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September 15, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 15, 2011
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Shelton Continued from page C-1 work on continuity. "Playing in league re- mains to be seen but bow they came back in the sec- ond half is a pretty good in- dicator," he added. "The kids are excited to get things go- ing leaguewise." Head coach Matt Hin- kle gives advices to his players. Journal photos by Emily Hanson Shelton senior wide receiver Dylan Helser receives a pass from senior quarterback Nic Gove during the Highclimbers game against Black Hills at Tumwater Stadium on Friday, Sept. 9. Helser received four passes for 56 yards throughout the team's victory. Owls ing yards while holding The Knight Owls the Acorns to just eight were scheduled to play Continued from page C-1 rushing yards and fiveat Easton this upcom- passing yards, ing Saturday but when blocked him up high and Junior tailback Juan Easton did not have he fell wrong. He said Jimenez led the Knightenough players, they the Acor~ ~ractured his Owls in rushing with canceled its season. .4~ leg and 149 yards andone touch- During the teams bye |~~|t h e down while senior line- week before playing ~~~~-~~ g a m e backer Jason VanAukenin Taholah at 7 p.m. | was de- added 112 yards rushing on Friday, Sept. 23, ~'~ 1 a y e d and four touchdowns, the team will continue ~;r 215 Junior tight end Nickworking on basics, Ev- Dierkop scored on a 47- ans said. FRIDAY: m i n - yard pass reception and M~rylVL~.54 u t: s junior tight end Matt Oakville ........ 0 b - Oien added 26 yards cause SEPT. 23: t h e Mary M. ICnight s c h o o 1 at Taholah, had to 7p.m. wait for an a m bulance to arrive from Shelton. As for the win, Evans said it feels good to be on this side of a mercy rule. "The boys were ecstat- ic," he added. "I can't say enough about the offen- sive line." The Knight Owls rushed for a total of 307 yards with 95 pass- "We'll be back to fo- cusing on fundamental football; it's been work- rushing and one touch- ing for us," he said. down. "We'll add a few more Other rushers were plays but not a lot. We'll Willey with six, fresh- have a chance to look at man Adam Pals with 13 Taholah and get ready and junior Jeremy Pals for them but we won't with one. make a lot of changes." 5~ North Kits pd ats Sh n boys' tennis High li b y fo Pentonysaidtheteamwillbeworkingon c m ers awa r the weaknesses they showed on the court against North Kitsap. three matches "Today was our first real match so we next saw what we need to work on and where our strengths are," he added. By EMILY HANSON As of press time, the Highclimbers (0-0, 0-1) had not yet played against Capital on Tues- Shelton's boys tennis team couldn't win day, Sept 13, Their next game will be at 3:30 a match against North Kitsap during their p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 15 in Yelm. first meeting of the season on Thursday,"Yelm and Timberline after that, we'll be Sept. 8. competitive against," Perry said. "For playing the top school in the otherHe said that he thinks the team needs to league, I thought we were pretty competitive," work more on directing the ball when hitting John Perry, head coach, said. "North Kitsap back to their opponents. had all seniors playing varsity and I have "We had a couple of chances at the net to hit maybe two returning varsity players." the ball away and ended up hitting it back to He said the number one and number two the opponent," Perry added. "We need to have doubles matches were both competitive and a bit more court-sense." he thought his returning varsity players were For the Yelm match, and the team's match matched well. against Timberline on Tuesday, Sept. 20, The number one doubles team was John Perry said he is planning on changing the Pentony and Alex Deacon while the numberlineup two doubles team was Brandon Goodale and"I'm going to change the lineup a bit ac- Bryson Finlay. cording to the players' strengths and do some "We had out" ups and downs," Pentony said. things with the doubles teams," he said. "We messed up on a lot of key points. 1 feel Per~y added that the team is also going to like. Perry told us this would be one of the work on being more offensive at the net, which best teams we'll play. I think we can get bet- is the goal tbr the team's matches against ter, though." Yehn and Timberline. Journal photo by Emily Hvuson Shelton's Alex Deacon back- hands the ball to his opponent during Shelton's first match on Thursday, Sept. 8 against North Kitsap. Deacon played on the number one dou- bles team with John Pentony. wins S SO re cross Photos cour~c'~y of Daryl White Shelton sophomore Cody Williams poses with his first place medal at the Capital Invitational. By EMILY HANSON Burke finishing in ninthThere were 86 total ment. Shelton sophomore Cody place among 95 freshmen sophomore girls, and Lind- As of press time, the Williams won the overallwith a time of 13:56.49.sey Nicolas finished in Highclimbers had not yet Zach Taylor was the 59th place with a time of had their home meet on boys' sophomore race at tastest finisher for the ju- 20:58.76 while KelliWilson Wednesday, Sept. 14. They the Capital Invitational on nior boys' race. He also fin- finished in 61st place with will next compete at Salt Saturday, Sept. 10. Head coach Daryl White ished in ninth with a time a time of 21:31.79. Creek State Park on Satur- said Williams and the rest of 13:1727, Seventy-four fresh-day, Sept. 17. of the team put forth a tre- Finally, rounding out men girls competed on "It's a real pretty spot mendous effort during th¢: the top male finishers was Friday. Katie Morgan and the kids love to run meet. Nathan Morgan with a was the top Shelton fin-that course," White said. "It was probably the time of 13:05.77 and a 14th isher in 44th place with"I'm looking forward to most eftbrt ire seen a team place finish among senior a time of 19:24.59 whilethe meet because the boys put tbrth," White added,boys. Delani Atkinson finishedcould possibly finish in the Williams finished in first The top 20 finishers of in 56th place with a time of top ten. There'll be a lot of among 96 sophomore boys the male and female races 21:31.93. really good teams there but with a time of 12:33.30. He received medals. White "It was an outstanding I think we're a really good was the fastest finisher for said none of the girls fin- meet," White said. "Every- team." Shelton of the 233-mile ished in the top 20. body just ran their guts out White added that the The top four finishers and nobodygot hurt." girls are continually im- course. The fastest freshman on the girls' team were two He said that as long as proving and he thinks they boy for Shelton was Darius freshmen and two sopho- the team keeps their ef-are going to keep improv- mores, fort up, it will see improve- ing. Shelton freshman Ka- tie Morgan finishes the 2.33-mile course at the Capital Invitation- al in 44th place out of 74 girls with a time of 19:24.59. o Tae Kwon Do Every Saturday at 11:00 a.m. FREE with membership • Sauna/Steam Room • Personal Training • Weight Training. Swimming o Aerobics Classes o Racquetball • Tanning • Cardio • Massage tt I Now in progress- See schedule at Just South of Downtown Shelton on Highway 3 Stop in today at 707 South First Street Call 426-1388 or email us; Check us out on the web at Hours'. Mon-Fri 4:30am-9pm 0 Sat & Sun 7am-3pm Page C-4 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, September 15, 2011