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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 15, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 15, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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SHELTON- MASON COUNTY JOUi%NAL e .... v CLABSIFflED ADVEITIBING IIATES ,eadcr it(tlcs 15c per |inc. 7bc li*InlnBlln charge on each nutlcc, Uard el Thanlls, $1.0(I; original h. W0J&apos;l.i or Ict , iu}inl£1'11nil charge) "/be single insertion, $1.25 tWO maertlnns, $1.50 tliree ilmvr.. tt0ns. Additional Itulertloa , Oe o,'h. IItrger ads at rate, t)f 10c /or each 5 words abet,, 25. l)etry 50¢: per Inch lLcla,sificd dis- play ratce 'o.n rcqucst. All classified advertisement nmst" b o paid In advance, Those taken tver teleph0n( must be paid the fillowlng day, Air extra CIlar;e Of '-tc will be madt: when billing i:t lleceesary. @ .q,,,.,qr v .ip. v v v v..rqr, ,qv.qvv ,qF v v v ,qF qp.,v .v,tr Miffed Service t ¢q¢'v'v v v ,a, v a, v v v m, v 'l, qa, v v qvvv P,,INSULA OIL S'I'OVB SERVICE. ]tarts, repairing and,Vacuum clean- In,, Loai Sh¢ltoit pilone 61-J, B6-30t fn It,ttN4tw m 'q, qLr 'qm' V'V "qtr 'gr 'qtt"V V V "lw V 'qt REAL ESTATE • I v qr'q v v v qr qP, v v,qv ',qP .qv v v ,q ,r.q v v v ,€. 9 •,v v v,q v'v,.qw'q v v v  v'qvv vv v'q v "q   REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE IlAVJ $12,000.00 equity In $19,500.00 F()lt ,%%i.E: two bedroom nmttern Seattle North end Lake Washington waterfront property (5 room hou,e 150 it, frontage) to trade for Hood Canal house. 71Vlight confider water- i front or view Property near Shclton, , Call Union 343. Fl-13tfn. -1&.iit "i;JA" I1--- b'ih[7 -vr'/is --i'-ii- - ii U;,{sT; and garage. ee }it'll oat'tt1.11an, llc. 2, Box 297X, Agate district. 8-25--9-15 4()I sA-L-[,]": :IL1'oon) })otie"WJti-bath; Ifiu'llY fnrnlvhed, Lar:c Int, 2 blot:ks frorll City t;enltq:, lllqllirO 326 St), :Ivd St. C9-1"15 'OR ' sXf;: Lr "L:XS'L/iT' ,;lid" fiew-;: *',, h m*( Also fh'c acle of land. It', lnHi,8 :mllh (in ()lynlphl. high- ;Wi'y. Also 1938 F6rd coupe, rlldlo gad hct.ler good tires. Ahnost new tn()t(n', $5b0. See Eaxl Dickiaaon, let , I, F, ox I,27. 9-I-15 mt range nlld t:knk, e('tl)elit flinndotio11. 60 x 120 ft. will (1.-I. or F.II.A, or ,,ty qu,iy with p,wn,,',,,, t, hal- FOR SALE ance. l,ss than rent. Phone 937W. 5-ROOM lnodrn plaatered home, 119-8-1`5 fireplace, full basement, electric li4(:iR-'iiJ%Di-i--i-n l:Irinnon, six-rot)in hot water heater; oil furnace, lia ileuso alld twP*l|y i%(!res |lAnd partly cleared, g,,d water, h,r :>bedroom nice yard and well located on llouile, l)oFo in ,'iwlttm. Write Richard 17h,nnetl. ];rinnolt. hi)nit, Tw() ]ldt% 12,11 'l}i;'t,, 1818 Sum- nnt Drive. C'all at 106 'North it)tit after 4 T8-25--9-15 ]'()'iF'-TqAE'gT-:'.TF;'vl;i"{7-i?JS:;-'-GT-';F" • 2t}0 lot Ill  ve, rl%" lle/llt. (?OSll or ternls, l tl(llll I', ' L, it. V}hitt', ltout)'. 3, lox in, t)r IHinne 772M. W9-8-22 FOR SALi'I'. 20 Ill'yes land ILl t;I'it|)i'- view mlltahh' for l:ral)e /¢rowli).'.. ii'h)0riBig for tn)tl/;e /trill sltat:R. .'illql!1. In(lltll,C A ugl.llL lhlrkhnrl ( ] I'll |'. '- view, ,)-8-.= WAi'Eii}zI{0NT 'a,&l- i fill?-iTd;k4-H7 IIot)dBport. ,i-roOltl house, /ar0 Jt', $3300, Inqnire at th,.' 8ubrn.,irnl(' Aquarinlll. ('ash or let'1118, .r9-8-15 q v'v v v ,q' v v v v ..m. ,.v. ,,q v v v 'v v v v 't 'qv 'q" WANTED m..w .w-%l,  v.v v v v ',*'v v v  'w v  V  'qrv  • WANT T(I I<'ENT: tw,) ht'di'o¢))n iIOt180 l) "eferahly qlnfllrnishe, d. l{cslJOnSll)I(! lldlty wile }h'l. ¢)wn("d OWl* honlt, will l)rovidc bet t)f t:ttt'('. Call 712-W'. K9-1-15 W'AN'I'.D: repair work ov rt!nvdeh*lg of all kinds. Ally odd Job, large or .mall. alo rotottllcr plowinm Call 59-W. C3-31tfa WANTED: will pay Oitsh. or, stuIIII)8g¢!. Write I')anwl aotl it'let - cite*' Loggilig eo., P.o. Box 35. Oiai- In, Wash. ll-4ttn. WA Nb.'iD-.'--/i,;u{" si.(;:k-7"i;':6fi/1,t rl ,:e, COUl'tt1OIl8 scrviee. Pil(me IIS collect. Ehna 121-J. Grays liarbor Ren(lei- .... i n ., .l_il!-_. ..................................... 2-27, t'n WANT TO BUY: old iOl'Sea for Mink feed. Myers altd Iiansen Mink Farm, OlylnDia. Piolte 4676 collect. 1-1tin Miscellaneous FOR SALE v v v 'i' q v q" v v v '1 ,v 'q= ,v .,t.'q v qi . v v v v v J l:lll' on all l-lardware. ItiTA,I?RE:{gT llARI)WARE --- h,'atl- [l It:it"l, 't'tq ft}r I)lllllll)ing, building _. and.. r}/,}_ W . !_ullj)!_!.!':.. ............ l!:.1:.n- l,'tII) SALE ()r TRADt,: $St)0. :l' {l'Ullk ( hi)in ('1 uls,'r 3,)K756. Needs w,u'k. Will ll'ad, for V;ll" or t.rllpk of ,,qnal %:lhip. lltlillll't" 2'lf)(I West Lake No.. ,,n ],ak,' lhlhn. (',lntact I.. ].. W:ll- h'c. tlniuu. Wv,h. 9-S-22 F()I S%]X 10'd f'vt:': .Itl' per lh, lh'(' wclght. AIs,)" I(.)31 (?lu,vi'oh't 1 ) , k';ll ,,;tat(' lt":ted. .Int'k Sinilh. [hnile 3, B,)x 212 (At'eadi;i. l,,:id). 9-g-15 ll",l) F'I£YI4I¢,% st:trt.('d l't' l)ulih'l: 12 wet,ks ol(I. '2 y(.ar red hens. , ]IIV Ilia" l'oll lilllhq ($2.5(-) e;ll'h I. l)hOlh ' attt'e [, l),m 869J3. lh)ule :€, lox 211. L9-8-15 IIILLCREST IIARDWARE --- h(,ad- qlltJ, r t ol's [or ]')i unl bt*l.g, t)tltidln and tishing 8ul)PlV(Ul. 9-gtfn. LIH'P,I|{ '()| ;'-;ALI,: n)ill run shlp- Int), $45 per M. Can h(" ,'4den .at At'hi Wethw's. Fhtlio 3 oil ]='lilln8 Rend, qr lV.ql.  v v qlr .qp,.qp.,t,-lp. , qlV   'l"v") FOR SALE _ - rtmIMly _- "r'* l'i" FOR SALE:.22 h.p. outboard motor. rnn only live hours. Savc approii- mately $75 on cost new. Kimbol . M0t°rs' .70! 8" Fi[?t_St._ ...... 7"d4t!l! WE CARRY A ]:UI, b LINE el Ca*h- elle. supplies and gifts. Also the latet tn cxvellent books, Open ovt;- n|ngs, The Gift Box, 2001/ W. Fourth (}lynlpla. Wash. 6-23tin OUT I()Alt, D MOT-()lt parts and r,,- 11 llik('s IlL llilh'rest 9-8tfll. FOl HIRE: I)-8 "ctil" wlih bhuh', clcartng tecth tlld h)gflnt$ win(:h, 1, G. Carder. {)hoflo 810. 9-1tin .................. or phone 967R4, .I-19-8-22 "J%,LcOH (')LI CS --ANONYMOUS rn(!ot)} ........................... Frhlliy i,'tilninKs }It g ]).lU. in Uh' "LosiN'G Sltt)tL"-oiling ,'low cost for ('as}l: 14alli(:rtlfter tel,,vish)n s('t wilh ten ili('ll 8creeO, eoniph'lo wiiil I)ooter and antl.nna, freo. Bttine.s desk, knotty pine vounlor. Populal'-mllke electric heat- vr with fall. argains ill miseellan- eOtl ileitis. Phone ,q37'. D9-15-2 Come In and See The New Hymouth 3-pass, Coupe DELIVERED AT SHELTON FOR $1661.30 plus tax , qP'qr,P'qr'v,,qv,.t'v v tr v v v ,t¢'qw v v v v q vv'q ........................................... MUST SACR]IeIClq tot (lUlCR sale : i'O]il BAL: Mainland on ialt water, n(,w holne, gara1, attacl)od. 2 bed- if/ellt Of 8tgaDoat lalana ncar Al- rt)i)nls. (:(.(h:ti" ]i{,-(l ehtsLt:, knotty t:ala. 800 tt. aept2t to road, pretty cedar hreakfast nook. wired to1' (re. view, gooa a01L 1`t It. along e[hoio.. 8pioadid tlehiag. $Ib70, ' trms lllcLuding oyater land froatmg On Oyater BY. Charles Somera, tlrlilvlew, Paone 871-J-I 5-12 tin ,'ii--Rg---f'i;;;,'-"i:8{Jiii-ii6iTii; ' :iiti fiath, nook, ,utility room. lllghway lroparty on Mr. View. $Ii,800. Terms I €[NlreO. 1`InrnedlatB poealuon. Thursday, I iX)R SALE FOR SALE: clarinet rind vi()lin. Phone 71,tW. 1,29-15 FLOOR COVERINGS: tLle or linoleum, installed or lay It yourself. Easy ternis, 3 yoara to pay. Lawton Lum- ber, 420 S. First-/St., phone 56. • " 3-3tin. "i ,(5-Xl'TE--iis(,ii gau Gg{ii-aiiUil= tie wa.shcr, good condition. Phone 806'. " . S$-11`t in. H.;A-D leo*'€, .tlillcl'cst IIal'dwarc for top qualily, fall" prhu,d nl(r('han- disc, 9-Stfn. FOR SALE: 8 )nnl. Mauacr rifle, 1940 model, militsry sights, $50. Harry R. Bay, Jouraal office. 8-25 ]OR SALi!]{--ehick%n -iS{iilizo}7-7ow jnixing manure, Skokomish top io11, tractor and shn plowing. Phone 483-W. O2-241fn All FOR SALE: so o ympie Motor Sales ft)r auto parts and accessories. First and Mill Streets Phone 595. 7-4tfu 3OR-SALE: l'ins d(!lllxlt oil hcater wilh fan used approxhnatt, ly six lUOliths, Phone 1179-R-3. P 9--8-22 FOR SALE: 24-inch cast furnac fc)r bascm,.al, jacket and pll)Ing, and 118etl tlart otl buenev, all aa i:t for $50. Call :]0,1, G. C, Angle. 9--8-22 6 R ---Kil?-- T'a-ffi ;'7 -; Jd,Tl---FliTt separator, Goo(l as n,,w. $35.00 Inquire CO-Op Store, First ,St. I[ 9--tt-15 OUT BOARD MOTOR parts and ,re- mirs on all nlakes at Htllcrest {ardware, 9-8tin. -F()I SALE :" HD7 Cat with cat. drum hydratiiie blade. FOR FOFL SALE: ttoward Bailcy, $1.26 quart, Paint Store, 800. FOR SALE: aged saek. Also Alder J. Hutler, Rt. %Vash. FOlt. SALH : $27 casl,. Phone F(L)R SALE: 811J. FOR SALE: clearing tl I)le axle ruck. i to, Box 51 SALE: lnake elal orders. FOR top quality, diso. Sllelton at Store. 222 SACRI 'ICE : I)lachcd oak and chair. htelt, Olea Watson or pl,one 41;'lW |:e- l'ta 7:80 an(l 9;00 p,nL 9-8-15-22 76K"k'EgY-i- 7&7 ,il  &ig' iig iiWa y going to Itooa Canal, lx relies trom l{thetton, acroae n-ore BrocRdalc store. 1211ri tOOth tloUse, well, el0ctrl,: BP, ide&i ehlcken farm, Bee J. B, otL LaUrel an(i K i:Its., Mt. View. ) 8-11-..-9-211 0n Harmeral¥ Inlet. close m, No lilearlng or road building, Jdst bring our ltimbor ana atart bull0,1ng, Will cell all or part to ona party. Phono ill01. K6-1bt fn • 't ttALitl; Ar(iad---dFg-l]FtJ:Ii-iF(:iTs-N,. I4, 25, 2,6, 320 foot frontage, ;1800 eet.deep. lli acres mere or less, $4,- if#00, cash or terme. Write Roy Sllii- InOlkq, Str ]'0ut0 1. :JOX  tllnon, or phone 838, Union. $9-|b-27 t0th St, Phone ($01, K6-16ttn. [ I I II ZINTHEO'S VALUES M'I.tND SALT WATER fron- .agi ,9 miles East of Shelton, West of]ttearnboat IMand, 600 feet Jtll! to" road; running spring Wittle, pretty trees, good soil, pletidid fiening. Price $1275, ilil, Suitable for munmer or ertnent home. B UE$ OPPORTIrNITY: Sea- food:'and steak house at Hoods- point bnllding 25' x 60' with care m front and living rooms in rear; completely equipped. A good going concern ,hewing a nice pr(,flt, Price and .terms on Inqulry. it * , 3-BEDROOM HOME on large tract 150 x 104 ft.. beautifully ;andscaped; partial baaement, well antl. electric pump. Can be had on Lerrlls. k ahont thl. A,T'rRACV 5-t'oon tlome on oBth hill, elcctrically heated, fully lllmlated; hardwood floors, auto- llillli tleclrte tank, patio arid :'oonly garage; nice lawn, flowers, mme fencing. Price and term. on application. i rg s CANAL VIEW 3-bedroom home, ne and modern; large front porch< with sw.eeptng.view, $10,000. WATERFRONT and npland txacls on ood Canal. wonderful build- ng sites, priced rlll lt, Ill lil * WALKING DISTANCE fl) n'till;l and stores: 3-rooni aild lmth. with extra roonl In garage building; la!'ge tract, 108x107 ft,, fruit trees, 4. ginds berries, garden; nice lawn. Price $41)00. G.L loan can be as- sumed at $38.05 a month. 5-ACRE TRACT and I-rooni honle only IIA mile from town; 3 acres • 'cleared; well and elcc. pulup; auto- matic elec. lint water tank; oil cir- culator included. Only $1850, sonic tclins. BIJSINESS OPPORTUNITY: Wcll. extablislled going concern In good Itmltl0n, netting $8000 t year; to- gf2fer wlth two lots, building and eq'uipmcnt. Ask about this. ill Ill i LONG BEACH property, large house and ocean-view lots; owner will trade for home in or near Shelton. II $ $ M. C. ZINTHEO Title Iltltirance Bldg. Phonc 157 Shelton, Waah. 9.--<-15 "le( i"S A'I]]J :--6=i't)011i ]lii:;tlel;li "l;7/Ti{"wl{i] unfLnished Ul):Dtah': parLial bascnlenl W Ih fllr.nlleo. 60 x ]2(} t)n tills line. Lawn, fruit treeu shrul)bl, f]owers. Forntsbed o/" llnt'ul'nJ.hed, l:eason- al)h,, t-)bhe 723-R. DS-25•-9-SLfn I I I I WATERFRONT HOME 3 bedrooms, fireplace, plate- glass windows, llardwood floors, orchard. Second house on place good for renting, Next to golf course four miles from town, Phone 878-R-1 Monday tlirough Frid)y C. M. MERCER 8-25-tfn { II I! BEAUTi'FUL 6 room modern tlome, garage, plenty of shrub- bcry and lots of room to build a business. Located on Hillcrest /text to the Twentieth Centtlry Store. Ba,mlnent and new furn- ace. *lave to so(: this to appreci- ate it, Price $8925, NICE HoME locatcd on 8ottth Side, 4 rooins, till modern, gar- affe. chicken house, work shop, fruit roont ill work shop. Price: $5,250.00. w k 5-ROOM MODEH, N home. shm4 el, oil range and hot water tank. Nice raspberry patch and straw- berries. Pricc: $3,000.00. l:l:z'tl?"I'lli'[11 (; l'oot)l ltt(,l,)'n home, floor ftllllaco, utility r{JOITI. Lot siz 60' X 100'. Will eitlmr F,H,A. or G.1. Price $8,800,00. 4-OOM MODERN if(inl(,. ,i,)(I( location. Will eitlle)" F.ll.A. or (/;,I. Price: $7,500.00. $2,000,00 down, $42 me, 5.ROOM MODERN Imnle. garage, Imsoment and furnace, Will trade for waterfront. Price $9,000,00, Tel'hiS can be itiTanigetl. 4.ROOM MODERN lmmc, gar-, gotld location. $4,000.00. 4-F•tOOM MODERN tionte, 2 bed- rooms, tltility room, Price: $5.- 500.00. $1600 down, $50 niontiiiy payntents. 4-1,OOM MODERN florae, garage, corner lot. Can be sbM either fur- nished or unfurnished. Price $4.- 000.00, ,6-1OOM MOI)ERN honle garage, elect.rh lie* wntcr heater., two oil stoves and gas Yange. (]OOti ]oca- I tion. l'ricc $§:750. • 6"IOOM IVIODEPN hon'le, gltYal1.';e, woods]led, 5 flcres. 3 Rc,'es 1'leaf- ed. 132 of ])ly froill.agc, inchld- tllg' tldJlarithl, l:'rltm $8)400.00, ALSO HAVE eTHEl* LISTINGS FOR HOMES, FARMS AND WA TEItFRONTAGI] ALSO !.00% G.I. LOANS! WALTER GEORGE Real Estate 1,1 North First Stl'e{. thclton, Washhlgton P/'tONli 46. I Buy Your Home" hi MAYW00D A BLOCK OF NEW t DICK KIEBURTZ - BUILT HOMES NOW UNDER DEVELOPMENT NIW:plans--2 and 3 bcdrooms NEW exciting color planning inside out "NEW package mortgagcs includc men* NEW low price--best buy in years SEE MAYW00D .: BETWEEN 7TII & 8"rll AND HAB.VAID & MAY ON ANGLESIDE ]: an ,I • ! equip- Kieburtz Construction Co. ANGLESIDE -- ]'ttONE 899 13uildera uf Sllclton't3 Fiuest llo]nca 4£,; ...... iL =.. L-" '.' .: " '. ......... • ......... m Hillcrest. A good value for $6600. 5-ROOM modern plastered home, fireplace, hardwood floors, floor furnace and full basement. In- cludes extr corner lot ...... $9,400. 395 FEET of waterfront including tidelands. Located 3 miles east of Shelton. Property cleared and uitable for 4 or 5 nice wator- h'ont tracts. A good tract for a group to go together on and have inexpensive waterfront h om e s, For quick sale .................... $4,350 4-ROOM nlodern home wiLh nook, Wired for electric range and has electric hot water heater. In good condition. Can be purchased for $1.]00 down and payments $32 a month which includes interest. Selling prlcc ........................ $4,950 3 BEDROOM modern home with full basmmt, fireplace, dining room and excellent yard. Located about 4 blocks from city center, This iv a nlce home)and priced at $10,500 with half down and balance at $50 per month. See it today. HERBERT G. ANGLE Angle Bldg. Phone 304 I| v vvvv ,iMi, V 'lIP  vVVwf V v V  LOST AND FOUND . v v v,,i. v v,q. v ,q ,qv,v ,qr ,i,-v v v 'qv v ,llv,q v v'qi IiOlYND: ll)siIlg SUII1 of tllOllOy *UaY have Sal it by stating ltlll(l1111t ]old. t]ah rind appro.:illlatt: pl tc( an(I payllltl for this all. lnquil'e 1111 ltailr|)ad. O J-15 FOR RENT oF'FICI |', FOR RENT: In (|ovey huild- in,g, f'honi °SW or il,qUlrc M. li: N,','tlll;lll). N9.1P"I 1;'1 )It RENT.7" "}l{)w'l'l{7],'n' i, wSLi6}{i-iih'- lii,hed flplll'lllleni, hiqUirc 3.1 SolllJi Second. I'hone 928J. 119-.15 j/'iSK - R l/:i'IFi 2U riiiTdit-:}i -jijhTt; "- {;nil -i) f town. Modern. two $65 n|o,ith. Six DlllC out toward Hood Can;ll, Plmn( 615J3, W9-J5 F AR TEg- Ft ) fi iqi gf4V, b-ai:t iiMC i' ;r rent dt|wat¢)wn. Call 664. K9-1 r) FOR -I{ENT i "'miilf'-({f fiF;.,--'l;aT:7".;,iTf6; IlbIP for insurance, or l|lXl 81slid. l'hune 162 or inquh'e al. H,a, DepoI. i!)-15- ;"J lf'()lt ltF:IT]' lligl{' i';pliig'"rolml f,,r Iilltn t.)l{y, |lleat and hot water tn i'oonl. 1` llont 6J. P9-15 two bedrooln units now availaMe tit Alrwlly Court. Airport, phone 7611%5. A5-26tfn. 6R--h MqT'7 -h-TiTr; i F-i;i7 -i--mF gleside. Eleelric hcal. Call 438W. i R- RN T7 -iG; ;i -i:',ii/;fi -Tqs Hi 1-,i: by flit; y(q*l"* J- rt'lfln] IIIodCl'll, $,) lo $15 nlulith, Twin l,JllllS, l)hoile lloodspor t 25J 12. 'iVg-S/fn, "M'chyfii-i-"-ti;i:lifAlii,,l)--i[,Diii.iTi" :M|i-iis li'lW availahl,' on IIl(illt ]1 y |iltsiN, 'ClUil'tld wiih il}J i'angi ind oil h!a,t. The filleS. . ............. !{17<RUli, 1,'l.)lt ltENT'-,I-ro,mi hou:tl., Ill nllsi- lie,ll, se(,.lh'|n. 1)hone J89W or lll(llliro 825 S€,, Flrsl, A9-,q OI.,D -sTORX0J-- BiSX-ES" :f6r" "font : PlIoIU; t,)2, bIL View laol:kc*', Star Route , Box 32-B. a-241fn FdIR tlElqiP: ' -i'[[l:iflJhSd- liti.d- fr, mt roolil, hot water, noxt IO btilh, l|lone 699-J o*" inqulro 100 Phie St. VS-,tifn. I I APPLIANCES FOR RENT Hilco FJcctrlc Floor Sander ers Sterling ELectrlc portable hand Sanders Johrmo. Electric Floor Polish- eavy Duty Clark Electric Floor Waxer. IIousc Jacks LAWON LUMBER 2-10-tin :! 420 S. 1st I•hone 56 WANTED CATTL}: wauL i, buy, eJl or ex- change cattle of any" kind. J. (.'lark, Box 282. EIma. Wash. 2-17tin. "l;i) it"" H I lii]7" "J']l--Tti tl-{ r'- i':l)-I td°bi clcarh teeth and logging w/nch, 1. G, Carder, phone 810, 6-25tfn age ctlihiren. Sonm hm,lSeWorl,:, llhgh ,,'llor|] t;h'l will be t, onldel'ed, lhon o 720M. U9,1-15 "V-£iq'g i5":'--"i lid ii:/iFi{;17s "--Iqii il--- "W ill{ cltr t(J SCl've t00-fllmlly route, We ftnanco you. Write J. It. WstMn, CO., 137 Dexter At,,., Seat*It,, Wash. 8-"9--.1-8-15-22-29 W A N'i%; I57"" Jii n•i;Tr--gi'l:f - ':W fiTfiT--TJ6i able Ill work witllefi 4oh lchc.)l or eVOlllnA+>f 4, 1)art tlitw (ll' slen(ly, }" hono 766-J 3• 8.i-Jo-22 WX'gi'57-7;I,l-- il i}g:i ,s." " +'t, ], lholii in to 1'oI": Mol)il Vl'vic.e Sta|lon. r 200 ]gf|.:t. l'inc Hi Mg-l,l-2,i VA-N'i'ii):"-ioliiau"l{) |,are fi)i t]ire|*. )nall children lleoftrn.i)|y in ",1113' honle, apl•wi)x iliillil.q y l'ivr* dllV.,i it wceli, <tl,'ted hullr.q Call 7321N', %V9-15 _ . • 1 i IIIlil I LOGS WANTED Highest Cash Prlce Pald COSELMAN MILL CO. RFI) 3. ;helton. Arcadia It,lad 2 IMilcs F.ttst of Hillcreat To the "Sign" C.I.O. Ihtll, t)lylnpla, l, Vlt.qh. 9- 151 fli. MF;(?HANIC, AI,[,Y l Nt ;I,INI']D :' INSTi¢.UCTION: Then uiake Die ntost l,f your L,ilitics ni fa,41-nlo,itlg ])IESEL Indust "y Ke, ep present job whilo you train for lnslalhttiun, ,)v- i,rhaul anld inai,llollallet. W t) 1. k. SCIENTIFIC MOTOIt TUNE-UP ln- ('ludcd. Grow with industl'y a key J()b. (b't l'lit:lS--•.llt) t)[)]igat!t)l]. Write Utilitie:t Diosel Training, Rel- latrar, 251 Sheffield. Cllicago l,I, 69-15 /%l'" M(.)NDY ? Sell t-ln')stnuls 7:l-tTdii': Profit to 100';{ on $1 "Leader" As- sorlnlent. ]:•'el',onal Gi•e('tings 50 fur $I UP. NeW l)hil4tk S, liiziny lltllPr, "L(,atlcr" O11 ltpproval, I,'RFA'; illl- Drhtled Slllnlllt's. Slylnrl, 1310 laii- }co. Dept. #9. Lo Angt'll,.3 55. t"alil', 9-15 XTT EN T] O N ": -" "dli;6"iiT;- I n'(71;(,;t ,'d |n quill, lnaking t or Cl'tW]i('lili vnll Mrs. }L('ptlel' :it 111 Railroad. If (tl()tih itlLercgted will start e]as>0.s. Phonr 55g,L 119-15 C&lll) t}F THANKS I wish Io Ihank all al tile Im,pli:ll for llleh" kln(llteso. and h(,lp arid lllso lrly nltny friends for tht'ir flr)wcl'l, rilrdp iuld calls whih, t waa in tlio hospital. MRS. C A. MeQUf, IEN ..... i'AiiiF6i."-qiA N-l¢ ......... I wish to l.aRo Ibis lnOlll,q |)t" ox- ill'esi-:i,ll." lily din'l) lippi'e,c.ialitm h)r I' tllany klndnp.%t' rlli(] 3yll)l);ltiiJl'a# extended mc during nly biH'eax'cinont Sin(| IO 8inct!rolY thank every(re. W']ln helDcd so much dtlring the extended ltlncs3. |)£ ni:¢ bch)vt'd wiG', Daniel McLeod. 9-15 FOR ./tdhl 1:O]{ SALE. A,(I.M, ;ix.i't)t)l'lt (dl il('ltl+ er c.h,hl i, ;t.l [i.i). i:viiii'lide i,illiJ()li'd illOtur. T:t :lilt" I)nx of vlutiil(t,t fish- ing lu,ckie, 8allllOn l'od and rt, '1. ,)-t.,..L ('all DI3M, , ( r ). FOl. :gALE: wood rllllgV, t:al* .io,.• lOOt{, ALE: plcktl (]l'av(}nslein al)- ld*':| $1.50 per b,)x, ,i boxes $5.110. (.}l't'hl,ll'll I'llll. }]l'ing C,illtli}il(,l'::. Ja- er)l)y Rantil, lte. 2, Box 27i. l'llun, 874-1t-5. X..'.5- - 9-15 .............................................. BOWLS, MLXERS and Juicer3 for Mixo masters at Ecll & Valley Appllance Center. 6-2tin. ................................... FOR SALI:I: Gravenstein apple., St It box, yOU l'ick, IL A. I|mrlelier, five Illih'4 out Lost Lake Road. }'hune 865-J-5 9- 8 tin BALDWIN PIANO & SOLOVOX DEALER Also Used Piano. ESTABLISHED 1N SHELTON Tuiwra For Station HOMO BILL HAJEK Shclt(m, Washington PHONE 609 MILLWOOD Load of about 2 cords, slabs. edg'litgs a.nd planer ends mixed,  11.00 load dclivcred lo- cally. COSELMAN MILL CO. Arcadta Road East to tim 3tg/l l:.uut,.." 3 - PIlUll0 867..R-1 2-door Sedan DELIVERED AT SHELTON FOR $1782.50 plus tax O We also have Sevcral Other Models and Body types of CHRYSLERS and PLYMOUTH8 ON DISPLAY Some for Immediato Dciivery O We Give Good Trade-In Allowances for your Old Car KIMBEL MOTORS Fn'st and Mill Sty. Packard Motor Cars 1)o you know you can drive a new Packard sedan for only $873.57 Down -4 months on balance FRANK THORP Norman Castle, Rt 2. Box shore Road). Z)--'U"T'Ci2I BOY Wonsover patnt, one- coat flat wall pahit. $1.11 galloll at Daniels Dutch Boy Paint Store, 2'22 S, 2nd St.. phone 800. 9-8-22' II f Your Piano TUNED, VACUUMED, MOTH- PROOFED" ' Action Regulated . For ONLY $10.00 Staff Tuners for Radio StatLon KOMO -Scattle • Expert Work BILL' HAJEK PHONE 609 I MISKELLA SUPPLY MOVED TO 416 LEOION WAY Oylmpia, Wash. Your "BEST BET" for REFRIGERAT}[ON, Garden-Tractors, Pumps, Aluminum, Etc. 9-2-tin I I MAKE YOUR OLD RANGE LIKE NEW With a DUO-THERM OIL BURNER BERT DAVIS LILLIWAUP, WASH. Phone Hoodport 15-W-2 8-25-tfn IPJ-15-22 'i-v'vv',mv',"v v,,vvv v,-, 'v ,,m "rTiVsT,i;l',:--i; •/FU,.CT;,=t;.e i ,e c- USED CARS thOSe ])lll)l)i('s. ]il¢llltr' 'f l')•:l]d hi( • tlat lllnolld. 162 I:luundary. ['ll,llll, "V"D' v V V V V'q' i v I"€' F"w" V V V W 'm" V 'q" 732W. 119-8-15 FOR SALE: North(]rll-bat,li MIn-skt!;it ; -" lit ................ fBr coat. Just like new, Sizt 18-2tl. Also "l tliatcrnity dl'oV,tt,s 111 ex¢'(tl- leltt eolnlitton, Size 16-1S. ('Oliiuet Mrs. A, O. Chal-lon. I(i 1, lh,x 15.1. Mill Creek. -' gl-i:IDX'VSVg-iii5 u s i i, L D --i1-,,. .... ..l'ltl' mto: {duills .I,] nnel )ldW,. lo I'/.;O Ii|lnll i)aintoll i)h'llll'(, +qliltlll parhlr plltll labte, ' ilmql [rtli inrs. lqi)l)lt' fill('d. ]nqllh'e 12tl |iaiii'()nd. ]P]lon,, 553,1. Ill) 13 gilTt;XhiD 8 f£---iY/;¢ i.i r r,/,/1,;" (nlllltltt nl'e (Mlih,:O til,ll'C,tlghllrt,d. rllaeonttt)le, (li)(id flti.Dl tlol:, i,xl'i,l. h,nt wilh e]iildrl,n. $15 and :};0. in- qillre il E. b'untl, 21/a iollo n(n'ih of l[o()d:q)t)r t. 1 lion( Hi)t)dsl)urt :12w ia. ,J-Is-all P(>lt SALi¢7-i-r;,;,Ud,;ii{;F:-;:iid .pep lnht)ard I)oi11. lt(.i:ttl llll)l(ir. VI'I- lII lilarlli,' cout'crl,d iilo(llt'. ],'iI.4| ¢'1|i Slinllu. Phone 2t)tIW. MI,)-15-29 le()it SA I.i : 'ff[7)0- np]|l,'s-- alr; " t')},i'ofl I ) ) ( )( I IlaY. 1 Ilu/ie 11.77R2. ' Wg-15-2J i:|i•'l]( " SAiTI4 :--i',,liiS '•ii ,; iqT,,7-']ig ,::i d/,,i; ! nlotoreycl,', Fit,, lilt)d(•i, ranks alltl ft'lldtW;t. I:'hollo 7R2M. I[9-1:) it)it--8"Ki]E:- L.'ra37"W nGT"Jil{s.-'[ii;q-{ ]':1II. Phl)lle I "F " ' ; .)0 )Jl. ,) "t,)-.. "i:i' i i- 7;TAL I ;'-w ,-77. iii, l---il )-, ;li 56; .-" r,7. ll/lPt til |ll'l[. ,D I'i n/&,l llrlt] l}lll ! l 1'1,8:4. $'-)II, lllQun'(, l(Jl.) |l;lt'viird Ai,. l'hl,i)l, 59(iR. T9.15 Y'OR SAL:g{-l),;;;:''ai:";)ii "ll,,atJ,:AilUehi7 lY lln'll. $35, llll/ibh' Fol" Itll'Lfo rtltllll. ,Jo,! tetllar. ]t()tlll, 3. l:hx 13lA. ('9-15-22 i';{ill -g')%i]E'"l9.11 HM- I'l;)l'lm', tr}ui,'r: 71i'el)S fOUl'. I'xvlqh:lll ('i)lidilh)ll. May I.II' St'tll at Sittr 1{1`. ') Bo.\\; 12. PhoD(' ,|,iJJ. t19-15 1,'( )R- SALE :'-i;xii'u l{{7oll-'{v]|l-vil'cti- I|ltini heat,,r. $20, Good l,'i()lilllla Inqllil'l 11. Stll()l', 1}01 llay. J'hnn+ 6871{. II- 15- '2,tl "Felt S•A LE f-lald -nli'idt:l'-gi;l rlnu4:. $50. 810 ('olli. H9-15 I'IANO8 FOIt S&LE IIv:¢uliful Kiniball /918 rlt|,d|'l :1)/l|Cf ul4¢,d six lilOliihg4, blllinl.t, on i'(in. I rlll't, llISO OIit eX¢'(']li '11 t liF(ql i')l(i llll til llarg31n |iriee and vary li'*un:< Wl'itv ltl once for infor)naliun iiiso a,Ik ft,r e.atlih)g and Sllecinl t)l'le, i) till II(%V Kllrlllilll l)iatloS (fry,, di%'lqJv,'i'y SCOTT t']lOWEbb I'IANt)' CI). 2D€}i 6th Jl,, |lrelln,rlon 9- lS-i WOOD FOR SALE Okl Growth Fir and Ahh,r C. C. McHENRY PIlONE UNION ,113 5-15 --10-6-,it I I • ] One man let his whiskers hang out. T'othcr one, he pushcd his in. One wanted a board and not a knot. '1. other said a knul.s not a sin. Thoy bol]l 8avcd lnon(y hlly- inl hinll,er unll0r (Jnmqlnun':; "Mill t o (2OilSililter" selling pof icy. They deliver. 2x,I I,'4, l)Iclily gelid .... $41i,5(i 21'1 S,tS, good lellgth3.. $311.0(i 2(i .IS, plenty good .... $,19.b0 Siiipiup. OK ..................... :$:;II CI2t[itt" liil)l:i p .......... SI)C "t: 1 " Dhllenslon tghoi'la ood $0 Selected knotty cedar pancl- Ing v Jointed ............ 17,t:.¢ IDut'laced lumber in all slz.] and ciality In fir and cedar. Fir log,., custom sawed %Vood $11,00 load delivered, abou 2 cords. R.F.D. 3, Shelton. '2 tulles East • of llillcret im Arcadia Ioad to. the "aign." COSELMAN MILL t,O. Phone 867-R-1 MOTORS Olympta '2'22 N. Cap, Way Tel. 6558 8-25tfn USED ].('()It SAI,I' or TRADE: 19;17 Inte'rila- ], IC(IR SALE: 1938 Bui,'lt four door ti(,n|il U411 ton vl|.n or fiat-bed i)l sedall, r;ulio and heater, Froll{ € very goou condition. 1941 Chcvrolet fenders daniaged oiherwise g|md coupt,, radio and hcatcl', new paint, vt,ndith|ll. Pril!ed ,1350 f|)r quick hlgi* torqne Inolor, overhaul, no ,tile. Los Polter, 2(}2,1 Ad;lliiS. (lo*ln- worl'les, very good th'es. 8C() Don rain Vh;w). Phont: 859-J. 1"|)-15 l°ay, 6151,/ Park St., l|hoae 659W. Cab ft,iatie. 1,'J-15-2!t 1,'OR 987 Ford tt(h)r. Ex- F'.)i{---S-A-Ll':---lil,ll---}i:l;- 1)as.enger eell,'nt condith)n, $;175, Plione 878- ('hvvrolet coupe. Good eolUltlion. R-5. lCJ-15-29 1)hone 867-J=1. 119-I5-22 FITCH FORD SALES ti PHONE 16 811ELTON ) FOR SALE by owner: 1989 I lynionlii four door vedttn. Radio. healer, flew lir(,s. $5(k 1'he,no '130W. 102,1 Thonl- as. Slieltoii. $9-1-8-15 I'()It %ALl Iq)€) o lel L " ,' ¢: ,2. M t A road, er, Ilmlling condiiton. Tires grad St,el [)etltll headlights. $95. C ydc M "- hanson, Liliiwalll). Wash Pheuic ltoolport 32-J-11 9-1-8-15 FOR SALE: 1039 Chevroh.t !-h,u pickup. ]'hene 433-M or inqllh'c ,'110 /'ark afLer 4;30, ZSi,l(l'n, WH FINANCE on bank ternl.'[Jp"'o 24 months to pay at Bob Ervin Moo tin'& 633 Solith First Street, Shelton, l'hone 673. 5-Sttn We need used ears. We invite you to bring your car up our way. •. and deal your way. ()UI't PRESINT s'rOCK PROVE8 TIIAT FITUII FORD BUYtS ARE BE7'TEI¢ BUYS. 19,16 Ford Sedan ............................ $1095.00 Ls,ok8 lili, /lcw. 1946 Sttldetmkcr l'ickup .... All for $890.00 New Imitll 4;r.h'ivt', heater wind,hield washer, hilllioMer. ]9,11 Ford Serial $795.00 Itadio. li(,:)t('i'..It)sL int,nlletl new lilt)t€)1,, sllcks, tir,,",, l'|,bilh, alid olily 56,000 actual luile. 2 1.{149 Ford Scdan s- lam dt,d willi llCCC:;S' rips, lit lllmral di count. ,, BI(I $100,000 CAR SAFE- (.,et hi FOIUg' TY CON 1 I!,S 1.--COME 1N TODAY FOR YOUR FREE SAFETY CHECKUPand ENTIUV ]3 L NK. Fitch Ford Sales & Service VOI%MEI(bY AL IIUERBy MOTORS l'hunc 10 bth and IL R. Phone 9.89 125 So. Fifth. MILL $10 Delivered Our Wood Is or .Better to Enitai Phono KIMBEL 1 or $310 Sales 707 S. 1st ELEC SAIS, Free ): a Phono 125 Cota Jack WILL IN LATE Give amount model. Journal office,,: WE HAVE THE and We Selt the Rcconditioned and Guarantecd 1941 Chryslcr Sedan Good paint, . good rubbcr, new scat covers, 1941 Ford 2-Door Motor recollditioned, good rul.iI)er) new I) alil 1940 Oldsmobile Sedan Reconditioned, a black beauty with miles 1940 Buick 5-Passenger Cou Motor reconditioned, new airridc 1940 Mercury 4-Door Sedan' ,! Ah" ride tires - LLfcguard Tubes. 1940 Plymouth Sedan, now 1936 Chcv. Sedan, a rcal clcan 1948 Ford 1-ton truck Dual wheels, has steel box with bows 1(t {';000 at'ttllil n111'14, lla8 llcver hatlled a for a passenger car. 1947 Dodge pickup, 1939 Int. 10-ton 6-wheler, 1949 Int. 10-ton 6-wheeler, 19,t7, Ford Logger with bunks 5-speed luahi tranmnissioli, 3-spced Clark rear end, 9.00 th'es. IMMEDIATE ERY 0! I49 PLYMOUTit Also NEW INTERNATIONAL l,  a.d 1-ton KIMBEL MOT 1st & Mill USED CARS 1947 A-ton Chev. Pickup, '35 Chev. Coach, good <serwce Model A, a really good one ...... : ..... "i Model A Cabriolet Coupe good '35 DeSoto Coupe with pickup $700.00 down will get you I) new 1949 Truck, 2 Speed Axle. 8.25x20 Rubber, duty throughout. Get the details from us, Anderson Motor