September 16, 1943 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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September 16, 1943 |
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over to, sensoptomber 1.6. 1943. '
oil they 0
hey order yEveretta ZjBaldWin ‘ Rufus Woods of Wenatchee
’ l
m air, .fi .
. ' MiCESEIt' 1:110 Mg: :5ng lWash., is visiting his sister, Mrs.
. . . Oliva Hunter. Mr. Woods is the
g m the Belfalr post Office publisher of the W e n a t c h e e
’ ‘ 8 Past two years, has left
JLO S attle to take Nurses training VVOfld'
Columbus Hospital. Mary There will be another old time
has our best wishes. dance at the community hall this .
Elli-131113;“ air News lMid-Skokomish .
inn. t d ,N B .t. . SAFEWAY PRICES
em 9 l 9W8 re“ “’5 551.253. 25.34:..2323.Ans:i:°.tm ARE IN
Lunch Box
SPREAD . . made ¢
with pure mayon-
_l anemia-SW naise base! PINT
Albert Glencross spent Saturday‘, the 18th. Supper will be
eek at the Lucy Foster home DOUUCk Style-
8 vegetables. The school children have had
18 Foster, who is training an extra week of vacation as the
0ma General Hospital, was I remodeling of the school house
September 4 and 5. Katie is l was not completed in time. Also
nthusiastic. lone of our teachers had the mis- ‘ My”. JAR
,gBtaldwin left Wednesdaygfortune to be in an auto wreck.
0 report to the Army. Mrs. Ford from the Upper Valley
I MEA “ii, NeWktirk lfefxivthiis Wiek is taking her place until She is
Duchess Nu Made Good “st'ck to the ibs” lunche a t b t
niversiy o as ing on able to teach. I -r s re us a ou
IUITS fiftkher second year of 001- Mr, and Mrs, Jesse :Cl‘homa: alndi
sal’d Dressing MaYOnnalse the most important meal of the day . . .
.. ' hildren made a rip 0 Gen raia . - . .
~ Donna Newman who helle . Notice the FRESH With the oun sters headln back
t ch 1.
F°°°S A "siting her sister Mrs. Wal- “it? diff: envdv'nnnson
and “fled-RES?! W‘th EGG flaw” 0f N“' the time £70 lagin su
lie gr the 't O S 1'02 alloolv ls
‘PRICES "15°11 in EllenSburgi return' daughter Wilma have
returned p S mgre lents' Made!” y pp S O 1 ems 18 e e OW‘
e IaSt week home after a month’s visit in
DSPORT lMissouri and Chicago.
l Mrs. Paul Hunter visited her .
1’ , , sister, MI‘S. Ed Ahern of Bremer— ¢ ¢ W
‘ . mqu from who or“) ton, a couple of days last week.
Warren Johnston is adding a v
it ' . d; . .
fxllivggt t3: ffifiqgugggfi new addition to his barn. Mr. T E
ght should be 10% money Bailey is the carpenter. The Hunt- -
(“her values of ‘to'day will er Brothers also are building a . . .
tfor good. neLW/I barnc'l M Ch t V 11 d Check your Ration Books NOW . .
. . 1 r. an rs. e a ey an night Se tember 20th is the deadline for
Beekwnh reported on he children of Tacoma, spent Sunday Blue ’R_s_p1-
Ration Stamps I
Organized Mason County .
Council which is already at With Mr. and Mrs. Valley.
d chil- _ ,
“nth “5 Program and mm)“ Mrs‘ Arthur Jehnson an Julia Lee
Wright’s “enriched” white. LARGE 1V-LB.
_ dren spent Labor Day at Twanoh ,2
the secretary, Joe Thor Park with her sisters, Mrs. Ed ............ ..
ho favored the club withl
showing voice and energy Burnett and Mrs. Avene Richert Highway, standard
grade Clings, 29-oz.
. of Shelton.
inféféiéiisin 31. {$33. pit? Mrs. Arno Johnson and s... . Hormel’s any
E-z (18) FRUIT COCKTAIL .......... _. 16¢
: at the Club rooms. Jack I Wesley visited in Seattle over the fgrsg Meat.
v c Hostess Delight, extra-standard grade, 16-02.
J Week end. - .
r., home on a $1101?t fur Fred Ferris, formerly of the (21) BARTLETT FEARS
From his ship after plenty of
In ~ valley. has moved back from Ta- - , , Rainier Brand, standard grade,
es durmg the year’ m coma and started to work at S S ' ’ d
. - f 2 ) v-8 COCKTAIL .... __ 14 Julia Lee Wrights CRACKED WHEAT, 1—LB.
Was a guest of the club “nth Camp Three but had the _mis or V ( _ _ _ _ _
_ - _ __
catto but was not inclin- tune of getting hurt the first day DEVILED HAM
LUNCH MEAT Blended Vegetable juices, 18-oz.
he earned three service;
- but ex ects to be back at work . .
tigibls—est' soon. 'IPhey have settled in Shel- E12??? rEdevtAeg
a“: (Igorkd LEthh) ( 6 ) ________________
VISIT SON ton where Mrs. Ferris will oper- 3_0Z CAN 1’01 lzfgz CIXNPOH‘
5 Sunny Dawny Fancy Tomato Juice .
and Mrs. Roy Rector, SOn ate a beauty shop. ' - 6 .
“ d Mrs. Richard Karns, vis— Leslie Simpson, daughter of ( ) TOMATO
JUICE ________________ __ ‘
ike Rector in Seattle Sun- Anne Simpson, is staying with Mr. ‘ 1 3 lebyys
Fancy, Gentle Press, 474m I
Mike just graduated from and Mrs. Chester Valley and g0-
niVersity of Washington and ing to school in the valley.
................ .. Jun L W . ht. PLAIIN RYE LOAF 1 LB
fto Notre Dame, Septem- _——————— GardenSIde'Brand,
standard grade, 19-02. a ee “g S l ' '
or naval officers training.
\ , ' ................ .. 12
" want-Ads are showing Actlve Has Superior or Rainier Brands, 19-oz.
Del Monte, Fancy- grade, in glass, 16-oz.
e BLEACH (tibialiatangn.;n.. ---------- --14¢ M USSELS SHORTENI‘NG
Spokane became official inter-
lnational headquarters of the Ac-
me in every "we °f mi Spokane Office . M (6) menu CARROTS
______________ __10¢
'tive Clubs of the United States
I ‘and Canada yesterday when W.
HI, iW. Evavold, secretary, arrived to (14) CREAM CORN ______________ __
take charge of offices at the Des- Guaranteed FULL Sally Anne, Golden Corn.
sert hotel where he will outline STRENGTH . . . for
I] ' la war-time membership campaign cottons and linens. (18) GARDEN
PEAS __________________ __ 12¢ A tagty new, 593. a
. e ‘to be conducted by the 40 clubs in (1/2-GAL. 18¢) Highway,
extra,standard grade, 29_Oz_ food item .. . . use
the international. 11kg clams, m soups I
W ' on arrival: EVaVOld Went into _________________________ __ and
chowders, etc.
e de lconference with Joe Crowe, inter- Silver Dale Brand, in puree,
2902' 101/2-oz. a
{national president. Crowe is for-
lmer head of the Spokane Active
Pure vegetable, easy-
creaming shortening—
glistening white (4 red
points) l—LB. RE—US—
ABLE wide-mouth jar.
’club which often has been used
You 9
lin trying out projects in connec-
l . . . .. y
§;%:I.n:7tl}(l)lnallllle act1v1t1es of the a U. & I. fine granulated
, . Evavold is from Raymond. Sugar Lbs.
“It is the plan for me to keep I L ‘ r , I
I _. . .- Mason County “Coun-
I tryl-Ifresh” pasteurized Quart e
mi .
;, e’tfi'V-r" * '
Famous Fisher‘s Blend 3
“enriched” white flour. Lbs. .2 3
l '11 close touch with the other clubs
of. ill the Northwest, Alberta and
you??? :British Columbia,” said Evavold.
'7' all gifts l“Most of our clubs are in this
)tember 15 ;area but we hope to branch out
into other areas after the war.
“At this time the clubs are mak— AISO K°°|Si LUCkieS: Camels; ..
1111:;be 1Wtilli: ing Alaska 3 project. They are Chesterfields, etc.
providing the men there with re- $
g a r m e n t , creational facilities}; Our plan pro- 2
“ding phonograp s for service
. han ers ou ‘1 n t 'tl th — SAVE on Tobacco at Safewa Mason
County Cream—
g y nwn there as me W1 1 en us DOMINO Cigarettes, etc. ,,,,,,,,,, pkg. 13);
ery fresh daily. Pound .
bring in, iastic approval."
, Dr. and Mrs. R. W. Norvald are
GRANGER Tobacco, 10c size .... .. for 25¢
PRINCE ALBERT ............ _. pocket size 11¢
VELVET T b n . 11 Famous Snow-
o acco pocketesgzze 71: flake Sodas . . . 2 lb.
......... ... daintily salted. Pkg.
. , GRANGER Tobacco
‘ spending the week With Mrs. Ethel MODEL Tobacco ________ n A _ 16_°z_
l .... .. 16-02. 74¢
Flatner and Mrs. Norvald and PRINCE ALBERT
‘ lbab w'll rema'n indefinitely, '
// DRY CLEANERS ox. to XEhXEI 2:23.222. 1.6.3:.- za .
I PHONE 88 {dunes as an Instructor at Mm' FRESH Copenhagen Snuf
__________ _, 3 for 25¢ e Kra‘f’gncgémg’éeor Plnt c
Enjoy “luxury cof-
fee at this low
Safeway price! . . 2
1-LB. PKG.
Nationally known
for high quality!
32 In 1-LB. GLASS
‘ neapolis, but expects shortly to be
inducted into service.
SAPEWAY MEATS T552352§ahalarb
' ‘ POUND kam?)Ch0pS . . . . . . . lb.
Lamb‘ 32¢
‘ Shoulder, choice (4 points)
Delicious Beef Steak, Good Grade (12 red points) . lb.
Tender, Choice (6 points)
Pot Roast 250 18¢ nnfi‘éfi’l-es
Beef Roast, Good Grade (9 red points) o - - - 0 lb- No. 1 Fcy. Yakima
Tender Lamb (6 points) Pmchgs— riady Sfogncaggglrg 32-lb. box
DOVV. on mls O
Leg of Lamb Roast . . . . . . 1b. 35¢ $333 Ctgncgqeggs $3113; 1
o n c A grand dinner roast (6 points) , éuéssaggagpur points! Get I
Piece Bacon, any size. . . . lb. 33¢ y
I Beef Steak Good Grade (13 red points) Eastern Sugar cured (5 points) o
. . lb.
\. “4’
~, . :“llow when
Long Distance lines
'31 .
‘i .Th t .llt 11 I I . . lb, Extra fancy Tokay “Flame” table
e opera or W1 6 you- . . Nationally advertised brands, grade “A” (6
poms) . 6 fOr
OWhen Long gisianCBIfIrCI-l: c . o ' . . . . . lb. Sweet ears,
locally grown, delicious corn
you want 13 Crow 8 9” 16‘” sfly . Pacific salmon, sliced or piece
(No points) o . ' _ . _ .
your call to "tin. Beef Steak Good Grade (11 red points) , . Y R. B u
tt . P
are waiting.” . ' I . . lb. 3. mm. ar e canning ears. 25-lb. box
. Grade “AA”, No. 1 casings (5points) NEW POTATOES ...................
__ 50-lbs. 59¢
0We know you’ll be glad to co- , , ‘ ITALIAN PRUNES for canning 25’s
Operate and keep your call below Sliced Bologna .. . . . . . . . . lb. 35¢
gggEfi-ggggls -------------------------- ~- {3- g;
5 minutes—0r perhaps even can- Grade “AA”, No_ 1 casings (5p0ints’
SUNKIST LEMONS ..... .. ,: lb: 12¢
col it if it is not important Good Grade <7 Points) Liver Sausage . . .
. . . lb.
I Tasty for sandwiches
BACK THE ATTACK—with War Bonds
Help win the war with the money you save I S o ngilfigfggliugchés .(E;
50%.) . . . . . . lb. 29¢
1n: PACIFIC marnon: AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY Lean Cuts, Good Grade (6 points)
Luncheon M e at . . . i ¢ g.nS.NI:€t.eé gags: Vlggtséltlég lb.
uniform size, washed.
f R 1 Spiced Pork Lunch Meat (7 pouits)
Tender Cuts Beef, GOOd Grade (8 points)
27¢ UTAH TYPE CELERY lb. 893
HUBBARD SQUASH .................... .. lb. 6¢
130 South 3rd
Telephone 497