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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 16, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 16, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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: COUNTY JOURNAL-- lhlbli hed U.S.A." PAGE 15 16',1965 Couple AY KRATCHA .~ An open house held for Mr. and on their for- at the Sunday. Were Mrs. Berl Mrs. Lile Mrs. George Lowell Hat- Mrs. Bob Purvis of guests attended. many Phillip Hat- everyone for the worlc. meeting will Degree ini- at the Agate Southside Were Don and Walt Sivo, Southside were Clapper, Lu- Wini- Delores Sivo. 109 will have its Sept. 21 at the VAN SLYKE ' ,and mo- Orchard ped Tuesday home of JoAnn Herrick. It's for all the second graders and the third graders who have been in the troop. Southside Homemakers will meet at the home of Jane Hedrlck Sept. 21 for the first fall rneeting. MR. AND MRS. Phillip Hardie spent a couple of days last week visiting Mr. and Mrs. Merile Pierce both of Toledo, Ore., the La Marsh's and Pierce's were former residents of Arcadia. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Kriefels and family last week received word from their daughter, Beth, that their grandson, Ricky Tucker of Raymond won the Grand Champ- ionship at the Pacific County Fair showing his jersey cow. Ricky got two purple ribbons and one blue and their g,'anddaughter, Shirley Tucker of Raymond got a blue rib- ben on her brown swiss calf. A couple of weeks ago Mr. and Mrs. Gib Lord and Connie receiv- ed a tape from their son Dick Lord of Tinker Air Force Base, Okla. Dick's news center class was in- terv!cwed and he was number one ----_ in the class. The tape was played over KMAS. Mr. and Mrs. Gib Lord and Mr. and Mrs. Forest Green spent the Labor Day weekend at Victoria B:C. Mrs. Verne Schuffenhauer and children, Mrs. Effie Brownfield, Mr. L. L. Hudson, Mr. and Mrs. John Bariekman and friends Thursday evening enjoyed having dinner at Millo's on Iqood Canal. The occasion was Mrs. Verne Schuffenhauers birthday Sept. 9 and Mrs. John Bariekmans birth- day Sept. 13. Mr. and Mrs. David Hardte and Salem, Ore. children spent the Labor Day of South Bend weekend at Vancouver, Canada. Week visiting JOANN HERRICK, Sharon Watson, son Medcalf and son and Kevin Hol- Austin days in Canada Hope, B.C., and then on A rush- furl. Von Osten are in Denver, LSe Drive-In is Mr. and and Mr. and Wish to thank been elected Sally Pi- ~e; pri- and beginner, Card- at the Fred With 12 mere- Anderson, Collins (hos- (assistant hos- Vera Izett, Kager, Lora Vietza and Lois man were dinner guests of Mrs. Virgil Morgan Thursday. Cheryl Herrick spent the week- end with Sherry Medcalf. i~r. and Mrs. Ors Cool, Shirley and Debbie attended the celebra- tion at Tenino on Labor Day. Visitors of Mr.. and Mrs. Ors Cool, Shirley and Debbie last Friday were Mrs. Betty Johnson and family of Mill Creek, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Willis of Black Lake and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Willis and family, also of Black Lake, Miss Cheryl Kriefels, Miss Lin- da Tratnick and Mis~ Connie Hed- gers went to Portland to see the Beetles. This was the girls first train ride and enjoyed it very much. Saturday Opal ASche, Opal Lancaster, Myrtle Swaaringer and Clara Stuck attended the Eagles Past Madam President funfest at Port Orchard. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stuck anc Opal Lancaster motored to Seattle one day last week. Club was Wed- moved into to Harold who just went well thanks for Rolland Baker in Puyallup nephew, has himself a ~aker went to to visit her Jack Pat- a rummage rummage wel- md daughter Van Slyke ay for the Ferrier and spent the Leifa and Bray VETERANS RECEIVE CHRISTMAS CARDS Packaged Christmas cards have been received by sevel,al hund- red members of Mason County veterans organizations in the past few days under the guise of bene- fitting charitable activities of those organizations. Commander Mel Dobson of Fred B. Wivell American Legion post reminded veterans they do not have to accept or pay for these cards as they came unsolicited. He described the situation ~s a "racket" dreamed up by a Christ- mas card firm and as a practice which is "malting no friends for our organizations", as well as be- ing unfair to local business firms which handle Christmas cards. shower was Ruth Nel- gossip and Please call CR JOURNAL day's fishing the one... taste, fun By JESSIE TUPPER LAKE NAHWATZEL -- A haze over the lake and mountains, and the changing color of the leaves, are reminders of the end of sum- mer---the end of one of Washing- ton's loveliest summers! It is also an indication that the hunting season is at hand. Deer can be seen any day along the road lately and indications are that they are plentiful, in spite of the severe weather last winter. While most people are moving from lake homes to city homes, Mrs. Everett Sellers is just com- ing back home to the lake after a visit at the home of her (laugh- ter, Mrs. J, L. Anderson and faro- ily in Seattle. While there she also saw many of her friends. JOHN CLARK of the resort, entered the motorcycle r,aces at :Olympia last Sunday, but ended up with a sore leg. He plans to go to Castle Rock next Saturday night to try again. Miss Pat iviassey, Matlock, was sml)rised guest of honor at a birthday party last Saturday at the resort, given by Miss Barbara Page. Twenty guests helped her celebrate. Mrs. Archie Kelley spent Sunda.y afternoon and evening visiting Mr. and Mrs. Larry Case at their home north of MatlockI Mr. and Mrs. Roe Franklin | drove to Quilcene last Thursday to be with Mr. Franklin's mother, who fell on Tuesday and broke her hip. Mr. and, Mrs. Hector Barbour visited the Ralph Rothrocks, Mat- lock, to See their new baby. Last Sunday the Barbours drove to Westport to visit Mrs. Bar- bour's brother and wife, Mr., and Mrs. R. L. Peterman. JOHN TUPPER returned to col- lege at Centralia last Sunday, where he will continue his study toward a degree in electronic en- gineering. He was accompanied by three friends from school who spent the weekend at the lake. Mr. and Mrs. AI Tupper attended the potluck supper at the Day- ton Community Club held at Day- ton Hall last Saturday night. Last Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Thomas, Shelton, vis- ited the Ralph Springers. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bleeker and friends, Mr. and Mrs. Dorsey Goff, of Union, went to Olympia and Centralia to shop last Saturday. NEW CONSTRUCTION --- REMODELING PURCHASE 6% On Reducing Balances No Commission Charges SHELTON Mason County Savings & Loan Association TITLE INSURANCE BUILDING I III I m m m m m makesa CHOICE U.S. Choice Sirloin Tip or Bottom Round ............................... '1 II I fllll U.S.D.A. Choice FULL CUT i i i I III U.S. Choice Bone-in Cut ........................................ Ib I I qllll Cornish - 24 to 28 oz. Aver. Hy Grade Skinless ........................ lb. ................................. lb. Milwaukee Boneless Brisket Western ........ lb. ................ ib, U.S,D.A. Choice ...................................................... Ib U.S.D.A. Choice FULL CUT Fireside 1-Lb. Pkg. Campbell's No. 1 Tin Gerber Strained 4½ oz. Jar Fluffo 3 lb. ......................................................... Tin 69* Standby ~ 303 SWEET PEAS s,ove .............................................. TUNABumb,e Bee ............................................................................ 4/$1 APPLE JURE standby 4 or. .......................................................... Size Delsey AI 2 Roll $1 2¢ off .............................................................. ~ Pkgs. GREEN BEANS SNO.O ro.e., Cut, . o. s4 Sliced or Italian .............................. S Pkgs. J- TATER TOTS oro-,da ro,en 4 sl ............................................ pkgs. Tissue White or Assorted 400 ct. pkgs. Sunny Garden Halves or Slices Freestone Tins , QUAKER OATS u,ck , 9,¢ ................................................................ Pkg. 1 Bradshaw 5 lb. $ ............................................................................ Tin JL ,09' Bradshaw Mama Bear 312 °z $1] .................................................. Jars CAKE MIXES T,..oowo,,: w,,,e. ~o,,ow. ,, o. =1 Devil's Food, Spice .................... 4 pkgs. Standby Gravenstein 6 303 $1 ...................................... Tins Standby Mandarin .... .................................................. S 11 oz. $4 Tins .B. GREEN BEANS ta.dby ,eve or S,,ced .............................. 5Tins $1 Wherever you fish for sport--on the ocean, by the booming surf, or on some country pond, it's great at the end to head for a rewarding glass of beer. 're talking over the ones that got away, the ones that didn't, you enjoy the cool refreshment only a glass of 'e you so well. Yes, whatever your or strolling, golfing or gardening of beer makes a naturally BREWERS ASSOCIATION, IIHCw 1% lb. Sun Girl Q Q i,, Prices effective thru Sat., Sept. 18, 1965. No Sales to Dealers. Reserve Right to Limit Quantity. EQUAL OP]~ORTUNIT¥ LMPLOYER.