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n Diamond closes access
By KEVAN MOORE As always, entry points that are operation in protecting them."
not posted are also off limits to unau- As always, gates with posted signs
Officials at Green Diamond Re- thorized personnel. Because of this announcing active harvest operations
source Company have announced the significant danger, any individual ap- are offlimits to all traffic. All Green Di-
closure of the company's Washington prehended on Green Diamond prop- amend gates will be posted with signs
timberlands to the public, erty may be prosecuted. Any entry is over the next several days.
"With continued drought conditions prohibited until fire danger eases. "Regardless of whether or not you
and expected recent record high tem- Closure applies to all unauthorized see a sign," Greggs explained, "all ac-
peratures, conditions have become ex- traffic, whether vehicular or otherwise, cess is closed."
tremely hazardous," explained Green "We cannot emphasize enough the Green Diamond owns approxi-
Diamond Forestry Operations Man- importance of protecting our timber- mately 320.000 acres of timberland in
ager Randall Greggs. "For this reason, lands from fire," Randall said. "Our Washington. located in Mason. Grays
we have decided to close all gates and forests are a critical element in our Harbor, Thurston and four other coun-
prohibit any unauthorized entry." economy. We ask the community's co- ties.
Couple wins
state parks
for hosting
at Twanoh
Last week the Washing-
ton State Parks and Rec-
reation Commission an-
nounced the recipients of
its annual Volunteer Rec-
ognition Awards.
Among those recipients
is a Shelton couple - Guy
and Martha Parsons, who
won the "Saves the Day"
award for their efforts as
park hosts for four months
at Twanoh State Park.
"We were surprised. We
just did it because we fell
into it," Martha Parsons
The Parsons' had never
worked as park hosts be-
fore, although they basi-
cally live in a series of state
Four years ago, the Par-
sons' sold their home in
the Skokomish Valley that
they lived in for 30 years.
They payed off their debts,
bought a truck and a camp-
er and went out on the road.
"We never got to leave,
we never did anything,"
Guy Parsons said. "Now
we're taking up that time
to enjoy parks."
Since then they've slept
in their share of camp-
grounds, and dived into the
Journa, anoto Dy Nata le Johnson
Martha, left, and Guy Parsons recently won the "Saves the Day" award
from the Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission for their
work as hosts at Twanoh State Park.
their award partly for cre-
ating welcome bags for visi-
tors at Twanoh State Park.
According to state parks,
the bags contained park
rules, brochures, shellfish
harvesting information,
dog treats and doggie bags.
The Parsons also dra-
matically increased ice and
firewood sales at the park,
increasing the profit from
$15 from January to April
of 2007 to $900 between
January and April of 2011,
according to Washington
State Parks.
When a park host couldn't
come in for two months, the
Parsons filled in. According
to state parks, the Parsons
were invaluable in getting
hosting job whole-hearted- the park ready for the busy
ly. For being a host, you get summer season.
" According to the state
a free hookup, Guy Par- parks commission, volun-
sons said. "I don't think it's teers spent 313,461 hours,
fair to keep that and not do the equivalent of 150 full-
anything for it." time employees, volunteer-
Guy Parsons spent hours ing their time at a state
working to maintain and park last year.
improve the park. Martha Parsons said
"I just started doing trail new fees, like the Discover
work ... I'd chip in to do the Pass may deter some camp-
bathrooms and plumbing.., ers, but are vital to keep up
the park?" she said. be off on yet another ad-
She had one piece of ad- venture, driving across
vice for new park hosts, the United States and up
"Remember that the peo- the east coast into north-
ple who come here are your ern Canada and back west
guest, treat them like your again. They plan to be back
guest," she said. in Twanoh State Park this
The Parsons will soon time nextyear.
I'd get up and do the bath- the parks they know and
room at 5 in the morning so love.
it's clean," he said. "We like "The state has cut fund-
to put back. I like to restore ing and now you have to
for the next generation." pay $10 to have a picnic.
The Parsons received Would you rather they close
Angels for Orphans
is hosting a garage sale Friday and Saturday, Sept. 30 and
Oct. 1 from 9 a.m. to 5 plm. at 661 E. Oak Park Way to
"Building A Stronger Community
City of Shelton Shoreline
Master Program Open House
Thursday September 22, 2011
6:00 P.M. until 8:00 P.M.
City of Shelton Civic Center
525 West Cota Street
Shelton, WA 98584
The City of Shelton is in the process of
updating its Shoreline Master Program
(SMP). The SMP, last updated by the City
in 1995, isthe document that contains
development regulations for properties
within 200 feet of the City's shoreline areas
including: Oakland Bay, Goldsborough
Creek, and Goose Lake. This update will
also cover areas in the City's Urban Growth
Area including: Island Lake and portions of
John's and Mill Creeks.
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benefit our local foster children. Donations of new shoes, Come hear about where the City is at in 6130421
clothes and school supplies are needed as well. the 5MP update process and participate i I in a visioning exercise to help shape the IlI'TILE CHIEF
...... Please Help! future of our shorelines! SMOKER / ALL NATURAL
ngels i We need donations- Call or e-mail Jason Dose, City Planner, at L [ ~ __~ , ,' '
, Ifurniture, kitchen items, 360-432-5102 ........
home d&or, books, etco; _with any questions. ToP844351oad/ :~" I I
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Shelton--Mason County Journal - Thursday, September 15, 2011 - Page A-5