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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 16, 1941     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 16, 1941
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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,S‘li PENCILS ‘ dope” books “ on. you l-l s: 0 L4 .3 s: ’1 ’1 ball sweepstakes 1"once again with Prizes and big films for the best '0f the leading big neXt ten weeks. adver- is near- Shclton incr— " it possi— lball fa.. to en- : e which bl'ol‘ig'llt p eds of filll‘; the 1‘ as Well as cash .3 number of the S .0“ l'itle In S .fOl‘mm' Shelton .tball coach, has "‘ where, he Ins 351nm assignment : . member of the, V high faculty. I We years here “It! sixth grade. t last year in ation at the fishington'. Commis— hulk hens offer-t- 1": hunting 5 awn ~51 lot of discu ‘ “tests. latter arguments . 13 that the, himicr 1” retriever may 1‘. a jackpot when “I and retrieves 8 cher hunter has V‘ but left so he .ht With it ills t'ealized this prob- -°,3-ed tor'allow each ‘duck This. year so quks killed by Lt be left to spoil. “.8 so rare that 95' See one. t of every him- 3 in the. country 'Bl‘Ooklyn to cop pennant, for Pns Vlng not had the, 1' Contl irv, nea r— hll Fredson, the. .. befier chance to “m and any t the pyanks 5. u Brooklyn win " handers'fivmuld 31 the Dodgers' Phil figures. efties as Thom' "‘"‘ S. Lefty Grove“ have had this Yanks. L,‘ five managers lsketball teams , . Gab- , ifie Lutheran- mt at Unio n ,1. kering to play ‘ lbs. sport this INGs “11 of the South- ‘ football jam- of the 1940 hEntirely lacking . t ‘ ween 9 ll: ally to a min- ' “Vement in this "(and the 1 st , . , games" " “ed greatly by ' Tun. 1' experiment I 0f criticism ‘5 that it gives millage to the t)Ilclling kick- : eam, unless it .. “"3 team to first couple of [j setting little 1 the ball. :hOW this factor- \ 5. his‘winning ‘3 lhe‘ trophy. Probably rocog— or a pennant win- . ite Sox. Al Mil-1, d others in the I ~.. games ‘.get ‘for the*'ensuing fiscal e1 ‘em 16, 19411 I I I I I l I a I i I I I I I I f i I I I i l I I l (the fans1 once to stolwi sup- 1 nIlion with the , ,ERELIMINARY BUDGET OF THE ' CITY OF .SHELTON FonroHIfl. e1‘13 is room for t m- 3 , Taxpayer may LStal-e of Washington. ing open seasons are protected by closed seasons. and it shall be un- lawful to hunt. take or possess the same at any time. WATERFOWL: (Except W o o d duck. Ross’ goose and swanAclost season) SEASONS: GEESE AND BRANT: (Except' Ross’ goose) , October 16 to December 14. both) dates inclusive. p = EXCEPT: It shall be unlawful tnI always managed to come back and i squeeze out a first down. '--tho Board 'house . final BILL DICKIE could be evened up without you I tending the playing time is some- football I thing the Sideliner is not prepared .al's I to suggest, so until someone thinks of a better system the plan usedI Friday night will do well enough. As an example, however, that Aberdeen-.JIontesano quarter is a point in illustration of what this observer means. Aberdeen receiv- ed the kickoff and held the ball the entire period except for the very last play, yet the Bobcats: failed to score. Five penalties to— taling 35 yards against Aberdeen slov'cd up the actual playing per- iod greatly, yet conspired to keep, the ball in Aberdeen‘s possessioni due to the fact that the Bobcats But it was a Spectacle worth seeing and one that should be continued, although a week later would be more practicable I to allow the players to get in better condition and allow the coaches time enough to get I their offenses polished. As it is now, the clubs haveI less than ten days to get prepared and the result is none have any ,offenses to speak of. as is pretty, clearly demonstrated in the fact; that, only two touchdowns wereI scored in the, entire six-game pro-I gram Friday. , ‘ For the sake. of the players and fans alike a week later in Sept-I ember would (be a. better time to hold the. 1942 jamboree. : I LEGAL PUBLICII‘IONS l NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the, Board of Commissioners of Pub— lic Utility District No. 3. of Mason County. Washington. have prepared and placed on file the. proposed budget for Public Utility District N0. 3. Ma- son County. for the ensuing fiscal year. Notice is further given that :1 pub- lic hearing will be held on the first Monday of October. 1941. (October’ 6112). at 8:00 P. M., in the. office of,I the District in Shelton. Washington.‘ for the purpose of fixing: the finalI budget and making lax levies, at] which time any taxpayer may ap—' pear and be heard for or against :lnyI part of said budget. I 192mm this 11m day of Septembch Signed, R. R. lVIcDONOLD. Secretary of the Board. . 5v16-23~2l. i I COMMISSIONERS’ NOTICE OF Ii i-JARING 0N COUNTY BUDGET NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that V V of County Commissionersi in Mason County have completed and! ach on file their Preliminary Bud—I .5 t of receipts and expendituresl‘or Mason County for the fiscal year 1942. and. tliai a copy of said budgetiwul be furnished any citizen who will call at the office of the Board for the some. Further“ Notice is given that the said Board of County ComniissionersI will meet at their office at the courti I in Shelton, on Monday, Oct- ober 6. 1941. at the hour of two o'clock p. m. for the purpose 'of fix—- 111.2," the. final budget and making taxI leVlf‘S, and that at said time and place any taxpayer may appear and be heard for or against any part of said budget. DATED at Shelton. Washington, this 15th day of September, 1941. I ASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERSI By R. TRENCKMANN, 9-16.-——‘lt. Chairman. NOTICE OF BOND CALL Notice is hereby given that the fol- lowing Utility Bonds. Series of 1935., of Public Utility District No. 1 of Mason County. Washington, are called for payment at the office of the Treas- urer of said county and that the in- terest on said Bonds will cease on October 10, 1941: Public Utility District No. 1 Utility- Bonds, Series of 1935, numbered 36 to 45, inclusive. PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT No. 1 OF MASON COUNTY. 1 By F. G. BRIGGS, Manager. I 9-11-16-18-23—25—5t. NOTICE) :0}? COMPLETION OF YEAR 11942 HEREBY GIVEN. that ' Council and Mayor of the: City of Shelton have completed and: placed on file with the Clerk of the‘ City of Shelton. the preliminary Bud-l l I NOTICE is the City year, a copy of which will be furnished any Taxpayer who calls at the City Clerk's Off'ee therefor: and that the Council of the City of Shelton will meet at the City Hall in Shelton, \Vashing- ton. on Monday. the 6th day of Oct-‘ ober. 1941. at the hour of 8 O‘clock P. M.‘l'or the. purpose of fixing thel Budget and making the tax levies at which place and time any! appear and be heard for or against any part of such Bud-I get. Dated this 12th day of September. :- I I. 1941. GLENN W. LANDERS. Clerk of the City of Shelton. 946—23—30—3t. \ Regulation No. 488 N o T I 'C n '; 1941 Migratory Waterfowl and M1- gralol-y Game Bird Regulations for the State of \Vashington. I The following resolution and TCEU' lation was duly and regularly passed and adopted at the adjourned regulaljv July 1941 meeting August 25, 1941 of. the Stale Game Commission for the' RESOLVED: That it shall be uri- lawful to. hunt, lake or pursue ml— gralol-y waterfowl and migratory! game birds in the state of Washing" ton at any time except durifi‘g‘ following open seasons. with bag him its as prescribed for each SDCCIBS‘ PROVIDED. HOWEVER, That it shall be unlawful to hunt, take or pursueI migratory waterfowl and migratory game birds on lands set aside as state gallle reserves where the hunting. taking or pursuing of such migratory waterfowl and migratory game birds is prohibited. PROVIDED, ‘F UR- THER. That all other migratory wa- terfowl and migratory game. birds not specifically mentioned ill the follow— ‘ hunt. take or pursue geese. in Wallal 516 Walla, Benton. Klickitat and Franklin; cmmties except on October 16 and On Sundays. Mondays. and Wednesdays only. between the period of October and December 14. DUCKS: (exaspt wood duck) I Ritzville , Tacoma Times. IIsland in Kitsap County. ? S—A. not include morv Iof either Of tfi than one (1) mouse you “CAN’T SELL. UNTIL You NEED A BEVER! USE W October 16 to December 14, bolh dates inclusive. COOT: October 16 to December 14, both dates inclusive. . I OTHER RAILS AND GALLINULESI HSeason closed. X VVILSON’S SNIPE OR JACKSNIPE —Season closed. BAND—TAILED PIGEONS: September 16 to September 3 . dates inclusive. BAG LIMITS: Geese and Ill-ant (except Ross’I gooselehl'ec (3) in the aggregate of all kinds in any one day. and not more than six (6) in possession in the aggregate of all kinds at any one time. Ducks (except wood duck)—Ten (10) I in the. aggregate of all kinds. of which I not more than three (3) of any one,I or more. than three (3) in the agg‘re-I I . I both gate may be of the. following species: Redhead and Bufl‘lehcad in any one day; and not more than twenty (20) in the. aggregate of all kinds of which not more than six (6) of any one, or more than six (6) in the aggregate, may be. of the following species: Rcd- . head and Bufflehead in possession at‘ any one time. (‘oot—Twenty»fivc (25) per day and not more than twenty-five (25) ill possession at any one. time. Build-tailed plg(‘oll§~'T€n (10) per day and not more than ten (10) in: .possession at- any one time. HUNTING HOURS: 11, shall be unlawful to llunt mi- gratory waterfowl and migratory birds at any other time except between the hours of sunrise to 4 P. M. shall be unlawful to have in sion migratory waterfowl or , which were taken ill this state, more than twenty (20) days after the close of the 0;)(‘11 season; and it shalll be unlawful to have in possession 1111-: gratory waterfowl or birds. which were. taken ouiside this state. more tlianI twenty (20) days after the, close ofI the open 50215011 in the state or coun- try ill which they were taken. MEANS OF TAKING: It shall be unlawful for any person to hunt or take. migratory waterfowl or birds by the aid or use. directly or indirectly, of corn. wheat. oats or ()tlli‘l' grain or products thereof. salt, or any kind of feed whatsoever, placed; deposited. distributed. scattered, or otherwise put out whereby such wa- terfowl or birds are lured. attracted. or enticed. regardless of the'dlstance intervening between any such grain.’ salt. or feed and the position of the taker; and it shall be unlawful to hunt migratory waterfowl by the use directly or indirectly. of live. duck or goose decoys, regardless of the dis- tunce intervening: between any such live. decoys and the. position of the taker. . , It. shall be lawful ‘to hunt migratory waterfowl and birds with bow and arrow. , AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the above resolution and rogu- lation‘ shall be promulgated by pub— lishing the same for one issue in the Olympia News at Olympia. Washing- ton. the official newspaper of the State Game. Commisgion, and in the Journal Times. Clarkston Herald. Presser Record Bulletin. Wen- alcliec Daily World, Port Angeles Eve- ning News. Clark County Sun (Van- couver), Dayton Chronicle. Dispatch, Longvicw Daily News. Waterville Em- pire Press. Republic News—Miner. Pas- co Herald. Pomeroy East—Washington- ian. Grant County Journal (Ephrata). Montesano Videite. Farm Bureau (Oak Harbor), PortTownsend Leader. Se— attle Times, Bremerton Sun, Ellens- burg Daily Record, Goldendale Sen- tinel. Chohalis Advocate. Davenport Times-Tribune. Mason County Journal A (Shelton). Okanogan, Independent, South Bend Journal. Newport Miner, Fridav Harbor Jour-, nal. Mount. Vernon Dailv Herald, Ska~ mama County Pioneer (Stevenson), Ar- IGET A TRAVELERS aCCidCht linszton Times. Spokesman—Review ‘ (Spokane). Colville Examiner, The. Ea- zle (Catlllamct), Waitsburg Times. Bellingham Herald. Pullman Hol‘ald,‘ and (he Yakima Dailv Republic. Dated at seattle. .Washington, this 25th day" of August. “1941. STATE GAME COMMISSION I Virgil B. Bennington, Chairman. Thos. A. E. Lally Claude C. Snider Lou Ovenan .J. S. Thomas C. A. Peterson B. T. McCAULEY. Director Department of Game. 9-16—1t. ,- Regulation No. 489 N o ’I‘ I c n 1941 Hunting and Trapping Seasons: and Bag Limits for the state of Washington. The following resolution and regu-- lation was duly and regularly passed and adopted at the regular July 1941. meeting, July 9, 1941 and adjourned‘ regular July 1941 meeting August 25. 1941 of the State Game Commission" for the state ‘of Washington. I RESOLVED: That it shall be un-l lawful to hunt, take or pursue up—i land game birds, game animals and/or} fur—bearing animals in the state Washington at any time except dur- ing thefifollowing open seasons, with bag limits as prescribed for each tape—1 cies. PROVIDED. HOWEVER, Tnat it shall be unlawful to hunt, take or pursue upland game birds, game, animals and/or fur-bearing animals on lands set aside as state game re- serves where the hunting,. taking or, pursuing. of such upland game birds,{ game‘anlmals,‘ and/or fur-bearing am— I malls- is; prohibited... PROVIDED, FUR‘ I THEIR. That all othem‘game birds! game animalsand/or'flfl-bearing ani-I mals not speleically mentioned iqth’e followmg open seasons, are protected by closed seasons. and it shall be'-un‘-‘1 lawful to hunt, same at any time. , BLUE GROUSE. RUFFED GROUSEI (commonly known as the Native'i Pheasant) FRANKLIN GROUSE: .I Septegnber 14. 21, October 5 and 6. .I EXCEPT: There shall be no lawful‘ open season on Blue Grouse, Ruffed Grouse and Franklin Grouse in Ad- ams, Benton. 'Franklin, Grant. and Whitman counties, and on Bainbridgo and in that part of Clark County within the fol- lqwmg described boundaries: Begin- ning at the mouth of Lewis River; thence up Lewis River to the moth of the East Fork of Lewis River; thence up the East Fork of Lewis River to Helson‘s Bridge on the state Secondary Highway N0. 1'5, also known as Battleground-Fargller Lake Highway; thence south on said highway to ltS intersection with State Secondary Highway N0. 1'-’I‘. 8150 known as the Orchard-Battleground HighWay at the Battleground School; thence south on said State Secondary Highway No. l-T to its intersection With State Secondary Highway N0- also known as the Orchards- Camas HighWay; thence following said StateSecondary Highway N0. 8-A t0 (haclty limits of Camus; thence fol- lowmg said City limits easterly and‘ southerly to the Columbia River; ~thence down said Columbia River to its intersection with the Lewis Rivel'l :and point. of beginning. EXCEPT: It shall be lawful to hunt Grouse October 5 and 6 within that portion of the Emerald Park Game Resewe in Chelan County lying in the Entiat R‘ Within the f0“ Iver Watershed and serves: Owing State game ,.e_ suglzizlllefcfifitcflme Resorve, Pend ngfntglver Game, Rl’smev Chelan Nigglllntgfeek Game Réservc, Chelan Teanaway Game . . Kittltas countigcserle, Chelan and] Tucannon Game ese 6 and Garfield cogntiers‘: Smoothing Iron Game Reserve, Aso- tm and Garfield counties- BAGjLIMIT: Three (3) Grouse Der Mylo; a total of three (3) in 1005" session at any one. time. which shall Columbia e. following species: Rurfed GIOUSQ: Franklin Grouse. i CHINESE PHEASANTS‘ October 19. 20, 22. 25. 26,.29, Nov- ember .2. 3. 9, 10 and 11. EXCEPT: It shall be, lawful to hunt Chmese Pheasants dullng the open season within the boundaries of the Grand M . Thurston Gomez-1:211 Game Reserve in ANEAPS ,Iogan, Walla Walla, Whitman and Yak- : inla counties. I more take or possess‘ the . 'WW vmwwvvv I Real Estate I I “AAA A. A AAA.AA‘AAWAM A“ ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS per, acre choice residence or small farm acreage ajoining Shelton, municipality. Terms reasonablel For information see Arthur L! Ward or write owner. Asa N. Ward, 218 U. S. Court House, Nashville, Tenn. 7—31-—9-30—2Mi FOR SALE: 5 acres 213 ft. water- . front with tidelands, good beach, timber, 1/3 acre [cleared 3—roomI cottage, spring Water, beautifuli spot. Bargain. B. Powers, Shel-i ton Hotel. Phone 42. I P~9-16-25—-4t. I I FOR SALE: new four room mod- ern house, hardwood floor in,‘ living room. for quick sale $1950 Terms. John Terho. Corner Sec—I 0nd and Wyandotte Southside Hill. T~9-4-9—1l-16~-4t. ! FOR SALE: m odern m—I‘Dom house, downtown, circulating oilI heater, automatic gas hot wa-I ter heater, garage and wood shed. Terms if desired. Phone 4 '3-J. B~70-11—16-18-23A-4t. , my FOR SALE 7-room modern suburban home: on paved highway, fireplace, , basement, plastered with new’ paper. Has excellent well kept yard with many beautiful flow— ers and shrubs. Small conser— vatory attached to home with many plants. Includes about acres of excellent soil and ' gravity water system. This isi one of the finest suburbanI .homes in the county and will make an excellent home. Why. not. see it today if you want a really fine. home that is close in. Will sell for $5400 and give some terms. 0 5-room modern home, with hard- wood floor, fireplace, furnace and basement, 21/2 acres of ex- cellent ground, with fruit treesl and large chicken houses. This; will make you a fine surburban home, close in, $28.50, terms, may be arranged. Will trade. I FOR SALE ______________________________ _. 3-room modern home, nearly new. and can be, completed into an! excellent home. Needs home finishing inside. Large tract of, good land included. Will sell this property on easy down payment and terms. Better see it at once ! Herbert G.’ Angle ‘ Angle Bldg. Phone 304‘ day. Rates lower on longer ticket for every trip, 25c per periods. See Herb Angle NOW! BAG! LIMIT: day or a total of six (6) possession at any one time. season on hens). HUNGARIAN PARTRIDGES: I October 19, 20. 22, 25, 26, 29, Nov— ember 2, 3, 9, 10 and 11. EXCEPT: There shall be no lawfulI openseasondn Yakiilla,:Pierce, Thurs- ' ton and Benton, counties. , EXCEPT —— EXTENDED SEASON:. November 12 to 23. ‘both dates in- cluswe, in Chelan, Douglas and 01mm— ogan counties. .' BAG LIMIT: Five (5) Hungarian Partridges per day or a total of ten (£10) birds in possession at any one! 1me. QUAIL: cocks in, (No 01101" October 19, 20, 22, 25, 2G, 29, Nov- ember 2, 3, 9, 10 and 11. r EXCEPT H EXTENDED SEASON: November 12 to 23, both dates ill- clusive, in the followng counties only: That part of Klickitat County lying 1 east or the White Salmon River, and in Adams, Asotin, Benton, Chelan, Columbia, Douglas, Franklin, Gar- of 5 (field, Grant, Kittltas, Lincoln, Okan~ BAG LIMIT: Ten (10) quail per day or a total of twenty (20) quail in possession at any one time. TOTAL DAILY MIXED BAG LIM— IT: (Upland Game Birds) Lawful to‘v have daily. bag hunt on each species 111 DOSSCSSIOH. POSSESSION LIMIT: (Upland Game Birds) 'Not to exceed the 1105‘ session limit In the} aggregate named for any one SDBCIes‘. PROVIDED: That each person, deSlring to possessI than the daily bag limit. of up— land game birds must have. each day‘sl bagu'tagged by any game pl'otectorl 01"!)91‘30“ aUthOTlZEd by this depart- ment (OR ALL AUTHORIZED LI-I CENSE DEALERS). l HUNTING HOURS: (Upland Game Birds) It shall. be unlawful to hunt upland game birds at any other time' except between the hours of sunrisel and 4 p. m. DEER: October 5 t0 26. both dates elusive. . EXCEPT: (There Shall be no lawful open season in Adams, Benton. Frank— ' Iin, Grant and Whltman counties, and on Bainbridge Island in I{ltszlp Coun- t . yEXCEPT: It shall be lawful to' hunt buck deer with branched ant- lers within that portion of the. Euler—I ald Park Game R536“? in Chelanl County. lying in the Ential River Wa- in— tel-shed, October 5 to 26, both dates inclusive. EXCEPT: It Shall be lawful to hunt buck deer With branched ant- lers within the boundaries of the fol— lowing game rfls“l“'(‘_s- October 5 to 26, both dates inclusn'e. Sullivan Lake Gull“: Reserve, Pend Oreille I County. White River Game Reserve, Chelan County. \_ Game Reserve, Chelan Nason Creek County. Teanaway Gaqueser-ve, Chelan and 'Kittitas Counties, j Tucannon Game Reserve, Columbia' and Garfield counties, Smoothing IdeGamc Reserve, Aso- tin and Garfield counties. BAG LIMI’I: One (1) buck deer, with branched antlers. the head of' which shall. remain with the carcass thereof Whlle “1 transportation. In, defining “branched antlers" of any deer or elk. eyeguards'or browtines are not branches of deer}, or. elk ant- lers. “v EXCEPT3 It Shall be lawful tol hunt, take. or pursue deer of either; sex on Wmde Island in Island Coun-i ty. PROVIDED. That it shall be un- lawful for any person to remove any, deer from WI“de island without first having Same tagged by a game pro—i teeter. . BAG LIMIT: One (1) deer of either; sex. EXCEPT: It shall be, unlawful to‘ hunt-gill“e ammfills and game birds: for which ihcrc is an open season as: provide? by these. regulations during. the period .OCtObQI' 5 to 26, both dates inclusive. 1“ any other manner than with bOW arid arrow within the fol- lowing deSCNbed area in Clielan Coun- tr: , . E 3I"lElcglflmrm-r at =1 point near Maver— ick Peak Where the Mad River Trail joins the hnllflt Summit Road in Sec. 16. T. 27 N R. 18 E.W.M.: thence SHELTONJVIASON COUNTY JOURNAL L Three (3) cocks per . mile more or less to the point where - 18 E.W.M.; ———-——__.__ Page Five OURN AL WANT ADS o“ ,e Classified Servi LANDSCAPING Years of experience in lawn-mak- ing. Eight years in Shelton. Plovie, 726 So. First, corner Mill street. 8-5. 9—5—1M. S H E LT O N HOLSTERING, furniture recov- ered and rebuilt, free estimates. 714 Ellinor Ave. Joe Nuss- baumer, Prop. Phone 590-W. 8-20—9-24—1M: NOTICE lI hereby Wish to retract the no- tice concerning my responsibilityl for bills which was published by me recently in this paper. Signed L. W. Packard. 9—16—1t. Sing a song of Sixpence A pocket full of Rye Your pockets will jingle with Sixpence ‘ If you switch to B. F. Goodrich And we can show you why. CONTRACTING c A R P ENTER, alterations and repairs, a1 jabbing. Reasonable rate. H.I M. Jones, 1714% Ridge Road, Shelton. Phone 56-J. Contract or 50c an hour.) FURNITURE IIP- I "‘VVV 'vmvvwvvvvvvv‘vv‘ Wanted Q“qu - AA “AAA. AAA WANTED: girl or woman for full time housework. Children. Stay nights. A. K. Scott, Potlatch Route, Shelton. 9-9-11-16-18 4t. 'VV‘V' "v“vvvvvvvvvvvvvv For Sale AAAAAAAL‘AAAAAA ‘A A A 1 AAA‘ FOR SALE: 5 goats, all milking, $25.00. Cleora Simpson, Route. No. 1, Box 13, Shelton. 9-4-11-16—4t. WANTED: Representative to look after our magazine sub- scription interests in Shelton and vicinity. Every family or—' ders subscriptions. Hundreds of dollars are spent for them each fall and winter in t h i s v i c i n i t y. Instructions a lid] equipment free. Guaranteed v lowest rates on all periodicals.I domestic and foreign. Reprc-, sent. the oldest magazine agen—' by in the United States. Start a growing; and permanent busi» ness in whole. or spa-"e time. Address MOORE-COTTEI’lELL. Inc, Naples Road, North Co- liocton, New York. 9-16-18-~2t. ._ WANTED: Fountain girl at FirI Drug Store. $1.16.. -11; 8-12—-9—127 1M Everything To 'Make The Little Tot Happy WAGONS A. SCOOTERS ' TRICYCLES WANTED: Used wood range.' gene“ Phone 10F12. T—~—-9-16~1t. WANTED—z wai'éiés'éf‘lhéfiiré, Heinies Cafe. 9-16—»tf. WANTED: Girl 'to assist -with. general housework. H o m e nights. Inquire Journal Office. D——9—16~1t. , REPAIRS I“ We also Repair wagons, tri- cycles, bicycles, lawmowers, etc. SLEYSTERS FIX-IT SHOP PICTURES FULL COLOR __ Kodak Miniecolor Prints I I For Further'Details see ANDREWS STUDIO FIDVI‘S‘ DEVELOPED 25¢ per roll ‘1. I I Free Enlargement each roll. in a southeasterly direction down said Mad River Trail to the point where it is joined by the Cougar Creek Trail ' in Sec. 23, ’1‘. 27 N., R. 18 E.W.M.; thence northerly up said Cougar Creek Trail to a pomt one-half mile more or less due cast of Cougar Mountain; thence due west to Cougar Mountain; thence in a northerly direction on a' straight line tirawn between Cougar Mountallhand Klone Peak to a point near DeVJI Lake, where said line is intersected by the Klone Peak Trail; thence in a northerly direction down the Klono'Peak Trail to the point where it 101113 the Entiat River Road; thence up said Entiat River Road one said road‘is joined by the Three Creek Trziil in Sec. 16, T. 29 N., R. thence southwe‘sterly up said Three Creek Trail to the Entiat Summit (Chiwawa River-Enlist River Divide); thence southerly down the Entiat Summit to the point where it is intersected by the Entiat Summit Road near. Maverick Peak and.,,con— tinuing a short distance alongosa‘id summit road to its junction wi 'the Mad River Trail and point _,be- ginning." BAG LIMITS: One (1) buck deer with branched antlers, the head of which shall remain with the carcass thereof while in transportation. In defining “branched antlers” of any deer or elk eyeguards or browtines are not branches of deer or elk ant— lers. Bear: One. (1) bear. Upland Game Birds: Same as provided in these regulations. BEAR: (Eastern Washington) in that part of Klickitat County lying cast of the White Salmon River. and in Asotin. Chelan, Columbia, Ferry, Garfield, Kittitas, Okanogan, Pond Oreille, Spokane, Stevens and Walla Walla counties. BAG LIMIT: One (1) bear. BEAR: (Western Washington) ', October 5.1941 to January 31. 1942. both dates inclusive, in that part of Klickitat County lying west of the White Salmon River, and» in Clallam, Clark, Cowlitz; Grays Harbor, Island. Jefferson. King, Kitsap. Lewis, Ma- son. Pacific: Pierce, San Juan. Ska- mania. Skagit. Snohoinish, Thurston, VVahkiakunl and Whatcom counties. See exceptions. EXCEPT: It shall be unlawful to hunt bear in Clallam. Jefferson and Pacific counties during the open elk season. November 2 to 11, both dates inclusive. BAG LIMIT: Two (2) bear. ELK: November 2 to 11. both dates in- clusive. in Asotin, Chelan. Columbia. Garfield. Kittitas, Walla Walla. Yak- ima and in that portion of Clallam, Jefferson and Pacific counties scribed as follows: EXCEPT: It, shall be lawful to hunt male elk with visible horns in that portion of Clallam County, lyin'g south and east of U. S. Highway No. .101: and in that portion of Jefferson, County lying West of the boundary of' Olympic National Park to U. S. High— an No. 101. EXCEPT: It; shall be unlawful to .all of that portion of Pacific County lying smith of the. following de- scribed lino: Beginning on the west boundary of the county through theI cenler of Willapa Bay and the Willa— pn. River to Ravmond and continuing : alarm: the C.. M.. St. P. & P. Rail— road tl'acks from FIR DRUG STORE I I I I 'to4 October 5 to 26, both dates inclusive. I Raymond to the Department of Game. WANTEDJ.‘ Sten'ographer. »Must take shorthand. “Write Box 1, 'Care of' Journal‘Office. v -: 1% ‘3—16-18+2t, AAAAAA ‘AAAMI AA AAAA‘AAAA WILL TRADE good heater forI wood. Anna Huss, Bayshore‘ WANTED: ats‘ionce,’~:carloads or truckloads...9fi . ,lang -.' smooth,I sound Maple and Ader logs} Higher prices. Liberal scale.l Prompt I settlements. Northwest I Chair company, Tacoma, Wash. 9—11-23~'3—4t; l vmvvvvi-vvv v m» -dvvvvv l Trade or Swap. Road between Ford Garage and City Docks. Also _want NeVVI Hampshire pullets. 9—9-11-16-18—4t. Lewis County line. tation. HUNTING HOURS: Elk, deer and . bear, one—half hour before sunrise to sunset. RABBITS: (Cottontail and Snow-’ shoe) rise November 1942, both dates inclusive. hunt cottontail from November 12, 1941 to>Fcbruary| 28, 1942. both dates inclusive, at any ,, other time except between one-half coupon withif hour before sunrise to sunset. (exceptions. - EXCEPT: hunt, take or pursue rabbits in Clark and San Juan counties and on Whld— uary 1 to December 31, annually. exceptions. fore sunrise and ten p.m.; PROVIDED. Ritzvillc . Herald. Prosscr Record Bulletin, Wen— patch. Miner. Washingtonian, Grant County Journal port Times—Tribune. Journal pendent. South Bend Journal. Newport Miner. Tacoma Times. Friday Harbor .Tournal. Mount Vernon Dailv Herald. Ska’mania County Pioneer (Stevenson). Arlington Times. EXCEPT: It shall be lawful to hunt male. elk with visible horns dur- ing the open elk season, within the boundaries of, the Rattlesnake Game Reserve in Yakima County. ' .BAG LIMIT: One (1) male elk with Visible horns, the head of which shall remain with the carcass in transpor— October 19. 2o. 22. 25. 26, ’29. Now, ember 2, 3. 9. 10 and-11. I to 4 p. m. EXCEPT — EXTENDED SEASON: 12. 1941 to February 28. EXCEPT: It shall be unlawful to] or snowshoe rabbits, See It shall be lawful to by Island in Island County from Jan- See EXCEPT: It shall be. lawful to hunt rabbits on VVhidhy Island in Is- land County between one—half hour be- Tllat it shall be unlawful to hunt rab— bits on Whidby Island in Island Coun- ty during the period October 3 to 23. 1941. both dates inclusive. at any other time than between one-halfs hour be- cc It shall be unlawful to hunt rabbits on Whidby Island Oct- ober 19, 20. 22, 25, 26. 29. November 2, 3, 9. 10 and 11. at any other time than between the hours of, sunrise p. m. NOTE: Cottontail and Snowshoe rabbits shooting hours con- form With_tlie upland game bird shooting hours onlyiduring the: up,- iand game bird. season. '- BAG LIMIT: Five (3) rabbits per day, straighter mixed bag, or m pos- session at any onetime. I V EXCEPT: Thé‘re’ shall be. no limit in.Clark and San Juan counties, and 1111.112111de andin Island County:‘ a 131' " Squirrel , ' _. . . otob'er i to”; . no h'tl‘ Ilcl wives. in] allamgflowlitz,Grays-Barbi),. Is- fore sunrise and sunset. tion. EXCEPT: excep- laii :._Jeffersorl. King, Kitsap.” Klick— itat, Lewis... Mason, , Paglia; Plerce’.‘ San Juan. Skagit. Skamania. Snoho- mish, Thurston. Wahkiakum a n I} Whatcom counties. EXCEPT: It shall be lawful to hint or take squirrels in Clark Coun- 'BAG LIMIT: Five (5) squirrels per day. straight or mixed bag. or in pos- session at any one time. FUR—BEARING ANIMALS: (Except BEAVER. FISHER AND MARTEN. closed season). . November 15, 1941 to January 15. 1942. both dates inclusive. EXCEPT: It shall be unlawful to trap muskrat in muskrat mounds or houses. EXCEPT: It shall be lawful for any person holding a trappers ll- cense and predatory permit to hunt raccoon or foxes with dogs from Nov- ember 15. 1941 to January 15. 1942. both dates inI‘e.lusi\VI*e.1 t BAG LIMI I o imi. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: Thafi‘the above resolution and regu- lation shall be promulgated by. pub- lishing the same. for One'lSSufl m_thc Olympia News at Olympia, Washing- ton. the official newspaper of the State Game Commission. and in the Journal Times. Clarkston atchee Daily World. Port Angelcs Evening News. Clark County sun (Vancouver). Dayton Chronicle Dis— Longview Daily News} Water-v ville Empire Press, Republic News—r Pasco Herald. Pomeroy ‘East- (Ephrata). Montesano Videttc, Farm de' I Bureau (Oak Harbor). Port Townsend Leader. Seattle Times. Bremerion Sun. Ellensburg Dailv Record. Goldendale Chchalis Advocate. Mason Okanogan Daven— County Inde— Sentinel. (Shelton). x 7 I t. .h. I I Spokesman-Review hunt elk Within that portion of J f-’ (Spokane). Colville Examiner. The. ferson County described as follo s: Eng‘e (Cathlamet). Waiisbwg Tilnny. Tl'ose portions of Sections 28. 29, 30.138,linzham Herald. Pullman Herald. 31, 32. 33 of T. 24 N., R. W.. andmmd Ho. Yakima Dailv Republic. SPCtmnS 25 and 3“v T- 24 N" R- Dated at Seattle. Washington, this lying of Itthe hC,)illlin;l)ult1 Riyof'. 1 i25d1 day of August, 1941. Exc r ; s a o my 11 .o .hlmt male. elk with visible. horns in STATE GAME COMMISSION Virgil B. Bennington, Chairman. Thos. A. E. Lally Claude C. Snider Lou Ovenden J. S. Thomas C. A. Peterson B. T. McCAULEY. Director 9—16—lt. FOR SALE: used 30 gallon hot water Burns coal or bark. In good condition. 825 Franklin Street. B—9-11—16~2t. FOR SALE: one good milk cow. Holstein and Jersey. George T. Castle, Route 2, Shelton. 9-11-16-18~—3t. [FOR SALE: spinet piano to his repossessed in this neighbor; hood. Bargain to right party.‘ Write G. Welch, 1405- th Ave, Seattle. K——9—11—16-1-8—23——~tt fi—SALE: 'stuéii; $115117 'Lih—e I new. R. R. Phillips, 1205 So. 7th St. ( Southside Hill) Shel- ton. 9-11-23—4t. vvvvmm mwvvwwv For Rent ‘13.; AAAA ‘A‘ A A. FURNISHED APARTMENTS for rent (2 and3rooms). Good lo.- cation. Very reasonable. Golds- borough Apts, Second and Knee— land Streets, Shelton. FOR RENT:‘ furnished two room cabin. Bayshore Road. W. T. . Good-r0, 220634; N. 30th, TaCOma, Wash. 9—9—11-16-18~4t FULLY FURNISHED ultra mod— ern cottages $25 to $40 month. Lilliwaup Motel, Lillivv'aup. 9-4-9—11-164t. 5—w- I tank and water. heater.i I I I . I I I I I I . I I l I l l RATES On Classified Advertisements 10 cents a line (5 words) first insertion, attractively low rates on subsequent insertions. Min- imum charge 40c. Classified advertisements ac- cepted over the telephone from phone subscribers. Cash should accompany all other orders or payment made before the first of the month to save expense of billing. An extra charge of 10c will be made when billing is necessary. Card of thanks 50c. Classified Display Rates on Request. Phone 100 "vvvvvvvvvvv v'vvvv 777' v For Sale WAAAAA AA A AAAAAMM FOR SALE: 1935 Dodge sedan, new rings, motor bearings throughout, paint. No reason— able offer refused. 423 Belluve, Hillcrest. 0—9—9-11—16-18fi—4-t. FOR SALE: greenhouse, x 10, sectional. Complete with glass. G. C. Angle. Phone 255-VV. FOR SALE: 12 head Jersey and Guernsey cows, fresh and com- ing fresh. Wilson’s Ranch, next to Carmen Ranch, Dayton road. 9-11-23—-—4t. FOR SALE: one 14 X 7 trailer house. $125 cash takes it. Frame and 6.00 x 16 tires and wheels in good shape. Inquire Emil Rauchert, Richfield Sta- tion, Hillcrest. R——9-11-23—,4t. FOR RENT: 6. upstairs rooms,’ some partly furnished $12.50 per , 3-1» apartment . at ,1 FOR SALE: month, on ‘Mt. View. Also room, modern Mallows Apts. Phone 487-J. . D—9—4-—tf. FOR RENT CHEAP: 'Aws-room house on Mt. View. Phone 244. C—9-16-18—2t. Regulation No. 490 N 0 'I‘ I (7 E Possession of a plucked or mutil— ated carcass of a game bird. The following resolution, and regu- lation was duly and regularly passed and adopted at the adjourned regular July 1941 meeting August 25, 19a of the State Game Commission for the state of Washington. RESOLVED: That it shall be un- lawful for any person to have in pos- session while in the field or forest. or while upon any highway, train, car. boat or any other conveyance during any hunting trip, any game bird, the carcass of which has been plucked or mutilated in anyvinalmer so as to dis— guise thc‘species, kind or sex thereof. ,AND- BE IT FURTHER RESOLV-t _ IFOR SALE: 'ED: That the resolution and regulation shall pl'olliulgated by above be publishing'tiic same 101' one issue inIy the Olympia News at Olympia. Wash— EXCEPT: It Shall be unlawful-to ington, tllc'officialv newspaper pf the hunt cottontail or snowshoe rabbits 391115.041leconnmsslonnr at“; m the during the above dates at an. “mg,- thzv'llle Journal Times. Clarkston time. than between file'hbfi‘lus'elf hum-Iifiief‘aidr PIT’SS‘il'IlGCO'd Hunemnv wen" atelier: Daily World. Port Angeles Eve- ning'News, Clark County Sun (Van- couver), Dayton Chronicle Dispatch. Longview Daily News, Watcrville. En:— piro Press, Republic News-Miner. Pas- co Herald, Pomeroy East-VVasliington- ian. Grant County Journal (Ephrata). Monlcszino Vidette, Farm Bureau (Oak Harbor). Port Townsend Leader. Se- attle Times, Bremerton Sun, Ellens- burst Dailv Record, ~Goldcndale Sen—‘ tinel, Chehalis Advocate, Davenport Times—Tribune. Mason County Journal (Shelton) , Okanogan Independent. South Bend Journal, Newport Miner, Tacoma Times, Friday Harbor Jour- nal, 'Mount Vernon Daily Herald. Ska- mania County Pioneer (Stevenson), Ar- lington Times. Spokesman-Review (SPORane). Colville Examiner, T h 0 Eagle (Cathlamet). VVaitsburg Times. Bellingham Herald, Pullman Herald, and the Yakima Daily Republic. STATE GAME COMMISSION Vlrgil B. Benninctou, Chairman. Thos. A. E. Lally Claude C. Snider Lou Ovenden J. S. Thomas C. A. Peterson B. T. McCAULEY, Director 9-16 1t. I l i | I I I I I I I I FOR SALE: cot: Inqufie 0.; K. Barber Shop, I{#3-7:—tf. 1940 6-ft. Kelvin- ator refrigerator. Perfectlcon- dition. $120 cash only. Inquire Joe Tate, Jr., Matlock Store. 9-16~25—74t. FOR SALE: Redvfryers 25¢ pe_r pound. Phone 473-W. H—9-16-18_2t. FOR SALE: Small bull-dozer— 1937 model Cle—trac, in good condition; also 1932 Chevrolet dump truck , with hydraulic hoist. Good condition. Phone ~‘ Union 354. Home in evenings. A~9-16-18-23—w3t. SAVE ON FOOTBALL TICK- ETS—P.L.C.-Gonzaga game .— $1.20 in Shelton in advance, $1.73 at the gate. Bill Dickie, Phone 61—J or 100. 9~16-25--—4t. Good used wood circulating heater. Jim Am- unds, 313 Birch Street. 9-1Ii—rtf. LARGE SIZE Duplicating SALES BOOKS ' 565 Each 31' 55¢ per dozen We also take orders for all kinds of special«-— - PRINTED SALES BOOKS IOur prices are all low or lower I I I than outside salesmen can quote THE JOURNAL 'va'“vvvvvvvv.vv7m" Used Cars mvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv FOR ’SALE: one 1939 Olds 4- speed transmission sedan in ex- cellent condition. Price $750. L. W. Packard. 122 Harvard Ave.. Shelton, Wash. 9-11-16—.2t. Department of Game. NO. 1448 NOTICE TO CBEDITORS In the. Superior ourt of the State of \Vashington ox- Mason County In Probate IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MARGARETH HILLER, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. that the Undersigned, Elmer I—Iiller has been appointed and has qualified as Administrator of the Estate 01’ Mar— gareth Hillei', Deceased. and that all persons having Claims against the said Deceased or the said» Estate are. hereby required to serve the same. duly verified with the neces- sary. v0ucheri~= attached ‘on the Un- derSlgned‘ Administrator or his At- torney 01 Record at the addresses hereinbelow given. and file such claims with the Clerk of the above entitled Court together with proof of serlrice date of the first publication of this Notice. to-wit: September 2nd, 1941, or said claims will be forever barred; Date of first publication, September 2nd, 1941. ELMER HILLER. Administrator of the Estate , 0f Margareth Hiller. Dc- ceased, Hoodsport, VVash- lngton. CHAS. R. LEWIS.‘ Suite 1, Lumbermen’s Building. Shelton, Mason County. Washington. At- torney for said Estate. 9-2-9-16-23—4t ——————L_~—__ N0. 4033 SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION In the Superior (Iourt of the State. of Washington for the County of Mn- son IDA MAE KIRKLAND Plaintiff vs. EMMETT KIRKLAND Defendant. The state of Washington to the said Emmett Kirkland, defendant: You are hereby summoned to ap- pear within sixty days after the date f the first publication of this Sum- ons to wit. within sixty days after the. 9th day of September, 1941, and defend the above entitled action in the above entitled court. and answer the Complaint of tile plaintiff. and serve a copy of your answer upon‘the un— dersigned attorney for plaintiff, at his office below stated; and in case of your failure so to do judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint, which has been filed with the clerk of said court. This is an action for divorce on the grounds of desertion and failure of the defendant to support the plain- tiff. and for a decree setting aside real estate and personal property de- . scribed in the. complaint filed herein as the separate property of the plain- tiff for the reason that it was either owned by plaintiff prior to her mar- riage of defendant or has been ac- quired by plaintiff with her separate funds. E. N. STEELE. Attorney for Plaintiff 202 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Olympia, VJash— ington Thurston Coun- ty. 9-9-16—23-30. 10-7-14-21~7t. within six months after the ' CARD 0F THANKS We wish to extend to our many friends and neighbors and‘ es- pecially the Royal Neighbors, our deep thanks for the flowers and sympathies given us during our bereavement over the death of- our beloved wife and mother, Mrs. Charles Lincoln. CHARLES LINCOLN and FAMILY. vvvvvvvvvv vvv vvm. m. PROFESSIONAL CARDS ALDEN c. BAYLEY ATTORN EY AT LAW Title Insurance Building Opposite First National Bank ‘Phone 23 - - Shelton _——q- —_ I. INSURANCE .. HERBERT G. ANGLE Office at Angle Building ‘ ELLIOT B. SPRING Accounting Tax Services Bookkeeping Systems 123 4th. St. Phone 565 DOANE BRODIE' Attorney-At-Law Angle ,Building Phone 337 CHARLES R. LEWIS ATTORN EY AT LAW Suite 1 L. M. Bldg. ‘ Shelton, Washington