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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 15, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 15, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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"t5 t i , OI, D + i("&apos; r, . * ""7 4-Piece Set Plastic Spoons 1I.0. uFO R GENERATIONS A GREAT KENTUCKY FAVORITE" 82.45 Pt. $3.88 ,t/5 (:It. BRAXP ,,:": ,, 86 PROOF from Kentucky N. Y. * 65% Grain Neutral Spirits i ! YOU GET ALL Measuring restone A T.,TON"- 'M'A,",ON C C)TTN+TsV JOT.NAL PRE-SCIIOOL S FIkS F,. L FALL MEE 1 IN(, SET { ;,.; t , I P _ i bocual r.vents il will ))e hv]<l at 8 p.m. Sel>l(mlher " ]9, at l!(>vdeaux s<'h*)(>l. !il Frances Alger, Society Editor . . Phone 100 ] )r. i ;. W. Not'x':H(I will be t he );;%`.%.-t-..-w..*:.*:;....:.¢:.*..`.'-..*?..-%.-.`. ;,%,_*...'.... ,t.._%..*.4.. ,:..... * • ,.'.4'.*..* • Y;l)etlfel ' fol' the evenil] "llltl will ial] on "l)enl:d ('are ;kll(I I?hlo| '- / ATTFNTION SOCIAL GROUPS i(le Tveailnenl.." ;  , }'re-school is ;1 bv'uu.h of Ihe P.-q'.A. l:or l) of p)'e-s(h<)ol age ehihh'en and anyone else in- With the I)icnics, sunshine and wonderful times l,crested in chihh'eu.  of the snmmer falling into the background for anoth- New olficers and c.ommittee er year, our thoughts turn to the many activities t:hairmen are Mrs. Mervin Win- which will hold the interests of Shelton women during gard, president; Mrs. E. li'. Ma(.k- the long fall and winter months just ahead. ey, "vice-i)|'esidenl and pl'ogTflnl eimirman; Mr,. C.harles Phillips, qt'his month and next the ladies' groups in Shelton secretary; Mrs. 1. A. (;usta(son and out-lying districts will resume meetings and elect ire.surer; Mrs. Frail l>. Kruse new officers for the coming year. publicity; Mrs. Ivan Neuensch- , A list of clubs and officers is being compiled by w;ln(lev, inenlbel'shll); 'l )',;. Don Woo<Is, hospitality; Mrs. Vera the society department of The Journal and a list of Tholnas, ways and mcanq, ;ll(I same from the presidents or publicity chairmen with Mrs. John l=lasl{ins, nmgazine, the telephone numbers of the two mentioned will be 1, ffreshments will he served by appreciated by your society editor. Send these lists lhe new officers after ti|e meet- ing. to the society editor at The Shelton-Mason County Journal. This request is directed to all women's activi- ties-orthopedic guilds, art, music and lodge groups, service clubs, patriotic organizations, PTA groups, church societies and all other social clubs that occupy the time and attention of Mason county women. MISS DICK!NSON, HAROLD ANKER PLIGHT TROTH AT PRETTY RITES Beautiful in its simple dignity a junior at Pacific Lutheran Col- was the wedding which united in leg'e ill Parkland. marriage Chloe Dickinson and Pore'tag at the reception in the Harold Anker Friday evening, church parlors were Mrs. Otto September 9, at the First Moth- Brauer and Mrs. Bill Carlson, the (Mist Church. The parents arc Mr. hride's aunt and sister-in-law, re- .rod Mrs. AI Dickinson and Mr. spectively. The flat cake, topped and Mrs. Ole Anker of Allyn. by two smaller heart-shaped lay- White smnmer flowers flanked ers, was served by Mrs. Arthur the altar before which Bey. Kel- Heath, the bride's aunt and Mrs. racy Roe of Parkh:tnd conducted Morley Preppernau. Candles and the double-ring ceremony. Mr, mixed summer flowers graced the I)itqohson escorted his (tatghter mantle and piano. , down the aisle and gave her in Mrs. Bob Bellinghausen held marriage, the guest book. Mrs. Don Fraser, The hride wore a white satin Mrs. Bill Hunter and Mrs. Ira gown with a full tiered skirt and Newman were in charge of gifts, long train. Its deel) rolmd neck- Among the many out-of-town line was edged with a band of guests were the bride's grandmo- ruchin and its long sleeves were thers, Mrs. Mary Jane Kilby of puffed at the top. Her fingertip Vashon, and Mrs. Ida Brauer from illusion veil was held at the tern- Washougal. Others were Mr. and lfles with pearly fh)wer clusters, Mrs. Jim O'Keefe and Mr. and which were complimented by her Mrs. Gunnar Haglund of Long bouquet of white stephanotis and Beach, Mrs. Lea Allyn anti Mr. l)ink roses, and Mrs. Otto Brauer of Wash- Shirley I)ickinson, as her sis- ougal, Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Mead of ter's maid of honor, was attired Taeoma and My. and Mrs. O. in a pm'ple dress with similar Knutzen of Seattle. low neckline and shirred inserts l in the full .kirt. Her flowers were S purple asters and pink summer mmns. Appearing first to light the candles and then as bridesmaids were Marilyn Powers and Bey Dickinson, sister of tile bride. i They wore identical gowns of sil- ver-green satin, witl  watching mitts, and designed with pert bustles and low, rounded neck- lines• The tapers with Which the girls lighted the candles were trimmed i : .wth pirfl osebnd and ribbons. ] hey" ('arri6.d pinl anti yell0w I summer latin'is. ] Bob Bellinghausen acted as the host man and Bill Johnson and Dave Castagno were tlshel's. The bride's mother wore a navy t blue suit and hat and Mrs. An- ker chose a wine-colored dress with black accessories. Both mo- thers had corsages of baby of chids. Mrs. Bob Bellinghausen sarlg 0 H E "Through The Years" and, as the couple knelt, "The Lord's Pray- er." She was accompanied by Mrs. Harvey Hillman, who play- ed the wedding mtmic. : The new Mrs. Anker left the church in her white bridal gown. Following a honeymoon in Vc. toria, B.C., the newlyweds will be at home in Tacoma. Mrs. Anker graduated from high school in Shelton this spring and will be employed in Tacoma. The bridegroom graduated froin Irene S. Reed in 1947. He is now Applied on Sound LARRY PETTY Tire Bodies, or on CELEBRATES FIRST , o u r 0 w n T i r • s BIRTHDAY SEPT. 10 Mrs. Roy Petty helped her son Larry celebrate his first birthday September 10 by having a mother- child party in his honor at her honle. Games were played by the older children. Refreshments include0 a cake inscribed with "Happy Birth° flay Larry" and centered with 6no large candle. Many pictures were taken Of Larry and his guests during the afternoon. Guests were Mrs. Irene Buck. ley and Terry, Mrs. Veda Bald- win and Dickie and Darlene, Mrs," Evelyn Billion and Mary Ann and Nancy, Mrs. Jean LaPlante and LeNete, Mrs. Murer and Alice, Ann and Dennis, Dorothy and David Gunter, Shirley Rader,  Donne Petty, and Larry and Mrs. Petty. CllANGE MEETING DAYS The Hillcrest Homemaker club had a picnic meeting' September[ 7 at Kneeland Park. Eight mere- hers, three visitors an(I two chil-] dren were present. ] M e e t i n g days have been l changed to the first and thir I Thursdays of the month. The next. me4ting will be September 22 nt the home of Mrs. E. J Dam- m:,nn, 920 E. Dearboi'n. VISITING IN SIIELTON Vernon MarshM1 of the 9th Air Police Sqdn. stationed in bairfield Suisun, California is visiting" with his parents in Shel- on. AT CITY RESIDENCE Mr, "tnd Mrs. Winston Scott have returned to their Angleside retddcnce after' spending the sum- mer at their Spencer Lake home. C, UILD TO llOLD MEETIN A. B. Covey Orthopedic, Guild  I[ I$ will hold its first fall meeting at 8 p.m. tonight at the homo of Mrs. Gcne Hanson. ACTIvETTES TO MEET The first fall meeting of the Activettes will beheld September 19 at the home of Mrs: J.. Bisdop.- ALMOST UNBELIEVABLE! It's the most  amazing Housewares.Value we've over offered! Three of the most needed items in any kitchen . . . all top quality and long lasting! HURRY .... HURRY .... HURRY! r#EY L,l$r! L I M I T E D QUANTITIES fie GUARANTEED ry.Method NEW TREADS • Same high quality II tread materials as used in Hew Tires " • Same tread design . as in New Tires n depth " )ooooooooooooooooeoooeeeoooooeeeeooeeeoo t LEI : Motor King RiG. 13S FLEXIBLE e e BATTERIES • edRING,, ACTION ,: = $8"9S 10o 9 BROOM RAKE:, ,o. Mo.. @ : 00tumbermen's Mercantile T|rfSI,II¢ DEALER 311 Railroad Avenue Phone 305 Zontans Present Bruce Duncanson In Piano Concert The Shelton-Mason County Zon- ta Club will present Bruce Dun- eanson, hrilliant young Seat:tie pianist in a concert at the h'ene S. Reed high school auditorium on Monday evening, September 26 at 8:15 o'clock. The young ar- tist is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold B. Duncanson of Seattle, and is a gifted artist student of Paul Pierre MeNeely, noted artist teaclaer of piano in Seattle. Yolmg Duncanson started his study of piano at the age of eight. So great had been his pro- gross and devotion to his stndy of the piano from the first, that, at the age of 12 his parents de- cided to place him under the gnidance of Mr. M('Neely, with whom he has stndied for lhe 1)::';1 eight years, l)tlring t he-e ye,': he has made a great inplc:;:; u!)-. on the mttsie-lovinff peoplo pC :.:,.. attle and hi/lay eitie:; or I],,, orthwest, through his ma:ei'l,v and authoritative playin'', lie i: in great demand hy lnally e|Hb;.; and organizations in Seattle, Ta- coma, Everett, Olympia and oUz- el' nearby towns• Wherever Jle hits played he has met with outstand- ing success and milch acclaim. Mr. Duncanson is an autimri- tative pianist and he endows his playing with a mature un(lev- standing and a marked degree of dramatic emphasis. i WORKING IN ALASKA Alta Bailey flew to Juneau, Alaska recently to start her new job as a dental assistant there. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bailey. ..... " ' GOODS ALWAYS !]_ SAFE! = , ..... : Ship your goods through ottr * lot! We have facilities for SAF'ELY handling bulkiest or mor, t t'ragile merchandise. We can serve your neecls savingly! SHELTON TRANSFER, INC. 221 S. 2nd St. - Phone 66 ,,, , EVERY SATI00RI)AY NIGItT 10 P.M.-2 A.M. J t SHELTON VALLEY MUSIC BY 0ckie Seljestad and Orchestra Admission $1,00 (tax included) Ill I II Evenings by Appoinment )I[ILAII I Illl I I Ill I Ill MERLE NORMAN COSMETICS Courtesy Demonstration hy Appointment A alon of Distinction ]or Discriminating Women 220 NORTH FIRST STREET, SHELTON - TELEPHONE 660 I 0 THE )lOCKET" WAS LAUHCHED YEAR A60. --and in the 12 record-brcaking months since, every phase of the autonobile business has felt the impact of tho¢ historic introduction by Oldsmobii!e Tiffs is tlw ill'st anni. w,rsary of one of the k most revolutionary developments ih motoring history... ()ldsmobile' brilliant ][llr" "Rocket" Engine! In one short year, the "Rocket" has changed America's automo- tive standards. It has ]trought a completely new level of performance and reliability to motoring. It has earned a mfique puta'tioa for smooth, quiet, economical lfowerl- Bnt you must drive it to believe it! On this "Rockot" anniversary, your Oldsmobile Dealer eordislly invite you to take the wheel of a "Rocket" Engine Ohlsmolnle.,. and discover how tim "R0eket" combines witln ][vdra- Matic ])rive tbr the most thrilling perfi)rffmnce ( " . yon ve ever kn )wn. A phone ea]l wdl bring -- " " r -- " " -- you a thrdhng deunonstratnm ride. Try the "Rocket °' ride! Drive the lowell. riced "R.ket" nlline car, the lurtlliant hhmobilo 'BS." CaJl your dea|er today! , _ II I I1,, PiRST YIA| OF THE "ROCKiI :' September 8The "Rocket" plaat ia completed. *' September l$Olds- 1948 mobile's new "R(w&- el" Engine ia first preaented to the leam. November II.The firet produc lion model 194B "Rocket" come= off the line. D0cembor 9Flrst ,d, lie showing of the Rocket." December 19Intro- 194B duction of the new "Rocket" Engine in the Seriea "q8" Old=. : Fehruary6 Rocket ]';ngine offered at a new low price in tho 1949 aensati(m ;d newOlds- mohiie "88!" March l,Roeket ',]t. Engine "88" t hill. climbing eord at 1949 (;eneral MotorsProv. lag GroumL May 30--"Rocket" " Engine, 88 pacea the'00-Mile Race at 1949 ! nd/anapolia. Juno I--Nation-wlde Rocket "88" Demon. mtration Cempaign 'U launched. 1949 June 14-- 100,000th "Rocket 't Engine is built. • ou, ..,,.,, ,u,u,,..c 0 L D S M 0 B I L E MELL CHEVROLET COMPANY First & Grove  Shelton, Wash. -- Phone 777 .... i ii i ...... i D I AL I R I I V -II I