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• The office of 3khard C Downing DD$ • Shelton "
11626_Olymp,c H~wy. N.~ -- __' -- 2 The Yelm High School Lady Tornadoes at pre-
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pass, head coach, said on the baal. t ou gh
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the next couple of weeks we'll be playing
some of the toughest teams."
Malpass said the Lady Malpass said that the team is going to
TOMORROW: Highclimbers need to work on maintaining their position of the
Sheltonat work on movement of ball.
Stadium, 7:15 the ball, creating space "We've got a few younger players who
p.m. and being more positive are still learning," he said. "We're go-
in front of the opponent's ing to work on spending more time and
goal. space on the ball."
"When they get to the goal, they're a Last year, the Lady Highclimbers con-
little bit timid, so we're working on that," ceded lots of goals to Bellarmine and Sta-
he added, dium, Malpass said.
As of press time, the Lady Highclimb- "I'm going to be working our defense
ers (0-0, 1-1) had not yet played at Bel- and midfield on how we can keep the ball
larmine. The team is traveling to Stadium in the opponent's half," he said. "We're
High School on Thursday, Sept. 15, for its going to be placed under lots of pressure
7:15 p.m. game. during these next few games.
The view from the tee for hole 15 is
change. . .o
Journal photo by Emily Hanso
expansive due to the elevation
Salish-Cliffs GolfCourse now open
By EMILY HANSON lenges but I see challenge as opportunity,"
Bates said. "We started this about seven
After eight years, the Salish Cliffs Golf years ago...three years ago, I got a panicked
Course at Little Creek Casino and Resort is call saying'we want to start construction to-
finally opening this Saturday, Sept. 17, with morrow, can you be here?' So I came out and
Fred Couples as the headliner, we got to work."
Couples, the senior PGA Champion andWhile many media personnel chose to
former Masters Champion, will be stationed participate in the scramble tournament af-
on one of the holes of the 18-hole course dur- ter lunch, others were given a tour of the
ing a special golf event and will'also host a course.
golf clinic. The 10th hole is the longest on the course
On Monday, Sept. 12, members of media while the first hole has a creek that runs by
outlets from across Washington state were and flows into a pipe.
given the opportunity to tour the course and In all golf carts, a flyover of each hole can
to play a scramble tournament, be watched so golfers always know what
Before the tour, head golfer David Kass they're about to face before they tee off.
introduced council member Ray Peters and On a clear day, the Olympics, Mount
Designer Gene Bates. Rainier and the Puget Sound can all be seen
"This day has been a long time coming," from the tee for hole 12.
Peters said. "I'm really looking forward to The cost to participate in this Saturday's
you going out and experiencing something event is $500 per twosome and $1,000 per
that's been a vision of the tribe for eight foursome.
years. We want to be able to create jobs for Normal public rates for the course are
our community and our goals has been to $89 for 18 holes and $50 for nine, includ-
create a championship course." ing green fees and cart.
Bates designed the 18-hole championship MPV Player's Card Holders will pay
golf course on over 7,100 yards with a par- $84. Titleist rental clubs are also avail-
72 layout, able for $50 for 18 holes and $30 for nine
"This property offered us a lot of chal- holes.
Alderbrook Ladies Golf
September 6 - Scramble
First: Susan Austin,
Leona Klein and Laverna
O'Neil, 67.
Second: Sue Wright,
Peggy Willis and Marilyn
Keller, 69.
Third: Rebecca Daniel-
son, Shirley Muhich and
Joanne Cornell, 70.
BatteriesPlus +
September 8 - Tee to Flight one: 1) (tie) Rita
Green Lipinski and Ann Johnson,
18-holes: 1) Renee72.
Youngs, 33; 2) Cynthia Tib- Flight two: 1) Joyce Reyn-
bets, 34 and 3) Susan Aus- olds, 68; 2) Diane Pollard,
tin, 35. 72 and 3) Gayle Wilcox, 74.
9-holes: 1) Sally Steffan, Chip-Ins:Barb Eber-
8.5; 2) Peggy Willis, 10 and hardt, #44.
3) Judy Hobbs, 12. 9-hole Division
Flight one: 1) Iris Zieman,
Lake Limerick Ladies 34 and 2) Robbi Alberts, 37.
Golf Flight two: 1) Barb Den-
September 7 and 9-Two- his, 35 and 2) Sharon Cor-
day Tournament of Champi- rigan, 37.
ons Flight three: 1) Sheila
18-hole Division: 1) Ann Thomas, 38; 2) Rosie Bow-
Johnson, 145; 2) Gayle Wil- cott, 40 and 3) Pat Wass,
cox, 151 and 3) (tie) Rita 41.
Lipinski, MaryLou Traut- Pars: Bona Lavin, #7.
mann and Joyce Reynolds, September 9 - Low Net
152. Flight one: 1) Sheila
9-hole Division: 1)Sheila Thomas, 30; 2) Robbi A1-
Thomas, 68 and 2) Robbi AI- berts, 36 and 3) (tie) Marie
berts, 73. Bierward, Sharon Corrigan
September 7 - Low Net and Pat Zulfer, 39.
18-hole Division Chip-Ins: Pat Zulfer.