September 15, 1949 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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......................................................................................... ...... --7--; - ........ --:-7 --- -: =7
Belfair Women's
Club Starts Plans
For Active Season
Mernbers of the Bedfair Wo-
l||en's Chlb reviewed summer ac-
tivities and l)lanncd for the new
season at a meeting at the Bel-
fair school the evening of Sep-
tember 14.
Mrs. Doiph Edmiston, club pres-
i(tent, announced that Mason
County District Federation offi-
cers will he entertained by BeN
lair at the October meeting, with
the pt'og'ram following a federa-
tion theme. Plans for resumed
meetings of the Belfair Teen Age
Club, an organization sponsored
by ttc Women's Club, were dis-
cussed, as were projects to aid
the Bookmobile and to entertain
members of Belfair's teaching
Of particular interest to the
membe/'.q was a report of the com-
mittee to keep Hood Canal wa-
ters clean, given by Mrs. G. G..
Shackleford, and concerning sum-
mex activity in project to prevent
pollution of the canal. Numerous
water samples have been taken
by Women's Club members and
analyzed by the health depart-
, Mrs. Dolph Edmiston and Mrs.
Jerry Kieszling described the state
convention of Federated Women's:
Clubs which they attended in Ev*
erett in June. Other me.bers who
participated in the st'ate affair
added brief comments.
A guest speaker of the evening
spinning, no bolting down! at Belfair, who made an explana-
ONLY 17.99s! Ullh, "IK'I lm[ For the only washer featur.e,,tion concerning the new Belfair
mail route and who invited ques-
S ing the new flexibleaWonder- II tions and discussion on the sub-
i tub---the tub that's accomp- I1 ject.
anied by a written 5-year m[ OUaer guests were members of
guarantee! I[ the Union Ladies' Civic Chkb,
The Economat is ideal for It who displayed a doll and ward-
apartment dwellers, renters, robe which will be a featured
Put it anywhere. Light, mov- prize at their bazaar in October.
s00-r00T.000L'00AZ000 COVNVr JOt00N00L
A pretty double ring ceremony
at the Mt. Olive Lutheran church
August 26 united in marriage
Violet Johnsol, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Victor Johnson, anti Al-
fred E. Kluth of Bremerton, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kluth.
The bride, llven in marriage by
her father, was gowned in a
cream white satin dress fash-
ioned with a 8alloped neckline
and lace-trimmed train. A tiara
held her finger tip lace veil in
place. Her bouqdet was of sweet-
peas around a removable corsage
of Vandas orchids.
Attending the bride as matron
of honor was her sister, Mrs.
Francis Nyman. She was attired
in an orchid gown and carried a
white and orchid gladtohls bou-
June Wolden and Dorothea
Hurst were bridesmaids wearing
yellow and aqua gowns, respec-
tively. Both dtses were made
alike and the streamers on the
bridesmaid' White gladiolus bou.
Blaine McKanna was best man
anti Gerald Kluth. brother of the
bridegroom, anti John l.cqne were
)uane Fods furnished the wed-
ding nmsic and accompanied Joan
Soper who sang. Miss Sol)er wore
a pink flown and a corsage of
Mrs. Johnson chose a royal
blue suit with navy accessories
and Mrs. Kluth wore a rose beige
dress. Both had corsages of sum-
mer flowers.
The Ladies Aid of the church
helped with the reception which
followed the ceremony. Mrs.
Amanda Osterberg served the
cake while Mrs. Com'ad Johnson
and Mrs. Elmer Carlson poured.
Mrs. Needham presided at the
punch bowl alternately with Mrs.
Ray Kluth.
Mrs. John Kilgore of Bremer-
ton had charge of decorating the
church fox' the wedding and Mr.
George Walker of Seattle took
After a short honeymoon, the
couple will reside at Parkland
Wash. where they will resume
their studies at Pacific Lutheran
.h)yee Durkee and (!h(rie I,Na;ov
'wel't ('o- }los | ('..P. ;1 ;I tle(l t
.mlt)l)er get iodcth('l' F, el)t('lnbl'l 7
:It the I)tll'k¢o holllt'.
A fnshi't ;111(I white I'hl.;tl (h,clF-
:High graced Ihc, m;mi(d.
(';tllieS ',\\;q'l'C i)l:l'v',l u]l(I prizes
went it} Virgilli;I (I'OIIlIOI1V ;Ih(I
P, eV Dit.kinst)n.
Present w(.re Virginia ('oral(ally.
[.oven;i I)eS('h3lll[)S. Merci \\;Vib:(m
and Bl'll(,(,, MarKtl(!lilt' (h)ol¢.. Shil'-
loy and BeY l)i('kins(,p, Shiliey
llellin,halls(,ll, C'lrol Hulder, lo-
donas ,ohnsoIl, Joyce /111(t (?herb,.
Joyce left Sunday for (!.P.S.
to i'esHnle hot,' Sttl¢lics. ViF',ili:
• in(I L()I'OII;I will leave in I]lo rle;ll,
ftltllre for Sealtlo thlivcr.:iiy.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rose returned
recently from t trip that took them
to Kamloop, B. C., where they vis-
ited/ relatives, down into Minne-
sota and on to MieMgan, .Mr.
Rose's birthplace. He left there
50 years ago and this was his
first trip bark. He visited with
many old friends and was able to
find five of his old schoolmates.
They went into Illinois and Indiana
before starting home. En route
tley saw Yellowstone park and
stopped at their daughter's in
Dallas, Oregon.
You'll Get
Members of the Shelton Oarde
club will meet next Monday, Sept.
19, with election of new officers
being the main business. In Town
The meeting will be held at the
Girl Scout Little House and the
hostesses will be Mrs. L. D. Hack
Thin .,da
MI'S. (;oYy.o (rol)per ;llltl SOIl,
tCr(!(], al'O ](,:)\\;,ili g l()(l;13" l() d)'i\\;'e
Io l':lh ,.\\;li,), ('alif., \\;\'her<, I?rtd
will *'l,,i S(:ml',,v(I a:-; a fr.:-;l'mmt,
A('tivilies I'm' I'r(,Ml)l,u :d',tl't
elteml,c=' 2:: :(I r,;=:i:<lt'.tlim i>
lh(' L'(i!h. .('l)l,ol|)cr L'I ltle iW(I
lh(. El;InI'ot'i- }[;/vvavd fo()lh;ll
,Ira tiltL
l,:,sl S;Ittlt'd:ly Mr,. (b'oi[ter :!lid
F'+'+,{] "(.rP :,'lto,,;l: :el :t pi(:llic iv-
('|l i;y Mr. ;HIll .%1.1':,;. Nat l{odger:;
at ilwir ]h!J'c,'l' llaud hon!(' f()r
Stanford sluduat: and (,spi,ci'illy!
for th, freshrmn. ['--
able. Low down payment,
24 months to pay. See the
Economat today!
For the only washer to give
you new, better "Undertow"
washing, "Floataway" drain-
ing, and gentle "Squeeze-
quets matched their gowns.
Jeanne and Zoe Ann Nyman,
nieces of the bride, wore match-
ing blue frocks to light . the
Friendship Cub
Gives 00nefit Tea
Friendship Club ..met at the
Southside Community hall .Sep-i
tember 7 with 13. members and
one guest present. Miss Pieilalue,
associate extension service agent,
was the guest.
"oou get more for your money
every time when you buy
$ulova"Gift of a Lifetime"
Shelton, Waeh.
Thursday - Frida
Mrs. Vernon Wyatt their .nn=. Mrs. Gertrude Rains wa. host- Mrs. Robert Binns, Mrs. G.A. On a BULO
man invited Be'lrai'r ,.,i,:,"' ess for the lunchtmn before the
......................... meeti M --I "- r" is
i)e present. . , ng. rs. Ama l-iu s
Preeodinrr thor, afFaa h ..... J,, acting secretary during the ab-
S. i CJDe'"Leo " ii'club"'lelvierl sence of Mrs. Lelia Hootman, who
.s[)oke• to_ ___the ' o'rnnnr -----'Jh'"+ ,,,h'' is on vacation. New committee
.,,,unrmer trio_ to New Mexico heads., will take over at tbe next
The hostess committee for the meeung.
evening' consisted of Mrs Tony An account was made of the
Zoric, Mrs Calvin H. Ma;ila, Mrs. I tea given for Mrs. Charles Chase
C. C. Eddy Mrs Clyde Boule a,,a I whose home was destroyed by fire
Mrs. William Wing They served'l recently. Since all her mother's
aDDle O' ' r.h ;,.n '.€ t things were burned, tile club
__ _le wth c__es .......... "1
fee bought back a quilt made some
"' yeats-ago as a prize and gave it
.............. [ ,
II E'['C' "r . , . to Mrs. Chase as a keepsake along
with two sheets
IO 00ntertaln
, . , - -- ' Miss Piedalue gave an interest-
I |lfPIpf [H,a,e ing talk On her work. ,
.=-,-=,-,,==,t,,/ Tim next meetln- will .... I
g De nelo I
Friday, September 16, the We- at the hall September 21 with[
men's Society for Christian Sex'- Mrh. Theresa Westfall as hostess. I
vice of the Methodist church will "
entertain a caravan of district of- MEN, WOMEN OF I
Gustafson, Mrs. Glenn Gardiner
and. Mrs. Martha Deer. NEW BUICK
Also on the program will be
suggestions for the new yearbook.
All members are urged to attew2 AT
and each member must wear an
original hat creation of flowers or !
vege00bles. B b E i
0 FV n
Mrs. Winston Scott is flying'
sister, Miss Hortense Motors
Harley of Seattle, to Salt Lake IVAN
City, Utah, for a week's vaca-
tion. On her return trip /vh's. (WE NEED USED CARS) Angle Building JEWELER
Scott will join her husband in
Portland for a few days before
returning home.
Mrs. Max Herman, district pro- THE MOOSE ENJOY
motional chairman, of Olympia, SOCIAL EVENING
will bc one of the many speakers. ThUrsday, September 8, the
She!,lw E Rlettr,¢ The morning session will begtn ways and means committee of the PRICE
at 10:,aia DtJuck,luacheon Women of the Moose enjoyed a
will be served at noon. The after- potluck hmcheon at the new home
noon session will start at 1:30. A of Mrs. Doris Jackson in Mc-
program and music is planngd. ,.Glary.. f
Br :' [ev,.George ,ble of Mcl,y , uring the afternoon the group
,dolug i1 n4 wiu attend bringing with him|went throu .h the new L.M. store
A,i00 U°NT W.S.C.S. members from that ciLv | there whe; Mr Jackso ', ''
l A ' -.. • n Is em-
Il Methodmt women and their, ployed.
friemls are urged,to attend. I The group will meet next at
"= .......... the home of Mrs. Walter Jack-
I son on Mountain View Se tembe
Mrs. George Cropper - . '
Honored Ol Birthday !2Laet Thursday evening both the
'. o mrs. winston Scott had, men and women of the Moose
a dinner party at their summer imet at the Engli=h home on Bay-
home on Spencer Lake Septem- shore for a wiener and bun feed
T H E A T R E be,' 9 honoring Mrs. George Crop- and a social evening of csrds.
per' on he/' bizthday. ' ,
Guests for_ the evening were I FlllII .IT --,t,rntr o
tr. and Mrs. Harold Kennedy, Mr I -,;K a4u,¢$ bo
an,! Mrs. Louls VanArsdal;, Mr:IHELD SEPTEMBER 3
amt rs. EdMcGill, Mr. and Mrs. l Mr. and Mrs. R W. Cummings
George Cropper and the host and were host and hostess at a family
hostess. [reunion in the form of a back?
:, Sept. 15 - 16 ...... yard dinner Saturday, September
2_ .. _. i P esent were Mrs. Oammlng's
neton woman's uxuD will meet sons and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Tuesday, September 20 at 1:30 Clifford l{elly and' children of
p.m. et the home of Mrs. A Al-Wenatchee, Mr. and Mrs. James
Saturday - Wednesday , Sept. 17 - 2i
F C* maden with Mrs. Don McKay as
k. . assisting hostess.
Mrs. H. lm.' Miller will flirnish
the program giving a bodk review,
Tea will be served at the close
et. ...:i:"l pmll::?.:': of the afternoon.
' born to Mr. and Mrs. Robert F ....
BampLon, 620 Ellino/., at Shelton
At -General hospital.,, ,, , , _
t ) J/ll ,.'flt|$W|nN|A|T(H@IIST|I,
, "- {4t k !/" A{0tlIM$1ttKIUIt
]E' V.*:.:: Frl.-Sat. Sept. 16-17
Gary Cooper
Kelly, Jr., nd daughter of Camp
Grlsdale and Carl Sflndten, on
leave from the Navy. Carl is sta-
tioned at Jaoksonvllle, lfloridg.
Also present wsre Mr. and.Mrs.
Ernest C. Leaf. and sons Of Seat-
tie and Mll, .Ct|mrfiigs' father,
r. Ole Johnson of Bhelton.
ownsend Club No 3 met at
tile home of Mrl. Clara ,Getty on
September 10: :
After the business meeting re-
freshments Were served to Mr.
and Mro. John Jgcksoni Mrs. Ads
Baseett, Mrs. Grace' LePage, Mr.
'Jack Smith, Mrs., Dan Emmer-
son, Mrs. 5Yble Ta¥1or, Mr. ten-
hard Slinantie, Mrs. Sylvia Bick-
well, Mrs, Effle Burnett, Mrs. Lu-
Cy Clark, Mr. Fred LoWe and
Walter Brennan, Joan
The One-in-a-Million Picture
for all to see!!
...................... 0 .......
Sunday, Monday, Tnesday
, Sept. 18, 19, 20
Striking! Startling!
Terry Moore, Ben Johnson,
ltobert Armstrong
You sce it all happen.
Sensation of Sensations
................. O ..................
Wed. only, Sept. 21
The boldest Loe Story
ever told !
Anne Baxter, Ralph Beil-
my, Scott McKay, Marie
It's a "Shocker"
..... s-.__. O .......
"Red Canyon"
the hostess,
The next meeting, will be held
at the home of lr. and Mrs.
Lenhard Simantle 0n Park Street
at 8 p.m., September 24.
Mr. and Mrs. DiCk Look are the
parents of a son born September
7. The baby was named Dick
James Look, Jr. Mr. Look is with
the Navy and is stationd at Ko-
diak, Alaska. The paerndl grand-
parents are Mr. and Mt. Wlllard
Look of Sheltop.
Mr. and Mrs, Wee Lhtlll Of
Oaidand, Oalif., and ML and Mrs.
elmer Fennel returned mission-
aries from Bolivia, Were week end
guests at the honae of Rev. and
Mrs. John DeBoer.
Charles Savage announces that
the Pomona Gralg Will meet at
the Twanoh Grange September 21.
The Twanoh meeting plaoe is the
Victor Hall.
Evergreen OrthoPedic Atlxiliary
will hold its first fall meeting at
the home of Mrs. Ralph Welton
at 8 p,m., September 15.
Mr. &nd Mrs. Joln Dek, 3r.,
of New Cstle, Pa., are honey-
mo0nlng In heltn n d other
parts of Washington. --,.
'!I : .
i,! ,,'
M figures mak; news. field, those
Matched against what they cover--they're an
urgent hint for instant action.
Because that sum puts in your garage--
STYLE that's as fresh as a dew-laden daisy,
from those brand-new ngn.locklng bumper-
guard grilles to the double-bull's.eye taillights.
SIZE that's mighty handy in traffic, a real relief
in modest-slze garages, a wonderful aid in
ROOM that rates right up at the top--with inches
added to all rear seat eushlons, a full foot more
hiproom in 4.door Sedans.
POWER that is lively, frugal, ever-thrilllng be-
cause it comes from a high-compresslon,
high.pressure Fireball straight-eight.
A RIDE we'll put against anything else you can
find, regardless of price--soft, pillowy, gentle.
We call it matchless because "we think you
will too.
HANDHNGP Well, this price is the price on a
er Mondoy cvemng
[u0 In HENRY J. TAYLOR, ABC Network, ev y " ,..._._
Th;s stunn;ng, fresh-I/ned Bu;ck
3.passenger Coupe, only . • *
S/x.passenger 2.door Sedanet
(not shown) only .......
Sedan (not shown) only ....
Slate and #oca# taxes extra. Prices sub/eel to change
Prices may vary slightly in adioining communities due to
How Soon
Of a New
24 Month
first and Mill
Buick SPECIAl. with finger-flick
transmission--as light and easy as you'll
on any car. ' "
But a few more dollars per month will also gN i
you the silken luxury of Dynaflow Drive--th#
soft, easy, rcstfill drive the very biggest Buiek$i
Figure it out. Check things up. Look
picture over, then--
(,o learn more from your Buick dealer Sure
sunrise, you'll make up your mind to
this one.
W'hon bettor atttotnobil¢,s aro bssilt i#l:lClg trill
Washington---Ph6ne 673 South First and Mill