September 16, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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13uoynnt and e:tKer theh', ment of :1.2 workout;: bef~):e a
III . , ] Liveliest team in the liveitest
~[~W j:tn]borce sucees:~en, the HiKh- player Call participate 'n his fi.'sl, jamboree to hit tile history books _ l- _ _
W|ILII~ ('.limber:~ head for Elms this Fri- gm{m. This probably will elhnin- l in m,.tny a year--la.~,t Friday night |~ .~l[lilll[ll
1" . .... ..8 day nigtlt all steamed n ) Io plucl¢ ate Olson from next week's Port m Bremmton--was the Shelton '~ ~'~
'v U o Ea, ie. ; l,i,,fe .b,'ls n a u- angeles game, also. l ighelilubers ....... , ............... ,...o
"a , , ' conicrmce u ' ~a ' nch ~fll be (]'une time Friday s 8'00 p m ] Wl lie scoring three touchdowns ~ 1] o
"p SS-an(T-~de~ foot- e ...... ::"-'o(h'-':-, ........ ' .... • .~, • ;• ', ^ ' ..... !etic lacllitmsnnpl'ov~me t pr -
g~*.~. , , ,MletkOll S LIILI l~-.tlI, It lake IlllI- ~ext Men(lay allel'lloon lJle I ill 30 nlitnltea ttgalnst tWO scparflte i~io,
an whioh ?],r~ v • , ;-
;::,. ,,1,. o,, .attic **c.o. ,.,..,e I,,i hel mbe,' I opponeuts is an ,n,p,'es lvo of, e,. aub has bCO,l ..,o;!;,G'f2•'ll::G
~ w' , ' "•, season, its, 7-garf,. e scllettlue W tn ,'l tt ip I~dve, achievement more, lmpres.%ive months be(;alllt~" ~i,'s,3¢lll (-d*t Tuesda," y
t.a^.dl be [~}:ld ,o!a Not so the Eagh,~, he.wever. Be- it) East 13remerton. ]yet about the Hlghchmher per- mornin~ with the appointment of
~o~iy,al ~c2, 10: ff, i t.n sides having the home gridiron ad-i * * _~. J formance was the,way the defense Bob Build, Shelton high school ath-
a ~" .'"~, ." ...... 'J-:" wlntage, Ehna lh'U: a full 4-onarter STILL PI.1EN~1 ~ OF [ope:ated during a~ opening 13-0 letic director as ~enelal chairman
,~'-*-at/my~ . ,xne'. ~oi) 48-minute. fracas, ruder, its belt. . l:t [ ~I'ASON,. :~ (}I{ID 'IICKI,TN' " I connuest~ of SoUth Kilsau and a m tl~o n-oJram °
=~ genmalcha][mt!n,was a. losing effmt, 25.-12 last Fri- i Movement of season tickets for I c]ostn~ 6-0 besting of East Brem. ! .~..~.~ ..r;,e,, .~. . .....
~a!grlt year. !,~(,g'm- ,:lay to powcrft 1 Eatouville at [Highclim ~er home football ga nes ]erton° [ ulty ~C~O.Oi ~tlpt21.~O~ .~ul.ggl.e,
t~ ~5 a In 'Int}p ill ~-~, " I • •- • ~..=~T.dulino *u_ *'.'..~I I .... I fit tile ur~lllg el [die Cl[l[i liLt~lll-
~ e., " , " " ' l'~Iln"t [ a,ls i)een r)l'lm*x ~ tllt~ll.Ct'iL I ~nnnvnHnr~ tnese two ac-,o,,o ~ ' , .
v ~unuays , , e been ~ betship made the app lntme t a
~_ • .. ]BUT rilE EAGLES didn't per- week the~ hav . . on sale but]ments was East Bremerton's one- ..~ ........ .~ . ~ ...... ~., e,u
)Yso~ n to,all~,jvta" form like any puslmvm,s as they tin'. supply lSSUu,,p]entlft~!, z).e-lsided 17-0 shellacking •of South. :lpeed with details of putting the
~USt beO,,,:'c:t~,'~,:~¢:,,2'r~ came up with a dangerous passingI!.°r~s• ~mcl~)n S~:~n'2t ~cn()o, auueuc LET'S PUT IT staustlcally to [IX{t• View athletic plant, wllieh
~ ....... ~ ..... e, attack engineered uy quarterback (~ 'ector ~ou o • I show the picture' ', • . .. •
u ,, , ,. .... • . ' the PullbacR Chlb lnstl,~ated, m
r gtlaldlan v. hcII Larry VCeld S-for-]8 and 95 y'~ ds [ For $4 a season tinker reserves South wound up with a net mi- on'ndifion fay use next sminp-'
~,^~ Clal eqtap, lm:nt and one toucl]down) and the lone of the best seats m the grand- Inns three yards from trying to I Bunt Oui~rale said he is ~q'eatlv
--uy contact is m-game's top ground gainer in full- I stand for ,all fou!" home games, ]run against the Climbers, 13 yards I conce-rne~ a~out the crowd~"d eel{L
Ep~s' back Jon Moore (98 yards in 11 They may be obtained at the An- ] gained, 16 yards lost. The only ..-. ' ...... ~ -" --
siClnslsts simp- carries, including a 30-yard touch- g'le school building. The first home !pass tried by the Wolves wound up i ~l~a~c~ns a°~l ~(a~2;b~i~le'~uW~;~s °mr~~
a.,, :; g.ana pmce- down gallop)• I game is scheduleanext week, when fin a six-yard loss when the passer held there sim~fltaneousl ' an~i that
~2~ror ulscance ann o..~.u,. T.n,lhor~" =* ..... a ~,,~ l iSorl Angeles, oetendtng Olympic lwas smeared befoi'e he could tin- iY ~nOthm, fnril'' " "~ ' ' .......
~a[rants co~T=peting ............. ~" ~"'/ ........... , ~ ~ ham ion '?' " o ~ , , - ~. , . ~ ......... ~. ..... ~ty }s not, leady,.by
in ' ~,s eed and play-diagnosing abtlity Lea/:ue c P , wmts Lo p leash the leatlmt. South ne~er own I next sDrtnff he will "recommend
re~lst,,~n~theu .... ownm age,,, onP defense in h~s' lumbaeking' ~ role,~'mv.l.• I ed the ball beyona ffs' own ,3u,yard- I the dPopplng " - of one or the other
............... e-, • , - - ........................ line failed to reeol'a a ilrst sown ' ~ .. , ~ ,
[ of pp I -) ~.. Lmkrng 12 tat,kles. , . .... qf the spozts until a second Tac-
tten hv & ¢x~ic' ............ mpeU- The"Climbers came cnt of the ~J'~ll ~l/~lln[rv 1'i~ In the meantime me Ulmmers ..... lilly is ready for use ......
el" Bo't~by"~;~t'i~'e~: jamboree with nothing raore than _~1@@~ ~,-----~ =v rolled up 59 yards rushing and [ : RE ADDED that "noth!ng
OWn s quarte baek ~'~inor injuries, although fullback I ~ll!e~l~l~ ~|~mh~r . I tacked ,on 12 on two compmtea i tamts, th the way of folh)wmg
tad St. Louis Cardi- Bob Miller suffered a painfully I ww ..... ~ k ""= I passes m three throws. ... througn and provioing these aa-
.'ker Jini Bakken. jannned finger in Monday's harhl~.a~lHtikhhN~ .~AW~ ] East netted. 40. yarnI on tne I ded: athlet!c ,facilities by next
receive an attr::etiv,~ practice and probably v.;ill have ~v~u~ ...... v~vua ground (41 go!nee, one os~ anti [spring.': ~tuggie sai? there is som~~
Pin. to lax,' off furth,w practices this I Cross eonntry rmming makes its failed to compJe~e any oz ~t.s •rex [ money m the present scnool euoget
ihe 8, 9 ar, d 10 year .reek'because of it. [debut as a Highclimbcr competi-Ipass atte~npts..ltwo were inter2 l gvai!ab!e tohelp carry out the Mr.
ill receive National UNLESS THE "challenge svs- r live sports activity this fall With ] cepted). The ~mnDers ran ~or u~ ] view project.. . . .
, ~ ~ al et.I l.wo lOSt) ann
~e type Wa'In-Hi) tern' new coach Jerry Miils has]new Shelton track co~tch Jerry I yards ( 7 g 'n , .__ ] It is the ieeling .of the cmo
one c m leteoass
place win ~ers ainstit~ ted changes the picture by ll lowman as its introducer, added five on q, P P ~, ~embers, wire were nolding meir
l helme* ~,-~ *~, ,,,, ,~'~ ..... ~'k he wtll nrol~abl., kee;, I .... r,u..~. ............ ,.^.. lin five shots for a net gain of 100, [ first meeting since l~st spring,
-, ................... - ..... , ~- .~ .v lay ,-, ...... ~-~ wm uumpr~= ' 40 Ftist down~ ........... s
~e~ulat~ .... ~,- fn,~t ...... ~-'-" the same offensiv^ andI ...................... [yards to .East s . " I l| ] THE UNDERGROUND---Glen Miller (left) arid Ndrm &anders m- ~that Shelton s athletm facihtiea
.......... e .... - -.•,....~.a.y .• = agalns~ a~ ,.a.y neur-uy scnuu~ . .... , ,,. ..... .
defen,' w~ starters for the Ehna i ....... also carr,, on cross countr,, [were 3 and 3.. ~i~ spect the 3-folat deep'trencl~ crossing No~th Malion = athletic field . [ ha~e fallen far behind the pro-
• "~ ..... 9 i v~ 1£1~|/~ ) '~ J • e l ' ' '
L2 and ~ ..... ~,~ ................. d in the ~.'m~- .... ' ---- ~ ,,,~o~,., ....... ~.~A [ EAST NEVER owned th ~aal I |~1[11| t whmh will carry p o w e r c a b t e s feeding light poles on the [ gress shown in other phases of
s Will'" recei~xeet'go~d' a~tA~l~.ea~t?P~; chailengc s;s~em ! ~gra~:n?~y l~e~ing~)rmed~by~a~h" [beyond midfield until:a pass inter-/__ - [ oppositeside, Miller is a PUD 3 mainterilince '~upb~lntknde, n[ at I ch aol construction and moderni-
lze nlam,,~ ' h~-. ~'-~"-~"-~ tl~e second l~r* ........ v _,.'2 .... : ..... ¢:,,.,a n-~.~ ~;,,~ [ference Was called o*4 Shelton s] U-~,, I Belfair and Sanders is North Mason m~hool s0pertnte~dei~t~ Ih ~O.ation here especially in the area
IN e'a;i~.a~e division e'n~s ~s~,[t~eee Steve Loonev'a~ ~sc* ~;~l~=rob~vbe"'earlv"in*~c~ J45 on the next to the last play oil ~~_~1] I thebackground members of the Bulldog Letterman's Club work I of mlfficient space to provide ade-
-,,-- ~- P, ~ ,"- ," * , , -~ ,~ ', -,'"Y~ *" ~ " " I ~h~ d when East was throw- mmuvq¢ at laying a six-inch bed of sand dn which the cables Will rest with ue~t safer ' for athletes turnin
"Pporttullties open .~oD Jonnsoil OltSteo i%on uole ano toner. ~.... perle , ~' " r i .... ' ~ e Y • . g
~heir_ scores will be Jon Armstrong Monday afternoon. Some candidates have already ing des, pe~-ately try,rig to o.ffse_tl i~ .| t ~2::h~ .~ai;ti2~shhelatY2il~°l~;rl~gd tahl:nm£ t~ix,j-n~ues,fr~m_th~..,s.~.r." lOut fop track and baseball._ -. -
' Other winners to Armstrong had looked particularly startedworking out and others Shelton s. [ou cr~aown seozea wits ~ K~ ~ ] ,,f ,h ....... a ,L,~, ...... ~. ~,, ~'~ ~2' ~u w,a,-. ,uLu,-,= ~ ,,aspect })~ }he =-'uuoac~ U!UD
,Stx best scores in good on defense in the jamboree, will as quicldy as they arrange in- 29 seconds mtt to pl~y. _ ......... [ ]~ 11111 I " ~ ...... "*~ ...... "*" = ~""~ ....... ~,'~° ",'~"" [ pro3ec} 0n .~t. vsew 2s p rovlmon
ord zones, ,-,• o ~79 ~.~-'~ ,~ffense is liable to come ~ ...... ,,oo cove'~.-,~- Piowman held t That toncnaown ~as scoz'eu on I / ............ ' ' .. , /oI a turtea surIace ior DaseDau
....... ,.~.~':,,~'.~n£~-',mvthil~ thi~ year ~'~'2~'~'~ .... e~, ,,,~o~,~t~a ~,,., ~ ] the period's only completed pass, [ Despite tremendous progress [°aa canm oates seeKu~g varm~y ] ]~er L)O!~ riuson wih Keythe Bull- [ and football. Sund suggested that
l-~ - • ,,,~ ............... ., . ~- 7"Y ' ' ' ................. ~" "" "':"%;~"."~': ~Y.:" I ~ ..... u aru~ ..:,^u,~. ~,,,,,,~-"~ Bill Archer i ,,,~--ade durin'-~ last weekend's work/posts, ne has nopea o~ a m'eaK- lung offense. Chards ~raKe All ...... ~.=,,= ~,, ,h~ d~e'~,-'tzo" ,, should
winners eomi)eleAlso under a new coacn, t~oo ~am- Tuesday after school, lncluaecl in' "Y P ~ .... . - I . " ...... , , .... ieven season as he send° *h~ ~"ll ~,--' ...... ~ r,~,~ ~,,~+~ .... ~*... I :*"~. ~2~V ............ ,.. ,
:as best in R7 wn,,d ho, e the I~,n~les used straight and h~ 'crrOqn V,,or,~ "non football ulav [ into the end zone to ~cott ~wzsn- ] party, ~orm ~ason mgn SChOOl/. " '. . ._ ~ ~ " ~? :" ] yu,~,;:,~,. ~::~ ~, ...... e ...... = "~"~'1 be taken with the expert eounse~ .
1 six .~" ~',;~J~':,'~ ,~r~.;--,.-~'e=.,~..*ion.~~ n ~"~~m" ;:2= ~.L'~;;~.~.-';;e..,'2"L'~,'.= ~,,~ ,,:,.o~" I er Archer's fake hand-off to Bob [ will open its football season this [ o ogs. into .their opener .•against [ oacKfiela nKeli~.s. . I of the county agent and the state
'~, ,~,z"" of"~" .............. ~hom, will'spread~ ....... on wnic:'-'="7"n tney passeas ~ "~'on '"~lers "~as .... ~'eu"?"asP'~'~' ~:msLance' runnez se°~'- I ~"~*'"'~" ...... ~-,~,-,,*~'~"'~s ...... ,~nto ri~'hto o~uard t/Frida,,~ afternoon instead of at !| Northa~ern°°n'Mason ~Davial Up tront~r,~*~-oAngus~nwili~*, rely,.,,~.~on ~^.. I .the agronommt' at Puyal. , . lup l'n. det ermi-,:
. .... ] .' nI .. A1 u.s wide sweep~ .' ,' - sprm~,. .. , [ ....... .., ..... ~d made this all I.~ g _ _Y . _...P .... ~/a neighbor tO Shelton s new grid I er Jim Bead while 220qh. fresh- i hd,,=),~n
~Wlll travel to div- through on inside power plays. Plowman said he woum lay out 2a~c ou.:,..,. ....... -~. _ : /zong ana sara DOtS ~atu,raay ana/mentor Jerr,, Mtll~ who nqt {n ] rnnn *,,,L-I, ~*~,,,~ 1~....... ,,~ ....... l ...... y" ~. .........
;tWo NFL eitics to TilE CLI~IBERS picked up, a two courses, one a two-mile Fart- possiblew~tn a zo-yarq omp ]Sunday and smaller groups have/ti~i,~ .~nn~-t q'~n£i~';): "" .... ...... ~umu u~auKI Supt• ~utggm sam that nmas
; ',. . • ~ • , • • • - s nine ............................. ,,,tu ~,= ,,,~up.
drvzmou champmn- former Ehna letterman thin week leck course utihzlngpaths through[around r~ght to l~as.t, ,, [worked evenings thin week m an[ Ouarterback Steve DeMiero [ Hankin~onan,~W,,=~,,.o,~,,,,,,,[from sale o.f.the Lineoln school
when IOta Olson a senior tacklethe woods out toward the airport[ four prays earlier, anu ~lu. ~v~en2]effort to get the lights ready in/,~.~^ ................................. ' • -. " 2L:'"T~? .......... ~/proper~y wmcn appears imminent,
' ' " ' " - ' "r . u,uwmg ~u wz.guau~ ~J~cK marne- nonleu;ermen oI £ne lisl; , " ' •
:, SiX from the NFL reuortedfor practice Monday. from Loop Field, another a one-]denhall, Seattle Prep.s 25~ l~. gl~ I time for the season opener against ] ........... a ,,,,t p,~,,,, .... I a ...... ~ .... t ...... :'- .......... [and fzom the old,swun pool hind
!~ si ~* • r. o ' ' ~ " he Leo ' • d to the Climbers mane .m_u{e S run o h n .................... •' ............. / --.-b ........... ~tu uy t~z~trwzue would lnobably oe sufficient to
~. • x from the Wezghmg m the 23o-240 p und mile course using t p Fml .- ~ ._.•/S ut Be d. [and handin~ ,,ff to so,,homore r .... ~z~.~,. ........ a ~..,, ....... [ " • "
UWl ssible b recove~m ut the Mt Vmw atifleUc plan!
~, 'sion,get to go area and 6-1in height, Olson is t~ack and the hill to Mt. View [po ~ Y . . "_~g •..- 1 But the race against time didn t[ .... /P :. '- ._ .. ~
l~w parents) on a a welcome addition tothe some- Most cross country is approxi-[fumble on the ~n~gnts ~o ~nree t/luite niake it. |.' ," ,, ,, .... ' ' ,' , ~ ;, ,, ::,~= i lm usame snaps. ~e mentjonea:
.Plons" to ~rashing- what m~dcz'manned linematerial mutely two miles in length vary- I plays prior to .that. ~on negress i "We Could probably play Satur- i J ~ . -- ~m -- ~ . -- J [too, that $5,000 has ueen p, uogyteu
Y Which the 12 fin-Coach Mills and his staff have ing a bit with each individual [jolted the bah loose tr.ol.~ ~ast[day' but the lights won't be ready [J ~,~ r~lilll~il~ ~lm~l~SB~k~l~&,l |lie an opuo, n on.u~e, Jonn
t r Parents travel to aw~Jlahle this season, c)urse and the physical contours [quarterback Biff Strom Wll..n a ~!ne ]Friday so we've scheduled the/[ ~Vi~ ~ll~ ~~li~r l[Kneelana property mcmaeo m ~ne
~FL play-off bowl Olson won't he playing againstof tl~e ground over which it is laid[piece of pursuit on mj mtenaea ]game" for 3:00 o'clock in the aft-/J I/over-all school expansion pia.nnea
aPete fo'r nationalhis old teammates tomorrow nigh'., out. Cross country teams consist [ pass play which was zorcea rote ]ernoon,,, Principal Bob L~rson told [~ r, ,, • .... [ Ion Mt. View for the future. .
Onship: due to the state-imposed require- of as many as 10"rmmers. [an end sweep. [the Journal Wednesday morning [~,TT. ~ ................ , ............. [ The Fullback Chlb set the first
............ '__ " " ' 2 _ _- .................................................... / ~HELTON'S TWO other corn- / -r,,~ ~nttm ~n ~r~T ,~ ,~ 1 ,~ ~ I"'=~" .... ,~r*~xur=ui'~=tlt [ ~tu(ly lclaKns neat ulen ~oDertson, | Tuesdav of each month for its
..... ~ ....................................................... " ~ • lso " ht oints on [ ......... 'Y"" ....:" .... [FIRST ROUND COMPI ETE • ~ " ~ • t r ' t a m a
leted p~ss~s a P P each with theh"16 1500-wat "~ then m a s~e(md round mateit meetm s heteafe a 7 t
.... P t ...... . g ,
the sc0~ebom~l against South ] uattz bulbs are in lace aud corn] ] nst ~ound matches nt the I t dne~ for breakfast An s ort~
• " " , • . . " , q " ' P " ' " .... ' ~' eliminated Bucl Kuutzer~ who had ?J, s , "~ • Y P --
Archer thyew to Jeff letelw,red but the owerhasn't Championship 'flight of the. 1965 beaten V'~I Sienko ~n' t e" fir I minded man is welcome to attend.
on the goal.line for a }en-y,ard rP;aehYd a transforntp yet to becl u b championship ~ournament round' Bob 01son, who bhat D~nt ]i---,-~'---'----;.: ................................. -=:-
~~~ {~atn and .thcr J~m:o:e?nSlte~n'oS~ ]hung ahd tlie llghis h'lven% beert[have be'en finishcd al tim SheltonlCarl, awaits the winner of the[[
touchdown afte ' : " ~ ["aimed for proper illumination [.. , ..... ~ ' " ' , . I Jim A,ch~r-~,:.,.u tr~,..b=~ ~'~*'h ~"" II
/,ot{u'n by lohnson nullif'e y /put into use [hcat I )p u be 't I n • alfley, ~.~ ",: ~. ,., ~ ~" ,.. 2 ...... ~ | • ~ • | | ~ | il
illegaluse-of-hands p e n a l t y So it appears that tke Bulldogs [who beat Bob Coots, and now ..: • . " ,.; .... ...... | • | ] | ~ "l " ~ I
..... hich ut " ~ • " ' ) t 1Al(l(le' V~ ltlte agantst l-tRrtJey, an(1
againstthe Climbers w n will mau urate their new lights meets Joe Holt, x,.ho beat Lob I.. . ', . ....... ~'.'. , . 11 • • I | ~ | ~
the ballback on South's 40. Th on October 8 when they kost Mo- |
e g r L~; 1.1 1 lg ilnsL tne 2klcnel 1%lnlOel '
Kieburtz" defending eh'fl~lpion Sl~ll- I ,A I i ,' ' '- : | ~l~=~=d~=...~t ~
i Climbers worked it up to the 10 [clips unless'possibly a B "squad lay L,wa~. who ousled Ray Ricc, tl°ser' i
[(,n Johnson's 10-yard sweep, Ar-[game on Septemhcr 27 gets the [and now meets (I,,), ]Berlcwftb, who ........... ]1
icher's 3-yard sneak, Carpcr'su- [honor. " / ,v, ....... Lar, y La. son; lh~inie. Itil-I PREP FOOTBALL SCOi{E~ II
ivard ;weep, and a faceguard-pull- [ The four poles, each sunk ten [ h~rm,.in, who beat Fred Stuller [ PIoquiam 24, Moni.esano 0 |
ling nenn~tv ag.dn~t ~outh. [feet. into the ground, are loc~ited [then knocked .Jack Stewart out[ I~,'~tonviHe 25, Elms 12 | "~I~AIQ~ U~t'llg'lllk
ANOTHER JOHNSON punt-re-[at the 20-yard lines Because the [of the tournament in the only Aberdeen 13 Olympia ].2 I a~li~ I~|N~"--~
turn put ihe Climbers ih position [1500 watt buibs are 'auartz the 64 [f~ceol]d retold nlaLch played so fat'. ......... i ............. ------- I | ~'~t~_| |~'t~
~ar the{r stcond goa3-crosslng. [bulbs will throw co,~siclerablv mor,~/gtewart heat l]arry Cole in his li ;- .... : .......... 7 .... ,il --~,,-,~v---~,
}~fike whose runnin~ was out- |illumination than" a~ similar' nuln~/filst round pairing. J R/tcClearv Theatre t I
:~!~ .... " ' ook a South .... Jr ww ,r'~e'~ sm,..m,~
]stand,ng an evcnlng t [ber of convent,onal incandescent[ First ro md losers are now I .......... II
~~ ].unt on Shelton s 43 and ran ~t [type bulbs according to Glen Mil-[paired in the first flight where [J ....... r. ......... III Sunday Evening
,~d-o,f-bounds on tile WolVes 17. ]ler PUD 3 maintenance superm-|SLuller llas ah'eady defeated Cole. II ~.o r~,~,,,~+, e~^,,, [[I ~ n ~ ~ R .....
Tn th;eI P!;;--f~ld~ Pu~v~J;rC' [te,;dent at Belfair and one of tlie [La,'son plays Ri(:e Kieb,n'tz plays I " ....... ."'~'~ ...... I I " ~" ....... t- .....
IArc, ', , " , - ileadina" figures in getting the proJ- /Bob Coots, and Ihflbert plays]l [~[~T~|[~T||0]:~E~i:VEAD,| [[|
~.~n s ~mash at th~ m18dle for the h~z ,
[ ...... "., , ~[ect goinm [Clyde Coots in ot e' first flight[| i L0/HUIUI1LU/IIIL/MilI, I[I ~'PE~J BOWLING
llast one--turned the trick. Chief[ THE ~YSTEM for lighting thelp :irings. I IACA{:}EMYAWARDW!Nh~,RJ III EV"ERY"AFTERNOON,
......... Clayton got two whacks at the
~iii~[ .., . : .... , ...... [North Ma.son field is entirely un-[ With one exception, first roundl[ i ¢~-~,,~:~ ~ Ill SATUROAY & SUNDAY
~A~. ..... conversmn out mmsea, nora W}tn det~grotintl. Primary power lines matches have been la ed in the l P.o0J~
~'MY YET--Manager Mike Davis ners. Davis is flanked by Rick Miller (far left), [DlacekicK efforts. His boot niter[from the transformer are buried[s,,cond flight Bob P~hY.ner beat!l II",~il;ql~TtqE~~ I/J ---mmm~-km..a~,m||l
i",~°.me big trophy won by Skokomish Jim Tobin and Guy Miller and backed by Alex I,he touchdown against East was[in trenches naxallelin~ and cross-[~,~ Proffer and is united ~r~ainst 11 ~l~[l[d~l~Nl[~r~ |I| I~W~tLU i[ll~1
i akVille Labor Day baseball tour~,a- and Tom Gouley, Pete and Gary Peterson (left to [hlocked. , . . . ling the grtdi'ron as are seeondary/ );rr;ff D,;nniston, who "beal Bill I ! ill /iI|IUI[.B MVIIL
,~ SeCond year n succession SkoKo-rght). Team members missing ?or the picture [ Debban nad a good mght on oe- ]linbs to each sole /T~.~¢~• .lerrv Thoi~l,)=,~- hoof (~.eno I i vM Hl.'l~,.~:i Ill
;;m?al/shed th!s feat. The. taking.werc Bob Mille, r~Albcrt Gouley, Ron_Peter: ]fense ,with on? interception ~nd/ i~ersons frown all walks of iife] ; i[e'ana i spair'; *agai r s'(Gary=J ]]J 633 S. 1st 426-8452
ee r Ottereo in the uaKvii,e cete- son, U,CK Aaams, ~,e ~unns, uave umitn ana [~everm Knocl(-aowns u~ner oeren-/in the'North Mason school district l~m ,a,,v urhn host _lh-n -In tlo,J. :| ,a~ .............. I I
.~.~S also $100 in cash to the win- Tom Pulslfer. . [sive stalwarts were Dale Downing,[pitched in to help with the work I~2 .... --'---'"~--~---~ -~-'-"" 2 ...... '~_-------------~---- ' r' : ~ I~ ....... ! - ....... : .............
..... -------~ Le il ....
i~- IRon Bresh, Dave Cox. Bob M -/and a great deal of the material 1~ ' '
t.)l~Lhen4- 114- ! 12:30 WOMEN'S LEAGUE [ ler, Dan Barrom, Dave Ouster and [involved in the project has been [ [
i~ ~ t,v .v.. John's Richfield .................. 8 l[Jon Armstrong. |donated by varioU~ firms and in- ',[ ~l~,.~llk it~ |1 ~ '$~ I~ ~ ~ ~ A U i~ -~ A P
'~ m~m, i mmm~imm~ma Shelton Union Service ... 5 3[ Johnson wRS Lhe jamboree's dnt-[dividuals. . I| IL-- l[ tUal | r ¢# I~ I ~ r ~ ~ ~ 1 Bm I,,
![~|| ~V ~ H~Ul~i~[~i Neil's Pharmacy .................. 3 5[,~tandin~'back. On seven carriesi * * * II PIIBIli _,' I ~g_~
~VV ~]~ ~*~ ~-~u-U'~IJ|~ Cota Grill 1 71he totalled 83 yards for just shy[NEW COACH LEAD NG II |V|i /F K I ~ K| ~1 ~ U
~..' .............. High game"-2iVI'aryWicicen 198. I of a 12-yard "aVerage. His best [ BULLDOG GRID TEAM I ..... ...... " -- ~ ~ 1"
:'~X LEAGUE " it in the records on the first night High set--Mary Wicken 562 [ efforts went for 36 and 25 yards, [ Ron Angus takes over the North [| ~]
l $1" W L ] of the men's city league scheduie Split pick--Evadean Lord 5~7. [ none of which takes lute accOUnt [Mason football reins this seaSOn [| ~ 1/~ ~
I ~0re 3 0 at Shelton Rec Monday night. Bill * * * ]his excellent punt returns. ] with noWhet,e tt~ go but up. [| "~ll~[~ ~1~ ,~
; ......... : ........ 3 0[used a 235 middle game as the ful- NeWs 3 (Marguerite Landsaw~ It wa~ an ausDicious debut for[ The Bulldogs finished last sea- I '~I~..~IL.~ ~l~ll...I, .',~ l~ll~lD_lli~#
................. " ....... ,2 1 crum" for" a 607 total .... as he balanced 460) Union Sezvice 1 (LaVonne[ the~ Highclimbers'. new coach. Jer-l son with 0--~ .... 0 record under [ ~li[~W WW||dl, I~ rr~a.
Y .- • . 2 i it with 164 and 208 on each side, Castle 430) John's 3 (Mary Wick- ry Mills who saw that all of his[Coach Jerry Berin~er il ll~--~i[T -
15 ... "': ..... 1 2 ]t)ropeliing Prepp's Rexall Store to en 562) Cots Grill 1 (Evadean 33-man squad got into action at I Although /(ngus l~as a small [I ~ Punt, Pass and Kick is a program of non~oontact sports ac-
"'::" " ...... i 2 [a 3-0 victory Simpson Timber Lord 447) I some time during ths 30 nlinutes, squad numerically, with on|y 3o- [[ [ tiv t es for bovs 8 through 13 years of ~tste,
co-sponsored by
"w"-.i':'":""-0 131 (Dan Cormier'500) in the process. , ' '" ' I! ! * . " .... -
M:oLel Tnnbers (Don Lurid 554
ii"---:::[:::: 0 3]blank~fl "t~e et uns on.~oied B~N ~/m~. ~,)1 imdlPl~ A,A,B~klIIIIIIAmm An~mlmm~lm.. [I [ /' the Ford Dealers of Amerioa and the National Football
'll Fredson 235, Jess Daniels li~,eY; (Da~l~ }¢n~t- ~LAlEH~ SLnlt I UK IttMIIfiE $111111fllAY II 1/'~ league, ,t gives youngsters the opp0rtuillty to test their
l~r^-. I zen 488), while Beckwith JewelT'y ' . II ,ff.l ..................... ' .....
(Bill Wilson o44) and Sl~aub ~orty el ht nun as hants fm with Washln ton of O1 m t as 1 Miller bf
' ' ' . - " ' .- 'g y g p' " " " y p (t p • Aberdeqn and Ho- . --- ".
. ' Itson (Ed Hurd~ 578) took odd- varsity consideration on the Shel* ihe guestthe follawirlg week[qulam complete the Blazer sched- ~, n~---and ,allows them to compete fairly against boys their
's .first 600 ] game n o d s respectively from ton junior high football squad will ! (October 15) getting another noe~ I ule. [] ~-" ~ . ~ ~ - - -- i
in arriving. [Wilson Company (Allie Robinson be giving out with their top ef-iturnM date at Cen[ralia. [ Thd four lineUps for" Saturday's [| . : own age. . : .r.
m (and isn't 508) and 40 & 8 (Jess Phillipsforts Saturday ,afternoon when[ Dates with Jefferson of Olym-[scrimmage are: [| ~L.~.~
name) hung[500) in the other openers, head coach Biil Brickert and his * * * * II ~a3~" , ' ' , :
- ' __2_~ grid staff turn them loose in a l GREEN NO 1 WHITI= ~u~ ~ II . .= i. -- . .=
' ,. -~ game-condition scrimmage on No. Name " Ibs Pos lbs -l~aTne" No I! ~[ ~OW UO lrOU ~ntert
Loop Fmld 8o Bud Tuson 131 LE 153 Don Donaldson 17 [| ~'~ , ..........
Brickert has split the squad in-[73 Gl'eg" t~asbrouk 150 LT 154 Craig Reynolds 40 ti It s easy: ~ave your paren~ or guaroian go wl~n you to
to No. 1 and No. 2 Green and[6Z ~teinberg i43 LG 116 Mary Willson 7 II | ....... ~o~H~,~H,,~, ~.~a n=~lo~ nl,~.~ ,h= ,ffficial PP~-K
No. 1 and No 2 White units which I . "' pani 1"42 C 130 Don Somers l0 J| [/;l~t | I '~, - ~, , is ......... , -'-,"~ .....
~;t~!~,~/.~'i~i~ ~.ilml 2tngag'e one anotl~er for twd 63 BiellncR~hr~dS ~20 RG 133 *Bob ctk anFr nk 416 [[ registration period which starts on September 1, 1965 and
~ti~~: ~:~i - " • periods each starting84 steve ..... s |1 |t "~'l .~
~i::,i~ : 4:00 o clock. The No i Greens[.. ~.i.....w~tcraft 125 RE :178 Mike LaMarsh 18[i ehds on October 8, 1965 and fill in a PP&K registration
~'i~l~:{ ~E~I :::: will go at the No 1 'Whites for la 1:~111 uaniels li6 Q 164 Chris Close 31 /[ .~!..:, ~ f ......... ' '_ ....... i
~,:11~):~:::" ........ . ..... ~ 41 Scott Puhn ~r.~ **= ,~a Gre~ Riche- 4 II -T" ~ t4 orm ~S a I°v~l~ DarTICIDanT VOU fret a Tree i-'r'~, pin anQ .
~.l~i~-'!l~ the No 2 Whites similarly zi mu Aoams 180 RH 116 Lee Btlrfiend 2 [| --.v., ~ ~.....b ..~ ~D.O.V t%.m.,~+|~;... Tin~
" II~:,:llL If .-,- '-2'. "" "" ~, , 31 Gary Austin ~,r ~ ~o Larry Lund 3 tm =~ uvv~ .~...~,.....,.,~,~.,.,v,, --,i.~.
%~ ~:~ ins /cllazer squad got its []rst [ 22 John IVln~;:~- :,~', ~ :~ i-,..,. ~,~ ..... ~a [| ....
~~..~ taste of live scrimmage Tuesday ..... ~o,; ~ ,oo ,..,~-~ .... ~.v ~-I[ [..~,Z,
~~~~: : ::~::~ afternoon and Brickelt was fairly GR= ................... II ....
:: ve,1 pleased wdh the results, hri ' ; '~"
: : ::~ Tt,~ ~,, , ,'-" ........... ~,,,~ 1 87 C s Chnton 120 LE 133 Rink Peckham 37/I (.~:~'~
,,:~ . ....... reen~ mm tn~ ~.., 76 Scott Robertson 155 LT 171 *Warren Workman 42 ,
........ Wlnt~s tre a duke's mixture of the ~6 Bill B-''~ ...... *- ~ ........ ]i r~)
..... ,,~! ~}~: ~}~ i~ 2 " • h o u~u 121 LG l~a; Jonn t~arson ~v
i, il;~:~alp a?t:~)~e,s on.the squadevWent~.. 54, Dick Tibblts . 114 C 170 *George wilson 30 ][ Your i- ai'ticipating Ddaler is
i~ii~!~ , . p to semct two . , Y] 67 )~at Cardin,d 153 RG 1B1 *Oreg Hughes 38/I ~BD~, ~
~~ ~ttc!ted llneups, l~acn squaa_nas[77 Bruce IIoard 153 RT 149 *Scott Larson 43[I ~ L ~ I = ~ =
~;d---AUS- t,~tePlayers, incmding one SUDSU 88 John Stewart 138 R]B 110 Brock Shero 28 [I ~"f '~
"~Ima Dandi of Teann, a six-month-ola m • 12 Mfl~e Sparks* 146 114 *Brad BrRnsford 1 -
,Is owned by Mr. and Mrs. Alan H. Ford, . Brickert has bee,, conditioning 42 Jim Nelly 12, T% ,~1 Mont, Morshall •
from the annual Olympia Dog Fancmrs As- ~s squad since the first of Sep-[34 Keith Borek 114 RH 123 *Mike Johnson 12 l| ~"'
fun match with a collection of five r[bb?ns tember with an eye on his season]32 Paul DeMiero 140 F !27 *Mike Neau 13 ~| 5th & Railroad 426-B231
the rlbbons represent her wins as best in ner opener Sept, 30, when Hopkins ot[65 Pete Nielsen 158 S 111 Wayne Sushak 16 [| ~.'~
breeL1, best 0~ tcrrier group, best ~tlppy a.nd Aberdeeu Visits Loop Fiehl. Tll0]* 8th Graders [| ~.~
The challenge trophies went with the wins fglh)wing weeh; the Bla~ez.l~ play [Take Lhis roster along to ~he sclflrnfhage SO y0b can identify the ~t
dog in match, their annual home }l{ght ganle,[players. I.