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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 16, 1943     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 16, 1943
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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ber 16,; Lay,'September‘16,1943;< I .. ~-__ “AMELIA... - “171----.. _ I .-.i w . v I (20) y It i . { NOTICE Is HEREBY GIVEN that W ' pursuant to and iii coni'oriiiity , . an order of theinBoard of County Com- missioners ot’ ason (,‘oiinh State 19 Comfo N0- "Fm ., Washington. duly made 'anil appiness OTICE T" (“EDITORS , on the 30th day of August. 1943. order )ESIGNS . SUPERIOR COURT OF TllE’ing the undersigned to sell. in OF‘ \VASIIINLZ’l‘UN' ll‘lil't. manner provided by law ISei-tion 133. BOUQUE 'COUNTY OF MASON Chapter 253. Laws or I927). the Where, anth [N PROBAqu dersigned will on Saturday. lllt' 8. Matter of the Estate of day of October, 19-13 at the hour I ‘V'lctii‘r Peterson. Deceased. ten o'clock in the l'orcnoon of . ls hereby given that the un- day at the from door of the I d has been appoinied and has ~House in the City of Shelton. rdware B aS_Execiiti-ix ot' the, estate County and State. offer for sale. lV Victor Peterson. Deceased; not less than the minimum pricc stated persons having ( ims against.l below, plus advertising and “fused are hereby required to costs. to the highest and best. bidders. ,e same. (liin verified. on said all the right. title. and interest “9 Peterson or her attorney oi" said Mason County. excepting there» [at the address below stated. l’rom. lii'in‘Vt‘l‘. all public roads. 9 the. same with lllt‘ Clerk of roads. streets or alleys now urt, “gnu”... Wm, pm“ of or rights-of—wa)’ for roads now owned I'Vice within six months after by. or sought in bi: ulllll‘i'ln'iilll‘d t8 of first publication of this 01‘ the same will be barred. of first publication August 27. JOSEPHINE PETERSON, Executrix of said Estate. Address 1215 Northern Life or streets. by said county. tracts. in and to the, scribed real properties, said County and State. to-wit: w'l‘ower. Seattle. \Vnsh. Description No. 1. Lots 1. 2, BARNARD, and 8, Block 12: Beverly for Estate. , Addition to Shelton. Mason rthern Life Tower. Washington. Offer $30.00. 5 i Wash. 8-26—9-2-9-16—-4t. Description No. 2. Lots 4. 5. 6 and 7. i in S , pings-121101.: 4.15.76lemil 7. Block ; O s . .i. ' ant . Ock 15; Lots CA§%M§‘8N§28, 1 to 5 and 16 to 20 inclusive. Block J: SUPERIOR 'COURT OF THE 22; and Lots 1 to 5 and 16 to .'l OF WASHINGTON FOR , N COUNTY Alexander dba Washington Company. Plaintiff, ‘ .C. Arc er Defendants. STATE OF WASHINGTON MOnty C. Archer and Faye L. Defendants AND EACH OF YOU ARE Y, SUMMONED to appear Sixty days after service of ' mons upon you. exclusive of of service, and answer the,‘ fit and serve a copy of your uDon the undersigned attorney .ntiff at his office address be- Sift 2. Mason County. $42.00. 51: 52; All Block Block elusive. inclusive. and Faye L. fer $190.00. Description No. the Unrecordcd Plat Park Tracts described 4. Tract No. In Mill as (NElé) Northeast of Southwest quarter quarter W.M. Offer Description No. Case of your failure so to do. *- will be entered against you " to the demand of the Com- inclusive. Block 77. with entered 2nd Said Court said cruising CCC in use. this date for public roads. CCC roads and pro- vided further that proceeds from sale. of forest products shall apply on con- following situated 3. 0'. Heights County. inclusive. Block 23: All in Detroit No. Washington. Offer Description NO. 3. Lots 6 to 13 in- and Lots 6 to 20 in Lilliwaup Falls. Mason County. Washington. 01‘- 46 of Creek follows: The Northwest quarter (NWI/i) of tho (SW14) of Section 25. Township North. Range 3 West'. 5. Lot 2. Block 8’. Amended and Corrected Plat of Shel« cifigd and defend the above Eon.$ll\(’)l%%on County. Washington. - , . er . . acuon m U" court aforesald‘ Description NO. Lots 11 to Hood Canal Land &Improvcment Co's Addition to Union. (‘O NIMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS AUGUST. I913 WWVW WWW August. 27194:: i FOP Board iiici in re ‘ular session. Pres— ' ' ' ' ' 'v' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 1 cm were V. 10. Paul. Chairman. 11. R.- A Dickinson and H. ’l‘reiudunann. Com- l, FOR SALE: pigs, 8 WkS. Old. New “i.'-*‘f,‘“"‘E-“. 31’“ “any “WNW t‘li‘I‘k! Hampshire Red pullets three o ic oart . ' it was moved {lllll seconded that m‘mths Old' Ca“ 1'F‘6- i War Risk Insurance on Court LQ-lfi—lt. Ilouse. HPI'Ol'dS. Memorial Building and Sociall Security Building be renewed for en- i ITALIAN PRUNES for sale. You suing year. Carried. . . . . . 1,, u... _,,,att,.,. m- ama-mung Dis,- pick, bring containers. .30 lb. llefiltlirlthtiiei'. the Board ltaa'll‘llg met August Carlson, Route 2, Box wi l iiirston County Boar hurs-w’ w ' _ _ (flay. July 29. to consider Iapplications: 171' Halsrme ISland' 9 16 1t' l or posi ion and it having Jeen agreed . ~ . to appoint Dr. Jack Eason, it wasiFOR SALE- rebullt UnderWPOd ll oved and seconded Dr. Jack Eason typewriter. perfect condition. be appointed Dist. and County Health A130 tennis racket and press ol'i er t'or ensuing term. Carried. . k1. L rtil'i'rate ol' Necessity for use of M- ’ - 139911119“. 13 6 Fran mi ’ 127 tons of cutback asphalt for over— 9-16.”.1t, all surface maintenance on Mathck “M ahptwil‘)“i E“"“‘“ ““t‘ Shelton MILL WOOD FOR SALE: orders rcteive ant t‘ie. . , . . . Remittance» in the amount of $460.00! f0) dehme OLItSIde C‘ty hmlts from Geo. M, Gi‘isdale Consl. Co., i'oi-i now being taken at Morgan equipment rental. received and turnedi Transfer. Orders for Hoodsport and Potlatch taken by Lock- our to Treasurer for credit of Rnadl Dist. No. 1. wood Lumber Co. M9~16tfn. Rcmittance in the amount, of $25.00 froii. Marion Smart for equipment rental. rereived and turned over to FOR SALE; heater, new, still in Nita?!” for “mm "1 Road D'gn'ml crate. Also Lang oil flamecook Letter from Mason County Youth. stove, like new. 1312 Edgwood, Council asking that Board appoint Hillel-est “1946.141; Emileorie to repdresent them on the ounci . receive . ' . It was moved and seconded that FOR SALE: WOOd and coal klt' Commissioner H. R. Dickinson be ap- chen range with coils. Very pointed. Carried. SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL '— JOURN WWW ‘WW‘ For Sale “m‘MAMAAAAAA‘AALA- I FOR ’FOR SALE: Red fryers. SALE: Purebred Cockerl Spaniel pups. 7 wks. old. A. Lindrotli, 621 North Second. . 9-9—16-v2t. Frank I l Salmi, Summit Drive. 9-16-23-—2t. [ FOR SALE OR TRADE for truck: acres land 1,4 mile from Hood Canal at Union. Small unt‘iniSh—l ed house. good spring. Herbert Allen, Union. Phone 354, Union. 9-16~-1t. _ . 1 FOR SALE: 18 month old Jersey and Guernsey bull. A. Schiller, , Kamilche. 9-16-30 —-.'it. , .L Em SALE: white enameled nick- , good condition. Call 360. 09-16—1t. FOR SALE: 15 months old Jer- sey bull or trade for cow or Claims allowed. Remittance in the amount of $124.25 for gas tax refund, received and. turned over to Treasurer. Board adjourned. August 4, 194:1 Board met. All were present. Claims allowed. Box 86, Shelton. It was moved and seconded that the 9_16_23_2t folllowing resolution be approved. Car- ' riec . . Resolution re excise tax. [FOR SALE- Several head baby It was moved and seconded that beef and prime steers. Would effective August 1. the wage scale make excellent Maker meat. Ted for road crews be raised $1.00 per day. as follows. Carried. Foreman $8.00.- Traxcavator Operator $8.00. Cradcri Operator $7.50, Truck Driver $7.00. and Laborer $6.00. a) Request from Commanding Officer. Naval Auxiliary Air Station. Shelton. Richert, Star Rt. 1, Box 86. 9-16-23fi2t. i FOR SALE: 6 Durham and Guern- sey cows and 6 young heifers. ts on October 19. 1938. J. W. GRAHAM. Attorney for Plaintiff Address: Suite. No. 5 Govey Building. Shelton. Washington. 8~12-19-26—9-2-9-]6-23—7t. ALL DAY SUNDAY. A SERVICE 1 Phone 392-J A CLHOME CLOANS ‘No QELAY Tltle Insurance Bldg. ned to meet along the usefulness meaning in : value, no‘ ~1- what you .7 r. afictds. I herewith served upon you. ‘action is based on a promis- 8. executed and given by the, IN COUNTY MOTORS i adv. Flick will be filed with the £43563) County. Washington. Offer .- the said com-L a “my Of Description No. 7. Nl/é NWl/l. Sec,- tion 7. Twp. 21 N.. Range 1 W.W.M. Offer $130.00. Description No. 8. NEl/j, NWI/l. and NWLQ NEH, except part of Tract No. 2. both in Section 19. Twp. 22 N.. Range 1 Tract No. 2 is de- scribed as follows: A strip of land 400' in width lying 200’ on each Side, of a center line described as follows: Beginning at a point on the West line of Sec. 19. Twp. 22 North Range West. distant 272' south of West quarter corner thereof; running thence North 68° 30' E. 4441‘ more or less. to the East line of West half of NEIL of said Section containing 40.77 acres. J__’___-— Convenient Terms Reasonable Rates n_County Savings Loan Association Subject to easement granted by Ma- son County to Bonneville Power Ad— ministration over and across NE14 NWIA. Offer Description No. 9. SW1/4' NEIA ex- cept part of Tract No. 2. SE11, NW1; except part of Tract No. 2. NE% SW14. NW% SW14 except part of Tract No. 2. NWIA SE14. all in Sec- tion 19. Twp. 22 N., Range 1 Tract No. 2 is described as follows: A strip Of land in width lying 200' on each Side of a center line described as follows: Beginning at a pomt on the West line of Sec. 19. Twp. 22. N.. Range 1 West, distant 272' South of West quarter corner thereof: running thence North 68° 30’ E. 4441‘ more or less, to the East line.of West half of NEDA of said Section. containing 40.77 acres. Sub- Ject to easement granted by Mason County to Bonneville Power Adminis- tration over and across N16, SW1/4 and SE14 .NWIA. Offer $172.00. ‘Descrlption No. 10. NE%, NEVA. Sec- tion 28. Twp. 22 N.. Range. 1 W.W.M. Offer $150.00. Description No. 11. SW14 SW14. Section 31. Twp. 21 N., Range 2 W. W.M. Offer $60.00. Description No. 12. NEM1 NWI/l. Section 4. Twp. 20 N.. Range 3 W. W.M. Offer Description No. 13. SE14 NEH/1. Section 35. Twp. 20 N., Range 3 W.M. Offer $80.00. Description No. 14. NEIA SW14 and NV; SE14. Section 10; 81/2 NW1,4. and NW‘; SW13. Section 14; all in Twp. 21 N.. Range 3 Offer $520.00. Description No. 15. Eva SW14. NEl/Q- SEMI. Sl/z SE14, all in Section 32. Twp. 21 N.. Range 3 Offer , $225.00. Description No. 16. Wi/z NWIA. and NW 1,4 SW13. Section 22. Twp. 20 N.. Range 5 Offer $180.00. IDA OMER L. DION. (SEAL) Treasurer of Mason County. 9—9-16-23—3t. NCE‘ I m, . I VICTO EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT GOOD MUSIC 1st; and Franklin Admission 50¢ A HIP vou FiiEiiiiiI ' BY BOAT FAST FREIGHT SERVICE WITH DOOR DELIVERY IN SHELTON rattle Freight should be routed via Str. Indian, Ferry Dock, °°ma Freight via Str. Skookum Chief, Milwaukee Dock, No. 2 Time Schedule as follows: Leaves Tacoma daily, except Sunday at 5 p. for Olympia and Shelton Arrives Shelton daily, except Sunday CLARENCE CARLANDERL President liven SOUND FRGHT LINES Cliff Wivell’s CERTIFIED ‘Representative in Mason County for 1| "m la " ' , V f PRODUCTS COMPANY s p. ‘High Grade Fuel and Deisel Oils PROMPT SERVICE Phone 397 Wash. that Satsop Road No. 2 (Old Matlock Road) be, closed through air port from and after August 14th. it was moved and seconded that the fol- lowing resolution be approved. Cab, ried. Resolution re closing of Satsop Road No. 2 (Old Mallock Road). Board adjourned. August SKINS Board met. All were present. Claims allowed. ' l Day spent considering claims. Board: adjourned. August 9, 1943 Board met. All were present. Claims allowed. Permission was received from Simp-, son Logging Company to use gravel' from Simpson Company lands for maintenance of County Roads. Notice of application of Thomas Kennedy. Peek Inn Tavern. Belfair. of Beer and Wine. License. received and filed. Refund from City of Shelton in the amount of $13.50 for water rent on Elnora Johnson house received and turned over to Treasurer. Remittanco in the amount of $9017.52 I from Motor Vehicle Fund, Mason Coun- ty's share of Gas Tax was receivedl and turned over to Treasurer forl credit of County Road Fund. Board adjourned. August 16, 1943 Board met. All were present. Claims allowed. Auditors count of Treasurch cash’ . as of July was examined and ap- proved. Iicmittance in the. amount of $230.00 for Equipment rental from Geo. M. Grisdale Construction Company re- ceived and turned over to Treasurer for the. credit of Road District No. 1. Notice from Washington State Li- quor Board of applications for LicenSe as follows: Will H. Lunt. Hoodsport, Washington. Joe Conley. Joe‘s Place, Belfair. Fred W. Buding. Gas-Oil Inn. Allyn, Wayne J. Allen, Happy Hob, low Store, Union. Davis Winery. Inc.. i Grapeview, St. Charles Winery. Grape— view, Rudolph Werberger Winery. Route 2. Shelton and Stretch Island Winery. Grapeview. Wash. was re- ceived and filed. In the matter of the amusement tax ordinance. conforming with resolution. dated August 4, 1943. it was moved and seconded that the following ordi- nanlce be approved and enacted. Car- rie . Amusement Ordinance Tax No. 1. Board adjourned. August 17, 1943 Board met. All were. present.- It was moved and seconded that the folléiwing resolution be approved. Car- rie . Resolution re improvement of wing dam on Skokomish River. Day spent in preparing preliminary budgets. Board adjourned. . August 23, 194-3 Board met. All were present. Proposed plat of Hunter's Paradise was presented by W. 0. Watson. It was moved and seconded that hear- ing on same be had at the court house. Shelton, Washington. at 10:00 a.m.. Monday, September 20th. 1943. Carried. This being the time set for hearing 01! petition of H. L. Alexander. et‘ UK. for the vacation of portion of Skookum Street in Arkada, proper no- tice having been given as appears from affidavit on file. Mr. Layton Buzzard appeared to Object. until Such time as Skookum lStreet is vacated the entire length of Blocks 12 and 24. I It was moved and seconded that hearing be postponed until September 27th at 2:00 p. m. Carried. The following petition for. leave of absence was received from Prosecuting Attorney. , Petition from B. Franklin Heus- ton. . . It was moved and seconded that the following resolution be approved. Carried. Resolution re leave of absence for Prosecuting Attorney and appointment of Charles Wright. Remittance in the amount of $102.95 Gas Tax refund received and turned over to Treasurer. ,, Permission for Temporary right of way for detour bridge on south side of Union River Highway Bridge, in ~Sec. 29-28-1._ by Walter Allison. re- ceived and filed. ' Notice of the following applications for Beer Licenses were received and filed. Lucile Parrish, Jack's_Lunch. Shady Beach. Velma C. Hedrick. Old Mill Tavern2 Hoodsport. Board adjourned. , ~ August 30, 1943 Board met. All were present. I I i Claims allowed. 1 l l i Hospitalization and medical atten- tion was authorized for one week for Geo. Lieffring. Amendment to Hospital Contract for County Employees. was ordered Signed by the Chairman. . i Letter from Olympic Plywood Com- pany. aSkinE permission to cross coun~ . tv road with Water pipe line. at Lots 12. Blk. 1. Bayview Home Tracts. re- ceived. . It was moved and seconded thabper— ‘mission be granted and that Engineer prepare permits. Board adjourned to meet again TuesdaV. ‘ September 7. ‘1943. i BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS. MASON COUNTY. WASHINGTON 1 VINCENT E. PAUL. Chairman Attest: HARRY DEYETTE. Clerk of the Board. Maurice Needhams U I "i . .’ .V1s1t 1n Shelton Ensign and Mrs. Maurice Need- lham, Jr., and Miss Jo Needhamv Were at the Angle-Needham home 'for a holiday visit, Maurice re-l 'turning Monday to his duties at the Navy Yard where he is in active service and assigned to the iengineering department 'aboard one of the larger fighting ships. and Miss Jo to her school in Seat- tle. Lt. Edgar Murnen, Jr., and .Mrs. Murnen were also Sunday visitors from the Navy Yard where he is in the communications de-i partment. 9-9—1t. ‘Iiminary Budget and Claims allowed. L R. W. Strike, Lost Lake, Star Route, Box 40, Elma, Wash. 9-16—23w—2t. PICKLING CUCUMBERS for containers. Mrs. J. E. Jones,‘lFOR SALE: dining table «Route 2. 9-9—16—»~2t. N0. 4294 SUMMONS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY . James W. Matthes (formerly James V. Jacques), Plaintiff, . Loraine Jacques. Defendant. STATE. OF WASHINGTON to Lor- aine Jacques, Defendant: You are. hereby summoned to appear within sixty (60) days after the date of the first publication of this sum- heifer. Ted Richert, Star Rt. 1, I 6 l i l sale. also tomatoes. Please bring , l mons. to-wit, within sixty days afteri the 16th day of September. 1943, and defend the. above entitled action in the above entitled court and. the complaint of the plaintiff and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorney for plaintiff at his office address below stated; and in case of your failure so to .do, judgment will be rendered agalnst you-according to the, demandof the complaint which has been filed with the.Clerk of said court. The object of this action on the part of the plaintiff is to secure a divorce from defendant. J. W. GRAHAM. Attorney for Plaintiff, Office Address. Govey Bldg, Shelton, Wash. 9-16-23-30—-—10—7-14-21—6t. NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the annual meeting of the People's Party will be held at the. Council Rooms in the City Hall in Shelton, Washington, at 8 o’clock p. m.. on Tuesday evening. September 21. 1943. for the purpose of discussing the Pre- in particular. items for the youth movement; for the. election of officers for ,a two-year period; and for the transaction of such business as may regularly come be- ‘fore the meeting. E. H. FAUBE-RT. Chairman 9-9-16—2t. ‘ N 0 T I CE ‘ : PUBLIC HEARING v. CLASSIFICATION REFORESTATION LANDS In accordance with Chapter 40, Laws of 1931. notice isyhereby given that a public hearing will beheld in the of— fice of the County Assessor. in the Court House at Shelton at a. m.. on Thursday. october 7. 1943, for the purpose of passmg on the claSSifica- tion as reforestation lands, certain lands in Mason County. a list of which, with names of the respective owners. is on file with the Assessor. STATE FOREST .BOARD Per T. S. GOODYEAR. 9-16-23—2t. Superwsor of Forestry State of. Washin ' on OFFICE 0 SUPF VISOR OF H RAULICS Olympia NOTICE OF WATER RIGHT APPLICATION NO. 5894 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that William Henry Taylor of Bremerton, State of Washington, under date of August 28. 1943, filed with the State Super- visor of Hydraulics, Olympia. Wash- ington, an application for a permit to divert. the public waters of an unnamed stream tributary of Union River. in. the amount of 0.01 second- feet. subject to existing rights. from April 15 to October 1 of each year for the purpose of irrigation and con- tinuouslyrfor domestic supply; that the approx1m_ate point of diversion is located Within SE1/4 of SE14 of Section 17, Township 23 N.. Range W.W.M...m Mason County. A map showing the IOCation and plan of said diversion and the place of the pro— posed use 15 on file in the office of the State Supervisor of Hydraulics. Olympia. Vifashington, together with such other Information as is required by law. Any person, .firm or corporation whose right ’Wlll be injuriously af- fected by said application may file with the State Supervisor of Hydrau- lics, at Olympia, Washington, such QbJections or representations, in writ— ing, as he may desire to make within thirty (30) days after date of last publication, which date is September 16, 1943. Witness my hand .and official seal this 28th day of August. AD. 1943. CHAS. J. BARTHOLET. State Supervisor of Hydraulics (SEAL) 9-9—16—2t. - No. 1611 ' NOTICE. TO‘CREDITORS '1‘0 .PnESENT AND FILE CLAIMS 1N THE‘SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF 'WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY . . IN PROBATE . .In the. Matter of the Estate George Mahoney, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the undersigned. Richard J. Mahoney. has been appointed and has qualified as Administrator of the , Estate of George Mahoney. Deceased, and that all. persons having claims against the said Deceased ‘or the said Estate are hereby required to serve the same. duly verified with the necessary vou- chers attached. upon the undersigned Administrator or his attorney of rec— ord 'at the law office of Chas. R. LeWIS.,Suite 1. Lumbermen's Build- lng. Shelton, Mason County. Washing- text. the same being designated as the place for the transaction of the of 'business of the said Estate. and file such claims, together with proof of service with the Clerk of the above entitled Court, within six months after the date of the first publication of this notice. to-wit: September 9. 1943: or said claims shall be forever barred. Dated this 9th day of September. 1943. RICHARD J. MAHONEY. Administrator of the Estate of George Mahoney, ‘ Deceas- ed.‘ Suite 1, Lumbermen’s Building. S h e l t o n, Maspn ‘ County. W h' CHAS. R. LEWIS. as mgt‘m Attorney for said Estate, Suite 1, Lumbermen's Building. Shelton, Mason County, Washington. ,. 9—9-16:23-3.0:4t answer ' i l l l —-.- 1 FOR SALE»: wood or Eo’ai—"kitéheii e1 trimmed Colonial stove $50, dinette table, four chairs $10., Square Oak dining table, four, chairs $10. L. E. Dawson, Star= Route 1, Box 42. Skokomish Val— ley, 1,4 mile off main highway.' 9-16~—1t. WKS OLD PIGS $107 3 mileS from city limits on Arcadia Road. Ray Mitchell. 9-16-23~42t. l l i incinerator. Also set of four French doors. Call 309MX. R9—16—307 43t. l —_______—————— "vvv "m V " Wanted ' WMM“ ‘AunM-M‘ WANTED: waitress, also kitchen helper. Apply at Shelton Hotel Coffee Shop. 9-16tf. WANTED: bicycle in good condi- tion with balloon tires. W. W. Newton, Potlatch, Wash. 9-16—1t. WANTED: experienced waitress: Inquire Wilson‘s Cafe. 9—9—16--2t WANTED: young lady to work in bakery. Inquire Journal. D9-16—~1t. , I HIGH SCHOOL BOY wishes place in town where he can work out part of his room and board. In- . quire Journal. W9-16—1t. WANTED housework by hour. Ex- perienced middle aged woman. 9181/; East Cascade . McC9—16-30~—3t. WANTED: 2V; or 3 h. p. outboard motor. Must be in good condi- tion. Ed Wilson, Rt. 2, Box 155, Shelton, Wash. (On Harstine Island). 9—9-16-w2t. WANTED: about 8 foot late mod- e1 refrigerator. Will pay cash. Mrs. John Sells. Phone 11F1. Route 3. SQ-9-23~3t. i HIGH SCHOOL BOY “51183 work FOR SALE: modern two bedroom . evenings and Saturdays. Phone AL WA FOR SALE: pickling cucumbers, all sizes, crabapplcs, swaet ci-i ._ __1._ _ WANTED: portable typewriter in 486J after 5 p. m. P9-16mlt. Page Seven D‘s” _______.___———_————— NTll V m Real Estate “MAMMAA AAAA“. ‘ g FOR SALE: attractive refrigera- CLASSIFIED ADV ERTISING RATES words or less (minim um charge) 3 weeks $1.00. '1 week 500. tor cabinet 24 x 30 x 48 inches. Lower. rates for larger ads and 15 cords 8-ft. cedar slabs from mgé‘gadlfiel‘ygggés 3c per word , tie m‘nv can be Spht for pOStS‘ 75c minimum charge. on each notice: Steel auto truck bed 40 x 56 Card of Thanks“ 750; original I inches. Frank Robinson. Lilli- gpggli‘yy :0? per mch; classmed . a a OS I waup' 9'16'30‘ 'St' ‘1 Advertisements aclceptcd 1’ovebr to to ep lone rum p tone su Scri FOR SALE: large modern 5 room ers. Cash should accompany all house and bath. full basement, other orders 01' payill’ent made be- fore the first of the month to save expense of billing. An extra charge of 10c will be made when billing is necessary. PHONE , large. lot, chicken house, garden l space. On Hillcrest. Terms. Will take. trailer house in deal. III-' quire Journal. A9-9—23—3t. WILL EXCHANGE living quar- ters to employed couple who will do small chores. No pets or“ children. C. S. preferred. Mrs. Mary E. Nobles. Phone Union 100 i on request. ‘ WV mv ‘1‘.” WWW Classified Service AAAAA‘AAMAAAAA ‘AA A.) AAA. 25L 9_2_16_3t. PERMANENT WAVE, 59c! Do _ your own Permanent with ,FOR SALE: modern house, 4 Charm-Kurl Kit. Complete equipment, including 40 curlers rooms, dinette, hardwood floors, fireplace, wood furnace, full and shampoo. Easy to do, abso- I basement, good condition. Lot lutely harmless. Praised by 60 x 100, garden spot. Hillcrest. thousands including Fay Mc- Phone 401.1. McG9—2tfn. FOR SALE: 3 room modern house, garage and chicken house. All first class condition on 60 x 120 corner lot, good garden, fruit trees, berries, shrubs and laWn. i 433 Dearborn, Shelton. T8-26tfn. Kenzie, glamorous movie star. Money refunded if not satis- fied. Fir Drug Store. 8-5~10—7-—10t. AN IDEAL GIFT FOR , SERVICE MEN ' Real, old fashioned, genuine deluxe Gillette Safety razors. Gold and Chromium plated. Each with blue Swedish steel blades. In neat carrying caSes. At original prices of several years ago, $5, $6 and house,' woodshed, garage and utility room. large corner lot. Anna Huss. Phone 572R. der, hand picked Gravcnsteins 8_12_9_16_6t $7.50. A limited number of these and dairy milk. Mrs. R. D.I good condition. Cash. Phone ' razors Still available at the Jour- Stockwell. Phone 133.1. 9-16tfn . 570.1. C9>16-23~72t. FOR SALE: Hmcrest lot 50 X 125 mu stationery Dept. 9-16tf_ WANTED; m'en for work on 0y: East off Cascade- 0“ corner "'“iT—T- .“ chairs, range, basinette stand ster beds. Call Oscar Zandell, $35511 St-sogi‘efig- EMrS'Safiém $31; and three male Puppies. Brad' long diStancev OySter Bay, eve‘ re son' ' I I y, for, information. Deitz Business nings. J. J. Brenner Oyster Co. 9-9-30—4t. WANT TO BUY: 30-30 Winches- ter carbine rifle or long barrel, with shells, for cash. C. G. Bar- rett, Grapeview. 9-9-16~~2t. WANT TO BUY: old horses foil Mink feed. Phone 391.1 or write Andy Hansen, P. O. Box 223. 9-2tf. BRUSH PICKERS WANTED: ley Johnson, Island Lake. 9—16——1t. HORSES FOR. SALE: E. Fox, first house to left after cross-l ing Deer Creek bridge on Allyn Road. '9-2-16a3t. WILL SELL OR TRADE for 1):, h.p. motor or guns; ft. length i I of 1A) in. heavy duty chain; 10 ft. length of 1/2 in. heavy duty chain; 25 ft. length of 7/16 in. heavy duty chain; 1 pair of used I Ford truck chains. Call 492w. high prices pald- Northwest Mc9_9_23_3t. Evergreen Company, Shelton, - .. Wash. '8-26tfn. WANTED: 4 or 5 room modern house partly furnished. Steady renters. Mt. View district pre- ferred. Inquire Journal. 88-19—11; WANTED: district manager for Old Line Legal Reserve Life Insurance Company. Liberal commission plus bonus and sat— ary. Give full particulars as to in first 6 WEEKS PIGS FOR SALE: $I0 ——acros‘s from Lost Lake Dairy. Rudy Loertscher. 9—9-23—7—3t. PICKLING CUCUMBERS, largei and small. Will deliver. Howard Bailey, Star Route 1, Box 66, Skokomish Valley. 9-9-23—3t. OLD GROWTH WOOD for sale. $12 cord. Phone orders to 407M. 9-9-23—3t. ~ » age, experience, etc., CANNING TOMATOES for Sale- letter. Write Box 25 c-o Shel- Bring your own COntainerS~ ton-Mason County Journal. Frank F. Wylie, Route 2, Box M8_12_19_2t_ 133. (Pickering Pass) 9—9-23 3t ‘ WANTED: cottonwood bolt cut- .LIVESTOQK FOR SALE: COWS, ters in the Skokomish Valley. fI‘eSh and coming freSh} over 60 ' Highest wages paid. Address: head. to PiCk frpm- Jerseys; Washington Excelsior and Mfg. Guernseys and Holsteins. 35 to ' Co” 871 otheuo st” Seattle, freshen in October. Also carload . 4-1_tfn, of young. well broke workI _ horses. Ranging from 1200 to MOO-W'*bmww 1800 pounds. Used harnesses and collars. This stock may be~ bought on easy monthly pay- ATTENTION NAVY OFFICERS: modern furnished cottages, 2 merits. No down payment re- quired. Will take beef or other rooms and bath on Hood Canal. Lights, gas cooking, oil heat, stock in trade. Two miles east of Littlerock, 14 mile south on ‘ water included. $40 per month. 16 miles from airport. Lilli— Case road. H. F. Buth, Route 4, Box 278, Olympia, Wash. waup Motel, Lilliwaup, Wash. 9—16—10-14m1M 9-2-23—4t. NEED ANOTHER KNIFE 1.1 FOR RENT: two cottages, mod- ern, lights, water, garden space A few steel slicing knives and free. $15 each. Frank Robinson, bread knives are available at 750 and 600 while they last at; the Blvd. Portland, Oregon. 8-12—11—12—3M M FOR SALE: 5 acre tract, level, lights, good. well, chicken house, assorted fruit trees, berries. East off Cascade on Dickinson Hillcrest. Faces two’ street, 3 streets, Arcadia and Dickinson. College and Secretarial School, 209 Capitol Park Bldg, Olym- pia, phone 6088 9-14—10-1—1M Cash! Late Model Used Cars A1 Huerby Motors Ford Sales and Service 5th and Railroad Ave PHONE 16 Could build either end. Close to industries. Fine berry and. garden soil. Nice location. Sac-l rifice for quick sale. Terms or! cash. Write Mrs. Ann Fredson, 8051 N. E. Sandy Blvd, Port- land, Oregon 8-12—11-12—3M # FOR SALE 168 acres of land including a fine lake for fishing. Also located in an excellent hunting country. About 12 miles from Shelton on good road into property. This property could be purchased by several parties and make ex- cellent buy for lake property. with some terms. =i= >i= >i= , 2 room house, brick chimney, cement basement, good garage and woodshed, spring running through property, good spring 1 for water, and a fine garden. About 1/2 acre of good ground. A good buy. Will make an ex- cellent home. for single party orlcouple. Close in. Priced to sel. FOR CARPENTERS see C. L. Collins, business agent of Local 1800 Carpenters and Joiners. 1612 Division, Hillcrest. Phone 240W. 7-29tf. FREE! If excess acid causes you pains of Stomach, Ulcers, In- digestion, Heartburn, Belching, Bloating. Nausea, Gas Pains. get free sample, Udga, at Fir Drug Store. 8-5~11-11——15t. FLOOR SANDER AND EDGER By Day or Hour i J. , L. CATTO HARDWARE * ti: * room modern home with break- [ fast nook. $2500 with terms. ; =1: >1: >l= 1—-2 room house on 1/2 acre of good ground, garden, good gar— , age and woodshed and well. 1 Just outside city limits. $850.00 terms. {4 l * >1: :6 2 lots 7 blocks from post office. A bargain. $400.00. =5: 3!: =1: Also furnished and unfurnished l houses needed to rent. Have ‘ you one? SPEEDWRITING —— the natural method of Shorthand. NO new ¥ 5-room modern home on Hodd Journal Stationery Dept. 9—16tf. Limwaup, 9-16-30—3t. Canal: Two bedroomshwired for 88$:me FOR SALE: kitchen range. bed FOR RENT: 20 acres, 5-room eleCtrlc range’ artesmn Wen’ begins Sept. 20. Beginners learn davenport, dresser, two double beds, two coil springs, two mat- tresses, one dining table, two rockers, one easy chair, one cor- ner book case and writing desk, one library table, miscellaneous articles. Camp Hood, Union, Wash. Phone 291 Union. 9-9—16—2t. _._.__._._.__. _._,\._ FOR SALE: new and used auto parts, mufflers, cylinder heads, blocks, transmissions, differen- tials, etc. Shelton Auto Parts, 1 mile south city limits, Olym- pia highway. 8-12tf. FOR SALE: work horse with good harness. Inquire Journal office. house, partly furnished, barn, garage, no electricity. Also cow and calf. 6 miles out, Matlock Route. 1/2 mile to school bus. Inquire Journal. P9-16—1t. RR RENT: 4 room furnished house. Phone 218J1. L9—16—1t. FOR RENT: 4 room-house on Hillcrest. 635 Dearborn. Inquire Morgan Transfer, 221 South Second. Phone 344W. 9-9-23—3t. FOR RENT: 5-rpom unfinished house. 1503 Ridgeroad. S9-9-23—3t. ,.._—.——n eleCtrlc punip' Pyiters on beach’ to take dictation 90-100 words per minute in this amazingly 65 acres, about 4% miles from . Shelton, osme timber. lots of gaitSté%%E?Xgi:g74éc%LgO¥- wood, also 4 room house, good 411 Capitol Way Olympia’ pole barn. Some cleared. $1575. Washington , 9_16_1t’ Terms, $375 down. Plenty of ' ""m‘rv" v‘. «'7- ' v wood for years. See Herb Angle today. i o a: HERBERT G. ANGLE Magma CARDS 'v mvvmvvv WV ‘1 9"". l Lost and Found lI NOTICE: will party who found black leather billfold containing ALDEN C. BAYLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW Title Insurance Building Opposite First National Bank _ __ FOR RENT: two 2_r00m furnished currency and check stubs please _.____,.__,-.- 11333.16 3: cabins. Wood, lights, water. $18 return Same to Journal office i PM“ 23 ' Shelton CARD 0F THANKS month. Also ,3 room furnished and .recelve reward- Am Old age May we express in this way our cabin, wood, lights, water. Idyl- pensmner- Q9'16—1t- most Sinc‘ere apprecxation of the Wild Camp, Mt. View. FOUND. pair dark shell rim INSURANCE l 9-2-16—3t. FOR RENT: ,6 room furnished house. Mrs. Edith Whittle, near Bordeaux school, on Lake Isa- bella Road. 9-2-16—3t. FOR RENT: 2 and 3 room furn- many kindnesses, sympathies and floral offerings extended us dur— ing our recent bereavement. The McCay Family. ______.—___._._.————-——— Franchise Application No. 1567 NOTICE OF .HEARING In the Matter of the Application of THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY. a. corpora- iShed Cabins- Shake .Cabin tion, for a. franchise to construct, 1113- Camp, Union, Wash. Phone Un- erate and maintain a. telephone and ion 253' Cg_2_16__3t_ telegraph buried cable along a DOP— tion of Primary State Highway No. 9. in Mason County, Washington. WHEREAS, the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company. a corpora— tion, has. under the provisions .of Chapter 53. LaWS'Of 1937, filed With the Director of Highways of the State of Washington an application for a franchise to construct, o erate and maintain a telephone an telegraph Used Cz‘ii‘s FOR SALE: 1928 Whippet 'sedan. Good condition, good tires. In— quire Mrs. A. G. Nordling, Camp glasses in case in P. 0. Sunday. Pay for adv. and claim at Rich- I field Station, First and Pine. HERBERT G. ANGLE Office at Angle Building LOST: one white refrigerator top between Shelton and airport; on Saturday. Reward for return to Journal office. K9-2—16-3t. FOUND: two watches. Owner may have by identifying and paying] for ad. Mrs. Ed Miller, 1202i Cota. Street. 9-2-16—3t. LOST: gold chain style tie clasp: with initials H.L.M. engraved. Reward for return to Journal office or H. L. Miller, Route 2, Shelton. Was treasured gift. . 9-9-23—3t. ELLIOT B. SPRING Accounting Tax Services Bookkeeping Systems 123 4th St. Phone 565 WITSIERS buried cable along and upon a por- tionMof PriénarytyStsé‘? Eighityay lf\lo. 9 Three: 9'16—1t- In ason oun , as n on, or a -- I — period of twenty-five (25)g years, at FOR SALE: 1940 Oldsmobile Hy- the following designated points, to- dramatic 5-passenger coupe. In- wit: . Beginning atia- point on the west- erly side of Primary State Highway No. 9 as now located and of record I quire 120 East Cedar, after 6 I in the office of the Director of High- | l i p. m. K9_-16—1t. FOR SALE: 1941 Nash Ambassa- dor 8, $1300. Phone Union, 388. Write Box 107, Union. 1935 FORD, 1% ton truck, 1.w.b. Rebuilt motor not yet installed. No body, poor tires. Sellras is, you install motor, etc. Albert Anderson, Walker Park. . 8-26—916———4t. FOR SALE: 1935 Chevrolet coach, good tires. 1012 East Dearborn. W9-2-16—‘3t. FOR SALE: black 1937 Chevrolet coupe with excellent pre-war tires. Priced for quick sale. $450., See, L. Johnson, Rt. 2, Box 152, Harstine Island. ways at Olympia. Washington. said point being in the NEV. of the SW1/Jr of Section ‘12. Township North. Range 4 West. W. M., at approxi- mately Highway Engineer’s Station 115+54; thence in a northerly di— rection along the westerly si e of said highway to a point in the SW34 of the NW1/4 of said section, at ap- proximately Highway Engineer’s Station 131 00. NOW. TH BEFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN . That a hearing will be held on said application by the Director .of High- ways of the State of Washington. at his office in the Transportation Build- mg, Olympia. Washington. on the 5th day of October, 1943 at 10 o’clock A. M., .or as soon thereafter as hear- m§ may be had. ' _ _ ated at' Olympia, Washington, this 17th day of August. 1943. . BURWELL BANTZ. Director of Highways. 9—2-9-16—3t. o 9'9'16—IZF FUNERAL HOME Licensed Embalmers W. A. Witsiers, Prop. Phone 180 - - Shelton, Wash. FOUND: fountain pen. Owner may claim by identifying and paying for ad. Inquire Journal. 9-16—1t. NOTICE OF FILING 0F PRELIM- INARY 1944 BUDGET OF THE CITY OF SHELTON WASHINGTON NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Mayor and Council of the City of Shelton have completed and placed on file with the Clerk of the City of Shelton. Washington. the 1944 Pre- liminary Budget for the City of Shel- ton. a copy of which will be furnished any taxpayer who will call at the of— l fire of the City Clerk therefore; and . that the Council of the City of Shel-l ton Will meet at the hour of 8 o’clock p. m.. on Monday, the 4th day of October. I 1943. at. the Council Rooms in the City Hall in Shelton. Washing- ton, for the purpose of'fixing the Final Budget and making the requisite tax levres; and: that any tax ayer may then and there appear an be heard 3;: or against any part of such Bud~ Dated this 9th day of September, 1943. l GLENN w. LANDERS. .Clty Clerk 9-9-16-23-—~3t , CHARLES R. LEWIS ATTORN EY AT LAW Suite 1 L. M. Bldg. Shelton, Washington RICHARD F. EDDY l Libensed Public Accountant Notary Public 325 Railroad Ave. Phone 115