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Page Six W
FCC Grants More
Night Power For
KOMO 0f Seattle
Fed eral
The iomi‘i'i‘iir‘nlLoim
Commission has inst {:i‘unie'l fan
attln Station KOMO an increase
in night POVJCI‘ to 5,000 watts, a:'~
cording to :in ftllllfillll("‘l'll|‘ilt just
received from rTart l". Min-
ager of KOMO.
llervtofore, KOMO has llf‘ifl 5,»
000 watts daytime power and l.—
000 watts at night. The nev‘l'"
.- mounch increase, already in ef— .
feet through the installation of a. ,
new directional antenna sv.» em
gives KOMO equal power both
may and night. and brings still
further improved rsirlio rumptiorn
to many thousands of westernl
\Vnshingtori listeners. A second;
antenna tower and M7. 000,5“) .
worth of :irldltionnl equipment aw“.
now in operation. at the KUMO
transmitter. The, local effect of
*“'" is that Shelton residents and
adjacent listeners are now in the
top service area for both day and
night reception of NBC-Red Not-
Work outstanding local programs
over KOMO.
A Vacant b “ls-e "‘oii'l Pay
Taxes . . . Advertise It!
_ Year only Western Wash-
ingtoo NBC . m Network
Now 5000 Watts full time. -
butcher knives, and edge toolsfi—l
axes, hatchets, adzes. angers andl
bits, scythes, grass hooks, etc.~
is valued at more than 60 mil?
lion dollars,
1 Census.
Police Expert Heads
New School at WSC
V. A. Leonard
Of interest to young men who
plan to make police work their pro-
fession is the inauguration this fall
of a new department of police sci-
ence and administration at Wash
ington State college, under the di-
rection of V. A. Leonard (above),
one of the best qualified men in the
field of law enforcement and crime
prevention. V
Young men of the highest chap
acter, with excellent recommends: ,
tions will be eligible to enroll ml
the new department. They must be ,
at least 18 years of age, 5 feet 9i
inches in height and Weighing 150;
pounds. Graduates of the course will i
be eligible for employment by the I
state highway patrol and pOh'Ce sys—
tems in the state where civil serv- l
ice procedure prevails. I
Leonard has been connected re-i
cently with police organization at;
Fort Worth, Texas, and also with;
the police department at Berkeley,
California. He holds a. bachelor’s
degree in political science and so-
ciology and a master’s degree in so-
ciology and government. He is qual-
ified in the courts of California. and
Texas as a. fingerprint expert, hand-
writing expert and scientific inves~
tigetor of crimes.
The course will include police or-
ganization and administration, sci-
entific criminal investigation and
identification and social service
dealing with delinquency control
and prevention.
Annual production of table cut-
scissors, razors, pocket and
according to t h e l
.t . _,..,_
Cliff Wivell’s CERTIFIED
Representative in Mason County for
High Grade Fuel and Deisel Oils
lst and Franklin
“Olympia 0il"&"Wood
Phone 397
More Than 2,000,000 Big Game Animals
Thrive in America’s National Forests
Wild animal life, chiefly in our national forests, has doubled each year
since 1924.
game animals as the grizzly bear, top; moose, left; and deer, right; thrive
under protection of the
U. S. Forest Service.
SOME years ago, until the Brit-
ish and the Belgians in their
respective colonies took steps to
form big game reserves where
the wild animals indigenous to
Africa could not be hunted,
there was grave danger that
many fine specimens of beasts
would be exterminated.
Seemingly there is no such
danger in the United States.
Game animals have nearly dou—
bled in numbers in the national
forests every year since 1908. In
1924 the big game population in
the forests was 693,000. Today
it is 2,100,000. Hunting is al-
lowed at certain seasons. This,
together with the natural losses
due to death from disease, has
not materially cut down the
number of animals which range
the timbered ground. In fact,
they average about six to the
square mile of national forests.
The State of Washington now
ranks first in the West and sec-i
ond in the nation in the number
of frozen food locker plants in uSe,
according to a recent survey made ,
by the federal extension service.
Washington with 347 locker plants
holds 2nd position for the nationi
behind Iowa whiéh lists 475. The
survey shows 3,623 locker plants
in the nation for 1941 as compar-
ed with 2,870 in 1940 and 1,861
in 1939. Washington entered the
freezer locker field as a pioneer
and has consistently been a leader
in all lines of work connected with
the frozen food industry.
Of a total production of 1,038,-
668 shotguns reported to the Cen-
sus Bureau by the firearms in-
dustry in the last two Censuses
of manufactures, 197,241 were
double-barreled, and 841,427 were
single-barreled, including automat-
ic, repeating, and single shot.
BIG game animals stack up as
follows: 1,800,000 deer, 154,—
000 elk, 63,000 black bears, 20,-
000 antelopes, 19,000 mountain
goats, 9600 bighorn, 7500 moose,
7500 peccary, 4800 grizzly and
Alaska brown bears, 790 wild
boars. The latter are not native.
Some were imported a few years
ago by sportsmen and are now
found in the national forests in
the Appalachians and'in one in
About one-third of all the big
game in the United States is
found in the national forests. In
the western states three—fourths
of the big game make their home
all the year or part of the time
in the national forests.
In addition to the big game,
these forests are estimated to
contain about 7,000,000 fur—bear-
ing animals, of which 3,000,000
are rabbits and hares and 2,000,-
000 are squirrels. There are
also 5,500,000 game birds.
This is the ’first‘ of a new series
'of garden a/rticles designed to
bring the attention of gardeners
throughout the state to bear upon
the important details of their work
‘with the. trees, shrubs, and flow-
ers that they use both outside and
inside the home. Thoso of us who
have had access to information
from abroad have been very favor-
ably impressed by the attitude of
the people of England toward
their flowers during these trying
times. The Royal Horticultural So-
ciety’s two-weekly flower shows
have been held regularly with but
a single execption. At the height
of the. bombings last September.
they Were forced to skip
one show. To quote from a recent
.English source on the subject of
Beginning Tuesday, September 23
$100 in Awards
To the Best Grid Prognosticators
0' V4 i cudtural
these displays and of flowers in
general: “These exhibitions al-
ways give a vivid picture of what
the very best nurserymen, horti-
, institutes, and private
gardens are producing at the time.
chiefly in the flower line, but now
increasingly for educational and
advisory purposes in high-grade
vegetable and fruit.
“There are still masses of cut
flowers (carnations, roses, etc.)
,sold in shops and on the streets.
{There is still that magic beauty
{of radiant flower borders, rare
shrubs, and vines in peaceful col—
lege grounds and public parks?
there is above all the indescribable.
variety and loveliness of flowol‘s‘
round the private house and lawn-
reflecting the personal taste and
skill of its owner, for remember
‘this is the country of passionate
flOWer lovers and natural garden-
ers. blessed by a happy climate."
There is no doubt that much
space formerly devoted to floweI
culture in England has now been
turned to the cultivation of Vege'
tables and fruits. The famous nur-
series and botanic gardens have
all found it necessary to asSiSt
in allaying the food problem. But
{there is also no doubt that Eng'
lishmcn find it highly desirable
to continue producing flower-5'
,Why? Perhaps no one is qualified
to answer completely. We can
merely suggest that flowers. haV'
ing become such an intregal part
I V e
5 lof English life might, by their
2 icomplete eliminationfhave an 111
[effect upon the morale, the p53"
chology, of the majority of the
people. To continue with as many
of the normal things of life mUSt
Ibe very desirable under such ab-
, normal conditions.
Effects of Fertilizers And
l The
\Vater on Lawn Weeds
This is the time of year when
you can begin active work On .the
renovation of the lawn follOng
tan exceptionally dry, hot summer
when much grass suffered a great
deal. Unfortunately, a lot 0f
_' l the difficulty could have b e e n
f averted and the lawns could ha.Ve
been kept green without the m-
vestment of so much time 811
money if but one thing had been
done. Too many of us think that
all we need to do in the summ?r
‘\ is to water the grass to keep it
. by Dr. John ‘H. Hanley .
Dlpector,‘U.“ o‘f’W. Arboretum
healthy. 'The hotter it'gets, the
Defense Housek
Major problem for Emily Hull, bride of five months, i':.. the
brand of milk to choose for delivery to her home in the new “hidden
village” of 300 low-rent defense homes at Baltimore.
so rapidly that few knew it was being built, the community home;
workers at the Glenn L.
39 New Children
Join Story Hour
Group At Library}
By Mrs. Laura If. Plumb
Shelton| Librarian
The second story hour in the
winter Series was held at the lib-
rary on Saturday. Mrs. Harold
Christian’s charm as a story tell-
er is working splendidly. Thirty-
inine new listeners came in addi—
Such big
PREYING upon all these'are
estimated to be 396,000
predatory or meat-eating aniw
mals. These include the puma, " i.
commonly called mountain lion, a ,3
and coyotes.
There are 677 game refuges in_
the national forests. They‘con-g
stitute 33,525,768 acres out of the»
net total of 175,584,048. -
At certain times last . year,
714,000 big game hunters, 302,-
000 small game hunters and 12,-
000 trappers were allowed to
hunt in the free ranges of the
national forests. This is done
in order to keep the numbers of
game in line with the feeding 1
capacity of the ranges. The sur- '
vivors are healthier and better
animals. Over-population would I
not only cause deterioration in
the quality ofthe animals, but
would be a danger to the tian I
and also to forage.
._...._...-,. ,_...l_._._...__._.__ ,
we; ease up ‘a bit.‘ Some, garden.
ers found their grass becoming
progressively browner no matter
how much sprinkling was done,
Why? Not enough fertilizer! A
light application of a nitrogen-
carrying substance or any good
complete fertilizer would have.
turned the trick‘ and reduced wa-
ter expenses too by reducing the,
amount needed.
This practice also has a bear-
ing upon the weed problem too.
Dandelions, plantains. and sim-
ilar plants never suffer from
drought and starvation as severe-
ly as do the grasses. One rea-
son? They have a much deeper
root system! The roots of lawn
grasses are near tho. surface of
the soil. This is particularly true
if you sprinkle lightly each day
rather than soak the ground
deeply as you should. Lack of
fertilizer elements plus incorrect
watering discourages the grass
and therefore encourages the weed
species by eliminating competition.
Of course no amount of fertiliz-
ing and watering will eradicate
weeds entirely but- it does,
brmging about a heavier, deeper!
mhre water; if it becomes cooler,‘
mat 01’ grass, make it much more
difficult for the weed seeds to'
the soil so readily
do not deVelop in such vast num-
bers. Of course those that are!
able to germinate and grow must|
be taken out, preferably by hand.
WSC‘Offers New
Course, Outlinel
Washington State College—An
extensive ZOO-page Outline of
Washington history and govern-
ment has recently been published,
by the general extension division;
at Wa‘shington State college 0f i
Vital aid to all. persons interested I
in theinom community govern"
ment and history.
.Th.e outline. prepared for the}
lelSlon of general college exten-g
Slon .by Dh Herman J. Deutsch,
assoc‘ate Professor of history, in-
cludes a great amount of material 1
and SEIected readings, from which !
slude‘fivs can readily explore the
hIStOrwell and governmental back-
ground of their own home town.
The outline will also be used asl
*3 sway guide to a correspond-l
ence course, to be conducted by
the. extension division this fall to
Ifactlitate the teaching of Wash-'
ington history and government in I
public schools. Such a course is
required by the state legislature
Of all students intending to be
teachers. 1
I Publication of the new outlinel
is under the direction of Glenn
Jonesv director of general college]
extension, Pullman.
Raw apples packed for cannin
- . g
3711;] h Shrlnk when cooked, because:
out :fat 0f canning drives the air
drive tHumor. Precooking will
befo . 15 air out of the apples
re they go into the jars.
' Bobbette
' Shirley
They just, Can’t reach
and therefore
tion to the majority of the 22 who
came to the first story hour. The
children listened attentively to all!
of the stories. But at one of the,
“The Port Fire Engine,” by Col—
ett Burgess, their enthusiasm
showed no bounds. The next story
hour will be September 27th at
2:30 P.M. at the library.
. Among the other stories which
Mrs. Christian told are: “Artemis
and Orion” by Amy Cruse; “The
Giant With The Three Golden
Hairs" from Grimm’s Fairy Tales,
and “Little eBoy and Girl In The
Clouds," an American Indian Fairy
Tale. '
Following are the new listeners:
Helen Hackett, Roberta Gillum,l
Larry Giddings, Marilyn
burg, Nadine Drake, Lois Bernard,
Irene Chase, Jackie Enlow, Susan
Kennedy, Jewel Anderson, Eileen
Drake, Winnifred Collier, Billie
Powers, Tyke Hillman, Charles
Brown, Edna Nye, Terry Skelsey,
Susan Margaret Hatch, Ann Al-
bert, Garth Grunert, Beverly
Mead, Boy Collier, Bobby Eacrott,
Gilmore, Donna Lee,
Adams. Virginia Connolly, Rose
Mary Stevenson, Janet Swanson,l
Carol Calkins, Jacqueline Molinc.
Merle Marie Moline, Doris Tidy-
man, Joneen Stevens and Arlene
Although an individual’s feet
may go into several different sizes
of shoes, only one will really fit.
Often, too, feet may require dif—
ferent sizes in different styles of
shoes—Mono size for high-heeled
shoes, and another for flat-soled
ones. No amount of “breaking —
in" will make a poor fit com-
becomes still higher?
Few people realize that
compression causes knocking sounds —- and
a sluggish engine — often
ten thousand miles.
So, if your engine knocks—or Has lost
some of that “new-car1iveliness”——this may
very likely be your trouble. Carbon is re-
And you can’t avoid such
completely, regardless of the oil or gasoline
you use!
You can go to the expense of having the
carbon removed regularly,
Or, for temporary relief, you can have
the spark retarded (but
you’ll use up more gasoline).
Or you can take a tip from Shell scien-
tists and switch to Shell Premium —— a spe-
cial motor fuel they’ve created that com.
pensates for the higher compreSSionS which
carbon causes. Shell Prcmi
Hatch, Ethel Libby. Pat-l
ty Wivell. Harley Wivell, Wynn:
Do YOU KNOW that these troubles begin,
not when your engine starts losing its high
compression, but when its high compression
As carbon collects
space becomes small —
er and smaller, and
compression becomes
higher and higher
m, ———-—-p
eeper’s Problem
Martin airpl zine factory.
’ which appear on the ,
Personnel Board
Announces Exams
For State Posts:
.-7.s,-. l
, “Open eornpetiti'm examinations!
’for the State Department of Sm.
icial Security and County Welfare
‘Departments ,the Office. of Tin—l
l employment Compensation :1 n d :
lPlacement, the State Department
lof Health and local Hcalth Dew
V;partments have been announced
gby the State Personnel Boardi
{These examinations will cover the:
‘positions of Clerk, Senior Clerk,
1C1erk-Typist, Senior Clerk—Typist,
§C1erk—Stenog‘rapher, Senior Clerk—
lStenographer, Comptometcr Op-
erator, Duplicating Machine Op-
: erator, Key Punch Operator, Telcv
lphone Operator, 'I‘abulatine,r T-fii,‘
Echine Operator and Appeals Re-
i porter.
“Detailed information regardingi
the necessary qualifications, sal-
aries, applications, etc., may be
Iobta‘incd by writing to'the State;
lPersonnel Board. 1209 Smith
Tower, Seattle, Washington.
“Closing date for filing applica-
'tions is October 10th, and all
iof the State Personnel Board or
when; lit-
applications must be in the office I"
lbc post-marked not later than
(midnight, October 10th."
1 ___-_M,,,,“,A__c_ NAN.
l No.
such increased
Within the first
every drop.
Thus Shell
ere, combustion
carbon deposits
which will help.
if you do this,
um gasoline will
. Bl sou
Seattle Freight should be routed via Str. Indian. Fe)
Tacoma Freight via Str. Skookum Chief, MilW'a
Time Schedule as'follows:
Leaves Tacoma daily, execept Sunday, at Fm"
Olympia and Shelton
Arrives Shelton daily, except Sunday ,
provide maximum, knock-free
mile you drive.
.The secret is simply this: Sh, g
is a blend of finest, clean-burnt;
fractions and a patented, scien
pared anti-knock compound W .
combustion to get utmost 6
power when you want it. .-
handling ease in traffic. And
mileage, as well, in new cars
Shell Premium costs 2¢ mt)fa ,
ular”— or about $1 a month
drive the average amount. We
the difference to you.
SHELL on. COMPANY, "460". "
Tuesday, September/1.
Order lnSUr:
Farm 511. j
in: 7'.» shortagex
l’l'll‘ :I;':4‘l the {Lilllflfld b l
duutries for roof
l'll?l.(l‘ many :1 'ini5 ‘
\voi :ihmiil. replac
‘.'~',’ll‘,‘lillll. lll/v"llill(‘r.vj
lvir'llon Ii .
f I
:1?) M
remove Ill
cows“ for this
One orclr‘i'
' -‘._ ill
to de]
' l"'("""2’ll'V {or
.ml‘i'“. f0? '
Ni‘ilipm iii.
Ali-1. lrl
icai list to '-l, man
needs them for the i
new farm equipme“?
These orders eff ,‘ . Hate
main‘iuin thi- exitith , Says
wt :1 llli’fl'i level Of 9' \‘—
I7 r‘ impw- direc, pnces effect
simi .it' tho St'ite CO . pom the
ington. “Their Drop 1.
sure :1. continuoufi.
machinery and Cqu,‘
tools do hot full “’1
ol' the order ‘
,I, “ Should (
Fll‘gEEgl; if" I, “1 productic
.spl‘iees esta
-, Order for Z
1’ mm. are:
‘ of $75
better d
fed With re
' 0; Grade
(134). $45
.‘Ces on I
1“to accou:
. ,, in shi
0N “fiddle. we
“t5. In Tr
‘ 8E1ld sales
. 615 would
caplaced on
1.. 01‘ truck
" tmonth e\
“M t1: not i
~er' 0. purcl
31' 18hment
' ' glas fir
.3711 after
‘ '3 price 51
’5 9 defense c
. n a .small
J“ Pipe f0]
. 1Improve
, ._' Tuesd:
i: t of six
/ if
an i '
Premium deli .