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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 16, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 16, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 10 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--- Published in "Ohristmas awn, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington Thurs S G p " 'th33 P "1 I Th T R s It H'gl Sch IN " " " - , '1 I Upl s n e wo oom e og i el Js Vandalism, Littering =" [] GRAPE}VIEW -- Our grade in the upper room. Mrs, Olsen well|kindergarten at Belfair were Lyn- |land Park Zoo. A memorable pc- School Onens With An Assemblv Last Wed," In Forests Is Godly I ~. school's principal, Art Zehe, open- corned four newcomers; secona I ette Battles and Sherry Anuerson• I ensign for alU l- ~ , I ;a ed the school doors and rang the grader David Cox and first grad- And the eolle e r 1 Last Saturda and Sunda re New Print| al CI de Brown Greets Students Vandalism and disrespect for ll~= I be:llllaS:tWtednesday morning, off|- ers .LorenChilton, De Hurdle, ]pared to break ~e:~Wdo~° Pith ]resentatives from our Fai~yHepr- "~ , P Y were -reet~d b shi ' . public property in the National ill - y tarung a. new SChOOl.year ~atmeen HacKer ann ~rlan L,asley. [ Pam Clayton first to depart• She ~ bor Grange lent a helping hand to .~ ~y CINDY WILL/~D , . . ~ _:._ Y •'4 nn~ng, newly Forests of Oregon and Washing- [~ • here., at ~rapev)ew.. Tmrty-tnree Grapeview School Directors ser- [ left home, Aug. 31, for Washing- [Twanoh Grange in the sad task of .~ep.t. ~,. toe.coors or toe various [ paln~e(i w-~.~ ann gnmmermg ton is costing taxpayers about I " • pupliSra are. enroueu.ln •u~e seven ring our DistriCt No. 54 are chair-, ton State University where she is cleaning up the remains of their ,SChOOlS m ~neiton .... ann Mason waxect ~tuor.~, , ~," $70,000 a year---enough to build a "~" g.. ties. wn:n .... Mr. .... Zelae mstrueting man, Don Pogreba, clerk, Julie]a sophomore, John and Dan Ewart]new grange hall recently demol- County ...... were thrown open, thus ...... iibuted ~rt ........ large 60"unit campgr°undwith wa" I toe rourtn through sevenm graces Stock and E}d Okon~k_ ...... Juli~ was I had their "b-s" =n~°l*°~ .... tn ch~ ~.n. I |shed bv vandals, neraming toe neginning oI toe I ~st • .• v ~ucum~; ~ne as- ter sy,stem sewage" disposal,' - stoves I and Mrs Norton Olsen in charge - .....~-- Your"r o ~ s " r " 1965-66 school year It should be sembly Wednesday, was the first • ' " ,," .. . recently appointed to fill out the nels last Thursda when the said ep rter wa• su prised to . . . • .' and Incmc tables of the little room'" grapes one,term .e ~ .~v ur~,i. ..... k .... ,.~ ]~..~nh.,. ,..~.o,~ ~.~ .... ~Y*-~.]~.reet Oregon visitor --~ r~i.~ notea, however, that the re arc- edition of the SHS newspaper, toe . " . . , .......... . .......... ,, -,~=.s.,- t, .... a~ ~,, ~ .... . .,,,,,..~- ...u ~,,~,,,- ~, o ............ , P P ~ " . r whi . Mahclous vandalism, ranging two, and three. Our loyal bus driv- ed tI,~ ana hoo,~,~ ¢,,,. T,~ou, ~,~,, Tr..~ ] Cavana~h Monday afternoon for hon for the school year was in High(hml ~. , eh was both m- ~ ...... • a -...-~-~ .~- ...=,,- ~.~ v,,,- ~ , a " and .~' r • irom oesu'uctlon oi signs anu pic- er, grin Buckingham was back on A record num]~r n~ atuao~¢. ] ver-ltv .t ~-*~-^ v£~ ...,,, ,.~ ] a brief but ~leasant visit Alice some instances begun immediately ] formative amumng. With the .... " . _ . ~ ~ . ........ - ................., _._. __ ~u.=~.u, ~,,,, w., u~ I v " " ......... ~"" " " n's exem"~]~¢',-~ " .. . I nlc laDies ~o ourglary o~ a iores~ t tne 3oo again as was w~rs r-eggy from the '~ ...... "e ........... * ~ - *.--* .... ~ ~-- - =---~---- =~ ~ and small son Johnn., arrived Sun ionowlng tne Close oi SChOOl inI zinc ~a~e ~s v.heu m .a~ ~ ............. I . ~ • • ,~" '~-(~*~Vi W ~l'~t~* U,y~ ~L" ~ JUltIUK altU IJ~li U* £1-~SIlIIlall. l£ d " ' " ~- ' ' h Hi " gllarfl Sl:aXlon Wlll C0SL aoou1: ~10- Hlllman, our delicious cook. tendin~, schoo~ ~.. o~.~,.... ,~.~..-. ] ,h..~ ..... ~^~.~^.~ _~.,^~^ ~.~a ..... ] da- to s.,end a cou'~le of da.,s with June. To those admmmtrators, of- ] fn'st msue, t e ghchmber should [ ...... ' ..... l s • ,,, ~,,~.w,, ,,,m &=,, ,..,,~-- ,.,v,~,,,.,,~,.,=u v=,,,~,v ,lault ~ al- d v v J . be well worth the st . • ooo ~nls year, accorolng tO J _~er- Pupils attending school here for according, to Bnckin=.b.m wan h~ [ ready ~lowod Churn ,~,~4 .... ["Grandma" John and Emma Mc rice staff members, maintenance ] , ~bscriptlon [ ......... • ... ~ ] • ° - "'~----'~ ......... ~ .................. ' ........ " " ' scri tions ~er~ ~one, lxeglonal v'ores~er u the first time were Deborah Cox, estimated a bu.~ load nf annrnut [ inw ~ .~ovinu~ noolcl~nt anr~uta i. ] Glothlin on Stretch Island Tue.~- personnel and faculty members ] price. Sub p are on sale ] .......... , . • • ] a a i ............ "" ..... " --° ......................... ' "'" " - - ' • • • - cr semester or ,oresL ~crvlce. J~ltterlng ana laCK P ul C h 11 and Patrick Menden- mutely thirty five Tl~elnt%=d t. th* Iwhtch they .~ur ehr~a ~....,~o ItUl ] dav Emma and Alice nlanned a who helped m readying the schools [ at $1 p . $1.50 per I ............ ] - -" • ...................... ~ .......... r ...... - ..... - - " ' ' • cal ~ oi regaro ior Cleanliness Will to[al hall, all from Mason Lake, who count arePam Milner, Ron Har~- I ed, completed the Job and the re- ]trip to Seattle for a shopping tour for.opemng thlsfall, we owe a l yeaI.. Students ~. support the l another -~55 0 ] nolpea make a total oi seventeen sen Lar~, T..¢~ ~' f~]~rbt~. I e~ ~ th~. ~o¢t~H.. o13+ o land visit with Mrs Charle-. Som- peel oz thanks. Toe success and I SChOOl paper, Lne voice oz toe n'ee ~ , 00. I |,, ,Danny Sanford, Ron Peters, ¢I~on ]snail's pace thoroughly shaken by]ers before returning to Coos Bay orgamzatton .of those fn'st few student body, by..~ndulgmg them- IouDe~tr~ict|ilolt ~:de_carclessnev in I i •and Susan Pot, reba Terr,, Chris l the experience land home uays oI SChOOl was a airec~ result selves aL Lne nmJnnal price. ~ ~t U~'eULU ~nOUlU ue et ] hRM0:E ]~L~orrYrsa~ds~kkon~CFa~a~.~)~ ] Lynn; Stevens and Ltz Somerslo SLPenn~n/beaablUShYoWeeakr:tMttheanCd °fethp::p~d.w°rk and planning of THE SHELTON*High School m.yttCr o~tg~:w~]g, concern to ev [ I IlIIIIIIIIIIIIF I_ '._ , ~ uy, ~.s=., I returned to • theUniversityof I U: .............. 7_ _ * * * rid men joined South Kitsa and EACH CITIZEN CAN HELP [ ~.. m=l~mm ~onnie ~enson Art Nicklaus Joel oars. uamey ~aococx oz xaxima, g " P ] [Zoh~ ]'3 .... _T,~, v0"~io~ ~..L ~.~ [ Washington Sunday to prepare for I Havin¢ r~tired from hi~ tool nnd J~ GENF, RAL ASSEMBLY was East Bremerton at the jamboree kcet) America beautiful and at the I ...... , ................ ,~..~ ~.u Tall quarter classes wnlen win re- --o ............. : ......held in th l ' on Frida ni ht, in Bremerton sa " ' .... [ KAMILCHE HALL ] Linda Hinchcliff o ~, a .~ ..... ] ................. [eoutnment rental and hauhn~ bus- e She ton gymnasium at y g • • me time zeduce costs by setting , J rr~ an uume next week ,.ynne WlU De a -~ ,- o eam m I I Hill Bill and " "~'- "" "" ~'?~" I • [inesses Babcock decided to re-9:20 a,m, Wednesday after the I Honoring the t embers and I a good example of careful, cons|d- [ I P_t at__L 4 I Ma;k an" ,..o-Za 2.o=-e"ATS 2 Iauni°r t.~t~, y~.~d Liz, a sopho-]fresh his memories of this area students had filled out duplieaes their coach Jerry Mills, the stu- crate use of the forests "Stone == | =~l~I = .~lnT • ~ | .~t~,,~ ~h==.',~'~r_~'~*'~:~u ~ I more. v~zatne/Jene embarks on her/..~ ~.a.,i~ ~ .... ~ .~. , ......~'of class schedules after assemb- I dents once again gathered in the l emphasized "Each carelessly toss- I IN | ~Lm7 VV~Lm • V | ~po~:ns~en~'areZ~r.*~f, er~, to,h~hel~on I.coiege careera~ wes.t.ern Wash- ]e"t~h~'v'earSs..................... ling in designated rooms• I gym Friday at. 3 p.m, Great en-ted bit of paper adds to ugliness J r | I * ............. :~ ......... I mg¢on ~tate woiiege this ~unaay I ~ll memb-r~ ~¢ ,h. ~_ ...... ~ ....Ed Keenan, the SHS Associated I thusiasm was displayed at the pep ] and expense" he said It has been -- u.s year xrom ~orm Aiason I-Ii n n ~ ........~-~v~--~*. " ' " ' I Music Or .g. I Three students from Grapev ;l niP° rte SdP° o wi l .beo 'lGrapenuts 4-H Club are hereby no- Student Body. president for the l as mbly du mg the compet.~tlon lest|mated that pieces of paper I I Tune Toppers I registered at North Mason; Sam l land where l~ is a t~ni'or-'l~e~]s" It|fled that an evening meeting will .... -oo SChOOl year. openea me I yeuing twnicn ~ne.more expermnc- i weigning pray one ounce each, I , • • ............ ~ J • s "1 ~ ~w~ ,~,~. on .~ ~ ~...^ assemmy with a wemome to the lea] ana as~u~e senior class won in dropped daily from every ear onI t.~aLlln ana DoromTownsena lus ,,. **~.u ~1~,. ~v a~ ~**~ ~ap~- I • I [ . [ o.,., ....... ..... P__ I tered at Olympic in Brem-[vt~ur fire b~11from 7".20 ¢~ ~.1~ faculty members and students• Ed a walk (?). j the road, would make a pile of I I I .... / 1~'~,'" A~]~h-~".~-~':.~'~=.:. :~ff:'a. introduced our new principal, [ During the w , students :trash weighing 910,000 tons in "ust ~$4~15 =J-- 4~ ........ ~ w,,u ~ra.~zurreu zrom croon ann currently gomg through ~ eel( the 1, | TWO" ......... I orientation are David Gatlin and/~eci'all::'ur=ed ~o attend 0o=o':,::~ Clyde Brown, who was weleomed lhad been urged to buy tickets for one year. 3 , ) - , ......... ~. ~arun~/UThae t~orge: ...... l r~ibbons an~ checks are to~be'pre~- with a standing ovation from the I the rooter buses and thl~ ga.mes in : The Forest Service is striving I l ne viymptc ~eague L~'0otDall I o~,¢~a ¢~ ¢h,,o~ ho,,~,~, ~,,~.~ s~uaent Doay. Mr. Brown welcomed I the activities on|re, w |ca ts un- .~ nnhr ÷~ ~,ir~ hn~.... ua nfl =m~..~ ........... ~ [ amboree last Friday evening at/them Sin~ th~ m~Hn~ ~m~ h~ the students and mtroduced the Ider the direction of Bob Sund. Well natural resource~ ,q~n- ~.ta ~,,~ I DII Ir IIl&lr~ allW~amlp~f~l& /Bremerton Memorial Field was the ~relativelv ~hort~ ~,~'n¢~ ~-"'~" '~ entire faculty including three vis-]over 90 vivacious students wedged also to imnrov~' n~n~n~7¢~¢~ I II~11 ]['~111~ fl ~1~ I ~11~rllllli II II II~r [first °f the seas°n and br°ught °ut Iv|ted to'stay if th~'v'wis'h ...... iiting college students who will be ~themselves into two rooter buses preserve an~d ~enhance'-~'h~e'b'eautv] i1~1~I1~111111111~ Ib~l,h~V~l~ ]several. Shelto.n sport fans from] Basking in the h~spitality of Mr i°bserv}ng clas.s,es at SHS. ThetFriday night and journeyed to of the National Forests JI .... i t~rapewew. Juue Stock, Dan Rob-Innd Mrs Merrill MeKin ..... ,~_; three 'students are Marlene Ad-IBremerton to cheer zor toe ooys ................ " ..... I auto t lass .... Mrnih,, l~.~n~|,p /inson, Walt and Salli Clayton, Jim]~--~... :- ........... ~t~x~_.~.~ i ams, David Jubb and Henry ]Evidently the large turnout com- . *.M,~ .~ ,~, u*~4*- wtm .~'rest-[ Here's =---., .....1.~ ~..u,~y w~-= ~.. ~t.u ~wr~. ~-aul : . " oent Jonnson s program Ior a | .... ] I |/Doherty plus youngsters Chief ] Jones with sons David and Bradley Worth. Brown urged the students Ibined w~th the talents of the team ben "i ........ ] - • z~x err lnstallatl ~ u~ ~ui 2~merlca, ~mne remma ct a~ | P on i | Repairing and Reflnlthing°n, who participated with the of Kirkland and Mr and Mr~ P'aul to look ahead to a successful year [members and coaching staff was e~ In ~' ................ : l* I nspe SMITH FURNITURE R~PAIR P The slight overcast of the morn ' g ry . g . yr • ns 5th ] to clean a soot smeared bmldin ~ Clean, I & Railroad Ph. 426-3926 I I 91. ~,, o.,~., '~ ..... lithe scene but- where were old I;n .....m .................." Patsy Wolfe and Byron Debon, ,ed The bus riders let Bremerton ..... - . " . g' I |, ] ] - .......... ....... 0a¢¢]] faithfuls Eke and Ann Eacrett ?] {ySsun~oon~av~a(~il~g ..... to an jU,-al_ the respec'tive, presidents of the[ know who the victors were as they when°r to DunUthe oldneWlandscapeareas OZcouldrecreatiOnhave] wheel I,e,d • line|dentally, Shelton won both oflready nleasant ~av SHS Girls Club and Boys' Clubs,proudly proclaimed in fine voices. ....... /* Clean an its a e t ~ ~ ave h tr oeen preserveo iar more cheaply • , g m s THE A " g t e' accounts of their exper- the triumph " n and Auto Repalrmlz ........ . Hair Dresser I WE WERE" saddened to learn of J were deli~.htfullvSE WE THERrecei~a hc°nditi°nS, a iences at the leadership confer-I During' the' week, t eh membe sr The ............................ President added that Govern- ] ~r Clea... ,..~,. • the death Se t 7 , ences whmh each attended during of the numerous clubs met to elect ,, | Major Overhauls [ i For Experienced Beaut), I~ p . , of Erland Ode-/fishermen Mike and Chris O Kelly •. ~ ..... ful Nation will re-uire • ..... ] ..... I1¢1 • Brake ard a resident of Gra evi f • • - me summer officers .and formulate their plans ~ ~,,= ~u,,- ~r msp~;~ | s & Ignition [ I 8ervloe 8peolallzlng In |[g , p ew or [who, with their parents, Mr. and .... ' ..... ]. ._ cern and action of individual citi-[ ...... ~-- • ld over 30 ears H a , ~ylvla ~una ann Diane Turner, ~or toe year ~y-,,-~- I We ing & Tune-upe I I Razor CUtting |] y . . e w s 86. This|Mrs. Christopher OKelly of Puy- both ~uniors re-'orted on the "e" [ ", . . zeus, alert to danger determined]~ Insntmt eh0 I Special Winterizing I I M I LLI E'S BEA~I"rv ~=Ate~M I/pleasant old gentleman, born in/allup, spent the day with the Walt • .. ~ . , v v P I ....... t~ im~ro.,e /h ..... ~'h, ~¢ ~;. ~ ~ , , ............ No d r s~az~ conterence that the attend Elma hosts the Sheiton ~ootDan ~ ~" - ~ ~ ~ ..... ~ ........ n~ | ED 8 SERVICE | | Next d;o Barber Shoo I / . r be g, Norway came to Grape- [ Claytons Jr. Although the pickings ........... Y ~.." [ ........ surroundings, resistin~ bli=ht de [* Check fro vl ea at uentrai wasnm ton ~ta~e team tomorow mgnl: 2£ rooter DUS o t=, ~ , I 112 W. Cola 426-39926 | | 1925 01),mPlo Hwy. N. 42"~11 |] .ewrr°m Silverdalet°bewithhislwere slim in the Issue Walton ~^~, ......... g.!_ _ I ......... ' .... ~,.,omanding and building beautv for[* Check front | | | -- |joiner t)rother ]b'ric, who passed/department, Mike did have a nice .... ~.s~ -: ~uens,oerg. :me.above ]wui De. ~aKen to ~ne .gam~ ..... ~ themselves and their childrer~." / ..... ~ ~oe II /away in 1943• He lived as a bathe- ]trout to take home with him menuonea stuaents ann ~a ~ee- [Elma ts comparauve~y close ~o • ] x -~-"?~:--tiorl • ..... I.__.-__ /l°r in the little Stadium Beach cot- ] Newly turned four years old is nan were sponsorea at the. maaer- I home, ere Sl?OUm oe a .a,rg.e .- ~ / "P.=Y"'Y=.. • ~tlbitury , , l'i.Ul~lJllJ~ ,,, ./tage next to the John Steven's ] Brian Lowell Hardi~ wh~ o~l~hr~t stop conzerences Dy ~ne SChOOl, [ turn-out zor tins game, wntcn, ~'-~ ~," | /~ AdjUSt w-. | Fresh Baked Bread - Cakes - [ | • S~afety Check [[home until a few weeks ago when led this event Sept. 7 "a(tlle'~ho'me This year's pep staff members [though it is not a league .game, ._ | ]* Inspeot mufl he were mtroaucea, after whmh the could be mdmattve o~ what me I | Doughnuts - Rolls - Buns -| | * Clean-uu |] moved into the Allyn House [of his grandparents, 'Mr and Mrs .... ' ] " ' ' .~.. . ~r~'|1~/l~~| ]~ In~neot t~l . " - Nursin Home He " . " gins lea severa~ yells [season should hold for the wnmo- ~ / .... I Custom Baked Cakes | I Minor & Mater Renairs | | g . is survived by / Eldon Todd, in Shelton. A family _ . " etee I Hl'a II ~'~=, ...... ~A .... ~ I/three nephews; Jacob Odegard of/dinner cooked bv e:randma mark- Frank Wlllard spoke to the as- ers. I ~~l~l~J k Inspeot _ / • . ........... , ,,.,~n,~ ~ n~.,~ - ~ . semmage, joinin with C1 ae ~ | Oly .... Hwy No (Mt View~ ]| Sacs & Servicel ]]Norway, Earl Benson and Law- led the occasion and the Hurdles Br- _ • g Y . CALL FOR , own m weleomin the students I - "426-317t)9 " I ] 514 Eliinor ......... -42a aav~ I]rence l~enson of~t. Paul, Minn.,/and Todds were joined by Brian s ...... g . ' | ~ Vgl~11 hould I I I ] ' ~" .... |/and a niece, Mrs. Edith Drydal of ]godmother, Mrs Hazel Rains and sophomores, r~e ex- ]| ................ • • | ! ....... • ...... - Th pressed me hope that the class ] ief River, Minn Our condolenc- [her son Clvde , ' || .,,, :~ ~_ | | ~ I' ~l~ | | | ~ || D |] ~|| • /es go to his family / A combined meetin~- of the of 66 would have no drop-outs in/J ~~~ U b I Ill I II I b Im M Y I~ | ] ~BIB Beauty , Landscaping ,| Mr and Mrs More, an Brassfield IGrapeview Volunteer F~re Denart- their class. . II II Op " ' o • - Toe gymnasmm as well as the | • Complete Hair Care I I • Lawns, rookeries, trees ]|and family and Mr and Mrs Mike |merit and Auxiliary was held Sept• An ................. [I ~~ ........ |] --. S • ........... " " "8 at the "i ........ ~ auu r~eeu ~unulngs nave ~ ~~m~ /he amount or L.e insurance you I/ Blmll II | Wigs - Wiglets - Switches| I ~hrtibs I/~osKms ann ~tacy came out from / , i re nan w]m zu persons both z-c ~" ....... tl ~~__~'~,~ ~ ~ L.. = I • Merle Norman Cosmetica I | • Top soil, tilling, leveling |lSeattle Thursday to attend funeral/present. Following the regular summe~eivea zace-3o~.s ouring toe [I ~~:~=~ own is your own estimate of your |] r~-| Toe returnmg stuoents IIm [ • Free Demonstrations [ [ • Free Estimates [[services for their dear friend and [course of business for the Auxili- " [[ ~~.~:..~ economic value. [[ [ ELAINE'$ BEAUTY SALON | [ SUNSET LANDSCAPING [[remained_ for the 'weekend with [ary ha.feting, the firemen voted to . ~~ [[ ~~~ [[ 1~5 ] | 6th & Laurel 426-4582 i | Herbert Baz¢ 426-4718 ||paronts, Air, and Mrs. John Stev- ]turn tne.proceeastrom tne very A ]I ..... II ~ .... ' " ' ' ..... / Mrs. Audrey Presley and young- ]to the Auxiliary to be used in • /I B~~~~ 1' ~-~ ....... .... ]sters Gwen, Debbie and Stun, who ]the firehall at their discretion. A J ]1 LI/~ M ~lflM~,l~ "I/ .,~ . nlroprac or , rlummng 8g Hea mg had spent a good portion of their [discussion of plans for the open ~, "-~A~ _ _~._.L II ~mn~__ _'~ .~/ ww =~=~= S V=lP~=- II 8x~! • Office Now O en For A I T summer vacation here in Gra e house for our new fire hall fol li~ ~V{//J/Z/ET~ /I Ph, 426-8139 Cl ,.. . ... ii I p II , ype, o, /I. .• p-/. .... . .... " , ~ ..... /I ~.,relneur~ncerort.,wn~ li~ I 323 Franklin Street I I Plumbing & Heating l lV*ew at toe home of her parents,/rowe?. '~:ne v.E'.u, meeting, which / /, "~ I ......... ~ t , tr,, ~l ~r. and mrs. ueorge Lewis left/wnt negm a~ ~ p.m., ~ept. 16, will . • ~-none ~zo-t~ouu I I " /I Tuesday for *~eir ~-~-~ ;--' c-../be open to the public Speaker for I "~i~!:'Y~"~i~ ~~~~~ .......... ~l. ii " I J.L. DEBBAN, D.C. I ] PSn.. ~Tv ~n~ ng I] Pedro, Calif, Audrey s husband Del/the evening will be Lyle Goodmch, I Hoodspo~t Plumbing & Heating J -. , .......... ~,=,, , . • . :~,:~:~:: ................... ' ........ ," .:~i:i!~ilC~i~ili~!~!":iiiii!.!;~i:::~.~.~.??~/:i:i ..... ~ :: .,~i~:~ ..... i~i:?, I 9-norm 2-6 closed Thurs ] I m e ~.',,'~'~" "*''"*'*~"^..~ .... , [ [ is away from home at present [Director of Vocational Training for I ~~[~ !~,~!~ • ,.. w. ..,,Tu~. * ~v~ua ~;~. . : ...... :i.~ '~i:!:~:i:!~!:i:i:~::!:::i:::i:!:i:i:~:i:i- | I ] w~, • I I serving with the Navy Needless to/the State of Washington Follow- I ~~,:i!i::::~~ ] say, it must have been a mutually [mg the meeting .refreshments will .... .i .... ~:~=~:~ ...... .~. . ,~ ...... ] reluctant leavetaking for the Lew- ]be served and everyone wtll have I )l(Ml Llng t'rln lng • t[ises and Presleys. ia chance to take a good look at ] I " Weekly Service to Sholton | | .. |[ It was fun for the Don Querv[a really fine building - and our | [ • J suitor Service ~ [ • ~uallty Work [[ family to return to Grapeview last [ state insurance inspector backs us [ ..... ~ ~::~::**~ ............. i ........... | • RUk - Upholstery Cleaning[ | of All Kinds |[ Sunday for a pleasant- afternoon [ up on this statement! t | Complete Line of Supplies -| | | [ with friends, Mr. and Mrs. Russ [ Howard Somers has been com- I DON't_ JANITOR gV v, = I I THE JOURNAL |[ Wells and to be able to visit them muting since Sept. 1 between |2103E 4th Ol'm"la -:352"1"3-67 I| 227 ~'-*- . ........... ,, in their lovely new waterfront Grapeview and Seattle where he i | .... ' , w v ....... [ ], ~*~.= , r.~.. :.o-~. [home north of the Fair Harbor recently aocepted a position with .... ",] Yacht Center• The Querys had American Wine Growers, produc- t .... , , ,~ . | moved last month to the home thev ! ers of Pommerelle and Nawico I Cleaning ervlce . l~enl;al ervlce ~| purchased in Port Orchard• ~[Wines. | I Carpets - Wall to Wall ] | Almost &nvthin~ Anywhere ]~ Russ and Ruth said a sad fare- [Sarah ]Bckert Orthopedic Guild .......... il o ~ [ Floors - Stripped, Polished [ ] Bulldozers -'L0ad~ers ~-l~mps [[well .to brother and sister-in-law[ w 1 h Id its first meeting of the [ Windows - Walls - Uphol~tery I | Folding Banquet Tables | |virgil and Laur~ Wells who started ~au season ~ept. 17 -_11 _a.m: at I ,,$HELT~,~ ~u,~,,, I I & Chairs H~ital Beds Ete I/~e return ~rtp to their home in Itoe home oz M'rs. ~. w. waucer. I CLEANINGV$'ER~/I'CE C6 ' ""*" ' " l[North Platte, Neb Monday morn-Mrs. Fred Givens will co-hostess. , I o,. 426-8138 Nites 426-4376 II ,. |/i_~--" Thts had been I _ • , t , ~ /guesus oi ~ne Wells ior hearty a : • ]month and had aided greatly in the I [LO)T~]g~ l . IWPAIs recent moving project• I I'~'~" I~~..~ Contracting . Sand, Gravel, ./ J/ERRY HILL of Mason Lake [ [ ~. V~'- ~ ii I R,mad building - Bulkheads ] I * '~'*- SO" i/and the. former Ruth Lauderback] [j~P'~ V t ' Fills and Excavations I I • ---¢ " I/of I-.toqutam were married Sept. 11, ! I" ~ A I ! tllJtV~ I Bu,,do ,.g - Dump truoks I I coat spit llin Olympia. She and her fourI I tlg I STACEL I I • Custom Tractor Work I/youngsters, Mark, Sherry, Michael] [ ~ ~ ~ and (~raig will make a lively addi I CONTRACTING CO., INC I I Johns Creek 8and & Gravel I/.. . • . . " I I' ~ ,~Y'~- .~ Z--~IB) ~ t • r t10n tO mezamily home at Mason ~ I Hop,sport, Wash., Ph. 877-5312 II 426.3562 ,or~ And.r.o. I/'ake and ,.l be welcomed by I I ~ "'41B~b~_ • I II|1 II J • t ~" /lez~# tnhdre~e~hil~ren J:rry Lee J I • " a • c gratula- " Corrective Shoes Shoes : ]tions am:l best wishes! [ J~~~ 1 I EDWARD'S for Ch,,dren I~ WO.EN'S'"edCro.-- I/ u.tuo Miss Peggy Gatlin wasI I(I;IBll~1111N[Ii i treated to a very special outing one I Regular or Corrective [ J Town & Country -- J,0yce.I|. . . ~ .- ] I | • --- - , •" , • - --ca-" last week when -arents H-n ' " I wo guarantee all Childrens II MEN S=- Florsheim .-- Weyen- II w~ _ ...... p e - / II • ._.o_._ , _..... __._ _ __._ ,,r~oo~,z.o.t~oo~e. to~e~t __--__,~,, -- i~~ !i J JJ Red Wing -- Currin Green J Jtle for he#, first visit to the Wood- • POSTEll ¢ONI1L$1r I, MILLER'S 8HOE DEPT I ER'S HOE DEPT • .... . II MLL S .'i/ -- - . 'i .... ,[ . , ' J Draperies, Custom Made Tire / I DRAPER,ES , BL,NDSI| ". // i I Custom ~ado I I Reeapping I/ ,~lm~ ~. , i ~?,~>;~ :" ~. ~' ..:::. :::2:: :::: ~i~. I For O.R Home I I • Ueed I/ , ' . ..:.:.!~.~.i ~ :i:::.:i ............... ~:.' OK TIRE STORE I ~AY s DRAPER,ES I I I/ j~~iii~i~i~!~ I I IMt. View Ph 426-4832 i/ ~llm~i~ !~! I I ! ............ • ........ :: i@~ ~*. Drugs , T" .... ' , & • Helena Rubinstein , ~ ~ I, Air - Rail - Steamship il ~~~ | ~=, I Cosmetics I I • Bus - Hotels - Tours I I _ _ J • Prescriptions J I • No Extra Charge For J[ -- ~ ...... Jim mBm ~, [ • Hypo-Allergic Cosmetics J I Angle Travel Res. CenterJ| ' " 11 ~~ ~nvrn,~o, IIl~a'l I .... N EIL'.8..PHARMACY I 1401 Rail,sad Ave. 426-8272 I/ , VvI --=-J' .11111 t ]VIII • I pin ~. PranKiin PhP. 426-3327 J J 426-4134 II " -- ' ' . 'J Somebody, somewhere .... , Electrical .... TV / i • Fatrbanks-Morse Pumps I I -. R"Ao. I/ would love to answer" hunt;rig? Wonaerfu|. ~ou've p~c~ecl art ~mprovement|oans, toof) Our terms are e~,~ 41:%EaLIrToOa~ ELE%T?/%27263It : P~°n;gr:yph;adio I/ the "hone ri-ht n"'- i_., ~y°°a~;,~wt°'~t°~°°t~!i~w!ii~"~o~ 8001: °":::;vwl?;rH°i:~I~og~t~lvl:g ~rSo:':~;~',~ I • Elcctrtc Heatin; I J LEROY'S TV SERVICE J} IJ ~ IJW ¢IliU give us the chance to lend yo Y whzch welcome at Seattle-First National Bank, ; I • Westinghouse Anplianccs I I Mt Vlew Ph ao. o.~. I/ o ... .~ to uy It. . . ~, ... ~ . I- " I I ' r " ...... "" I] nave I1~ ~)~ ~U-" SeaR]e-First National Bank makes all Kmus, s|zes . . -, : jr-- • c loans Conventmnal, FHA J , and shapes of mortgag • . ~ _ _ _-.| Floor Coverings .... U~holster-, J ....... and GI. Big or small. In town or out ot town. So, no ~Lv~-L:~, ~,~|a~ I~'1 1~ J ou lck out, we can wor i ii I • Linoleum t, |i FAClFIC ll0RTilWESTBELL matter what kind of house y p" k g¢,¢lLl, ri J • ~le [ J KEN'S UPHOLSTERY J[ ~a~.~e~ls~ out a mortgage loan that will suit.y°ur ne_eds perfectly. {~;~'~;,h'~'~J .... . • Carpetin ' " " ake zeal estate loans, (Home a " I g II I/ Wezembusmesstom IU I I • Formica II 1612 Division || ......!M-C..o..=o.,o.,,,.o..-!t!Unm.,~ I "t" V'ew Ph' 426"2292 II R~X FLOO. COVER,NG II '""-~"'"" II Phone 426 8185 I/ Mt. View Ph. 426-2292 " i "~'~'='~" , ~ . , ~ Yo~ r~ more ~a~ wd~om~ at any qt~,t=mwd~ o~ces