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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 16, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 16, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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(i:' 16, 1965 SlTELTON'MASON 30URNAL-- abllalied tn aO; elstma, toum, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington FAGE 3 and milk. attended line, $40 fine. Gladys Shanks reported a boat Uhili con carne, . • , missing from her home at Minerva ...... -~- or bread and COUNTY BUILDING PERMITS Beach. With 1000 Is- Building permits approved by Mrs. Robert Hodson reported 2 pudding and the Mason County Commissioners gra.ves in a gl~veyard on John's at their meeting Sept. 7 wcre toPrairie disturbed. D~vid Knapp, wood cabin, $500; * * * Sloppy 5de on a Earl Gilettc, add to residence, $1,- SUPERIOR COURT potato chips, 500; Ray B. Dowling Co., two res- New Cas~ ) jello with idences, $16,000 each; Donald W.Carl Bushell against Charles L. milk. Copp, carport, $200; John Lard- DePoe, contract forclosure. ~ ,lit pea soup mie, add to residence, $2,000; Den- * * * meat sand- ver Bearden, wood residence, $11,- COUNTY BUILDING PERMITS cheese salad, 300; George Whitley, garage, $400; Building permits approved by milk. Kenneth McClarty, wood residence, the Mason County Commission at $13,750; Graham Dundas, remodel its meeting Monday were to Wil- residencc, $500 and James G. liam Donley, summer cabin, $600; YOUr child's Moore, carport and storage room,Paul F. Pinson, add to residence, from $500• $200. , , ¢ * * tt Rexali S,,ELTON PoLI,~'E ~OURT ~RR~ RE~E,~S Appearing on the docket in Shel-Receipts from the Harstine Is- ton Police Court before Judge Rol- land ferry for the week ending Phone 426-4642 la Halbert Monday night were Sept. 11 were $316.10, the Mason George McAuley, no arteriel stop, County Engineer s office reported. For the week ending Sept. 4, they were $332.50. It ;LTON HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM @lv ad artba Nt-W Rh r"42"18 Ixxlyli md 8% nlmll SEPTEMBER 28, 1965--- 8:15 P.M. COII @ • Extra ml m'd .mads ~Ponsored by the KIWANIS CLUB OF ------ - IGl~¢~81gJlll~~ • S|ztttofit~alll(tl~~alld SHELTON, WASHINGTON J ITIl:X)t't~ I~1~ Ernest C. Timpani, 46, superin- tendent of the Washington Correc- tions Center at Shelton, has been appointed lecturer in Sociology by Very Rev. Michael Feeney, Presi- dent of St. Martin's College• During the coming academic year, Timpani will conduct courses in Criminology in the College's evening progl~tm. Timpani has been with the Washington State Department of ~ld ~ w~ll ~ ~t t~ it ~ ~ io Institutions for the past seven wmlmml' 4--4f r)a6 , years. For the past two years he ~] ~ l~tTl~ ~ml~ has been superintendent of the ~IZ£ PRICE* Corrections Center at Shelton. pri .......... , .... or to the Shelton job, he served ~a:,~ ~m~~. as superintendent of the Wash- ington State Reformatory. . , ~ a~a~ s~, o~ Timpani received his B.A. from --I ~ ........ ~ ~1~ II~ ~,~!i.~ the University ofNotreDameand ~IZI IMl~l~,l~. 'L 'PI~ IFOR2*, FOR. his law deg,~ee from the University ~---i ~ t ' ¢ " ......... q9 •7"=" ~~~ of Notre Dame Law School. He ~~-~ ~m~'~ " ' ~.~$ ~. holds an M.A. in Correctional Ad- ~ ministration, also from the Uni- ,,.~, &~'~la tmct~i..t~st~_,~ ............ a~ x I, ~'n~t~ versity of Notre Dame. ~.zoxis He has previously served for one : ~t~li $~1~ .$t~ . S.lS*lS year on the faculty at Notre Dame and for three years on the faculty I ..... __ &t~xm~a~lx Itlx zs ~~li~ci~ $12T~' of Depauw University, Green- ~'~,=t1~ill~' s31 -,,, castle, Ind. ~ m~.~,~,m,~ . Prior to joining the Washington ~ I NO MONEY DOWN , ' - '. '- ~,~i/9.00 x 15 ' i, U~'a~" ~h*'a~ Institutions Department, Timpam wl~ was with the Michigan and Ind- lllpllmllllll OW~i~¢Imlllldiillllld iana Corrections Departments. qLY TRADE.IN NEEDED Simpson Man Is Promoled Promotion of Tom L. Reed, 27, ~ ~~ tZ~W~t~-~ Imillll • I$~ ~ tm ~ • from machine procedures analyst I~,tts.~.~mt~.tu~t-~,/.~a~'~'*~'~" Atlk NEW GOQOYF..AI R@TO ~ ~ OU~IIU4T~D ~ ~ in wodmlm~shlp and m~ to machine accounting supervisor[ ii~ A ~O00YEAR 11RS IrN~S ~ ~ @UAl~l~i~ ~Y c~ moce m~ ~ ~ ~ ~t~ LOES! for Simpson Timber Company aL ] Itit~i~,--..,~l~.~m:m*,,~~-- ...... .o..•,~,,.).r~ IHE WHOLE WORLD Shelton has been ,announced by[ -~.. ............ .~~am~,~"~ad~.m'r~ R. C. Brewer, division comptroller. I i~llltiilli~.~:-~...-- ............ Reed replaces Ed Lycan, who is resigning effective Sept. 17 to .en- Tradowell The Journal ter his family'sbusiness in Tenlno. Sheitoi, l'rintint; ConUm,lly A native of South Bend, Ind., Alignment ()r May lid l'urcha>,ied From Any Reed attended IBM school in San lihvanls Club M(,n, ber Francisco and came to Simpson Recapping Adult Admission $2.00 -- ~tudont $1.00 in 1961 from the Boeing Company. FRONT & GROVE 19th & PAC, AVE. 5th & E. MAIN Reed, his wife Janet and their SHELTON TACOMA PUYALLUP Truck Tire Service rtesy of KITSAP-MASON DAIRY three ohiidren, live L~ SheRon ....... r .... ,,' , ,