September 16, 1943 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Page Six; '
Thursday - Saturday
George Raft, Sidney
Sunday - Monday Tuesday
Deanna Durbin
William Boyd
Mrs. Coble and Mrs.
Lanning Joint Hostesses
Mrs. Roy Coble and Mrs. Roy
Lanning gave a joint farewell and
birthday party Saturday evening
at the Coble home. The birthday
was in honor of George Dixon
I and the farewell honored Will Wa-
ters, who left Monday morning
for his home in Memphis, Term.
The evening was spent playing
cards after which a delicious lun-
cheon was served to Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Townsend and son Joe, Mr.
and Mrs. Charlie Waters, Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Lanning, Mrs. Mary
‘Pugh and Will Waters. .
Former Teacher
Visits Here
Mrs. Parsons of Kelso, nee Miss
Phyliss Thompson who taught in
a local school last year, spent the
week end with Miss Geneva El-
Mr. and Mrs. Mongrain
Entertain Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Jacober
and children, Delbert, Alice and
George of Bremerton, Jud J acober,
U.S.M.S., and Lawrence Beck,
A.T.S., both of Seattle, Mr. and
ll Mrs. Raymond Scott of Shelton
land Mrs. W. C. Getty and chil-
dren of Belfair, were Sunday
guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. A.
Mongrain at Belfair.
Mr. and Mrs. Mongrain drove to
|Tacoma Sunday evening to visit
itheir son Pfc. Larry Mongrain,
who just returned from Army
maneuvers in Oregon.
To Chicago
| Mrs. A. G. Nehring and Mr.
and Mrs. Robinson Bell left Mon-
day by train for the East to visit
relatives. Their first stop will be
Visiting Longview
Mrs. Donald Northness and son
Donald Gerald left last Saturday
for Longview, Wash, for sever-
al months visit with her husband’s
lparents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Dress Shop
“Little Women’s”
$6.90 to $19.7 5
Gay Colors Many to Choose
New Shipment of
Sizes 9- 11 — 12- 13
Hours 10 a. m. to 5:30 p. m.
V.F.W. and Auxiliary
Attend District Meet
Members of the Veterans of
Foreign Wars post and Auxiliary
No. 1694 attending the Fifth Dis-
trict meeting held in Elma Sat-
urday evening were Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Grey, Mr. and Mrs. Gene
Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Springer, Mrs. Sue Weaver, Mrs.
Betty Welch and Oscar Steen.
Mrs. E. F. Martin is secretary-
treasurer of the Fifth District
and Mr. Martin junior vice com—
mander of the Grays Harbor
County Council which met jointly
with the Fifth District post. Mrs.
Weaver is president of the local
auxiliary and Mr. Grey the com-
mander of the local post.
Dorothy Redfield, formerly of
Aberdeen and a graduate of the
V.F.W. National Home in Eaton
Rapids, Mich.,_ was introduced dur—
ing the evening and gave a talk on
her years at the home.
The next meeting will be held
September 17th at the Memorial
Hall starting at o’clock sharp.
Mrs. Stella Mackey, Mrs. .Ethel
Compton and Mrs. Arma Springer
are in charge of the supper ar-
From Gardiner
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hamilton
and daughter Mary Lou of Gard-
iner, Oregon, spent several days
in Shelton last week visiting
friends. They visited Mr. and Mrs.
R. F. Eddy Saturday evening.
Dean Palmer Honored
Saturday Evening
Complimenting the birthday an-
niversary of Dean Palmer, Mr.
and Mrs. George Andrews enter-
tained with an outdoor picnic sup-
per at their home Saturday eve—
Guests present were Mr. and
Mrs. Donovan Palmer and sons
Dale and Dean, Mr. and Mrs.
Swartz and children of Oregon and
Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Andrew’s mo-
ther, of Seattle.
Mr. and Mrs. Laney Schuman
of California were their. guests
over the week end.
Visit Hoquiam .
Mrs. Marvin Carter and chil-
dren spent Saturday in Hoquiam.
Monday Visitors
Mr. and Mrs. Noble Hyde of
Bainbridge Island visited Mr. and
Mrs. Glenn Chase Monday morn-
ing on their way to Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. Coble
Have Many Visitors
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Coble and
Mrs. Mary Pugh, who have mov-
ed to the Skokomish Valley had
as their visitor over the week end
Mrs. Pugh’s daughter, Mrs. Eva
Clough of Tacoma.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Stackhouse
~and daughters Edna and Winni-
fred and Mr. and Mrs. Will Whi-
tom and small son of Bremerton
were Sunday callers.
Lake Isabella Club
Holds Regular Meet
Mrs. Glen Gardner was hostess
for the last regular meeting of the
Lake Isabella Club. A potluck
luncheon preceded the meeting.
Mrs. Jim Olson, a visitor joined
the club at this time. Mrs. Vera
Huntington won the penny drill
and Mrs. Jim Butterfield was sent
a farewell gift. l
Vitamins Plus ......... ..
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........
Vitamins A, B, C, D, G, with liver concentrate, iron, 72’s
Navitol-Malt Compound- values at 1.69
Supplies necessary vitamins!
Sterilized and Offers a Vented
5 Vitamin Vigran ______________ _. 50 fOr 2.54 protection to minor
Squibb‘s bottle of 50 vitamins A, B, C, D, G , and cuts-
50 cc. of Navitol .............................. .- 2.67 36 for
___________________ __ 23¢
Ideal for growing children‘s deficiencies
Super D Codliver Oil .......... .. 16-02. 1.39 JOHNSON & JOHNSON
B l V't ‘ B C l , 100 for 1.98
Sgecapsdleas’filg423 ' omp ex Gross Bandage
Vimms .............................. _. reg. size 49¢ 1 in. by 10 yards
................ .. 3,:
6 Vitaminsva Minerals, large $1.69 gVizn maybz'oliylai’gsrdsu
---------------- -~ 100 for 238 in: by 10 yards: ........ “I 23¢
ngggvgaVIS'ABDOL ______ ..'box 100 2.98 ' ADHESIVE TAPE
Abbott ABDG .; ________________ .. box 100 2.98 V2 inzby 5 yards
.................. .. 10¢
Improved 1 by 5 yards ..... .. 20¢
Bax -------------------------- 30 day supply 1-39 $52: 3; 2 2.53211:
.............. .1133:
The Complete Vitamin Capsule
Bax .......................... _.
The Complete Vitamin Capsule
.......................... .. 90 for
Vitamins A and D
Vitamins A and D
B Complex Tablets
We Still
Can Supply
Several Brands
15 day supply 73¢
1.17 A
________ ,. 180 for 2.11
.......... 90 for 2.17
We Have
A Fair Stock
' of
Candy Bars
ROP.’ ~ 5
Red Cross Cotton
fine quality cotton useful in
the household, office or factory
. and as a toilet accessory.
4-oz. ...................... .. 33¢
We Are Still '
Coca Cola
At Our Fountain
LILLIAN WARREN, Society Editor
Pretty Naval Wedding
Performed Saturday
Saturday evening a delightful
naval wedding, as pretty as story
book weddings, performed in the
Methodist Church, united in mar—
'riage, Miss Marjorie Lane Tay-
lor and Ensign F.
both of Chicago.
The marriage was solemnized
by the Reverend R. W. Maulden
at 7:30 o’clock before a lovely
floral setting of gladiolus and
harmonizing autumn flowers.
Given in marriage by Lieut. G.
O. Trapp, the bride wore a dress
of cerulean blue with a matching
ostrich feather hat. She carried
a shower bouquet of creamy white
gardenias. Mrs. Maurice Barrett,
matron of honor, wore a dress of
a deeper blue shade and carried
a bouquet of gardenias combined
with pink rose buds.
Ensign William Cook was the
best man. Ushers were Ensign
Jerrold K. MacDonald and Ensign
Dean J. Birdsong.
Before the couple left for Par-
adise Inn, where they will spend
their honeymoon, a. reception was
held at the Naval Auxiliary Air
Station in the Batchelor Officers
Quart’ers. The bride’s table was
centered with a beautiful wedding
cake and Mrs. Paul MacDonald
presided at the coffee urn. The
young couple will make their first
home in Shelton, where Ensign
Hamilton, a naval aviator, is sta-
tioned with his squadron.
During the week preceding the
wedding the bride-elect was com-
plimented with a dinner party and
bridal shower. Lt. and Mrs. G. O.
Trapp entertained with a dinner
party at their home on the Sound
and Mrs. Charles Edwards and
Mrs. Paul MacDonald were joint
hostesses at a delightful tea and
bridal shower Wednesday at the
Colonial House.
W. Hamilton,
From Sebastopol
Mr. and Mrs. Max Cox ’and son
Max Jr., left Wednesday for their
home in Sebastopol, Calif., after
spending a week with Mr. and
Mrs. Guy Hutchinson. Mrs. Cox
is a sister Of Mr. Hutchinson.
W.B.A. Field Director
Will be Here October 1
Mrs. Katherine Bowen, state
field director of the W.B.A. met
with the association last Friday
at a luncheon at the Hotel Shel-
ton. A business meeting followed
and plans were made for the
meeting October 1 at the home of
Mrs. Nick Ruff when Mrs. Bowen
will again be present.
Mill Creek Club
Holds Meeting
The Mill Creek Economic Club
held their first meeting of the
fall season with Mrs. W. L. Knee—
land on Wednesday. A potluck
lunch preceded the meeting.
Mrs. Marie Hart
In Seattle
Mrs. Marie Hart, who recently
sold her resort, Camp Hood, on
Hood Canal after 22 years, is in
Seattle where she plans to make
her home for the present, taking
an extended rest and visit friends
and relatives.
From Boston .
Mrs. C. J. Anthon and so
Christopher of Boston, Mass, will
arrive Thursday for a month’s vis-
it with her sister, Mrs. Arthur
Rainbow Girls Plan
Public Installation
Miss Mavis Ross will be in—
stalled as worthy advisor of Shel-
ton Assembly, Order of the Rain-
bow for Girls, at a public cere-
mony at o’clock Tuesday eve-
ning, September 21 at the Ma-
sonic Temple. Miss Ruth Rowe,
outgoing worthy advisor will be
the installing officer.
Those to be installed with Miss
Ross are as follows: worthy as-
sociate advisor, June Jordan;
Charity, Nita King; Hope, Fran-
ces LeDrew; Faith, Jane McKay;
chaplain, Mildred Daniels: drill
leader, Helen Robinson; recorder,
Thelma Holthusen; outer observ-
er, Shirley Townsend; inner ob-
server, Joan Frisk; Love, Frances
Fentiman; religion, Anna Lou El-
liott; nature, Mary Eliason; im-
mortality, Virginia Gray; fidel-
ity, Marjorie Ann Valley, patri-
otism, Beverly Burrell; service,
Joan Rucker; musician, Mildred
Carter; choir director, Pat
Rhodes; choir, Helen McBride, Na-
dene Lauber, Bernadine Ogg. Mar-
garet Hamilton, Bernadine Win-
iecki and Meridee Wivell.
The public is cordially invited
to attend the ceremony.
Mr. and Mrs. Weatherill
Moving to Alaska
Mr. and Mrs. N. R. Weatherill
of Schneider‘s Prairie (Barnacle
Dick’s) left Monday for Fair-
banks, Alaska, where they will
make their home and continue
to follow the restaurant business.
Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs.
Ernie Crane and daughter gave a
dinner for Mr. and Mrs. Weather-
ill, Capt. Volney Young, Mr. and
Mrs. Don Young and daughter,
Ina of Olympia, George Weather;
ill of Schneider's Prairie and
Mert Archer of Fairbanks. ,
Shelton Women’s Chorus
Planning Mixed Chorus
Mrs. Bernhard Winiecki, new
chairman in charge of the Chorus
arrangements for the coming year,
called a special meeting of the
members of the Chorus at her
home Sunday evening. Mrs. John
L. Dotson, past president, was co-
The members enjoyed a social
hour and renewed their acquaint-
ance with Mrs. Victor Palmason,
former Chorus pianist. Mrs. Palm-
ason and her infant son, Stephen
Thorson, are house guests of the
During the business meeting the
Chorus planned to look into the
possibility of a mixed group this
year if there are enough men
available and interested. An open
invitation was extended to both
men and women who read a musi-
cal socre and are interested in
group singing to call Mrs. Win-
iecki at 546 or the secretary, Mrs.
R. B. Dickey at 343-W for fur-
ther information.
Refreshments were served at
the close of the evening.
Shelton Music Study Club
Slates First Fall Meeting
The Shelton Music Study Club
will hold its first meeting of the
fall under the presidency of Mrs.
A. L. Ferwerda at her home on
Hillcrest, September 22 at 8 p. in.
Mrs. John L. Dotson will be cc-
Mrs. Milre Grimes will be in
charge of the paper on Victor
Herbert and Mrs. Winiecki will be
in charge of his musical composi-
tions. .
The president is anxious for al
01d and new members to attend
this first meeting of the new year.
Son and Daughter
Visiting Parents
Visitors who arrived last week
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. L.
Catto are their son and daughter
and Mr. Catto’s mother, Mrs.
Maude Lemon of Long Beach.
Jack, S 1/c U. S. Navy, is home
on a three week’s leave and Mrs.
George Benoit Jr. of Newark, Del-
aware, plans to visit her parents
for four or five weeks. Mrs. Ben-
oit brought her infant son George
with her for a visit with his grand-
parents and great grandmother.
Shelton Woman’s Club
Changes Meeting Place
The Shelton Woman‘s Club
meeting to be held at the home
of Mrs. Walter Elliott Monday,
has been changed and the mem-
‘bers will meet at the home of
Mrs. A. Almaden instead.
\V.S.C.S. Report
Last Meeting
The Women’s Society for Chris-
tian Service met in the church
parlors last Wednesday for a reg-
ular meeting with Mrs. Walter
Elliott leading the devotions.
The afternoon topics, Cuba and
Puerto Rico, were taken by Mrs.
C. C. Troy and Mrs. R. W. Maul-
den, respectively. Mrs. W. A.
Brodt was in charge of the pro-
gram and a solo “Teach Me to
Pray” was sung by Mrs. Bernice
A delicious luncheon was serv-
ed by the hostesses Mrs. Tom-
Rowe and Mrs. Clifford Wivell.
Beginning on September 22 the
Circle will resume their regular
monthly meetings which will be
held on the fourth Wednesday of
each month. Circle NO. 1, Mrs:
will ‘
meet with Mrs. C. C. Troy; Circle ‘
Clare Hammond, president,
No. 2, Mrs. W. A. Witsiers, presi-
dent, will meet with Mrs. Whaley;
Circle No. 3, Mrs. L. D. Hack,,
president, will meet with Mrs. W. ,
A. Brodt.
Lutheran Choir Honors
Members at Practice
The Lutheran Senior Choir held
its regular weekly practice at the .
home of Mrs. Bernhard Winiecki
last week with a surprise birthday
cake in honor of Len Wcslund.
While the group sang “Happy
Birthday” to Len, Johan Thorson,
director, in behalf of the choir,
presented Mrs. Winiecki with two
beautiful gifts in appreciation of
her faithfulness and generous hos-
pitality in the weekly practices.
Impromptu music and songs
completed the evening.
Elliotts Enjoy Visits
With Daughters
Friday evening Mrs. Walter D.
Elliott arrived from Los Angeles
where she had been staying with
her sister, Mrs. Robert Soules. Lt.
Elliott expects to arrive Sunday
for a seven-day leave with his
parents, from Camp Haan.
Miss Marion Elliott spent Sun-
day with her parents On her way
from Eugene, Ore., to Seattle. Mr.
and Mrs. Elmer Matson of Brem-
erton spent the week end in Shel-
ton with their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Axel Matson and Mr. and
Mrs. Elliott.
Leave for Fort Dick
Mrs. Florence Scott left Mon-
day for Fort Dick, Calif., for a
visit with her cousin, Mrs. Ber-
tha Baker. Mrs. Scott’s mother,
Mrs. Florence Stevens accompan-
ied her.
of the
Christian and Missionary
Missionary_- Evangelist John
Meltzer_ Will be continuing
every night through Sunday.
Wednesday and Friday nights.
pictures from Borneo will be
shown preceding the message.
TheSe ,Wlll include pictures of
the Wild _Man and the Hcad—
Hunter. Miss Murdock will rcn-
dor speclal music. on the Vibra-
Harp each evening.
11:00 a.m. and 7:15 v.1“.
You can’t afford to miss these
Itcv. Wm. Berg, Pastor
With the renewal of many
service and social activities
this month and next, the Jour-
nal would appreciate having all
organizations and clubs appoint
a member to phone or write in
their social news.
Accounts of all parties, din-
ners, weddings, anniversary
celebrations and out-of—town
guests are welcomed for this
column. All news should be re-
ceived as early as possible, pre-
ferably by Monday or Tuesday
Bride-elects may 5 e c u r e
printed blanks for their con-
venience in sending in reports
of their weddings at the Jour-
nal office.
Episcopal Guild
Plans Rummage Sale
The St.
Guild met last Thursday with Mrs.
E. A. Middlebrooks at the home
of Mrs. T. P. Fisk. The new offi-
cers presiding were Mrs. Middle—
brooks, president; Mrs. Pearl Dut-
cher, vice-president; Mrs. Hansen
phy, treasurer, and Mrs. Robert
Tabke, corresponding secretary.
Plans were made for a rummage
sale which will be held September
24 and 25 at 123 So. Second St.
Mrs. Pearl Dutcher is in charge of
the sale. Anyone having any rum-
mage Should contact Mrs. J. T.
Burke or Mrs. Middlebrooks.
The committee has invited the
day, September 23 at 7:30 at the
place of the sale, 123 South Sec-
ond Street.
Mrs. Thomas Rowe
Entertains Thursday
Mrs. Thomas Rowe entertained
with a 6 o'clock dinner at her
home last Thursday~for her Sun-
day School Class. The members
attending were Patricia Rhodes,
Mildred Carter, Joann Frisk, Mar-
jorie Ann Valley, Anna Lou El—
liott, Margaret Hamilton and
Florence Fentiman. The group
presented Mrs. Rowe with a love-
ly crystal dish.
Janet Killmer Celebrates
Third Birthday Thursday
Mrs. A. D. Killmer entertained
Thursday afternoon for the third
birthday of her small daughter,
Invited guests were Bobby Ar-
cher, Brook and Borg Anderson,
Vella and Rella Marr, Charline
Hansen, Larry Holt, Shirley Peste
and Keith Dickey. The honored
guest received many lovely gifts
cake and pink ice cream were
Leave for College
Miss Ruth Hillier is at VVash-
ington State College where she
'will enter her senior year of stu-
yurday for Washington State to
lbegin her second year while her
lsister, Miss Jeanne Landers, will
leave Friday to enter her first
year there. -‘
F Miss Rosemary Kidwell has
chosen the University of Wash-
ington for her first year of col-
lege, before entering the medical
Mrs. W. A. McKenzie
‘Entertains Sister
Mrs. W. A. McKenzie entertain-
,ed with a luncheon Saturday for
iMr. and Mrs. C. A. Friedrich of
i Tacoma and Sgt. and Mrs. Gerald
,M. Pepin of Littlerock, Ark. Mrs.
{Friedrich is the sister of Mrs.
l McKenzie.
You’ll find things
you really need!
Soft, warm blends of wool
Bors; WARM
._._. __.L__._ _...._.___.. ._-- y______._.._ .____._.._...—
David Episcopal
* on the Service Man’s
} List Of Christmas Gift.
Berg, secretary; Mrs. Phil Mur-‘
Guild to meet with them Thurs-v
and during the afternoon birthday !
dies. Miss Helen Landers left Sat- ,
Warm, classic style to wear with suits, skirts or
slacks. Sturdy wool in bright colors. Sizes 34 40
onus: "'SLO—PFY‘T 'stlrovaks
ored favorites with push-up sleeves, crew neck. 8-163
Jacket-style with woven herringbone cloth-iron! and
trimmed with. ribbed knit for sturdy warmth.
Rugged interlock knit in handsome two-tone stripe
tirontmmodelsb solidAcolor‘trim. APractical“ shades.
Thursday, September 16,
ay; 5
l Activettes Schedule
iComing Meeting
1 The Activettes will meet Sep-
ltember 28 with Mrs. J. L. Rep—'
Ilinger for a regular o’clock,
meeting. Anyone unable to attend
should contact Mrs. Replinger be-
,fore the meeting. Last Thursday
the group honored Mrs. George
{Gilmore with a farewell party.
,Mrs. Gilmore is moving to Olym-
'pia where her husband has been
] Phone 232
Say It
They Bring Comfo 0
and Happiness :
Delivered anywhere, anthe Nani}?
' Victor Pg.
Trans Floral 8 $13,533,“
Shelton Hardware Bl " as Exem
lv Victor 1
Dersons ha
‘3 Red are
8 same. (lu
“9 Peterson
have them! !
Identification brace-
let with safety catch
—in either 12 k gold
plate or sterling sil-
ver. Engraving done
free of charge.
$2.50 to $9.00
Gifts —- Jewelry
and rayon. Bright“ col-‘
A recent survey made by YANK,
The Army Newspaper, shows shock
proof watches near the top . . . we
Waterproof — Shock Proof ,
Non-Magnetic —— Radium Dial
F. E. Beckwith
oonv PENNEY merchandise is fashioned to meet ‘
ten! wartime wants and needs. All along the .
'we have made service our keynote and usefulness " ‘
aim—Penne‘y's values have taken on new meaning in
At Penney's you pay only for intrinsic value, not
unseen "exuas"——at Penney's you pay for what you ‘
andwhat you get is the best the market odor-d5.
[at the .‘l(l(
‘3 the same
ul‘t. lugf‘ll
eY'Vlce wiihi
‘8 of first
01‘ the sum
0f first pill
Tower. S
Yruix‘or Esta!
ern Life
l Wash.
,, CASE:
' F W
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Monty C. .1
.Slxty day
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.ntiff at hi
elfied and
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Case of yo
*- will be
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‘Which will
the saic
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8, execute
is on DC
, J. W. G
. Attorney
,; Address:
Govey Bl
" COl