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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 16, 1941     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 16, 1941
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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“vial 0f many 3 month and nlzatlons , a n'lember to ' ACcounts of weddings, an- be phon- ‘_’ gublication. . eceived as ferably be- :‘Thllrsday, to getting in the i the event. your con- , 01112 a report fly be secur- Office. a. Sutton were * y.evening of th lSS. at theirl wee evening a 1'8 lnvited in . h lton sc dge party. A tildents .120 the couple,. 5 5 “nor of their‘ near Iversary. The. old Cu ,' gutton’s birth- .lie W35 , 4‘ , ,3 number of 111 “5 ‘Kht otluck he Owe to MY. aid Mrs. l I’llya ,, MP- and Mrs. n a few ~ ~ Mr- and Mrs. Hind Mrs. Leo 343- Ed Lewis, Dickie, Mr. tember 16. Hons and out- I 1941;; ‘ Art Exhibit Planned by the Federation of W’omen’s Club The Art Exhibit of the Mason County Federation of Clubs will be held in the Memorial Hall in November. The date will be announced later by Mrs. Robert .C. Johnson. chairman of the Fine ‘Arts for the District Federation ‘and the Art Exhibit. One of the outstanding guest lecturers will be Miss Floyl Cook. a friend of ers. B. C. Combs, who is the in- structor of Arts and Crafts at the Washington State School for the Blind in Vancouver. Miss Cook, spent several weeks at the San Francisco Museum of Art, where she spoke on “Art Without Sight" the same subject she will speak on here, methods by which ‘blind children create and enjoy art. Following is a quotation from a letter to Mrs. Combs, written at the time of the exhibit, “It was interesting and assuring too, to hear the approving comments from critics, artists, teachers who knew that, were frank and would not tolerate substitutes. They were enthusiastic about the children’s accomplishments; they feel that in Washington school something of national significance is being wrought ionary concept of art education—- so much in fact that we will have an exhibit this fall at the San Francisco MuSeum of Art. Some of the pieces should be available for your show.” Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Baker ',' and Mrs. ' u Ct were won Mgh‘Clark and‘ Dickie. Mrs. “I won the‘ l l Will enter- : Thursday, " he members Club. It will With a pot Red Cross .the after- glfnd entertained . day evening‘ {for Mr. Wil- ‘ w‘gfet dinner l‘e enjoyed ~ . f Aden, Mr. " ton. Mr. and {akin and Mrs. d_ Mrs. Billl H. Bill Frenderl . *1 guest, Mr. i 88. Mrs. Wil— fiB-ughter of ‘“ nd left on in ll Men man of * I inf "- '9 in reserve i0 on b a Qw lnnew wh . “and i“, :d “men: of bl 111:2“ dangerous In ter; the st"Oils"; aI nob“ fix rom thi Hips or p ell-mm ple—do I .i “Mole ,Mr. and Mrs. iPullman and eastern Washington bride’s aunt, of Shelton, and Mrs. l l i The regular meeting ! l i l l l body Is 9 mar- “flelv. etel‘nal prepared- Mdare‘on duty con- .. Singer A standing 8 ready to pounce ection Millions needEd Great sys- “ “S and barriers are ready as strongholds. p at ecome serious It ‘5 The nerves. Which carry the message to hlch in turn start carrying quantities of area The "fighters" are the White blood '0' ttack the invading germs The "reserves" ite cells. manufactured rapidly by Case of infection The "strongholds" are s and system into Which germs are car- 'then causing What you call a "kernel " the skull and brain Therefore. when in- location. germs can get into vital parts can catch them There are no lympha- In other words. the brain ls directly squeeze them You MUST do it yourself. flame a needle 05 the skin With alcohol. hands of. apply hot wet applications D ‘ $1 : A S0 E. GREN BERG . Pno p. Willis [3 THE IllilSl lIlIPlllllHlll Pfllll 0f Ollil BUSIIItSS ' the Doctor" appears we in this paper. Visit His Parents Here Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Baker and son Ernest Jr., of St. Louis, Mis- souri, visited in Shelton last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Baker and cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Fay Baker and Mrs. Velma Baldwin. They will spend a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Leon S. Fritz and son at Billings, Montana, before returning home. Marilyn Anderson Honored On Birthday, Saturday Miss Marilyn Anderson, was a guest of honor at a birthday par- ty given by Mrs. S. B. Anderson on Saturday, September 13. After lunch the group enjoyed a theatre party. The honored guest received many nice gifts. Those present for the affair were the Misses Phyl- lis Arbogast, Lorraine Goodwin, Shirley Dittman, Patty Case, Phy7 l lis Herzog, Lucy Franson and Miss Anderson. Drlve to Pullman Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Elliott drove their daughter Jean to Pullman on Tuesday of last week where she entered Washington State College. Elliott visited at and returned home on Thursday. Lincoln P.—T.A. Executive Board Will Meet Thursday The executive board of the Lin- coln Parent and Teachers Asso- ciation will meet on Thursday, September 18 at 1 o’clock in the faculty lunch room. The usual third Thursday meeting of the as- sociation has been set up to the . 4th Thursday, September, 25, be- cause of fair Week. Hood Canal “’omen’s Club Will Meet September 18 of the Hood Canal Women’s Club will be I held at the Hoodsport Club Rooms 1 at 11 a. m. on Thursday, Septem- l her 18th. Business will occupy the morning session, with the after- noon devoted to welfare work. and material from the General Federation will be presented on “What You Buy When You Invest in U. S. Saving Stamps and Bonds.” High School Parents and Teachers will Hold Meet There will be a meeting at the Irene S. Reed high school for the parents and teachers on Wednes- ! day, September 17, at 4 p. in. All parents and teachers of high I school students are invited to at- l tend. Refreshments will be served. l I , I M aser of L LIQUID TABLETS SALVE NOSE DROPS COUGH DROPS €666 i Try “Bub-My-Tism” —— a wonderful Linimeut . ready and vessels in that part of the triangle. the veins in this area s area imples in this area. and above Let your doctor handle then lift the not probe or squeeze In case 1km i the grapsing of a vis-‘ Women’s l I l i PHONE 100 Sheltonites Take Part In Pretty \Vedding Rites Many Shelton friends took part in the pretty wedding ceremony of Miss Lorraine Carlson, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith of Olympia, and First Sergeant‘ miscellaneous shower at the home Charles Melvin Hopkins of Fort 0rd. California. 1 The vows were repeated by the) bride and groom before an altar banked with ferns, asters and white gladiolas, flanked by tall candelabras in the First Presby- ian Church, Sunday. September 7. The Reverend F. W. Hopkins of‘ Grants Pass, Oregon, read the ser- .vice which joined his son and art and, more than‘ ? l l l I | l l l l l l I l l lace and seed pearls. -ound the Olympic Peninsula, the Miss Carlson Dawning” was in marriage. “At sung by Mrs. F. Flahaut at the organ. The bride, given in marriage by her grandfather, William Austin George Nelson of Olympia, withi l of Shelton, was gowned in demure I white taffeta, with a sweetheart neckline and wearing a fingertip veil caught to a halo of starched Her only ornament was a heart shaped lock— et of gold, :1 gift from the bride-l groom. Her bouquet of gardenias and stephanotis was centered with a ruby throated orchid, falling in a cascade to the hem of her! gown. Mrs. William E. Carlson of Seat- tle, sister—in-law of the bride, was her only attendant. She wore a gown of white net and carried a bouquet of tuberous rose begonias and French forget-me-nots, coral gladioli and bovardia fashioned af- ter the bride’s bouquet. Coral gla- dioli and blue forget-me—not flor- ettes formed a halo in her hair. Fae Miller and Carol Pierce of Shelton,_ cousins of the bride, dressed alike in pink and blue organza and wearing halos simi- lar to that of the matron of honor, lighted the tapers before the cere- mony. Best man was William E. Carl- son, brother of the bride. Ushers were John Smith, Larry Godwin and Keith Evans of Shelton. The reception was held in the church parlors. Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Austin were in the receiving line with the wedding party. An all-white motif, centered with a floral arrangement of white rosebuds and bouvardia ina plas- tic mirror was carried out on the bride’s table. Assisting at the ta- ble were Mrs. Frank Pierce, the Emil Anderson of Edmonds, and Mrs. Ernest Neat of Olympia. Miss Margaret Smith of Shelton was in charge of the guest book. For traveling,‘ Mrs. Hopkins wore a powder blue suit, with an off-the-face hat and black acces- sories. Her corsage was of orchids. After a short wedding trip ar- couple will leave for Salinas, Cali- fornia, ‘to make their home.‘ Attending from Shelton were Mr. and Mrs. Larry Godwin, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Abel and daugh- ter, Shirley, Mr. and Mrs. William Austin, Mrs. Frank Pierce, the Misses Carol and Delores Pierce, Mrs. Fae Miller, and Miss Mar- garet Smith. Shelton Woman’s Club Holds First Meeting The Shelton Woman’s Club met on Monday at the home of Mrs. Don McKay. The program on sculpturing was in charge of Mrs. Duncan Wilson. Those assisting her were Mrs. Hugh Hamilton, Mrs. Leo Martin, Mrs. Frank Wil- lard and Mrs. Lawrence Burrell. Mrs. Herbert Miller was taken in- to the club as a new member. At the close of the meeting a de- lightful tea was enjoyed. The next meeting will be held on Oc- tober 6, at the home of Mrs. W. F. Roberts. Max Jensen Will Talk At' Next Scout Mother Meet Max Jensen; of the executive c0mmittee of the Tumwater Coun- cil for Boy Scouts, will be pres- ent to speak to the Scout Moth- ers of Troop 25 at their meeting, which is scheduled for October 1 at the 'home of Mrs. Herb Angle. Mr. Jensen will talk on the ladies work. Mr. and Mrs. Andrews Entertain Sunday ' Delim Palmer was guest of hon- or at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Andrews on Sunday. Dean will leave for the University of Washington next week, where he will enter for his first year of training- Mr. and Mrs. Donovan Palmer and sons, Phil and Dale, were guests also. Mr. and Mrs. Story Return From Trip Mr. and Mrs. Glenn C. Story and daughter Joyce, just return- ed from. a three week vacation trip, Visiting relatives in Minne- sota, Wisconsin and Iowa, going by way of Yellowstone National Park. They reported grand weath- er most all the way. Visit Cole Ranch Mr- and Mrs. Del Laramie and SOn 30h“ are SDBnding the week with MYS- Lilla Feiscr at the Cole Ranch. Bordeaux P.—T.A. Slates First Meeting of Fall Bordeaux P.-T.A. will hold its first meeting on Thursday at 3:30 at the school. Plans for the years’ projects W111 be discussed. After a brief program by some of the pu- pils, Mrs. Laura K. Plumb will talk to the group. Tea will be served by the executive commit- tee. All mothers of children en— tering the school .for the first time this year are invited to at- tend this meeting and join the group. All membersare urged to come, and also to bring all possi- ble prospective members. \ To Bremerton MTS~ Mary Watson, Mrs. Dick Watson and daughter Carol, Were visxtlng in Bremerton today. ' next . 'NTS’ I l l l l l ‘Wright in a large basket decor- .__._..~—_——__ Miss Gertrude Wright Is Feted with Bridal Shower Miss Gertrude Wright, bride- . elect of Al Brecht, whose wedding ; will be an early fall event, was surprised Friday evening with al of her mother, Mrs. Mary Wright at 600 Park Street. Mrs. George Skagen and Miss Agnes Wright were hostesses for the affair. A pink and white color scheme was carried out in the balloon decor- ated room and in the table center piece. Games were played during the evening with Miss Teresa Lee winning honors. The many lovely: gifts were presented to Miss. ated to resemble a large gold wed- ding ring. Refreshments were serv- ed at the close of the evening to Mrs. Shelton, Mrs. Cecil Gardener and daughter, Bobbie Jean, Mrs. Frank Bennett, Mrs. Frasier, Mrs. . Teresa Baskerville, Mrs. Don Whi- tencr, Mrs. Mary Wright. Miss Teresa Lee, Miss Lillian Warren, Miss Gloria Swanson. Miss Edith Wright, the honored guest and the hostesses, Mrs. Skagen and Miss Wright. I Shelton Garden Club Will Meet September 22 The next meeting of the Shel—| ton Garden Club will be Monday, September 22 at p. m. at the Memorial Hall. The election of of- , ficers is the first order of busi-! ness for the afternoon. The nom- inating committee, Mrs. James! Frisken, Mrs. Ed Faubert, Mrs. Walter Kullrich, Mrs. Eber Angle and Mrs. James Amunds, submit- ted .names to the membership at the last meeting. The tellers willI be Mrs. Ed Faubert, Mrs. W. A. McKenzie and Mrs. James Am- unds. other names for various of- ' fies can be offered from the floor at the meeting Monday. The rest of the afternoon will be given to round table discussion by mem- bers, who won prizes at the an— nual flower show. This will give the members help and information on how to be a successful flower grower. Members are urged to bring displays of mums, dahlias,l or any other blooms which are in the garden now. Carnation Club Plans Bridge Party in October Members of the Carnation Club met last Thursday withMrs. Jesse Barrett. Plans were made for a card party to be held on the eve— I ning of October 14. Bridge, 500 and pinochle will be played. An outline of the district convention was also made. Degree of Honor Will Sew for Red Cross The Degree of Honor will holdl an. meeting on Thursday at the home of Mrs. John Corm- ier, 225 Harvard Ave., at which time they will sew for the Red Cross. A potluck luncheon will be served at noon. All members are urged to attend. ‘. Rainbow Mothers Slate Meeting 1 The Rainbow Mothers will meet with Mrs. Warren Earl on Wed- nesday afternoon. All mothers are urged to keep the date in mind. Mrs. Robert C. Johnson Honored with Shower ,Mrs. Robert C. Johnson‘s birth- day was remembered and honored, with a handkerchief shower when the Women’s Christian Temper- ance Union met in Bremerton with . Mrs. W. R. Collier. [ All members of the W.C.T.U. will meet this Friday with Mrs. Lewis Wiley for a 1 o‘clock des- sert luncheon. Delegates to the state convention will be elected at that time. Sheltonites Attend Golden Wedding Mrs. Mel Dobson and daughter Mary attended the Golden Wed- ding anniversary celebration of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Terwilleger, former Shelton residents now liv- ing at Hoquiam. Saturday after- noon. Mrs: Terwilleger, confined Regular Meeting l The Activettes met last Thurs- day for a regular meeting at Mrs. Paul Marshall’s. Mrs. R. E. Duck- ham was elected chairman. The next meeting will be held on Sep- tember 24. Enioy Olympic Trip Mrs. Robert Brown and Mrs. Goldsmith enJ'OYed three days in the Olympic Mountains last week in the Enchanted valley, where they joined Sam Nebel and his friend who had been hiking in the region for several days. 9 to the hospital. was brought to the party for three hours by two of the nurses. Their five dough- ters and two sons were present. The honored guests received many lovely flowers and gifts. Refresh- ments were served to over 100. guests. ‘ Actlvcttcs Hold Overnight Guests Here Mr. and Mrs. John Kiely of Fer. nandina arrived today to spend a day or two at the home of Dr_ and Mrs. Eugene Browning. Visitors Entertainea ‘ At Leigh Duffield Home I Weekend guests at the home of. Mr. and Mrs. Leigh Duffield were. Ranso Kamstra, Mrs, Duffieldlsi brother-in-law and Elmer Simons’. of Eastern Washington, Mrs. T. B. Balch 0f Brinnon, is spending a few days at the Duf. field home convalescing. Mrs.| Balch reports for the Port Town.l send Reader. Ruby Rebekahs Hold Regular Meeting The regular meeting of the, Ruby Rebekahs was held Friday’ evening at Wthh time plans Were made for initiation at the next regular meeting. Plans were also made for the district meeting to be held in October, l ter Elliott. Shields Sheila One of the useful gadgets to be shown at the annual show of the Inventors of America, is this new face shield worn by Sheila Ryan of the movies. It protects the face while madame is under the dryer at the beauty shop, and is also handy for sun- bathing Guest at Schmidt Home Mrs. C. J. Sund of Hoods Canal is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hans P. Schmidt this week. Monday they visited the Puyallup fair. Visiting Son Mrs. E; M. Keyser of Spokane, is visiting at the home of her son, Dr. and Mrs. Louis S. Key- ser. She arrived here on Labor Day and will visit here for an— other Week or so. Loaves for Chicago Glenn Landers Jr., son of Dr. and Mrs. Glenn Landers, left to- day for Chicago by train, where he will enter his second year of training at the Northern Illinois. Enjoys Leave. Byron Lord of Shelton, signal man on a U. S. destroyer. Spent a few days liberty last week with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Emery Lord of Imperial Beach, California. Emery Lord, who rates seven gold stripes is a chief petty officer and is stationed at the Naval Air Base at San Diego. ‘Both Mr. and Mrs. Emery Lord, nee Lola Garland, were former residents of Shelton. Marytha Bible Class Wlll Meet Thursday . . The Marytha Bible classiof the Methodist Church will meet on Thursday at 1:30 with Mrs. Wal- Sholtou Women’s ‘Chorus Slate Wednesdayv'Meotlng The Shelton Women's Chorus will meet on Wednesday after- noon at 2:30 at the home of Beth Johnson, 629 Fairmont Street. Rebekah Degree Team Slate Practice Meet The Rebekah Degree team will practice Wednesday evening at the Odd Fellows Hall beginning at 8:30. l MARRIAGE LICENSES l Morton Charles Powell, Route 1, Shelton, and Wilma Elizabeth Parsons, Olympia, at Tacoma. Herbert G. Berge, and Olive D. Christian, both of Shelton, at Mon- tesano. Maurice L. Anderson, and Nor- ma Dunkelberger, both of Mat— lock, at Montesano. Thomas Galloway, 21, Fort Lew— is, and Rose Anderson, 19, Ta- coma, at Shelton. Ernest Styskal, 28, Winlock, and Helen Kudrna, 23, Chehalis, at Shelton. John B. Sousie, 25, and Doris Earline Evans, 17, both of Elma, at Shelton. WAR BUDDY VISITS \\ Andrew Kvelland of Anacortes dropped in to see Sheriff Gene Martin yesterday on a trip through Shelton to talk over old times when the two men were World War buddies in France with Com- pany F, 126th Infantry, 32nd Div- is10n. APPRAISERS NAMED John Hitchcock, Hugo Glaser land Frank Heuston were named appraisers of the joint estates of ‘Anna Katrina and Jeremiah Buff- ington in a superior court order signed Saturday by Judge John M. Wilson. Washington Most Wonderful State Washington State College. Take it from those who know—— lWashington is a wonderful state in which to live. This is the almost unanimous verdict voiced by hundreds of families, who settled in the state after forsaking their former homes in the drought states dur- ing the late 1930's, and who have been interviewed recently by members of the division of rural sociology at Washington State college. Such items as the favorable cli- mate of the state, the ready abundance of high quality fresh fruits and vegetables, the prod- uctivity of Washington soils, and the plentiful supply of trees and shade appeal especially to the newcomers who now gladly c all Washington their home. Few have expressed any de- sire to return to their former homes, except for an occosional visit. Most of them write back to their friends, praising the state and urging them to come west at the first opportunity. SHELTON-MASON ousrv JOURNAI i l l ! l U.W. May Provi e Defense Workers Evening Classes Seattle—A double shift for Uni- versity of Washington facultyl members may be adopted to pro-l vide classes convenient for stu-l dents employed in full-time de- fense and defense-related jobs. This was the intimation givenl 'by President L. P. Sieg of the. Univcrsity ill answer to queries relative to part-time classworkl “for young men and women nowl employed ill full-time. jobs. l t “It may become necessary for the University to extend its day to provide classes as late as o’clock each evening,” Dr. Sieg said. “Heretofore, with a few exceptions in some technical sub- jects, the regular day of the Uni- versity has closed with the end of the 4 to 5 p. m. classes. In some engineering and other technical‘ courses, however, the classes have. been operated as late as 10 p. m." The university president point— ed out that many courses now are available for part-time University‘ work in Extension Service class- es. Under present plans addi- tional classes, including some en- gineering and other technical sub- jects, probably will be offered in the regular Extension program so that persons employed in full-time l jobs will be able to take downtown classes. “While any action to provide late afternoon and evening class- es on a regular University sched- ule will depend upon the demand for such service, University of- ficials will be ready to make any necessary adjustments to aid in the. defense program and at the same time provide facilities for young men and women to continue their education." Dr. Sieg said. Throughout the last academic year the University. in coopera— tion with the federal government, provided evening non—credit re- view courses for engineers and technical men emplOVed in defense industries. The enrollment in these classes was many times as large as anticipated. reaching as many as fifty to sixty men in classes designed for from ten to twelve! “This intensive program hasl been broadened somewhat by the inclusion of courses designed for business administration students, technical chemists and physicists in addition to engineers employed in defense industries." said Dean‘ Edgar A. Loew. of the college of engineering at the University. Pin Clan'Set For Season Openers Thursday, Friday Bowling season bursts into full bloom here this week with open- ing matches scheduled Thursday night in the commercial league and the city league Friday night. Just how the minor circuit is going to line up and with how many teams is not as yet certain, Bowling Alley Manager Al Ferrier! reported today, but the city cir—l enit is all set and merely await-' ing the zero hour. The major loop will again be an eight-team organization bowl- ing on two shifts each weekly night of play, at seven and nine o’clock. Pairings for the openers Friday send Munro’s Men’s Shop against Lucky Lager and Davis-l court Bakery against Mason! Laundry at seven, Pastime against Wilson’s Cafe and Associated Oil’ against the L. M. at nine. Munro's Men’s Shop and Davis- court Bakery are new sponsors in this year’s circuit, the former re- placing Paramount Theatre, last season’s champions, and the bak- ers taking over the Driskel Hard— ware franchiSe. Lucky Lager is still sponsored by Cammaranos but is campaigning under the new moniker this year. Team skippers are Hank Dur- and for Munro’s, Paul Fredson 'for Lucky Lager, Mark Fredson for Daviscourt’s, Al Ferrier for Ma-l son Laundry, Rip Allen for Pas-i time, Gene Tucker for Wilson‘s,= Jess Daniels for Associated andl Pete Carlson for the L. M. l To keep American beds warm, the electrical appliances industry annually produces, according to Census Bureau reports, about a million heating pads and electri- al blankets. In 1939, the indus- try's output was 903,781 units, and in 1937, 1,013,550 units. T ! Dressed for County Fair Page Three Here’s how Elaine Stahlman, Pomona, Calif, dressed for her pgrt Poetic Soldier Pens Epistle Of His Appreciation The young soldiers who have been herded in camps away from home, many of them for the first time in their lives, appreciated the few attentions they had while1 in active practiCe games over this district, getting a taste of; hiking and service in the timber- ed region and of the difficulties of getting regular rations. Cards and letters have been received by a number of local people and par- ticularly farm folks who handed them food and home supplies, at- testing this appreciation of the soldiers. Out Cloquallum wav several of the soldiers during the maneuv- ers were stationed to guard lone— 1y roads and bridges, and at one point near the Strike farm four! lads held down a bridge for two days before the chow truck came along. Mrs. Strike and daugh- ters baked cookies and hot dish- es, sent out coffee,’ and invited the boys inside for cleaning up, one of them. Park C. McKaugh- an. Co. I. 17th Infantry, Fort 0rd, Cal., sent the following verse in appreciation: “The four hungry soldiers when on our vacation by the bridge . unfed, We. were about to starve but, by Golly, instead We ate bread, butter, meat, milk and jam, Given to us by dear folks whom we all like: The name of these good people they call Strike. lWhen we had to take it on the! lam, and could not Thank you as much as e might; ‘ We take the time now because we can. From four hungry soldiers, To the Strikes, women and man. The best people in this farm land.” FLAT PEAS GET TRIAL Kelsoe—Several Cowlitz county farmers have made trial plant- ings of flat peas to test its value as a feed plant in this area, ac- cording to County Agent Claude Anderson. Plants were secured from the Western Washington Ex— periment. Station in where a trial planting has been maintained for several years. Say It WITH FLOWERS They Bring Comfort and Happiness FUNERAL DESIGNS AND HOSPITAL BOUQUETS Delivered anywhere, anytime Travis Floral Shop Shelton Hardware Bldg. Phone 232 27o-w . Puyallup . as “theme girl” of the Los Angeles County Fair. sacs, as; THERE w l ill be no shortage of I sugar, the Department of . Agriculture says. Apparently there’s no shortage of sugar daddies, either, judging from the Sunday supplements. :3 :1: * Hitler and Mussolini plan to create a new Pan-European flag, to replace those of the nations { they have conquered. Now the ’ flag-makers have as many headaches as the map-makers. '- a a: The first day of fall, Sept. 23. is later than usual this year. But don’t blame President Roosevelt. 3 He had nothing to do with the postponement l i RESIDUE REMOVAL l DISCUSSED Factors affecting the removal of spray residue from apples and 1 pears are discussed in a new bul— ‘ letin “Spray Residue Removal 'From Apples and Pears” just is- I sued by the Extension Service of lthe State College of Washington. iCopies of the bulletin may be ob- ! tained from county agents or by lwriting to the Extension Service l in Pullman. I WE ARE SHELTON ‘ OFFICIAL i MOTH l ll.I.E RS % 33mm mus moms Hunt] out and kill: moth life even In IIIIIII and fold]. Th! approved metluxl for endln moth infest-l. on In cloth". YOIIII CLOTHES III SANITEX BAGS Double Inled to keep Your moth- Tree dry clemd clothe: protected from moth dam- au. dust an am until M in open“. “Call us for SANlTEX SERVICE Mason County Steam Laundry & Dry Cleaners PHONE MON. - TUES., SEPT. 22 - 23 with the Parade of Champions including the Three Internationally-Known Stars appearing this week at Puyallup Fair. ALL SEATS RESERVEDW-SIM‘, 75¢, $1 (including tax) FREE SKATING—After the show Starts 8:30 p. m.