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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 16, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 16, 1965
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?i{ L 16 1965 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--Published in "0hr shnas own, U.KA.", Shelton Washin PAGE I4th Installment Of Mrs. Lawtan's Travelogue i P( tMPEll l N I Ell E V ABLE, CAI ., o.,++ Another public dinner in the Sept .17 will be the f" st home• tr BELFAIR -- Two work parties offing is a smorgasbord sponsored game for the North Mason foot- [1[~| ~ R~' I U|f |~ [~T~ ~MTB~|~ were busy over last weekend. One by Belfair Chapter No. 241, O.E.S. Iball squad, hopefully to be held at DI, emMO'~ NIl W IMICE IN/EIU party was held at the site of the to be held at the Masonic Temple night under the lights, if not it is . __ ~ Twanoh Grange Hall where mem- Sept. 26 from 12:30 to 5 p.m. tun- scheduled for 2 p.m. Friday aft|l.- ] i ~ i~ ~~ bets and friends were kept, busy der the chairmanship of Mrs. Ri-lnoon. The Jaanboree last Friday [ | ~ ~~ ~~ pulling nails and generally getting chard Gilbert. Both PTA's will night at Bainbddge was well-at- ] | ~ ~~ ~~ the area cleaned up. meet tonight for their first meet-Itended with two rooter buses full [ | ~ ~~ ~~ Another group worked at tile ings of the year. Belfair business- plus many adults driving over for high school on +,~n,+/~n ~f ,~i~men scheduled a meeting for last the event. Frida.y's opponents will I ~ ~ i i ~ ~ an~ lights o~'I "'the"f('~)ot~l~'al'i~ f'i'e'l~]: night at the fire hall. I be^Sot~h,Bend,so^ ~om~ :~:(~ land I ~ ~ ~~ ~~[~~ Actually there was a third work ANYONE interested in viewingl .vat:.~ff"c ':.~.~""'_~'.'~. +_ ..... - I | ~ ~1 ~~ pa~y doing painting on the out- the Junior F¢tir to be held to-]]°reties wm entertam at nai~-tm,e. I | ~ ~~ ~~ side of the Masonic Temple. Alsomor,x)w at the Grade School may[ _-~-~~ I • ~ ~~ I~~1~ quite busy were members of the do so in the afternoon. This fair/ .~ld~lm, I I ~ ~~ ~~ Junior-senior high PTA who stag-is sponsored annually by the Ever-/ ~ I | ~ ~~ ~i~ ed a salmon barbecue at Twanoh green Garden Club in the gym[ '~~~t~J~l~ I[ I • ~ ~1~ ~~ State Park Saturday afternoon and is quite a colorful event. / ~'~ I I | ~ I~~ ~~ Weather didn t cooperate too well The "Back-to-School" dance was ~ ~ | ~ ~~ ~~ Saturday, 'but there was a good Well attended last Satu,xtay night/ ~~ _4 I | ~ ~~ ~~ turnout for the delicious salmonand the cafeteria was beautifully[ ~~ ~ -~ ] I ~ i~ ~~ and other items on the menu. decorated. [ "~ ]l~|~ . HEW +a'°" U IAUL ............. ~I~I~. I BIUEGROTTOBEAUTIFUlL.Y, ACCURATEIyNAM[ZD DDI~ I .uge+a.rn+nteredBy+e'.Sea-+,+.Wa,,On+a+ri rnl' &llp Jl II+ mmm back '"$W~I~ I(This Is the fourth chapter from I and have on exhibition are marve- isn't really dirty like some said it _ -- -- .,_ IMr+. Flo .ce , wton ,o,o s I lous. was. I 3¥6~ yOUlP Iof her 2Vz-month trip through WE REACHED SORRENTO at Venice is built on wooden piling, i ill ~I~ llm ...--.. :~m a I Sorrento, ItalyI drained, but very rich farming 206 canals, 400 bridges and 3,000 ......... + ~ ~ ] Decided to do it, left Rome this country. Citrus, tomatoes, .grapes short streets. The wooden piling is ~ III ql'l~ 1 41 I I 41 II ql ll I" I T I 4P 1 [ .... ,_+ +^. r~..~,+ It is - h,,o +,,,, land olives--everymmg tropical. It supposed to have turned to stone |IByF~ Ill loft l'lll I ILI I !11 / II lJ'~a fi ~',~1,~-I m I !~ a~..~ I :'=~ "=~.~=~.¢,~,?v" ~,n 1 ~ m "~:: =,'~','. Iis real warm hel'e- as it is gradually sinking, they say UL l nl£'bUl.Un ! ! IM 11/I I ! !1 lli.J I'1 I Ii I}' r t (op 'a'realiy beautifu{ ritzy. [ Dinner never starts here before a foot every 100 years. I think it ~ ........... W • ~,JP,~.~,~II,~I~JL ~ WIlLII [We stopped at a cameo factor:el8:30 and takes a full hour. is more as now at high tide St. • [ and I felt sorry not to be rich. " I After we got here and got clean- ~arc.'s •in. under..water and. also _~.~ ..:~.22__1__.1~... ~..+-:~~.~ ~~ ~'~ ~'~ I~T ' ............ ' ed u" the" took us for a bu--~- the nrst truer ot the ca,:nears has ~_~~~ /~'~ ~ m m ~, ~ .~. we went to ~'ompen zor lunch p a ssy • • , .:~., ' in conmderable water m ,t. Can t [m- and afterward a tour of the ruins. Indc, room for just two a bug- • ............ B~ ............. ~ =~+-+ --~ ~- U I 1~11 ........ ' -" '-*-- ~-" com"anion was a nice agree mvesung m a city llKe ~na~, ~ ...... ?:.,|~,[I " I "i - I ~. ~unoelievame' I rememoer reaomgl~;y .... ~ t, , h,,, +~ +~ h .... ~¢,,+ ...... th-l~* ~ll~~~|l~i] • ¢ ~ * ~ • lit , " lad from South Afr,ca ........ ['Last Davs of Pompei as a kid/Jewish Y " " • ................. . ' . 1TOt21lt lane! - i~" scareo~ - me ~uz- de='~a. .... u,u,~The"., took us to a nice lookout There are millions ot pigeons a~, , ~~?]~|~ ~.~k~LA.J.~.~ / Vesuvius looms in the background, ] where we could see all over the St. Marc s, none at, St: Peter s. ~|~~~ :4" [~| 11 -- • 1 11 • • • • • I O-GOA ,so calm, but I wouldn't trust her.,bay of Naples. Tlmy^~ld us they. na~ .sntpp.ed eleczrlcollV, /Pompeii was built by the Greeks/ The next morning we went to ou~ ou,oou at one.use Dtt~ oemg + + # ........ d de ed i / • ' at ' The carrier pigeons mey at, came ......... 1600 years B.C. an stroy n Capr,, an hours be ride. .............. +o_o llH~~lm~ll ....................................... 1 70 A.D., buried under 30 feet of I water was SO blue and the nearer ~'~" ~"~.~ "~'~ ~'~ k. ...... it~~i~.~LmP~ml l~ B. 2nd St. lashes. It is only partly excavatedwe got the bluer the water until (to be contmued) il~~~ (~ DI ~ I~I~I~I~ Imlll / as yet. We saw some archeologists it was like indigo or blue ink. ~ /1| ~:: " ' ....... .+, .+ L"]~'+ 2dl i • I M ll I .'J • • "J ]working in a blocked-off place.BEFORE WE got. off the boat |....1 |--|-- fi--...|-- i ~:+ "2 °- • UlHOHbOIlU* WASH, |The civilization' • was very advancedwe went to the Blue Grotto, which [-~S| La~ ~up|~ • '- " ...... ]and the treasures they have dug is just a cave in the r~3~lbata tl~ 41%1. ..... ~l~ll, i -- • I! TWO OVEN AVIDMATIC ~.. water line. Four in a t ~in • ~ "x~] . a time. As we got near the en- , .., _ , I~]1 ~ U ~ ~t~ ~nm-,-,~ o tom f the |N ~U U~- ~GI~ trance we sat in the b,t" 0 Wedding Anniversary Model M ~31 h " ... boat and ducked our heads After ..... +" * MMtme oven with P-'/ we got inside (we slid in on a low By MAItGIE BARIEKMAN 5,000 sq. ft. reg. $4.95 wave) it was beautiful. It was jt~st a cave with a high ceiling but the blue water reflected on it. The sunlight on the blue water turned it into a translucent heavenly blue. No wonqier they say don't miss it. : We slid out on a low wave and were again transferred to our boat and taken ashore, where we were taken by bus to Capri and on to Ana Capri for lunch. I'M NOT exaggerating when I say I've never seen such roads! We Just don't have the like in the U.S. They go up the side of a mountain like long hairpins laid side by side. Sometimes the bus has to stop and back a bit to fin- ally get around a curve. And not one-way traffic, either! The bus- ses just miss each other by frac- tions of inches. We were told in no uncertain tern~s not to put our elbows out the windows. Capri is just a big island• Aria Capri is the top of it. But it ires walls and masonry buildings clear to the top. This whole country, all of it, is an up-and-down country. I've walked miles of steps in ca- thedrals, catacombs and in Venice over the Bridge of Sighs to the dungeons. $ $ $ Venice We came by train from Rome to Venice, a lovely trip, but im- agine being met and taken to your hotel by gondola, right to tile steps that lead up to the entrance. Venice is lovely. Took a walking tour through St. Marc's Square and cathedrals and castles (they are beginning to run out of my ears). Then by gondola to a glass fac- tory, which was fascinating to see them make those fragile little pieces. Then to a lace factory. OUR AFrEI~NOON trip was all by gondola. Imagine a place LOST LAKE -- Mr. and Mrs. James Grimes, observed their 25th wedding anniversary with a cele- bration held in the new Timber's reception room. More than 100 friends and relatives, dropped in to extend their good wishes, to the couple. The tables were decorated with gladioli bouquets, one of thern~ holding the large, white cake decopated with silver leaves and the letters of their being mar- ried 25 years in the center. Those assisting were Mrs. Mae ~Viniecki, and Mrs. Alice Bariek- man, who cut the cake. Those pouring the coffee were Mrs. Bell Ames, Mrs. Jim Bariekman, Mrs. Connie Grimes and pouring the punch were Mrs. Tony Nelson and James Grimes sister, Blanch. Their daughter, Rita helped with the guest book and their son, Jimmy, helped as caterer. Ronnie Cochran and Terry Har- vey went on the over-night trail- ride held by the "Bell Ridcr's", at "Bony Loertscher's" place. They had a re~tl nice time from what Ronnie said. Also those going from the Lost Lake area, were Blackie Graham and his. children. Mrs. Leo Nestell, and two other Shclton ladies, Mrs. Helene Red- man and Miss Audrey Evans, just completed an eight weeks nursing: aid course in Olympia .and have received their certificates. Mrs. Nestell is going to take about a week's rest and then plans on putting her training to good use. Debbie Bariekman, celebrated her llth birthday Sept. 13 with! Just a family get-together. I would like very much to make a correction on a name of one of the employees at NeWs Pharmacy who went to the gift show. I put whe,'e everyone goes shopping or Mrs. Irene Linton in as Mrs. Irene to work by gondola. The tide Kelly which is really her husband's comes in and washes it out, so it first name. So sorry Mrs.' Linton. Now's a wise time ef },ear to fertilize a lawn-and to School Music and Bands will be starting soon-- Give your child a good instrument. Rent or Buy from Johnny's Music Box. Best Brand Names Available Now. 205 W. Cota 426-4302 * AM-cban.el VHF-UHF reception with the * Eye level oven with new G,E Yandem-lite "82" illuminated lm'n°ranm'wind°w tuning system featuring the exclusi • lL ro-way exlm st l stem "410" permatronic transistor tuner, • Rotisserie and meat thermometer. * Automatic Seasi-Temp n fi m Unit .... • fi-E simp,f'md "Instant Color" controls foe quic .co veniem ami o ¢oior. enSth and tint. . + • General Electric exclusive =*CA" Color Chassis featuring system-controlled ture power and G-E'8 ~XClliSive I~W i~- chronizing s tem, J796 Reg. $475.00 Reg. $645.00 U-HAUL 25.00 U-HAUL 35.00 I DOOR CONVENIENCE ,. ...ONLY 28" WIDEI RltGERTIP CONTROLS . MINI-WASH'SYSTEM 12-POUND CAPACITY • Filter-Fin* Washing System • Automatic Rinse Agent Dispenser • Automatie Blncll Dispenser • Cold Water Wash • Soak Cyclu * Water-Saver Load Selector • Safety Lid Switch Model WA-1250A DOOR REFRIGERATOR- FREEZER Model TB-12DA 11.8 Cu. Ft. Net Volume • Zero-Degree Freezer • Automatic Defrost Refrigerator • Huge Vege- Reg. $258.00 table Bin * Butter Compartment * U-HAUL 20.00 Removable Egg Tray, Coppertone, colors or white. 00 * *T.M. Of Oenor|1 tlecMc Co. Reg. $349.95 U-HAUL 30,00 10,000 sq. ft. reg. $8.95 savings on Turf Builder, our lliag lawn fertilizer, is authorized d time only. So don't delay! dealer Mattress, Box Springs, Bed Frame & Brass or Padded Head Board Complete $ 50 3x3 size only Walnut Console Cabinet with Auto. Picture Purity O0 ONLY 4th & Railroad 426-8565 3,'d & Raih'oad Subsidiary of P.N. Hirsch & CO, "Always Shop Miller's in Shelton First" * All prices listed are without trade-in, OPEN FRIDAY UNTIL 8:30 P.M,