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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 16, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 16, 1965
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f I LTON--Iff-k$0N .C0L , I'Y 3OtrRRAL--Published in C]lNst'masto n, U.S.A.", She',ton, Washlngton Thursday, ! 2 USE JOURNAL WANT ADS IL n iiill i ..... Cosmetics for YOU (This question and answer serlet on cosmetics Is brought to you as a courtesy by Nell's Pharmacy to help you in your choice in the proper cosmetic for you.) COORDINATING EYE COLORS Q. I have green eyes, but I don't like the way green eye shadow looks on me. Is there another col- or I can use? A. Of course! There is no rule that says a woman with green eyes has to wear green eye shad- ow. Green and blue in any com- bination, for example, are com- patible. Experiment until you find the shade that will do the most for your coloring. It may be a :~oft, muted blue . . . a lively blue • . . or a deep blue. FUNCTION OF EYE LINER Q. We're havtng an argument among the girls in our office. ~orne claim that eye liner on the lower lid inakes the eyes look larger. But some of the other girls feel it makes the eyes look small- er. Who's right? A. The girls who claim that eye liner on the lower lid makes the eyes look larger are right. Apply your eye liner in two lines---one just above the base of your upper lashes and the other just below the base of yore, lower1 tushes, Then, where these two lines meet at the outside corner of I your eye, finish with a short, up- tllted dash. This will create a kind of "false eye" that is larger all aronnd. SHADOWING DEEP-SET EYES Q. I have deep-set eyes. Would eye shadow nmke them appear more sunken ? A. It depends upon the color eye shadow you use and how you apply it. You can use eye shad- aw to highlight as well as to shadow. To highlight your eyes, apply a white or pale shade of eye shad- aw just above the eyelids along their deepest area of recession. Balance this with a slight shad- owing of brown eye shadow along the bone just below your eye- brows. Add a ~/fi-inch band of brown or misty-colored eye shad- aw just above the base of your upper lashes. EXCHANGE VOWS IN LATE SUMMER WEDDING CEREMONY • 9Y MR. AND MRS. The August 21 wedding cere- mony for Kathleen Santamaria and Ronald Lee was performed by Father Marian Roth in St. Ed- ward's Catholic church. Baskets of yellow chrysanthemums and white gladioli with greens were used for decorations. Miss Santamaria is the daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Sautamarla, Shelton. Parents of the bridegroom are Mr. and Mrs. Darrell E. Newhouse, Puyallup. The bride's father gave her in marriage. Music for the double-ring rite Valiant -- Fury -- Barracuda Belvedere -- Satellite We Need Good Clean Used Cars -- Come in Now For The Best DEALS OF THE YEAR BELVEDERE 2 Door Sed. - 6 cylinder - Undercoat - Standard Trans. Washers - Varl Speed Wipers was $2410.eJ7 NOW $2195.00 VALIANT V-100 4 Door Sedan - Big "6" Engine - Undercoat - Washers - Std. Trans. Varl Speed Wipers- Lt. Blue was $2280.60 NOW $2005.00 BARRACUDA RONALD LEE ~. was furnished by Mrs. Ted Wit- tenberg at the organ accompany- ing Rita McSharry, vocalist from Seattle. A train was attached at should- er height to the bride's floor- length gown of white chiffon over netted taffeta. The train and gcwn were both trimmed in wide lace and her veil was a lace crown w{th shoulder-length veiling. She car- ried gardenias and stephanotis. The bride's attendants were dressed alike iR yellow empire floor-length gowns of chiffon over taffeta styled with bodices of lace and long sleeves. Their hats were yellow flowers with veiling. They carried sprays of white gladioli with greens. Miss Colleen Dombroski was maid of honor for the occasion. Bridesmaids were Miss Lana Mc- Inelly, Mrs. Dian Mallory and Miss Nancy Strickland. Cathy Jo Car- son, cousin of the bride, was her flower-girl. Her floor-length gown of white satin was trimmed in yellow. The bride's brother, Joey Santmnaria, was ring bearer. Best man for the bridegroom was Dennis Cooley. Ushering were George Brown, Ed Amet and Tom Tripp. The candles .were lighted by Mark and Mike Timpani. Corsages of yellow roses and gardenias complimented Mrs. San- Laraaria's blue jacket dress of lace over chiffon and Mrs. Newhouse's beige brocade dress. Both wore accessories to match their cost- ames. Yelow and white flowers and bows were used on the table for the reception whicll followed the ceremony in the parish basement. White swans and yellow and white bells decorated the wedding cake which Was served by aunts of SATELLITE Scholarships Guested lii: Lunch Saturday The Tyce in Olympia was the lo- cation Satm'day for the first fall meeting of Iota Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma, Educt~tional Hon- orary for women teachers. A brief resume of the regional meeting was presented by the pres- ident, Thelma Maxwell. It was ,qn-' nounced the state board of Delta Kappa Gamma will meet October 1-2 at Ocean Shores. A necrology service was held In memory of Evelyn Spencer. The recipients of Iota scholar- ships were presented to the group during luncheon. Present were Linda S. Peter, Rochester High school, Cynthia Stewart, Olympia High and Kathleen Smith from Shelton ttigh school. Each Firl shared her past experiences and future plans with the Iotans. For the program Mrs. Margaret Woods, creativity dramatic in- structor of Seattle Pacific college, addressed the group on the subject, "Challenge of Creativity". For those who would like to take a class under Mrs. Woods she will begin her Philosophy of Crea- tivity at 6:30 p.m. September 28 at Seattle Pacific college, GEORGINE REED GUILD MEETING IS TOMORROW The Georgine Reed Orthopedic Guild will hold its September meet- ing at 1:30 p.m. tomorrow in Heinie's Broiler. Hostesses will be Mrs. Dona Hatcher and Mrs. Stel- la Hillier. Year Several l','o,iccl l'lans Mr: ! (Jlcm Sowers, president of Beta Zct:~ Chapter, ESA conduct- ed her first business meeting of the season September 8 in the home of Mrs. Jake Hall. It was the first meeting of the group sines the annual picnic in August at the Hood Canal home of Mrs. Bill Schirmer where members, their husbands and guests gathered for the day. Officers assisting Mrs. Sowers for the 1965-66 year are Mrs. Mlc- key Goodwin, vice president; Mrs. Kyron Wilson, recording secretary; Mrs. Don Young, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Ray Rice, treasur- er; and Mrs. Bill Schirmer, par- ltaro entarian. Mrs. Jack Mallory, educational director, cngaged Mrs. Leona Jos- ltn for the evening to demonstrate how to make attractive flower ar- rangements out of paper flowers. Welfare chairman, Mrs. Floyd Ridout, announced the group will again aid Exceptional Foresters and Rogers school in their welfare projects. Members will do the catering for the 19th Hole Golf Club men's dinner tonight, Mrs. Ray Rice, ways and means chairman, an- nounced. In lieu of a social meeting this month members will go to Tacolns September 28 to the Little Theater to view a comedy. The next l)usi- ness meeting will be October 6. LI CHARTER PRESENTER -- Miss Margaret (Peggy) Cease of Bremerton, District No. 1 director for the Soroptimist Federation of America, will make the charter presentation to the new Mason County Soroptimist Club this Friday night at Alderbrook Inn. * :1: :I: * MARRIED IN TACOMA 2 Door Hardtop - Radio - Power Steering . Automatic- Undercoat - Bucket Seats with Console Padded Dash - Washers was $3211.12 NOW $2855.00 Fast Back - Automatic Bucket Seats Console Tint. Windshield - Big "6" Engine - Washers was $2803.55 NOW $2435.00 SPORT FURY 2 DOOR IL RDTOP M. Blue Metalic - Blue Vinyl Bucket Seats with Console - Automatic . Power Steering - Radio - Padded Dash - Under- coat - Tinted Win¢tshleld - 318 "VS" Engine - Washers - w/s/w Tires - Variable Speed Wipers was $3575.08 NOW $3025.00 VALIANT V-2 4 Door Sedan - Big "6" with Automatic Vinyl Seats - Padded Dash Backup Lights . Tint. Windshield was $2595.95 NOW $2265.00 BELVEDERE 4 Door Sedan - V8 Einglne - Automatic Washers - Under- coat Variable Speed Washers was $2726.20 NOW $2465.00 FURY III 4 Door Sedan 383 Engine - Automatic - Power Steering & Brakes - Vinyl Trim Padded Dash - Washers - Radio- Undercoat was $3612.14 NOW $3055.00 VALIANT V-100 Wagon - Big "6" with Au¢omatlc Washers - Varl Speed Wipers - Light Tur- quoise Vinyl Seats was $2722.15 NOW $2352.00 FURY III 4 DOOR SEDAN - WHITE Gold Interior - 383 Engine - Power Steering - Brakes - Windows - 6 way Seat - Autopilot - De-Fogqer Rear Speaker - Undercoat - Adj. Steering Wheel - Remote Mirror - Lots of ,other extras was $4014.12 NOW $3365.00 LOCAL BANK FINANCING with the NATIONAL BANK OF MASON COUNTY Low Down Payments Low Interest Rates Low Monthly Payments 707 $o. First CHRYSLER -- PLYMOTH -- VALIANT INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS Shelton MR. AND MRS. JOHN SCHUR were married in a double-ring rite August 20 in Tacoma with members of their families in at- tendance. Mrs. Schur is the former Judith Robin Mesler, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Burgon D. Mesler, Tacoma. His parents are Mr. and Mrs. Delmer Schur, Shelton. The use of fruit syrups in place of regular syrup has become in- creasingly popular with pancake eaters. Jane Windsor, County Ex- tension agent, shares the follow- ing recipes which came to her via a homemaker study by Washing- ton State university. BLACKBERRY SYRUP 4 cups jnice 4 cups sugar Mix ingredients m~d simmer until dissolved. Place in jars and pro- cess 20 minutes in boiling water bath. Syrup will be on thin con- sistency like maple syrup. ISLAND BELLE GRAPE SYRUP 4 cups juice 4 cups sugar % pkg. powdered pectin Boil all ingredients two minutes. Place in jars and process 20 min- utes in boiling water bath. This syrup is slightly jellied until it hits the hot cakes. HUCKLEBERRY OR BLUEBERRY SYRUP 4 cups puree (2/3 fruit and 1/3 water) 4 cups sugar ~A cup lemon juice. Boil crushed fruit and water 10 the bride. Mrs. Della Rue Carson Another service organization, Chapman, Mrs. Muriel Dombroskl minute~. Force through strainer or and Mrs. Murray Leeper. Others will be born in Mason County this Mrs. Bernadine Duffey, Mrs. Ern- food mill. Measure and combine in- ratine Furhmg, Mrs. Mac Grant ........ Friday evening when a new Sorop- timist club will receive its official charter at an Alderbrook Inn ban- quet which will attract represen- tatives from many other service clubs as well as numerous public officials. Mrs. Joy Kilbourne, Hoodsport realtor, will be installed .as the club's charter president with Mrs. Marjorie Fnrlong, also of Hoods- port, as vice president; Mrs. Nan- cy Beckwith of Shelton, secretary; Mrs. Virginia Groat. Union. treas- urer; Mrs. Micki Coles of Union. director. Other charter members include Mrs. Ruth Boys.n, Mason County Auditor; Mrs. Shirley Beelik Shel- ton city librarian; Mrs. Jerry Mrs. Edith Savage, Mrs. Janette Hansen, Mrs. Frances Johnson, Mrs. Lucille WoJohn, Mrs. Mabel Quiggle. The charter will be presented by Miss Margaret Cease of Brem- erton, District No. 1 Director for the Soroptimist Federation of Am- erica, and the principal address by Mrs. Dorothy Button of BeN lingham, immediate past governor of the Northwestern Region. Mrs. Mary Michaels, immediate past p~esident of the Olympia Soropti- mist Club, will install the new club's officers. The banquet list will include the husbands of the charter members [along with the other club repres- entatives and public officials. m m Today, Thursday, Sept. 16 Rota~T Club luncheon, noon, Ming Tree Cafe. toastmasters Club, 6:45 a.m., Timber s restaurant. Port commission meeting, 8 p.m. courthouse. Navy Mothers Club, 7:30 p.m., Memorial Hall. Hood Canal Woman's Club, 11 a.m., Potlatch clubhouse. Girl Scout leaders meeting, 9:30 a.m., Little house. Open meeting, open house in new Grapeview fire station, 8:00 p.m. Friday, Sept. 17 Rachel Knott Orthopedic Guild luncheon meeting, 12:30 p.m,, home of Mrs. Dorothy Jessup. Shelton Bridge Club, 7:30 p.m, PUD auditorium. Shelton Garden Club, 1:30 p.m., home of .Mrs. G. N. Brewer, Agate. Tuesday, Sept. 21 Kiwanis Club luncheon, noon, Memorial Hall. City commission meeting, 2 p.m. city hall• Fred B. Wivell Post 31, Ameri- can Legion, 8 p.m., Memorial Hall. Shelton Jaycees, 8 p.m., airport clubhouse. Shelton Rhododendron Society, 8 p.m., PUD Auditorlum., Lions Club dinner meeting, 7 p.m., Shelton Hotel. Job's Daughters, 7:30 p.m., Ma- sonic Temple. Wednesday, Sept. 22 V.F.W. Auxiliary potluck dinner Drivers' license examiner, honoring Gold Star Mothers, 6:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., police station. p.m., Memorial Hall. LDS bake sale, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., Sears catalog office. Georgine Reed Orthopedic guild, 1:30 p.m., Heinie's Broiler. High school football, Shelton vs. Elms, 8 p.m., Elms athletic field. Mason County Soroptimist club charter banquet, 6:30 p.m., Alder- brook Inn. Saturday, Sept. 18 Drivers license examiner, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., police station. Sunday, Sept. 19 Shelton churches invite you, to attend the church of your choice. assisting with the serving were Mrs. Nonie Swanson, Mrs. Opal Shimek, Miss Ltnda Lockwood and Miss Janice Smith. Grooms cake was served by Laurie Carson. Mrs. Shirley Chamberlin took charge of the guest book and Miss Linda Smith attended the gift table. The newlyweds are both grad- uates of Shelton High School. The bride attended the University of Puget Sound two years and has been employed with the State for the past year. Her husband grad- uated f~om the University of Pu- ge~ Sound in the spring and will be attending graduate school at Oregon State University in Cor- vallis. Ore.. where they are mak- ing their home. New Arriwh Shelton General llospltal Mr. and Mrs. Warren Dines, RL. 1 Box 308, a boy, Sept. 11. Clinic. Itospital Mr. and Mrs. James Gmman, 311 West E Street, a girl, Sept. 10. Marriage Licenses Applying for marriage licenses in the Mason County Auditor's of- fice this past week were: Jerry L. Patter, 38, Port Orch- ard, and Lois M. Moffatt, 35, Se- attle. Jerry G, Hill, 36, Shelton and Ruth Lauderback, 38, I~oquiam. DO tl HOODSPORT COUPLE'S GRANDDAUGH.TER WEDS tester Dickinson of Hoodsport attended the wedding of his and Mrs. Dickinson's granddaughter, Diane Dickinson of Los Angeles, Calif• in Port Angeles September 4. Miss Dickinson. a Western Air- lines stewardess married Richard Mosoronchon of Calgary, Alberta. Canada. The newlyweds will live in Calgary. Also attending ftx)m Hoodsport were Mr. and Mrs. Dick Addle- man and Mr. and Mrs. Roger Ad- dleman and family. DIRT DOBBER PRESIDENT ATTENDS DISTRICT MEET Mrs. Olaf Johnson. president of the local Dirt Dobbers Garden Club, attended a Cross Sound Dis- trict executive board meeting in Silverdale Monday. Accompany- ing her as a guest was Mrs. Archie IYnderwood. Luncheon was served to those attending. OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY TO HONOR THE MALLOWS The 25th wedding a~ntversary of Mr. and Mrs. William Mallows will be honored with an open house f~om 1:30 to 5:30 p.m. this Sun- day in the home of Mr. and Mrs. I. V. Yule, 1736 Washington Street. No gifts please. ENROLL FOR PRE-SCHOOL Mothers wishing to enroll their children for preschool can do so Yacht Club social, 6 p.m., club- house. MoViday, Sept. 20 now by phoning 426-3465. There PUD No 3 commission meeting, is to be a meeting of preschool 1 p.m., PUD commission room. mothers Sept. 27 at 8 at 724 Cou~}ty commission meeting 10 Cota street, a.iri., coui~hotise. • gredients. Boil two minutes. Pro- cess jars in boiling water bath 20 minutes. Combination Club Wii Winners In of the Shell Glub wiLh s north-south: Aamodt, Bo McNeil, For aud NornllM1 ,.Mrs. Walt pal Jeff cry. An cluh is ber 8. All vited to p.m. in the CHIk L;I sizes 3' $12.98 7 to 14 RAI A'II Sizes $5.98 to • USE oUR We Are Evenings & BIG 122 All-Weather Silk-laminated Velvets • Tweeds • Finger-Tip LAMINATED KNI ' Corduroy or 6u $12.98 to • Fine for School SPORTCASTER Ski Jackets • USE OUR Open Every Friday Evening THE LITTLE & BIG 122 West Cota Street ~-" Aluminum Pre-hung -- Self Storing -- Full 1" Thick ¢ Reg: $34.95 NOW 1-1/2" Thick 2-1/4" Thick 3-7/8" Thick FOIL ONE SIDE .............................. 15" and 23" .............................. :. .............................. 15" and 23" . ............................. .............................. 15" and 23" .......................... HEMLOCK DECKING 2 x 6 T & G UTILITY $69.00 m ,,! Of Shellon & Pine 426-4393 ' "Building Mason County" ,, ,( /i