | For Laud or Water .
urday, fronl September 18 thrl.t !.().O.!". llAl.l, |
Septenlber 25. q'he tZeveren(I %'. Visiting" Lleml)or. will 1)(, |• DUMP TRUCKS *
B. Lambert, forlllel' paste!, \\;vdl Cca'ii.tily W,d,onled I For Hire ,
i)e the speaker. 'l'llM.:4 ,I. VATT:;. ,Ir.. N.G. '
.... Phomas ,: I • PILING AND LOGS
(]iiI{I/rIAN ('IFN(!E For Sale
"Metier" is the subjecl of lhe |.111) Rebekah Lodge No. 7.) I
Lesson-Sermon Which vill I)(, rea,t Meets 2ud & b'om'ih [,'rid:ly.' ! PH()NE 601
next SLinday in all I?)l'anches of III.'IA,]N ((H,[<, S,,.I.I, :1 'V
The Mother Ctnu'ch, The Fi.t
Church of Christ, S('ientisl, in ......
Boston, MassachLIsetts.
Golden Text: l'sahns lld:7.
"T, emblethouearti, WI () Th C '1
enco of tl, e Lord, at the l,re,e,,e,, tell n e ana
of the God of Jacnt;)." */
The, following ve, se f,,.. Visit The
Psalms is inchLded in the Lesson-
Sermon: "Whfther shall I g(/
[ flee front thy presence? If
I ascend up into heaven, thou art \\;,
there: ll:" I lnake sly bet{ in hell,
behold, Lhou art there. It' 1 t.uie FOUNTAIN SERVICE SHORT ORDERS LUNCHES
the wings of the morning. .nd
dwell in the uttermost l);Ulr, of Also Board and Room by Day or Week
the sea; Even abeT(, shall thy
hand lead nit,. aud thy ri;;ht. ]land
shall hold nte."
From "Science an(l H(ullh wilh *,---- ..... , ......
Key to the Scriptures" by Ma,,'y --7 g/e F;4] ..... "
Baker Eddy is the followi'ng ,:el:-
relative statement: "In Spiri[
there is no matter, even a.:; in ,,
Truth there is no error, and in __ ,. 5[r[
' O () (l " O V i ' I ] ' i * 'I'' '' ' I ' ' " "'rr'" ,-,.pro, annl'ances-- - ,',xt
psition, Lhe loLioll that there is HEARING AID BATTE'I'il " LAMPS -'6 tO 1000 Watts
real subst:mce-nhttcr, tiw oi)-
p0site of Spirit. Spil'it, God, is ....
infinite, all. S1)irit can lmw, no
MT. 0iJVE IAYTili:R.AN When Your Needs Arc For
Ih'v. Villi:Lm 11. Albach, I'llstor
"""-'-' ANffI[[N00, ELECTRICAL
Tonight: Choir llLeets at 8 p.m.
Friday: Parent-Teacher A...o- !
elation meets at S p.m. at the ' .
parish hall. "[
Sunday: Sund,'Ly school and VeK ','!AVK r, I=ULL LINE OF €
ttdult Bible ('lass(,.,; at 9:,15
ann. Servtces are at II a.m. The ";/i:';;','..: 5:,pplTr,: - F:;m'C:.; - Appliances
observance of the 50th alnliveL.-
.ary of Lhe Northwest l:)istricL f-or th3 H0aTc Suildtr -- or we will furnish
will be celebrated. ralther Lea-
gue meets at 7:q0 p.m an estimate for your complete job.
Tuesday: The Sewing4 Circle will
meet at 10 a.m. at the home of
Mrs. W. L. Chl'istiansen, ]716 --- v,--,--- , ,- . . .
Ridgeroad, Sunday school teacheL., EI,vATI{CLTY--xour 1es[ and Cheapest Servant!
meet at 8 p.n), at the parish hall. " A "'q
Wednesday: tile adult member- g3, /I I a-]'i'l$
ship class ,will meet at 8 p.m. at JLe .L I O K-AKJ[ J.
toe cnureh office.
Title Insurance Building
PHONE 645 Shelton
l)].d ab]ished 1 Sfl5
You can't bclievc how wonderful Gladir'oning
is until you try it--here's your chance.
(]oLnc in for ;t dcmonstration--theri, if you.
wish, we'll deliver a wonderful Thor Automagic
()lad ir(m to . our lmmc to tl for 3(') DAYS FRI'.'FJ.
ne,G , limited tLmc--one in today. AI)solu¢cly no $
World's blgges: .Ironer b¢r|ain at
Come in Today ............