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And Directors Turn Out
For Program Sat-
;_ Goodpastcr New
Idem Of County
W. E. A.
Chers and district school
it he annual M a s o n
Sachers institute was
day in the. auditorium
.tion of the school re-
"on bill as the outstand-
t on the program.
[Breckncn chairman of
gm reorganization commit—
aTl_illuminn,ting talk on
amzaition bill which
alike admitted clear—
ny misconceptions they
Ously had over the
9kner cited numerous
, 18 Committee had found
austive study of the
“Echool district reorgan-
91' to passage of the
ml} small school dis—
," financially unable to
H °Der sanitary facilities
“~' i had no recreational
“Whatever, had trans-
, problems of serious na—
1 district boundaries
r1Cliculous nature, a n d
1‘ faults that needed
and for which provis—
e in the reorganization
“Pedure Outlined
reomed that county school
I'ganization committees
by the act of having
tit‘superintendent call a
,, be attended by one
.6; Other representative
‘. 001 district in a coun-
I‘epresentativcs then
0’11 within their own
mittee of such size as
easible, With the coun-
:, ndent as secretary and
c()mmittee then study-
hool district situation
, 1y. holding public meet-
l'lcts where it is be-
afid making recom-
fOr action of possible
10“ through merger or
v '1' etc.
Akner pointed out that
made in the bill that
~- 0“ is-not to be forced
«,de where the residents
'flgl’avor such action.
"‘dman, director of re-
'nt3tatistics for the State
of Education, gave
9 new
the teaching of Wash-l
~..'y history in state
i Showed literature on
‘ ‘ucfiil subject, explained
1; up tfiltory testing programi
th 035 11013 year for the first"
w it operates, and gave
ar'Vlce~ : r tTends of thought and
hr rRight Things
me many things wrong
in ca." he commented,
Mare so many more
, With America that
"thlnk and talk more
.ght things than we
7*. £813 for the Mas o n
of the Washington
, J SSOciation were elect-
.- eh . Goodpaster of
Osen the new presi-
.DOrothy Hawthorne,
A 1‘ high faculty mem-
I‘y-treasurer; M r s .
of Lower Sko-
',,' Effie Snyder of
.v cliff Cannon of Shel-
‘, adVisory board mem-
',Duyff of Shelton, re-
m. automatically be-
,1t’S vice-president.
lgley of Montesano,
h benefits schools and
$8 include the state-
111. minimum salary
. Cher dismissal dead-
cause law which be-
‘tvve next spring, and
'her measures.
‘ lans Reviewed
Man, district health
u“559d plans the dis-
deDartment has for
In'fWentive education
1011 and Mrs. Flor-
Miss Alma Peter-
a.lth nurses, demon-
"EW audiometer which
‘ '1“ Mason County this
0ting the new hear-
gton Dairy Council
, 38d by Mrs. Mar-
y again drew much
lust. comment.
. ."3 Mary M. Knight
It} “mtendent, presided
w. Ell'l'l with City Supt
tings? County Supt. J.
ts mg announcements
, ‘in at frequent points.
i. atlerludes were pro-
T solos by Miss Ida
0m W. .
N 11115, accompan—
"_‘. iol'ma. Johnson, and
. LaLarson, accompan-
ntz Wiss.
son of Elma was
elton Hospital Sun-
,fl‘m broken while
l‘ by a fine attendance,
, Reed high school with
9 State Planning Coun- I
“<1 directors attending.
‘; Eanization would be'
Annual Institute Talk
, TODAYAF‘irst day 1941 band-
tailed pigeon hunting season.
TONIGIITv—Civil service exam-
ining officer for city civil ser-
. vice board. 7 p. m., city hall.
TONIGHT——American L e g i o 11
post meeting, auxiliary install-
ation of officers, 8 p. m., Mem—
orial Hall.
fTONIGHT—Opening of Red
Cross advanced first aid course,
7:30 p. m., courthouse. Per-
sons now holding standard first
i aid certificates eligible to en-
WEDNESDAY——A c t i v e C l u b
weekly dinner meeting, 6:30 p.
m., Moose Hall.
WEDNESDAY—O d d F e l 1 o w 3
weekly meeting, 8 p. m., I.0.0.F.
WEDNESDAY—vN a v y recruiter
at city hall, 9 a. m., to 4 p. m.
THURSDAY.—City council meet-
ing, p. m., city hall.
THURSDAY——Opening matches
commercial bowling league, 8 p.
m., bowling alleys,
Full Particulars Of All Hunting
Seasons Listed In Legal
_ Publication Today
Sportsmen who have been pa-
tiently waiting the opening of the
hunting seasons took down their
guns Sunday and sought out blue,
l ruffed and Franklin grouse as the
first of four open days on those
three species of game bird ar-
rived and today sought out the
hiding places of band-tailed pig—
eons as the second bird hunting
season opened.
Several reports of good suc-
cess have come from grouse hunt-
.ersa although the majority fund
[that the heavy rains have kept
the birds pretty well under cover.
The three remaining open days
on grouse are next Sunday and
October 5 and 6, while the pigeon
season which opened this morn-
ing continues through September
30. .
Sunrise To 4 P. M.
t“tasting institute talk,’
law whichl
~President, reviewed'
hlch has been passed?
°llgh efforts of the:
Hunting on both varieties of
game birds starts at sunrise and
must end at 4 p. m. The limit
on grouse is three, not to include
more than one ruffed or Franklin
grouse, and on pigeons ten.
Deer season will open October
5 and remain open until October
26. Bear season is from October
5 to January 31, but will be
closed during the period of Nov-
ember 2 to 11, when elk season
will be open.
two months long this year, runs
from October 16 to December 14.
with the limits remaining the
same and the hunting period from
sunrise to 4 p. m.
Duck Stamps Here
Incidentally, the migratory bird
stamps which are required by fed-
eral law to be purchased by over)“
one hunting waterfowl or any
other migratory bird are now
available at the Shelton postof-
fice. ,
Cause of some consternation IS
the fact that only cock pheas-
ants may be shot in the Chinese
pheasant, quail and Hungarian
partridge season that opens Oct-
ober 19. Other open dates 111
the 11-day split season are Oct-
ober 20, 22, 25, 26 and 29 and
November 2, 3, 9, 10 and 11.
The pheasant limit is three,
not to include any hens.
Full particulars governing all
hunting seasons and bag limits
may be found on Page 5 of .to‘
day’s edition in the legal publica—
tion released to The Journal by
the State Game Department»
McCleary Timber
Takes Exception
To NLBA Report
Exceptions to virtually every
point in the recommendations of
Examiner P. H. McNalley t0 the
National Labor Relations Board
on the hearing conducted here last
spring on charges filed agaInSt
the McCleary Timber plant by P‘"
cal 38, I.W.A., have been filed
by the company. with the N.L.R.
B. Examiner MeNalley’s recom-
mendations to the NLRB. .uP‘
held the Local 38 charges agatht
the company of “discriminating
against employes because of 111“
ion activities and refusing to but"
gain with the union.”
The company has filed eXCeP'
tions to virtually every point of
the examiner’s recommendations
the exceptions being filed with Re.‘
gional Board No. 19 of the N L
R.B. itself in Washington, D -v
for further study, where the 97"
aminer‘s recommendations. Could
be altered (although they Very
seldom are) or the company 0011”
be ordered to carry out the rec-
ommendations of the examiner-
The waterfowl hunting season,u,
D. O.
E. 86TH
6017 S .
Contract Before. I’CI‘JllilElCllt
Officers Chosen Points to
Cooperation of
, Permanent officers of the new
j America union local at the Olym«
pic Plywood plant here were in-
stalled last night at a meeting
,held in the Labor Temple and
with Charles Savage, business ag-
ent for Local 38, I."v'v'.A., brother
local to the new organization, act-
ing as installing officer.
The new local is No.‘317 of I.
W.A. and is affiliated with the
Plywood and Veneer Workers Nin-
lth District Council, covering all
plywood and veneer mills in VVasll-
'ington and Oregon. Local 317
closed its books on charter mem-
bers at last night’s meeting with
93 members and has a number of
additional applications yet to act
I upon.
George Sisley President
( The first permanent officers of
Local 31.7 include George Sisley,
president; Harold Watkins, vice-
president; Dave Carstairs, finan-
cial secretary; Verne Milliorn, re—
cording secretary; Floyd Terrell,
James Olson and Dave Sawyer,
,trustees; Russell Gunter, guard;
{Ernest Wagnor, conductor; and
I shop stewards Sisley in the main—
tenance department, Gunter at the
green end, Watkins at the dry
end, and Milliorn in the ware—
In seating the new officers,
Savage commented that the splen—
.did cooperation the Olympic Ply-
wood management had accorded
its men had resulted in the almost
unprecedented situation of the
signing of a good union shop con»
tract even before permanent offi«
cers of the local had been chosen.
Delegates To Choose Yet
Local 317 has further electing
to do and will choose its delegates
to the international plywood and
veneer workers, convention in Ev-
erett next month by referendum
ballot this week.
Organization of Local 317 as a
unit of I.W.A., affiliated with the
C.I.O., Savage commented, brings
almost 900 working men in Mason
County under the I.VV.A. banner,
making it the largest organiza-
tion in the county. Local 38, which
covers woods and sawmill opera-
tions of the logging industry in
this area, had 742 members on its
rolls as of the end of August with
additional applications yet to be
acted upon, Savage said today.
Lilliwaup Couple To
Spend Time In East
Lilliwaup, Sept. lies-Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Robinson of this
community left today to visit
their daughter, Mrs. Harry Shafy
fer in Minneapolis, their son,
Victor, in Chicago, and their
daughter, Mrs. Grace McGrady, in
New York.
Unprcccllcnicil_ Act of Signing l
i International IV 0 o d w o l' kerts of ‘
3 Swap Market Saves Coupons
HELTON, WASHINGTON, Tuesday, September 16, 1941.
The age-old system of barter enablesgardeners in South Croydon,
near London, to eXChange Surplus farm products for other goods
without giving up precious ration colipons. ‘
me by Sir Herbert Williams, M. P. for the district. .‘
The market was set
Some of the foreboding with
which Shelton football fans look-
ed upon the 1941 Highclimber pic-
ture was dispelled Friday night
when Coach Walt Hakola’s in-
experienced kids staged a rather
satisfactory showing in the South-
west jamboree at Hoquiam’s
Olympic Stadium.
Although the Highclimbers fail-.
ed to show any semblance of an
offense, their defensive play drew
favorable comment from Hakola
and satisfied even the most pessi-
mistic fans.
True, the Highclimbers gave up
one of the two touchdowns scored
during the jamboree, but it was
to Hoquiam, by far the best-look-
ing team of the night. Incident-
ally, the Highclimbers had their
first experience with the famed
T—formation for Hoquiam ran all
its plays from the formation made
famous last year by Stanford. I '
Formation Puzzles -'
The Grizzlies bewildered the
Highclimbers with their reverses
and fakes, which were handled
with smoothness one might ex-
pect of a team which had been
in training a month instead of
less than two weeks. ‘
Hoquiam won the toss and re-
ceived the ,kickoff, marching
straight to a. touchdown without
a great deal of trouble. After
being scored upon the Highclimb-
ers foolishly kicked off again and
by the time they laid hands on
the ball they had time to run but
two plays and punt before time
ran out.
In their Second engagement of
the program the Highclimbers
were paired against Raymond, the
two Central League rivals bat-
tling to a scoreless draw. Ray~
mond held what edge there was
. i
They expect to spend a fowl
months in New York City and
among other things there will
study social and political prob
,l l/“y' N. W/
, 1:
—CON5r/rur/0/V OF THE UNITED 5721755.
- l MM
, K g . . W,
52 $5}. In m" " 540064” Km 74/e7w-—~
in the offensive statistics but did
not threaten seriously to cross
the Shelton goal. Shelton gave
snag—.315); Mal:
MAS SAC/#11557- 7'5
PRESIDENT- [797-1801.
(“fl/IV up.
' son.’
away no "secrets" with its show-
ing on 'offense.‘
' No Serious Injuries
All Highclimbers came out of
the jamboree unscathed with
the exception of a muscle strain
suffered by Earl Lumsden, veter-
an end, and Chet Barger, half-
back. Both should be ready for
this Saturday night’s game
Aberdeen, however.
Louie Woolsey, backfield letter-
man, was held out of action en-
tirely by Hakola so his broken
nose would not be damaged any
[Is for other teams in the jam~
boree, Raymond and Elma. made
the best showings {outside of Ho-
quiam. Raymond outplayed Aber«
deen by quite a margin in their
scoreless” draw with Leo Rubstel-
lo, ascat—back who can duck and
weavei'tgstndr dance like a shadow
aria campfire, and Bill Hoffcr,
‘ .a power~runnen as the main Gull
offensive.» threats.
The factthat Shelton held
Raymond on fairly even terms
after the Gulls had outplayed Ab-
erdeen didn’t hurt the showing of
the Highclimbers any.
Elma Uses Punt Forniation
Elma used punt formation plays
exclusively in beating Montesano,
6 to 0, and in holding Hoquiam
to a scoreless draw. Wade gand
Winders gave the Eagles, de-
fending Central League champ—
ions, a couple of hard running,
shifty-backs who should be dan-
gerous to Elma rivals this sea-
Hoquiam used a different
lineup against Elma than against
showed nothing
whatever on offense and notl
much on defense, m’ther. The
Bulldogs and Highclimbers ap-
peared about on a par fon in-
effective offenses but Shelton
looked stronger defensively.
Raymond and Elma appear, on
their jamboree showings, to be
leading contenders for the Central
League title with Montesano as
the weak sister, but that’s only
on the basis of 24-minute looks,
which isn‘t very long, you’ll agree.
80 New Services
Installed Here By
Telephone Firm
Construction crews for the Pa-
cific Telephone and Telegraph
company have been working for
the past three weeks installing
new lines in the Shelton vicinity
.to take care of increased custom-
er service the company has en-
joyed here in the past few months, I
Service Manager Frank Lynn of
the Shelton exchange reports.
The new work will install equip-
ment for 80 new customer lines
through the Shelton exchange,
which reached its maximum load
of 520 lines with recent business
increases. The new Construction
will increase the line capacity to
600 customers.
In additiOn to this, the con-
struction crews have been install—
ing nine miles of new line up the
Skokomish Valley on a complete
new circuit, Lynn said.
The rising business index en-
joyed by the local telephone ex-
change is due partly to -new
families moving into this area and
partly to old residents installing
telephones for the first time.
Police Chief Presented
‘With Gold-Plate Badge
Police Chief Andy Hansen is
feeling “all dolled up” these days,
now that he has a gold-plated
badge and cap pin.
The two adornments were pre—
sented to him yesterday by the
Coffee Club, a group of business ‘
men who gather each morning at
the Shelton Hotel to talk over
the latest over their coffee.
The police chief’s badge, worn
over the heart. has Chief Hansen’s
name engraved on both sides of it.
w mann
lionncil‘s Task of Making Ends
Meet for 1942 Appears Simpler;
October 6th Date Set For
A Final Hearing
That annual job of shaving and
paring and clipping preliminary
city budget estimates which the
city council annually engages in
should be considerably easier this
year than it has been before, it
was indicated at Friday night’s
hearing on the preliminary 1942
municipal budget.
The picture is simlpy this: the
1942 preliminary budget totals on—
ly $58,165 against last year’s
$73,205 total, while at the same
time the council this year has
something like 3,5000 more in-
come from taxation under the 15—
mill limit than it did last year
due to a substantial increase in
assessed valuation of city property
for 1942 taxation purposes.
Even so, that $58,165 prelim—
inary budget figure has to be
trimmed down to approximately
$34,000, a reduction of about $24,-
000 from the preliminary figure.
The council set October 6 at
eight o’clock in the city hall as
the time and place for the public
hearing on the final 1942 city
The total current expense fund
asked in the preliminary budget
is $28,705, the city street fund
preliminary estimates total $22,-
330, the library estimate is $4,-
500, and the park fund $1,430,
while $1,000 sums are necessary
to cover both L. I. D. guaranty
funds and emergency warrants,
neither of which can be reduced.
That increase in assessed valu-
ation mentioned earlier is a jump
to $2,289,339 for 1942 from a $2,~
044,294 figure for this year's tax
So the whole situation appears
to be one of the more simple jobs
of making ends meet for next year
at least compared with past ex-
Half Dozen From
Mason To Attend
Officials’ Confab
Mason County will have a prom-
inent role to play Wednesday in
the Northwest Area Meeting of
County commissioners, engineers
and welfare administrators to be
held at Lake Crescent.
A. delegation of possibly six
men will attend the session from
this county, supplying both the
chairman and the secretary for
the day-long program.
Commissioner Robert Trenck-
is chairman of the joint
session opening at ten o'clock in,
the morning and Welfare Admin-
istrator Glen Ratcliff is acting
secretary, taking over the duties
to which Miss Cora Barber had‘
been elected before her resigna'
tion as welfare administrator here.
Commissioner Vincent P a u l ,
Auditor Harry Deyette, Prosecu-
tor Frank Heuston and Road En-
gineer Arthur Ward are others
from Mason County planning to
attend. at least tentatively.
Representatives from seven
counties will take part in the
program, which will be devoted
to such topics as an explanation
of the new dental program for
public assistance recipients, a
study of unemployables, discuss-
ion of case load standards, dis—
cussion of participation in an in-
terstate program of public lands
problems, discussion of plans for
the coming year, and other topics
of general interest to county com-
missioners and engineers.
Fire'On Barge Does
Little Damage, Friday
City firemen called out by a1-
arm Friday morning found a
blaze which had broken out on a
barge moored at the Rayonier
dock already controlled by the
Rayonier mill fire crew upon arL
riving at the scene.
* , l . u}
armnnom hm umu “Emu.
$1,000 Of Army
Equipment Found
B y Isabella M a n
Honest fellows like Jacob
lless of Lake Isabella can help
save Uncle Sam some money.
Hess discovered a string of
wire in the Lost Prairie district
last week and fellowed it up to
its end. There was a field
telephone attached to it.
He notified Sheriff Gene Mar—
tin who in turn notified Fort
Lewis authorities.
Yes, Fort Lewis admitted,
there was some eight miles of
telephone line and a field phone
missing from the 146th Field
Artillery’s equipment after the
' recent Army maneuvers in this
area. T
They thanked Mr. Hess warm-
ly when they came to recover
the equipment, apparently for-
gotten or “lost” in the hurry to
get back to headquarters when
the maneuvers were suddenly
cancelled two weeks ago today.
The wire and field phone
Army officials said were valued
at about $1000.
Needham Names Eight Chief Ob—
servers, Finds Enthusiastic
Response To Call
Organization of Aircraft Warn—
ing Service civilian observation
posts throughout southern Mason
County is well on its way to com-
pletion, Organizer Maurice Need-
ham reported today following a
trip around to the several spots
chosen for establishing such
posts in the southern part of the
county Sunday.
Chief observers who will or-
ganize their own crews of 16 to
20 assistants and observers were
named in eight localities by Or-
ganizer Needham as follows:
Kamilche—Mrs. Gene Taylor.
Dayton—Mrs. Delphine Rischel.
Cloquallum—R. W. Strike.
Arcadia~W. F. Compton.
Bayshore~Mrs. Grace Scarlett.
Harstine. (Pickering) -—— Mrs.
George Carlson. '
Hatchery—Robert Trenckmann;
Matlock—Don Nye.
A ninth
organized this evening from
among .American Legion post
and auxiliary members by Mr.
He reported enthusiastic re-
sponse to the request for volun-
teers for the work and that each
of the chief observers he has
appointed so far has taken the
responsibility for completing the
organization of their post crews
before the September 20 deadline
asked by the Second Interceptor
Command in Seattle so that all
would be ready to participate in
the aerial maneuvers to be. held
in the Northwest after October 1.
A similar network of observa-
tion posts is to be organized in
northern Mason County under the
direction of Mel Bearden of Pot-
latCh, but The Journal has no in-
formation at present the progress
being made in his area.
P. U. D. 3 BUDGET ,
Public hearing on the final
1942 budget for Public Utilit
District No. 3 will be held Oct-
ober 6 in the offices of the Dis-
trict in the.Angle building at
eight o’clock, R. R. McDonald,
secretary of the board of P.U.D.
commissioners, announced late
last week following a meeting of
the board.
Any taxpayer wishing to be
heard for or against any part of
the budget or the tax levies to be
set at this meeting is invited to
attend the meeting.
A baby daughter born to Mr.
and Mrs. Orval Lewis at Shelton
{-Ittispital Saturday died ten hours
a er.
Paul Chase of Shelton was ad-
mitted to Shelton Hospital Fri-
day for medical attention.
Fulfilling the predictions of vet-
eran anglers, the rains have
brought the salmon to the salt
water adjoining Shelton and an
immediate spurt in the number of
silver salmon entered in the sec-
ond annual salmon derby is an-
Although only four fish were
posted on the qualifying board
over the weekend, numerous oth-
ers were caught by fishermen who
are now kicking themselves
around for not having taken out
their derby entry slips before go-
ing fishing.
The new entrants include the
first out-of—county anglers who
have yet participated in the der-
by, Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Prepper-
nau of Kent. They were “talked
into” paying their $1 entry fees
by Jim Roush of Hillcrest Hard-
ware last week, then Mrs. Prep-
pernau caught an 11-pound, 14~
ounce silver off Bald Point in
Hood Canal last Friday. She was
so grateful that she made Roush
a present of the fish after having
it officially weighed in and en-
tered on the qualifying board.
Mrs. Preppenau had caught a
larger silver a few days before
that but at that time did not
know about the derby. Mr. Prep-
pernau swears he’ll have his quali-
fying fish on the board before
the vacations they are spending
on the canal ends.
Other entries of the weekend in-
clude Carl Blomgren’s 12-1b., 2-
ouncer, entered at Driskel Hard-
ware, Ralph VJelton’s 10-lb., 8-
ouncer, entered at Shelton Sport-
ing Goods, and G. F. Mahaffey's
4-pounder, entered at Hillcrest
post at Shelton will be-
$8000 INSANE
Commissioners Accept Comprom-
ise Offered by State; Must
Pay $1,222 for Two
Unpaid Quarters
By accepting the compromise
agreed upon by Gov. Langlie and
a committee representing the
counties of the state, Mason Coun-
ty commissioners yesterday saved
approximately $8,000 on the in-
'sane cost bill the state has had
charged against the county and
which has been the basis of con-
troversy between the two bran-
ches of government for the past
three years.
The compromise agreed upon by
the governor and the Insane Cost
committee cancelled all charges
for the cost of keeping non-vio-
lently insane persons committed
to state insiitutiOns from the
lcounties after July 31, 1938, the
counties agreeing to pay unpaid
insane keep bills prior to that
$1,222 Back Bill To Pay
In the case of Mason County,
only two quarters prior to that
date had been unpaid involving a
total of $1,222.93, Mrs. Susie Paul-
-ey, deputy county auditor, said
today after consulting county re-‘
cords. Many other counties had
ceased payments long before Ma-
son County did. Since that date,
up to July 31, 1941, the cost of
keeping insane persons comitted
to Western and Northern state
hospitals from Mason County was
$7,897.80, Mrs. Pauley said, so that
is the sum saved by the county
through accepting the compromise
reached by the governor and the
-Insane Costs committee repre-
senting the counties.
Other action taken by the coun-
ty board at its weekly meeting
yesterday granted Rayonier the
right to lay, operate and maintain
800 feet of 11/2-inch galvanized ir-
on water pipe along the old coun-
ty road past the Anna Miklethun
Street Vacation Asked
Date for public hearing on a pe—
tition submitted by G. R. Kirk
et a1 asking vacation of Eberhart
street between Sherwdod Avenue
and Gross street, a distance of 230
feet, in‘Allyn was set for October
13 at two o’clock;
Action was deferred on a letter
from L. G. Wheeting, head of a
soil survey project for Washing-
ton State College, asking Mason
County to furnish a portion of
the expenses involved in conduct-
ing such a survey here.
The state treasurer notified the
board that Mason county's share
of July gas tax apportionments
was $11,797.87.
2 1st Aid Classes
Scheduled; First
Starting Tonight
Dates for two approaching Red
Cross first aid instruction courses
were announced yesterday by Lor-
ell ,Seljestad, first aid chairman
for Mason County 'Red Cross
The main course will be one
for first aid instructors and it
will start October 6 with Harold
Brentson, first aid and life sav-
ing field representative for the
American Red Cross in this state,
conducting the course, one of the
most advanced offered for public
enrollment by the Red Cross.
Persons must have in their pos-
session the Red Cross advanced
first aid certificate in order to be
eligible to enroll for the instruct-
ors first aid course, Seljestad
pointed out.
In order that all who now pos-
sess the Red Cross standard first
aid certificate yet who would like
to enroll in the instructors course
may do so, an advanced course
will start this evening at the
courthouse at 7:30 o’clock. All
persons now possessing a stand-
ard certificate are eligible to en—
roll in the advanced course.
l 0
Navy Recrulter
Here Wednesday
Beginning a weekly service
which will continue until fur-
ther notice, C. D. Nivison. tor-
pedoman first class, U.S.N., will
be stationed at the city hall each
Wednesday between the hours of
9 a. m. and 4 p. m. to answer
questions concerning the regular
U. S. Navy and the Naval Re-
serve and to take applications for
enlistments from interested per-
sons. Heretofore young men in
this area wishing to learn about
or enlist in the Navy had to go to
the Olympia or Tacoma recruit-
ing stations to do so.
Men up to 50 years of age are
being accepted in the Naval Re-
serve now with fishermen, yachts-
men and small boat operators hav-
ing a special classification which
they are invited to investigate.
Mr. and Mrs. Henrq McClana-
ban of Hoodsport became parents
of a baby daughter born at Shel-
ton Hospital Friday,