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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 15, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 15, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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15 1919. Joe St cw:l rt elioliteh,. Cc.&apos;- gure t ylh*. 9-15tfn • Hang- Painting CO. PUEL OIL HEATING Repairing Tanks ani . Plumber ,ice Classified Service LEGAL PUBLICATIONS T w,i qw va, v , V V ,r vv v l, v,l v .i= % v  v V v, CIIIMNI'YS CLI!LNF.D nnd recanped, 011 s|,ves and f|trnaces vavuum NOTICE OF MEETING OF MA,I.ON COUNTY FOIIET (flegned. Free egfimates. J'hone :148ti lete,°riVhL ASSOCIATION clays, 7026 evenings. Olympia, Wash, NOTICE IS HEI!.I,3BY GIVEN that ervice o. . P3-24tfn. estimates ti.__,..A-'l.-- :l-.Lff_2t"' n meeting o4' tile I ., o[, the Ma- Reasonable  x:,lx ('.lllliy l'OI 'es| Festival Assorts- and delivery. " .................................................. lion. will be hchl I,[) M.n(hqy. the and C3atur. .* 261h * aV of Sel,tenll,,h', 1949 "it. the Elec- I1(1111' td' S (/chck pJn., ill the Court SERVICE.  ' R,mln in tl.' C,)urt llouse in Sholton, Field. Note \\;Vashint.n, for th,' purp .  of con- 5-10-tfl si(lering :ilil,,nding the Iiy- [,aws. " cllangin th(' datl' O[ ti]|nofll Ii|ot,ting (lllring' th+ nlonth O|' SOl)ienlher , :it =mybL'7].u.o#" L.... from O2..ilUB/, .,.ch .,,,e and p,...c .,,s n,ay t)e desi- I, }t)X 1,'417. nalod by the OXeCUti I''O (OZllnlitteP. 3-:0Lt'n lr Ilill KI, erJL .OCt_,  r AIs .... n alnendinent limiting the lg(lard of Dil'ect(irs to 15 inehflbers, ' all{| for sU('ll further ainendnients to tilt' By-Laws and the tl'/lllSll('I.IiII i)1 WE REPAIR l,,,h ,<,,th,., h,,si,,ss as ,,,:,y t,,. i I',rcltight blffore tilt; ineethtg. All makes of RADIOS, Iiy .rder of thc Pl.esi(ltnt. WASHING MACHINES and C}tAS. R, LEWIS. SMALL APiLIANCES I Secretary. 9-g-15-22 -.31. Expertly and Reasonably I ......... 0__-2-00 ............. I NOTI('E (iF III,;ARI,NG fin FINAl, llFi*(IlIT DI," EXE(IITRIX AND PETITION FOR NWi'TLEMKNT AND lilTRIRUTION 1N TIlE SUPERIOR COURT ()I,' Till," STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND li'('}H. TIlE COUNTY OF MASON, .=,,., ,-,..,.. ,N .Re.AT,: IJlJgWul tllnl l lull }n the Matter of the Estate or' Leslie Muller, .h':?eased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, thai Dnra tlan,en Muller Executrix of the estate of Leslie Mul'ler, deceased, ha III I [presentcd to the Conrt and filed tn I the office of the Clerk of said Court Iher final account, report and petition Septic Tanks Cleaned f,,,. distribution, asking tile Court to .ttle sahl account and report, dis- CHARLES JONES Iribtite the pr,lllerty of the estate in Contefits -atlleCl Away a(,(:ordanct with the provisions of tie- ceased's last will and testanleol, and Quick Service discharge said Executrix. "ind that a 1714: East 9th, Olympia bearing on said account and p41tion Phone 3486 0r 7026 will be had hefor, the Cou-t on the 30th day of September, 1949, at the: 1-15---n. hour of 1O c¢clock, a.m., at tll Court 14oom of said Court In the Court I ............................................................ House at Shelton, Washington, at forested in the estalc may appear, ifie the 97, Shelton 12-9tfn, , Clearing, Reliable, Expertly Prepared PRESCRIPTIONS On Contract with the Shelton Mason County Medical Asma. Road Or Direct to You Service 8-11-tf PREPP'S !MOTORS Drug Store COUNTY 2nd & Railroad Phone 89 CHRYSI.ER I III IIII I I I Phone 601 ELL inc. Wn. Puget Coin- Alts'n. Traffic I the highest concentration CARDS " Shelton 186 INTING Bldg. LEWIs LAW St. Stoves and Furnaces VACUUM CLEANED Phonq 299-W 703 Franklin St. -- SIGNS -- .... : rOf All Kinds<. : ''* .... i:r" Neon Sales & Service MODERN SIGN SERVICE " Phone SheIton 21 3-17-tfn ACCORDION and SOLOVOX PLAYING for Dances, Parties J. G. Halvorsen PHONE 2O2 6-30tfn II II I E. A. (Bony) Loertscher FARM,, & LIVESTOCK, AUCTIONEERING Write Ist Leke Route Box 57, Elma, Wash. 7'1---12-30-25t t I II . II Mason County Heating Co. OIL BURNER SALES AND SERVICE Re-condition your Oil Heater or Furnace for Winter Now TELEPHONE 208 415 South First St. LAW DILLENBURG BROS. Bank BULLDOZING • LAND CLEARING LOGGING Phone 667-J - Shelton SPRING Yix Services Phone 585 Go which lAne and Idace any person objections thereto and contest samc. l)ated this Ith day of August, 1949. IIARRY DEYETT]. Clerk of said Court, AI.DEN C. BAYLEY, Attorney for Executrix, Title Insurance Building. Shelton, Washington. ' I NOT|CF OF %I'ARltlANT CAI,L Notice is hel,eby given that the c)l- Inwing Mason Counly Warrants are calit.d fill' paylnpnt at the office of the Treasurer {If .'aid C.llunty, and that ilitorest will cease on the date nf the publication of tills notice.: CuR_rU,]NT EXPENSE F'UND--War- rant Nos. 734 to 798 Inclusive. S, E, SM1TI-I Treasurer of Jason County, State of Washington. (SEAL) Dated at Shellon. Washington, Sop- teniher 15, 1949. 9-15--1t, NO. 063 N(ITICE OF llEARING ON FINAl. RI'II'(ilI'II ' AND PI",TITION FOR DIN'|'RIBUTIIIN IN TItE SUPERIOR COURT OF TIIE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY (IN PROBATE) In the Malter of the Estatc of Myrt*. M. Oltman, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Rudolph %V. Oitinan, Execut6r of the estate *,f Mylle M. Oltnlan, dece.ised, has fihd with the Clerk of the above cntith;d C:lnrt Ills final rop0rt and pettti.n l'.r distribution asking the Court to settle and spin'eve said final report and p(tition for distri- bution, to distribute the property to the persons ther(to entitled and to dlscllarg+ tile said Executor. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN tlmt said final repllrt and petition for dis- tr'ibutlon wJH be hevrd on oFridav. the ].Ith day of () 1949, at tI'i(' I imur .f 10 o'clo[!k in the forenoon lit lilt' court rcli)lll ill tat? CouFt House in Sholtoli, Wilshlngtlln. ,-: Dated this 9 day of,r, 19,19. (Signed) tIARRY DEYETT?], Ch?rk, Mu:lfnl County, Wash. t;. FRANKIAN ttEUSTON, Altoruey for sill(1 7slat,!, Angh. Building, Shtqt(in. 9-15-22-29-- 10-6--41, Forest fires have been known to overtake rtlnning deer and men on horseback. Classified Service r SEWING • MACHINE REPAIRS ]i]XPERT WORK. Reasonable charges. Estilnates made in your ltome by a courteous, bonded employe. No ob- ligation. Leave calls at The Journal in Shelton. Phone 100. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. 510 E, 4th Ave. Olympia 'LOORS SANDED andREIi'i-ISHE... New hardwood floors InstiLled, old or new homes. J. A. lllange. llox 28. Belfair, Phone Belfair fi-3931. 7-17-47tflL i)RE---ffCffflST/(')-N--iig-R-gi'C'lE on medi- cal contracts, old age assistance, or dh'ct with ou on Your doctor's order, prelP s Drug tor Send and Rallroa(l, ' '1.0-3 tfll tonholing. Mrs Elli's Well's Frleil¢i: ly Exchange Store, 214 'Grove hi Eagle Building. 2-2S .tfn for IMMEDIATE ' CASH LOANS. SEE EDDY .... BUSINESS SERV'ICE PHONE 40 120 South Thlrd Street, -1 Shelton, Wash. ENGINEERED ELECTRICAL SERVICE HIGHEST QUALITY WIRING CRAIG P. ELIOT I REGISTERED LICENSED and BONDE D Engineer - Electrical - Contractor P.U.D.%Varehouse Bldg. K St. - Mountain View P. O. Box 158 Shelton Phone 788 l ,I00OME State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Collision Coverage On Caee a9 Old al Waal 1937 For Qualified Applicant| ..... Rates, Service for Policy Holders • Transfers Now Available at BOB ERVIN MOTORS $33 8outh Flrat Street Phone 973 ,I4ELTON- MA0N COUN"I 30URNAL NO, 5422 ,qI'MMONN ill? pI.,III.ICATION IN TIlE SUPERIOR.COIRT OF TItE STA'I'b l)l,' WASHINQTON IN AND FOl¢ MASON C()UNTY (?ily of Sheltoll, a lnuiltt'ipal c0rpof alien. Carmelila E. O'Nelil Shackle. ford, Ll(inald Jaln,.s Ci'Neill, .\\;llgl.i, Lawronve O'Nqll, rhOlUa# Iticlmr O'Neill, T.,,l)el't lid', ttardy and D{,ro. thy M. Hardy, his wlfo, Inghanl & Reed Incoi'porated, a Wastlinu.t-l, corl)ortitil,n, Jalnes till'lice lllis aitd CAira Ellis, his wll'if, / Plainti f f,, Morris Shrdton, John tngle Shr'lto n, Lewis Tullus, Slinluei Tullus. Sadie Sniith, Clifford TulIus, Marylin As- ,.anl4 + Sol for At i4•!.lsl 51h tl[ $ ll.lli. (,leAns apprnvod: Cnr, Exp. $5t5.21.1;, Maini. lind Opl'r, $151,90; Ptlh- 1iv Assist. $774.12. Counly l¢l):t(I l'l'4Qoct Nl. C-131, fl-.el.,r Cl',ck Ih'idl.' '. l(it) c st. sl','n. ed. llo:lrd ap]lrovod allplh-.tlh,n €11' li:, (", Swanson, Airport Sel'vh!o, I'llr Iq,n,'w. al Of Class E liconst', :ind i'l,turncd tt; Liquor Ccntr)l l:.ard. Board continued llieotill' Ull[lt fo]- hlwing day. Tuesday. July 19ih. [hnird nioi. All prt.scnt. Bids lll)pned s " f(l[h)ws on t,(lllil I- lilont : Sani II, TAylor. lh,lfair, $7390 Oil tWO K7 Internathlnal Trlick Chus- sis ; Mixiwmohile Dist ributilrs, Inc.. btlry. Joycie Wesc0tt, Fi,alicvs Shel- lh,rtland, l M.(lt,I C Dohlxl, Scoop, ton, thizel Niolncs Langridge Shelo $,155[). loss acc,ss.ries $1365; 1 Slan. ton, A ('e Shelton. Itypatta IIupt, dard Model 19u.-way Sc.r,p, $57'75, Leonore Shelton Callanan Grace less attaclnnents $5365,00; C I y d e Krusehko, iOletcher Mons0n, 10runces, Equipment Co. 1 Minueapnlts-M.line tlamilton, Irene Ir!.lse, Fred 1V[onson, I Model UTIL Indus, ti'lil,tor lind L.a(I- David Monson, Lane Monson,' The or, $6380; FIoward Co(ipi,r C(irp. ,%.'o- Shelton Estate, a %VashlngtoG corpora- I atth,, tractor and lader, $5.000. M.v- on. Tile unknown heirs of Da\\;.idi oil, seconded and carrh,d that bid ti[ .thelton and Frances Sbeltbn, his wife, JtlJwal'd-i.ooper i)l'p, I)e al!ct,pll,d. F.i(i .41=Io all otllel' persone o1' parties na- of Sani B. Theler n 2 usl,il Intl,rna- known cleAning any right, lille, es- tional Irucks also ilcceptod, tate, lien, or int+,re.t in the real estate d*scribed In tim conlplailit iierein. Defendants. The STATE OF WASIIINGTON: To the Said : • Morris Sheiton, John Engle Bhelton, Lwis Tullus. Samuel Tullus, Marym Ashury. Jovcie Wescott, Frances Shel- ton, Hazel Nlemes, Alice Shelton. Orate Kr tlSCllke, Fletcher Monson, Frances Hamilton, Irene Kruse, Fred Monmln, David Monson. Lane Monson. The unknown heirs of Davld Shelton and Frances Shelton, his wife, Also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, create, lien, or interest in tim real estate, described In the complaint herein, Defendants above named. . You .mad eax:h of you are heret)y summoned to appear wtthin sixty (60) days after the date of the first publh:atlcn of this summons, t0-wit. with'hi slxty (60) days after the llth day of August, 1949 and defend tile above-entitled action in tim above- entitled court and answer the com- plaint of the plaintiffs,, and serve a cop). of your answer upon the under- signed atlnrneys for the /)hiintlff,, at their riffle0 helow stated: and in case of your fallu_re no to do, judgment will. be rendered against you. and each of you, according to ,the demand of the coniplaint, whh'h has been filed with the Clock of said court; that the object of said action is to quiet title in th plaintiffs a against each and all of the defendants above named in and to the following des- cribed real property, situated in Ma- son County, Slate of Washington, to- wit: Beglnnitug at the Southeast corner ,,f Block 9. Frances Shelton's Addi- tivn to Shelton, Washington, accord- ing Io plat thereof in the office of the Auditor of Mason County, Wash- Ington; thence North 82 ° ]0' West 2,401.5 feet, more or less to the ,')utheast crner of Block |4, Dacid Shelton's Second Addition to Shelton, Wa.,0iington, according to the plat thereof in the office of the Auditor for Mason County, Washington thence South ?° 30' West. along' the East l ne of said Block 14, David Shelton's Second Addition, extended, 50 feet; thenc(. South 82' 30' East, parallel with the North line of this description, 2,401.5 feet, inore or les, to a point whk'h Is )uth 7  30' West 50 feet roin the point of beginning; thence orth 7 ° 30' East, 50 feet to the point of beginning, and which property comprises the North 5{) feet of Rail- road Avenue in Shelton, Wasifington, be%ween Froht Street and tile wester- ly nmrgin of Eightll Street, as shown on the plats of Frances Shelton's, David Sheiton' First and David tllhel- t,)n's Second Addition to Shelton. Washington according to the plats thereof in the office of the Auditor for Mo-qon County, Washington. RYAN, ASKIEN &; MATItEWSON and QLENNE. CORREA, Attorneys for Plaintiffs. OIflce and Post Office Address: 545 ttenry ulldlng, Seattle I, Washington 8-11-18-25--9-I-S-15-22--7t, (?OMMISSIONEB'S NOTICE OF IIFARING O COUNTY BUDGET NOTICE IS H]REBY (lIVEN That the Board Of County CorllnttlssiUpgl' Of Mason LTotlnty bare 6olnpletdd iuld' placed on file tltetr Preliminary Bud- for" the same. Further notice Is given that the said' Board of County Cotnnllssioners will meet at theh' ()fflt'e i'n tlil Court House In Shelton. on Monday, Oct,- ber 3, 1949, at the hour of two o'chx, k ILm.. for the purpose of fix ng th final budget and making tax levies, and that at said time aid place any taxpayer may appear and be heard lor.or against any part of said bud- get. lDated, this 6th day of September, MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS By LYLE O'DELL. 9-8-15--2t. NOTICE OF BUDGET /IEARING N(41ce Is her*,by given that the Board of of Public Utility Dlstrh't No, 1 near Potlateh have prepared a Budget for the Year 1950 and that a final hearing on the proposed Budget wnl be held in the office of the District at 8:00 P.M. Monday, October rd. P, U. D. No. 1 • " 98-15-22--3t ('OUNT¥ COMMISSIONER' PROCEEDI N(iS JULY, 1949 Tuesday. July 5th. Board met in reg.ulaP session. Present. Chairman lyie O'Dell and Menibet.s Roy Mit- chell and Roy Carr. and SuMe E, Pauley, Clerk. Ferry recepits for week ending July 2nd were $tl2,75, deposited In treas- ury, to ceedlt of County Road fund. Letter front Arth(zr Callow re park area on Lost Lake. Remittance of $750 from Srulth Au- toniatic Phonograpll Co. covering skill ball license for year 1949-50 received, , Reniittance of $5.41 from Pacific Tel and Tel from ferry landing phone deposited in treasury. Claitns allowed as follows: Cur. Ex . $7120.14; Pub. Asist - $31112.10; Pub- lic Health Pool $415.00" County Road $t04tt3.'791 • Meeting continued, VIredliesday, July 6th, Board met All m(nibers present. Report Of County Agent for April approved. ' pre!!.qli.nafy Roac, Budget, tot: 195( presentetl by (county Engineer. Notice fr-ln City of heltoli re hearlltg' ell Asse,snient Roll of LID No. 6. Llqunr Control Board mltiee of ap- plication of Fred and Jean Carper, R2 for Clas E license appr6ved and returned. CleAns allowed as follows: County Road $11677.111, Cur. Exn S1415 71 T ' °'  "' .B, H0sp. $1058.00, 'Call for bide on July 19th at 11 a,m. for two used trucks and a wheel trac- tor loader. Meeting continues, - Thursday, July 7th. Meeting of Roard. Clairds app'roved as follows( Car, Exp. $$07.10: Public Ilealth Pnoling, $2.82. Minutes of May and June read and approved as correclted. Hearing oli proposed vacation of IoHloli of Canal St. Ill plat of Unh n City. after dlscussb)n, ordered that iiearing be continued until  Algust 15tii at 2 p.m. Meeting continued. Monday,. July llth. Board reel, all inen|bers present, Ferry receipts for week $8.75, depnslted It treasury. • "ollowlng person flied written re- quests to have nan)es removed fronl petition to form CRy of Independ- ence George T. Bell, Edltli C. Bell, Kenneth Cal k I n s, Mrs, Jonettie Moore, Win. and lJthel Compton Board ' ment of of Penln. franchise Bec. no Dersons appeari chlse was granted . Ferry receipts for were $72 aeposited lit treiidly. Ralph Swanou, attorney, repreent- tng Mountain View resldeIta 'appear. ed formally presenting petltloli for formation of City of Independeace in MoUntain View .area, with proof 0,1 publication of N'tlce of PtseiRatlon. Mi,etinK cent inutd. Mlladay, July .,)tit. Bolird nlci. All pr(,sent. 1Perr receipts for week were $5,5.7,5. lloinlltanc llf $13.50 I'roni I'acific Tel and Tel C(i. tt'l(sitotl iU tro.<tstiry. ]{,eport of Co. Ag•enl appl'ltvod, I')anl!t license issued to Gt.o. Hli- bokl for benefil dance at Cl(nlUal- hllil (in July 30th. Board adjourned until Monday, August 1st at 10 A.M. BOARD OF COUNTY C()MMII- SIONERS OF MASON COINTY, WASItINGTON. By LYLE O'DELL. Chairnuln. Attest: SUSIE E, PAULEY, (c. Auditor and ex-offh!lo Ch, rl of the lloilrd, 9-15---lt, ('OI;NTY CtIM M I,iON I,:lt. Iq¢OC I.:l,:nl Nt:N AIT(IIT, 1949 llonday, August 1st. Bnard nivt in iegular .osiln. Prcmnt, L, ylc O'Deli, chaJrlnan; nlenit)l#rs. Roy Mltchelt nild Rf, y (arr, and clerk, SLisle E, P ih3'. l'ei'ry re(,elpts for week were $97.50. doposi{ed in treamu'y tu ('rodit tll Cfunty Rnad fund. Moved and seeon(h,d tllat c.nlty pay $50 per ioonth for wag(,s I,f ore' niinl at City dunlp. Molion i'ai'i'ied, Petition for return to aCl'Otlgt! elf lropPrties liwn0d by E. O, Beard:- ey, et ux, in plal of Lllliwaup F'nlls Addltlou presented and date of hear- Ink' sot for SeDtPniber 6th. Petition for oxtcnMlln of I'(lad to lniersectlon of Walker I'ark Road pre- sented by Berne Evans et el, accepted lind referred to ConlntJssillnl,r CalT lind EllginePr Wai'd for e.xaliiination, Dance licc.nso issued to Cliff Col- Ibis Io conduct public dances lit Sin!l- ieu Vulley Grangi. Hall for six nlonths. Meeting coniinned. Tuesday, August 2nd. Bih%rd inst, All nlelnhers prscnl. AudJtl,r's COllnt It)t" Tl'oaHurer's (.ash Itlll)rot'Pd for lilonths of May 1, Jiili, I iml July 1 1919 Claims lipproved as folhlws : ('ur- rent Expense, $6118,99; Publh, A.- Si,q. $4418.43; Co Uly R ad $23547.80 Resolution ve Counly Road Pu0o(.t No, C-133, Bahl Point-Dowatto, $5t100,1t cost. signed. Wednesday, Augtmt 3rd. Board mot. All liielnbers present. Chllnis approved: Cur, Exp, $ Upon reeonnoendation of DI'. Sottl(, Secy. Trees. of Thurston-Mason (7oun- ty Medical See., inov(d and ,o(')nd)d that appolntnient of Bernard Bu vl,. MDDPH as heallh officer for Thin's- ton and ,l[asolt County Ih.alth Dist. be confirlned effect, ire its of October 1. 1949. Motion ('arrled, Meeting contlmied. Pernlit granted t. Coi[ Chaniber- lain to build approach 1o North Shore Road at Sunl'lSP Beach. Mectlng' continued. Monday, August (4th. Board met. All nlenlbPrs prosont. Ferry receipts of $82.25 dop,,sit(,d ill tl'easury. Resolution Transfer or f,"lin(Is. $.42 I'r(inl Dev. l'uud Project Nil, 26-2-179 UL, I , , ' ' ' ' ROBIN HOOD BE(tINS = WESTERN LUMBER " " ' MEN FARE WELL IN AUTUMN SCtIEI)[LE l:)<,i ti:ecl.:.'s ri,,o<l FREIGtlTINCKEASE Lodge is starting its fall sche(I- %.Vestern hlUll)o1'nlcl ftl+o(i v:ell tile this week, and for the con- VeIlience O[ ptttI'OllS (lillllel's ttnd ill the recent freight vale ill(!l't!tt<';t ' snilcks will be served until [1 p.m. granted railr(lads by the Inter- stnte COIllTIOI'CC C'OI'tlIIIiSSitHI, :/c- l,'Ol'n]er closing tirne for lht kit- cording to K. C. Balchehhr, tl'al'- then was 8:30 p,m. Mrs, Glady,< Sherman, well l fic mamtger for the West Co:tst • Lumbermen's Association, koown for hel' hol'lle-lllade pies, is at thc l.obin 1iced and serving tasty meals. Ttc lodge is sevcrfl niiles past Union on the Belfair highway. oi'ing r*qlttd t,l' Wtl'CS tit HAAS Rtq)Ol't llf (*t,Ullly A)4olil [i)F  .% and Assoc. Ext, Al!,l'nl I'o;' Jtlli al I- l)rovod, (;hiiius lili|)l'(ivt!d :l I',,lhw : (='ill'. Exit. 'Sq l'l, $, ,3.., Putt Assist. $.16.13. (Jl'di' ri!d th:ll bids I)c calh'd I'ol > Aug. 22, lit 11) A.M. fiir tw+l (hinll) I.ll,(Is with liilits Ill fit K7 lnhq'na- tilmiil Trtil'ks, Potiti,,n (If G()tlloih I(ck iq ill f(Jl' vactttion (if ])ill•lion o|" }h'nll('tl ,t, in i A[Iyu i'ccoiv!d and 1'1 ' lil'(hq'od h, ropllrl, l,,liol'l was fiil,d ill(l dale ll' hi,ill'tills" :t't fIw Si'pt 7th ai 2 P.M, l{os¢ih'ilhni Ordl,riilK II 'a 'i ii I (in ldiu. iq+14'cncy APln'iq). Ih!lll. Adill. ] lli(i.,16 siglitql setting healing fin, ,'\\;n14. '72 at 11 A.M. lh'rt Davis apl)l!lir,d ri,141irdilig lll'lt- tioll |'or al)lhlintili(.nt of Justi(.c t,I tleaoo in Lilliwaul I Pro,in 'I, aiid wit,  inforiiied thal (}oliliiii..hnior had iic pow(,l" to apll()ilil WtlOi',, i1() , ;l[dlli'*% I!x}sts. tli'al'lllg co forllialil)n ,d' .llol,d dis. trh't in l)a.$tl)n dish'icl, lilOlilil iiladl' by (tir i'. s,(.lliidi!d )S' Mih,lwll that herd al'(,/i be Illil)wod |o t'Olllain o|lOli for one year and nil clllth, liWlll,l, hi, advised l(i in.lall f qlC ,s lilt lll.qn!rl) wilhin one )'elr I'lqinl date, Me(,ting conlinlled. Icin(la y, AtllllSt l,5|b, ill , illi,t, all pi'(!svn t. Pol'nilssil)n granlvd Ill Cliff C.ilint tri conlinllO dtin(qnK uitlil 2 fl,.2tl, il S]ielhn VtilitL%' Cl'allt, Ihlll, l..,l'l') < i•l.t't,il)ts ill' .ll lind chol!k el S:27.60 Cll o1'}114' I'(!1'1'.%' [ll I! O]' inail catTier llOl)llsltod in h'l,allry. Chihi - aPlJi(ive(l ltl4 hillow:- : Ptihlio A..sist. $152.11 ; Cul', li]Xl I. .%5011.',11 ; I'HP $6'35.:11; C.,, Rd. $1099.12 Resoiulion 14'ranting' Eli l,l'gon(,v \\;p. propl'ialiOll, A ss(*;;Jlil ' $,1 ] :Ill. (?lOl']i $300, Slgnl'd. llc.Oltltion CRP No. C-l't2 Sciliu(,n Cret,k l:lridg'o, $750.1i0 signl!d. R(,port of A.S,('. Ci,. AI.9!lit for ll]*% :l pprovt,d, Vllvh)lis appliciith)ns fin' renewal ,f pernlits rel'lqvo(i froiil %,Vilsli. Stab. Lh]uor Cfntrol Board, ('llntinued hearing rln "'at'titioll ill lint'lion (if (}allal S[. in Irnilln Cil) and 'doi,t.d thai holirhlg' I)o ]lllsll)Oll. od. l.t,solulilln re es[ablihlntqii of Clllil. hAled Health Distl'ict a(l,q.lted. Con liiissJon l'S aPl)l'oved allpoint- ineut of Hilgh Woh:lIt :it $13.611 llor day, pins trav.l to Cl'U}14i" certain piil'- iioe-t lit' tounty. Resol litton rl,g'lilating hi n il' pl.lnch hllltl.ds in l,Jill,n Ct,tlnty signed. MeetinK conlintiod. Monday, August 27nd. Ihlard Inot, lli preseili. FP1Ty receipts .f $77.25 h,lmS ted in lrvasury. * Chlinis al,pr-ved l/s l'olh)ws; PIIP $12.79: Pill', Exp.. $35.00; C-. l{d $635.54; T,B. llosp. $,141.:]0. Bids rot'lqved as f(ilhlwing for two dtnnp beds ft)l' K7 Inlernal i(,na! trucks; F'iteh IA'lwd Salo, 1.%VO IIIII|S $1349.50. IqRhmal oquipilw'rit al cxlrn cost: Kinil)l,l Mot-I's |w(, (;ill'wood hoists $1496.49 net, Mov(,d. ;li!condl,(i snd ('arl'iCd that bid of l'itcii lt'ol.d Sales be :lt'¢'¢'I)|i,d. Resflhllion MTanting ,,llior'onl.v iil)- I)roprint bin $11(16.46. (Plloral At|ill Mgned. ]:l,'rlll|l g'rtlntt,(t Stab, (laIllo Dl' .It, to c('ll/'l Itlld lilttiutllill fac illles n(,(,- OSSlll'}; Io l)rovi,nl nilgral(li'y fish i'i'¢liii i,ntering Nallwatzel Lilkl,, Meeting cllnthlued. to Project No. 26.2-129 signed. Monday, August 291h l]li'(1 liw|. Ordered thal cont('act be sigrnod All llrPsen|, with O]enn Correa. special att'nl,y Plat of $clnlltz 2nd Add ncc,l)tod. for forthc(Jnling jury tt,rnl. Road I;l'liJl'('I No. tL|34, li'l't'(lSlll Re%'l,cablP pt!rlnit bt,tween UNAA 1 llillll Road, ;400.1)0 atlprlivod. nnd PgAt TeL slid Te| (311. Slglttl|, t'lIV. I Prtqhlllnriry lttldg,ls i,ir 195i) lip- ' PUZZLE ] r WEEKLY CROSSWORD " Here's the Answer IlVlllflm= r'il v I d IJlli:t llllli4iW lm' I 11 .IB_ .W ti !1_ _€:11 . 1 I I'=llW.i illmal I Il/t_ - llli,,lt _-lie i; iI1121 i iViOllllllll I lil I I , INiilOlliOlel , ' . i,i.ltilWI. 1111LLI 25Egypt(abb ,) 42Pertaininil to 26 Cognomen air 28 Native o! 44 Final (suffix) 45 In 30Rowing 46 Olten (poet.) implements 47 Animal's foot 34 Hidden 48 Sheep's bleat 35 Gave food. 49 Every 36 Toward 50 Bulgarian 39 By way of coin 41"Sedium '52 Auricle command (symbol) 53 Y-shaped r" oPERA STAR] • • ,,, , , , , HORIZONTAL VERTICAL 1 Pictured 1 Prevent opera star l Exist 9 God of war 13 Space 3 Penny 14 Ireland 4Provides food 15 Anger (coll.) 5 Conducted " 18 Lease 6 Native metal 17 Deposit 7 Cut oil (abbr.) '.18 Fire furnace 8 Within 19 Five and five 9 Sldlls 21 Elapsed 10 Disturban :c 22 Accomplish 11 Animal 24 Fish eggs 12 Observe 26 Boy's name 18 Sorry '27 Wading bird 20 Negative 29 Animal 21 Fondle 31Encountered 22Coins (coll.) 32 Forenoon 23 Follows (abbr.) ,  a 'l. 0 ,I .Orga,.o, ill I111 i I sight I% ' " I I" '  WO''  . L* _11 Ill I ! I II II 7 Steamship . il I1 t .... (abbr:) I IMI I IWII .... I 1.1 .00ve.tng,belo,. r' I I'°*l#Jill" I I I - L.. 40 Upon li ai ..... It lli lb. II Ira-II I I1001 Sour "1 I" 1. Ill "Arabl""m00l I ill' I I I 00il•l =,er !"1 t I til I I; l'm0000i 18 Balance (,bbr.) I'1 M" !" I I m"r' li00+ml S1 Afresh • z " " 13 4q .s .... =. r lli I. . s00Wa. IIII I I1 ..... !1tl i#lli i l00Pi II I "ttila";'00a0000l "1 IIiil I ti I i I .Ill ...... ' - _ .... " , L The II'llIXiYlltlnl O|" hold down i|l- cl'ease o1[' six cents p0r hllrtdl't;,d pounds granted by Irc(? was necessary, Batchelder pointed out, to maintain competitive relation- ;hip b(tween westeYn It I l'lt])Cl / freight rates and those fl'o]n the south and other competing lu'ea.. Douglas fir Inills a]'e in stiff competition in ntidwest and east- ern markets with southern pine manufacturers, Batchelder stated., The West Coast, Lumhermen's Association together with other western hlmber associations s||c- cessfully resisted efforts by sonte competritOrs to destroy the differ- 'ential betwcen wcstern and south- ern mills. ]n'ovod and dart, o ' htlirinl" .l)| flr ()ch)}lel' :{i'll at '2 P.II. Vfll'iilus lilllllictttillli fllr rt!liowal (,1' liqllOr li(,i,liSi.s ll|l|ll'¢lvod. [oFl'y rt'(!oipts lr $61 doptlsit,!d in troasilry. l.ettPr I'rlmi Dr. K. L. I'arthiw II (.on fh.ln hl' t el'liiilliil hill qlf 1'oi i llil - lion effcctivo Solltelul)vr 27 received and filed. Or(l]llances I'l!(.oivod frolll (?it)" ,,1' Shelton adllill tiog ('Ol'iaJli :ll'O:l;t Ill (?its'. Agl'el,llleli[ NiL N,5 t)t'tWCCli l)ir,'(tll' ,)f Dept. q)f (Oll. slid Ill,;'. ;llld ,411Silll Cotinty pertilining tll Sk.l<lilni.h l{b. cr and Va no(, Cl'ef,k i..ha Il nt!ls itlil)l.(ivi,d lind aCCOl)t ed, l]oard lid j¢ltlrnod tlnl ii" Ttlo.qda,v. S,!ptenib.r 61h at ]0 A.M. t•;(ARi) ()l' C(IIINTY COIVIMIS- sr()NEttS ()F MAS()N C()[N'r, ", WASHINGT()N By LYI.,E O'DFLI.. (,h:dl'lmln. Attest: SUSIE E. PAIIIEY, Clerk ,,f Board. 9-1'5 II. A cord of seasoned wood will give as much heat as a ton of coal, and le:lve about one-qllarter the anmunt of ashes, Revival Conducted by W. B. LAMBERT, SR. Former Pastor FOURSOUARE t:HURCH 910 E. Dearborn SEPT. 18 THRU SEPT. 25 (Except Saturday, Sept. 24) Mt. View Alliance Chanell Rev. Herbert Anderson Pastor 9:45 am. Sunday School 11 a.m. Morning Service 7:30 p.m. inspirational Servlct A Hearty Welcome to All St. David's Episcopal Church 4th and Cedar St. Ciiln'('h ,qch(l,iI (all gl•ados), 9:4,5 it,ill. M(ll'iiiill4 Pl'a.viq, ;lll(l Pl,llllirl, It t,lil, ll.. .I. (il'l,glir,v Ll't' iiii i ii BAPTIST CHURCII Fifth and Cota St. Warren Hale, Acting Pastor Ray Mainwaring, Assistant : Dit)le School, 9:15 :t,rrt, Morning Worship, 11 a,m. Yollllg People's 6,'.30 Ewming' Service, 7:30 Midweek Set'vice, Thursday, 7:30 p,m, A Cordinl Invitation Is ERtonded to All. UNITY TRUTII CENTER Mine Hockett, Leader 408 Cota Street Sunday: 11:00 a,m. 8und School; 8:00 p.m. Service& Tuesday: 8:00 p.m. Class Work. Friday: 8:00 p.m. Btble Study 1:30 Wdnesday Medltati0n Hcallng Work - All Welcome TO ALL INTERESTED IN CHURCH OF CHRIS00 1 Meetings : , Each Sunday A.M. For Bible Study and Communion Call MRS. H. L. MILLER Phone 72-R  Or W. KOPEL, Phone 614.R-1 For Information I i '11 ,d,,, Foursquare Churck 910 E. Dearborn &t, , Sunday Schoo19:45 Worsblp Service11:01 Cz-asader Service--6:45 Evangelistic Service7:45 REV. E. E. FITCH ...... Pastor First Methodist Church "A Friendly Church In a Friendly Community" 4th & Pine .... Parsom°fe 320 N. 4th --- Phone 276 Sunday School 9:45 a.m.  Morning Worship 11 a.l. WAYNE WRIGHT, Minister .......................................................................... •-' ........ '--" ....................... -.._i ASSEMBLY OF GOD TABERNACLE 130 EAST PINE ST. Sunday School, 9:15 a.m. Worship service ]1 a.m. Evangelistic, 7:45 p.m. Young People's Service--TlleSdlly, 7:45 p.m. Jubilee Service -- Friday, 7:45 p,m. THE CHRIST FOR THE CRISIS First Church of Christ, Scientist SHELTON Branch of The Motier Church. The First Churoh of Chrlst, Solentllt Boston, Mals, Stibject Next Sunday: "MATFER" SUNDAY SCHOOL AT 9:4S SUNDAY MORNING SERVICE AT 11 O'CLOCK WEDNESDAY EVENING MEETING AT 8 O'CLOCK Reading Room maintained by this church at 302 Aider Street, open daily, except Sunday, from 2 to 4 o'clock. and Wednesdays fern 6:45 to 7:45 o'clock All are cordially invited to attend the services and visit the Reading Room, CHURCH AT 302 ALDER STREET .-- 7-... WEEKLY GQSPEL BULLETIN by Charles Thomas Shifter, Minister SEPTEMBER %15, 1949. The Divine F'ather was sore distressed over the millf0rtune which had befallen these creaturea of his hand, love, and art. He had foresakcn all of it when hls wisdom provided the blue. print and wrote in his book all of the speolflcstions. Inalmu©b a he that taketh off his armor is more honorable than he thit is just putting it on accolints for whioh the Father ordalted that at the name of Jesus Christ the knee of eyery oreature in heaven and earth should bow in reverential respect and ador- ation, (I Kings 20:11.), Jesus was chosen of God to be the bearer of the banner of Abraham, and as a oolor 9uard he wal provided with "more than twelve legions" of holy angels. It was they who escorterJ him from Olivst to the chambers of hi8 Father, "high above all heavens," tEpheslans 4:9, 10.), to appear there at that divine tribunal as the Advocate for the penitent, There were three groups of men awaittng this advooacy first on the list was thc angels wiich had sinned and repented, se¢. ond was the penitents of the Adamic family; and third, or last, the five families of the gentile penttenta. He waa not alone tt|at tragic midnight in Gethsemane. Present, yet unseen by human eye was that. famOus wonder which stood before his mother, waiting to devour him as loon ai he should be born He was there to taunt him with all the Intquity and sin of the world. He denied none of those accusations. Had he not created all things, both the people and the estiite of every crea- ture? Yet the shame of it all was more than that temple of clay felt able to bear. So great was th agony of that shame that the very blood from within his body came through the pores of his skin and saturated the aeamless robe in which he had retired to the garden. At thia juncture, an angel ailme and strengthened him, the effort of whioh was to enable ,Ira to say to that pitying Father, Nevertheless, thy will not mine be done. Was not that deoiston a remote eoho Of his mother's reply to the angel of the Lord, "Be it unto me according to thy word"? And when he eventually appeared before that Father he stood for n moment clad in the filthy garments of his humilistlon and shame, His enemy (Satan) was there also, awtllitlng his coming. Pointintlt to his garments Satan renewed hls taunts, but the Father ignored them, and inquired.of Jesus, Whenoe came those wounds in  thy hands and thy feet? to which ho replied, I received them in the house of my friends. In the meanwhile Satan and his angels oreated an uproar which waa not quieted until the angel of the Lord said t Satan, The LoPd rebuke the-., O Satan, even the Lord that hath oholen Jerusalem rebuke thee," then pointtng ,to Jesus as he atood there tremblinli he said to Satan, Is oot this a brand plucked out of the ripe? Abashed for the moment by that question Satan made' no ira. mediate reply, whereupon the angel Of the Lord ©0milllned them which stood by, saying, Take away the filthy tiliirmSnttll from him, and to Jesus he said, llehOId I havlit liluil thine iniquity to pass from thee; and ! will clothe thee with a ohlP, lt of raiment, and to the others he aaid. Put a fair mitPe upon his head, So they put a fair mitre upon hia hetid and ©lettlali him with garments. And the angel of the LoPd steod by, (Continued from thiLp'oint in tha nex:i !lSUlLlif The Journlll)i