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MGH expansion is
moving right .along
We're thrilled to see the ongoing progress at Ma-
son General Hospital.
Construction crews recently put up walls for the
new surgical wing and officials say that the roofing
will be done by the end of fall. So far, everything is
right on schedule.
The $33 million expansion, which will add about
20,000 square feet of space to the hospital, expand
its emergency and MRI departments and remodel
patient rooms, is something that the entire commu-
nity can be proud of.
When the current emergency room was opened
in 1992, there were some 13,000 visits per year.
This year, the number of people heading to the ER
will be closer to 22,000.
The hospital clearly needs to grow and, despite
the downturn in the economy, or perhaps because
of it, the hospital is getting a heck of a deal for the
amount of work that is being done. Even better is
the fact that local contractors are getting paychecks
that they desparately need to support their families
at a time when construction jobs are scarce.
Mason County is fortunate to have MGH and the
excellent medical services that are offered there. It
is filled with wonderful doctors, nurses and staff
that provide top-notch care to local residents when
they need it most. We, like so many others, can't
wait to see the finished expansion sometime in mid-
"Invincible' artist left
gift to us all
Editor, the Journal:
On Monday, Sept. 5, 2011 I heard it on KPLU.
On Thursday, September 8th, I read it in the Jour-
nal. On Sunday, September llth, I read it in the
Seattle Times. Influential artist and fellow Mason
County resident, John Hoover, had passed away at
I produced my first serigraphs in spring of 1994,
and quickly hit the local circuit. Since, Union and
Grapeview were close, I guess I ran into him early
in my career, but not in his. John had long discov-
ered his distinct visual style, his muse in story-
telling, and personal vision. Pairing this with his
impeccable workmanship created one of the best-
known artists in our Northwest history.
At Grapeview Water Festival in 2004 1 pur-
chased a small carving from John. Then in 2006,
3 days after my son, Orre, was born I purchased a
self portrait by John calle~d "John Jay." That was
the day he looked at my work and said simply "Go
Like Hell Kid!" Thanks John, I have been ',Going
Like Hell" in my art life. It is not easy, but if you
battle, you can progress. You can make people
think about our world, and how all the pieces fit
Please do yourself a favor and purchase a
copy of"JOHN HOOVER: Art and Life" by Julie
Decker. On page 24 (Fig. 18) and page 61 (Fig. 44)
you will find pictures of John. He showed me these
pictures and said "Savage". He was about 88 years
old, and I totally knew his state of mind looking at
those photos, invincible.
In art, in life and in death some become even
more invincible. John you have left a very great
gift for us all.
Howard Leggett
Union City
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She!toniMason County ::::: :
USPS 492-800
Post-fire community response gratifying
Following the fire at ~ :~[g willemployee of the school dis-evertheschooldistr~ctcan't
Shelton High School the re- ~1 take longer trict in any capacity can bid accept any of them which
sp0nse from the community ~i *i however, on the project. This means would jeopardize the comple-
has been overwhelming and B e c a u s e teachers, coaches, admin- tion of the project through
tremendously supportive. It this is anistrators, board members, insurance and the bid pro-
is gratifying to live in a com- insurance educational assistants, etc. cess.
munity that cares deeply claim, theThe state auditor has been The school district wants
about its schools. The boys, c 1 e a n u p very clear in this support the baseball coach
the baseball coach, other vol- and re- 2) The contractor mustand the boys involved with
unteers and the community b u i 1 d i n g have a valid contractor's li- the building as a senior proj-
through donations had in- Wayne both must cense, ect, but we cannot be at odds
vested hours, materials and Massie go through3) Insurance is being used with state law, insurance
a true caring touch into the a bid pro- to replace equipment and the regulations, and building
building project, cess. Statebuilding itself so donations regulations that all have a
As many of you know, the bid law must be followed and can't be accepted for things part. The senior project for
building and equipment in- strict insurance guidelines related to the fire. This the boys has now branched
side of it are covered by in- are part of the procedure the would be considered receiv* into an area of arson inves-
surance. Claims are being school district must follow, ing payment for the sametigation~ state laws, bids,
processed to replace neces- Some of the regulations thing twice (double dipping), cleanup, and all the pieces
sary equipment as quickly and laws that must be fol- The generosity we have that eventually will make
as possible, lowed are: seen in the community and their project a far reaching
Replacement of the build- 1) No person who is an beyond is amazing, how- learning experience.
• ?
What do you think of the Shelton Library renovation.
"I love it. I saw
what it looked
like before and
after. There was
a lot of thought
put into it and a
lot of work."
"I used to go in
the back where
the new books
were and i sit
in a comer that
had a little table
and two chairs.
That's gone now
and it's hard tbr
me, as you cml
see, I can't walk
very well. Sonow
I can't put my
books down and
look at them be-
fore taking them
to the front. Oth.
er than that, it's
all clean and it
looks nice."
She~ton-Mason County Journal is a member of
Washington Newspaper Publishers' Association.
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Telephone (360) 426-4412 • www.masonc0unty.cOm Owned and published by
Periodicals postage paid at Shelton, Washington Shelton-Mason County Journal, Inc
"I find it inter-
esting. It's kind
of homey and
reminds me of
where I live, on
a house on the
"I noticed the
new computers.
They seem real
nice, with a new
mouse and ev-
erything. I come
here a lot but
usually make a
beeline for what
Jesse Mullen, general mgr. Advertising:
Dave Pierik, advertising manager
Newsroom: Harvey Morris, ad representatwe
Kevan Moore, managing editor
Aria Shephard, North Mason, Front office:
erMronment, reporter Donna Kinnaird, bookkeeper
Natalie Johnson, reporter Margot Brand, circulation
Emily Hanson, sports reporter Cricket Carter, mailroom
Adam Rudnick, copy editor supervisor
Composing room"
William Adams, graphics
Koleen Wood, classifieds/legals
Becky Corr, typing
Kelly Riordan, production manager
Travis Miller press operator
Page A-4 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, September 15, 2011