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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 15, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 15, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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10 ¸ Kill Athletes Foot "T-4.L" Best Seller 9 S ys Prepp s Rexail Store 1"i] RE&apos;.q TIllrC REASON. Tim g'erlll grows dooplv. Yoll l)nlt I",EACI[ it I0 KII, L, tl. T-4-L eoltltaillilig 90 |mr- cPnl alcohol, PENF:TRA,TIgS, l:Wach(,. l}ll)l'fl lOl'lll,q, YIKIr 40c back fl'lilll 11By druggist if lice ph'a,cd IN ONE HOtlR. HIGHCLIMBERS READY TO MOVE TO OLYMPIC HOOP LOOP AFTER S.W.W. 'STAB,IN-THE-BACK' ACt By Bill l)lekh, completely dismenlbered tile two Southwest Washington high divisions of tile prep l)asRctball school atheltic representatives conference which ires operated for "_2--" ......................................................................................................................................... I]1(' pas| sever:d years and form- €, GYM SHOES For Girls Flee|footed: A really rugged crepe rubber- )led shoe.., tough enough f.r arduous sporig aud gym. Yon'll like the supporting aokle height; shtwklmmf arch cudfinn anti in. sole; the long.lasting life of it due to pull.proof eyelets; wa]j.- able. In "white .only ¥or WOIIeU. U.KIT_ • ll00flS® Sizes 11 to 2 Sizes 2V2 to 9 =2.75 =2.95 L ........ ' " " " '"' '" '' Boys and Young Men's It's, Iluggod--"HOLD FAST" llere's an all.round dtoe that really can take it--line t'w court games outdoors, for hikingfor roughing it. Scientific foot.fitt:ing last, crepe out. sole, pull.proof eyelets, full breath- ing uppers. Washable. Blaek, brown or blue. Men's, boys' and little boys' izes, -- Sizcr 8,5 to 2 Sizes 2! to 6 & 6 'to 12 Score i. ]Floor-Grii D -s'..,.,...,t =e =:'.  . Speehl gripplng sole allows fast footwork for basketball players. Slmokproof arch omhion and in- sole, Scientific foot-fitting last for comfort. Pull.proof eyelets. Fall breathing upper an wash- able for a long career. Black. Met'n and boys 'g =5.45 Sizes 6Vz to 12 SHOE DEPARTMENT Established 1895 i i iii ed tiu'ee new llive-te:lm division:, in a Slll'l)l'ise aeti()n lalwn at Cen- tl'alia Sattlrd:ty. Shellon was not rep|'escntcd at. the session dlle to football prac- tise and illness as well as be(!au:;e local school authorities had no no- tion the baskctt)all question was I:o be brought up at thiq tilne. AS A IlI,;SIIi:F of the action tftken Saltu'day, which placed Shellon in a five-team division witil Olympia, Centrali;t, Hoquiam al(l Al)erdeen, liB? ili,t;hclillbeYs :IIC ll!llill X (! f t'q wt ':'i I;I [ 1';I PA;I'('!" lh:,ir gltfili:ttioIl fl'olB tilt' ,,(:ilh- We!N[ (70]ll'f?I'ellCC JO tilt} ()lyll|l)le ]r)(!lll[l!-l|ll h'agtlle, feeling the ::ct- lip c|'eqtcd S'ttlll'day lit ("entralia tHllir(•ly;li.qf:ttl(}l'y [0 ShellOll and a :qab-in-tlle-i)ack at ili.,,"))- eliml)er basketbM1. 'Phe Centrali:t meeting Satm'day Cl'e:l [e(l t I1o lloi'thtH'n divisioil a: n|entioned above, a central divi- sion of gin)a, Montesano, Ray- m0nd, Chehalis and St. Martin:s; and a smdhe|'n division of Van- COIIV(H', I<elso, I *( )II'V i t', ('HIIIgUI |tnd Bat:tie (;rouml. I'REVIOITSLY tim Sonihwest distriel, was divided into two lea- g'lms, FIoquiam, Aberdeen, Cenlra- Jia, Olylnpia, Shclton, titrna, Mon- tes'mo and Raylnon(l conprising one, while Chehalis, Longview, Kel.,, Vancouver, BaitlegroulM and Canlas nlade tip tile el heY. St, Martin's hasn't competed in district play before. The northern and southern di- vision champions automatically will qualy for posit:ions in tile state tournament at Seattle. The tw0 runnersup in those leagues will meet with the first and sec- ond place teams of tim central league in a tournament for the third state berth. A meeting is planned later this month to draw up schedules. IIl, N]F,W arrangement | ]ll mean that each school in the three divisions will have just eight league games instead of 14 as in the northern division thb past sev- eral seasons. Shelton has been invitec' to join the Olympic Peninsula lea- gue the past two years but de- clined because of reluctance to severe its long ties with its more natural rivals in Southwest Wash- ington, but Saturday's action at Centralia started inquiries by lo- cal athletic authorities to see if the Olympic Peninsula schools are still willing to take. Shelton into their ranks. The Olympic circuiis contpos- ed of North, South and Central Kitsap, Bainbridge, Port Angeles, Port Townsend and Sequim. SHELTON ordinarily is repre- sented at the Southwest Wash- ington athletic association meet- (ot ,tO.WAg: JUNIOR GOLF MEET WINNERS: C()I.I,' I)IH)WE%' won prizes flit' ea('il of tlleso IW() yOllllg'Stel'S in tim fir:t jllllioF links tOtll'a:l- lllellt eonducte|l at the B:r|yshore golf COllr:;c )'ecc)Hly ;s .'.t clil}lax to tile children's lree :oh" .lasses e0n{luct(.(I 0y eoill;e 1)l()fc:;,;i()nal l{Ity ",V hi teside. In the f)'o)ll l'OV," :lYe ilcf/ to righl) ,](!ITV l))'(),'('ileY, F('('olt(I lo  S(',Ol'( ill g-ll y('al' aE,.' divbd<)n; gross in same competition; Gary 14anson, low in 8-11 boys division; and Kcnny Eacrett, third in the same competition, t In bask row are Billy Pauley, I longest drive prize winner; Mary 1 Ann Fredson, low gross for girls] of 12-18 yars; Dick Kieburtz, low gro.s in older boys bracket; :Toby 14all)erl, thi|'(I in this com-i petition; Phil h:ieburtz, second in] the stone; aml Eddie Mcrcer, i Shar,m lhi(:,,, )li;:,h ,_, '(,,.; i girls' longest (h'ivc in tile older boys di-I , v_isi(_m. ( Pic'tLt,[e_by B2u,goyne ) , Blazer Grid Team 2 Shutouts Mark Adds Equipment Industrial Start By Wayne, Tidyman und Roger Salmi Twenty-ciglt players have been turning out for the Shelton Jun- ior High football team since prac- tices began on September 1. The squad has been working hard in spite of the hot dry weather dur- ing the first eight days of turn- out, nays Coach Ray Patrick. To start the season the Blazers have acquired four new plastic football helmets, 22 pairs of green and white knit football pants and about a dozen pail's of socks. Tim team will wear the okl jerseys. A yellow football with black stripes will be used for the two home night games, Coach Patrick states. The first game of the year will be played at North Kitsap on Septerrrber 22 in the afternoon. The schedule for the rest of the season is as follows: ttoquiam here, October 6, afternoon; Cen- tralia there, October 20, aftei'- noon; Chehalis here, October 27, afternoon; Port Orchard here, November 4, niglt; Olympia here, November 10, night. A junior high school football jamboree at Bremerton in which the Shelton squad planned to par- ticipate was cancelled because of conflicts in the Bremertbn school schedules. PAII;'W C0AST EA(W ', '. L. Pet. *GBL s by Principal George Hermes, ]ioll/w°od .......... 99 74 .572 ach Chet Dombroski and Orantt@akland ............ 95 78 .549 -4 Packard, as well as the football []EATTLE ....... 91 82 .526 8 haseball and track coar'he but afnamento .... 90 83 .520 9 last Sattu'day football Oractice I San Diego ........ 87 86 .503 12 kept ,all the coaches b{sv and[ San Francisco .... 82 91 .474 17 Principal Hermes was unable to 'i Portland ............ 80 91 .468 18 attend because .of illness in Iris Los Angeles ..... 66 105 ..386 32 family. , GAMES Tills ¢EEK Seattle at Sacramento Another reason no particular Hollywood at San Francisco effort was made to send a repre- Oaldand at Los Angele sentative to Centralia was the l',>rtland at S-|n Diego. fact that the notice of the meet- lng made no mention of the bas- ketball qttestion being on lhe pro- gram, only routine 031d )'elatiwqy t|nimportant subjecls beinK listed in the notice. The five-tealn three-division set- np had been discussed last spring" and supposedly shelved for "a ) couple of years" when Shelton strenuously objected to it. At that time Shelton promised to with- draw and transfer to the Olympic circuit if the five-team threc-divi- sion set-up as created Saturday was ever forced upon the l()(','tl sehoo/. IIUSKY, UTAH GAME SLATED SATURDAY Seatt]e. Waslt. ....... Vtashmgton's 1949 grid machine .-picked by most of the experts i o finish llC,ll' I the rot(Idle of the final le':t£llel standings .... swings into ,).c{ion I ,nlurday against the Universit.y of lJtah, perennial Reeky Morose I lain champions. The contest is the first of three non-conference I genies which precede the Huskics l PCC opencr against Crag'on State l on October 8. Washington's average' t e a m l weight of 195 pounds is nearly nine pmlnds over lYtah's 186:14 average. The backfields avcrage out equally at 18:} but the ttus- kies have a bulge of 13 pounds pcr man across the line. Tides of the Week Computed €or Oakl.nd Bay (Hood Canal tides are. one hour and 55 minutes earlier) Thursday, September 15 Low .............. 5:44 a.m. 0.7 ft. High .............. 1:46 p.m. 12.3 ft. Low .............. 6:34 p.m. 8.0 ft. 'HJg'h 10:28 p,m. 12.0 ft, Friday, September 16 L0w ............. 6:46 a.m. 0.5 ft. High .............. 3:07 p.m. 12.9 ft, Low .............. 8:10 p.m, 8.1 ft. High .............. 11:26 pan. 11.7 ft. Satnrday, Sel)tember 17 Low .............. 7:52 a.m. 0.2 ft• Higl .............. 4:05 p.m. 13.5 ft. Low .............. 9:24 p,m. 7.8 ft. Snntlay, September 18 High .............. 0:54 a.m. 31.5 ft. Low .............. 8:54 a.m. -0.2 ft. I High ............... 4:46 p.m. 14.0 ft. Low .............. 10:13 p.m. 7.0 ft. Monday, September 19 High .............. 2:24 a.m• ]1.7 ft. Low .............. 9:49 a.m. -0.5 ft. High .............. 5:16 p.m. ]4.4 ft. Low ............... 10:54 p.m. 6.0 ft. Tuesday, September 20 High .............. 3:42 a.m. 12.2 ft. Low .............. 10:39 a.m. -0.6 ft. High ' 5:43 p,m. 14.6 ft. Low .............. 11:81 p.m. 4,7 ft. Wednesday, September 1 / High .............. 4:49 a.m. 12.9 ft. l Low .............. 11:25 a.m, -0.3 £t. High .............. 6!08 p.m. :14.8 ft. WOMEN' INDUSTRIAL LOOI' W L Purchasing ............................ 3 0 Woodfiber . ............................. 3 0 Lumber. ................................... 2 1 Accounting ............................ 2 1 Kimbel Motors ...................... 1 2 Olympic Plywood ................ 1 2 Engineering .............................. 0 3 Lumbermen's Mere ............. 0 3 High series-=June Bell 424 Hi game--Chris Redman 159 Woodfiber and Purchasing got 'away to galloping starts as the Wonmn's Imlustrial bowling lea- gue (last year the Simpson wo- men's league) rolled np the cur- rain on its /949-50 season Wood fiber blanked Lumber- I men's Mercantile with Jenny Car- ter topping her last year's aver- age comfortably, and Purchasing handed Engineering' a goose-egg as Flot:ence Hansen and Chris Redman did the heavy scoring. Chris hit the night's high game at 159. June Bell posted the top total at 424 bnt it failed to avail En- gineel'ing anything. Lumber shaded Kimbel Motors 'and Accounting edged Olympic W.'li boodle a§ detals of your ai¢ .d'p--fcesl IReservatloes, Informutloe and expert advice--call or wrlte /tl0elttl ;!1 for complete travel service. OLYMPIA TRAVEL SERVICE Olympia 6226 Olympian Hotel Junior High Nails Climber B Squad For 9 to 6 Verdict ' By Alfred llandh, y Well, the Junior High football team did it again! They beat the Higll School "B" squad in a prac- tice tilt last Satnr(lay ntorning, 9to6. The contest was played under regular game conditions, bl|t the quaI:tel'S were longer. Several good runs by halfbaeks Wes Nelson and Bob Ristine and a beautiful pass by quarterback Fred Peterson to left end Clay- ton Koch which traveled from the 40 down to thc one-yard line highlighted the game. Bob Ristine made the touch- down and Red Cox, left half, made the extra point on an end rum Later the high school was down on its own one-yard line and when a bad pass from center enabled Cox of the Blazer: to make a safety which cinciwd the game. The starting lineup for the game Saturday: Left end, Clay- ton Koch; left tackle, Albert Goo- ley; left guard, Joe Buechel; cen- ter, Roger Salisbury; 1 • i g h t guard, Warren Gray; right ta- eRle, Harokt Wilbur; right end, Rohert wilbm'; quarterback, Fred Paterson; left half, Bob Ristine; fullback, Jackie Allcn; right half, Wes Nelson. Plywood, both' scores by 2 to 1 margins, in other matches. Vir- ,.,,'inia Westula paced Lumber's triumphs, Juanita Miller topped Accounting's use. %ur,< DON'S SPORT AND CYCLE i MILLER'S MEN'S SHOP Vern Miller, Owner CLIFF WIVELL'S TEXACO SERVICE 100% Veterans SHELTON'S FRIENDLY STATION BILL MILLER'S SERVICE Richfield Products Bill Miller, Owner FIR DRUG STORE Russ Hunter, Manager BELFAIR GARDENS Gordon Squire, Owner 1000 Ft. No. Allyn-Canal ' Road Junction RAY'S SERVIC RICHFIELD PRODUCTS USED CRS 100% Veterans P.ONE 1122 .... F o R CITY CAB !:.#",Mol Robesor), -- , .... ii ' ..... i BOB ERVlN MOTORS 100% Ex-Servieemen VET'S DOIN'S QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ON G.I. INSURANCE DIVIDEND Beginning soon after the first of the year the Veterans Admin- istration will pay out $2,800,000,° 000 in dividends to some sixteen million veterans of World War II WhO took out National Service Life Insurance policies. The fol- lowing questions and answers are designed to help eligible veterans in applying for the dividend: 1.--Q. Who is eligible for a div- idend check ? A• Any veteran who took out National Service Life Insurance before January 1, 1948, and kept it for three months or more. 2Q• When do dividend pay- ments begin ? A. Dividend payments will be- gin during January, 1950; and be ' substantially completed' during the first half of 1950. 3.Q. What will be the am- ount of my dividend? A. Amounts will vary depend- ing on the length of .time you paid on the policy, the amount you paid and other factors. It is not possible at this time to give an etimate of the amounts to,be paid. (; :It $ 4..Q. 'How do I apply for the dividend ? A. Application blanks are avail- able at all postoffices, VA of- rices and from veterans service organizations. 5.--Q, I do not know my in- surance nUmber. Shall I write the VA for it so that i may enter it on the a i A N _ ppl cation. • o. Do not write the VA in connection with the application• If you do not know your insur- ance, number leave that part of the form blank. $ $ :4: • 6.--Q,. I used. a different name m the"aerVice than I do now. WhiCh nalne shall I use on the appticati0n blank ? o flied the A. Unless you have n t' VA 0f"the chafige, use the exact .flame and spelling that yott tlsed m me service This is important h...o.-- ._ ull;rS YOtlr policy records are e" t name. Use it again tivi,g' applicatRm for the Complete Automotive Repair MT. VIEW AUTO REPAIR (Opposite Skating Rink) Mt. View Phone 838 FOR FINE CAKES AND PASTRY SHAFER'S BAKERY • Walt Bherr, Owner, , "Our Aim Is to Serve You" SERVICEMEN'S MERCANTILE • 407 South 1st John Hunter, Manager DWIGHT MORRIS MEN'S WEAR 123 Railroad Ave. Phone 494 DEN'S SPORT & CYCLE SHOP (Formerly Sleyster's) Don Woods; Owner Groceries- Meats 'UNION MARKET. Roy WatCh, Owner UNION 462 CRAIG P. ELIOT ELSZTR,CAL .NGINEER Quality Wiring ver¢*" K ltreet  Mountain View -P.O. Box 158, Shelton, Phone 788 Phone 942 WEE PAUSE CA? [ILLM]$] VN ALLYN Lioenled)7 I. Dick Valley, Pr'op. 207 Cots EATON FEND and Vern and LES CALL Dick's . Dick SHO00 320 Neal EXPERT Ray i II Gay Taylor- CIInt Wlllour AROWN BAKERY (Our Own) Lovin Brothera Ira, Duane, William EELLS & VALLEY APPLIANCE CENTER Merritt Eelle George Valley Phone 25-J Power Line Construction t2o. Jack Chlsum, Mgr. For Home Oeliveres Call 26 BOB KOLA Distributor of Kitsap Dairy Product. MIIX - Cream - Butter RDIO |L|ffRI( = OLYMPIC FURNITURE Walt Elliott, Owner DUNOYIER'S TAXI PHONE 620 "Pop" Dunoyier ELECTRICAL SALES AND SERVICE Wiring - Installations - Repair  RAY L. DREBIS Phone 766-R-2 So. Olympic Highway The Veterans" Corner. Will Be Completed Sometime In Early Making Available 5 Two-bedroom Apartments 5 Single Bedroom Apartments 223 Cota Street Kentucky Whiskey -A Blend $2.45 $3.88 pint 4/fqt, NATIONAL DISTILLERS PRO& CORP., N. Y. , 86 PROOF 65% GRAIN SHF.I.TON'S BEAUTIFUL GARDEN APARTMh00T SEE US FOR Complete Men's Apparel COMFORTABLE LIVING And Shoes EACH APARTMENT EQUIPPED WITH Frigidaire Range and Refrigerator' Victron Kitchen Exhaust Fan Automatic Laundry Available In Basement Hotwater Heat Beautifully, Landscaped - Secluded Residential Site Located On Angleside at 10th & Olympic. ,, , I.s Will Be Given Preference... ,, • RENTAL BY LEASE ONL • , For Further Information Call Dick Kieburtz Phone 899 ;:; Your Directory Of Veterans Doing Business In Mason County @Bicycle Repairs @Lawnmowers @Sporting Equipment @Keys HUNTING AND FISHING Phone