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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 15, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 15, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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,Page 8 SHELTON- MASON COUNTY JOTgRNAL Thursday, M0 N Yn r ..... MERC00S ............. : All staff employes at K.imbel ' -  ......... Ms)Lots, along with their wives will be guesLs tonight of Manager NEED A ,lack Kimbel at one of those not- bh, Colonial House dinners to celebrate the official presentation PLUMBER o, 00o,,t placque for distinguished service. , This is an award made only to Chry,der automobile dealers Phone 48 w.,, qualify under stringent reg- ulations set up by the Chrsyler CorporAtion covering the main- tenanee of adequate facilities, J. L. CAT]gO modern equipment, fair prices, ex- i IIARDWARE p,;,.t workmanship, and use of factory approved techniques and k___ I II1'111111 __J j _ factory engineered parts. -- ,,,,,.-T, _ Two placques will be awarded t Kimbel Motors tonight, one sm:dl and one large, with Porter T. Vtqfite, regional manage: from Portland, and A, M. Fetta, district manager from Seattle, on hand to make the presentations. NEW SEWING SllOl' OPENS All types of sewing, dress making and alterations will be offered Mason county's women in a new sewing shop being op- ened this Friday at 322 South Second street by Mrs. Oiga James, assisted by Mrs. Molly Morris. The location is directly across the street from the Bremerton- Tacoma bus garage on Second Street, half a block south of tile Cameron Hotel. The new sewing shop will not offer ready-nmde items, but will specialize in made-to-order sew- ing', according to Mrs. James. YARN SALE AT FIkGWOOD Preparing for its season's clo- ]sure at the end of this month, I Flagwood Shop, near Alderbrook inn, is offering all its remaining stock of beautiful Minerva yarns at 2O% reduction. Flagwood Shop is operated by Mis Eloise Fhtgg and Miss Clara :Eastwood, former owners of Aid- = at'brook Inn. $ $ * SAEGEIt IS SAW AGENT To his numerous other abilities, : Larry Saeger has added recently the Mason county agency for sales ",i ' and service of McCulloch chain saws. He has built a small shop next to his grocery store a mile from the Olympic Highway on Arcadia :Road and has set up his fully ac- credited sales and service shop for the McCulloch saws, although his service also includes repairs on all makes of chain saws. The McCullocl saws offer six different models for loggers and woodsnlen. T|iE BRIG|ITER SIDE Silver continues to be a popular hue with Shelton building owners. Continuing a trend wideh be- came noticeable early this nm- rler, two more strHctures in this Mason county seat have taken on tlmt silvery tint in recent days. They are ti:e building at Second and Cots housing the Markham Variety Store and Mac's Corner, At the Corner of the Ray's Jeweh'y store at 117 ,i::, FIIKST & CEDAR C0ta Street, and the ShQlton Sports Center and Shafer's Bak- O  O O O • • • • ery building adjoining. washing dishes tbs way washing problems  the amaz- ing new G-E Portable Dish- washer[ Washes all your dishes, glasses, silver, pots, and pans for you. Testcdproved ! Priced lower than you dreamed pos- sible. See it today--- New Freedom from Kitchen Sink Slavery! Here's the answer to your dish- ' Portablenot a per- manent house fix- ture. No installation! no extras of any kind, DISHWASHER /7//V 169.75 "" 10-DAY TRIAL IN YOUR OWN HOME GENERAL @ ELECTRIg DISHWASHER SHELTON HARDWARE 103 RAILROAD AVENUE PHONE 232 V'V v vv'',rqrsr'v' v,e" v' v'v 'v v v v v'q,' 'q-  '" ' Clip t SAVE 15' ] I SIOUX BEE, U.S. NO. 1 FANCY, CLEAR SWlFT'S PREMIUM QUALITY PflEM Out! ON A ,-LB OR LARGER BAG OF I STRAINED HONEY 5"lb can 69 € LUNCH MEAT k 4 • • • • • * • • * • " [ KITCIt CF3LFT aOUR : FANY, SO L,D PAC*, LIGHT MEAT WASH,NGTON CO-O P, TRICTLY FRESH, S"'* Bring this coupon to our Sa away  BILTMORE TUNA .•• 7-oz. can 33 € "AA" EGGS doz. store and get 15€ off the regular 4 • •. ...... price of a 25-lb. or larger bag of Kit- 4 TOWN HOUSE, FANCY. Sweetened or Unsweetened. 46-0z. CHERUB OR DARIGOLD ehen Craft flour. Offer Expires Otto- 4 Valuable t ,or 1,,h, 19,,. ' GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 29 ’ CANNED MILK tall4 k Cash Value ll20th of 1 Cent  " * * " * " * " * ........ Coupon [ ,,L,.,,,A GARDENSIDE EARLY JUNE NEW PACK. LOWEST PRICE IN YEARS Kitchen Craft FLOUR SWEET PEAS ........ 20-oz. tin 10 ’ LIBBY'S PEARS .... 29-oz. LIBBY'S . . . WORLD FAMOUS HARPER HOUSE. 1949 PACK. LOWEST pRIC| -LB. BAG FRUIT COCKTAIL .• 30-oz. can 29 € BARTLETT PEARS .. L I A,, purpo.. Guaran*eed *o 2 ?€ work wonders with any recipe. 4111141 HOt;TESS DELIGHT. S DELICIOUS BLENDED FRUITS ROSETTA, MEDIUM SIZE. SELECTED QUALf (,,.LB ,1.9,) FRUIT COCKTAIL .. 30-oz. can 28 ’ DRIED PRUNES .... 2-lb, A GREAT ANNUAL EVENT . • . Bringing You Values You Won't Want to Miss! WITH THE FRESH FRUIT FLAVOR -- PACKAGE JELL.WELL DESSERTS 4= Open Friday to 9 P.M. Open Sunday 10 A. M. to 5 P.M. FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE Prices In this Ad Effective Friday - Saturday - Sunday FRESH READY-DRAWN CHICKENS "'" "" "" *'°"' """ 63' I TM "" 49 = Fully drawn, head and feet re- weighed after fully drawn--you moved. (Eviscerated lb. 67’) iS• . pay pr only good meat! lb. 'i Waste-Free Beef POT R OA ST lb. ]9 ’ U.S. Graded "good" blade cut beef pot roast. A Real Value l SIRLOIN OR ROUND STEAKS ...................... lb. 69’ STANDING RiB ROAST, U.S. Graded ............. lb. 63’ BEEF RUMP ROAST, U.S. Graded .................. lb. 65’ -        ._ 'Good' or 'Comm'l." Skinless, tender VEAL CHOPS lb. 69’ WIENERS ...... lb. 47’ Blade or arm, shdlr. 'comm'l." Large or small VEAL RO.AST lb. 49’ BOLOGNA ...... lb. 49’ Breast or Neck Waste-free steaks VEAL STEW .. lb. 29’ HALIBUT ........ lb. 55’ U.S. 'good' ribs Dressed, scaled LAMB CHOPS lb. 75’ WHITING ........ lb. 29’ All Pure Beef, Freshly prepared. Top qual. GROUND BEEF Lb. 45 ’ Hormel's Fancy "Dairy" Brand SLICED BACON L,. 63 ’ Ruth's 'Black Hawk' or 'Cudahy'. 6-8 Ibs. Smoked PICNICSL,. 43 ’ 'Good,' square cut, shouldcr LAMB ROAST lb. 53’ Economical and tasty LAMB STEW .. lb. 27’ Center cuts, loin PORK CHOPS lb. 89"’ Rib end, loin PORK ROAST lb. 49’ JELL0 DESSERTS • " pkg. s= ALL SIX DELICIOUS FLAVORS . CARNATION OR TALL CANS PET MILK ........ WAXTEX EXTRA HEAVY WAX PAPER 125-ft. White or wheat, enri, SAVE ON COFFEE! Mrs. Wri Sugar Belle, blrndec HILLS or M.J.B Green Peas .. Great Big tender pe. 2-lb. tin 9'8 ’ " t Green Gmn Briargate. Fancy, cut. E D W A R D S Green Beans. 2-lb. tin 94 € Whole, green, fancy. N| Libby's Beans PEANUT BUTTER s,. Francis, Elberta Peach Halves Beverly. Stabilized - no Oil Separation! Regular or Chunk 33: 12-ounce ................ Regular 59€ 24-ounce ............. "... Lakemead, 20-oz. can Apple Sauce. Prince Leo, Alaskan Pink Salmon,. 3'Lb. 75€ DIAL SOAP Try nA' Dial Toilet Soap REG. BAR iiii, i,, , i IVORY SOW For dishes and for clothesl 12V=-OZ. PKG, 2Jl* L U.S. FANCY QUALITY. DELICIOUS FOR JELLY MAKING! CONCORD GRAPES 51b basket • • • • • • m • OCEAN SPRAY, WHOLE OR JELLIED. 1-LB. CAN CRANBERRY SAUCE .. 2 cans 33 € SINGLES OUT 'STAINS. QUART 15€ WHITE MAGIC Bleach• l/z-gal. 25 ’ CAMEL, LUCKY STRIKE, OLD GOLD, PHILIP MORRIS CIGARETTES.. ctn. 1,69 pkg. 17  THE SOAP OF THE MOVIE STARS LUX TOILET SOAP M,D.TISSUE White, silky and strong. REG. ROLL 2 for 23 ’ TIDE SUDS Tides in and dirt's outl 18-0Z. PKG, .... ,2 reg. 15 ’ LIFEBUOY • BATH SIZE 1 Bar at Reg. price, Second Bar Half Price 2 for 15  ..... SUNBRITE Cleanser---quick and easy! 14.OZ. CAN € YELLOW EARS, TENDER KERNELS. LOCALLY GROWN NOODLE SOUP MADE IN A JIFFYI 2-OZ. PACKAGE LIPTON SOUP MIX N:.R.. 3pkgs. 35' SWEET CORN ,b i • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • , NIBLETS CORN WITH GREEN ED PEPPERS NIBLETS - Mexicorn ..... 12-oz. 21 € CAULIFLOWER, snow white heads .. GREEN BELL Peppers, for stuffing, lb. CASABA, or Honey Dew .Melons ..... TOMATOES, Yakima 18-1b • • • • • • • # • POTATOES, U.S. No. 2 Yak. Gems YELLOW Dry ONIONS, fancy 10-lb. PRICES EFFECTIVE FRIDAY, sATURDAY & SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 1949, SUBJECT TO MARKET CHANGES AND STOCK IN Sb TO DEALERS. SORRY, WE MUST RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT U.S. NO. 1, FANCY GRADE, SELECTED QUALITY BARTLETT PEARS ...... 30-lb. box GUARANTEED SWEET AND FRESH SUNNYB?yN TeMs?:in: . 2 lbs" 61€ .... ToCiiyASGREiRAPES'GETSOMETH'Sirb: '" WHITE MAGIC SOAP AT SAFEWAi3 € ............. - • 23 ' •.. "OZ. C & H BROWN OR LB. ox,o..ooz.,,,,o POWJ}EI00I}SU'( ::: 10' CAMPBELL'S - Serve soup on crisp Fall days - 10a-oz. tin B R TOMATO SOUP Z f°r25=