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September 15, 2011 |
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Calls reported to Shelton
Police, Mason County Sher-
iffs Office and Tribal agen-
cies included:
At 2:03 p.m. on Sept. 9, a
residence in the 400 block of
Park Street was reportedly
At 6:50 p.m. on Sept. 9, an
attempted break-in was re-
ported at the 900 block of Fair-
mount Avenue. Entry was not
gained, but there was damage
to the front door.
At 10:39 a.m. on Sept. 12
on the 100 block of East Rail-
road Avenue, an individual re-
ported that his vacant building
had been broken into during
the past week.
At 11:07 a.m. on Sept. 12, a
burglary in the 6100 block of
East State Route 106, Union,
was reported. Building materi-
als and tools valued at $1,000
were reportedly taken.
At 4:35 p.m. on Sept. 11, a hung up. person reported that they were Kneeland Boulevard, a strung- 44, of the 100 block of Tyee
caller in the 1300 block of West just threatened bodily harm by er who was asked to purchase Place, Hoodsport, was booked
Schafer Road reported that At 6:40 p.m. on Sept. 8, a an employee at Golden Pheas- them took the reporting per- at 10:44 p.m. for three counts
they were assaulted on Friday, verbal disturbance was re- ant Towing Company in the son's credit card but did not of assault third degree, ob-
Sept. 9. They said they were ported in the 100 block of East 900 block of Golden Pheasant return the items. The report- strnct'mglaw enforcement and
treated for a split lip, broken Capital Peak Drive. Road. ing person said they were too disorderly conduct.
nose and hit to the head. young to purchase paint balls.
At 7:28 p.m. on Sept. 11, a
person reported a recent as-
sault. The individual in the
500 block of West Maple Rock
Road, Matlock, said they heard
that the suspect did this to an-
other individual and wanted
to press charges.
Sex crimes
At 2:03 p.m. on Sept. 12, an
individual in the 5000 block of
Northeast North Shore Road
reported that she was sexu-
ally assaulted and possibly
drugged beforehand while giv-
ing an individual a ride home
At 11:06 a.m. on Sept. 8, a red
truck in the 2100 block of South-
east Walker Park Road was re-
portedly driving up and down
the road at a high rate of speed.
At 1:44 p.m. on Sept. 12, a
burglary was reported at the
Matlock Grange, West Bee- At 11:15 a.m. on Sept:
ville Road. The break-in might 8, a call came in from the
have happened Friday, Sept. 4600 block of Project 5 Road,
9. Siding was ripped off astor- Matlock, that a tenant was
age shed and an electric drill threatened ai~r being evict-
was taken, ed from their landlord. Caller
reported being removed from
Assaults their house by landlord's
At 8:55 p.m. on Sept. 10, a stepson with a shotgun.
victim of an assault was report-
edly brought into the emer- At 2:30 p.m. on Sept. 8, a
gency room with lacerations to person was reportedly hitting
the head and neck. Neighbors a vehicle with their fist at the
heard him screaming for help. McDonalds drive-through,
Incident took place on East located at the 2500 block of
Endeavour Lane. Olympic Highway North.
At 2:25 p.m. on Sept. 11, a
caller reported ha~ngjust been
physically assaulted in the 200
block of East Northlake Drive.
The reporting person indicated
that he or she was jumped for
an unknown reason and indi-
cated that they were bleeding.
At 8:28 p.m. on Sept. 8, a fe-
male at a residence in the 400
block of East Walnut Street was
asked to leave but she refused.
At 9:06 p.m. on Sept. 8, an
individual in the 100 block of
East Moore Lane reported four
people associated with his ten-
ant were in his yard threaten-
ing his life.
At 3:46 a.m. on Sept. 9, a
verbal disturbance was re-
ported between a man and a
woman in the 1900 block of
Adams Street.
At 7 a.m. on Sept. 9, a man
in a house in the 1700 block of
Southeast Stewart Street was
reportedly yelling.
At 12:13 p.m. on Sept. 9, a
female was reportedly sitting
in front of the Super 8 Motel,
located in the 2900 block of
Northview Circle, refusing to
leave, bothezing customers as
they came in and begging for
money or a ride.
At 12:18 p.m. on Sept. 9, an
individual was hit in the face
in the 100 block of West State
At 12:41 p.m. on Sept. 9, an
assault was reported in a hair
salon on Olympic Highway
At 1:23 p.m. on Sept. 9,
there was a report of a tran-
At 2:51 p.m. on Sept. 8, an sient holding a sign that read
individual in the 100 block of "I bet you can't hit me with
East Crows Nest Court report- a quarter" on Olympic High-
ed a person on their property way North. The event caused
taking pictures. The ~eport'mg traffic to back up and people
person said he will shoot him to throw items at the indi-
if he doesn't leave, and said,he vidual.
would talk to the person and At 3:29 p.m. on Sept. 9, a
sale Saturday, September 17,
only, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., rain or
shine, it's inside. Newer natu-
ral gas kitchen stove, 18" new
western saddle, nice teen girl
clothes, small TV, kids' and
adult's clothes and shoes,
toys, household items, kids'
plastic outdoor play structure,
nice TV entertainment sys-
tem. Too much to list, stop
by and take a look. 141 SE
Mill Creek Rd., follow signs.
GARAGE SALE. 885 Fair-
mount Ave. Saturday, Sep-
tember 17, 8 a.m.-2 p.m. High-
end name-brand clothes,
shoes, household items, fur-
niture and toys. D9/15
MOVING SALE. Tools, gar-
den stuff, riding lawn mower,
chain saws, brewing supplies,
clothes for the whole family,
and more. Saturday-Sunday,
8 a.m.-5 p.m. 101 E. Battles
Lane, Grapeview. Take E.
Hwy. 3 to Island View Rd., fol-
low to Battles Lane. K9/15
3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, 1.5
blocks from lake, 1664 sq.ft.,
huge master bedroom, walk-
in closet. Covered porch. Wa-
ter and appliances included.
Lake amenities: parks, boat
launches. Pet negotiable.
$900 month, $500 damage
deposit. Available now. Call
daytime mazzygamma@live.
com 253-238-7824. A9/15-22
GARAGE SALE 8 a.m.-3
p.m. Saturday, September 17.
Household goods, weight equip-
ment and much more. 1650
Shelton Springs Road. H9/15
PETER'S DANCE Theatre of-
fers ballet, ballroom, African
dance and drumming, tum-
bling and art. Ages 2.5-adults.
Contact 360-349-9079.
GARAGE SALE, 450 E. Dart-
moor Drive, Lake Limerick.
10 a.rn.-dark, Friday-Sunday.
Tools, miscellaneous, toys,
lots more. V9/15
2 young school-age childen,
before and after school. Call
for details. 360-888-2013.
up to
A More
$1,000 Cash Drawings,
to 5:00 pm
• $10,000 Grand Prize 8iven
away at 5:00 pm
,20 Drawings to spin the wheel
and win $100.00 to $250.00 in
free play starting at 5:30 pm
• Must be 21 and present to win;
patrons must be entered prior
to 4:30 pm on drawing day
Col~test is for customers 21 8. older. I.D. wit[ be verified upon
reserves tne light to
cnan~e or cancer promotion at any time.
Page A-6 - Shelton-Mason County Journa~ - Thursoay, September 15, 2011
At 1:55 a.m. on Sept. 10, a
large group was reported gath- At 3:05 p.m. a 1987 red
ering outside of the Town Pub Honda CRX was reported sto-
in the 100 block of West Cota len from the 1000 block of East
Street. The reporting person Pickering Road.
wanted them to move along
bofore something happened. At 1:11 a.m. on Sept. 11,
two teen males reportedly
At 12:36 p.m. on Sept. 11, ran off with four six-packs of
loud music was reportedly Mike's Hard Lemonade from
coming from an area near East Walmart, located at the 100
Agate Road and Lonesome block of East Wallace Knee-
Creek Road. land Boulevard.
At 3:31 p.m. on Sept. 11, a At 6:30 p.m. on Sept. 11, a
number of people drinking al- boat trailer was reported miss-
cohol, brealdng bottles and be- ing in the 2300 block of west
ing noisy were reported in the Hurley Waldlip Road.
2000 block of Adams Street.
At 12:10 p.m. on Sept. 12, a
Thefts vehicle was reported missing
At 10:23 a.m. on Sept. 8, a in the 100 block of East West-
white Ford Econoline van with wood Drive. Keys were left in
the steering column busted out the vehicle of the 2003 Lincoln.
was reported in the 4400 block
of Southeast Bloomfield Road. At 4:24 p.m. on Sept. 12, a
scooter was reported missing
At 10:42 a.m. on Sept. 8, a on West Cloquallum Road.
brush theft was reported in
the Lake Trask area. The re-
porting person offered to meet
a Sheriffs Deputy.
At 12:59 p.m. on Sept. 8, a
pressure washer was reported
missing in the 2500 block of
Olympic Highway North. Val-
ue of pressure washer is $800.
At 11:02 a.m. on Sept. 9,
a male was reported to have
stolen an unknown amount
of items from the Shelton Rod
Apple, located in the 700 block
of Cascade Avenue. The sus-
pect left in a gray Audi toward
At 4:48 p.m. on Sept. 9, an
antique tricycle and $600 in
cash were reported stolen in
the 100 block of East Sylvan
Heights Lane.
At 5:18 p.m. on Sept. 9, a
blue and gray 1985 Honda
CRX was reported stolen from
a park and ride on East Pick-
ering Road.
At 9 p.m. on Sept. 9, an in-
dividual reported that while
attempting to purchase paint
balls at Walmart, located at
the 100 block of East Wallace
Go to
for medical histories
At 3:34 p.m. on Sept. 8, a
structure fire was reported in
the 300 block of East Wallace
Kneeland Boulevard. Mason
County fire districts 5 and 11
responded to the report.
Sept. 6
Isaias Ailon Garcia, 32, of
the 22000 block of Northeast
State Route 3, was booked at
1 a.m. for DWLS third degree
and DWI.
April Mae Buni2ng, 34, Of
the 600 block of California
Street, was booked at 2:12 a.m.
for DWLS third degree.
Jeffrey Daniel Baker, 25,
of the 100 block of East Island
Drive, was booked at 7:39 a.m.
for felony eluding and posses-
sion of a stolen vehicle.
Juan Cano-Tomas, 39, of
the 100 block of East Blevins
Road North, was booked at
7:23 p.m. for DWI.
Sept. 7
Bruce tC Ingersoll, 33, of
the 200 block of North Ducka-
bush Drive West, Hoodsport,
was booked at 12:36 a.m. for
possession of a stolen vehicle.
Mitchell Lucas Weber, 29,
of the 100 block of East Tyler
Lane was booked at 2:30 a.m.
for harrassment (DV) and ma-
licious mischief third degree
Sept. 3
Duffy Christopher Parish,
33, of the 400 block of Bellevue
Avenue was booked at 6:44 p.m.
for assault fourth degree (DV).
Sept. 5
Jeffrey Scott Hinz, 45, of
the 300 block of Dennis Street,
Tamwater, was booked at 2:44
a.m. for DWLS third degree,
possession of a controlled sub-
stance and possession of drug
Tyler Lee Yates, 21, of
the 100 block of East Road of
Tralee was booked at 7:27 p.m.
for felony eluding.
Caleb Douglas Nell McGill~
22, of the 100 block "of East
Yew Place was booked at 7:29
p.m. for felony eluding.
Wayne Edward Petersen,
Sept. 8
Tyler Winship Elliott, 30,
of the 200 block of East Annas
Way was booked at 10:28 p.m.
for DWLS third degree. •
Sept. 11
Edwin E. Lopez Rodas, 31,
of the 1000 block of West Cota
Street was booked at 11:20
p.m. for NVOL without identi-
fication and DWI.
Sept. 12
James Farrel Cuzick, 26, of
the 27000 block of North U.S.
Highway 101, Hoodsport, was
booked at 2:15 a.m. for physi-
cal control of alcohol/drugs,
malicious mischief first degree
and obstructing law enforce-
Jacob O. Pablo Pablo, 25, of
the 2000 block of Adams Street
was booked at 10:45 a.m. for
NVOL without ident'ffication
and DWI.
Dr. Payal K. Shah
Fomily proctice. Family com.
Payal K. Shah, M.D., board-eligible in family practice, joins
the medical staff at Shelton Family Medicine and the more
than 100 physicians on staffat Mason General Hospital.
Dr. Shah received her medical degree from the Ross
University School of Medicine, North Brunswick, New
Jersey in 2009; and completed her internship and residency
at Montgomery Family Practice Residency Program in
Norristown, Pennsylvania. To make an appointment with
Dr. Shah call Shelton Family Medicine at (360) 426-2653.
Mason Genercfl Hospital
Shelto Family Medicine
(360) 426-2653
939 Mtn. View Dr., Ste. 100, Shelton, WA 98584