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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 15, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 15, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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% [&apos;S WHI!R[ U GET IT! T OR-BASE WALL PAINT X LLER FULLCOAT SHELTON - MASON COUNTY 3OUIhAL In AIIyn[ANYONE WANT A FREE SKUNK? Schedule Changes Given In Honor Of /ONE PROWLS IN TAHUYA AREA Announced For Richard• . .h i!, , By Etfie Lit Knowlton '" ........................ Inter.r*- '" Buses" .,e..srens we will leave up to the con:. Ground work ha been starte¢ I on xJ|t7 By Esther Shepherd mittec whether it is an asset or new location for Verse's %%oodE New bun schedules went into A reception was given at. the  liability when Tahuya has to Novelty and Cabinet Shop. Watch effect September 6 for the Brem- home of Mr. and Mrs. Clem Sar- import its skunks, for ad for grand opening soon. erton-Tacoma Stage& Inc., which i gent September 2 in honor of 'Phere in one calling beneath our Mrs. Schiller i. home again from has an office at First and Grove' Mrs. Sargent's sisLer and has- bedroom window between eleven the Navy Itospital in Bremerton streeLs in Shelton. The sclledule band, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Shell- and midnight almost 'every Sm- where she spent several days re- change, announee(l by Mrs. L.A.: gren. They were the recipients of day night that would be entirely cently, tlicks and Mrs. Ellen Harrison,, many lovely and useful gifts. A free for the taking. Tile Tahuya Garden Club tT:tir agents, provides for less runs beautifully decorated cake with However, Ranks Rendsland, af- committee has been busy aa bray- tiwough Shelton. ice cream was served by the host ter two unsuccessful attempts to ers the past week getting ready and hostess. Later in the eve- capture and domesticate the local for the big show at Belfair on TilERE WII,L BE three buses ning dancing was enjoyed by sll. variety, her husband Harvey, be- Saturday, September 10. ,) Olympia which will leave the Bill Andersen shot and killed a h)cM station seven days a week: DENNY NOONAN of Port Or- tng the strong man of the act, 5-pound coyote Sunday morning t 1"0 a.m., 12:15 p.m. and 4 p.m. chard and Gladys Valley enjoyed (yeah!) finally sent away to Min- Os week clays there will be a an outing last Sunday to Stair- nesota for a pair of deskunked "it Grassy Lake, about two miles bus at 7, and on Fridays, case above Lake Cushman. skunks, from Talmya. • Satm'days, Sundays and holidays Mr. and Mrs. Duane Cleveland Herewith is the announcement Mabel South returned Sunday there will be a bus for Olympia and children spent several days of the formal engagement of Mus- evening from Aberdeen wl]ere she recently with Mr. and Mrs. Hat'- kie, the male skunk, and Miskie, has spent the past two weeks. !at 7:25 p.m.. old Cleveland and Tommy in the female. Their marriage date Mr. and Mrs. Pete Godwin and f Only one bus will leave for l*ackwood, Wash. The FIarold will be decided by themselves, small son, David, drove over to', i-',remcrton on a daily schedule, Ch:vclan(Is are enjoying their new Their married name will be Ish- get her. and the time i'; 11:30 a.m. Fri-J 9 soft finish paints proper y to keep clean• $4.ot ceilings. CoVers practically antf kind of surface-- hides even metallic-fin/sh wallpapers! kalsomine. Thanks to special drying /ngrcdients, to a lasting finish overnight. does over an average room. And look at the home and surroundings very inllch. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Greenwal( l'ettlFned last week after apcn(lin a week at Soap Lake and a wee at the Si.. Martin Hot Springs at Carson, Wash. S(llO()l, OPENEI) for the A1- lyn youngsters September 6 wih ;,n enrollment of 51. 'i'eti 'new lmPi]:; enrolled in" the first grade, and it was a joy to see some of lhem all dressed up and carrying brigiL new hmch boxes. They walked up the street in a very business-like manner. Mr. and Mrs. Toby Vasbinder were pleasantly surprised a cou- ple weeks ago by a (.harivari g!v- en by a group of young people who gathel' for :In vening of fun. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weckhorst, Sally, Betty and Fuih spent Sun- (h,.y ia Auburn where Sally ell- rolled Jn lhe Aubm'n A(ra(lenly v,hivh opene(I Monday. Mr. it[tel Mrs. George Harthill kabitzer, or something like that. Cute, cuddly little folks. : $ q: Tim fine weather over Labor [lay brought a record crowd to our shores. The three Hessian girls and their cousin have been staying at the Tenny cottage the pe,.t ten days. All rentable cab- ins along the line including Bald Point have beet] filled and many were turned away. It was with great enjoyment that we enjoyed watching these people enjoy their enjoyable week end. Are you going to be one to sing with un next week, "I went to 'the[ Animal Fair?" Christine Ahl in I exhibiting her great array of ant-l reals at the Noah's Ark card party j given by the Pant Matrons of Eli- nor Chapter O,E.S. at Union Fri- day evening, Sept, 16. We under- stand that a baboon will present the door prize. Bridge and Pin- ochle will be in play. Mr. and Mrs. William Duthie, quality at almost the cost of water. Paints• See all the lovely colors Full-Coat comes talk it over[ PAINT DEPARTMENT BERMEN'S MERCANTILE CO. " HELTON, WASHINGTON Established 1895 ,ml I,eihmi of Seattle visited A I- Sr., of Seattle made one of their ]yn l'olks Sunday. i rare visits to their former cottage Mr. and Mrs. William Austin, here, now being occupied by the Mary and Frcddy Lindsey, Mr. William Duthie, Jr., IamilY, over and Mrs. Eugene Seherfcnberg the holiday week end. and children,. Mr. and Mrs. Bil Alistin. .It'., and chihlren anti (O()l'g( I]YO'IICI' ;pcnt Saturd,ty at Pacific Beach. All had a won- (h'rfnl tinl('. MRS. ANDERSON is visiting her daughter, Mrs. DonahJ Shell- .ares and family. i On August 30 n, surprise going- laway party was given in honor of Sally Wcckhorst aL tile home CREST A ROSA EE EST -- OPEN SUNDAY 10 A.M. TO 5 P.M. FOR FRIDAY & SATURDAY - SEPT• 16 & 17 NO. 2/e TIN PEACHES ............. 25¢ ........ pint 35* NO, 2 TIN PINEAPPLE .............. 2s, :OR M.J.B. ............. 2 lbs. 98' :ON M EAT M 12-oz tin $ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • WITH BUTTER GRAVY -- 30-OZ. TIN FRICASSEE .............. S ....... ............. No. 303 til, 10' FLOUR ...... lO-lb, sack 1.09 :N CHARM PAPER 19€ ............. 125 ft. roll Matlock By Dora Hearing Our vicinity was greeted with a hard frost Monday morning. Mary M. Knight P.T.O. held its first meeting Friday night witix onr new president, Mrs. Rob- ert Trenekmann, Jr., in the chair. Mr:. Lad Ilossmaicr is secretary- treasurer. Dean Palmer, scoutmaster frott Shelton was the main speaker of the cvening. It was decided to] have a pie aocia.l at our m'xt meeting, October 14. I Mr. and<Mrs. Arthur Sandbcrg anti children Winnifred and Stew- ard of Montosano, spent Sumlay i with Mr. and Mrs. Jaxne Car- stairs and family. Mr. ,'rod Mrs. Leslie E. Ad- ams, of Roseburg, Ore.. visited wiLh Mr. and Mv;s. FolicaL Grcci Wednesday. The Skokomlsh Grange drill team will put on the third a.nd fourth dqgree at Matlocl¢ grange halt the evening of September 17. Candida, tes from other granges are welcome to colne. Mrs. James Carstairs a n d dmghtcr Katherine visited tim former's aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Lindberg of Aberdeen during last week end. Mr. and Mrs. Max Nilsuon of Seattle spent Labor Day week end with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Heltn. Mr. and Mrs. Gcoffge Iobinson and the lattor's mother, Mr:. Shorter, all of Shelton. .pent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bradberry. Mrs. F,. E. Bradberry visited her sister, Mrs. Tom H.owe, anti her mother, Mrs. Belle llopkina of Shelton, Momlay. Edward Frank tlollatz calls,l[ on Elvin Ilearing Thursday eve- ning. of Mlu'garet Stock by the tecn- agez's. She received many fine gifts. Hostesses were Mtrgaret SLeek, Margie Dove and Gerahlmc Ba.kcr. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Bayle of Bayshore spent the Labor Day wcck end with Mr. and Mrs. En- och Uldrikson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ramage of Tacoma spent Labor Day week end with Mr, and Mrs. Ernie Blair and family. INSULATED i. BAGS For Keeping Your ICE CREAM Good for At Least 2 Hours, Wo also Have II}i 5.GALLON and 20-GALLON PACKERS !;i':::; For Large Picnics .......   Frozen Custard  Pints - 27¢ Thi W k .ck Kimbel. 120 East Cedar S ee Street, Shelton, WINS A QUART (brick or bulk) OF OUR ICE CREAM of their favorite flavor absolutely free if called for by next Wednesday, ,%<i::i i.i :!!i.,iiiii; --:-----,:;----. ,lays the,'° wi,] be a b.n at ,,:,, Quarts-49¢ V I.m., an(l on Saturdays, Sundays oluntary Navfll ,,nd holid:,y another b,,: win de. In the Ice Cream !Reserve Unit Here part at :., p m , TO I'ORT ANGELES there will Everyone Raves About I Bei 0 i d be one h,,:, dai,y. It leaves Shel- s ng rgan ze ,.o,, ,,t : p,n,. A vohmtary naval re:;ervc unit The transportation Lie-up eaaL Our Ice Cream Flavor of the Month is being orgs.nized for i'ellow'; in (,f Puget Sound was en(led last .................... BLACK RASPBERRY' : ' 13briton and Mason county. Eligi- Saturday when North Coast ble to join the group will be men Greyhound buses resumed opera- ,,,, 17 to d0 years of age, with or tons after an 82-day strike. withouL previousis I'U|I.PONEto qualify OFrnenmilitary se,'viceTHEfor In onmtionneW unit ................................ )lVO'" Serves' Aboard S¢0TT'S IGE CREAM an,l for l,oints in th:, Naval Re- Attack (?,argo Ship serve retirement program, said K('nneth W. Sire, fireman, IISN, 10 a.m. to Midnight Daily, Including Suhdays and Holiday I,t. Clint Williams (,IG) USER, of 171.4 Ridge Road, Shelton, is Second and Franklin 8treete Phone 202 Who is organizing the unit. serving board the attack cargo The new unit will be vohmtary, ship USS Winston with the At- and those who join will not be iantic Fh_'et. under obligation to the Navy o ................. to the Naval Reserve, Lt. Wil- liams stressed. Study ('curses and equipment for all ratings will be "If the Sheiton unit can get i:::i:;): ::i:: i: :,ii :; i i: .. : - ;:; .... enongh radiolnen enrolled, iL can ......... ::: ::';,::.,: 17: eaLablisll an electronics group to ..... :: ...... :::'::': .... :ii::?!:;;;:::' ::: operate radio gear in this area," ! : ::::: Lt. Williams said. i TiI()SE INTERESTED in .join- ing are encouraged to attend the ..... : :ii:.i I • meeting of the group at the Shel- :;::i :::: : Lon Airport hanger next Wednes- ....  ; :i . (lay night at eight o'clock. Each , ' : weekly session will last two hou,,. .... .... .... :: i: ::i: ' .ostionWe wiilconcetninbe .blo to tilehanll°Navalii ........... . :::. ':': .... : : : , . :i:: _ , Reserve or the status of any in- dividual in this area regarding . p the reserve," l,t. Williams pointed OLlt. The Lost Coioly of Doanoke in N.C, is Lill a mystery in ore' history. L-'/.4 2:! ::!::'..:i ":.'v , , :::i!''": '.J'€" :::: ::: ., ..@ .'.;€: ...... .::::, CNtHES HE.E DO UR WA6HINO., ......... THE VJAY THAT YE:)U IEiRE- YOU TURN/A WITCH, AMD PRESTO/ .... YOU JT THEEE AML3 ADMII 30-Minute Self.Service Laundry O (bmplete Washing and Drying Facilities LAUNDERETTE 222 N, FIRST Phone 808 J Jl J GOOD ROAST ..................... RIB ROAST ......... LARD BACON ............ lb. 39€ lb. 59* lb. 29 2tbs.35€ , 15¢. doz. 25* Mcdlum i.te - In Mesh Hags ONIONS • • • •. 10-1bs. 45€ ROBIN HOOD LODGE Fall For Season MEALS SERVED FROM 10 A.M. TILL 11:00 P, M, Famous Hamburgers Trout Dinners Real ltalian Slaghctti Oysters - Sleeks Brill(j Your Frieod:i and Gather 'round the Hlazio9 Ilrarth At Dmt Bcckman's Brentwood COTTON FROCKS Believe it or not.., that's what the price tag ays -- $2.79! And it's a whopping big buy in style and quality, too sturdy 80 square percale. ONLY Men's / W()l UNION SUrf Size 3B-46 3,79 aGmla00 Men's /z Wool UNION SUIT Size 38-50 4,59 Men's lt)ff W()I UNION SUn' Size 38-46 ,,.. w,,,,,,,o,,No., lb. 3V2' I{OBIN HOOD LODGE At 9* POTATOES . .. I;. :. , " On Hood Fiord "  . , Jqnata, - Red, Juicy '' .. lb. .... 4_[ ........ :.APPLF :-: :, lbs. 63* ,o,,,,,,, .oo .,,.,, .... .....................