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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 16, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 16, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 14 WSCS Members Ilear Mrs. Mounts Recount Experiences in Chile The Miriam Circle served the noon luncl~eon for the September 8 regular meeting of the Women's Society of Christian Service of the First Methodist church, Devotions were given by Mrs, Thomas Rowe and Mrs. Horace Mounts told of her work in Chile where she recently sp.ent six mon- ths. Plans for the November 4 bazaar and luncheon were made. The Esther Circle will meet in the home of Mrs. Thomas Cole- man; Martha Circle with Mrs. Thomas Rowe; Mary Circle with Mrs. Charles Bloedel; and the Miriam Circle with Mrs. Harry Koch. Wesley Circle meeting place will be annotmced later. The Wesleyou Service Guild meets in the "little chapel" the third Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. With Mrs. David Little as chairman. Tile 7 a.m. Woman's Study Group held its first fall meeting today. The 10 a.m. Study Group will continue with the book "When the Lamp Flickers" by Leslie Weatherhead. ................. SHELTON--MASON COUNTY,JOURNAL'-- Pul lished 'in t'Chrie mastow' , 'U:S.A'." First Meeting Of Fall Held Monday By Salon No. 508 The first meeting of the season for Mason County Salon No, 508 b~ight and Forty was held Mon- day evening in the Memorial hall. Hostesses for dinner were Mamie Earl, Mary Sykes and Lucy Ed- ralston. Chapeau Lillian Norvold open- ed the meeting in regular ritual form assisted by her officers. Delegates to Convention in Yak- ima, RaM Melcum, Jennie Hoff and Lillian Norvold, gave interesting and instructive reports. They in- formed the group that Mason County Salon No. 508 had won three cash awards and one certifi- cate of merit for work done by the salon. Mary Dobson and Agnes Alex- ander, fun and fellowship chair- men, honored those having birth- days. Being so honored were Mary Sykes, Martha Witsiers and Jen- nie Hoff. They also presented en- tertainment which was enjoyed by the partners. Oklahoma averages 15 tornadoes a year. .7 The bride selected her wedding paper trousseau and wedding accessories from Art Point Studios album. /our new life deserves the finestl We invite you to ace the latest wedding designs, beautiful script letter. ings, quality papers, napkins, champagne toasting glasses and other accessories in the Art Point album. ~teel with our compliments, Virginia Courtena),'s etiquette booklet. Ask foz yo~ Copy,, Summer Activities I Reported By Members held its first meeting of the sea- INSTALLATION OF RAINBOW OFFICERS TO BE HELD HERE THIS SATURDAY CATHY LUHM will be the new Worthy Advisor for the local Rainbow Girls after the installation of officers is held at 8 p.m. this Saturday in the Masonic temple• The service will be open to the public. $ * A public installation of officers for Shelton Assembly No. 19, In- ternational Order of Rainbow for Girls will be held at 8 p.m. this Saturday in the Masonic temple. Cathy Luhm will be installed as worthy advisor. Others to take of- rice include Candy Nut,, worthy associate advisor; Carolyn Bat- stone, charity; Kay Belling, hope; Sheryl Johnson, faith; Frances Rice, chaplain; Karen Frederick° .son, recorder; Betsy Willard, treas- urer. , Jeanne Osborne, drill leader; Ro- bin Bakke, love; Rita Grimes, re- ligion; Nancy Einarsson, nature; Tami Craig, immortality; Karolee Stevens, fidelity; Linda MacRae, patriotism; Chris Fellstrom; ser- vice; Vicki Valley, muscian; Deb- by Robinson, choir director; Barb Dunbar, confidential observer; Joan Goodwin, outer observer; Mrs. Ed Auseth, mother advisor and Glenn Sowers, dad advisor. Courtesy officers Will include Joyce Fisher, Bible bearer; Linda Tr.atnick, east page; Joan Auseth west page; Rita Nut,, keeper of jewels; Virginia Medley, lecturer.; Kim SoWers, 6rator; Karen Frank- ,lin, historian and Karen Wentz keeper of paraphernalia. Choir: Jean Davis, Leslie Einars- I son, Karel Mann, Susan Pogreba, Chris Bosch, Carol Bosch and Cheryl Scott. Installing officers will be Mrs. Bill Bosch and Shayne Larson, worthy advisor; Lynn Nut,, mar- shal; Mrs. Glenn Sowers, chaplain; Cindy Willard, recorder; Mrs. Ber- nard Winiecki, musician; and Bec- lcy Jackson, vocalist. There will be a dance and re- freshments will be served follow- ing tim ceremony. Rebekahs To Entertain Past Noble Grands Members of Ruby Rebekah Lodge No. 75 will meet at 8 p.m. September 24 in the Odd Fellows hall. Noble Grand Maybell Dan- iels will Entertain the past noble grands assisted by Mrs. Dale Hicks, vice grand. Plans will be made for the seating of new offi- cers at the Association meeting in Tacoma October 2. Members plan- ning to attend will practice at 7:30 p:m. September 30. son last Thursday in the Treasure Island home of Mrs. Fred Collins with Mrs. Orin Soule as co-hostess. The group was called to order at :I1 a.m. by Mrs. Ve,;ta Reynolds, outgoing president. The success- ful June flower show was discuss- ed and committees reported on summer activities. After luncheon the following new officers were installed with Mrs. Emil Gaetana officiating: Mrs. Orville Kager, president; Mrs. Harold Anderson, vice pres.; Mrs. Fred Collins, secretary; Mrs. Wil- liam Caulder, treasurer. Dues were paid by 12 members present. Ehna Anderson gave a report on conserving trees and plants to pro- tect our water supply. Vera Izett made c, omments on a horticulture display of plants and flowers by tile members. Guests included Mrs. Hazel Rob- inson and Mrs. Les Scale. Convention Plans On Agenda For I ocal Zonta Club Shelton-Mason County ZonLa Club met in the home of Audrey Preppernau Monday evening. Co- hostesses were Ione Green and LU- cille Blake. The most important business of the evening was electing delegates for District VIII Convention of Zonta International which will be held early in October at the Tyee Motel in Olympia. President Itelen Cole was elected with Lillian Up- dyke as alternate. The Shelton Zonta Club has re- sponsibility for decorations and program for .one banquet during the convention. District VIII con- vention will include Zontians from Alaska, Canada, Montana, Idaho, Oregon and Washington. The regular dinner meeting will be held next Thursday at Heinie's Broiler where convention program will be the topic of business. A SMALL WORLD The further a girl (or boy) moves from home after they mar- ry, the happier they are to see a familiar face. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McKeown (she is the former Don- na Hulbert) answered a knock on their door in Blue Island, Illinois, where they live, the other night. Imagine ttxeir surprise to see Mr. and Mrs. Doug Hays (she is the :former Linda Leman) standing with broad smiles on their faces. The McKeowns live in La Porte, Indiana, which is 50 miles from Blue Island. Both women were raised here and graduated from She]ton High school. How they dis- covered they were so close to each other isn't clear but we assume somebody wrote to somebody . • and so on. TO BE OCTOBER BRIDE ROSALIE CAROLE HANSON and J, Edward Cooper Jr. are to be married October 9• The announcement has been made by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto R• Hanson, Shelton. He is the son of Mrs. Evelyn Cooper, Olympia and J. E. Cooper, St., Mo- desto, Calif. The bride-to-be is a graduate of Shelton High school and was employed locally by the Olsen Furniture Co. be- fore going to work at Sears, Roebuck in Olympia. Her future husband graduated from Olympia High school and attended Con- trails Junior college. He is employed by Cascade Treating Co. of Olympia. Active Week Ahead For Canal Amaranth Canal Court, Order of Amaranth has an active week ahead of it be- ginning with officers practice at 6:30 p.m. Sunday in the Masonic temple in Union. Amaranth Social Club will meet in the home of Mrs. Anne Tiffin Monday with luncheon at noon. On Wednesday a potluck supper will be followed by the court meeting at 8 p.m. Assis- tant Grand Lecturer Scott Meach- am of Bremerton will be visiting. TRIP TO LONDON FOR MRS• LEWIS Leaving for London yesterday were Mrs. Charles R. Lewis, Shel- ton, and Mrs. Peter Overton Olympia. The two plan to spend about a month abroad. While in London they will be guests at the St. Ermins Hotel. This is Mrs. Lewis' second and Mrs, Overton's • fourth trip to Europe. They flew by Pan American. Kids under 12 Free! RODEO Belfalr lli-way ES 7-iH64 KITSAP LAKE Sih'erdale, Hy. ],;S 7-6111;.I Wednesday Only! "~ Goliath and the l)ragon • Sampso,l and (lie Seven ] Miracles Hercules and the Captive Women Thurs. thru Tues. ~S and LIVING IT UP Haves An dendron Ben Nelson first fall Chapter of dendron at 8 p.m. PUD Nelson is a dendron ing species ctws hal.dines.* of suitable ies. Meetings on Lift! Ltttt'd th. Visitors are LDS $ A~[embers of sponsor a 3 p.m. this Catalog office, et's Tune up gather pick up One anotherl goes 8o STIM ULATIN G ! l NAL ! FUN !" Entire collection Is available for a limited time only. START YOUR COLLECTION TODAY! "WONDERS of the ANIMAL KINGDOM" COUPON TRADEWELL SPECIAL x 13" THIS OFFER GOOD ONLY TH,RU 1 OCTOBER 13 Packets No. 2, 3 and 4 are now on sale at 19¢ eachl USE THE FREE COUPONI Clip the coupon now and get a "Wonders of the Animal Kingdom" Starter Set--Album and Picture Packet No. 1, absolutely FREEI There are 21 Packets of full color pictures in the entire collec. tion and it is availaHe for a limited time only. Each Packet contains 20 pictures.., more than 400 in all Our advertisements will offer one Packet of Pictures FREE each week, for five weeks, with addi- tional Packets available at 19¢ each. Start your collection today. Children learn end have fun as they put more than 400 color pictures in place in this big ad. venture packed album--"Won. ders of the Animal Kingdom," rotes= mm mm m |m ms= l with text by a professional zoologist O full-color, easy-to-apply ICTIJRES Wonders of the Animal Kingdom informs, entertains and broad. ,ens .e.jnter.est of your child in all the fascinating forms of ,,,,= ...ur earl,. Sections feature' PRE-HISTORIC ANIMALS --- MAMMALS -.. BIRDS -- FISHES "" REPTILES -- CRUSTACEANS 0n/N?:::. With the pasting of each picture, attention is focused rate, brilliantly.colored illustrations and accompanying, i easy:to-understand discus..s, ion.. Created by 4 outstanding artists and a leading zoologist, .nerejs a work ow authority, valuable to many adults as a refer- once or teaching ale and lets of fun for children. ii, Wonders of the Animal Kingdom are available °"'~ °'''' ~ ~ ~i~;!