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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 15, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 15, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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,% 15 19,19. - WANTED FIR CONES are in the market for green Doug- or contact our office in the G0vcy Building, 8:30 A.M. to noon daily. Farm Olympic Tree P.O. Box 86 SHELTON WASHINGTON Drilling Wells-- Test Holes Drilling Co. LAURENCE BEDELL • i Phone 1024 Route 3, Box 101, Shelton Frqrqrvgrqvvvqrq DEWATI&apos;0 NEWS By Anne Y, King Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hamlin and two daughters of Seattle spent the l,abm- Day week end in Dewatto. They were accompanied by Mrs. Ilanilin's mother, Mrs. Clarence Williams, who lived here for many year.. Mrs. Williams was tile guest of Mrs. Lizzie :Bedell while visiting here. William M. Nance was in a Se- attle hospital for a week and has now returned to Dewatto looking very well once more. His niece, Mrs. Elwl Price of Shelton, spent several days with him and he plans to accompany her to Shel- ton for t short visit. His brother, P. W. Nance of Olympia, and his sister, Mrs. William O'Brien of Port Orehtrd, visited him over the week end. Guests of Mr. mid Mrs. l#rank Pearce for the Labor Day week end were Miss Margaret Anderson and Mrs. Pearce's sister, Mrs. Johnson of Seattle. Eight salmon were caught by the fisherman having the most luck over the three-day holiday, the largest of which weighed about 18 potmds. That fortunate fish- erman was a man from Auburn. Mr. and Mrs. George Ellis and family of Port Algeles stttyed with the R. W. Kings for several days. Mr. Ellis is now principal of a Port Angeles school and on- LINES" ASSURE OUALITY Delta Woodworking Tools SHELTON- MASON COUNTY JOURNAL NE CLUB MEETS TODAY, ISLANDERS HAVE BUSY WEEK By Mrs, Earl Harrlman Shelton and their sons Charles The Harstine Women's Club and David. Others were Carlon. meets with Mrs. Lila Peugh on Barton and Dennis Percy, algol Thursday, September 15. Mr. and Mrs. Mel Carnes and baby of Olympia were week end guests at the John L. Hiteheoek home. They came out hlst Thilrs- day evening to show tile Iiitch- cocks their new car. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Smith, Mr. and Mrs. George Waite anti children and Mrs. Paul Smh spent Sunday at Quilecnc as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Arch- er and children. This Friday night i grange night at the Harstine .schoolhouue basement. Carl Mattus of Tahuya has been putting a new roof on his house on the island, where Mr. and Mrs. Thor Johnson'are living. Vestet' Farrell of Osborne, Wash., came over Sunday for a visit at the Hugo A. Glaser ilomc. $ $ ¢ Mr. and Mr,. M. L. Fesslcr and son Jon took Mr. Fessler's ftt- ,her to Portland Saturday, re- turning home Sunday evening. The Widing family is moving hack to Seattle for the winter so the daughter can attend school there. Art Wallis of Bremerton was a Sunday evening guest at the Martin Goetseh home. Mrs. Mary Chapman and son Phillip were Seattle business shoppers last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Matson and family now of Olympia spent Saturday night at the Arthur Wingert and Mary Beekwith honles. Mr: snd Mrs. Charles Allison entertained recently at the "Big Maples" Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Wit- ter and Mr. and Mrs. T. C. AI- Myers and Jacuzzi Water Pumps ten of Sea.ttle. . Slmday they had ;Is guests Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Travls. of General Electric Appliances where im once taught school. Burton Anderson of Shelton was a guest of his sister, Mrs. John Perfection Oil Heaters Matso., the wee,, an. ,Io at- tdnded school in Dewatto some years ago. Mrs. Earl McLaughlin of neat- Are All Distributed In Sheiton By Ue spent a week with her sister, ARE . R. w. King. while recuperat- ing from an illness. SHELTON HARDW Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Beebe over the holiday were Mr. snd Mrs. Gordon Morris of Enum- ' claw, Mike Blum of Brcmerton 103 RAILROAD AVENUE PHONE 232 and English of Wlnlock. Mr. ttnd Mrs. Bill Eul of Seattle were among tile fishermen in De- wa,tto last wcck end. t WAGES" TAXES" MARKETS" BUSINESS You C an Spare A Minute Old Man Motorist has had his fun whiz- zing all summer long, top down and hair -- what's left of it  fluttering in the brcezc. Now there is reason to check that rush. Schot)l buses arc on thc highways again. No driver has business so important hc caimot givc duc consideration to the school bus and its sunny-faced young passengers. Parents who .send their children by bus do so in faith that drivers will obey the laws and stop wherever a busqs loading or un- loading. Iratfm rules arc postcd on tlic rear of every yellow-bodied school bus. A stop sign flags out from the driver's side when traffic is expected to halt. School authorities and parents will appreciate your careful observ- ance of school bus Warnings. J ,qb SIMPSON LOGGIN0 COMPANY .- IHII, TON ,(INn MeCLIAt¥,W_ASHiNOToN of Shelton Mr. and Mrs. loscoe Page ;tml Marlene were Sunday dinner guests of their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Denzel Page. On their way home they had supper with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Harrinlan. * * :It Mr. a.nd Mrs. Earl Gillcttc and son LaiTy spent Sundtty in Olym- pia at tile Charles Seward and A|TOn Kanouse hollies. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kimbel and family called Sunday afternoon at the h'vie Wingert l|ome. Mr. lind Mrs. Thee Waitc of Shc'lton spent several h0tLI' at their island sllnln'ler home. We were shocked to hoar of the passing of Mr. William Ycck, Sr., in a Shelton hospital hint Fri- day ",fternoon. lie hall been mak- ing his home recently with his son Jack Yeek and family of Agate. It has been quite a num- ber of years since lie lived oil the island. Mr. and Mrs. John L, Hitch- cock and. son Lyle ant1 Mr. and Mrs. Mel Carnes and belly of Olympia. picnicked at Lake Cush- man Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Iiarriman, Jr., and children of Southside were supper guests at tile Earl Harrinnttt holue last Tuesday eve- ning. 2 Men Chilled In Canal When Boat Capsizes Offshore By Mrs. H., E. Griggs What started out as a llleasure trip Saturthiy wound lip with sonlo thrills and spills for Hank Turtle and Ben Johns. Starting across the canal in a small bent with a higlt-speed motor they lilt it swell and were capsizetl. TIlE BOAT l¢O1.,LEl) over three times I)efore Ben col|hi get t firm hold on it. With Ben cling- ing to tile boat aml Hank eling- ing to Ben's foot, ihey were soon rescued by a party fisiaing nearby. Both were quite chilled hy the cold water hut suffered no ill effects from their exciting trip. Fishing has been rather spotty this past week hut some fairly good catehes have been nla(le. Friday' Johnny Lentz of Shcl- Ion Caltgllt seven nice sHlnlon H, lld he Petnrnc(I again Sunday to l;l]l(I a 9t",-II). King. i IIARRY I,ATIIAM eltll.',]ll the! largest stthnon (21' the week, ;t 23 piRIntP.'I'. (]etwge l!]vans, Of Ta- eonla, landed Iwo, ea('h weighilg four pounds, g, C. Belulont, Sr., and son of Taconla were otlt and eanle in with a King weighing D pOllllds. "tte(l" Wilson hool¢ed at 7{.= pounder, and Chauney Wahl of Galvin one weighing 5 pounds. Mrs. Tommy James and two children of Bremerton are visit- ing at the Bill Cuziek home. Mr. Cuzick is the father of Mrs. Jal|les. Mrs. Hera Stahl anil .'.,n la,lCoy Silent Wednesday il| C.entralia. Ivall |4"l'(,(I ;illd Eilgene i)Hl'chell of ('ilehalis drove up Friday ew- ning for sonic week eild fishiIw,. MI{, ROIMEI{TSON retllrned here b'ri(lay night frunl ICiehl|lond,i Calif., where Silo hits spent sonle Lime visiting friends and relative,s. Mr. l.h:hardson accoull)ilnttRI hCl' here for a visit. Mr. anil Mrs. Blister I illllSOlI spent several days here l/lst week. They visited Fred llaltson, father of Buster. .lohnny 13oyce of Ib.oilSl)ia,l , who will devote his lhne io Bihh' Sellool work ;tlllOng the chihlren t"n this vicinity, enlrefll;,hlc¢l Ix!Hi- dents of Minervt 1}eric with a S/lOFt sol'vice and ;I ln(ivillg pie- ture show. The ])hq[ll'es wel'e of Yukon territory, I',.(3., %vilel'O ]1" WaS fornlerly engage0 ill Btlde st!]leo] work [tlll(}llg |h{; na|ive children of that Ills(riot. Mr. and Mrs. Harry IHmle of OlSqaq)ia and their two sons and wives, Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Ithule (if Olymllia . and Mr. mid Mrs. Robert Reed .H, huh: (if Ta- eonui, spent" Sun(hl.y here fishing aml ended their (lay with a picnic. Mr. and Mrs. Howard (?rollick- son :lnd Mr. and Mrs. Jerry tie.: gall i}f Brenlerton were visitors of the S. E, Grigg's Slulday ltf- tornoon. Air Drift HELTON AlltPOICT NEW8 (h.}d weather for flying over the Labor I)ay week end f(anld nlost of the light planes at Shelton Air- port wingi.Iig through tile air. ]Jot sun reSlllted ill hunlpy air CUI'I'CIIS. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Braun fbw lu lm Angeles last Thursday in a. Cessna 140 aml r,'turned to Shel- tim Tuesday. They visited riend: while in Southern Califoruia. The wee|hot WaS exe¢,llollt ;ill the wuy. ROY NYE AND llarry Hay re- ceived in.iwdx.-lfilot lieellse8 last Itrl(lay aft orlloOll, I.a kin; |heir flight tests i'ro,u Exalnincr lon;t Nye of Olylupia. I,.',lliot Merrill, chief |e:;t pi!,,t for Boeing Aircraft ((}. iu /"Ic:d|l,", fh'w to (.aBIp ¢'ri,sd;lle hint Wec.k to itrqmvt the new lauding .'drip. AhJo looking over I.he :.;ll'Jp was Mr. M(-I.)tlffey, airlu!rt in:.;pect.r • Lnd ellgillepl" for CA A. l>iloL Warrcu I",llis.n i:; lumm fr,}lll hJH sl)rayil]g and (hi:Rill/.,  job in Montana. NAVY PERSONNEL from S',uul [',in|. ]ble at *qe;/lle w,'re :dtll,: airport 'l'ue.'day I. 14ive it a i[uar.- Lerly [ns]lcct[on. 'ri|t,y eHltHf'llf, e(i tl lh' cherry alqc;tral,(.e t)f the l IMttill llB;ht l',iOlit thaL I''C'?/Q1J" Wa'; i u.inLcd. ;heltt,n All: f.;ervie b,:a I..1;on over |he tp2rdt.i,,p, t,g th,.! A;;'utff[ (;ate to S/ltq,,!y ct,Uee and dt,i,'.:.h. mit. to all'lHOll alld trlud=,, ltr. [!Pl'th,£ l'hllltpa Wat ihe IllaIIARFI' ot the cat'e. IL is sml to see l),:ople S(llm.ndw- i itlg' hie,icy and l',now yoLt caunot hlp them. L 1 ' : t  C "l L I I  _ iii ii i . I . L [. I II ' ] _ STOIA(E TAN KS 50 TO 1000 GALLONS For' New Oil Burner I u.,;tallation Courteous Service For Efficient, Prompt CLAY BRICK COIIIIlI()iIS, Scratch, ROIila, llS AVAII.,AI00LE In Shelton A New Buihlin 9 Material Scrivcc receatly ;2d dcd for this coin- munity's c o n - venielIcc by E00cellent Weather During Week End Enjoyed On Canal By Mrs. S. E, Griggs Grand @eather over the w€','I¢ end was truly ideal for the throngs of people that flocked to the beaches for carolling, fishillg and picnicking. Traffic was terrific I" r i d a,y night, Saturday and Sunday and many people who ha(ln't made res- (,rvations at the variotu; resorts and hotels were i"orc, ed to return to their hollies. Miherva heath was filled to (:a-i pa.cily, all available eahins beingl filled, and the park full of week eud carat)ors. Fishing was good I all week and seam very good I] catches were made. The larg'cst sahnon huuled dur-1] ing the week was take by C. 1). Snlith of McClcary, a 27,;,-pound king. ' , I Johluly LellLZ and qOlll Ogdell[ ttUg']lt 9 kings, raBgilig ill weight ( from .1 to 6 pounds. Stturday Tom Nelson, Ed. Car- ney and son, Pat, came in with 6 kings each. Toln and ToDi Nel- son and Leo LaBissoniere. lan(led 10 kings, the largest 27 ponnds. Forrest Ballard and Los Mc- (3hoe drove to Seattle on a buM- ness trip August 29. lIr. and Mrs. E. R. |Q'o;;t of C'entralia t/itched their tent hy the brook that ripples, through Min- erva park uld camped and fished from Monday till Thursday. Bill Cuzick and family returned to their home here from Grand- view wimre they spent the sunlmer. Bill Ewbank and lm], Don Tornquist of McCleary, enjoyed a week's vacation here. Oil August 31 Mr. and Mrs. Ard Ewbank and daughter, Karen, :Mr: and Mrs. Walter Tornqutst and daughters, Mary Crol and Shir- ley, and son, Joe, Mr. and Mrs, Charles George and 80Its, David slid Jlmnlv, drove over from Me.- Cleary to ;islt ttl; boym They all enjoyed a. family picnic. Mrs. Ed Carney entertained a lmmber of tile children here at a wiener roast Saturday evening. hiehlded alnong the guests were Red Ward, Tropha. Barb:ira and 'l'anya Fields, Reba Cuzlck, 13ill Ewhank, Don Tornquist and Eddy, Pat and Sns[tn Ca.rney. A luvely birthday l)arty was held at tile h[)lne of h's. Ben .Iohns honoring little Dickie Johns on his birthday. Those attcndinv the party aud each. taking l)icl<ie n hirthduy Gift were Gussie Twiddy, Miug Toy Fields, t{lehard and Rob- ert Millet', Dick, l)nsly nd Mar- ]t,lle ,]OhllS, MIs. .Ioims served the chikh'en a lovely birthday fake, dessert alld punch. Mr, and Mrs. Pau{ I"iehls and family Rnd BeLty arK] Billy ],iel¢Is and Curtis Purdlle of l.)s Angelt,:, Calif., motored to Olympic Natiou- al Park Saturday. Mr. Purdue is a brother of Mrs. Paul Fields. #" , Keel) Them Warm ' and l'retty ) . @ In l,'all - and - Winter Coals l)esigned tO (,lve Long Service at l,¢on0my Prices ... Sooner th,HI yoU Icdhze . . . lhcr¢'ll %, I)e a I.;hill ill the ilii' , , , titlle tOf Lhe youllflstcct+ to (ion wal'nt winter cOaLS. C, ct thcill rc,ldy now Choose IF0111 ( t)lW C;u'eftiily culled .'mlcction of coals Leggillg • t well-insulate(l: c0rnfortablc ;lll(I prct- j ty! You'll bc happy "o know . , . that our prices are Io :r tlh.ln cvcr Brin9 Lhc ki{hlie h'l 1 tay, (00)pts All wool l'leeve with ca peht collar and hood. Colors Royal Bhle & I)eep H.ell. Sizes 3 to 6 s17.50 Full I|ack (bats III all wool fleeel; with velvet trim co]blr and hoods with leggings to match. Sizes I to ,1, 0017.50 i ................... r S I lAI, wilh Fur Trinl AND EAIi MUFF5 tty Mdl{larct O'lJrlcn illld Ilitlilie|h Taylor ll iniliorl(ilit {o c!lilildet! yulll' little gii'l', winh'r w:rdrlblx iI,00 :i ', s2,50 IIIJUIE5 I(OIRNEil UEPAtI'rMENT Eslablisllcd IS95 [