September 16, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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September 16, 1965 |
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PAGE 4 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--Published in rC0hr/stma own, U.S.A.'; Shelton, Washington
'Music New To Violin' I +.. Late To Cl oi [ Levi Publications OF
-- --k- I J-U~ ~ A~ | ~ a public bearing
RtiRIN()Fi" TIE * ~ 1 .... [ .... Board of Corn11
q WALNUT. . DINING TABLE with six feet. . to a. point within the now ex- Hospital Distric
I chmrs, $20; G.E. electric range $60; rating Pioneer Way right-of-way. County Wash[hi
Imm~m~m=~ ..., --ffi,~ | 26-inch girl's bike, $25. Phone 426-I Commissioners z
• ............ _ ........ PENNEY STAF'F HERE TO OBSERVE mm ~ 6371. G 9/161 INTRODUCED in regular Cumin[s- House on Septen
• when ~)a,ve riuolnolI appears oar con~rontea w~rn tyranny ann ~t~IIN[3~B'A _qflth BIRTHDAY TODAY l [--~lsion Meeting this 27th day of April, p,m. Ior the purl
~in popular concert in Shelton gym- treachery as Chopin knew it the ----T'~vent'v-st~ff"members of Shelton's JC Pen- 1 ]FOUND --.Parakeet with band. Own- 11965. budget for 1966.
. ¢~ • ~ ~• ,>~ h .... '1~ .......... ; ....... ~,~..;.+,, ~o ~ ,~,,,.,.,~,t - - ~ ............ 1 / er may haw~, sa nc ny iuentifying [ PASSED in regular Commission interested ctti
~na,~mm ~,ep~emo~:~ ~: .,,: y h, v~'" YF ...... ~vy-~t~ ..... ..?~ .........ney store will observe the 90th birthday of James 1 [ and paying for this ad. Phone 426- [Meeting this l~th day of Septenlbcr, attend.
[Iorm as violin so|us the Iuu scores theme or the times r'olonaise was c~.~ub Pon.~. .~-..n^. _. .h^ f ........ nati-n -'[de ~ / 24"2 o "'16 ' 1.,,= __
• ( " • , * ..... ...... v ........... ~, JLUU[llU[;;$. UJL ~|l~ CA,/IAULAIT) O "~ ~. 0 ~/ *~O0. WILLIAM
[of Chopin s Polonaise the War- written by Chopin w,th a burningdenartment store, simultaneously with their 56- • [--~:-] FRANK A TRAVIS Mayor President o
}~aw Concerto "rod Rhs"sod- m ~'*'nit of nation-I s"m"ath- and ............. m [LADY MUST SELL 61 T-Bud. Best / [)AVID KNEELAND
~-. . , , ,P y :,[,. ... ¢~ ,,~ t' J' .- SOU associates m nearly l~uu ~ e n n e y stores 1 | condition. 426-2228. A 9/16 / Comnlissioner of F'inance
Blue. has ~een nKened to ~annons ~ur- throughout the country today. 1 | ................. ~ .... ] ELROY NELSON,
The American public has grown led in Flowers". The celebration will occur at 3:00 o'clock ~ [FOR SALE6~- '459 PONTIAC. s$3~501ca~In ] .... Commissioner of Public Works NOTICE OF
n e ' ' ~none ,i ~-,~ ,. / o Attest' APPLICA2'
to love these numbers in arra g - Rubmoff knew George Gershwin Eastern daylight time, so an appropriately decor- Ill | [_. • -. ............ ,
) S * -- ............. Alma -~. Catto ully ~JlerK STATE OF W-aJ
ments f( r piano and orche.'tra, but and heard him perform the Rhap- ated, candled cake will be lit promptly at noon in • ]ROCK CUTTING and polishing equip- [Al)proved as t¢; form (~ q,r~wvIS
R ~binoff feels• they. . lend then]- .sody in Blue for the first time in the Shelton store, manager Eldon Kahny told the 1 | nmnt, ideal f)r '4beg nne'. $50. Call• af- .... [ John C" Ralgan City'Attolr ev_ ........... ~'~¥7~:~'~.~''T')dD
~,~elves equally as well to the violin. 1924. Gershwin wrote the great Journal yesterday. 1 ] tcr 6 p.m. 426-86 9. __ La 9/16 tln [ 9/16 it tion. Olympia.
Tickets for the Rub[huff concert jazz classic in a few weeks, but As he observes his 90th birthday today, Mr. • ~POO-L--T-A-B-LE-~-4 x 8, exc~ / -- TAKE NOTIC~
in Shelton are now on sale at the in transcribing it for violin Rub- Penner still takes an active part in operations of mm i dition. $75. Call after 6 p.nI. 426-8649. | NO. 3517 E'~'I~a~H~SL~~ of"
• La ' ~'~ "~ "~
Tradewcll supermarket, The Jour-inoff spent months in perfecting the company he founded in April, 1902, in the ~ [ 9/16 tin ~ NOTICE OF IIEARING FINAL on August 25 1
hal, Shelton Printing Company, or the arrangement to his satisfac- frontier mining town of Kemmerer, Wyoming. He • [TRIUMPH 650 -- Motor just over- [ Itl'ilOltTAND,I:~TITION $()R for pernlit to d!v
ma.y be obtained from any mere- tion. maintains an office on the 45th floor of the com- ~ | hauled, $550. Call after 6 426- tIN THE SL~I~E~t*{(~=~'~C(~'~T OF THE o~un~a~md ~P;/r
, , . , L ( ~..~ ~e~u.u-.,..,,
ber of the. Shelton Kiwanis Clu!~,He was more fortunate in pre- P?~Y s c~ntr;al %:adqrU:orntea;~, bui~die~g inisiNteTs York ~ [_8649_. La 9/16 tin] SATATEFoROFMA~SNSHI~GuT2Ny iiN ri2h~SseC%~tl~u~s
,ponsor of the famed musician s pa,ing the soul-stirring Warsaw .Y, P Y g . . . • .. ~ [LOST -- Male reddish-blond peking-[ PROBAT~ P P ........
at;pearance here. Concerto as the composer, Richard taKesthem on personally conauctea ~ours of tne ~ ] ese.. Reward. Pilone 426-266B9. 9/16 23 / In the M~tter of tile Estate of ADLA ~¢neSi)onU~iatl~cate~
Tickets are $2 for adults, $1 for Addinsell, worked with him on thecentral OIilces. . ............ ~ | - /V. McDONALD, Deceased of Section 17 Toy
mr r'enney-s convmuon ~na~ the ~Olclen Itule .... 2 W W M in M~
students, transcribed violin version Mr Ad- . • " . ...... ~ [1963 DODGE POWER WAGON fibre-] Notice is hereby given that Nell . • "..', ..
"A .... ~1.,..t,~ ~f th. Y?n~r~] COn :tln,~.ll ¢~lt .etar ho~rln~ Rub[n- is 3use as applicable in Dusiness as in personal life ~ / ~ iss carmer Phone 426-8384 or 426- /w McDonald as executor of the Es- . Any.oojequons
• ~ w ~o'and R, nff n],v fbo r,~,,,,fn tho¢ it ,,,~ continues to be a grading principle in the opera- ~ | 6877 N 9/9-16-23 |tatc of Adla V. McDonald deceased ........ ..~
servatory in War's , t 1' , --_- ..L r--¢ ............ " ............ *:~- -* ~" ...........n~-^r K-"n'" ""id mum ! " ~----~-- /has filed in the office of the clerk of ana nm~. witn t,,~
binoff knew .as a ehild the martial a new revelation in depth of feel- uuu ~,~ ~u~p~,y, ,,~. ~ . ~.~,. y ~a . .. ~ [ |said court his final report and petition .Water ~csource.s
~,^~.,, .... ;~.~.~ ~.. ,~.^ ;.~^,.t,~1 ;..~, .~ ..,~,, ,h~ ,,;"l;" co,,ld ev 'Tna~ J. w. t-enney is an lnG1yloual KS Well as ~ [ ~ • -~ --'" ~" /for distribution asking the court to Clays n'om ~eptc~
~t:,,~=~',',',',~;~'/"~tw~2,~', ~;~¢~"e~,~',,a'",~'~'~ ~'~,:2~. .... "~' ............ " a company surprises many people," the Shelton ~ / Legal UOllcaI lOnS [settle said report, distribute the pro- . Witness my 11~
"- 1~ tHIS Z~tU Gay u~
, ,,,,,,,,~e .......... ~, ............ - .... ~ "~' store manager commented. 1 i ~ /perly to the persons thereto entitlgd " .~ ,~ ~xrAT,]
.................. As the~com an founder has rown older his • [ ORDINANCE NO. 732 ,and to discharge said executor; and ...........
• . P Y g. An ordinance provldlog for tile va- that said account and pctition will State SuperV
~l Interest in the young and opportunities for. them,, 1 [ [catl°n" of tlmt llortlon of Euclid, be heal'd on the 15th day of October. ResourCe,
§~| VMDIA g~D~l ITq MANR has grown more intense. He commented. The Avenue from the West side of lion- 1965, at 10:00 a.m. at tile court room ~'
~=|||~|!~]~ |~|~|l ||~ ||~|~ chances for success are so much better today 1 | eer Way west to the west side of /of the above entitled court at which , --~
~h.,, • ~,, T ....t...~; ..... t ~-' ........ ~ ~ 1 / Lot 4, ]~lock 3; the a!ley m Block 2 / tbne and place any person' interested ...r. $
ll ~lll Ill l lllll 1 1 ~ ~ • • l m lm~'=m ~..c~. w..,~ ..... o .......... ~ ..... .v. ~ s .... ~ ".'"~'" 1 [ and 3 from Wes¢ Mde ot' Pioneer Way [ in said estate may appear and file ob- ~v,
"Tll[fl[g TITI r_ I 11~~'U[I Tffl$ or woman with a college education and the right I / west to tile west side of Lots 4 and ]Jecth)ns thereto and contest the same. NOTICE TO ~,
• |l$1fl~[ II|l r I II ~flr/|~l attitude there is no telling how far he or she can I [ 13, Block 3i.Wyandotte Aw~nue from [ Dated this 3rd day of September IN T~E SuPERI0
/l[[[Ll[| /[/mm~l i [ VlikklVll go" ' I / the•west s~,ie, of P.ione~,r ~I~Y ~;es~.[1965. STATE OF ~ ~
.... • • . lo the west line o~ l.Ot 1,, - ..... ~ o LAURA WAGENER, MASON CouNT'. ]
TIMBER LEAGUE , BATTING It is somewhat amazing that Mr. Penner has • I anti west line of Lo.t 4:.Block 34; ] Clerk of said Court ~ ..... ~a~ter of ~
(fired si:andings) ~¢ L rf ra ab r h rbl ave. reached the advanced age of 90, for he left his -- I Front Street from l,]ucnu avenue [ By Teckla Vernlilllon Deputy -""--'-'~-:v~'~ece$ '
" i i i " south ta the south line of Lot 1, Pebbles Swanson & Lindsk'o ~l. ~)~mm~, ~ i
• SIIELTON 38 6 205 58 P Bloomfield 108 39 48 19 .444nat ve ................... Hamilton, M ssour, where he was born went on to become one of the greatest merchants ] Block 34 and Iot 8 Block 35; All /^[~ .... ~,~ r,, w.~t,t, g Vincent T. ConnC_ ir
OlvmDia 18 7 156 92 J Bloomfield 59 22 25 19 .423 ~epu ~t), ±~~o, ana.wen~ wes~ mr hiS neal~n on ~ne this country has produced. Today his company ] in said plat of Seattle Syndicate Ad- /202-208 Security Building" tnd qualified ~ . ~l~
~;:~,,~:_ : .............. ~ ~ ~o ~o 17J^. ,~:_,.^, ....... ~, ,= ,,, ~t A,,, advice of his pnysle,an. An unsuccessful venture is the bi~est chain of denartment stores in the [ dillon to Shelton, W tsllington. /Ol,,ln.)ia Washin,~ton o All persons nav'~t ~l
: W,S.C.C...::::::::...:::14 11 136 199 Jr. Mallory ........ 85 30 29 23 .341 ~n Denver ru~n~ng a but~lher sh:p conv!ncedhlmU.S. with its nearly 1700 units which had an an- [ WHEREAS a Resolution No. 211 of I 9/9-16-23 3t came in duplicate I
• Aberdeen 7 17 86 127 I Jk Mallory 69 15 23 18 333 ne was mea t ~o oe a y go us man , ant ne nual sales volume last year of over $2 billion. | the City Conlniissl~)n of the City of [ -- said Executor or e
..... ~.~: .............. ~ ,). ,~..~ It,..'..__ ~_..~^: ...... .~ 0~ .o ~ •o,o ~ * * * * I Shelton was passed on the 23rd day / NO. 3606 ert L Snyder a~, '
• *DtltOU[~ .............. "t ~z II ~o Dt'l~lt onyu~r .... ~u ~u ~o ~ o~o * • "n its intention OTICF F F te and file '
ROTTER ADD • • of March, 1965, declarl g N ~ ~ O H ~AItlNG ON FINAL sta .d, ~,
. ~' final game not played by mu- lB. Danford ........ 25 11 7 4 •280 ~m||~k~ ~|~m|~ I ...........)AS 2NE.W Corl0.oratlon.forthe past year..Pri- / to vacate that portlon of Euclid Avenue / REPORT AND PETITION FOR Clerk of said_ Co d'
tusl consent. [Tim Rose ............ 26 8 7 5 .268 I%~11111~11~ ll~lM~llI~ j,,,a,,~=n~ /u ~.a~-~- I or to ~na~ ne nao been assoclateo| from the West side of Pioneer Way/ DISTRIBUTION proof of sUCh d '
with the Multnomah P1 ood Cur- West to the West side of Lot 4, Block/IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE months after the ',~
Olympia 5, McCleary 0 IRon Ahlf ............ 80 18 21 19 •262~ ~ Two new members of the staff . . ~ " " • • • notice ~
ii11~r~[~ ~ [at Herb Rotter ~ A .... i.¢o, .... I poraUon in Portland while living't3: the alley In Block 2 and 3 from / STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR tlon of this
-- ......... l Denny Temple .. 74 14 19 19 •256 -[a",,r ......... , - .............. . ....... ~l West side of Ptonecr Way West to the / MASON COUNTY (IN PROBATE) be barred. ~. Ii,
Timber league teams closed out [Terry Kadoun... 59 18 157 254, m~ R ~ .s I recently joined the personnel at in vancouver• tie nan assoclauons| W(st side of Lots 4 and 13, Block 3; | In the Matter of the Estate of V1VIA DATE of flrs~
. - ~- . [ [ the real estate firm on First St with the logging and plywood in-|Wyandotte Avenue from the West side [A. JACOBSON Deceased• bet 2 1965. ,t,
the lfmg..a~duous 196o sched~le Dan Densley ...... 53 14 13 7 •245 ~0y~ ~0r~ ~||y o ." dustrie~/for the past 20 years in|of Pioneer Way West to tbe Wcst line/ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that VINCENT ~'"
Sunday with only one of thleeIB Mickelson 15 4 3 5 200 [ wrier Herb Rotter announced this West line of L A Carlson Administrator With l " ~-
'" ' ~ " ...... ' NO]~MA TAY • - ~ • of Lot 13, Block 3 .and ...... 328 Laure
By LOR week Washm ton Oregon and Cahfor ~ 1
scheduled games being played. RayManke ........ 5 0 1 0 .200 KAMIL,-,H~ Bo.._ ~r^..o_..^ • . ._ g ......... ~[Lot 4 Block 34; Front. Strect_from[WillAnnexed of the. estate.of Vi.v/.a Shelton Wa~ ~t
q'hf, ~.h~aH-,~n T.~crernvc ~nr] Ah. Im,~m %/r,,,~,.~ ~ c~ ~ ~ 172 I ~ r. -- y~ ~ ~ v ~u~ [ ~r,-~ To,~,~o q~ [^lt,~,~ ~/~..,..," .... I nla mrougn me ~uge~ ~ouno bo~/Euclid Avenue ~outh to the ~outn nne / A. uacoDson, aeceasea, has ll/eo With ~C)~.RT L ~r~
l 0 ot 1 Block 34 and Lot 8 Block 34 the Clerk of tbe above entitled Court aW
...................................... • ................... this fall apparent y, as a baby b y ................. Scaling and Grading Bureau, of L ' ' ' ; " " ),'~orney at ,'L
erdeen, by mutual agreement, can- iron Junker ........ 14 4 2 1 .142 I ........................ o- l is the new receptionist, John R. I ............ [ all in s'aid Plat of Seattle Syndicate/her final report and petition for di~- ~ ~ 5th .
w~..v,-. ~uru~y a~ %,m o,,~ . urow. ~eneloacn worporauon, anu ton d r i skin h r t lc ~'~ ""
celled their finale since it had no[ Totals ...... 844 251 265 176 .314 It, ..... , u^~..,,^, ,_ ~,_ ....~ ~,._ ](Jack) Olson a new member of] .... [" ....... | Addition to Shelton, Washing , an [ t lbut on a g t e Co.u t o sctt Rhelton" Washln~ ..
h,,, ,,- ~ho oh,,~niOn~hi,, he-! ~,,~, ~au~p,~ ~u a,t~. ~,,u ~,A~. [,~,^ ~_,~ o,_~¢ [rope ,~ TalDOt Inc. in ~:ne ~uge~I WHEREAS after due notice given/ ann approve said final report ano -
~.~,~. ~,/-~..- .... .~.~.,:v~ -T..:~- "Z' I -------- : Warren Dines. The maternal I~"~ ~,~o ~,. ] Sound ,area | as required by law a hearing was held/ petition for distribution, to distribute I~
cause ~n wJympm s squao., DreaK: [ PITCHING grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. I Mrs. Morrissey is well known ". . * | upon" said Resolution ola the. 20t,h. day / the ~property to tl.~,e .persons thereto NOTICE.OF B~ 01
u ) ano consequem: Ior]:elt:ure or P BB v t. w- : ~r ~', .... o~ .... | frnm h~" lnn~r v~r~ r~¢ ~,~i,~,~no~ I of April 1965 and It appearing there- / entiuea an~ to (1 scnarge me sala ,v~ ~ountv ~oa ,~
• I , W L I SO ,uo,n ~-,r,se mrs ~r~,,,~s .~,.,m,.,o ............ o J ............... ' ' ' " Admini tr or i 1 ill n e ed ..... or "-
IT. Rose ........ 1 0 10~A 7 4 received word that she had been ]m Mason County, assisting her I DLs CORNER /reason to grant tbe vacation in sa~d/ NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that ....... ;-~, the schO' ,
three games, the Senators blank- : " " • • , from that there is good and sufficient s at W t ~ W A n x.. hold a hearing f I
ed M~ Cleary, 5 0 in the onl- game .....
c~ e~ '_ -, ..... Y ~ ~ IJ. Phillips 1 0 5 4 0 made a grandmother Wednesday ]husband, the late Dr. Jim Mor-[ With the advent of rain this[ Resolution ........ [ sa.i.d f)nal report and petition.for dis- school year 1965~.~ ~t
pro.yea ~unoay ¢)tl~ wln notDe I "" ~ ]risse " NOW THEREFORE TH~ UITY [rlDUtlOn Will De nears on rrlaay ~ne " Court Hot
• Jr. Mallory .. 71 58 ~t 37 27 to a baby boy born to Mrs. Grace . ~y, ~s his dental assistant. She week and generally cloudy cond,-| ...... ~, m~w ~ITY ~F/ 15th day of October 1965 at the hour County ..... ~ 1~ :,
t, ...... 1 ~, ...... P~g~ c.~.~,., tB. Snyder ........ 6 2 54 78 34 Buckner at Portland, Ore.
able to make u ames with Shel .... . . ,~v, ...... ,~,~ .............. temper the ~o-~,,
has oeen active in the Zonta Club, [tmns it reminds one of late fall[ SHELTON DOES ORDAIN AS FOL-/ of 9:30 o'clock in the forenoon at the ~ W GOOI
.... a ............................ ~P Blmfld. 2 1 16 14 10; c,, ~o,a ~ ..... ~ r,,,~, ~o~t- Ithe Shelton Golf Club, and hum- and w .....Some neonle includ-[LOWS" /court room in the Court House in ~ecret'arY eX. ;~
TIIAT ]lANDED the title to the [Jl~ Mallory" 21 20'/.,~ 17 7 ,,,~'1"~=~'~'~" ~,:~returned ~'l~ome ]erous other civic affairs [in~' us, woul~l shudder ~'f anybody[ I That due and lawful notice of this/Sh~t~nd t~?ssh~ngt°n~ .............. ROBERT KL '
I~f,'ers ],ucoda failed to produce " {el 3 9 25 21 . • proceeding has been given in .... th •
• ~' 'o '.... _ [Mlcl son . 3 3 from the hush[hal_ Mondav_ was h]s[ Olson and his wife Dorothy and mentioned the. word but the wea-[ .~..e~o'(d ........... ,,~ ,,, ~ ,~,m. ...... .......... ce .... ~..ll ~e~ ,n/1965. ~
:~lo~s:~::n:d~¢:~mn~ei~tffec~i~ec~aSCas°n-[ Totals ........ 22 8 203182103 sister, Mrs. Effie Decker of Flor-/son John Jr. recently moved to I ther is getting that way... Not full fm'ce and effect from and affect/ ~AUkRAfM~aWAIGEN~EtRy Wash ~ |
.... :/_ ..... Y" ~ ence. Colo.' who arrived here Fri- Shelton from Elms, where he was lmatter what the weather is, ice/its passage and publication as ""/ ~v' ,P~,b~, v ..... m~.,,, ' "
: ~" ~' ' ' ' "'~ ' : ' ] da" l:o s,,end a few da,,s /general manager of Elma Plywood I cream is good any time at the/ • . . [ Deputy Clerk ~
II s p~ ~ty we 1 ~ecognlzed lhat quired•by law ..........................
the seas