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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 15, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 15, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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l&apos;ago ,16 SHELTON - MASON COUNTY JOURNAL =  ......... ,-- ,, ,,, The all:', cl :; I u r', ,13 dlQ' l|l}dFillb t JAI'IIIII'III,' I II I} ...... ,,,Pt 4/ (q[, Ip, QUESTION: My hu::ball,i': golf ,'hill I.. ufhrr;! all the m('ln-  W 1';4 ]llSll rH 11,,'(! I 0] iI'iCF; W]iirh prl)te('t lhplil 1 rolll (|a ill;i e clitit'llll whi('.Jl rl.fillll {l'()lil solllc- w,! bchlg hi[ by a vlf ball or IrIHtt [)l"q.'l'ty (iMlla,.e ctainl: brol{l'll ,,,;illdWvl,:q (',tc, The j)rc- iliiljlll is very sllall biT| FIll Wall(J(!l'llI if l}lr (tlllIllruhellS- ire t el,Smal l,ia tlilit y pt)licy which my husl)aild already rat'- iq!s dti(',qll+t (hVPI' hllll ill BIICh .twi(t,'nls, I'll appreciat( yoLIr le)hnt; }lit, if Ihi.'€ i:; 3o, ANSWER: TI., ('olllll'e|WliSJve Pt'I'iI)IIH[ Liability puli('y rovi'r.l yl)tlt" Illl:;d)itilli whrn lie is l)lay - illg g'oJf or Wll<ql lie is oJlgage(l HI ally oilier activity withil tile 111111!:4 O1 lht' l)uli(:y In all pro- bal)iJil:,v ylfllF ]lllSbaltd's policy l,',b.r,%', lhe whuh, atvlily ill the Jill'} 1P "€¢ d y. I'ICKERING By Elnlly Baheoek /l'r. azld Mr:;. (;(,orge (!az'l:son alld ('ilil(h'ell. Dell:t alld Berllie, q)rnt .Aul.;u,'d 27 to the fol- Iowilr?, M(alll:ly ;It. "Pill|eOII vet. WwdL, vi,iling Ml'tL LarJsoll':; amlt, Mrs. Vin(!ellt 8|l't2(q(er find: tat:lily, alld l,Ir.'t. 8trecRer's dallgh- tel, Mrs. Waltrr Theiss nnd fanl- ilv. "While there they visited llon- tll.vilh' l);ml, ('ro,;stid to Oz'cgon 1)tl The l{ri(lge of lilt', (;od:L and( did :q(ll)le slghlseeillg along Lhe I Coil nbia 1¢. ver ltighwy, l 'I'hcir ri',tllrll lrJ l) WaS I)y way of F'orll;in(l all(I Astoria. where they ferried Io Megler, Wash. I¢lU)ll there t]ley Vcllt [o Loll' l{e;tch h) wa(le ill the ocean a while bel'ore COl]lin. ilOllle. # , i: 11r. and Mrs. llarohl Eittredge ()1 l)ranl, Ore., ,;pent ill)or l)ay ;(L {}l(! Ill;lilt} el" lll)l' lliOthcr, Mrs. .Ioh I1 Pel.el'.qon. l']llrotltf' frIall Seal.tle Io their hollIe ill Los AngeleL Mr. and Mrs. W)bert ()ram were overnight ;,Llest: of lqlnily l:htl)t'ocl¢ htSt week Thursd.y. 811111 Canlel'()ll afld family were lip frolll California to Sl)end tile week ending eptenllmr 4 with his nlolher. Mrs. IAllian Cameron. hl'. and Mrs. I.obert Canleron and chihh'(m lllade a wecl¢ end |rip to 8elah, Wash., on 8epl.elll- ber 3. 'FAIR tIARBOR GRANGE, WORKS ON GRAPEVIEW SCHOOL JOBS By Striekland and Spooner Fair llarbor Grange held a very mccesdul l)otlueR picnic ou ;unday, Sel)tembcr 11, at the :chool. Besides the workers [trill- (,'d with tools, tiuwe were follr tracLol's busy leveliig the ath- letic field and clearing for new lmrking @ace. TIle picnic wn: served under the tree' with 36 l)re:-Iellt. The next Grange. meeting wiU be at 8 o'doel(, September 19. SAIt All ECKEIVr Orthopedic Auxilia.ry will meet on Friday, Septmnber 16, at the home of Ia,l'S. DOll Pennebera. bh's. Howard Solllers 'was host-: ess at a tea given at her he]lie Septenlber p to introduee Miss Effie Cutllbert to tile Mothers' (?,lub and the l)re-scllool mothers. Miss Cuthbert is the new Grape- view ,,;chool teacher. Assisting at the tea were Mrs, John F. Stev- e(Is and Mrs. ti. M. 8tricldand, who ',ithtri ]l'S. Sonlers are the sch()ol board [llelllbers' 'Jves. Mrs. Al Krahn was surln'ised over tile week end by her father, Mr. Eli Laxo, and her sister, l)orothy, fron OaR(and, Calif. Miss [axe will be malting ller llome in Seattle. MILK (IIAI{I++!!]S I.()MBAIID ha(l a. pinochle party Weduesday afternoon with two tables. Mrs. by Mr, and Mrs. Vine and hit'. and Mrs. Wood, also of Tacoma, Mrs. I. B. Palms and son Wayne visited in Olyml)ia recently lud¢.- ing the drive in Wayne's new car. The Colm>llmity Chub held a luost interesting meetillg Septen> t "ber 9. President Don Pennel)era! rel)orted that a x:nmlber (if lllella- bets had joined the club since the last meeting, among them Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Uhly, who were pres- ent Friday. Like several others, Mr. and Mrs. Ultly are not full- time residents of Grapeview but arc interested in supporting tile chlb and will attend occassiorlally. 8on]e of the business taken up was to lay additional plans for the road improvement around the 8tad[tun bridges, a possible pub- lie garbage (lisposal site, and a public telephone booth. (91," PARTICULAR interest was a report by Bill Solner.s, of the Volunteer Fh'e Department., He mentioned the progress made on the llall (luring the stunmer, a roof on tile towel', the concl:ete floor poured, the doors nearing completion, and the good cquip- ]nent on the truck, inchaling lwo hand[billies that will make po:ssi- l)lc the uac of salt water if neecs-; ary. Mr. Seiners al:o Sl)olee of a pctition to form a fire district, taking in the territory from the i PHONE 305 FOR DELIVERY SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY Arnlour's --- 4-Oz. Vienna Sausage.. 2/35* Armour's  16-Oz. Chili Con Came ..... 29  Cashmere Bouquet 3/23' Regular Palmolive 2/15 ¢ Super Suds ..... lge. 27 ¢ Armour's  16-Oz. Corned Beef Hash .. Hormcl's  12-0z. Chopped Ham ...... 3€ TAliE YOUR V E L .............. 27  Crystal White. ..... 6* F A B .......... lge. 28 .¢ ,l[|' yOllii Ilqldlt!;:3 yt)llr 4'+II JllPllr alr,' qu!':lWl+:l It+ Ihh" ulf]rl', we'll (l'y I{O :,IXI! ULI |hc (:orrrc[ ;IIKKVq!r$ :;;++J I w',' ill he m+<i Cilllf;l+ or obll- galioll el ;1113' h.illd. Eddy lhmsimmss Service 120 South Third Phone 540 George I 'eters rehlrned 1;is[ week from a two-weeR trip to visit It sister a.t Anaconda, Mon- tana, 1111([ allot//er sister lit Po- catello, Idaho. Will and Frank Bartlett of Sil- ver City, Nev., spent Thllrsday ;[till F|i(lay of last week wiLll Mr. :lnd Mrs. Waller Scofield, They are M|'. Se[)field's nel)hews, whOlll W. 8. Mitchell won tle floating prize, Mrs. I. B. Palnls high, and Mrs. Charles Schwinn low. eth- el's l)resellt were nlosdallle,,t 08- far SIllld, ]nlnlett Johnson, Dale Van Valkenberg, and Clifford Barrett. A very nice lunch was served, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lombard r were dinner guests at the ion a_,d,6 7"-,,' -- "/{ ],'rc:++il I,,ailit,--, inaid.r an<i out,---can make your Cllt, ii t, ]l()lllO h)t)k llOW -- Itt lllodcrate C(.)S(. MUFgPHY ttu;flily palnls assure a III0re lasting fault- tes fini,,h ...... in F'ladcs ot your own choice. he had nol seen for 41 years. PiRe home al. Bl'enlerton Sundsy. ............................................................... M l" . and Mrs. Charles Brake- field and family of SpoRane call- ed at the home of his cousin, Mr. Charles Lonlbard, Tuesday eve- ning. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Florck of Shelton were with tllem. Mr. ald Mrs. I)ate Van Valken- l)erg and children visited Sunday at the William Fletcher llomc at V-EI;E KNOTTY (IEDAI I)ANELING s7,50 +, 100 feet ;:',. Mission I,akc near Bclfair. 1.inda 8pooner spent a fcw [Jays with her cousins, the Jermy fanl- ily, a,L l¢oscdale near Gig (]arbor. I)URIN(A Till,; IH!;CENT stay in Grapcview waters of the yacht Eleelra, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Son> ers, Mr, and Mrs. l|oward Solll- ers, alld Mr. and Mrs. Ken Leev- crswere enLertained on board by llle mvner:, Mr. al}d Mrs. Roscoe SllliLh of Taeoula. The Sllliths were accoIllpanied on the crui,se ................................................................................... r()nlpanied Mr• and Mr;. William Davies ;llal t;bll 1if (7orvallis, Ore., were ],HI)or I)3y giles[8 t){ Mr, all(l Mrs, day Coh'. Mr. and i/h's. T. (',. TholiwS lllUV- ed to l)e Moines, Wa:-ih., last week 8al, urtlay to nlal¢c lheir new heine. They sold their place here to Mr, aud Mrs. Rice of Seattle, who llloved Jn |lie day tile Tholll- a;Ps Illoved ()Ill.. Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Troy are |'e,';tding full-l, inle at their Pick- eting property, the "Bradshaw ))lace," next to the Serverin Nel- sons. Mxl(ou llauer, a chic( st()rekeep- or in lhe Navy, arrived from Sail l)iego Thursday to spend a day wiL#1 Mr. and Mrs. Erik Chris- l,ensern. He was era'oute to the Naval Station at Norfolk, Vir- ginia, where lie will be for two years.  : Amos Bab¢'ock hi'tile the only  rah'h, a 6-1)ounde]', when/ lie, Geo'ge Carl,;on and Bob Robin- ,tm were fishhlg in the Colurrlbta l.ivrr near Ch|nook the Saturday and Sunday before Labor I):ly. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ray Erieksell and M|', and Mrs. Gllberl, Jaccard of ,%,at tie spent the week end with Ihe girls' lnotler, Mrs. Jessie JOlleS, We offer the heating equipment other side of the Harry Willis place to Sherwood Creek. The purpose of the fire district is to finanee the department through taxes. The circulation of the peti- tion has met with enthusiasm, and the signaLures are now eoml)lcLc. The Community Club passed a resolution endorsing the fornla- tioll of a fire district. Grange At Shelton Valley Gets New Shingles This Fall By 8igne A. Kneelanld Tile grangev'.s began Sunday to put new shingles on the hail ill helton Valley. Walter Cooke, ,Valter lticsLcr and A. It. llacl¢-i el'el went to Eatonville SaLtu'day after the lllaLcrial. The ladies were to lneeL aL ihc ha/l last WcdIlesday to clean tile ldtchen. As usual Sister Jones gel there first and had lhe job finished by the t.ime the others arrived. 1'otluel supper was served at night hy the ladles. MIS I'E(;6Y NI,A'rEIt, ae- by J. Keith l:h;nllett with this famous name GAROENo"LITTL| GE NERAL @ |md his nloLhcr, atLendcd the fair in 8alclll. Ore., over the week ct/d. Betty and her nlot]lel' Ael'C ill Vktoria, B.C., one day last week, going by ferry fronl eattle, Mr. and ]rs." Lce ShtLer l+ot)Ic tlleir son Hcwit t<) l'ullman f+aL- urday nlorning, llewit will enter W.S,C. Mr. and Mrs. A. thu'kerd were in Tacoma Thursday. Mrs. Hack- crd attended the yearly get-to- gether of nlelllbcrs of Lhe sewing club .'she beh)nged to when living ill T0.conla. ', Mrs. Wayne (]lover e]lt ertaiiled the Bulsy Fingers Sewillg Chlb last Tuesday evening. Tttesday evenilg Mrs. Jot TOWIISeIId and her 8iatel'-iIl-l-iw, Mrs. WaLcrs, called aL Lhc liigll- lands. Friday evening Alph and Marie A UT@JI, ITIC HEA TLNG EQUIPIENT \\;Vc are pleased to annotLnce our appoimment as your lutal headquarters for Ggeral Electrk |tome l/catiltg l{quipment. el JR aplointmcnt means that our mvn broad experience i tim prattical application of home heating equipment is now backed by the research and manufa(turitng resources of the General ]SlCCt t'k' (.ompally. \\;\4 elc,tne the opl,ortu.hy of telling )t)u of the mauv at]van(:tgcs tha, will lie yours with the installation of General Electric Heating Equip- mcnt in ),(;ur home. 04 OIL.flIIID WAIM Aiil fURNA¢I t¥'e .r headquarter for Gnral Electric Ileaan] Equtltment bt glour f'ommunOy- W're proud o[ it, and lou*ll be  ol it; Knecland calh:d on the llighland folks. AT TIlE UNION nleeting Sat- urday of Local 3-38 Joaeph Knee- land WaS eleeited deh:'gate to aL- hell(( the anllllal convcll( loll of I.W.A.-C,I.O. and CC.L which meets in Vancouver, B,C,, the wl of September 26. unday Mr. and Mrs. Joe Knee- land tuld SOilS I{onnie lind ()oil- nic were guests of the Spilseth of Mill Creek. Inga Kneeland ttaycd with the Glovcr children while Mr. alRl Mrs. Glovcr were in Olynlpia. mS0 CRACKERS 2, S&W COFFEE POUND TIN DARIGOLD 2 for 23  SmJRFINE SHORTENING MISSION SPAGHEM 14 oz m • GLO COAT ' pint CLAPP'S BABY FOOD ....... PICTSWEET BIG OR LffTLE PEAS a03 c+ POPULAR BRANDS .... KRUSTEAZ ............. 17-oz. ARHOgS HAL SOAP: cake ARMOIJR'S TREET ..... 12.oz. PORTLAND PUNCH ...... 12.oz. PICTSWEET FRO/B GRE,EH PEAS M. D. TISSUE .............. CANAL WOMEN'S JOWL BACON .... lb. 29* +++++ .. By Mrs. Donald Browmm The essential quest, ion on the •. • lips of every member of ]iood Canal Woman's Club, as they i lncct this Thuraday at thc lfoods- 39  ,,o,, +,,oo, + .,,ow PORK LIVER lb did we (Io at the clambake? ............... * A reporL ell the fi]lancial suc- • CeSS of this re¢.'ellt Ulldertaldng SALT PORK .............. lb. 39* will bc made by tile ehairnmn, Mrs. l)ave Collins. Thank8 will be expres.sed to all who ably gave their holiday tilne to Ihe elalll- bake. by the l)rcsidcnt, Mr:. Kcnl- llct,ll BiLJley. Following the .11 a,m, buai- nes8 Illeeting, luncheon will lie :m|'vcd in the school btg+elUelll, The aftcrnooll session will be de- voted to rcporl (m the Stale Fed- era[loll col(vent[oil ]leld ill b'l)O- kane carlier this year. Reporls will be .anade by Mrs, Kenneth Bitney and Mrs. Gerl.rude l-laye:s. Meeting Thursday, SepLcmber 8, aL tile heine of Mrs. Bilney, the executive lloard dtscutlsed plaJls J!or lhe COlllillg Z[)lltall,'kt Club year. IllgTll CEI{TIFICATE ()IIECIK IS PLANNEi) EverylhinK fronl inhcritauc[',; to proof of y()ur Anl('ri(tall rilizcll- .'fllip depellds t)l a corrccl, birth cert.ifieate, lhe State llealth .lie+ 1)artlnent adviJcd WaullinGLonianz thia wcelc YcL nt<,:;t t)et}ple have nrver rlle(:lLed lhi:; illll)t)rlant 1,4,:d th)cu+ 1111;I1[. t[I IIt 8(ll'e il's Oll lilt tqlld that all ill([)rill;it[ill is ['orrec(. A ret'eul, llt'vcy by the drlmvl)|,elll. [;hewed Lhat [tll0tlt olte+follrth I)( aU certificate:* colitaiu elrOll[ or UllllSB]Olltl. Uheclfll|g t,ll the cerl.ll|cate i;; a ,'Jllllple lq'ot:eb3 alld corrccliqll;J PgI'e ubually ettgy [U lnFllte, 11'%:111 R. Vatllglul , taLe !'egi:trar, d,,> elated. To clled. Oil yt;tlr OWll !)d y!2ur WEINERS ................ lb. 39 + SALT CODFISIt ............ lb. 49' ASSORTED LUNCH ME/ITS lb. 49 + VEAL STEAKS ............ lb. S9' OYSTERS pint 65 + L A R D ............... ,2 lbs. 39 ¢ NTY HEATING CO. ++ +++ ++++*+ MASOH C,0U +,+,,+, !++ Jl|'lith 'J'owe|', [;eattlP 4 a|l(l as+L, [or a birth crrtificate roqu,,:;t torlu, Wheu tht is reblrlled with 50c, the recurds will Im searched 4]b SouLh l"nst Stcct Phone 208 ]and an exacL copy issued to you, ...... I = = -- : .......... . ............. ....... " ' I  auolz££ ;aid DEL MONTE -- 303 Tins FRUIT COCKTAIL ...... GREAT NORTHERN BEANS. ........... . 2 EXTRA FANCY LONG GRAIN RICE . 2 TASTEWELL STANDARD -- No, 2 Tins STRING BEANS ...... 2 ANCHORS AWEIGH SALMON, No. I tall tins. KRAFT MAYONNAISE " HUBBARD SQUASH ...... SWEET POTATOES ..... 2 ONIONS 10 CAUUFLOWER' Sno-whlte" " • CORN, fresh local ...... Dr-LICIOU APPLES, Wenatchee ... 2 DANISH SQUASH ....... Established 1895