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Christopher Patrick
Christopher Patrick
Johnston (Chris), 43, died
on Sept. 4, in the Salem
Hospital, surrounded by
those who loved him. He
lived in Stayton, Oregon
with his fianc6e Eileen
Grigat and longtime friend
and roommate Loren Ur-
He was born in Seat-
tle on April 21, 1968 and
moved to Shelton at 8.
He graduated from Shel-
ton High School in 1986
and attended South Puget
Sound Community College.
He owned his own bal-
loon business before grad-
uating from high school,
later he worked as a waiter
at Alderbrook Resort. He
worked in
all fields of
tion and
he was a
plant su-
for Trus
Joist and
was a
Christopher construc-
Johnson tion site
for Emery
and Sons.
He er, joyed spending
time with his friends and
family. He enjoyed cook-
ing, barbecuing and sitting
around a late-night fire.
He' liked hunting, fishing
and riding his Harley with
his biker group where he
was known as Bones.
He is survived by his
father, Jim Johnston (Me-
with the Shelton Art Gal-
lery on East Pine Street
and was a Mariners fan.
Her son Rick Johnson of
Shelton and sister Alberta
Broughton of Yuma Arizo-
na survive her.
She was preceded in
death by her parents,
brothers Marvin and How-
ard Short and husbands
John Johnson and Robert
' Broughton.
A private family service
was held. Memorial dona-
tions can be made to the
senior citizens of Shelton.
The family sends a spe-
cial thanks to Robyn Pat-
merous grandchildren
and great-grandchildren;
brother, Ike; aunt, Dollie;
and uncles, Jim and Mike.
Lisle will be cremated at
the Woodlawn and Forest
Funeral Home in Olympia.
A celebration of his life
will be held at the Mason
County Senior Center in
Shelton beginning at noon
on Sept. 18.
her honor.
Memorial donations can
be made to Western Wash-
ington Oncology Charity
Care, 3920 Capital Mall
Dr. SW, Olympia, WA.
McComb Funeral Home
of Shelton is handling the
arrangements. Online con-
dolences may be sent to the
family at www.mccombfh.
Maria Hernandez
Maria Hernandez, 88,
died on Sept. 3.
She was born Feb. 15,
1923 in Holy, Colo., and
Jefferson Boyd Stroud
Jefferson Boyd Stroud,
92, died Tuesday, Sept.
6 at Fir Lane Health and
Rehabilitation Center in
He was born to Esmer O.
~ and Mary
Stroud at
Mt. Pleas-
ant, Ark.
on Oct. 28,
H e
Jefferson the U.S.
Stroud Army dur-
ing World
War II.
He married Velma
Prince on Feb. 3, 1945 in
Shelton. After being draft-
ed into the Army in 1941
he met and married Velma
and moved to Shelton for
the next 20 years.
He worked for ITT Ray-
onier and Simpson Timber
Co. in Shelton. In 1966,
they relocated to Arkan-
sas where he worked for
McDonnell Douglas Corpo-
ration as a machinist and
president of the union un-
linda) of Enumclaw; moth- terson and her husband
moved to Fabens, Texas til his retirement in 1976.
where she His hobbies included
Shelton, Nathan
Walterick of Belfair and
Danielle Walterick of Shel-
ton; nephews Kenneth and
Harold Stroud of Arkansas
and two great grandchil-
He was preceded in
death by his wife Velma
and brother Rayburn.
A memorial service will
be held at 1 p.m. on Satur-
day, Sept. 17, at the Shel-
ton Presbyterian Church,
1430 E. Shelton Springs
Rd. Shelton, WA.
McComb Funeral Home
of Shelton is handling the
arrangements. Online con-
dolences may be sent to the
family at www.mccombfh.
Warren (&eve)
8tephenS v ould
like to thank all
those F ho showed
support, cards and
prayers during this
D1 difficult tirne.
Subscribe now
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er and stepfather Patricia David Wells for their sup- ~ raised her hunting, fishing, coon
and Eugene Mossberger port during her battle with ~ f a m i 1 y hunting in Arkansas with Worthy of ) ~lglOr~i
of Union; brothers John,cancer, and estab- his coon dogs, training Your Trust ~) ......
Matt and NoahMossberger lished her hunting dogs, many of
and Jeff and Eric Hanson; Pamela Ann Hartwell m which were entered into ~I~;;
sisters JenniferWaugh Pamela Ann Hartwell, h°se'h e
competitions, gardening,
Competitive Pricing o Pre-Arranged Planning
(James), Sarah Johnston 47, died Thursday, Sept. is sur- dancing, coaching his sons' Family Owned Local Business • Only Crematory in Mason County
and Rebekah Johnson; 8 at the home of a close rived by baseball games and enjoy-
grandmother Jan Ritchie friend, surrounded by her her sons ing John Wayne movies.
and numerous aunts, un- family and friends after Luis Her- He is survived by his
cles, cousins, nephews and a courageous battle with Maria n an de z, daughters Jaydee Stroud
niece; stepchildren Eliza" 'cancer" She was a resident I'Iernandez V-i"ee nt e°f Bremert°n and Mary J° [ 1
beth, Austin and Kiowa. of Shelton for 35 years. H e r n a n- Walterick (David) of Bel-
His brother Mark Moss- She was born Aug. 7, dez, Jose fair; sons David Stroud
berger preceded him in 1964 to Robert R. and Eliz- Manuel Hernandez andA1- (Neva) of Sacramento,
death, abeth (Riker) Place Sr. in berto Escobar; daughtersCalif. and Danny Stroud
There will be a celebra- • Newton, N.J. Anita Hernandez, Carmen of Shelton, grandchildren
tion of his life at 11 a.m. She attended Olympic Taylor, Rosa Olivas, Elvia Tracy Cook (Keith) o f Funeral AItematives proudly serves l
on Sept. 17 at the Olympia College in the late 1980s, Jensen and Patricia Pi- Shelton, Jason Stroud of allfaiths, venues, and cemeteries Llta~.
Yacht Club at 201 Sim- t a k i n g non; 39 grandchildren; 90 Sacramento, Calif., Noah
mons Stree~ NW. Olympia.classes in great-grandchildren and Stroud of Sacramento, Ca-
Ruth E. Broughton
Ruth E. Broughton, 87,
died Sept. 11. at her home
on Spencer Lake. She was
a resident since 1973.
She was born in Midland
County, Ky. to Albert Short
and Mary Jane (Karstens)
Short on July 25. 1924.
The family moved to Se-
attle when
~ she was 6
years old.
in 1941
from Gar-
field High
School in
S h e
Ruth married
Broughton R o b e r t
ton Octo-
ber 17. 1970 in Reno. Nev.
She had been previously
married to John Johnson
"Bud" until his death in
She studied art in Se-
attle and Shelton. Some of
her paintings were shown
at the Seattle Center, The
Norway Center in Seattle.
Thurston County Fair.
Lacey Mall, St. Peter Hos-
pital, Mason County Fair,
Mason General Hospital
and numerous places of
business in Shelton. She
was one of the artists who
painted the "Fourteen sta-
tions of the cross" for St.
Edward's Catholic Church
in Shelton.
She served on the Ma-
son County Fair board.
Shelton Art Club and Sta-
tion Seven Sirens and was
active in the senmr citi-
zens. volunteered at Nifty
Thrifty and won numerous
ribbons at Mason County
Fair. She was involved
ing and
S h e
Don Hart-
well Sr. on
March 17,
Pamela 1997 in
Hartwell Shelton.
ing at age
15, she was a waitress all
her working career. Her
family shared that she was
a well-known, well-loved
waitress with an incredible
memory of what one ate at
local restaurants including
the Pine Tree, Blondie's
and Suzan's. They said she
loved her career and her
Her hobbies included
camping, hiking, travel-
ing, trips to the ocean and
exploring old ghost towns,
knitting, card playing, bar-
becuing and target practic-
ing. She and her husband
enjoyed their five dogs and
the restoration of old cars.
She is survived by her
husband Don Hartwell
Sr. of Shelton: mother
Elizabeth Place of Shelton;
daughters Melissa John-
son, Rebecca Munoz and
Tiffany York; sons Bobby
Lee Jr., Jeremy Munoz,
Donald Hartwell Jr., Gary
Hartwell (Tony); brothers
Robert Place {Dance Bay-
ley) all of Shelton and
Mark Place of McCleary
and 11 grandchildren.
Her father Robert Place
preceded her in death.
A memorial service will
be held at 2 p.m. on Satur-
day, Sept. 17, at St. David's
Episcopal Church in Shel-
ton. The family has asked
that anyone attending the
memorial dress casually in
15 great-great-grandchil-
She was preceded m
death by her son Rafael
Hernandez and two infant
A memorial service was
held on Sept. 11 at St. Ed-
ward's Catholic Church in
Shelton. McComb Funeral
Home of Shelton handled
the arrangements. Her fi-
nal resting place will be on
Sept. 17, in Fabens, Texas
where she was a longtime
Clifford George Lisle
Clifford George Lisle.
84, died Aug. 31 peaceful-
ly at his home in Shelton,
with his wife, Taeko, at his
He was
~ born on
March 26.
1927, in
H e
from Aber-
deen High
School in
Clifford H e
Lisle servedin
the U.S.
Navy in
1945 and traveled across
the Pacific Ocean where he
met Taeko in Japan. After
his service, he returned
to Aberdeen and began to
earn the reputation as the
"go-to" welder in Grays
He was an active Boy
Scouts leader, lifetime
VFW member, avid contra
dancer and skilled crafts-
man, his family shared.
He is survived by his
wife of 55 years and his
children Ed, Ken, Mitzi.
Jen and George; their
respective families; nu-
lif.. Mason Stroud of Shel-
ton, Taylor Stroud of
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Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, September 15, 2011 - Page B-5