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Consolidated with The Shelton Independent
Publislivd every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon
‘V_7 '_ I
hILIll‘Dt‘r of ‘x'." ‘llllllLfi'iUll Nn-wsparwr
Publishers’ Associatim
:l. NaLioual I-Iililorlal Association.
Entered as sw:r‘.iill«clxiss mailer at the postot‘l’ioe at Shelton.
v —» - — 1
Subscription Rates:
BY MAIL: in Mason County (outside of Shelton city mail carrier districts)
$2 per yKHJ"; ‘1 months, 51.23; :5 months, 75¢. Foreign $3.50 per
year. Posral
regulations l'urblvl residinls ol‘ Shelton served by city mail
carrier from
receiving their Journal by mail.
BY JOURNAL CARRIER: in Shelton, 23¢ per month (collected by carrier)
or $2.50 prr year in advance.
Although in general terms everybody pays,
taxes on their incomes, indirectly if not directly,
and whether they have surplus over the needs of
living or not, nearly five million more people will
join the host which has always struggled with the
tax blanks and will for the first time contribute,
cash to support the government spending. ,
The old theory of taxing those best able to
pay is not lost sight of for this class will yield all
their surplus, but under the emergency of war de-=
fense Congress has reduced the basis to $750 for
single persons and $1500 for married couples; so
the average worker and small earner will nextl
March tote up what he earned in 1941, hunt up
what he paid for taxes and interest, if any, and
pay on the difference.
This is the first time that the government has
dug down into the breeches of the little man and
family that make little enough at best and also
make their daily contribution to income taxes on
all they buy to live; and the only consolation they
or the country can get out of the new deal is the
hope that they will take notice of the easy way
their hard cash is being squandered on many use-
less things around them and promise to do some
thinking in future.
While the people are being urged, even de-
manded, to retrench their spending and cut their
manner of living, and instead of buying luxuries
to turn their savings into bonds and stamps to go
into the national spending jackpot, there is no-.
thing but words and no action on the part of gov-
ernment which gives even hint of national eco-
And naturally there is no great response to
the appeal for saving and if anybody is doing any
sacrificing, save the boys in service at $21 a
month, the fact is not visible around these parts;
everybody is spending as usual, buying some of
the necessities and luxuries for home comfort, and ;
even homes, for fear of future forced shortage;.
trying to keep in pace with increasing costs, tax-r
es, wages and expenses.
There is a growing confusion of thought
among the people which comes from the confus—
ion in Washington on control of‘nearly all civil-l '
ian activity, as various and conflicting orders for;
priorities and shortages and price fixing come out
to restrict operations for all non-defense busi-l
ness and industry; but when the new federal tax,
bill comes out the “sacrifice” will hit near home.
An authority on merchandising remarks thatI
there is a growing tendency of labor and some
consumers to blame price rises on retailers. That
tendency should be scotched in a hurry. For the
plain truth is that the retail trades, in all fields,
including both the independents and the chains,
have carried on an aggressive and successful cam-i
paign to keep living costs down. Between June 15,.
1939', and June 15, 1941, industrial wages rose 27,
per cent on a weekly basis. Industrial real wages
——which means wages interpreted in the light of .
purchasing power—rose per cent. In those
same two years the cost of living increased butl
6 per cent, and that includes rents and personal!
services as well as commodities. It is retailing
which has further out overhead expense‘ and pass-
ed the saving on to the consumer. It is retailing
which has eliminated many unnecessary middle-
man operations, and again passed the saving on
to the consumer. It is retailing which, in manyI
instances, is absorbing wholesale price rises, and
voluntarily accepting lower unit profits in order
to hold prices down. It is retailing which is help-
ing educate the consumer to buy more scientifi-
cally, and make his dollar go farther. Retailing
raises prices when that is unavoidable—it has no
way of picking money out of the air, and it can’t
hold retail prices at given levels when manufac-
turing prices go steadily up. But there is no doubt
,Whatsoever that retailing has done wOnders in
keeping retail price increases to the absolute min-
imum. It is only just to give credit Where due.
The average citizen does not view the nation-
al situation very cheerfully for all too many “rack-
ets” in one form or another are being worked, nor
are they convinced that all too many in high
places are not taking selfish advantage of their
temporary power to feather their own nests in the
national emergency when patriotic service should
rule our leaders. There is no evidence of any sac-
’agriculture of late years is coming home to roost
supplies for its requirement for living and carry-
,items of domestic use is more or less myth, and
l ,
The hampering of industry, business and
in the form of shortages more or less alleged and
increasing prices because surpluses have been
discouraged, but the call for cutting down on civ-
ilian needs to build up reserves for war purposes
may be questioned.
It will be hard to convince the average ob-'
serving citizen that there is much excuse for de-
priving ordinary industry and business ‘of the
ing on, or for the citizen to go short of anything
within his ability to pay; there should be plenty
to meet all civilian as well as war needs.
The shortage of gasoline and most other
orders are going out on suspicion and claim of
need for defense purposes, cantonments, planes
and ships, yet some government agencies are
hoarding up materials in advance of possible
needs, and trying to scare the people.
It is true that the ladies are buying up the
silk stocking because the raw material is needed
elsewhere, but there is no reason why the manu—
facturers cannot turn out everything else in food
and clothing that the people require for “busi-
ness as usual,” save for restriction or labor trou-
bles; and civilians are as necessary as those in
service to raise the cash by taxes to support the
army and navy, and the other army of “white
‘collars” who produce nothing.
There is little excuse for many of the orders
and restrictions which are hitting all kinds of
business and manufacturing, or the wrecking of
the industries and business of the country and!
throwmg out thousands of workers on machines, is a Councumde Inspection ofl
distribution and selling, as well as creating a.
supplying them; anything to keep away from thef
real bottlenecks which are paralyzing production‘
in plenty for all.
The Treasurer reports that August gas tax
collections were the largest in the history of the!
state with a total of more than two million dOI'i troops will
lars. The rate of twenty-four million dollars per, large ha“ and W1“
march 0“ “19.0mm and Walter Toman became.
year from this single tax suggests the possibil-l
ity of a reserve for a time when we are not so War-
prosperous, if it is not “blown in” for other pur-
poses not intended.
By Bob Moyer
TICKLERS . . . '. . . .
“The Captain said to stay down. He thinks the woman
on the raft Icoks like his wife."
rifice of pay or employment such as is asked of the
people in the name of national defense.
' tions.
scar01ty of all human needs and the business of} the Troops m Southern
Thurston tire council.
! County will be inspected at Olym-
. Tumwater Council office p o i n t s .
limportance to all troops will be.
Pedestrian Protection—-
LEARN BY DOING: Children are enthusiastic about “acting out”
Many schools have “actual” signals and paint curb and crosswalk lines
in the classroom.
In others children are selected to play the p
Hundreds of Scouts and Cubs including Sea Scouts, of troops
throughout the Tumwater Coun-l and ships throughout the council:
cil Territory of Mason, Thurston,- This affair is one in which the
and Lewis Counties are swingingl boy leaders discuss ways and
into their Fall program. Many‘1 means of best operating their'
major activities of special inter-1 troops and ships and where they,
est t0 Scouts and Cubs will be? are trained to’veventually become'
coming up in the not too distantE leaders themselves.
future' , i 01‘ a special interest to adult
Of a Spemal IntereSt to SCQUtS I scout leaders and their Wives will
and leaders at the present tlme be the Planning Conference which I
will probably be held on November
an Troops to be held 1“ two 59C' i 2nd and will bring together scout
0“ November 14thv 31“ 0f leaders from throughout the en-
In addition to being
County and throughom LeWIS ‘ the planning conference, this will
county Win be inspected at Che' also be the annual meeting and
halls. All of the Troops in North- election of officers.
ern Thurston County and Mason .___._._.___. ‘
pia on Saturday, November 15th.
This inspection will be the first
of its kind for the Tumwater coun- Two new men wette added to
oil and is creating considerable l the Staff 0f the waShmgton State v
excitement and interest. Th e [ Extension Service on September 1
assemble outside a when I. M. Ingham took over the
post of assistant extension agron-
floor in a certain specified order, . .
with their troop, American and l extenswn animal husbandman.
patrol flags flying and will be Ingham, county agent in Frank‘l
Progressive Schools Develop
Habits of Safe Street Use
art of the red, yellow and green lights. Such
activities have helped greatly in reducing traffic fatalities to school
followed closely by their troop l lin county since 1929, will be asso-
committee and scoutmaster. Each Ciated With the veteran' Leonard
troop will give a demonstration Hegnauer, While T01man, aSSiSt'
of its marching ability and will ant animal husbandman in Neb-
have itself “spick and span” with raska for the past several years,
all badges worn correctly and takes OVGI‘ the place left vacant
uniforms clean and well pressed. by the death 0f, CO“ 5- Maddox-
fudging will also be on troop '—“—‘L—‘—“—’—“‘
equipment such as flags, first
aid kits, etc.
The greatest number of points
will be given to troops for the
largest percentage of their reg-
istered membership present. Each
troop will be given its chance to
show its ability and then will
march off the floor and take up
a position on the side—lines and
watch the other troops.
The ten troops and ships thru--
out the Tumwater council scor-'
ing the highest will be given blue
“Crack” troop or ship ribbons.‘
Troops and. ships scoring 8097, or
more of the ten highest rating
will be given red “Excellent” troop
or ship rating ribbons. All other
troops and ships will be given a
white participation ribbon. A
corp of impartial judges is being;
selected to do the judging. The,
1the U. S. has passed the eight
‘million mark. In 1939, accord-
ing to factory reports to the
,Bureau of the Census, 8,256,250-
; complete radio receiving sets were
“ produced compared with 5,843,569
Annual production of radios in‘
I in 1937. I
out that even the smallest troop
will have as much chance as the,
hood district of the council will‘
be headed by a commissioner who 1
will lead his district on to thci
floor for inspection. The district 5
itself will receive an excellent
rating if all troops in the dis—iE
trict‘ come up to a certain speci-
,f1ed number of points.
Another activity of outstanding
[the Green Bar Conference to be.
held at Shelton during the Thanks-
fEiVing vacation and which will
,; bring together patrol leaders, sen- , ' '
.iorpatrol leaders, scribes. junior‘ Equlpment
assxstant scoutmasters, quarter-
masters, and other junior leaders Loose Leaf Fol'ms
Gaol/EV! 3 /‘
973W ‘ “
complete Line Office sup n“
Ledger's and Bookkeeping
Typing Paper and
Second Sheets
Stapling Machines and
Sal’esbooks and Blanks
Continuous Flat-Fold Statements
Whiz Machine Packs
Packs for Other Machines
Adding Machine Paper
I .,...Stati0nery & Office Supply Départ.
Imore than
yworth of fur
wardrobes. 3"
Ithe Census
year's produlii:l .
longer than 111? ;
1,157,500 valufl‘ -
r and other fur 9
good traffic practices.
Carter’s ,h
I N K I ,_ ‘ is
“I r
2-oz. Cube 3-oz. Cube
10¢ 15¢
Midnite Blue-Black ‘
Midnite Blue $33.7"
Sunset Violet '1. , ght mm gt
Washable Black
'_a jackpot
“13 and w— i-l
‘ ‘ realized tl'r’,’
. Voted to (film
3 Drobzl‘oly
see one
°ut .
Blue-Black Blue-Blewk l ,. of Non
Permanent Blue PermanentB an“ in the c
.. . roolzlyn 1
Permanent Red Permanent : €110 1m“.er
Violet&Green 90¢ Violet & G 5.011s (the
' “1%? not ll;
for a .
w S?H_Ray
aclfic Lilith
larger troops to make a good
Stag: and all troops may win I 1132:: at {'1
a i ional points for registering ‘ ‘erinfi to
new members. Each neighbor-- e“aha sport
.i f crit
, ad“ that it
Vantage ti
-eam, unlt
fins tear
"St (cup
’ getting
o h 6 ball.
0W this
. an;